The Seaforth News, 1943-11-18, Page 30'or,inick relioffrom ltchi, gufccronis pi,nplcs, nth late afoot, reales wahine, rushee null other extcrunill caused skin troubles, ono fountains, cooling, ant, septic, liquid D. 0. D. Prescription. Greaseless maidens:3,411m irritation and quickly °topsintener itching. 35n trial bottle proves it, or money beak. Ad your druggist totlar for ADA). PRESCRIPTION MOSCOW CELEBRATES KIEV VICTORY In joyous fireworks, tracer bullets lace the night sky over Moscow as Premier Marshal Stalin's • grder for 24 triumphant salvos front 324 guns symbolizes Russian jubilation over the recapture of Kiev on the eve of the 26th anniversary of the Red Revolution. Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1. What are several forms for introductions? 2. Is it correct to have one's telephone number engraved on personal stationery? S.. Should the knife or the fork be used when eating celery and lladishes? 4. What are the customary good luck pieces that are baked in the wedding sake, and what does each one mean? 6. Is it necessary that a per- son state his reasons when de- clining an invitation? 6. Should a girl go to the door with a man who is leaving after calling on her? ANSWERS 1. "Mrs. Jones, may i intro- duce Miss Smith?" "Mrs, ,cones, SP this is Miss Smith,' or, if you wish, merely mention the names, "Mrs. Jones, Miss Smith." 2. No; the telephone number is never used on personal stationery. 8, No; celery and radishes may be taken with the fingers. 4. A ring is for marriage, a thimble for spinsterhood, a button for bachelorhood, a dime for wealth, and a wishbone for luck, 6. It is not obligatory to do so. 6. Yes, unless there is a servant to show him out. idQO ��tif?S•t Ns9Glalcloinc6fP16sl th Berlin. Who'll Get There First? Labe Wog, Leningrad SOVIET RUSSIA . Velikie Lull 1t! °Moscow Si 'ncl Kharkov s Kier a 4, Stalingrad,' Dnepropctrovs ENNER .I'. .'„.*aj ASS i UiNGAie1 Rostov CAUCASUS SYRIA The roads to Berlin are still long and ard, but the d'stances are growing shorter as Allied armies in Italy and Soviet forces in Russia close In on a common objective, Mountains block the 850 - mile route from Naples to Berlin, while Hitler still has great con- centrations of troops and several fortified lines between Russia and the German capital. PARABOMBINQ RABAUL Parachute bombs, the kind that blasted Japs at Lae, Salamaua nd Finschhafen, are now being used against the Nips at Rabaul. Titre a valley of parabombs float down toward parked rap plane, !runway and buildings at Vunakanau airfield near Rabaul, How Can l ? ? By Aline Ashley Q, How can I clean enamel- ware in which food has been burned? A, By filling with cold water, add 1 tablespoon of washing soda for every quart of water, heating slowly, and then letting . it boil for about 10 minutes. The burnt food can then be removed with- out difficulty. Q. How can I make a substi- tute for cream of tartar? A, When mixing cake that calls for cream of tartar, a good sub- stitute is buttermilk. If the but- termilk is not sour enough, add a little vinegar. Q. How can I open a clogged sink? A. A strong solution of cop- peras ° water poured down the drain pipe of the sin' will open It. Q, now can I improve the ap- pearance of shoes? A. Rub the leather of the shoes with the inside of a freshly cut orange peel, then polish with a soft cloth, and dee how it improves the appearance. Q. How can I get good results when using stove polish? A. Moisten the stove polish with a little vinegar, instead of, water, and it will impart a richer luster, with far less effort. HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention — Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Staco Harness Supplies. We sell our goods only through your local Staco Leather Goods dealer. The goods are right, and so are our prices. We manufacture in our fac- tories — Harness, Horse Col- lars, Sweat Pads, Horse Blan- kets, and Leather Travelling Goods. Insist on Staeo Brand Trade Marked Goods, and you get satisfaction. Made only by: SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE 42 Wellington St. E., Toronto QUICKLY AND EASILY 10 you are troubled with Itching etreatlnentt ands run the risk de- layf letting this condition become chron- ic. Any itching or soreness or Painful passage of stool la nature's warning and :proper treatment should be secured at once. leer thls purpose get a package of Ham -!told from any druggist and use as directed. This formula which 1s used internally is a atnall, easy to tante tablet, will 5010kly relieve the Itching and soreness and aid In healing the sora tender spots. Hem -Reid Is pleasant to use, is highly recommended and It sacra the height of folly for any one to risk a painful and chronic pile con- dition when such a fine remedy may bo had at such a small cost, If you try Ileo -Roll dna are not entirely pleased with the results, your druggist will gladly return your. 1000e3'. 