HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1943-12-02, Page 1nnnuluunuD16AREST41 'RIENDmluluuwunl
Dearest Meud, the time has come
When we must lm, our separate ways.
And se 1 wish you all good for'tuue
Until the dawn or llaprter days.
Many friends have had to part.
But through the ilnrtings nod the tears,
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Successful Concert
Held By Taxis
Good Crowd Present At North
Side Church on Monday
A good crowd attended the Taxis
concert in the United Church school -
zoom on Monday evening, The first
part of the program was the sound -
movie picture "Champion Coal”
shown by Mr, George Ewens of Wa-
terloo, through the courtesy of the
Pittsburg Coal Co., of Toronto. This
picture proved both entertaining
and educational, showing the story
of coal from its earliest beginning to
the time it reaches the coal bin. A
smart puppet show proved a popular
number. It was given by six Publics
School pupils, Mona Bennett, Betty
Langford, Margaret Stevens, Glen
Nixon, Michael. BeChely and Fred
Taylor, ander the direction of Miss
Winnifred Savauge. A solo by Miss
Lois Whitney, piano selection by
Ernie Clarke, and a guitar duet by
Harold and Bob Knight brought
hearty applause.
The final number was an exciting
sound -movie picture, "Snow -Thrills,"
followed by the National Anthem.
The proceeds amounted to $40.30.
The concert was under the auspices
of the Tuxis Boys. Half the net
proceeds will be used for Overseas
E. L. OX
Red Cross Notes
The executive of the Red Cross
; Society wishes to thank the units of
Walton, Winthrop, St. Columban,
Constance, Duff's, Women's Institute
Ifor their splendid response to the
I appealfor the Blood Donor's Bene-
fit Clinic, also the town of Seaforth
and Egmondville, The total received
is $304,40, Not only in this appeal
1, have the units responded so well,
; but the treasury is swelling with
fund-raising event receipts very
i A gift of $100 has been received
'with the request that it be spent on
warm garments for British Bombed
Victims; So the committee has pur-
unchased such warm garments as
sweaters, breeches and skirts and in-
vite you to come and see the com-
plete purchase on Friday afternoon
at the work room.
Northside United Church
Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister.
11 a.m. "The Sacrament of the
Lord's Supper,"
2.30 p.m. Sunday School
7 p.m. Evening Worship.
Thurs. S p.m. Pre0ommunion Ser-
Egmondville United Church
Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B,A.,B.D.
10 a.m., Sunday School.
11 a.m,, Communion Service, "The
Free Choice of Jesus,"
7 p.m., "Returning Good For EVIL"
Preparatory service Friday, Decem-
ber 3rd, at 8 p.m. "Christ's Sayings
on the Cross."
St. Thames Church
Rector, Rev. Dr. Hurford.
11 a.m. "Joseph -- Confidence in
the Right."
7 p.m. "Signs of the End."
• Sunday School 10 a.m.
St. Mary's Church, Dublin
2,26 p.m. Sunday School.
3 p.m. "Signs of the End."
First Presbyterian Church
Rev. Hugh Jack, Minister.
S.S., 10 a,m.
Morning subject, "A Definition of
the Faith,"
Evening subject, "Life's Chamber
of Peace."
Mid -week meeting Thursday at 8
Mr. and Mrs, Roy A, MaMane, Eg-
mondville, formerly of Atwood, Ont-
ario, wish to announce 'the engage -
merit of their daughter Gladys May,
to Robert Kenneth Cornish, of RCAF,
Montreal, P.Q., son of Mr. and Mrs.
L. G, Cornish, St, Marys Rd., Strat-
ford, The wedding will take place on
Christmas Day in the United Church,
Atwood, Ontario:
Word has been received by his
mother and friends here from Charlie
Wood, who is recovering from a
wound received in the fighting in
Italy. He had been wounded over the
eye, and later became ill with malaria
and jaundice. A number of others
from this district aro in the Medit-
erranean area with the same Unit.
The following is a list of work
completed in the month of Novem-
Knitting: 40 socks, 5 1. seamen's,
2 alt. caps, 16 pr. gloves, 6 ribbed
helmets, 1. W.A. cardigan, 1 scarf,
12 turtle neck sweaters, 1 round
neck sweater.
Hospital -6 gauze handkerchiefs,
4 bed jackets, 48 triangular band-
ages, 28 hot water bottle covers, 82
bath towels, 64 abdominal binders,
78 f. towels, 4 surgeons gowns.
