The Seaforth News, 1943-12-02, Page 3DO YOU SEE WHAT 1 SEE? If the Japs see the photo above, Radio Tokyo will probably start chattering about a now U. S. "secret weapon" or that America's gasoline shortage is so critical that steam engines with tall smoke.- Stacks moke.Stacks now power the Flying Fortresses. But the weird effect is just an optical illusion, due to Fortress being right behind a steam boiler which produces steam for cleaning planes. Photo was taken as repair crew at depot in Australia worked on plane, which had been raked by bullets from Jap fighters. LETTERS FROM YOU KNOW WHERE Popular as Santa Claus is this mailman distributing le fighting• men on Espiritu Santo, New Hebrides. tters to • Have You Heard? Walking round the barracks, the ooloneI noticed a long queue of glen waiting outside the stables. lliach held a lump of sugar. "I'm glad to see you love ani- mals so much," he remarked to one recruit, "I suppose the horse you're giving the sugar to is the pet of the regiment?" "Not 'arf, sir," replied the re- cruit. "He's the one what kicked the sergeant." Officer In charge of rifle range: "Dont' you know any better than to point an empty gun at me?" Raw Recruit: "But It Isn't empty, sir; It's loaded." —0— "If there is one thing I enjoy more than another," said Sprucer, "Jt is to get to the river banks and Ile about fishing." "Why, I fail to see the necessity for you going to the banks of the river to do that," remarked Mrs. dprucer quietly. —0— A !addle at college named Breeze Weighed down by B.A.'s and M.D: s, Collapsed from the strain, Said the doctor: "it's plain You're killing yourself by de- grees." IIENEEMEMEMEMEGEZEIZEMEMYmimel WAN ED WILD AND RANCH MINK.? Also highest market prices pnid for n11 other u. RAW FURS Ship toa reliable Canadian firm where you can depend upon hon- est grading and satisfactory prompt returns. Prlceltst and tags aro sent free, for the ask- ing. Remittance sent same day as shipment received, and In the meantitnewe -hold shipment aside subiect to your approval of our valuation. Established 1904. J. YAFFE & SONS 98 Spadini Avenue, Dept. C, TOItON'r'O, ONTARIO. "Men are only grown-up boys," says a woman novelist. ....The child who used to take the clock to pieces to see how it worlcs now does the same to his car to see why it doesn't. —o— "Is this the pugilist who was run into by a motorist?" asked the house surgeon. "No; he's the motorist who ran into the pugilist." ( 9 9 "Do you know that your wife is going about telling everybody that you can't keep her in clothes?" "That's nothing. I bought her a home and I can't keep her in that either." Grasshopper green is to be the fashionable color in wool this spring. The very thing for jumpers. Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1. Is it obligatory to send a gift when a wedding invitation or an- nouncement has been received? 2. Is it correct to eat bananas with the fingers, when at the table? 3. Are punctuation narks used when writing formal invitations and replies? 4. What is the correct way to eat baked potatoes? 6. Where is the proper place for the bridegroom's mother to sit at the wedding C ed lin breakfast? tv. g 6, Flow mach of the hand should be dipped into the finger bowl? Answers 1. It is obligatory to send a gift when an invitation has been re- ceived, but an announcement does not require one. 2. No; they should be skinned, placed on the dessert plate, and then cut with the side of the font. 3. No. 4. Tliey should be served split, with butter in the heart.Smooth the butter into the potato which is eaten from the skin, Do not take the potato from the skin and mash it on the plate. 6. She should be seated at the right of the bride's fattier. 