HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1943-12-23, Page 8HENSALL miss Nome Cook of VTestere .lint• Versify, Landon, is spending the Christmas holidays with her parents' Mr, and Mrs. N, E. Cook. The irony friends of 'Mr, Thos. Shaddick are pleased to see him out again following his repent illness. A. Witite Gift service is being instil in Carmel Presbyterian. Church on Sunday, Dec. 20th, at 11 p.m, when the classes of the Sabbath School will attend the service " with their teachers , Rev, Joseph Taylor will bring the special Christmas message and 'the choir will sing Christmas musics. Wohelo Class Meets - The December meeting of the Wo- helo Class was hold in the school- room of the United Church on Friday evening with Mr. Edison ;Forest pre- siding, After singing "Away In a Manger," the Lord's prayer was re- peated in unison. The scripture les- son, Luke 2.20, was read by Ross Forest, after which "Hark the Herald Angels Sing." Following the business Miss Ellis took the topic entitled "The Story of Mary, .the Mother of Jesus," which was most interesting. The meeting closed by singing "Sil- ent Night, Holy Night," and the ben- ediction. Miss Violet McClymont pre- sided at the piano during the pro- gram, after which contests were con ducteli Edison Fairest. A oci Mary Miss hour folloGoodwin wed in which refreshments were served. White Gift Service Held Special Christmas services were held in the United Church ou Sunday conducted by Rev. R. A. Brook, who delivered an inspiring message at the morning service on the theme of "Jestts, the 'Saviour Born in 0 Man- ger." The choir sang two anthems, "What Mean Those Holy Voices." and "The Star of Bethlehem." A White Gift service was held in the evening. the auditorium of the church being beautifully decorated in keeping with the service. Miss Greta Latitude pre- sided at the console and iltiss Gladys Luker- accompanied at the piano during the service, which opened with 'Tile Prelude." followed by the proeessional hymn "Angels From the Realms of Glory," during which the Masses gathered in the pewsat the Mont of the church, At - ter the invocation, 'Hark the Herald Angels Sing," was snug. Recitations .were given by Billie Weide, Charles Fee and Jean Armstrong, followed by a music response by the church choir and the congregation entitled "0 Came Let tls.Adore Him." Rev, Brook led in prayer followed by the Lord's prayer in Olson. The first scripture lesson, Luke 2, 1.14, was read by Georgia Cook, The choir sang a carol entitled "Shepherds in the Fields Abiding," Donna McEwen read the scripture from Luke •2, 1547, and all joined in singing "Silent Night," fol• lowed by the reading of scripture, Matt. 2, 1.11, by Phyllia Dougall. A trio of men's voices, namely Messrs, Claude llowea, W, 0. Goodwill and Harry Horton sang 'We Three Kings: Lenore 'Normiugton gave a reading entitled "The Child of Long Ago," Mrs. Corbett's Bless sang a. children's carol which was followed by the presentation ceremony. Miss Ellis gave a brief explanatory address. on the use of these white gifts and Mr. Edison Forest, Sunday School super- intendent, called the classes and a representative carie forward and placed their gifts in a boaiitifully ar- ranged white manger. During the presentation of the congregation's offering Miss Lamnlie and Miss Luker played the "Holy City," after which the offering was dedicated by singing "We Give Thee But Thine Own," Rev, R. A, Brook gave the Special address on the theme, "Jesus' Gifts," which was most inspiring, The service con- cluded by singing "Tt Carie mien a Midnight Clear," and the benediction, Council Meeting - A statutory meeting of the village council was held o.. Wednesday even ing, Dee, 15th, at 8 p.m., in the coun- cil chamber, all members being pre- sent. Minutes of the previous meet- ing adopted. R. J. Patterson, tax eon lector, reported taxes collected to date as being $10,527.12. and out- standing as being $980.95. Thos 'Kyle asked about snow plowing the streets, instructed to secure a horse for