HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1943-12-23, Page 4I'll. 51:11 OR'I'11 N i, \\'S SnoWdan Oros., Publishers WALTON The lilitntbly mooting of the WO - ton i1ton Red Cross will he held in the hall o1Tuesday 'Dec: 281h, At ibis meet- ing:We Wlll Have a lunch counter. Ladiesplease bring sandwiches, cake, pies or tarts. On Sunday, Dee. 19tb, in St, George's Church Walton, at the aft- ernoon service, a beautiful honor roll, donato4 by the Dept, of National De- fence of Canada, was unveiled and dedicated by the Rector, Rev, M. F. Oldham. 171e following are the names on the roll: Stewart M. Humphries, William H. Walsh, Robinson Ramal- ton, On the honor roll is the Caalad- Ian coat of arcus, the hose of Bug - laud, the Thistle of Scotland, the Shamrook of Ireland, the Maple Leaf of,ani da C t and d the Fleur-de-lis of Freneh Canada. Christmas service ail. St. George's Church on Sunday, Dec, 28, at 4 p.nl. Sunday, School at 3.30 p.m. The ser- vice will be held at this flour until further notice. DUBLIN All enthusiastic audience of parents and friends enjoyed a flue program at the Dublin Public Sc+11001 on Fri- day afternoon. Rev, De, Hurford, Seeforth, acted. as chairman and in- troduced the variola numbers includ- ing songs. (11111s. recitations and play- ettt,. The youthful performers dis- played lunch 11(10111. Success of the concert was due to the training of the teacher, Aliss Raze] Roney. and the musical director and pianiet, Mother Gabriel. An interesting feat- ure was the arrival of Santa Claus. who claimed the attention of the children and presented gifts from 1111 artistically decorated Christmas tree, Word was received here of rho death at Po 'khill of Dougal McCor- mick, husband of the former MYliss Margaret Jordan. eldest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Poior .101(1011 of Hihhert Township. The deceased man Was married 28 years ago at St Cnitunban, and is survived by his wife, one son Peter and seven daugh- ters: Mary of Sarnia; Helen. Rita and Mildred of Detroit; Veronica of London; Eleanor and Angola at .tome. Requiem High Mass vas- sung by Rev. ,I. C. Jordan, Imlay City. Mich., and Rev. F. A. McCardie, Parkhill, preached the funeral ser- mon. A highly respected and life-long resident of Logan township, John Mogk died in Stratford General Hos- pital on Sunday, a victim of influenza with complications. The deceased man, who was in his 80th year, was an outstanding citizen, an active member of the Lutheran Church, Brodhugen, He 'MS a member of the building committee when the new church was built, and he also. served On the Logan Township- Council board for a. period of years. His wife died six years ago and since that Gino he had :resided with hie (laugh• ler, Mt's, itulolph Tischer, McKillop, lie li survived by three sons: (1<01go Brudhagen Ndwin '1.00011. Township and Clarence. London luso three daugltterb Mrs, Rudolph Fischer, McKillop,, .Mrs. C. W. Leoultardt, t,t,'cillugen, and Mrs. Alvin Rose, Sarnia. The funeral was held on \V1'thlesday from tilt' residence of his scan, George Mogk, and interment took place in 13rodhagen Lutheran Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs, Joseph McQuaid of McKillop township received official wort from Ottawa 011 Saturday after- noon that their son, Private Norman McQuaid, had died of wounds re- ceived in (1(111011 in Italy. There are no further particulars yet. In leis 21)th year, the yoting soldier was born in McKillop township- and received ilio education at St. Colum - ban n school, He enlisted l 't 11 I the 14 Royal Canadian Engineers, Construc- tion battalion, at the outbreak of the war in September 01 1030 and went overseas, arriving in Britain on December 31 that year as a member of thefirst contingent, On going to the Mediterranean theatre, titter 10- tensive training in Britain, he fought through the Sicily campaign pl't01' to going to Italy, Besides his parents, there survive four brothers, Rev, Thomas McQuaid, of .1,14411,1, China, prisoner in