HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1943-12-16, Page 1,1111,1111111111111111.1111111111111,111111111.1111x1011111111111,111,111111,
I question if Christmas can ever be "merry'''-
Except to the heart of ,wiinnocent-Child.
Por' when time has taught Ra the Inclining of
And sobered tiie spirits that once were so
When II the n
ereen graves that Ile aoatterad
behLike milestones are marking the length of
the way.
e Seg. forth, Ne
And r,•hoes of voices that no more shall greet
lh.,• 4addened the chimes of the bright
Chrlstmas DAY.
Home, e, r'shall not wish you the old "klerry
'ince that it of ,hadowless ohtkdbood u nark
taut one, that is holy and happy and
The Spirit of Christmas -deep down hi your
heart., A, J. Plant,
.1111.1111,11.1011f1111.11111111,11,1000111111110100,111 ii/1111111,1111\,
`Week of Prayer Begins
On January 3rd
The Ministerial Association has
arranged the following services for
the Week of Prayer to be luoll in
the first week in January. It is re-
quested that other church meetings
generally 'tele' at these hours be
merged with the prayer services.
Jan. 3. St, Thomas Clturclt, Lieut,
Sime. Jan. 4, Salvation Army Hall,
Rev, Dr, Hurford. San, 5. Presbyter-
ian Church, Rev, A W. Gardiner. San,
6. Egmondville United, Rev.•11. V.
Workman, Jan. 7, Northside United,
Rev. H, Jack.
The Services will commence at 8
o'clock and an offering will be taken
for the Bible Society each evening,
The World Council of Churches
suggests that attention be directed at
these meetings to "The Nature of the
Christian Life."
School Children's Carol
Service On Friday
Th .annual Christmas carol service
of the Seaforth Public School will be
held in the 'United Church on. Friday,
Dee, 17th, at all, pan. Silver collec-
tion for the overseas boxes.
Northside United -Church
Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister.
11 a.m. The Christmas Message.
Special Music by the Choir.
2.45 p.m, Sunday School,
7 p.m. A service of Christmas
Music. Senior and Junior Choirs com-
bined. A brief message.
Welcome to these services.
St, Thomas Church
Rector, Rev. Dr. Hurford.
11 a,m. "Those Afraid of Life."
7 p.m. Carol Service.'
Sunday School 10 a.m.
St. Mary's Church, Dublin
2.25 p_m. Sunday School.
3 pan. "Fearfulness and Courage."
First Presbyterian Church
Rev. Hugh Jack, Minister.
S.S. 10 a.m,, "Wihte Gift Service"
11 a.m„ "The Song of the Angels'
7 pan, "A Happy Christmas"
Christmas music by the choir at
both services.
Midweek meeting Thurs. 8 pan:
Christmas concert Tues., Dec. 21 all
8 p.m.
Egmondville United Church
Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B.A,B,D.
10 a.m„ Sunday School
11 a,m„ "What Christmas Reveals."
7 p.m. "Christmas Melodies."
ht this period of uncertainty we
have often been reminded to pray.
Life at the moment is confusing, baf-
fling. Nothing seems secure. We
hardly know what is most needed;
hardly know what to ask of our lov-
ing Father,
For successful prayer, however, one
thing is certain, We must: say "Thy
will be clone." Yet His will' is often
not otu' way, For ' that reason, all
prayers requests cannot be granted. I
feel that we, as Christians, should
pray that God will equip and prepare
ttse for the unensivered or denied
Down through the centuries God
has taught His beloved ones, and.
those from whom He has expected
great things, Ie,ssons through .those
unanswered prayers, that life for
others mightbe improved. Moses
prayed in like manner: "I pray Thee
let me go over and see the good
land, that is beyond Jordan. God
answered, "Let it suffice thee, speak
no more of this matter, get thee up
into the top of Mount Pisgah, and
lift thine eyes, westward, northward,
southward, and eastward, and behold
it with thine eyes for thou shalt not
go over . , , but charge Joshua for he
shall go over," To us this may seem
a crushing verdict, but as Dr. Gordon
writes: -"The prayer of a man denied
that a, nation might be taught obedi-
Let us remember, that since our WINTER ,
13lessed Lard said, "Thy will,il when
His cup didnot pass away, there may The district has had a' touch off
also be for us a, cup that will not pass real winter this week with the tern -
from Its, Be thankful that Clt.fist'serasure lioverin around zero and
submission brought us personal re
dernptian. a fair amount of snow has fallen.