same, Councillor Smallecombe asked about the rick. stating it was time to start, T. Kyle instructed to get in touch with someone. Miss C. Mitchell ap geared re her taxes being too high, and not able to got employment to pay anile. A. Kerslake - F. Smaller Bombe, that Tilos. Kyle be instructed to collect poll taxes at once. Cm'res- pondenee read and filed, Bills and ae- counts, Hensall School Board, school rates, 64900; County of Huron, coun- ty rates. $2022.65; Hensen Public Li- brary, library rates, $144.60; A. H. Cth�c'�d`,7v-f XMAS DANCE Speee0,00. by the Kippen East Women's Institute HENSALL TOWN HALL TUESDAY EVG., DEC. 28 Murdoch's Orchestra: Admission 30c. Lunch Booth. Prizes for spot dances end a lucky door prize. There will be Hats and Horns. 0 t1 IWSWAIOJ The Season's Greetings We wish to extend to our customers a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year G. W. NOTT Phone: Clinton 379 20; Hensall Hydro, street lights, 8996; Drysdale's Hardware, supplies, hall, 610,36; R. S. Patterson, revising voters' list, 86; Jas. Patterson, do, $47,35; Dr. D, G. Steer, salary, $103,- 50; R. E, Shaddick, B4O,I'I, meetings, $6; Thos. Kyle, do. $6; 1. A. Patter- son, registrations, etc„ $24; R. Mid- dleton, supplies, $7,63; A. Spencer & San, $S,S1, Total $8299,13.-7. A. Pat- terson, Clerk. T I NEWS in Memoriam Klw.eNEIt - 111 loving IIICOWry of our dear sop and .brother Robert George, who departed this life Dee„ 1026. Reap In our hearts lies a pleture, Of a loved one laid tea rest, L, memory's frame we will!' keen 11, 1300aule he was ono or the best. Our lips cannot speak how we loved him,. Our hearts cannot tell what to say, Clod only knows hew we Mies In a borne thnt le lonely today, ---aver remembered by Parents, Sisters and Brothers, At the White Cift service in the United Church on Sunday 6170 was realized from the gifts of money for the 'bombed out BA- LSA children and Chinese rellef. Mrs. Whitney Turner of Clinton has pur- ohnsed the property of the late G. Hawkins, The local Red Cross rooms will be otoeed for the holiday season until Monday,. Jan. 8r<1, Anyone may secure wool for knitting at .the library Tuesday, Thursday or Satur- day. ° ACc Robert Sangster of the 110AF Man- ning Depot, Toronto, is visiting his mother, Mrs. Minnie Sangster and sister Norma. Egoter-Hens,dl branch of the Legion held a mostsuccessful bingo and dance in the town hall on Friday evening. Mts. 'Barrie Williams of Kitchener is visit, ing at the home of her parents, Mr. end Mrs. G. M. Drysdale, The Girls' Dance Club are sponsoring a New Fear's Eve dance in the town hall on Friday evening, Dee. 31. ,Buts. horns, fun galore. Music by the SFTS No. 0 orchestra. Plan to spend New Years Eve in Mogan. Mr. J. W. ()Alecto, prominent. resident of Henault, will celebrate his 04th birthday at his home here on. Christmas Day. Enioying his activevenal andgood att ndss his Mr. ,l tree regulnris y and also attends Sunday School of which he was superintendent for twenty-thre years. A valuedd,, member of the United Church Mr. Ortwern is a faithful attendant. A family. dinner will mark the occasion. Cpl. Donald McKutg arrived at his home here on Saturday following four years sot, vice ove'0eas. Donald was wounded in the leg in Sicily in July. He arrived in. Canada several weeks ago and since has ben conval- escingin the Itospitel to ithrgeton. Donald went overseas in 'December, 1080 with the first Canedian contingent and since that time has seen extensive battle and many hazardous experiences. He is a son of Mrs. May M,Kaig, Hensen, and has 0100 .sister, May, Mrs. Chas, Salter, Wingliam. Erskine, collecting tax alreai'S,. $17: The Sunday School concert of Carmel Pres - WiLL- CARRY awl 44 (4ecc4e ss• rx )(VAR never takes a holiday, even at Christmas. "There will be thousands of vital war°calls to put through. And our sol- diers, sailors and airmen 111.11 be calling Ilona from all over the country. "I'rn glad to do my share,, but I need your help. Please relieve the Long Distance .load by .nailing your