intern- ment camp at Poking; Brother jos- Nth, of the Christian Brothers, Tor- onto, Jolla of St. Thomas and Wil- frid at 'home, and fou' sisters, Mrs. \'liweni Lanae (Margaret), of St. Col. midget, A11;s. Harold Allen (Irene) of Codrrich, Rose, R.N., supervisor of 111('99(4. Chr1st ie St, .hospital, Toron- to, tied Many, of 'Poronto. One broth- (. r, .inseph, was (frowned 211 years ago, Nol'nlall rvI('Qlleld was an all round aildcte and was one of the outstand' leg player's of the St. ('olumban hock - 1 and football teams. \\'lletller it was Work or play, he always could be depended upon to give his hest to whatever he was called upon to do, and he was very popular annum the young people of the oonnuulity. A memorial SelTitV 1vi11 be con- ducted on Friday morning at St, ('ohunban Church, by Rev. Father Odrowslci, BRODHAGEN Clary William, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Prieatap, w(ts bap- tized i11 St. Peter's Lutheran Church on Sunday -morning. The sponsors were Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Getke, Miss Elsie Steinbach and Wn1. Steinbach. The Luther League placed an honor roll in the vestibule containing the names of the boys in service, from the congregation of St, Peter's Luth- eran Church, on Sunday__morning. On Monday evening a number of neighbors, friends and relatives sur• prised Mr, and Mrs, Wnt. Jacob to celebrate with theist their 21st wed- ding anniversary, They were pre- eented with a beautiful tri -lite„ table temp, The evening was spent in play- TIIID SEAFORTIT NEWS Mg Progressive euchre, The winuoi's were, first, ladies, 1111's, Henry Rose; consolation, 10(11 ' Mrs, J, 11'ed Rock. Men's, first, Norman ii,ielll; 01011, eouso'latiml, Aug. Sehe1'bartli. A dello• ions lunell was served. Nur. and Mrs, Russell Sholdlee, Gary and Warren, attended the golden wedding" celebrutiou of his parents, M1. and Mrs, Alam Sholdice, at Wel- ton, toll, at their ltolne there, Mrs, Mary Dittmer has returned to her llonre in Toronto after spend- ing several mouths Here with her brother Jaok, Mrs. George Yo.u11g of Stratford spent several days with her parents, M1', and Mrs. Geo. Diegel, A large crowd attended the Ciirist- inae concert in our school on Friday evellias, which w((3 very 1(111011 en- joyed, Ml's. Fred.Mnrray is the teach- er and Miss Maxine .harper the music teacher, Mrs, Murray was presented. with 11 blanket f1'01(1 the pupils. The pupils of the school all received war savings Stamps front -thein' teacher, Dancing followed the 0oneel't with Rook's oroliestra of Palmerston pro- viding the music. Mr, and Mrs, Henry Dietz cele- brated then' golden wedding anniver- sary on Tuesday, Dee, 21st, at then' home in AleKillop. A inunbee of friends and relatives and their family of one daughter Caroline t'Mrs, Reu- ben Buick, McKillop) and two sons, joint, 3leRillop, and Martin, of Logan, gathered to celebrate the occasion, ('hey have. nine grand :AID dreit who were present. Mrs, Annie Muegge of Heidelberg is visiting with Aii', and Mrs, John Am - stein, Roy Oscar Diegel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry I., Diegel, Inas joined the navy and is at present stationed at IIanriltoll. Wirtnifrecl Louise, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John G. Binz, has been brought home from the Strat- ford General Hospital and is getting along nicely. BAYFIELD Mrs. Bennett of Detroit arrived in Bayfield on Monday. She was called to the bedside of her father, Mr. H. Weston who is seriously ill. Miss L. Hustle of Seafortll is nurs- ing Mrs. S. Houston, Mr. Louis Alsworth died at the home of his daughter near Brussels and was buried in Bayfield Cemetery OP Monday, Mr. Alsworth was one of the pioneer residents of this district, leaving lived most of his life on the Blue Water Highway just north of Bayfield. Cpl. Grant Tuner of Halifax is spending a few days' leave with Airs. Turner and s011. Afr. Spencer Erwin, Mrs, Metcalf, Mrs. T. Bailey were in Goderich on Tuesday morning attending the fune- ral of the