HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1943-11-11, Page 4THE S +.AFORTJJ NEWS
OVEMBER 11, 1943
1 1 SFi.\ 11k'r -t NEWS
a ]ta13a
Paid slier*
Bazaar & Hot Supper
In Walton Conmluuity Hall on
Assoc tutttr,t of Aprons. Fancy Work,
& Quilts for sale. Home-made Baking
vomiter and mystery box table.
Under auspices of Ladles' Guild and
W.A. of St. George's Church
Supper 35e. 200
Mrs. J. 13. Murray. Long Branch. and
her daughter. Mrs, Be Young, of Win-
nipeg, left last week for Toronto.
Mr, John McDonald of lath of Grey,
meeting lvIi1eh teemed with the pings
i t of "0 t
l " followed hy the
repo stint; of the Jird psalm Antal the
Louis prayer. During the program
Alts. (l,'ui'ge Mog1C. :steel. Russell
Sholdire and Mrs. Dalton lime enter: -
twined with readings. A vocal tinct,
was Oren by, Mree \V, Schatz and
•Mrs. Gi'orge Mogk. It was decided
during the hesutessperiod that the
society will enrollees. a $100 victory
hood. An announcement was made
that quilting will be held In Miller's
hall, Brodhagen. on Thereday after-
noon. Nov. 11th. A letter of apprecia-
tian for a reeent donation of •;23 was
read from the Stratford Branch of
the Salvation Army. At the close of
the meeting an address of good
wishes was rend to Miss (Meares
has returned after spending several Riegel, bride -erect of this month. by
weeks in the West, Airs, John Amstein and a presenta-
Mrs. Edgar Hollinger and son tion of a white linen tablecloth front
Charles spent the week end with her the members of the Patriotic Society
parents, Air. and Mrs. Charles Poll- was made by Mrs. Manuel Beuernsan.
ard. Miss Diegel made a suitable reply.
Cpl. Margaret Moore of the RCAF, The ladies were then Invited to see
Hegersville, visited her uncle and the trousseau which was displayed by
aunt. Mr, and Mrs. Walter Davidson, Mrs. Roy Collins and Mrs. Edward
The old hunting gang have again Kress ler. aunts of the bride -elect, both
gone north in search of venison. Mr. tug' Stratford. Miss Rose Kressler was
and Mrs, Ruseel Marks. Air. Lawrence in charge of the register and the gift
Marks and Mr. Hugh Campbell left room. Teen was served by Mrs, F.
on Saturday morning, They intend Golding, Stratford. assisted by Mrs.
motoring as far as possible. Others Leslie Wastereen, Mrs. Harold Mogk,
going to tate same camp, at Pekesbye airs. Christ Leonhardt and"Mrs. Wm,
are Mr, George Taylor, elle Tont ale Diegel. The table was centred with
Millan and Mr. Carl Stanbuty and pink baby mums and tali white
Mr. Bennett
The LT.F.W.O. meeting will be
held at the home of Mrs. Wilbur Visit"" ,titin :sir. and Mrs. John
Turnbull on WednesdayNov. lith, Antstein on Sundae' were: Mr, and
tie. Chane. Beige an, a return_ Mrs. Nelson Heimpel and son Bobby
ed missionary, s'iI1 be the guest T't R atertou. lir... Anna Mileage Mr.' Death of Michael Coyne.—
v HAim Yes of Heide11 • Ai^
A congregational meeting will be
held on Monday night, 15th in St.
John's :Anglican Church at 8 p.m.
All members are reguested to be
'1'be- W. A. of St. John's Angliean
i hureh Was held at the home of
Mre, 'Ai. Elliott Tluusday,
Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Clutter of
Harriston spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs, Ed. Chuter,
Mrs, Wm. Ball and little son have
returned after spending two months
with her b isband in B.C. .
AC.1 Floyd McAsh of St. Eugene,
One, is having a two weeks vacation
with t•elativee and friends.
Pte. Elliott Chuter of Ipparwash
spent the week end at the parental
The many friends of Mrs. Austin
will be pleased to know she is slowly
Save all paper bags and cotton
rags for salvage, in fact any kind of
paper is needed,
L.O.L. 1035 held their annual fowl
supper an Friday evening when about
150 Orangemen. wives and families
sat down to a well ladeu table, After
supper a programme of songs, music,
readings. also addresses by Rev. Mr,
Graham and Rev. Miss Hern.
Mr, and AIrs. Sydney Brown of God-
erich called on friends here Monday.