Christmas greetings ... and doing it early. If you find you roust make a Christmas call to out-of:tovn relatives, try to do so as many ditys before ;the holiday as possible. And especially avoid `long haul' calls to far distant places" "We shall be very grateful for your co-operation, and so will the men and women who will be at their posts in war plants and. military camps throughout the Dominion." O Buy War Savings Stamps P. D, WILSON and Cerilflcutesat any -8011 Telephone Business Office. Manager Card of Thanks Alex. Darling, John, Michael and Muriel wish to thank all for their kindness and sympathy in the death of a dear wife and mother and to the neighbors who helped daily until the end ,came, also for the beautiful flowers and to those who loaned their cars, We also wish to thank Dr, McLandress and Rev, Dr. R. P. D. Hurford, and the nurse, Mrs. F. Ro- bison who was so kind to her. FOR SALE Gilson gas engine, 3 h,p. Phone 21 on 90, Hensall. FOR SALE. One pail' boys' skates and boots, size 1. Mechanical train with tracks, switches and station. Baby's crib, Rocking horse, seat about 22" ling... Small atirplanes, Phone 86w, Seaforth. FOUND In Egmondville on Saturday night, package of men's clothing, Call at Andrew 14IcLellan's, Egmondville, -byterimt Church was held on MondnY even- ing and was largely attended, Rev, Taylor acted as chairman and the program opened by singing the national anthem followed 117 a chorus "Away In a Manger," by the prim- ary class. A Christmas enrol was sung by Audrey Campbell, Lyle Moir, Betty Moir, Betty E. Moir, and Marie Boyd. Recitations of welcome were given by Graham Farquhar and May Campbell. Andrew Dougall favor- ed with a mouth organ Nolo accompanied bi' Mrs. A. Dougall on the piano, Vocal solo by Margaret Campbell. recitations by Don- ald Mckinnon and Billie Fink. A Christmas reading was given by Billie Campbell: piano solo, Audrey Campbell. recitation, Jimmie Orr, Billie Campbell ; chorusby the Sundry Scheel ; reeitatlor by Audrey Taylor, Bobbie and Jimmie Baynhnm, rendlog by Mrs, R. Sinmpson; trio, Magnet. Glenn and Ken - oath Campbell, recitations, Donald Boll, Ray McKenzie and Joyce Pfaff. A playlet by Mrs Ore's class, piano sole by Miss Marg- aret Dougall, recitations, William Dougall ; playlet The Marge' and Hato," by Mrs, R. MecLnren's class. Before the arrival of Santa Claus Rev, Taylor sang a solo. Ac- companists for the evening were Miss Mar- garet Dorgan Mrs. Baynhem, Mrs. Nor- man 4ieengSf Claus arrvdaddiistributed the gifts from the beautifully decorated tree and all joined in singing the Doxology. Mr. William Love, who has taught the, Bible Class of the 'Gutted Church for the feast number or years, was presented with a purse of money by the members of the class in recognition of his faithful services, The address was read by Mr, henry Phile and Mr. Ed, McQueen made the presentation, Mrs. Alice Joynt attended the golden wed- ding anniversary el her sister and brother- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Strung• in Ex- eter on Monday evening. Miss Violet Hyde and Mrs. (leo. Ferguson oleo attended. The annual congregational supper of the Chiselhurst United Churelt was held on Thursday evening in the seheol room of the church with a splendid attendance. Follow- ing the sumptuous supper Rev. R. A. Brook. acted as chairman over the following- pro- em= which opened by singing carols, Betty Keith and Mary Taylor sang a duet, "Silent INNeeuoth P,u1 ee,nson 0 solo; Mrs. nemanavCarlalStone- man and Rev, Brook favored with a vocal duet; recitations by George Parker and tvli ch Sa tapn Claus, araived dheand program distributed fila gifts. Baring Day, Monday, Dec. 21, will be a public holiday and all merchants and places •of business are rearrested to observe it. Owing to the epidemic of tiu the school concert at Miss Esther MacIhvain's school, No, 10, Hay, has been Dostpoaed, Miss Margaret MacL a•en of Waterloo is spending parents, Mx andChristmas 11holidays Y.aeLsre s. her In •spite of the weather and road