1 LE -AGE„ WOMEN V.-1) HEED THIS ADVICiEII If you're ewes, restieee, DinnvoUS— suffer hot flashes, dizzlneea—caused by this period in a woman's life— try Lydia E. Plnkhant's Vegetable Compound. Made eel:mole/le for wdmen. Hundreds of thousands re- markably helped. Follow label direc- tions. Made in Canada. ,Allied War Dogs Are Well Treated The following statements, taken Prem an article appearing in The Animal World, England's Royal S.P,C.A,'s publication, relative to the war dogs of ,Britain, may be regarded as true in practically. every respect concerning dogs in this country given up for service with our armed forces. Those who, from patriotic mo- tives, have parted with their ani- mals, may rest assured that they are receiving good treatment, Patience and kindness are the principal factors in their training. Punishment is a deterrent and not a help to learning. The dogs are made to use their intelligence and understanding, Where this is so, they will leave the service more self-controlled and far more controllable than when they entered. Patrol dogs accompany scout- ing parties. They sniff out con- cealed enemy personnel and give silent warning and direction to the party, Liaison dogs are trained solely to carry messages between points where it is important to have a fast, inconspicuous mes- senger. The breeds and types of dogs which react favorably to army training include all the kinds that are suitable for the three branch- es of the War Dog Service. Alsa- tians are favored for vulnerable point duty. Alsatians and Labra- dors rank high for patrol work. /t a in/9 .0 cool. sweet smoke Collies and the smaller breeds of sheepdogs have an advantage in Iiaisen because they are fast, nimble, quick-witted and hard to detect. Mongrels of medium height have shown up well in this department. The bead trainer for the army is a man who for many years has been recognized as the foremost in his work. With him is a staff of selected army personnel. They are men who are well aware that only by gentle patience can a dog be trained for war. P9 Sufferers of bleeding and, p r o t r uuntg piles should know Bunkers herbal Pills treat the cause at its source, Money beck If the first bottle does sot aattery, Buy from your drugg,at at TRAPPERS ms.wana.ma SHIP TO US YOUR RED FOX - MINK AND ALL OTHER FURS WE PAY HiGHEST CASH PRICES WITHOUT DELAY Shipment,/ held separate on request LEVIN FUR CO. 163 SPADINA AVE. Dept. W. TORONTO, ONT. -gu+gtgAm migge m:aggn ,ua gryaer ,SwS otgl,v,en e_ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Alt'SLCL195 WANTED HI0IIILST PRICES PAID FOR ,Cornets, Trumpets, ' Clarinets, Saxophones, etc, Shelton -Sher- wood Co. Ltd., 569A Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. AUTOMOBILES—USED USED CA108 WITH 00Ui) TIRES. Sea us first. Mount Pleesaut Mo - taro Limited, Used Car Lot at 3040 Yonge Street; Head Office, 632 Mount Pleasant Road, To- ronto. Telephone HY. 2181, DAIY CHICKS 100 LATH Too LATE NEXT SPRING DON'T . LET 17 BE said "too late." Send for our price lint and order your baby chicks now. One dollar books your order. Goddard Chicle Hatchery, Britan- nla. sleights, Ont. AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT 137 ordering your Dec, and 1944 Bray chicks now, You'get your choice Of breeds and delivery dates. Right now for immediate deliv- ery, we have some laying pullets, in several breeds. Write for new pprlcellst, Bray Hatchery, 180 John St. N., Hamilton, Ont. PULLETS FOR IMMEDIATE DE - livery 12 weeks of age up to lay- ing. White Leghorns, Barred Rocks, Hybrids and othor breeds. Also .Fall llatelled day old chicks. Free catalogue. Tweddlo Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ont, DULLS FOR SALE DUAL PURPOSE SHORTHORNS. Bulls fit for service, younger bulls and bull calves. Thrifty, good size and bone, high produc- tion, choice quality. Ross Martin- dale, Caledonia, Ont, PULLETS PULLETS, EIGHT HUNDRED, bred to lay, White Leghorn pul- letA. dune hatched, excellent lay- ing strain, 51.25. Hawkins' Feed Co., Tillsonburg, Ontario. DYEING & CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your questions: Depart- ment 13, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Tonga Street, To- ronto. EMPLOYMENT WANTED WORK WANTED, ON FARM BY married man, protestant, exper- fenced. 