HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1943-11-11, Page 8P.KE SEAPORT
lr, \Vm. T. Joynt of 'Loddon spent
the past welt at the home orf his
mother Mrs, Alice Juyat.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sinupeon have as
their guests the latter's eister and
brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Simpson,
from the West,
Mrs, Don Rigby and Donna return-
ed to their home in Blenheim after a
pleasant holiday with the farmeres
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Me-
Mr. Carry Joynt returned to Lon-
don on Sunday to resume bis studies
at Western University after conae
escing at his home here for the past
two weeps,
Miss Mildred Jones of Clinton spent
the week end at the home of her par-
ents Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jones.
The Exeter-Hensall branch of the
Canadian Legion are sponsoring a
bingo and dance in the town hall,
Hensall, on Thursday evening, Nov.
llth, Good prizes for games and
music for the dance by Murdooh's
Mrs, )book Wadded over the pro-
grahu which opened by singing a
hymn and the Lord's prayer in ani•
son. The scripture wits react by Mrs.
Brook after which. Mrs. f,ttnumio led
In prayer. Mrs, Walter Spencer RI,
ranged the program.' Audrey Walsh
contributed a vocal solo and Betty
Mickle, Eleanor Cook and Bernice
Jinkle:utng a melody of hymns, Recit-
ations by Palsy Steer, Teddy Norinin-
ton and Ruth Ann McI,arnon were
followed by the address by Mrs. Robt.
Simpson, which was most interest
ing. Claudette iilowes flavored with a
vocal solo and recitation. The grade.
ation exercises followed when Patsy
Steer, Teddy Norminton and Ruth
Ann McLarnon graduated from the
baby band into the mission band.
Mies Florence Welsh presided at the
piano during the graduation period.
Joyce Broderick sang a solo entiti'
ed "Coining In On A Wing and s
Prayer." The meeting concluded by
singing a hymn and the benediction,
after, which the W.M.S. members
served refreshments,
Mission Circle Meets -
The funeral service of the late Mr. The Mission Circle of the United
W. W. Chapman was bele from the Church held their regular meeting on
late residence on Wednesday at 2,30 Monday evening when Mrs, Mary
p.m. eondueted by Rev, R. A. Brook, Buchanan was hostess and Mrs, 13.
The floral tributes were very betted- MoLarnon co -hostess, Miss Edna
ful showing the esteem with which Saundercock presided over the pro -
the deceased was held. The pall- gram which opened with the theme
hearers were Messrs. David Shirray, song, "0 Master Let Me Walk with
W. R. Dougall, Fred Corbett, Robt, Thee," followed by the Lord's prayer.
Munn. Basil Pdwards and Thomas Minutes and roll call answered by the
Laing, Members of the Odd Fellows name of a United Church mission.
Lodge conducted the service at the Scripture, Matt. 10, was read by Miss
graveside. Interment in Exeter Cem-
Bcrrii -•- In London, on Wednesday' followed by the offering and business.
Nee. era. to Mr. and Mrs, Elgin Hay- delightful iano solo was played by
Violet McClymont, after which Mrs.
Jas. Morris led in prayer. The hymn,
"Rescue The Perishing" was sung
ter (nee Margaret Bell) a daughter. p
Mr. Alex Jloisseau and Mr. FrankMiss Gladys Luker and the meeting
1,ostell returned /lone, Saturday after closed by singing "Abide With Me,"
spending the past few months at and the benediction. Refreshments
('amp Borden at carpenter work, were served.