condi• time a good attendance enioyed the ChrIst- mas concert at S.S. t, Tual<eramith, on Tuesday evening when Rev, R, A. Brook acted as chairman ever the following pro grow.. Welcome chorus by the school, with roeitatiens by Gerald Bell, Ketmeth Parker and Cecil Pepper, Donald Green: pial s solo, h Miss Marion Green: vocal solo, chorus, Poker, recitation Bernice Dining: Bernice 1)i111ng Patsy Mitchell, Malone Dalrymple, Norma°'Greet, Leonard Clark, Bobbie Tranuolr recitation, Kenneth Park- er, arker, Gerold 13e11 Leonard Clark, BalnbY Bell ; piano solo, Mini Doris Karcher. Athletics were done by Patsy bitch ll,allorma o me Grer. en. Bernice - bhang, recitation, Hannah Green, Leonard i Ckrk, Pepper, Geo. Parket. Santa Clans arrived end distributed the gifts, Mueh credit is due the ee achlend d eS enter a fe7y "f Staffs, for t t1 0 URSDAY, DISGEMBER 23, 1943 Greetings TO WISH YOU ALL THE ,TOYS OF CHRISTlvi s AND MUCH HAPPINESS IN PI3E NEW YEAR W. J. FINNIGAN t s y..t PIGS FOR SALE McConnell & Hays S chunks, Apply Louis Rowland, Barristers, Solicitors, DMWalton, Phone 830-24. ,Patrick D. McDonnell, H. Glenn I3aYs^ SBAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 WANTED TO SUY • At snail child's Docking horse, Phone 615 r 13. NOTICE Anyone wishing mineral 'for cattle or hogs, see, your Watkins dealer, William Bradshaw, Market St., Sea - forth. Phone 50. WANTED A second hand kiddie ear or tri- cycle in good condition, Also a crib bed. Apply at The News office, HOUSE TO RENT House to rent at Chisolhurst; also a, quantity of cedar rails suitable for fence braces, George Parker, Chisel - karst, Iiippen P.O. Phone 20 on 84, Hensen. WANTED TO BUY A fishing Rod withreel complete, Steel rod preferred. Apply to The Nt:ws office. FOR SALE 1 Stewart Warner 6 tube cabinet radio with batteries, also- 1 hand; washing machine, 1 electric washing machine, 1 two-Wa4 pump and 29 hybrid pullets, laying, Frank Fow- ler, 3?:1 miles west of Seaforth or phone 16 on 616, Clinton. NOTICE Wm. Bradshaw, Your Watkins Dealer, also agent for E. D. Smith & Sons, fruit and ornamental nursery stock. Market St., Seaforth, Ont, Phone 50. FOR SALE 7 Room Brick house, Church St" Bathroom, Furnace, Lights, Town Water, Good Barn and Hon House on property. 7 Room Frame House, 'North Main St., Furnace,"Lights and Town Witter. FARM PROPERTY 100 Acres McKillop Township, Brick House, Bank Barn, good clay loam, well under -drained,. Convenient- ly located. 50 acre Grass Farm, all seeded, Township of Hibbert. Good piece of land with ample water supply. 135 Acres, McKillop Township, Frame House and Good Barn. Well located. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance & Real Estate Phones 334 Seaforth, Ont. Res. 220 E. C, CHAMBERLAIN The Second. Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth, Office hours: - Tuesday, Thursday and SaturdaY 1.30 p.m, to 5 p.ui. Saturday evening, 730 p.01. to 9 p.m. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE - SEAFORTH Ont. Officers President, Alex. McEwing, Blyth;. Vine President, W. R. Archibald, Sea - forth; Mgr. & Sec, -Tress„ M. A. Reid, Seaforth, Directors Alex. Mol7wing, Blyth; W. 10. Arch- Sea ibald, Seaforth; Alex, Broadfoot, Sea - forth". Chris, Leonhardt, Bornholm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; Thomas• Moylan, Seaforth; Frank MoGregor, Clinton; Hugh Alexander, Walton; George Leitch, Clinton. Agents John D. Pepper, Brucelleld; R. F. MoKeruher, Dublin; J. F. Prueter,. Brodbagen; George A. Watt, Blyth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other bushiest., will be promptly atended to by applications to any of tile above named officers addressed to their respective Post offices. TOWNSHIP OF McKILLOP A meeting of the electors of the Township of NloKillop will be held at Winthrop Ha11 on Monday, the 27th clay of December for the purpose of nominating a Reeve and four Council- lors. Nominations will be received from the hour of one o'clock to two d'clock in the afternoon. In the event of more persons being nontinatecl