6. Only Y the fingertips, one hand at a time. Unbiased Opinion on Bonds, Industrials, Oils, Mines C. Fields & o. 200 Bay St. Toronto PARTNERS — C. C. Fields, J. C. Aller, G. D, Adams F. Rose, R. Paynter, J, V, Brooks Stockings—One Pair For Each Genian The German press announced that German women now may buy a pair of stockings each. Clothing ration cards for adults for all types of apparel have been useless for months until the announcement on stockings. J. Gerald Godsoe Mr. Godsoe, of Toronto, aue- ceeds Henry Borden, K.C., as Co- ordinator of Controls and Chair- man of the Wartime Industrial Control Board, Department of Munitions and Supply. Mr. Godsoe has been associate co-ordinator since 1942. He is on loan to the Government from the Confeder- ation Life Association of which he is assistant general manager. uismissixtutamameszingmsamisam NEW AND USED IRON AND WOODWORKING MACHINERY MOTORS - - - SUPPLIES THE ALISON MACHINERY COMPANY LIMITED =08 Sintcoe Street - Toronto 2B, i)r a 1647y .or Money Back e'orquiek concur= itching of eczema, pimples, sib lete'e foot, scales, scabies, rnshesnndother ertcrnall) mused skin daub es, use f,nmcdng, cooling, mu septic, liquid D. D. D. Prescription. Greaseless etmnless. Sootirea Iarltation mdquickly stops bnene. Irchiug.35a triol bottlepraresiy ormoney back. Ad roue drusaist roans far DJ):D. PRESCRIPTION. HOW TO RELIEVE PILE TORTURE RE QUICKLY AND EASILY !t you are [retested with nailing plies or rectal soreneae, do not de- lay treatment and run the tisk of letting MS condition become chron- ic. Any itching or soreness or Painful passage of stool Is uature's warning and proper treatment should be secured at once, For this purpose get a pacaage of Ham -Rola from any druggist and use as directed. This formula which is used Internally is a small, easy to take tablet, MB qulckly relieve the itching and soreness and ald In stealing the sore tender spots. Hem -Hold Is pleasant to use, is highly recommended and It seems the height of folly for any one to risk 'a painful and chronic pile con- dition when such a fine remedy may be had at such a small cost, tr you try Hein -Bold and are not entirely pleased with the results, your druggist will gladly return your money. PIL Sufferers of bleeding and protruding piles should know Bunkers Herbal Pills treat the cause at its source. Money back if the first bottle does not satisfy. Buy from your druggist. "MIDDLE -AGE" WOMEN EN (yrs -o d) HEED THIS ADVICE!! If you're cross, restless, NSRVOUS- suffer hot fiaehes, dizziness -caused by this period in a woman's llfe— try Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound, Made espeotaitt, for women. flundfede of thousands re- marltably helped. Follow label areas Rome Made in Canada, Record. Moverneut Of Hogs To Market Records are being made in the slaughter of Canadian hogs, but labor available for packing plants still is hardly sufficient to keep pace with the flow, according to Agriculture Department officials. Last week 103,000 hogs were killed in Canadain plants --10,000 more than the previous record for a week—but unprecedented runs to market indicated that all problems still were not overcome. The movement el hogs to mar- ket in Canada Is paralleled by a similer flow in the United States -here pens in country districts are beingjammed as packing plants aro unable tt handle offer- ed shipments. Officials in Ottawa said that in recent weeks additional labor has become available in Canadian plants, which now are working near capacity. The prospect, however, is .,lust hog marketings will cantiLue to gain into Decem- ber, with furtlitr strain on han- dling facilities. In September Saskatellewan marketed 07 per cent. more hogs than in the same month last year, Quebec recorded a gain of 82 per cent,; Jlanitoba, 28 per cent.; /British Columbia, 