HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1943-12-16, Page 8HENSALL Mrs. Seruton had the misfettenc to. fall while sem-fitting her household ditties last weep .and fraetur'e heir arm and dislocate her shoulder, X- rays were taken. at SeotG Memorial Hospital, . Seaforth. A white gift service will be held in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sun- day, Dec, 26th, at 11 p.m. Monday, Dec. 27th, Boxing Day, has been proclaimed as a public holi- day by the Reeve of the village, All places of business will remain closed, Mr. Wm. White of London vleited on Sunday with Mr. and ;Nil's. A, L, Case. Mrs. J. MacGregor of Kipper wns the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walker during the past week. Mrs. Grace Ross of Seaforth is spending a few weeks at the home of sirs, Annie Saundercook. Mrs. H. 0. Daymau returned hone after spending a -few days with Mr. and Mrs, Lee Wilson in Exeter. • Institute Holds Christmas Meeting The home of Mrs. Robert Cameron was beautifully decorated for the Christmas meeting of the Hensel] Women's Institute on Wednesday evening when Mrs. Cameron was hos- tees and Miss Greta Lannnie co -host- ess. The president. Miss Gladys Luker, presided and the meeting opened by singing "The Ode" and "Joy t0 the World," followed by pray- er by Miss Luker. The- minutes and collection were followed by the roll call which was answered with a gift for the sick cltildrett's boepitat - ht London, These gifts were very bean. tiful and were presented in a benuti- fnlTy decor ct d basket. A committee, Mrs. C. Melees tied Mrs. Cameron. were appointed to peck the gifts. The snorts "The Old. Old Wish," which w >,- prepared by Miss Beryl Phaff !tens very ehly presented by Mrs. Byron Kyle. Mist Gladys Lukes• pave a Christmas reading and tite demon- sttatiotn was taken by Mrs. Albert Shirray, who demonstrated several home-made Christmas decorations which were very interesting. The husiuess followed when letters were read from Benson Dielc. overseas, from Mi•s. W. A. Ma'Laren. fn Gode- rich. The guest speaker for the even- ing was Mrs. W. B. Cross who gave an interesting and profitable Christmas message discussing "The Crowded Inn and the Birth of Jesus in Bethle- hem." The recipe was given by Mrs, Orr. In the absence of Mrs H. Sturg- ess of Exeter, soloist. who was un- able to be present owing to illness, a number of Christmas carols were sung. "It came upon a Midnight Clear," "Songs of Joy," and "0 Little Town of Bethlehem." Niles Greta Lammie led the singing and Miss Flo- rence Welsh presided at the piano. The January meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Claude Biowes with Mrs. R. A. Orr co -hostess. The presid- ent expressed a hearty vote of thanks to all taking part end to the hostess, after which the meeting closed by singing "Silent Night Peaceful Night" and God Save the King. Refreshments were served. W.M,S. Elect Officers - The annual meeting of the W.M.S. of Carmel Presbyterian Church was held in the school -room of the church on Thursday at 3 p.m. with Mrs. C. Hudson presiding. The meeting open- ed with the call to worship and sing- ing of Psalm selection "Thou Shalt Arise," after which Mrs. Hudson led in prayer. The Seripture, Matthew 2, was read by Mrs. Sangster. The roll (tall was answered by a Christmas message. "Holy Night; Peaceful Night." was song, after which the varinns seereteries presented their annual reports which were very -grat- ifying. Rev. Joseph Taylor then pre- sided for the election of • officers, Honntary president, Mrs. Arnold; prre irdent, Mrs. C. Hudson; ist. vice, Mr,. 0. Y. 3lncLaren; 2nrl vice, Mrs. ,Tt;m .Manson; Ord vice. Mrs. J. brill e,rMary. Mrs. Geo. \Walker:' It r firs. lbs. A. D. McEwen: supply se<,+ rv. Miss Minnie Reid: welcome mei welfare secretary. Airs. J. W. Itnnthrnn: glad tiding secretary. Mrs. lisan:ob. \.t,rkman; literature and if- 1•rsry e,retary. Mrs. W. Sangster'. home A„Ipet's. Mrs. Annie Logan; student sreretary, AI re. J. Patterson; pianist. Mrs. Meleolm Dougall; assist- net,- :liiee AtinninRrid. Rev Taylor then ;ave a splendid address- taking his text.from Acts 11:19"And the world of the Lord was published throughoit all the region." The meet- ing elnserl with the singing of "Jesus Master Whose I am." and prayer by Rev. Taylor, Council Meeting - The regular meeting of the village ,•onneil was held on Monday evening at 8 p.m. In the council chamber with all members present. Minutes of the previous meeting read and con- firmed. 