3, E. Cluney, Bridgeville. N.S. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW, USED, bought, sold, rebuilt; belt s, pulleys, brushes. Allen Electric Company Ltd., 2326 Bufferin St, Toronto. FOR SALE BUSINESS BLOCK, BRICI£ AND stone with two large storea and apartments over. Bax 506, Ganan- ogne. FARMS FOR SALE TOWNSHIP Ole WILLIAMSI3URG— Concesslon 7, oontalns 200 acme about 170 cleared, 30 acres bush, mostly hardwood, stone house. It'ame tool shad, driving shed and implement house, stable, barn. Ap- ply Mrs, M. W. Locke, Williams- burg. FA10010 1VAN'1ED WILL MAKE SUBSTANTIAL CASH payment en suitable farm. Mod- ern buildings and conveniences Preferred. Box 96, 78 Adelaide St W., Toronto, Canada. WANTED. SMALL MIXED FARM, central Ontario. Buy or rent. I{. Y. Parker, Bridgeville, N.4, F300100 HELI' WANTED FARMER AND DAIRYMAN, NIX- perienced, married, free house. Box 004, Burlington, Ont, FOOT BALM BAUMEJt7KA P001' DALM deetreye offensive odor Instantly, 450 bottle, Ottawa agent, Denman Drug Store, Ottawa. IIAIII GOODS Only firm In Canada manufacturing ladles' and gentlemen's halt goads exclusively, Write ua for particu- lass, WHITE'S HAIR GOODS 2 S Yonga tit., Ter/into, Ontario 11A 110 DRESSING st:HOOI, L W A It N FHA 11RUHESS1 N(1 THE Robertson method. Information 0❑ t•0gt1eal regarding (lenses, liobertson's Hairdressing Aced, 017 Avelltie Road, Teront0, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS 7010 SALE DA,IR.Y EQUIPMENT, PASTEURIZ- er, etc., capacity foul' hundred etuarta, Further particulars, Pat- terson Bros., Bala, Ontario, QUILTING PATCHES FROM MEN'S auititlgs and remnants for all ppurposee, Ladies', Boys' and Men's Wear. Louis Rice, 861 Spadina Avenue, Toronto. SHORTHORN HERD CONSISTING of ten, cows, bull, yearling heif- ers and calves, .tested, also two hundred and fifty acre farm with Godph,btRidlNn a, J. McAnlnch, 4. )HOME FOR AGED ELDERL1 ES COMFORTABLE Hume. Plenty home grown food, spring water, warm and cheer- ful. Hannigan Home For The Aged, 11,30, No. 8, Woodbridge. HELP WANTED MARRIED MAN FOR UP-TO-DATE fruit farm on Niagara River Boulevard, yearly employment, good separate house, free Hydro, summer wood and garden spot. Please state nationality, age, farming experience, alae of fam- ily and wages expected. C. How- ard Fisher & Sons, Queeneton, Ont, APPLICATIONS ARE INVITED from young women with good education, to enter the School for Nurses, Toronto East General Hospital. Limited .vacancies in class now commencing. Apply Toronto East General Hospital, Coxwell at Summon Ave., To- ronto 6, Ontario. INCUBATOR WANTED WANTED, 5,050 or 6,000 BUCKEYE electric Incubator, 25 cycle. Halla Hatchery, Hale St., London, Ont, LIVESTOCI£ WANTED RELIABLE FARMERS who have ample stable accom- modation and rough feed to win- ter young cattle. Write number could be accommodated, h o w cattle would be fed and cash per head monthly. Write Post Office Box 678, Toronto. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS WANTED BAND AND ORCHESTRA. INSTRU- 7nents„Plano Aceordiane, etc„ may be turned into ready cash, Send details and price to Whaley Royce & Corneal**, 310 Yonge St., To- ronto 1, Ontario. PATENTS FET.HERSTONIIAUGH & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established 1890; 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of Information on re- quest. PAINTING LESSONS MAKE YOUR OWN XMAS GIFTS. Pastel Painting taught by mail, 0 trial lessons, Including mater - MD, 86, J. H. wlttTE, Ste. 6, 02701, Portage Ave„ Winnipeg. PDOTOGItAPUY PHOTO CHRISTMAS CARDS 12 FOR 69c Select your favourite negatives and send to ua. We'll return 12 prints mounted on attractive, embussed greeting cards, with envelopes for mailing, for 69e. The most original greeting cards you can get—the kind your friends will keep—cards that men on active service at home and overseas (2rl'hotographke seon (Ytlendars for 25e.) STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 120, Postal 'terminal A, Toronto "Your quality in colouring and de- veloping is excellent,” writes a cue - tomer et Peterborough, Ont. 