Br. Civilian -6 girls blouses, 3
pinafore dresses, 7 nightgowns, 4
boys' longs, 6 boys shirts, . 1 boys
coat, 1 pyjamas, 2 dresses, 7 babies
gowns, 49 diapers, 22 pads,
Capture parcels -8 pyjamas, 51
face cloths, 12 handkerchiefs.
Quilts -13 returned to work room,
7 made in work room, 3 donated, 18
tops donated, 3 bi-product tops.
The Girls' W.A, of St. Thomas'
Church ,net in the parish hall Tues-
day evening with Jean Agar in
charge. The meeting opened with a
hynni, after which prayers and a
Bible reading were given by the
acting president. Eight girls answer-
ed the roll call. Christmas calendars
were distributed for the girls to sell.
A solo by Maxine McBrien was very
much enjoyed. The ,election of offic-
ers for the corning year then follow-
ed: Honorary President, Mrs. Chas.
Holmes; president, Lilliali South-
gate; vice-president, Marion McGav-
in; treasurer, Maxine McBrien; sec-
retary, June Shaw; social service
work, Dorothy Agar.
The meeting was closed with the
A special blood donors' clinic is
being held on Wednesday evening of
this week for the convenience of
those who might not be able to at-
tend the main clinic on Thursday.
A -total of nearly 200 blood donors
is expected at the two clinics.
The Farm Forum of Circuit 651
held their weekly meeting at the
]come of Mr.. and Mrs, Frank Up-
Seaforth. This meeting was a
little different as it was a review of
the previous three weeks, A social
evening was spent in cards. The
winners: ladies' first, Mrs. Hay; con-
solation, Mrs. Ilarvey Moore; gents'
first, Mr. Wm. Irvine; consolation,
Mr. Gordon Remolds. Mr. and Mrs.
James Love wish to thank the neigh-
bors and members of the Forum for
the help they received during the
time of the fire, also for their gen-
erosity towards them. After lunch
Mr. Alexander thanked the host and
hostess for the invitation to spend
the evening with thein. The meeting
closed with the singing of the Na-
tional Anthem, The meeting next
week will be held at Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Gemmell's.
Mrs, Eyre Sr. left on Saturday to
spend the winter with her son at
Mr. and Mrs, Robt, Dalrymple
have returned home after spending
a few Clays in St. Catherines with
the latter's sons, Mr. and Mrs, Robt,
Varley and family and Mr. and Mrs.
George Varley and: Frank.
bfr. Wm. Finlayson of Toronto
visited with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs, James Finlayson over the week
Two Bayfield Fliers
Peelle 84
$1 a year
SHOWER HELD FOR '.Election For Reeve .
Reported Missing
__ A shower was held at the hone of 1
Sgt. John Armstrong and Thos. Mrs. Wilfred Coleman on Tuesday 1 Nine Municipalities Give Ac-
Scotchmer Missing After Air night in -honor of suis Alice Hudson,' I clama: ions --Another Nomi••
Operations bride -elect of this month, About 00
I nation in 1-lullett for Council
relatives and friends were. present. _ _
SAYFIELD 1 r o •ressive euchre was enjoyed. with 1 three cornered ilf-ht for file
ladies first prize going to Mrs. Chas. re«'vesliip of Hulk" township in tate
Eyre and gents first to Mr, Chas. result of qualifioatioue completed be -
Eyre, A mock wedding followed with fore 9 p.m. on Saturday. and an -
those taking part as follows:—Bride, other nomination will be called to
Miss Mabel' Cameron; groom, 11Irs, complete the personnel of the council.
Hugh Chesney; minister, Miss Aud• Those who qualified for council were
Tey Cochrane; bridesmaid, Mrs, Roy William J. Dale, William Jewitt anal
Consitt; groomsman, Mrs. Chas. Victor Kennedy, and a fourth is re -
Eyre, The address was read by Mrs,
entree! to complete the taunts,. Two
Sid Gemmel] and the gifts were of those who qualified to contest the
drawn in on a beautifully decorated reeveship were also nominated for
basket and wagon by Masters Bruce couneil but preferred to try for the
and Kenneth Coleman, nephews of higher office. The three who qualified
the bride -elect. Lunch brought an for council are sleeted by aeelanra-
with her mother, Mrs. F. A. Ed- enjoyable evening to a close. tion,• An eleetton will be held on
wards, '"Alice stud Dalton: Men day for reeve between John
Pte. Ella McKay of the CWAF, of "We, your friends, relatives and fel-
; Armstrong, George Brown aiul Ira
Windsor, spent a 48 hour leave with low sufferers, If you, have tears, pre- I Rapeon.
her parents, Mr, and Mrs. H. Mc- 'pare to shed them now: In honor to At Blyth six qualified to contest. the
Kay. our new homemakers, We are gath-
ered here, I vow to the closing time of 9 o'clock Sat -
"Alice of the taffy tresses, Who'll ureloy night. They ore Franklin Bain -
share in all that Dalton possesses;
" In Hallett Twp.