Mrs. (Rev.) Hugh Jack'of Seaforth! Mrs. Bawden of Exeter visited dur-
visited on Thursday with Mrs, H. ing the past week with her daughter
Arnold and son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Jack
Council Meeting - • I Mee. Wilfred Klopp returned to
The regular meeting of the village London on Sunday following a pleas-
eouneil was held on Monday. Nov. 1, ant visit with her parents Mr. and
nt 8 p.m, in the council chamber with Mrs. Jas. Parkins.
all members present except Council- The girls dance club are sponsar-
lor A, W. Kerslake, The minutes of ing au orchestra dance in the town
the previous meeting read and adopt- hall, Hensall oe Wednesday, Nov. 17.
rel. R. J. Patterson reported re lax Music by the station orchestra f
• eollections as being 82402.47. prepaid No. 9 SETS. Refreshment boot in
reeeipte 8629, and cash 81787.47. R. hall. Keep date open for this event.
10. Shaddick reported re the sidewalk Mr. and Mrs. Mac Rosser. Peggy
in front of A, Spencer's property and Gale, formerly of Blenheim, are
eeerding repairs. Kyle instructed to
attend fin same, also to sPCm`e two
loads of cement gravel from Cud-
uinre, Correspondence read and filed.
Accounts totalling 8127.49 were pass-
cil for payment, The nomination and
,-lec•tinn bylaw te4 was read anti final-
ly passed, Council adjourned to meet
again Nov, 15th, at 8 p.m,
spending a few weeks with Mrs.
Rosser's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton odd tables; 2 leather rockers; 1 Wil -
Russell. ton rug 7x9, like new; 1 rug 9x12; 2
Mr. Stewart McQueen spent the bedroom spites; 2 toilet sets; 1 chest
earlier part of this week in Toronto.
The induction service of Rev. Joe- of drawers; 1 wicker baby buggy
eph Taylor of Cranbrook will be held (like new); 1 bedroom rug 840; 1
in Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hell -
large piece of linoleum 14x18, like
salt. 011 Friday. Nov. 19, at S p.m,
Annual Meeting
Nov. Nov. I
AT 1,30 P.M,
at Clinton
Election of officers, duanolal report
Guest Speaker
Minister Of Agriculture for
W. L. Whyte, Pres,
Harry Sturdy, Vice Pres.
Wm. J. Dale, Seo,-Treas.
Auction Sale
Lambert Sale Yards, Strathroy,
Saturday, Nov, 13th.
150 head of mixed stock cattle; in-
cluding a run of stock cows and
Sales every Sattu'day. Trucks to
A. G.
McAlpine, Auctioneer.
300 Rock, White Leghorn, Hybrid
Leghorn and Rock pullets, started to
lay, Blood tested stock, Andrew
Moore breed, Seaforth. Apply to J, A.
Nichol, Lake road, Exeter, Hay P,O.
Auction Sale
Of house Furnishings.
In Brussels on Saturday, Nov. 20th.
Mrs. Perry, Proprietress,
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
Auction Sale
Of Property and Housefurnishiugs.
At the home of the late Mrs. Eliza-
beth Stewart, Side street, Seaforth,
on Thursday, Nov. 18th at 1 p.m.
1 sideboard, 6 leather dining room
chairs; several odd rockers; several
new; 2 kitchen ranges; 1 extension
W.M.S. Thank -Offering - l Arnold Circle Meets - _ - ,__ table; 5 kitchen chairs; 1 couch; 1
The November thank -offering of The Arnold Circle of Carmel Pres- large mirror; 1 fall leaf table; 1 elec-
the W.M.S. of Carmel Presbyterian hyterian Church held their November Dec iron and toaster; 1 kitchen cnp-
Church was held in the school room meeting on Monday evening when
of the church on Thursday afternoon Miss Helen Moir and Mrs. Baynbani board; flour bin, 1 tub stand; 1 cop -
with the president Mrs. C. Hudson were hostesses. Miss Beryl Pfaff are -I Per boiler, wash tub, 1 single hot
presiding. The meeting opened by ranged the program which was pre- plate; 1 lawn mower; 1 clothes
singing "Take My Life and Let It sided over by the president Mrs. Mel- horse; 1 electric heater; several
Be." Miss Minute Reid read the scrip- vin Moir. From Greenland's Icy
electric lamps; large quantity of
tore, Psalm 27, after which the hymn Mountains," was sung, followed by
"Breath on Me Breath of God" was prayer by Mrs. Roy ManLaret, The dishes, kitchen utensils; garden tools,
sung. There was a very gond attend- Scripture, John 14, 1-14, was read by several other articles,
.anee at this meeting. Following the Miss Violet Hyde, followed by the 1 fireplace mantel.