'and your service Is prompt and guaran- teed. I am particularly fascinated. with the coloured enlargements and Christmas cards. Your prices for such quality work are really econ- omlcal and I appreciate your prompt, reliable service." Any Size Roll -'-6 Or 8 Exposures. DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25e 11 MOUNTED EN1,AIRGEMENT5 200 Size 4 x 6" lin Beautiful teasel Mounts. Yon can have enlargentente colour- ed by hand for a small additional charge. Primed E o , onieata 4" x f''N. on ivory tint mounts, in frames 7"x--9", Burnished t cid or Sliver, Circassian Walnut or Black ithuny finish 60e; 1f enls rge'ment culonret) 70e. Print your mune and address plaid. ly oil all orders. MAIL YOUR FILMS TO IMPERIAL eatli Q,`\LIT?, service and t, th:fn Unit, ti or 8 oxpo,,ure films reprint,. tato 0 fan 25e, Irnpru,,.1 !Moto Strviee, Sta- tion 1, Toronto. CLASSIFIED ADVER'T'ISEMENTS DETECTIVE COURSE BECOME A DETECTIVE — MLN and Wernen over 17, wanteu to learn Detective work, secret eery. lee. Easy course by mail. Write for free Information. 301. Julien, Box 25, Station T. Montreal. LIVESTOCK FOR SA1,15 GUERNSEY C U W 2, 13E1FE111.1, hullo, I0,0.P. tested by tested bulls. Pure bred, accredited, Bangs free. Foremost lino stock. Glon- orchy Farm, Richmond 11111, Ont. MACHINERY WANTED ACETYLENE WELDING AND CUTTING OUTFIT Lathe 13" to 24" swine x 10' 13ed. Air Drill and Hammer. Rotary, Sheet Metal Shears. Iron Planer, Shaper. A. Ebeescl, Milverton, Ont. ME1)1CAL STOP ITCHING TORTURES 0.9` eczema, psoriasis, ringworm, at11- lete's foot and other skirt irrita- tions with Elik's Ointment. No. 6, prescription of noted satin epee- Salist. Itch relieved promptly, skin .healed quickly or money re- funded. 31.00, 52,00. Mail orders filled promptly. Order teduy Crum Elik's Medielrre Co., Dept. 20, Box 234, Saskatoon. WINTROL USED EXTERNALLY FOR ARTHe rats, Rheumatic, Neuralgic, and other pain. A pleasant, smooth and potent 011. Comforting, pene- trating and heating. Trial 2 oz. bottle send 51.00 and name of nsareat druggist, Philip Patter - seri Co., 78 Adelaide W„ Toronto, Ont, TOKOSAN TABLETS FOR 713a, Vigour, Vitality. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. E1, International Drug Products, 7222 Hinman, Montreal. BITTER HERBS TONIC, CORRECTS disorders of stomach, liver, kid- neys, bowels. One month trcat- ment, Two Dollars; three months, Five Dollars. CoopeRemedlea, Yong() Street, Toronto. IT'S EXCELLENT REAL RESULTS after taking Dixon's Remedy for Rheumatic Pains and Neuritis. Munro's Drug Store, 835 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 81.00. OFFER. TO INVENTORS AN O1'110R TU EVERY INVENTOR List of Inventions and full infor- mation sent free. The Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Attorneys, 278 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada. PERSONAL 120 WAYS TO DIA33.1 MONEY AT home in spare time, 6 dollar,, a. day, bookl: t of 124 pages one dollar postpaid. alike Ignaeh, 145 Margueretta Ave., Toronto 4, Ont. "ELIJAH COMING Ble70001 Christ", wonderful book area. Megiddo Mission, Rochester 11, N.Y. I'GI'PU5S 7010 SALE REGISTERED, UN- registtred, cocker spaniel puppies, red, black, golden, particulars, females apayrd, shipped wry' • - where, safe arrival and satisiac- tion ;;u,,ranteed. Edwin- Martin, Bedford, Que, RHEUMATIC PAINS PLIOI'Ll•7 .11015 TALI>1NG ABOUT the good results from taking' Dixon's Remedy for Rheumatic Pains tend Neut•itls. Munro's Drug Store, 985 Elght, Ottawa. Post- paid 51.00, S'1:&Al I'S SCOTT'S. 1:1.14 STAMP CATAIt agues, now available. Volumes 1 and 2 54,50 each, postpaid. Com- bined 1051Iiot) 57.00 postpaid. G. Erie Thompson, Box 182, Trenton, Ont. TA PITH'(IllM STOMACH ANN TId11'lAl) WORMS Often are the cause of 111 -health In hums its all ages. No one Im- mune! Wily not find out If this is your trouble? Interesting • o+n'- titui:'a I tri: Ab ,i le AI ill Veil ey's RemudleA, Spcciullots, Toronto 8, Out, 'rn'Itt 1.4 8 SA1,10 I101t)A1' 10)010\Yr UI.) 1111)NZ.l+l 'I'1211- lr Kupttz Main in. 0;io,lywell hnlancr"J bite 1t hr !anodi t d flock. 'Conte C1 t. 0 e, 1I u. 55.00 1.tal 8. Doug, la Hanle ratio, SUa. throy, • Out,