Mach sympathy goes out from the
whole community to the families of
Mr'. Wm, Scotchmere and Mr. Archie
Armstrong. Mr. Scotchmere got word
on Sunday that his son, Sgt. Thoma$
Scotchmere was missing and on
Tuesday Mr, Armstrong received
word that their son, Flight Sergt,
John Armstrong was missing'.
Mrs, Robt, Watson and son Ed-
wards, left on Monday for their
home in Saskatchewan, Mrs, Watson
and son have spent the past surmnee
Mr. L. Smith and Mr. M. Talbot of
the Blue Water Highway sponsored
a dance in the town hall on Friday
evening, A record crowd was in at-
tendance. and $27 was handed over
to the fund for comforts for the
boys overseas.
Mrs. Oliver W. Rhynas was in To-
ronto over the week end attending a
meeting of the public relations com-
mittee of the Ontario Hospital As-
Asociation. Mrs. Rhynas is First Vice
President of the Hospital Associa-
Mrs. Moore, wife of Rev, Max
Moore of Birmingham, Mich., was a
guest of her parents, Rev. Coldwill
and Mrs. Coldwill, over the week
Miss Jessie Metcalf spent the Am-
erican holiday with her mother, Mrs.
W. Metcalf.
Mrs. Mullen and Miss Ann Drouin
of Detroit_wereat the Drouin cittage
over the week end.
The nomination fur Village Trus-
tees of the Police Village of Bay-
field was held in the town hall Mon-
day evening. The tluee trustees were
returned by acclamation for 1944,
My. W. L. Ferguson, Mr. Jas. Robin-
son, Mr. Leslie Elliott. -
Mr. George Blair and Mr. Williard
Sturgeon left for Port Dover to se-
cure employment at the fishing
Mr. Spencer Ervine spent Satur-
day in Toronto and attended the
Toronto -Boston hockey match in the
Maple Leaf Gardens.
Mr. A. T. Erwin was in Wiarton
on Friday attending the funeral of
Mrs. A. Topping.
;four places on the Blyth council up
tor, Herbert Dexter, A. L. Kernic•k,
11111111111111,11111111111111111,111 n 111,111 N 11111111111111111111
are ruminate 'in staving
r.lcervett u rery large shipment
of Myott and Sons Eglish
Dinnervarl1 (levet droll` Eng-
This is now on display at
this store and comprises a wide
variety of patterns of new and
111trlu'tivo designs and color.
Tho quality i$ of course high
standard as it is made by Myatt
sr Sons of England,
Fred S. Savauge
Phone 191 Res. 10
MOO, ul,leI In 11, nnn111((piliu111nh11,111111111111 II
Dalton to himself 61(1 own, 'Man's Lorne Scrimgeour and Harold Vod-. DUBLIN
not meant to live alone.' A fair • (len, Reeve W. H,
Monett r' was neeor(1• Osborne -Meagher
companion he did crave, So Alice r 1 ti Friday's y' Henan
her consent she gave. 1 $tion meeting. ' A pretty autumn wedding was sol -
"When on that day they go to There will also be an election this ctnuiz,••tl at St. Peter's Cathedral.
manse, That will climax their sweet yetu in the town of Goderich. Elec- London, ou November 20, when Miss
romance; Alice then will say, 'T do," tions were averted in Hensall, How- Anne Marie Meagher, eldest daltgh-
Dalton will say that he does too; ick, West Wawanosh, East Wawa- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Stens Meagher,
'You, with this ring, sweet girl, T nosh, Colborne. Turnberry, Ashfield, Dublin, was united in marriage to
take; My bachelor's freedom hence-
Goderich townshp, Flight Sgt. F. Osborne, eldest son of
forth to forsake. You, in turn, must There will be an election in Gode- Mr. Walter Osborne and the late
darn my sox, Milk the cows, and rich this year for the deputy reeve. Mrs. Osborne, of Vancouver, Tee
feed the Rocks,' ship and council. When the hour of bride chase a street length gown of
"Now Dart's nightly trips are o'er,
qualifying closed Saturday night, R, cogen blue with. navy accessories and
At home now he can sleep and snore, E. Turner. former reeve, had been crannied a bouquet of Talisman roses.