AIr, and. Mrs. J. Ostrain spent Sat-
urday with friends itt Stratford.
speaker in Duff's United Church, Ind Mrs. Airs Clifford Jordan, Mr. and!A prominent farmer of Hibbert
Walton, on Sunday. Nov. 14, Eery -township, Michael Coyne, died end
one will wish to hoar about Missions AI's. Clarence efnegge a Mitchell. 4.
at first hand t'rom M .Bridgeman. •\I'. and Mrs. Martin Mueage and son deity' of a heat attack en Monday
The play
prep by the Young Allan of Galt. Corp. Harold Jordan of night, He had attended the wedding
pial t'lintott, and Mrs, Jordan and daugh-
People's of ]tis nephew in Toronto on Satur-
Union is havinga busy timeday and was at the home of his son,
asrs .levee and Diane. and :lir, and
fulfil n: it.- engagement Much ere- Ar Sir. and Mr•s. Thomas Coyne, Burl-
dit is due the director, Sir. Clarence Fred Flasher of Bornholm,•
\I,. and ':Mrs. Morgan Loucks. and in trot, when he succumbed without
Grainger.• Mr. 'The late Mr. Coyne was
We art glad to welcome to the \`r. and eke. Mervin Leitch.. of Tor.
villa= - Mrs. Elmer Hackweli and dam- ante. with \I•. and Mrs. Satn Smyth,
born on the ;til concession of Hib-
ghler Marjorie. who moved in lastbeet township on September 28,
Mr. It t k Procter visited in Tote 1506. and was married to Miss Alice
week to make their home here. ones with his sister Mrs. Mary Ditt- earner on July 14, 1506. They lived
Nest Sunday. Nov. 14. the Pulpit of tree Mr•. Dittmer returned with him
Dutrc United Church will be occult10 visit stere, en the farm where he was born until
1929, when they purchased the
ted by Rev. A, C. Bridgeman recentiv Rev. W. ;chintz and thirteen
returned from China, wile will give a have since
cKr elproperty where they
members of the Brotherhood of St, have snce resided.• Mr. Coyne was .
talk on his work in that country. 'We Peter's Lutheran Church attendedart upright citizen andInn.
; on•Inc.
parents, Mr. and Airs, Joseph Don-
The Miesee Mary- Margaret Ryan,
Mary and jean Jordan have taken
positions with the Civil S ervit'e et
Ottawa. The young ladies, former
students of the Dublin Continuation
School, did outstandingly fine work
in the course given by the War Ent-
etg'eney Training Plan at Guelph,
and were highly sat tess'ful in the ci-
vil service examinations at the end
of the course.
Mr, A. W. McEwing recently visit- ,
eel his brother, Mr, Hugh MeEwing ,
of London who has been very sick
for the last couple of months but is
much improved though still bedfast.
The former also had the pleasure of
visiting his brother, Mr. James Me -
Ewing of Winnipeg, who has been in
London helping to care for his bro-
ther Hugh,
Mr, and. Mrs, James Scott and
children motored from Toronto on
Sunday visiting at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Mc-
Vlttie and other friends, returning
home on Monday,
Messrs, Arthur Colson, Nelson
Lear and James McEwing from this.
neighborhood left on Sunday for
Bracebridge on a hunting expedi-
tion. We wish then[ good luck.
Miss Helen McGregor spent the
week end with her friend, Miss
• Edythe Beacom in Hamilton,
, Mr, and Mrs, Isaac Rapson spent
a prat of Sunday afternoon and for
tea at the home of 11Ir, and Mrs,
Ephraim Snell near Clinton, Others
present were Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
Betties of Porter's Hill, Mr. and Mrs.
Warren Gibbings and children and a
friend from the school at Port Al,
1Tiss Ruby McVittie of Londes-
boeo, is spending a while with Mrs,
Nelson Lear.
Quite a number from this neigh-
borhood attended the supper, enter-
tainment and dance put on in Lon-
deshoro hall last Thursday evening
for the Federation of Farmers and
report enjoying a good supper which
was furnished by the Londesboro
Red Cross, also enjoying the enter-
tainment and dance. Officers were
also appointed for the coming year.
Miscellaneous Shower
For Brlde-Eelect —
On Friday evening around 200 rel-
atives and friends gathered in the
Town Hall. Mitchell, in honor of :hiss
Claires Diegel, bride -elect of this
month. Dancing was enjoyed to the
music by Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Miller,
while others were entertained by
playing bridge. euchre and social
chat. At. midnight the bride and
groom were seated on the platform.
while Mae. Russell Sholdice read an
address of good wishes on behalf of
the guests aeeembled. The bride was
assisted in unwrapping the gift= by
Mfrs. Laird Thiel. Mrs.. r.• -ewe 111.1--
tit,-. airs, Mathes Dietz. heel -east
,,moth: tit`- 1 , -'y t11. t
y ilii: i•['t"1}'
vii. hail sire and i(I
k.: .,til math. .. `n t:,olr
t,l -
n„ , ...°:l, for t'w
gifts.L1P..J1. -7 Sr+1 ....a 'stir t✓`�
ti,...[..1: [ ,.
epee-. 1n t.nettig.
Bride Elect Feted at
Trousseau Tea —
M ? H -lit \i alike -i entertained
, i.i t a at 1 home in
Ia odha_ei, Weei . slay in honor of
her d aaghter Dorothy Claire, whose
marria^e to Ala'. Donovan Garfield
Markee ie an event of this month,
'The gnesis Wereceived by the hos-
tess. her brideele i daughter and
Sirs. C . G. Markle. mother of the
bridegroom deet. In the afternoon
Mrs. Win. Gollni z. Mitchell. invited
the ;11,..S! Tit the lea room- and Mrs.