business period Mrs. J. W. Bonthron minutes, roll call and business. "The'
eontt'lbtited a solo entitled "You Must Church's One Foundation" was sung,; Property - 1% story frame house
Open the Door," accompanied by after whictt Miss Beryl Phaff gave a covered with asphalt singles, full
Ars. Malcolm Dougall on the piano, short. poem entitled "Success." The basement, Bard and soft water, hydro.
The special speaker was Mrs. (Rev,l topic entitled "Hyams We All Love,
Hugh Jtec•k of Seafotlt. Who gave a was very' ably taken by Mrs. Roy This house is in geod state of repair.
splendid address on the work of the Bell, describing the writers of the Terms - Chattels, cash, Property,
R'umen's Missionary Society, Hymn, following hymns, "From Greenland's 105; down, balance in 30 days.
".esus the \Try Thought of Thee." ley Mountains." "The Church's One Mrs. Chester Henderson, Prop•
was sung. after which Mee, Hudson Foundation," "0 Lord and Master of
led in prayer. Us All," "Breathe on me, Breath of Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
The news of the sudden death of God." and in conclusion, the national
William Hugh Glen at Itis home in minim Gotl Save Our Bing. The
Toronto, was received here recently B Pathe
by his utak, Mrs. Nelson Blatchford.
The deceased spent his boyhood days
in Hensall. Ile was veteran of the
first great war, having received in-
juries ti- which his sudden death is
attributed. Surviving are Inc widow,
the former Eleanor Davidson; two
SIMS, David RCAF, and Jim, one
daughter Margaret, two sisters, Mrs,
Lloyd Isiudson, St. Marys, tformerly
of Meisel]) and Ethel and one bro-
ther Bert of Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. lest McAsh, Mrs. E.
Itltntshaw, Mrs. L. McAsli of London
visited last week at the hone of
il:Pn :.ist,•rs Miss Mary IileAsil and
Mrs. R. McKenzie, Brucetield, who •is
here for the winter mouths.
Mrs. Al, Merlymott. of Varna visit-
ed last week with her daughter Vio-
let. Mr('lyntoit, who is laking care of
her cousin Miss Mary McAsh.
More workers are needed at the
Red ('rose rooms for sewing, ae there
fare clothes to he .made that are erg-
eniiy needed.
Mr, Allen Soldan of the RCAF, Hal-
ifax, N.S., is spc'ndhtg a furlough at
the home of his mother Mrs. H.I
The many friends of Bob Hees will
be pleased to bear he is somewhat
unproved at date of writing. Bob has
been eeriously ill in Victoria Hospital,
London, for the past Yew weeks,
where he is receiving treatment.
The Woltelo Class of the United
Church are holding a erokinoie and
Chinese shocker party on Friday
evening, Nov. 12th, Each member is
to bring a guest.
Mrs. D. Walks underwent an oper-
ation in. St. Joseph's Hospital, Lond-
on, on Friday evening in the interests
meeting eloeed by singing n FOR SALE
011 tie, Breath of God," and the I 7 Room Brick house Church St:.,
Lord's prayer in unison. Refresh-
ments were served by the hostess.
Remembrance Day Services -
Bathroom, Furnace, Lights, Town
Water, Good Baran and Hen House on
7 Room Frame House, North Main
The remembt'anee Clay service was St., Furnace, Lights and Town Water.
held in St. Pani's Anglican Church on 6 Rornn Frame House, in Egmond-
Sunday at " p,01. under the auspices ville, 2 lets, Lights. Garage on Prop
of the Exetet'•Heusall Newell of the erty.