So with these gifts we wish You elected mayor by acclamation and W. The bridesmaid was Miss Cicely
well, More happiness than we can J Baker ,tamed to succeed him as Heauieon, London, who was dressed
tell. When by the fire at night you
reeve. Seven qualified to contest the in a street length frock of beige with
sit, We beg of you to think of it six places on the town council. They brown accessories, and carried a bou-
How we in friendship gathered here are E. D. Brown, who has been quet of .Bra iarclitTe roses Joseph P.
To honor you with thoughts sin-
601 some years, J. E. Huckins, Meagher. Stratford, brother of the
$ere." David Sproul, S. H. Prevett, R. G. bride, was best man. The bride -
: Sanderson, George J. MaeEwan and groom's gift to the bride was a chest
(1an arc ams on at'rids n
KIPPEN Alex Butler. W. C. Attridge and D. of silver, to the bridesmaid, a brace -
D. Mooney are to contest the deputy let and to the best man, a wallet.
The community is glad to extend a reeveship. Mr. and 11Irs. Osborne will reside at
welcome to Mrs. Macdonald and her Ben Rathwell gets another terns by St. Thomas. Flight Sgt. Osborne is
little daughter as she takes up her acclamation in Goderich township, stationed at RCAF, Fingal,
duties of housekeeper for Norman and associated with him on the 1944
Long. council will be Robert Smith, James The citizens of Dublin and district
A well attended and successful R. Stirling, George C. Ginn and Ger- are contributing generously to the
thankoffering meeting was held on don Orr, the last named a new mem- campaign for warm clothing for
Sunday recently with the members of bei. There will be no election this Russia now in progress. Individuals
the Mission Band occupying the year in Goderich township. and organizations who wish to co -
front pews. The Rev. Mr. Grant told ;operate in this effort are asked to
the children a story of the little send their parcels to the Dublin War
girl who was about to move with her WINTHROP Services Club rooms as soon as poss-
parents to a lonely part of the ible as they expect to forward the
prairies, and who thought there was The choir concert held in Caven shipment not later than the second
neither Sunday School nor God there. Church last Thursday night was week in December.
The minister in his address discussed largely attended. The choirs from Mrs. Joseph O'Rourke received
the wisdom of winning others with Bethel, Duff's and Caven formed a ; word that her daughter, Mrs. Elwyn
special reference to the consecrated mixed choir and was greatly enjoyed. ' Young, formerly Nliss Irene 0' -
work of the W. M. S. beginning with They were under the leadership of Rourke, Reg. N., has twin daughters
the first little group in Prince Ed- Mr. Reg. Pryce. Several choruses, been in St. Michael's Hospital, Tor -
I THE CHURCH FRONT ward Island and of which one mem- duets, solos, were rendered by the onto.
1 ber was the grandmother of Drs, choir, .school children and adults. Alex. Young, Goderieh, with Mr.
Since Berlin has been subjected to George and Leslie Pidgeon, The Rev. Mr. Patton was chairman. and Mrs. George E. Holland.
repeated bombing attacks by the hymns and anthems were in keeping Readings were given by Rev. A. W. Mrs. Dominic Flynn and son,
allies, German propaganda agencies with the spirit of the day. At the Gardiner, Egmondville, and Rev. Thomas, Clinton, with Mr. and Mrs.
have cried out about the bombing of service were present friends of s0100 R. G. Hazelwood, of Walton. Meagher.
of the families in the congregation. Those taking part included: Mr. Corporal Borden Bayes, Campchurches. Do Nazi leaders care about Charlie Boyd, 0010; Mrs, Patton, Borden, with Mrs. Hayes and Mr.
The church ce on
and Mrs. John Walsh. Fand
Flight Sergeant . Osborne
Mrs. Osborne,Fingal, with Mr. and
Mrs. John Meagher.