than are required to fill the several offices, an election will be held on Monday, the 3rd day of Janu- ary, 1944. falls will be open from 9 a,m. till 5. p.m. at the following places: No..1, Jas, Carlin's house, 101 10, con. 5, Jas. Nolan, D.R.O., William Malbney, P.C.; No. 2, Mrs. los, Hogg's house, lot 26, con. 4, Ross Morale, D.R.O., Mrs, Geo. Eaton, P.C.; No. 3, Jos. Smith's house, lot 11, S. 13 con., Elmer Den- nis, A.R.O.; Stephen Murray, P.C.: Poll No. 4, Mrs. Driscoll's house, Con. 12, lot 25, Wm. Somerville, D.R.O.. Willis Dundas, P.C. T. M. ECKERT, Returning Office'. HARLOCK On Friday evening, Dec. 17, a very large crowd attended the annual Christens concert presented by the Pupils of 0,8, 6, Hullett, corder direc- tion of hteir teacher Mrs. Art Colson. The school room was prettily decor- ated in red and green while a well - laden Christmas tree added to the Christmas spirit. Musical numbers were under the direction of Mr, D•' Gill, mesh: Instructor in the school. A splendid concertwas given, A back- ward a,ino gtithe caused ehildv'eu,much Lateti rSanut ta Clans arrived. TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH Nomination Meeting The annual meeting of the Town- ship of Tuelteremitlt for the nomina- tion of candidates for the office of Reeve and Councillors for the year 1944, will be held iu Watson's Hall, Kipper, on Monday, December 27, 1943, from 1 to 2 p.m. If a poll be necessary, such. poll shell be opened Monday, January 3, 1944, between the hours of 9 a.m, cp,m., at following places mid by hefollowing officers: Poll No. 1--Finnigan's vac- ant store: H, Stewart, D.R.O.; Harry Howie No. 8: Edward k. Poll No. 2 -School Brown, D,R10,; Roy School Louse CNo. k4: PNo.eill Roy Brown, ,Jtrank Walters, Clerk. Poll Char 011e, o0iROdu3. W.o. McIntosh, Clerk. P011 No. 5 -School House No. 1: 00 D. Bell, D,R.0.1 M. Traquair, Clerk, Pall No. 6 -School House No, 9; W. Martin, D.R.O.; Ivan FOrsyth, Clerk. IOBWIN CHESNIIIY, Returning Officer Seaforth Monument Works Foi'mnerly W. E. Chapman NOW OPERATED BY CUNNINGHAM & PRYDE We invite metstock. e1'2 Memorials ials off0 SE SATURDAYS,, oVORTH r AND any other time by appointment See Dr. Harburn ---Phone 106 Phone 41 -Exeter --Box 150 Watson & Reid REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY (successors to James Watson). MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. A11 kinds of .Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies. SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr. E. A. McMaster, M.B., Graduate of University of -Toronto. The Clinic is fully equipped with complete and modern x-ray and other up-to-date diagnostic and thereuptic equipment. Dr. F. 1, R. Forster, Specialist in Diseases of the Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat, will be at the Clinic the first Tuesday in every month from 3 to 5 p.m. Free well -baby clinic will be held on the second and last Thureday in every month from 1 to 2 p.m. JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon Ii. Dr, H. H. Ross' office. Phone 5 MARTIN W. STAPLETON, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Successor to Dr. W. C. Sproat Phone 90 W - Seaforth DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto. Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, London, "Eng. At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday ineach month from 2 to 4 p.m, Also at Seaforth Clinic first Tuesday In each month. --53 Waterloo St.. Stratford. Telephone 267. Spence's Produce GOVERNMENT REGISTERED EGG GRADING STATION Highest Cash Prices paid for Eggs and Poultry Phone 170-W, Seaforth a:ra.xxnoaanel -4. aktra9 Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Assures Security for over One Million Partners H. R. LONG, Goo,RICH District Agent DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY PHONE COLLECT - SEAFORTH 19. EXETER 235 DARLING & CO. OF CANADA, LTD. (Essential•War industry) neemonermonsiiiannellaileriiiiramillimailisiMmillii:MliminureirerieNtOMMEIMINIINIMMIMIRIMmememegiMer