11. J. Patterson, tax collector, reported tax collections to slate. 06,- 1117.32. Orville Twitchell, motor ine- c•hanic of the fire department, report- er] re the pumping out of wells and cisterns. Kerslake-SmaIleconbe, that the fire engine be used for fire pur- poses only and not for pumping out wells and cisterns. Thos Kyle report- ed re the tire alarm and false alarms, stating that he had Constable J. Fer- guson helping him on the case of Dec. 3rd and that they had a good clue to work on anis if possible there would be a prosecattion soon. Kerslake -Fink, that the council of the villaga of, Ilensall pay a reward of $5 for infor- mation leading to the conviction of any person sounding a false fire' alarm, Correspondence was consider ed and fled. Bills and accounts: Ilen-1 sail Hydro Commission, $10.92; Geo. R. Hees, $38; R. Simpson, labor, streets, $1; G, M. Case, teaming, streets, $1.80; Twitchell's Garage, supplies hall and fire dept., $16,60; Imperial Oil, supplies, streets, $17; Moore Bros., repairs, streets, $5.40; Canadian. Legion, wreath, $5; Viitage Exeter, share ration board expenses, 020; Dept, Health, insulin, 01.16; Thos. Kyle, salary, $74.80; Orville Twitchell, salary, 035; R. J, Patter- son, salary and expanses, $63.40; R. ]5 Shaddick, reeve, $42; E. Fink, councillor, $28; F. W. Smallacombe, XMAS DANCE Sponsored by the itippen East Women's Institute TIHNSALL TOWN HAIL TUESDAY ENG„ DEO, 28 Murdoce's Orchestra, Adnilssiou 350,. Luneh Booth. Prizes for spot dances and a lucky door prize. There will be :Flats and Horns. yQ lor, $2S; A. W. Kerslake, councillor, $24; J. A, Patterson, balance salary, $153.10. Total $598.15, A motion was passed proclaiming Boxing Day, Dee, 27th, a public holiday. -J. A. Patter- son. Clerk, The Christmas concert of g, S. 10, Hay, will be held on Tuesday, Dec, 21st, at 8,15 p.m. Everyone welcome. Annual Meeting of Mission Circle The annual meeting of Senior Mis• sion Circle of the United Church was held at the home of Miss Margaret Shepherd on Monday evening with a splendid attendance. The meeting opened with the theme song followed by singing "Jesus Lover of My Soul." Miss Margaret Shepherd presided. The scripture, Blatt. 2, was read by Cookie was devising a "slip" meal THE SEAFORTH NEWS ready for sea, pr'ooeed to --'," anti there followed details of certain bearings, cautionary measures: to be observed, and the particular job titet neededto be done. Half an hour later Number One heard the captalti telling him, "Eight it is. We slip then," In the wurdroom things were ship- shape - table laid, bunks for officers made up. Below, from the after 'to the forward hatch, soon to be closed and bolted down, ratings were, mov- ing about the engine -room, with its great diesels capable of driving her with something like 10,000 horse- power at more than twenty knots. Along alley -ways connecting, yet div- iding, the five or six separate com- partments, duty men were at work in the crew's living -quarters which, though full Of machinery, somehow managed to give just enough spade for small mess -tables and sleeping - bunks. In the control room the senior cox- swain was checking over the diving gauges. A little further forward Miss Mary Buchanan after which Miss Gladys Luker lett in prayer, The which would have done credit to any minutes were read and the roll call West End chef, Still further forward, Was. answerer] with gifts for the three ratings were loading violent Friendship House, London. Following and sudden death into the torpedo - the offering Mrs, 'Howard Hyde gave " tube nests. the devotional, a "Christmas Story. The topic, "Thu: Meaning of Christ- The sun had set when Nobby pin- nies," was taken by Miss Mattie' cited tate