Cantabile Legion, The vetei'ane under FARM PROPERTY
direction of Comrades Sidney Mc -1 100 Acres McKillop Township,
Arthur and Peter L, McNaughton, Brick House, Bank Barn, good clay
merohed to the church in a body. loam, well under -drained. Convenient -
During the service a two -minute sit- ly located.
enee wee observed and the Last. Post 50 acre Grass Farm, all seeded,
and Revielle sounded by Bugle' L. Township of Tlingit. Good piece of
('p1. Fred Beer of London. The spec- land with ample water supply.
ial memorial address was given by 135 Acres, McKillop Township,
Rev. M. A. Hunt, lector. Tile banners Frame House and Good Barn, Well
were carried liy conmades William located.
Slane, Alfred Clark and Wilbur Par -I E. C. CHAMBERLAIN
ker. The service was concluded at Insurance & Real Estate
the eenolapli where the wreaths were Phones 384 Seaforth, Ont. Res. 220
placed by Mrs, Minnie Sangster','
Reeve R. 1;. Shaddick and Sgt. Scotty, FOR SALE
Easton of Exeter, who recently re' 3 horses: Texas Grattan by Lee
turned ftoln thine yarns oveseas.
Harvester, 4 years old and well
broken; a black driving mare and a
small driving horse, reliable for
school children. 220 Rock pullets and
George McClure of London train- a number of chunks of pigs, 1 rubber
ing cramp spent the week end with tire top buggy. Phone 09w, Seaforth.
Mr. and Mrs. John McClure. J. R. Burns,
We are sorry to hear Mrs. John
Pryce is on the sick list, Jean Prycc
who has been in Galt is hone fora l
Mr 111(1 Mrs Geerge Eaten Ken
nd Dos eat Sunda • with Mr and
. I'ctei' McCowan.
Annual Meeting
Will he held in the Verna Hall, on
Nov, 15th at 8 pan. W. L. Whyte,
('aunty President, H. Sturdy, County
Vice President, will be guest speakers
Everybody Welcome
Elmer Webster, Secretary,
of her health. Her many friends hope Mr
for a speedy recovery, Mrs. Gillies, Isabel, Bruce and
Forrest •Alien - i Jaelcie spent the week end in Coll-
ingwood, Her mother, Mrs. Gillies,
A quiet wedding was solemnized on
Thursday, Nov. 4th in Hensall when who spent a few weeks here, return -
Rev. R. A. Brook united in marriage ed to her home.
Mrs. 3. Allen and Mr, John Forest.
They will reside in Hensall, I Mr. E. Haase, Mrs. Glenn Haase,
Mrs, Roderich McKenzie of Bruce Mrs, Horne, Donald Horne and Don -
field has returned to spend the win- aid Paton spent Saturday afternoon
ter with her sister Miss Mary McAsh. do London.
W.M.S. Entertain Baby Band I Kenneth Hogg spent the week end
The W.M.S. of the Hensall United with his grandmother, Mrs. J. Hogg.
Church had as their guests on Thins- The Reel Cross unit will meet in
fitly at :.30 p.m. rho members of the
Baby Band and their mothers. The the church Tuesday, November 1.6th.
church was beautifully decorated with Look for ad for euchre and dance
pink and bine streamers and large for clinic benefit,
bouquets of mums,
An epidemic of chickenpox is pre-
valent In the nubile school,
Ernie Mothers of London camp
spent the week end with isIr., and
The Red Cross Branch of S.S. No, blrs. Arthur Henderson.
10, Tray will meet at the home of
Mrs, Fred Corbett on Thursday after-
noon, Nov. 11th. Want and For Sale Ads, 1 week 25c,
1 Jersey cow due to freshen in Nov-
ovember. Phone 602x11, Seaforth.