Miss Leota Pym, Reg. N., Lon-
don, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Peter Ryan. - -
Mr. and Mrs, Hubert Feeney, of
churches? If eve could discover that solo; Mrs. Dale and Mrs. Herald
they dil, it would be news. will be conducted by the minister,y
In Canada it would be news if the who will take as his subject, "The Lawrence, duet; Miss Margaret Hab-
churches announced that there Challenge of the Open Door." . kirk, solo; Mrs. Stanley Hilden, solo;
would be no Christmas Services this The Mission Band is holding its Wayne Scott, solo; Ivy Henderson,
December meeting on Sunday, meet- solo; Donnie Pryce, solo; Glenn
year or no call to prayer. While our ing with the congregation for won- Pryce, violin selections. Accompan-
enemies at home and abroad become
more and more destructive of all that, ship then retiring for their own bus -sets were: Miss Scott, S.S. No. 4;
is highest and best in our world we iness and eapecially the story which Miss Dorothy Wright, S.S. No. '9;
feel the challenge to step outreso- is promised by Mrs. Thos. Kay. Reg, Pryce, S.S. No. 6; Mrs. Arnold Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. Martin
lutely to witness for Jesus Christ.' In anticipation of their Christmas Scott, Feeney.
Loth the Sunday School The benefit dance and euchre put :hiss Jean Burns, Galt. with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Burns,
Mr. and Mrs. Conway, Fergus,
with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carpenter.Mr, and Mrs. A. Forster, in Listo-
Mrs, Broughton, Atwood, with
NIT. and Mrs. Fergus Lannin.
Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Hannon
and family at Whalen.
Mr, and Mrs. James T. Malcolm in
Mr, and Mrs. George Robinson
and daughter Gladys, in Milverton.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Mathers and
daughter Helen at St. Marys.
Mr, and Mrs. George Pepper in
Stratford.The little daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Fergus Lannin is receiving
treatment in a London hospital.
Christ brought' good news to human- tree on use
ity and the power to put it into pupils are practising their numbers on by Winthrop Iced Cross unit for
effect in human life. We have that and el -ionises. The program this year blood donors clinic gave $23.25 in
good news to publish through the promises to be the best of its kind aid of clink. The treasurer, Mrs.
and will include a social hour. R. McFarlane, gave $70 to Red
churches to -day. The appeal of the Cross proceeds of Winthropbaking
good should move people to get into In view of the increased Christ- 1 p
action against enemies of Christ, alas trade' Miss Margaret Nation- sale.
Christ was ban for a sublime par- aid has been engaged by Mr. Doom Miss Beatrice Pryce of Stratford
to assist in the store, spent the week end with her par-
arpose. ,Nuts, Mr, and Mrs. John Pryce.
Who can longer stand aside when Mr. and Mrs. Hornet' with Mrs.
the battle of our Christian faith is Arnold Gackstetter who is leaving Following is a list of sewing done
to be won ? The challenge to tion, for a visit to StThomas, were at by Winthrop Red Cross unit for
unto God may never be given to us l Exeter on Monday. October: 4 ladies bed jackets, 1 boys
in a clearer way. People cats see that One of the surprising sights of shirt, 1 night gown, 101 towels, 28
1 this week was that of a moan doing pyjamas, 5 comfort bags, 2 pinafore
there are but two main camps.some of his plowing in the snow. Our. dresses, 5 abdominal bandages, 16
Those who are with Christ or thee°
who are against him, white blanket is not heavy, nor the triangular bandages, 72 handker-
ha spell of the season fast temperature halfway from freezing chiefs, 1 ladies dress, 14 hot water
approaching may the spirit world to the zero point reached some fifty bottle covers, 8 wash cloths.
mighty amon the eo le anti give ,biles north, For November: 3 ladies bed jack
g n lr ets, 22 bath towels, 1 pr. pyjamas,
them the thrill of stepping out in a STANLEY 1 pinafore dress, 34 abdominal ban -
great cause, and with the fomes of dages, 50 triangular bandages, 28
the Christian Church, We'll not win Mr. and Mrs. James Bnrues 00 Lon• hot water bottle covers, 2 baby
this battle without action. What do don spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr's. nighties, 3 wash clothes,
yon think'I H.V.W. Harold Penhale. Those who were not at {roma when
The first in a series contributed by Miss Anna Scotchmer spent a few the collectors were around collect-
ing ; of the Ministerial Anode- days with her sister, Mrs. James ing for money for soldiers boxes cart
tion. Black of Seaforth. still hand in their donations.
Students of the Seaforth public
school, Seaforth high school and St..
James' separate school, enjoyed a
holiday Tuesday afternoon, when all
the teachers from each school went
to Goderich for X-rays,