end of his 'cigarette, inhaled Ellis. The secretary, Mrs. Peter Me deeply, rolled the smoke around ]tis Neu hton, read a Christmas letter from Bliss Irene Douglas in London, i tongue its if he were at a banquet, The treasurer gave the report which and sair, 'Ilia's that. No more coffin was most gratifying. The election of nails• tally, until t'mo'row night --- offteers took place with the following maybe." results: • advisory president. Miss. Shortly before eight the shipwas -statue mils; ; presid +nt, Mrs, Howard: Ilyde: 1st rice, Miss Edna Se -under- gliding out into the semi -darkness,. peek; 2nd vice. Mis. Byron Kyle; sec driven by her main electric motors. salary. Mrs. H. Mcl.ariron; treasurer, Mrs. P. Drysdale; •press. Mrs. Hed- den; pianist, Miss Gladys Lrticer; so- cial, Mr, Mary Buchanan; work, Mrs, Peter McNaughton, :firs, Joe Flynn, airs. ,lack Corbett; Mrs. W, Smale and Mrs, Townshend; frieucisllip, Misses Iilargaret Shepherd and Edna Saunderc•ock, The January meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. W. Sniale, The meeting closed by sing- ing "Abide With Me," and the- bene- diction. A social hour was enjoyed.- The njoyed,The annual Christmas concert at S.S. 1, Tuckerstnith, will be held on Tuesday, Dec, 21st, Everyone wel- come. Proceeds in aid of Red Cross. A white gift service will be held in the United Chuch on Sunday Dec. 19th, at the evening service. Miss Annie E. Consitt had the mis- fortune while attending her household duties last week to fall and fracture her right arm. Under The Sea NIGHT MAN WANTED For Hatching Season To start immediately Apply To SCOTT'S POULTRY FARM Seaforth WANTED A gooseneck electric desk light, Phone 8381'31, Seaforth, WANTED Party going to Toronto end of this week or first of next week wishes transportation. Telephone 269, mornings or evenings, FOR SALE One medium sized heater and sev- eral pipes. A washing machine end wringer, only used a few titres,not electric. Mrs. James Sproat, Egmotid- ville, Phone 604-4. WANTED A second hand kiddie car or tri• cycle in good condition. Also a crib bed. Apply at The News office. FORSALE Two pairs of boys' hockey shoes with skates, in good coalition, Shoe sizes 5 and 2, Apply to Mrs, H. W. Hart, Victoria street, 505 SALE Ten small chunks. Also one caw (isle to freshen in a month. Phone 5 on 830, Lnwrenee Ryan, Walton. NOTICE TiIURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 19 SATURDAY CASH SPECIALS New Brunswick Potatoes, 75 pound bug ., .,...... ,,1.99 15 pound peek 400 Maxwell Rouse Coffee, lb. bag 390 Rolled Wheat Berries, 5 lb. bag 230 Royal Purple Poultry Concentl'ttto, ewt, 4.00 Royal Purple Calf Meal, cwt.,.,,,,,,.,,,,,,,. ....... 4.00 Robiuhood Flour, 24 lb, bag ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 800 National Hog Concentrate, per ewt......,..........--..3,49 W. J. FINNIGAN 0 es, FOR SALE A girl's blue snow suit, about size 12 to 14, like new. Apply at The News LOST Blackandbrown collie clog, miss- ing since Nov, 29th, Anyone know- ing of his whereabouts, please notify Angus Kennedy, R,R. 4, Seaforth, or phone 20r22, Dublin, FARM FOR SALE 100 acres, Township of Tucker - smith, conviently located. Frame house, frame barn 70x40', stone fotm- datiot. Apply to Ignatius O'Leary, r,r. #4, Seaforth, Administrator Martha Flanagan Estate, or McConnell & Hays, his Solicitors, FARM FOR SALE 150 acres good clay loam, all under cultivation except 12 acres of bush. Well drained and fenced. Bank barn on stone foundation, 66' square, stabling underneath with cement floors, Hay barn 34' square with hen house underneath, driving sited 24' x 34', Cement silo 12'x35'. Frame house Then the order was passed: "Stop All books must be returned to the with Insulate brick covering, seven main motors, in engine -' Seaforth Public Library on or before rooms and wood shed, Situated 7 bet' 24th. carried her out towards the distant Greta Thompson, Librarian. The big diesels took over the job and 1 rnua• • nett horizon, FOR SALE From dawn to sunset next day she Good bronze turkeys, dressed; or proceeded submerged, dead slow, al- living suitable to