"Women and Gold"
----Stories of Love, Devotion, Trea-
chery, Sacrifice, In Query generation
the combination of women and gold
has led men into adventure, intrigue,
battle and often to doom. Read....
starting in The American Weekly
with this Sunday's (November 14) is-
sue of The Detroit. Sunday Times,...
stirring sagas of picturesque advent-
ures and pirates, soldier's and rogues,
who couldn't resiet the alluring part•
nersbip of beauty and riches.
A used doll cartilage, aitetal prefer-
red. Phone 90x26 Brttesels, or 380r23,
,S. eaforth central.
16 young pigs, elle York hog 2
years old. Also a matelteti general
purpose Peroheron team rising 3 and
4, Phone 40x14, Dublin eetltt'al, John
FlannerY, Dublin.
Eight cattle about 900 lbs, for
sale. Edgar Allen, Peens 065022,
Screen for fireplace. Phone 120,.
Auction Sale
Of Farm, Stock, Implements, Etc.
In Egmondvil)e village on Friday,
Nov. 19th at 1 pen.
Horses -1 Perchet'on team 7 years.
Cattle- Durham cattle; 1 cow 8
years old, due in Dec.; 1 cow S years
old, bred in Sept; 1 cow 7 years old,
due in March; 1 cow, 6 years old, due
1st of June; 1 heifer 3 years old, due
in December; 3 year-old heifers; 8
year-old steers; 4 spring calves,
Pigs - 1 York sew; 10 pigs 2
months old;
Implements - 1 6 -ft, McCormick
binder; 1 6 -ft, Deering mower; 12 -ft.
(limp rake; McCormick manure
spreader; 1 spring -tooth cultivator; 1
dish harrow; hog crate; Cocicshutt
'puller and cultivator; seed drill; 1
set of 4 section harrows; 1 set of 3
section harrow; waikiuow,
g Pl, sea -
flee, 2 furrow gang plow, riding plow,
set of sloop sleighs, fanning mill; 1
cream separator (like new) ; 1 truck
wagon, steel wheels; bay rack, 16 ft.
(new) ; fanning mill, hay car, hay
fork, tope, slings, 1 steel barrel, 1 oak
barrel forks, shovel, whippletrees,
and other articles.
Harness -1 set of breeching har-
ness; number of horse collars; 65
Household Effects -1 .Quebec cook
stove, 1 extension kitchen table, 1
sausage and lard press; 2 oak rock-
ers; 1 davenport (combination); 1
washing machine and wringer, 1
churn; 1 Victrola and records; 1 wal-
nut organ, 1 dresser.',
Grain -85 bus. of seed peas.
Terms on chattels, cash.
Property - ;Frame house in Village
of Egmondville with r4 acres of land
with good well and cistern.
Farm - 60 acres more or less in
Township of Tuckersmith with good
barn 40x60, and frame house, good
water supply. If not sola together
buildings will he offered separately.
Terms on property made known
day of sale.
Crawford Simpson, Proprietor.
E. P. Chesney, Clerk.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
Auction Sale
Faint Stock and Implements. At
Lot 9, Con. 3, Tuckersmith, 1% mile
east of Hewett and 1 mile north, on
Saturday, November 13 at 1 pen,
Horses - 1 Peroheron team, 4
years old; 1 general purpose gelding
8 years old; 1 Peroheron colt rising
2 years old.
Cattle - 6 Durham cows due to
freshen in April; 1 Jersey cow due
1st of April; 4 Hereford and Durham
heifers due May 1st; 3 Durham heif-
ers rising 2 years old; 1 Durham
steer rising 2 years old; 6 Durham
spring calves.
Pigs -6 chunks, 80 lbs,
Implements - 1 'M.H. binder 7 ft.
cut; 1 McCormick mower 6 ft.; 1
sulky rake; 1 International stiff tooth
cultivator; 1 International beau
scitffler (rew); 1 4 -section harrows;
1 seed drill; 1 walking plow; 2 single
furrow riding plows; 1 McCormick
Deering cream separator (like new);
1 hand snifter; 1 set of farm sleighs;
1 set of light sleighs; 1. light wagon;
1 buggy, fanning mill; 1 hay fork
rope (new), slings, forks, shovels,
whippletrees and other articles.