late Mrs. Stott, Miss Marion Castle of Clinton Col- legiate, is spending Xmas vacation at her llonle and is assisting in the post office during lite Christmas rush. Miss Gibson of Clinton is a guest STr'i �l �� 1DM "Our blessings are as the star -dust Strewn by the hand of God." * Cluster of stars in a winter sky 1 z 3 shadows of dusk drifting into night shimmer of snow in the starlight, on field and roadway and roof ... glow of lighted windows patterning the darkness ... and distant chimes trembling through the stillness. * Christmastide ... and the New Year beckoning ... a fitting season for quiet thought and thankfulness. * For peaceful days and quiet nights ... for homes secure and the laughter of little children ... for food enough and to spare ... for the right to live as free men live .. . Let us be grateful.. * For the bounty of the harvest gath- ered in ... for the fertility of our fields ... for the rich resources of mine and forest and waterway for the glorious strength of this, our Canada .. . Let us give thanks. * Of all we,haveendured .. the sacri- fices we have made ... of unaccustomed task and sterner effort ... and of our high resolve that freedom shall forever live... Let us be proud. * In all we shall endeavour in all we must achieve ... in journey through the darker days that come before the dawn . in our unshaken faith in victory .. . Let us be unafraid. * Nigh upon two thousand years ago, a Star led the Wise Men to the manger - throne at I3ethlehem, there to hail the advent of the Prince of Peace. So xray the steadfast stars inspire us to mightier effort and -to greater sacrifice ... that evil may be overthrown and that the day may swiftly dawn 4'Whert war is not, and hate is dead, iFhen nations shall in, consort tread The quiet ways of peace , .." THE HYDRO -ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO 01' her uncle and aunt, Mr, and Ml's. Geo, Elliott, Services R01'e not 1 t i lheld ' 1 Trinity Anglican C1uu'ell an. Sunday evening Owing to Mr, Grahant's illness, Ml's, Helene Stott, widow of David Stott. millionaire head of a Detroit dour milling industry. and for 21 years t1 resident of Bayfield,died lo Alexandra Iiosplal at God- ericil Sunday. Coming to Bayfield after the death of her husband. Mrs. Stott' built a beautiful hums overlooking Lake Huron at Hayfield, 1441101'0 shehad lived since, with Me motion of European trips. She was noted in the district for her many oharitiea. Mrs. Stott 301(4 born in Detroit, the daugh- ter of Thomas Austin, She leaves no child- ren. Her husband, David Stott, president of the Stott Milling Co., predeceased her 21 Y0015, SU1'vlVhlg are a nephew 'Tont Yawkey, New. York mll'lamdi'e owner of the Boston Hell Sox American League baseball club, and o«e niece, Mrs, Gilmore Oucl'braokacher, of Lexington, Ky, Requiem high masa 3000 sung in St. Pacer's Ro110t 0(0145111 0hurali, Godoeich, on Wednesday. The body was shipped to Detroit for burial Wolter Meciellund, of Bayfield, dted at Vletorlu Iloatl(141, Laudon, CONSTANCE The joint Christmas meeting of W.A, and W.M.S. was 11e1d in the schoolroom of the church Thursday afternoon, Dee. 11th, Mrs, P. Lind- say, vice-president, taking, the chair. Opened meeting by singing carols followed by silent prayer, Prayers were offered by Mrs. Britton and Mrs, 0, Adams and Mrs, Lind- say. A duet by Mrs: John Carter and Mrs. Geo, Mcllwain, accompanied by Mrs. Wm. Jewitt. A reading by Mrs. I3ug'ill entitled, (`The Light of the World," instrumental by Mrs. Will. Jewitt, "Star of the East." Reading by. Mrs. Earl Lawson, "Memories." A duet by Mrs. Stephenson and Airs, Geo. McIlwain, A reading by Mrs. Sohn Sanderson, a hymn "Joy to the \Vor1cL" Mrs. WM. Britton gave the Scripture lesson, Matt. 18 chap., and Luke 2: 7-'14. Why do we need a Personal Saviour. From the manger to the cross the Saviour entered a life of suffering. Once again the gloom is scattered and the sad old earth listens to the story of Christ's birth. Once again the star is leading and for tone