10; Alberta, 11; the Maritimes nearly 9 and Ontario 7. Under recent Selective Service regulations, essential packing plant workers were frozen in their jobs. In addition, an estimated 2,000 to 2 600workers have entered the plants for the rush period. Woman Grows Her Own Knitting Yarn Mrs. Larry F, Evans of Nia- gara galls goes right on knitting in spite of a reported shortage of pure Angora worsted yarn. She grows her own—literally. A year ago Mrs, Evans invested in a pair of Angora rabbits and took a course in processing of the yarn which she spins on an antique spinning wheel. Surplus yarn is sent to a Quebec mill. i' 'VARICH LARDER A REAL LIVE PROSPECT Good surface conditions. A large drill will start operations this week. We recommend this stock. GEORGE CHAPMAN & COMPANY 200 BAY STREET — TORONTO Gasoline consumption in Den- mark is only one per cent. of the pr3-war rate, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ARTICLES WANTED HIGHEST PRICES PAID LOP. Cornets, Trumpets, Clarinets, Saxophones, ete, Shelton -Sher- wood Co. Ltd„ 365A Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. BABY CHICKS TUU LA'T'E 'TOO LATE NEXT SPRING DON'T LET 1T BE said "too late," Send for our price list and order your baby chicks now, One dollar books your order. Goddard Chick Hatchery, Britan- nia Heights, Ont, HAVE YOU (JUn PRncELIST7 WE are "latching to order and 1f you want chicks for this year or early next, pieaeu let's have your order soon. We still have a few laying pullets for - immediate delivery. Bray fltachery, 131 John St. N., I3antilton, Ont. 1T WILL PAY YOU TO BUY SOME of those ready to lay and laying pillets. Extremely low prices on White Leghol'ne, also Marred Rocks and other pure breeds and hybrids, all ages from 16 weeks up to laying, Also Fall hatched day old chicks. Free catalogue and prlcclist, Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ont. BULLS FOR SALE JERSEY BULLS RAI]Y FOR R SE - vice, Two class "A" bulls, excel- lent pedigrees; price 1100. Max- welton Farrel, St, Anne de Belle- vue, Que. BULLS FOR SALE DUAL PURPOSE SHORTHORNS. Bulls fat for service, younger bulla and bull calves. Thrifty, good eine and bone, high produc- tion, choice quality. Ross Martin- dale, Caledonia, Out, HER118 IIEISBAL REMEDIES. WRITE FOR Free Catalog, Forty years' exper- ience. Nowell's Herbal Labor- atory, 10 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, B.C. DRAG: SAW WANTED WANTED USED -WADE DRAG Saw. Write giving model, condi- tion, price etc. Ledru Helsel, Drayton, Ont. DY PIING & OE.n]ANING HAVE YOU ANYTItINt1 NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for Information. We are glad to answeryour questions. Departs ment Il. Parlcer'e Dye Works Limited, 191 Yonge Street. To.' route. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT ELECTRIC SIOTOItS NIIW. USED, bought, sold, rebuilt; belts, pulleys, brushes. Allen Electric Company Ltd., 2326 Dufferin St., Toronto. FARMS FUEL SALE $0truidrTVedisric , fully eqppe,lag Jersey herd, two mouses, year round water supply. P.O. ilex 514, Ottawa. ONE IHUNDREI) AURES, UX - bridge Township, one mile from hCation and school, rural mail, co Hydro, telephone, chilled well. batik barn, fraine house, drive shed, hog pen, 011 noes wurlcabie. 