Harness - 1 set of back band Har-
ness; number horse collars.
Hay - 20 tons of•mixed hay.
Quantity of household furnishings.
Terms cash,
Clarence Voiland, Proprietor,
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
Highest Market Prices
Sizes 34" to 6 in,
Phone 171-14, Exeter
R.R.1, Hensall
Wm. Bradshaw, your Watkins
Dealer, also agent for E. D. Smith &
Sons, fruit and ornamental nursery
stook. Market St., Seaforth, Ont.
Phone 50.
The next meeting of the Huron
County Council will be held -In the
Council. Chambers, Court House, God-
erich, commencing Tuesday, Novem-
ber 160, at 2.00 P.M.
All accounts, notices of deputations
and other business requiring the at-
tention of Council should be in the
hands of the County Clerk not later
than Saturday, November 13th.
County Clerk,
Goderich, Ont
Saturday Cash & Carry Specials
Maxwell House Coffee, lb bag
Maple Leaf lelottr 08 10, bag 13,41
Robinitood Flour 08 lb, bag 2,59
Guest ivory Soap 5 calces 23c
ivory Snow, pltge. 1320
OxYdol, pkge. 90
Odex Soap 4 calces 19c
Blue Ribbon Toa, lb 69c'
We close at 10 P.M. Saturday
150 acres good clay loam, all under
cultivation except 12 acres of bash.
Well drained and feneed, Bank barn.
on stone foundation, 66' square,
stabling underneath with cement
floors. Hay barn 31' square with, hen
house underneath, driving shed 24' x
84', Content silo 12'x35'. Frame house
with Insulate brick covering, seven,
rooms and wood shed. Situated 7
miles from Seaforth, 4 miles from
Walton, 100 rods from school and 1'X1
miles from Winthrop. Lot 27, pt. 28,
Con. 10, McKillop. Apply to Zack
McS.paci(len, Walton, R,R,4.
Hydro all through barn and house,
3 furrow Case tractor plow, 10 inch
shears, for sale, Fergus Horan, lot 4,
con. 8, McKillop, Phone 23x8, Dublin
81%2 ACRES
Good grass farm. Well never dry.
For sale or rent, Situated on Goshen
Line, Stanley Twp. Inquire Miss Sue
Johnson, Sandusky, Mich.
Used Victrola records in good con-
dition, cheap. Apply at News Office,
Auction Sale
Of Faa'ni, Farm Stock and Imple-
ments. Mr. Harold Jackson has been
iustr'ucted to sell by public auction
on Lot 4 and 5 ou Concession 4,
Stanley Township, 1% miles north of
Kipper, and two miles west, on Fri-
day, November 12th, at 1 p.m.
Horses -Team of Percheron horses.
Pigs -6 pigs 180 lbs; 3 pigs 140 lbs.
Poultry -30 Hybrid year-old hens.
1 set back band harness, like new,
horse collars.
Quantity of 1" lumber,
Implements - McCormick Deering
tractor, 16.30;' 1 3 -furrow tractor
plow; International double disc;
horse drawn disc; 2 disc power seed
chill, McCormick -Deering, like new;
4 disc plow; Portland cutter; electric
fencer; McCormick Deering power
binder; 13 disc seed drill; 6 ft.
mower; sulky rake; steel truck
wagon; 16 ft, hay rake; . set sloop
sleighs; buggy; set four section har-
rows; Clinton fanning mill; 2000 lb.
scale, Renfrew; quantity of mixed
hay; hay car, rope and pulleys; sling
ropes and hay fork; forks, shovels
and other articles.