Seaforth, Ontario, Thursday, December 18, 1943
Huron 'Presbytery Holds
December Meeting
The Huron Presbytery of the
United Church met for the December
meeting in Wesley -Willis 'Church at
Clinton. The meeting opened with
devotions in charge of the chairman,
Rev. H, V, Workman, assisted by
Rev, James Anthony and Rev, W. T.
Mr, F, S. Savauge reported that the
last amount of debt orb the land of
the Goderiolt Summer School, a total
of 5522, had been paid this year and
there was a balance on hand of $155.
A request from Mrs. D. G. Rows{
tree, corresponding secretary of tate
Dontlnion Woman's Association Conn-
ell, for the names of the W.A. presi-
dents in all congregatione of Huron
Presbytery, was granted.
The chairman introduced Rev, Mr.
Colwell, a. new member, to the Pres-
bytery, Mr. Colwell apalce briefly.
Rev. A. 13. Irwin suggested that the
committee of Industrial Relations be
named Industrial and Rural Relations,
An amendment was passed that a
special committee be appointed to
deal with Rural Problems. The fol-
lowing - were named to the contmlt-
tee: Revs. R. C. Copeland, H. E.
Moorhouse. H. J. Snell; Messrs. R. C.'
McClenagltan, Lucknow, R. C. Mc-
Gowan, Blyth, and Wm. McDowell,
The list of Presbytery allocations
:for 1944; amounting to $20,500, an
increase of $283, was read,
The Christian education and stud-
ents committee recommended William
Brumby Thornloe to college, Rev. T.
Anthony and Rev. W. J. Patton pro-
posed that the committee make a
careful examination of the new date-
chiam, and report.
Rev. L. H. Turner drew attention
to the 75th anniversary of Crediton
United Church, to be held next year.
A hearty vote of thanks was ex-
tended to the pastor of Wesley -Willis
United Church and his congregation
for their kind hospitality.
Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Keys, of Eg-
mondville, will celebrate their Golden
Wedding anniversary on Saturday,
Dec. 18th. They will be at home to
their friends, afternoon and evening,
The regular December meeting of
Seaforth town 'council was postpon-
ed from Monday evening and will be
held on Wednesday evening combin-
ed with the statutory final meeting
for the year,
Red Cross Notes
--The Canadian Aid to Russia Fund
has asked the Ontario Division of
Reel Cross to make an appeal for
good used clothing. The Division has
appealed to -tate branches and the
local branch and all the units are co-
operating. Appeals are being made
in the local churches •and further
particulars will be given in this
A quiet wedding took place at-
Knox Presbyterian Church manse,
Goderich, on Saturday, December
11th at 11 o'clock when Leona Jean-
ette, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs,
Elsner James Webster of Varna was
united in marriage to Joseph George
Clifton, only son of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Clifton of Clinton, Rev. D. J.
Lane of Goderich officiating. They
were unattended. The bride looked
smart in a two-piece suit of blue
victory crepe and blue accessories.
Following the ceremony the happy
couple left for points east. Mr, and
Mrs, Clifton will resnde in Windsor.
"District airmen who received their
wings on Friday were: Pilot, Keith
R. Dale, son of Mr. and Mrs. Orville
Dale of Hallett, at Hagersville; air -
gunners, at. Macdonald, Man:, W. A,
Blowes and A. L. Colquhoun,
ly. Eaelt society exceeded their a11oc-
BURIED AT EXETER t ation. Hymn 50, "As with Gladness
Northside W.M.S. Choose " Men of Old," was sung. Mrs. Jas.
Mr. Donald McDonald attended theHogg now gave a very concise sunt -
Off' F 1944f h
Phone 84
Santa Claus' Will
Come To Seaforth
Lions Will Entertain District
School Children at Regent
on Dec. 22nd
, Santa Claus conies to Seaforth in
person on Wed., Dee. 22nd when he
will be at the Regent Theatre and
will present a gift to every child un-
der 12 years of age.
All country children are asked to
be at the -theatre sharp at 2 p.m,
, They will be admitted to the show
free and Santa will see them there.