11 r nest Morgason. Goodwood, RR. 1. FANNING 211(1, i'.INNINCI MILI, (Kline) I'IROVED best seed grader. Screening re- ptiles. Mine Manufacturing, 420 Willard Ave, Toronto. Tr0it SALE REG, YOR.IMSI1ILIild 2 BOARS AND several cows from prize-winning stock. Reg. Lincoln Rant- and ewe Lambs. Write for prices to Ernest Ford, IL No. 3, Dutton, Ont. STEAM BOILER, HIGH 1P1111SSURE, Locomotive Type, 30 H,P, Sep- arate Engine good condition. Garfield Barrie, Route 8, Arn- prier, Ont. • QUILTING PATCHES Ii'ROM FINE MEN'S SUITINGS OR overcoating, sizes 6 x 18, 9 x 9, 9 x 0. Price from 25c up, per pound. Trial package $L09. Louis Rice, 391 Spading Avenue, To- ronto. FOOT BALM HAUMEEILA FOOT BALM deatroye orfeneive odor Instantly, 45c bottle.. Ottawa agent, Denman Drug Store Ottawa "'UL'Ill'1RY (121:'1' POt!LTRY ORiT: WHITE LIMB- stml, In 100 Ib. bags. Im,nediate delivery in carloads or smaller quantities, write for 50mples and prices, STINSON REIMS SUPPLY Co., Limited, 5585 Delorimler Ave„ MontreaL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS HATCHERY Fon SALE P R 0 MS N E -N T GOVERNMENT - approved hatchery, thirty thous- and equipped capacity, ninety thousand business capacity, grow- ing concern. Write Macfarland's Hatchery, 261 Regent Street, Ring- stnn. H.tilt GOODS Only firm in Canada manufacturing ladies' and gentlemen's hair goods exclusively, 1Vrite ua far partici' lars. WHITE'S HAIR GOODS 258 Yonge St., Toronto, Ontario HAIR DR ISSS1NG SCHOOL L E A RN HAIRDRESSING THIO Robertson method. Information 073 request regarding classes. Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. HOME FOR AGED E L D E R L I ES COMFORTABLE Home, Plenty home grown food, spring water, warm and cheer- ful. Hannigan Home For The .Aged, R.R. No. 8, Woodbridge. HELI' WANTED MARRIED MAN FOR UP-TO-DATE fruit farm on Niagara River Boulevard, yearly employment, good separate house, free Hydro, summer wood and garden spot. Please state nationality, age, farming experience, size of fam- ily and wages expected. C. How- ard Fisher & Sons, Queeoston, Ont. APPLICATIONS A R E INVITED from young women with good education, to enter the School for Nurses, Toronto East General Hospital. Limited vacancies in class now commencing. Apply Toronto East General Hospital, Coxwell at Sammon Ave„ To- ronto 6, Ontario. HOUSES FOR SALE $20,000, FINE OLD OTTAWA REST - donee 18 rooms, easily converted. o!1 heated, exceptional. P.O, Box 544, Ottawa. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 'WANTED BAND AND ORCHESTRA INSTRU- ments, Piano Accordtans, etc., may be turned into ready cash, Send details and price to Whaley Royce & Company, 310 Yonge St., To- ronto 1, Ontario. PATENTS FI3THE1tS1UNHAUG14 & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established 1890; 19 Ring West, Toronto. Booklet of information on re- gneat. PH OTO GRA I'HY PHOTO CHRISTMAS CARDS 12 FOR 69c Select your favourite negatives and. send to us. We'll return 12 prints Mounted un tl Oue ive embossed greeting cards, with envelopes for mailinal greeting for cls The most et the greeting cards you can get—the kind your friends will keep—cards that men on active service at home and overseas like to get. Order early, (2 Photographs on Calendars for 25c.) STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 121), P08501 'Terminal A, Toronto "Your quality in colouring and de- veloping is excellent," writes a cus- tomer at Peterborough, Ont. "and your service 1s prompt and guaran- teed. I ant particularly fascinated with the coloured enlargements and Christmas cards. Your prices for such quality work are really econ- omical and 1 appreciate your prompt, reliable service" Any Size (1011-6 or 8 Exposures. DEVELOPED AND I'IttN'r51D 25e 8 MOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS tae. Size 4 x 6" in ULaut!ful Easel Mounts. You can have enlargements colour- ed be hand fm' a small additional charge, Framed Enlargements 4" x 6", on Ivory tint mounts, In frames 7" x 5", Burnished Gold or Silver, Giireaseian Walnut or Sheik Ebony finish 00,,; if enlargement coloured 70e. Print your name and address plain- ly on all orders, MAIL YOUR FILMS TO IMPERIAL I'01t QUALITY, service and eatlefaction, 6 or 8 eepoaui'o 1l],nd 5, fepfinta 8 for 25a Iinprriai ]'burp Service, 815 - tion J, Toronto. . DreTEC'rit id (2(1(1119(5 BECOME, ,t DSer ECT IVLi — 5I111 and women \er 17, harried to learn HetutUc, Work, s,`(9'7.1 nrry ice. 1'Ltsy e naso by m.til 5Vr/l, for tree f ,0' ]I"n 51 .1,1]1,n Box 20, Slate:II T., hiutntleut. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS LEARN TO DANCE LEARN TO DANCE. WALTZ, FOX Trot, Rhumba. Latest steps with Diagrams 36e. E, Lawrence, 73 West Street, Halifax, N.S. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE GUERNSEY C 0 W S, I4EIFERS bulls, R.0,P. tested by tested bulls. Pure bred, accredited, Bangs free Foremost line etock. Glen- orchy Farm, Richmond 11111, Ont. SIEDICAL STOP ITCHING TORTURES OF eczema, psoriasis, ringworm, ath- lete's foot and other akin irrita- tions with Erik's Ointment No. 6, prescription of noted satin_ spec- ialist, Itch relieved promptly, skin healed quickly or money re- funded. $LUQ $2.00, Mail orders filled promptly. Order today tram Mikis Medicine Co„ Dept. 26, Box 234, Saskatoon. TOROSAN TABLETS 10015 VIM, Vigour, Vitality. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. S1. International Drug Products, 9999222 Bimini, Montreal. BITTER HERBS TONIC, CORRECTS disorders of stomach, liver; kid- neys, bowels. One month treat- ment, live Dollars; three months, Five Dollars. CoopeRemedies, Yonge Street, Toronto. WANTED—EVERY SUFFERER OF Rheumatic Pains Or Neuritis to try Dixon's Remedy, Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Post- paid Mee. 01010ER TO INVENTORS AN OFFER TO 17VERY INVENTOR List of inventions and full infor- mation sent free. The Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada. PERSONAL 120 WAYS TO MAKE MONEY AT home in spare time, 6 dollars- a day, booklet of 124 pages one dollar postpaid. Mike "gnash, 145 Margueretta Ave., Toronto 4, Out. "ELIJAH COMING EEFO1E Christ", wonderful book free. Megiddo Mission, Rochester 11, N.Y. RILIEU'MATIO PAINS FRUIT JUICES: THE PRINCIPAL ingredients in Dixon's Remedy, for Rheumatic Pains, Neuritis. Sold 'only Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.06. SCHOOL DESKS FOR SALE 801100L DESKS, 60 STANDARD singles, fronts, rears' Size 5, re- built, refinished like new $7,50 unit f.o.b. warehouse. Box 31 Lansing. SAWMILL FOR 15161T SAWMILL(three besot lcc 1 car - 'gage) to mount on sleigh ,:,r µbee -a. A. Baiter, Gravenhu)st. TEACHER RANTED SMONC FALLS — QUALIFIED teacher for ungraded school, to conum•nee Ju unary term, 12 pu- pils. Salary $1,0110 10 51,300, de- pending on qunllficatic'ns. School. situated in hydro development cumutunity, 50 miles front S5apus•- ka'ing. served by railway and free bus eelvire. Excellent board and 'edging accommodation at low rate at COmpatl\'-operated staff house. Apply stems., quali- fications. ago, na1110 and add) ss 01 lust Inspector, to R. T. Well- ardeole Secretary, S.N. No. 1 Har- mon. Tar- m ,n,T., Lpnslrasing, 00 lark?, RAW 14'tl11S WANTED 01E 816TH Olt THOUSANDS iT will pay you to ship to Ont a lore rlumher-owned ?Fur ('u -operative to receive the highest market price. Write for shipping tags anti advice forms. Ontario Fur Farm - ere' Co-operative, Limited, 60 Yorkville Street, Toronto. TA I'N5%'OItM STOMACH AND ''HR15350 WORMS often nee the entree of ill -hearth in humins telt ages. No one ens mune! Why hot find out Ir this is your trouble? 0ntereetl ul; ea r2 titulars Free) Write Mulvenei's Romedlt. Speci1Usts Toronto 5, Ont. 11 S' S FOR x51,1 C MOi('ih 111)1)!)41 511. h, T i'IILS 12) t d Ilroml lirenst, d license Ii c tiers Sol 't'mt l 0 0111 mei rnpge reared aril se. ri ',nt limit 0 \'I7r 1 C cd, lil\(dtont- oil 1. Iµ LsiMot ,tv,(n. tn,- it-.,1,'d 11onv'y, boo 'NMI ),, heir d, rale -o t It Is. 11 as y hal 5 d. 'I'nm, 1l .n,. liens 9b.nn, OM. 1, 111, tonic!. 1 .aril ?ted Ilcrtn,m Aloe on, \ h, Cr:. ig', Ont.