keep over, Phone w'tiys with alert eyes glued to the 14 on 833, Seaforth, periscope, watching and waiting, The FOR SALE next night and for six night after, A number of young Durham cows, she surfaced, patrolling slowly under the power of the diesels which, at some with calf at foot, others due to the same time, re -charged her bat- teries. bulls 20 and 11 months old. Roy Con - On the morning of the seventh nell, 654 ring 22 ,Seaforth: day the weather broke, and the issue of hot cocoa, thick and sweet, tasted miles from Seaforth, 4 miles from Walton, 100 rods from school and list miles from Virintlu'op. Lot 27, pt. 28, Con. 10, MoKil]op. Apply to Zack McSpadden, Walton, R,R.4. Hydro all through barn and house, NOTICE Win. Bradshaw, your Watkins Dealer, alsd agent for E. D. Smith & Sons, fruit and ornamental nursery stock, Market St., Seaforth, Ont, Phone 50. FOR SALE TOWNSHIP OF McKILLOP 7 Room Brick house, Church St., lilts nectar. I 1 Bathroom, Furnace, Lights, ' Town Nobby. somehow had managed to A meeting of the electors of the Water, Good Barn and Hen House on develop nehralgia, and was being ]ridded in such a manner that he groaned and prayed for urgent and speedy release from all life's per - Nobby Clark was humping stores- plexities and worries, as usual, And as he went in and out And Nobby - aud the rest of them of the galley, Nobby was telling the - had not long to wait before they world in genera]; "Turkey, r'oas' brushed "the other side" very close. pork, caviar, fresh eggs, Chris'mus Somewhere off to the starboard crac•kc rs, lashin's o' York 'am, 'ot quarter, ashore on a gray strip of rolls, a nice bit o' stilton, whisky, headland, a Nazi naval outpost had port - an' beer!" He hoisted an- just passed through a convoy to the other load of fresh stores to the next watch -station, and a straggling galley. where the cook was Checking line of enemy freighters escorted by over his four days' supply of neat a couple of destroyers and E -boats and vegetables. He'd be cooking that carne nosing a way towards port. meat soon now• because in 0 submar- A split second later the Rub -s Max- ine cooked meat keeps better than on blared "Diving stations!" raw-. Engines were stopped; clutches And when the fon' days had gone withdrawn. Electric motors were set by, Cookie would be showing the at full ahead; stain ballast vents boys what could be done with a can- were opened and toms of water rush - opener. It's be meals from tins for ed into her tanks, Coxswains were about a week or so after the fresh ready at the (live hand -wheels, for - .root had been exhausted. There wasn't any duster or flurry in the galley or the other compete- "Action stations!" ordered the ments of this particular ship. Con- fined within its half-inch metal skin ---which soon now would be dividing the el'ow from a monstrous pressure of thousands of tons of water- were about eighty-five per cent machinery and fifteen per cent humanity. Every man wilts ming about his job almost silently with high effici- ency. yet with -a half -bored expres- sion. That expreselot gave the lie to (heir feelings which --as Nobby would have told you -- were "a long way from nein' bored, an' we won't 'ave uo.. pet'ishln' chance to be browned off, not this trip, least -ways!" But neither Nobby nor Cookie had even a vague idea 'where this trip would he taking them. They weren't asking, The Navy doesn't ask where it's going. It just gone there, and sloes the job. Felt little inose than ten days the submarine had been in dry dock,with rivetcre cktnibering around and over her, turd with the flames front Oxy- I smooth thirty-five knots, ace.