glad day we can follow to the manger where the Christ child lay. Once again the angels' choir ring out clear and sweet as then, And the weary world still echoes Peace on Earth Goodwill to Men. The meeting was closed with the Mizpah benediction by Mrs. Lindsay. ELIMVILLE On Wednesday evening of last week a shower was tendered to Miss Marion Pooley at the home of Miss Hazel Johns. About forty ladies gathered to do her honor. A lovely lighted Christmas tree was prettily decorated with gifts of money in , various shaped parcels and other gifts. After the bride -elect was seated i11 a draped chair, Miss Dor- othy Johns read a short address. Following the unwrapping of the presents Marion made a reply very appropriately expressing' her thanks. I Mrs. Margaret Fletcher sang two solos and Mrs. Delmar Skinner gave two humorous readings and several ' contests occupied the time until lunch was sere -ed. The December W.M.S. meeting was held at Mrs, Wes Horne's with five members present. After: opening' with "Joy to the World," the presid- ent read verses of Scripture and Mrs. Dickey read the story of the writing of the lovely Christmas hymn, "Silent Night." The minutes of the November meeting were read and Poll called. It was decided to have our annual social evening in January and a committee, Mrs. N. Clarke, Mrs. W. 'Batten and Mrs. Pooley were appointed to arrange the program. After singing "Silent Night," the meeting closed with the benediction. A ten cent tea was served at the close. BRUCEFIELD Christmas services will be held. in Brucefield United Church on Sun- day morning and evening. The choir will be assisted in the morning by Affrs. Wm. Murdoch of Exeter. In the evening there will be a carol service, The. Sunday School concert which was to have been Thursday evening, December 23rd, is cancelled owing to so much sickness in the comm- unity. Many are ill with influenza and for this reason S.S. No. 3, Tucker - smith, was closed last week. 'Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Lyle Hill in the passing away of her mother, whose death occurred on Sunday morning at the home of Mr., and Mrs. Lyle Hill. Mrs. Carnie of Bayfield and Mrs. Fred Hess of Hensall 'visited with their sister, Mrs. C. Haugh last Thursday, TUCKERSMITH The,Farm Forum of. the 2nd and 3rd concessions, Tuciceramith, met at the home' of Mn and Mrs. J, MC' Lollan with a good attendance. The next 1»eeling will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs: Ross Broacl- foot on Tuesday evening, Dec. 2181. Lunch was served. A vote of thanks was tendered Mr, and Ml's. McLellan for their hospitality. , KIPPEN Mrs. A. I3, Gackstetter has returned home after spending -the past three weeks with her brother and sister-in- law, M1'. and Mrs. E. L. Ferguson, in St, Thomas. Mrs. McDonald, who has been keep- ing house for Mr. N. Long, has left with her little daughter to join her husband,. who is with the RCAF. in British Columbia, Mr, Irvine Poster and Miss Alice Spafford of Hamilton spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, W, Horner, We are glad to report Mr. and Mrs. R, Dinsdale are recovering from an attack of flu. Mrs. Eldon Jarrett and baby daugh- ter returned home Sunday from Mrs, Paterson's nursing home in Honsall. Mrs. William Kyle visited in De- troit last week. T'Ter friends aro glad to learn that Mrs. John Boll is recovering .from the attack or bronchltts. Sam Thomson to the latest victim of au. and Mr. »oma, is finding tt difficult to THURSDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1943 GENT9 4 THEATRE aeaforth NOW SHOWING -- THURS. FRI. SAT. Fred. Astaire ;loan Leslie' New Partners • - • in Rhythm 4, Romantic Adventure "The Sky's The Limit" The sparkling stere of a Flying Tiger on leave, ..Who only. wanted to dance and ploy, ..for live magical Manhattan Alights! MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY Dan Alnoallo Gene Tierney ‘`i -leaven Can Wait" technlcolor A romantic story of a fancily and its Casanova son ! NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY John SIall Maria Montez Just glimpse into "ARABIAN NIGHTS" in Technicolor No magic carpets—Just ,just sand and romance - First show starts each evening at 7,30 pm. When single feature as these are S110i1ei, all patrons in by 9,15 will see complete show. A tri s 144 t ea � a. e(,llSaturday & holiday urd o ' Y ada , at 2.30 carry on in the store while fighting a sovet0 cold, Mr, and Mrs. Dinadnle are slowly recover- ing from the flu,. Mrs. McDonald, all Che WAY from the prairies, is a visitor with Mrs, Jae Mc- Donald and Marguerite, The Sunday School Xmas tree. 011 Monday night was a greet success. The attendance was excellent and enjoyed the varied pro- gramme and the.. sordid hour that followed, The Rev. Mr, Groat occupied the chair and the programme 444(0 (10 follows, A Pow open- ing words,' Recitation, Betty Lou Watson, chorus by tate school, Recitation, "The pants that Mother trade" by Macmillan n (Irani, Reeitution 'Seashells," Marion Thomson Exereiso by the primary class; PtDnlo ue '(letting rid of an agent," Wil- ma Kyle, Joyce 13roatithot. Jimmie Mc - Great . and Isobel Caldwell; solo, Elizabeth Ann. Sinclair; chorus, primary class, Reci- tation, "Spots', Rutin Alexander, • Piano duet, Marlon and Warren Thomson, Recite.. lana, Jack Caldwell ; recitation, 'Misorable chieks," 1'oinmy Kyle. Duet, Edna turd Joyce Broadtont Recitation, Elizabeth Amt Sinclair, Dialogue, "The Minister's Mis- take," by Mona Caldwell, Edna Broatdfoot mut Donald- ROI. Recitation, "The Doll," Isabel Caldwell. Dialogue, "No News," Ken- neth McLellan and Donald Kyle. Chorus by the school. Recitation, "Xmas Tree," by Joan Grant, Xmns greetings by Elizabeth Ann Sinclair and Jackie Bell, Pagent dal• soled by Mrs. Gantt entitled 'rhe M01110,s. of the Bible". Jean Alexander, ,Alice Wren, Sybil Grant, Mrs, A. 14IcMurtrio, -Ma's, IIar- old Jones, Barbara Grant, Blaine Cooper and Elizabeth Grant, The programme was con- cluded by a talkie film on "Inside China," by Howard Hyde, Then came Santa with the distribution of presents and it wartime bag Kyle stol'ell s,aiAfterwa Afterwards the People adif the ourned to the Sunday School room for sandwiches and tea. Much credit for the programme is duo the teachers, Mrs. A. McMurtrle, Mrs. Emerson also to Mist McCt 1Mno it John S Mrs, StiMiller, and Mr. W. I118011, The service next Sunday will be Conducted by the Itov. Mr, Grant, who will dispense communion. Lust Sunday MIS recognised as Xmas Sunday with the minister speaking on the. Undying Sung, and the choly, as always. Providing the special music -= two splendid anthems and an excellent anln by Mrs, Edgar Butt, all directed by Mass Ivlson, Admit. Breaking Into Cottages Angus Trudeau and Lorne De Rev- fere evfere were brought before Magistrate J. .A, Makin, in police court at Goder- ic11 recently and each pleaded guilty to 21 charges of bretticing, entering and theft:, or breaking,, entering with intent to steal. The charges had to do with the ransacking Of inbre than a score of cottages in the Bayfield area, In some places very extensive' dam- age wee done; i11 others not S0 much, The prisoners gave provincial police a Statement' covering their activities since their arrival in these parts. Both are sixteen years of age. They were remanded to jail for sentence. YOUR BREAD-) CAN'T BE BEATE N ! Makes';Bread that's r ch d�lic ons; t ` I�ght-textured,; tasty, more digestible N ALWAYS'FULL.STRENGTH, ALWAYS DEPENDABLE This Chrlstmas, give a BULOVA. Watch! There Is no remembrance so precious as a dependable timepiece —none that lives so long 4n useful service. -:::::va.Yi 1tAiaeiiY -. o4E, "44 J. A. WESTCOTT JEWELLER WATCHES Choose now. PHONE 218, DIAMONDS We will hold any Gift until Christmas SEAFORTH,"ONT. mastaamareamstatennemeny TUNE IN ' ON Old -Fashioned Revival Hour 7 to 8 P,M,, )11,D.S.T, Pilgrim's Hour 2 to 3 P.M., 0.D,S,T,, ON MUTUAT., NETW ORI ' — SUNDAYS Local Station — C.K.L,W., Windsor CHARLES E. FULLER, P.O. Box 128, LOS ANGELES 53, CALIFORNIA