All town children will be admitted
free to the show at 4 p.m. and Santa
will have a gift ready, This is to
take the place of the Lions annual
Christmas tree. Teachers and par-
ents are asked to help make this a
big merry patty on Wed., Dec, 22nd
at 2 p.m. and 4.
The war victims committee of the
Lion;; Club are asking for a donation
of warm second hand clothing for
Russia. An urgent appeal has been
received and this would be a worth-
while gift. A committee will be at
the theatre to receive your donation,
The W. M.S. and W.A. of Cavan
Church, Winthrop, held their annual
meeting on. 'Wednesday, Dec, lst, in
the church, hiss. E. Toll presided.
The meeting opened by singing'
hymn 55, "Joy to the World." The
scripture lesson, Luke II, verses 8.20,
was read by Mrs. Robt. McClure,afterwhich Mrs. Wm. Church led in
prayer. The roll call was answered
by eighteen members. The minutes of
the previous meeting were read and
adopted. The W.A. offering wee re-
ceived. Then Mrs. Russell Bolton
gave a very appropriate Christian
stewardship reading, "A Realistic
Xmas," showing the value of prayer
to the individual, to the family, to
the community, to the country, to
the Empire. This' was followed by
the reports of the treasurers and
secretaries of the W. M. S., W.A.. and
the mission band. All gave splendid
reports both financially and spiritual -
Kers Or funeral at Exeter on Monday o his
wary of chapter 1 of the new study
sister-in-law, Mrs, Edward Stone, book, The W. M. S. offering was re -
who died very suddenly at her home ceived. This offering was to be used
there on Friday. Mrs. Stone was in
for supply work, The business of the
meeting was discussed. It was (le-
tter 7Sth year and was formerly Miss sided to hold the first four meetings
Ellen Thompson of Usborne, and had of the year 1944 in the church. The
spent most of her life in Usborne and new -slate of officers for 1944 were
Exeter. Surviving, besides her hue- a inducted 1Rev. VIr. Patton. The
following are the new officers: Hon.
band, who is in poor health, are fom
The regular meeting of Northside
Unitech Church W, M, S. was held
Dec. 9th. The president, Mrs, R.
Lawson, opened the meeting with
singing "0 Come all ye faithful," and
prayer. The minutes and reports of
the treasurer and various secretaries
were read. Ms, C. C. Koine gave a
reading entitled "The Little Light." Ines„ Mrs. Patton; pros., Mrs. Robt.
From the Watch Tower Mrs, Thos, sons and two slaughters, all living McFarlane; 1st vice pies. Mrs. Gil -
McMichael gave a missionary read- in that district. Three brothers stns bent Smith; and vice pies., Mrs.
ing. The roll was called and Circle 3 vivo, Matthew, William and John i Robt.
Press seee.c.,, hiMre; secrs, E. To,. Mr's: E. Toll;
ll; temperance
reported 12 visits to shttt-ins, Mrs. Thompson, of the vicinity of Exeter, sec., Mrs. Allah Ross; Christian Ste -
W, I. Rintoul gave the report of the The late Mrs. Donald McDonald was wardship sec., -Mrs. Hugh Alexander;
nominating comm. The officers for a' sister. Interment was in the Exe- supply sec„ bit's. John Pethick; as -
1944 are: Hon, Pres., Mrs. Jas, Beat- sistant, Mrs. Horne; community
tie, Mrs. W. A. Bremner; past pres., ter Cemetery, friendship sec„ Mrs, Stanley Gant -
Mrs. H. V. Workman; pres., Mrs. R. Ilton; missionary montlhly sec,. Mrs.
Lawson; lst vice, Miss A. Lawrence; Hiram Blanchard; W.A. treasurer,
and vice, Mrs. H. V. Workman; 3rd. TS Mr's, Chas. Dolmage, W.M.S. trees -
vice, Bars, W. J. Rantoul; res sec., -ares, Mrs. Archie Somerville. Cap-
Mi's. A. L. Porteous; treas., Miss A. tains and assistants: Circle I—Mrs.
Ferguson; Christian stewardship, Hiram Blanchard, Mrs. Theron Bet
Mrs. J. Finlayson; corr..sec,,Mrs. A. tles. Circle II—Mrs, Frank Johnston
Cuthill; literature sec„ Mrs. F. :Flat- NIrs,•Percy Little. Circle III --Mrs
burn; press sec., Mrs. A. McCuaig; -Calvin Hilton. M re. John Boyd Jr.