(eyleue welders screened careful-! For the next twenty minutes or so, ly from prying eyes by heavy tarpaul- : there was an inferno of action. ins. During that brief period the Enemy destroyers veered from their crew had kept noamal wetobes stations on the first tell-tale sign of: ashore, hitt with vital. differences - attack and knifed their way to port reveling in ltet baths and a daily and atarborad bent on destroying the shave, olid uninterrupted sleep at attacker, night. Their depth charges, :six pounds Now they were back aboard and each of TNT, were waiting. the slip was malting ready. There In the control room the captain was a biting nor' -easter, with. flurries was ordering "One -fifty feet!" Down of snowflakes as the captain stepped she went, at a steep angle, plunging aboard, a veteran of less than thirty to a depth that might or might not years, His second -in -command nod- he out of destruetive range, And as ded pleasantly and said, "Ready for she went down, two violent shocks sea( sir," an observation which shook every rivet, every plate in her, brought, the reply, "Thank you, Num- surd boiled the seas around her. From her One, 1 think we'll be slipping her many compartments a cheer was around eight I'll know very soon, taken up and passed down her Pass word alotg to you," length, The torpedoes had made two Towards late afternoon orders lilts! wart] and aft . . . and down she went to ithout twenty-five feet. Captain. Torpedo ratings were flooding the six torpedo tubes, charging up firing reservoirs from high-pressure air ser- viee, and the submarine slowly alter- ed course SO that she would soon come in at right -angles to her quarry. fit The distance was clos]ng , . . five thousand . . , four thousand . , . three thousand yards, and the smooth twenty -foot -long engines of death were about to take their first and last trips under water. The center of the convoy, where there were two biggish freighters, had just cone into the sights of the periscope, and the captain steadied his mall. with half. -spend on the motors, Then, es the freighters crossed his sight, he gave the order, "Fire!" In pair's, at intervals of seconds, six tubes of destruction went voyaging across the intervening waste at a councillor, $28; J. Parkins, crunch- Were reeaived: Being in all respects A moment later, two nose terrific Township of McKillop will be held at Winthrop Hall on Monday, the 27th day of December for the purpose of noniineting a Reeve and four Council - dors, Nominations will be received from the hoar of one o'clock to two o'clock in the afternoon. in the event of more persons being nominated than are required to 811 the several offices, an election will be held on Monday, the 3rd clay of Janu- ary, 1944. Polls will he open from 9 a.m. till 5 p.m. at the following places: No. 1, Jas. Carlin's house, lot 10, con. 5, Jas. Nolan, D.R.O., William Maloney, P.C.; No. 2, Mrs. Jos. Hogg's house, lot 25, Con. 4, Ross Murdie, D.R.O., .Mrs. Geo. Eaton, P.C.; No. 8, Jos. Smith's ltottse, lot 31. S. 13 con., Elmer Den- nis, D.R,O., Stephen Murray, P.O: Poll No. 4, Mrs. Dliscoll's house, Con. 12, lot 25, Wm. Sommerville, D.R,O., Willis Dundee, P.C. J. M. ECKERT, Returning Officer. NOTICE To the Ratepayers of Tucket'smith Township School Area No. 1 The final meeting for 1943 of the Board of Ttudceramith Township School area No. 1 will be held in No. 6 School House on Thursday, Dec. 23rd, at 2 pont.. to which the Rate. payers of the Area are invited to attend to receive the report of the Trustees and Secretary - Treasurer, and to discuss any other school mat- ters and to make arrangements for tite nomination of two Trustees at the annual Nomination of the Township Council held on Monday, Dec. 27111, 1at1p,m. S. H. WHITMORE, Secretary -Treasurer. explosions, damped down slightly by the masses of tumbling water, regist- ered two additional hits. The submarine was quivering and swaying as enemy depth charges ex- ploded, Slowly the explosions grew fainter, the shocks less severe. Then, two clays out from base, with threatening weather and a short, ugly sea swamping the con- ning hatch, the submarine came creeping, - half -submerged, towards the old of her patrol. At dusk she was doing eighteen knots 111 a following ,sea, and the luxury of hot baths, a shave, and un- interrupted smokes was an hour or two ahead, Nobby Clark - well, Nobby 'want- ed nothing better than to be allowed a spell ashore, Want and For Sole. Ads, 11 week 25e r " property. 