Furniture - Good Cheer range in
good condition; oak extension table;
itchen chairs; Victrola. and records;
kitchen table; several rockers; 2
hanging lamps and several other
lamps; 2 antique beds; iron bed and
springs; settee; several dressers;
several large pieces of linoleum, like
Farm: 172 acres farm. 2 storey
stone house; .2 large bank barns with
steel roofs; good hen house; farm is
in good state of cultivation.
Terms on chattels cash.
On property made known on day
of sale.
Mrs. David Cameron, Proprietress.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
Notice To Creditors
In the Estate of Jane Ann Young.
All persons having claims against
the Estate of .lane Ann Young, late
of the Township of McKillop, in the
County of Huron. Widow, deceased,
who died of of about the 14th day of
September, 1943, are hereby notified
to send in to the undersigned on or
before the 20th day of November,
1943, fall particulars of their claims.
hnmediately after the said last
mentioned date, the assets of the
said estate will be distribntecd,amonrg-
st the parties entitled thereto, having
regard only to claims of which the
undersigned shall then have notice,
to the exchtsion of all others, and the
undersigned will not be liable to any
person of whose claim the under-
signed shall not then have notice for
the assets so distributed or any part
Dated at Seaforth, Ontario, this
22nd day of October, 1943.
Seaforth, Ontario.
Solicitor's for the Executors.
Monument Works
Formerly W. E. Chapman
We invite inspection of our stock
of Cemetery Memorials
SATURDAYS, or any other
time by appointment
See let'. Harburn -Phone 105
Phone 41 -Exeter -Box 150
McConnell & Hays
Barristers; Solicitors, Eke.
Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays
Telephone 174
The Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Build.
Mg, Seaforth. Office hours: -
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
1.30 p.m. to 5 p.m, Saturday
evening, 7.80 Arm, to 9 p.m.
The McKillop 'Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.
President, Alex, McEwing, Blyth;
Vice President, W. R. Archibald, Sea,
forth; Mgr. & Sec.-Treas., M. A, Reid,
Alex. MoEwing, Blyth; W. R, Arch.
ibald, Seaforth; Alex, Broadfoot, Sea -
forth; Chris. Leonhardt, Bornholm;
E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; Thomas
Moylan, Seaforth; Frank McGregor,'
Clinton; Hugh Alexander, Walton;
George Leitch, Clinton.
John 10, Pepper, Bruce0eid; R. F.
McKercher, Dublin; J. F. Prueter,
Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth.
Parties desirous to. effect insurance
or transact other business, will be
promptly atended to by applications
to any of the above named officers
addressed to their respective post
Watson '& Reid
(Successors to James Watson)
All kinds of Insurance risks effect-
ed at lowest rates in First -Class
Dr. 10..A.. McMaster, M.B., Graduate
of University of Toronto.
The Clinic is fully equipped with
complete and modern x-ray and other
up-to-date diagnostic and therenptic
Dr. 10, 3, R. Forster, Specialist in
Diseases of the Ear, Eye, Nose and
Throat, will be at the Clinic the first
Tuesday in every month from 3 to
5 p.m.
Free wen -baby clinic will be held
ou the second and last Thursday in
every month from 1 to 2 p.m.
Physician and Surgeon
In Dr. H. H. Ross' office. Phone 6 J
Physician and Surgeon
Successor to Dr, W. C. Sproat '
Phone 90 W - Seaforth
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Graduate in Medicine, University
of Toronto. Late Assistant New York
Ophthalmic and Aural Institute,
Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square
throat Hospitals, London, Eng, At
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third
Wednesday in each month from 2 to
4 p.m, Also at Seaforth Clinic Srst
Tuesday in each month. -58 Waterloo
St., Stratford. Telephone 267.
Spence's Produce
Highest Cash Prices paid for
Eggs and Poultry
Phone 170-W, Seaforth
Sun Life Assurance
Co. of Canada
Assures Security for over
One Million Partners
District Agent
(Essential War Industry)