Marie; temperance sec., Mrs. C. C. Be; Circle IV—Mrs. Wm. Church, Mrs. W.
miss. monthly sec., Mrs. W. Webster, - Somerville. W. A. committee, Presid-
Miss M. Somerville; cont. friendship eat, Treasurer, firs, Hahitirk, , Mrs.
sec„ Mrs. Covent, Mrs, Finlayson; - WWm.t1leSpadden Mrs. Thos, Pryce.
associate members, Mrs. Hanna, Mrs. W.M.S. committee. President, Treas-
McPhee, Mrs Fee; watch tower, Mrs. user, Christian stewardship sect'„
T. McMichael; pianist, Mrs. C. Bar- supply sec,. and tike four captains.
The meeting AIMS closed by singing
hymn '72, ""Who is be in yonder stall."
Mrs. Patton pronoun cod the benedic-
The Christmas meeting of the h
Mae Lane Auxiliary was held at the
home of Mrs. Whitney on Tuesday
evening, Dec. 14th. Mrs, Bechely,
acting president, opened the meeting
by reading a poem, "Two Little 01d
Ladies at Christmas Time," 0 Come
All Ye Faithful, was sung and pray-
ers were offered by Mrs. Workman
and Miss Abbie Seip. A duet. a Welsh
ber; supply comm., Mrs. Simpson,
Mrs. Cuthill, Mrs. I. Barron and Miss Christmas carol wa.s beautifully ren-
Bristow; finance comm., Mrs, R.' dereil by Misses Lois Hoggarth and
Archibald, Mrs, R Lawson Mrs C
Glew, Miss A. Ferguson, Mrs, J. Pin.
Helen Currie, accompanied on the
laysott; baby band, Mrs. Chamberlain, !Piano by Mr's. Hoggat'th. Minutes of
Mrs, Storey, Mrs, Spence; mission the previous meeting were reach by
band, Mrs. W, Barber, Mrs. Hoggartit; the secretary, Mrs, Christie, also re -
key woman, Miss A. Lawrence; awnpots were given by the various sec-
tors, Mrs, Glew, Miss Somerville; re -
rotaries. Mrs. Keith Webster, con-
preseiitattives to red, cross, Mrs. Cut-
hill, Mrs. Hay.
Circle 4 took cltarge of the devo-
tional period with: Mrs. Glew presid-
ing: Mrs. 0. C. Keine led 1n prayer,
The third chapter of study book, "For
all of Life," was studied. The Christ-
mas program, "The Light of Knowl-
edge of. God," followed with a candle -
lighting ceremony led by Miss M.
Somerville. The meeting Closed with
hymn and prayer.
Shower In Honor
Of Miss G. MoMane
Miss Anne Peckham of Stratford
entertained a number of friends at
her home Saturday evening in honor
of Miss Gladys McMane, bride -elect
of this month. The evening was spent
in court whist, after which Gladys
was showered with. many beautiful
gifts, Lunch was served by the host-
ess and her mother, Mrs. Cecil
Peckham. -
vener of Circle IV, then tools charge,
and Mrs. McLellan opened the meet-
ittg by reading a Christmas poem.,
The scripture reading, Luke 11, was
taken by Mrs. Norman Knight, after
which "Silent Night," was sting, Mrs,
Ross Savauge then led in prayer and
Mrs, Giardina of Egmondville very
ably gave the topic taken from the
study boost, "For All of Life," and
proved most interesting, Hark the
Herald Angels Sing," was sung and
the meeting closed by repeating the
Mlzpalt benediction. A delicious
lunch was served by the hostess and
a social hour was enjoyed by all.
Numerous white Christmas gifts
were brought by the members aid
placed at the Christmas tree and
were on display at the close of the
meeting. They will be sent to the
hospital at Gypsomville at an early
Pte. Glen Carter of Chatham and
Mr. and Mrs, Watson Iteid of Rai,
lock spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs,
Geo, Carter,
Due to an explosion at Hand's Fire-
works Co„ Cooksville, Victr William
Smith passed away. Mr. Smith ha
been specially chosen for 0 dangerous
piece of war work. and was just as
much a hero as any Mair in the ;Font
line, He was very highhiy esteemed at
the plant, and the many beautiful
-liowot:'s paid tribute to This popularity,
Before going to Toronto Mr, Sniitlt
had a farm near Palmerston. He is
survived by his wife, the former
Aileen Dalton of Staffa and Seaforth.