7 Room Frame House, 'North Main St., Furnace, Lights and Town Water. FARM PROPERTY 100 Acres McKillop Township, Brick House, Bank Barn, good clay loam, well under -chained, Convenient- ly located. 50 acre Grass Farm, all seeded, Township of Hibbert. Good piece of land with ample water supply. 135 Acres, McKillop Township, Frame House and Good Barn. Well located. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance & Real Estate Phones 384 Seaforth, Ont. Res. 220 Notice TOWN OF SEAFORTH Clerk's Notice of First Posting of Voter's' Lists, 1943, Town of Seaforth, County of Huron, 5 :Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 8 of the Vot- ers' Lists Act and that I have posted up at my office at Seaforth on the 29th clay of November, 1943 the lists of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at municipal elec- tions and that such lists remain there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions correct- ed according to law, the last day for appeal being the 20th clay of Decem- ber, 1943. D. H. WILSON, Clerk of the Town of Seaforth. Seaforth Monument Works Formerly W. E. Chapman NOW OPERATED BY CUNNINGHAM & PRYDE We invite inspection of our stoolt of Cemetery Memorials SI]AFORTH - TUESDAYS' AND SATURDAYS, or any other time by appointment See 01`. Harburn -Phone 105 Phone 41 -Exeter -Box 150 McConnell & - Hays Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephoue 174 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN - The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build ' ing, Seaforth, Office hours: - Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1.30 p,m, to 5 p.m. Saturday evening, 7.30 p.ttl, to 9 p.m. , The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE - SEAFORTH Ont, Officers President, Alex, McEwing, Blyth; Vice President, W. R, Archibald, Sea - forth; Mgr. & Sec.-Treas., M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Alex. 14IcEtvingDi,reBlythctors; W. R. Arch- ibald, rchibald, Seaforth; Alex. Broadfoot, Sea- forth; Chris. Leonhardt, Bornholm; E, J. Trewartha, Clinton; Thomas Moylan, Seaforth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; Hugh Alexander, Walton; George Leitch, Clinton, . Agents John E, Pepper, BruceiIeld; R. F. McKercher, Dublin; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth. Parties desirous to effect iussuruuce or transact other Mistimes, will be promptly atended to by applications• to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. Watson & Reid REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY (Successors to James Watson) MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies, SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr. E. A. McMaster, M.B., Graduate of university of Toronto. The Clinic is fully equipped with complete and modern x-ray and other up-to-date diagnostic and thereuptie equipment, Dr. F. J. R. Forster, Specialist in Diseases of the Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat, will be at the Clinic the first Tuesday in , every month from 3 to 6 p,m. Free wen -baby clinic will be held on the second and last Thursday in every month from 1 to 2 p.m. JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon In Di•, H. H. Ross' office. Phone 5 J MARTIN W. STAPLETON, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Successor to•Dr. W. 0. Sproat Phone 90 W Seaforth DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University' of Toronto. Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, Mooretlald's Eye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, London, Eng. At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 p.m. Also at Seaforth Clinic first Tuesday in each month. -53 Waterloo St., Stratford, Telephone 267. Spence's Produce GOVERNMENT REGISTERED EGG GRADING STATION Highest Cash Prices paid for Eggs and Poultry Phone 170-W, Seaforth LUMTAGO ACMES AND PAINS' m ryonf is frlrcr r a Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Assures Security for over One Million Partners H. R. LONG, GODERIGH District Agent DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY PHONE COLLECT es SEAFORTH 16, EXETER 286 DARLING & CO. OF CANADA, LTD, (Essential 'War Industry)