A %vide oircle of friends gathered for
the funeral, from Seaforth, Hensall,
Mitchell, Palmerston, Niagara Palls
and Toronto,
A Merry Christmas to all
The Cave1 Church Christmas ent-
ertainment will be on Tuesday, Dec:
The Red Cross unit met in the
basement of the church on Tuesday.
There was an attendance of eight
members, Two quilts were quilted,
We have been asked to donate used
clothing for Russia, to be handed in
by the middle of Santtat'y.
51 a year
A lice -long resident of this com-
munity, Mrs, Alex Darling, died at
nor hone on Friday. December 10, in
her 07th year. She had not enjoyed
good health. during the past year and
was critically ill for seven weeks,
She was the daughter of the late Mr.
and Mrs. William Gordon of Hibbert
Township and was married to Alex.
Darling on June 27, 1894. She was a
member of St, Mary's Anglican
Church, Dublin, and the Ladies Guild.
She is survived by her husband, one
son, John A. Darling, -Dublin, one
foster -son, Minhael McPhail, of Wing•
ham, one grand cbiid, Muriel. and one
sister, Mrs. Annie Fisher, Seattle,
Wash, One son, one grand child and
two sisters pre -deceased her. She was
very generous and gave assistance
unstintingly wherever sickness or be-
reavement were present, Site wits a
faithful church worker and will he
greatly missed in the comntugity.
The funeral was hold froth her late
residence on Monday afternoon,
which was attended by -n Iarge grtiup
of friends and relatives. Rev. Dr.
Harford, Seaforth, officiated, and the
t-ltoit' sang "Safe its the Arms of
Jesus' and "Abide With Me." The
Pall bearer's were: Ilarvey Racito,
Jamo, x. tEd Litt,
Gordones RachJeffrey Aleand MichaelLit, AIcPhalL
The flower -bearers were: Douglas
Racho. Walter Gross. Russell Litt,
James Elliott, William Sinitlt and
Edward Scoins. Among those at-
tending the funeral from a distance
were: Mr. and Mrs. Michael McPhail
and son, Wingham, Mrs, E. A. Des-
marais, Chicago, James Racho, Wal-
ter Gross, Alex Litt and Mr, and Mrs, -
Russell Litt, London; John Darling,
St. Marys; Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Jeff-
rey, Alex Gordon and Mrs. C. Pope,111 Cll I , 111111111111111111111.1111111111111111 cy�
Stratford; Velma Elliott, Windsor �tteirelia-44KIZTellFe;/,*F.-(1:/.411'0-7brofcci
Miss Betty Jeffrey, Mi•s, D. Talmage
and Miss Margaret Strubb, Kitchen -
Peace on Earth and goodwill to man.
er; Miss Anne Gordon, Walton, Mr' The United Church S.S. is busy
and Mrs. Robert Campbell, Seaforth, practising for their Church
well as many other friends from
Mitchell and surrounding district: In taimnent which will be held on Dec.
torment took place in the Presbyter- A splendid White Gift service was
inn Cemetery, Mitchell. `hold on Sundaymorning when the
Word was received here of the g
death of a native of Hibbert Town. Sunday School supplied the program
ship, Joseph NIeGiratb, in Detroit on with the superintendent presiding.
Monday. Ile was the eldest son of The choir was composed of the
Mr. and Mrs. John McGrath and was younger S.S. scholars who led. in the
service of song and also sang, a very
good number. Three small girls also
sang a number. There were also a
dialogue by small boys and recita-
tion by another wee girl. Rev. A. E.
Menzies told the story of how the
light of the Saviour came to the
world and spread from one to an-
other. The light was explained by
the pastor by having a table of
many candles which be lit one by
one during his story. The white gift
offerings weie brought to the altar
by the several classes and laid in
the manta The attendance was not
as large as formerly owing; no doubt.
to marry- being laid uta With the. flu.
The (aurawas decorated With flow-
ers anti small Christmas trees which
added to the effect of Christmas.
.Mrs, Robt. Townsend and 74is
Fern Watson spent the week end at:
Private Leotard Radford epent
the week end with Itis parenia, Mr.
and Mrs, Ab Radford,
Miss Beth Govier, London, spent
LONDESBORO the week end at home,
Mt'. James Hesselwood, who for
the past few weeks has been ill at
his sister's, Mrs. Melville, has re-
turned to Mrs, Martha Leiner's.
Born—1n Clinton Hospital on
Dec. 9th to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Radford. Londesboro, a son,
111111111111111111111111111.111111111111101111.11111, 1,1"1'11111111111111
Will he the same pleasure it
has always been at Savauge's.
The variety of. Gift Goods is
still as large as ever and the
values are quite the sante- as
they have always been.
While same lines are a little
short, and some periodically
"out" they are arriving and .
fortunately this Christmas
finds no lack of variety, quan-
tity or quality. -
Where lilies of goods are out
iperiodically) we have lines
aided and so the variety re
Under the present inorchandis-
leg difficulties we are sparing
no effort to serve you as well
1.d unstintingly -during the
war yes rs as in the peace
y ears. -
You will solve your Cht'istntae
shoppiag problems very nicely
this season at
Opposite Post Office
Phoue 194
Res. 10
in his 40th year. He is. survived by
his wife, Itis patents, two sisters:
Mrs. Walter Blonde, Chatham, and
Mrs. Edward Conlin, Granton, and
one brother, John, of Ottawa. The
funeral was held in Detroit.
The annual meeting of the Angli-
can Ladies' Guild, Dublin, was held at
the home of Mrs:- Albert Rock, Owing
to the influenza epidemic, many mem-
bers were absent. The president, Mrs.
Albert Reck, opened the meeting by
singing a Christmas hymn. Prayers
for the parish and for the armed
forces were offered by Rev, Dr, Hur-
ford, The secretary, 11Ite, Jahn Diehl,
read the minutes of the previous
meeting and very encouraging res
parts et the activities of the past
year were read by the Treasurer, -
Miss Evelyn..Moore. A restitution was
adopted to re -appoint the' officers for
114.1: President Mrs: Albert Rock:
vice president, lilts, Wilbur Mothers: -
secretary, Mrs. John 1)ieltl; treastuer,
Miss .Evelyn Moore. After a vote of
thanks had beets tenderers' to Rev. Dr.
Hurford, the meeting was cloyed with
the benediction. 17ainty refreshments
were served by the hostess and a
.group of volunteer assistants,
The Christmas meeting of the
W.14I.S, was held on Wednesday,
Dec. 8th in the school room of the
church with Mrs. Townsend presid-
ing, Meeting opened by singing a
Christmas hymn' followed with the
prayer for peace, Roll call was an-
swered by a verse ox Scripture with
the word Peace. The word for Feb,
will be "Give." The slate of officers
for 10.11 was read. After business
and discussions were over the meet-
ing was left in charge of Group No,
a. In the absence of Miss Young,
Miss Kirk took the chair. It being
the Christmas meeting several
Christmas carols were sung during
the program. In the candle light ser-
vice representing the Light of. the
World, the many candles' all lighted
made a very impressive and beauti-
ful service hard to describe. Anoth-
er interesting item on the program
was the presentation of a life mem-
bership certificate to Mrs. Win: Hesk
from the Society. The secretary'
-Mrs. W, 15, Manning, read the ad-
dress. Mrs, Nellie Watson, -the treas-
urer, presented the certificate, Mrs,
Hesk was taken completely by sur-
prise but thanked the Society in a
few words for the gift, The school
room was nicely decorated with
Christmas decorations which added
greatly to the Christmas spirit of
Mr, and Mrs. EIgin Pehlke and -
baby Garry of West Monkton visited
recently with the fortner's uncle and
aunt, Mr. and Mrs. WM. J. David-
Mr. John Baker has again started
his chopping mill for the winter
Quite a number in this vicinity
are ill with the fiu.
The many friends of Mr, John
Love are sorry to hear of him being
ill and hope for him a- speedy recov-
Mr, and; Mrs. Eric Switzer have
returned home after assisting at the
home of Mrs, Wm. McLaughlin who
is i11.
A. little girl has come to the -home
of Mr, and Mrs. Eldon 3arrott.
Mrs, John Baker is visiting with
Mr. and. bins, Wm. McLaughlin.
The children are busy practising
8o1' their annual school entertain-