F. Gelding. Stratford. performed this
h _.;r .n the e[ e .ing. The attractive
rale;'» with its handmade lace clotb.
wee centred with pink baby mums
:sial tail white tepees, Mrs. Golding
eemred sea and the a..,t:ant. ce;e
and` AIr•. Harry
Isv.:y t. ..
..e- was i-ii;y-'1 y
Ala. t-..
it S y t ' stg the
TLI -11 it _ , ...ale
, '1
•`ata ... 1"-' r.. s.:.,ar_ci ':)y Mrs. A.
ems -sestet 11 '1 and Il,s. Pots,
1 , ho'l'l t.e , t, 1 M:... L<tth M.tt1.le
rw, i a gtt-<1... Th .,,r
t::.. [vire AIi l ? e :le -ea :ani
Afi,. !Ida Keeb'r.
Patriotic Society Presents
Gift to Bride
Mess lie,, l it
t, rte:+tor •tl til- .a, auk, rr ,.1t0' ltturl-
han'•n Patriotic ociety at her home1'-tttt i tv t c :riot ag Mrs. Dalton Hinz.
vita-preeidout, presided over tint
Mrs. Prank Howes of Stratford. Mr is survived by his Wife, five daugh-
and Mrs, Roy Guntmon and Mr, and ters: Alicia. Stratford; Mrs. R.
Mrs. William Drummond of Monktan Hahne, iFlorencel, Chatham: Mary,
visited at the home of lir. and Mrs, Tiisonburg; Sister 1I. Alice (Agnes),
Harold Diegel on Sunday. Glengarda, Windsor. and Sara, at
Mr. element Jacob and son Wilfrid home: also six sons, Thomas, Bur-
'',',0tpaitie4 by Messrs . Norman and lina•ton: Joseph, London; John.
0-1} ..1011 Riehl. motored to Muskoka 30 Frank. George and Matthew and one
epend a few days hunting, Here's ter, Mrs. James Doyle. all of Hib-
hoping they will bring home the' hen` township, The funeral will be
venison. i held at St. Patrick's Church, Dublin,
The F:.as:'• •
t It
of Christ -. ler wee
St. C„la t glee:
;i' 't .Y• :1.. _ . ,pc*.-
.peen 1Y}.
Dublin. a
-lir, Hen Weston of Detroit called
Doyle -Cook— on Barfield friends this week.
F„ .. = Ilot+t.an Catholic church. NTr's, J. Jowett is moving over
T,. snot, de:,.atv,i with _t:endure-le of from the Grove to spend the winter
.::t eerveenteamurns. was :he eett-1 months in her home on Main street.
::e n_ t.: s,•tw-day of I The euchre and dance Sponsored
es Cele, Ja,t: Cook. Toronto. be the L.O.L. No. 24 last Friday
t.t•:t se 3.1se Jveenh E. Cook, night was largely attended and all
;c•,. Ft. O"D*aw•sk. A*. T,,Yt<. Credit, to Mr. M;ehaei J. Doyle, report a imbed time. The Murdock
,t t :,,r of Mrs. Jeareis Doyle. Dublin. ! orchestra supplied the music.
;n' Th ct ret+.tm v was solemnized b, Tuesday morning we had our firms
.hur e-
l; [ Father Forget t and the wedd- snow storm of the season. All the
Mr. Thos. it St-*: a totrp ni itded
h's err,:, Jo::^.n :.std Jo ep,t attended 'n. run""'' wasplayed by'T. Mona- fishermen report leaving their nets in
ti se .nisei T of c a•elatare Tr. Por: I Ian, who a] o sang. The bride, giv- before the storm broke.
•a in marriage by het brother, Mr. The many friends of Mr. Wm.
Anne s ent the week end in Bitch- I co o brown e P
p j blue trimming,. brown p111d hislir, Jowett fractured
Mr. and lir;. Maurice Dalton and i Vincent J, Cook, wore a frock of ' Jowett are glad to know he has suf-
t sheer crepe with pale ficiently recovered and is able to
1 � w box hat rive car, Mr,
and Mrs. Jahn O'Reilly of + with veil. and mink furs. Her flow- his hip early this fall
j ere were cream roses and baby's Mr. Wm. Robinson, Sr.. of Lon -
Stratford visited relatives here.
Mr. James Carrot, RCAF.. Quebec, bveath. \Tisa Anna Atkinson. Ret -N-• don, spent a few days last week with
Toronto, [was maid of honor, wear- his eon, Jas. Robinson.
,ent the week end with his wife and ,n_ baby blue crepe with nave blue
Airs. Harry Reynolds of Sarnia i=1 `,.euins and mink furs. nary. felt hat
visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs,
Jae. Carlin,
The ladies •of the C.W.L. recently-
p.:eked twelve Chnieemae •boxes for
the boys of the parish overseas, each
•-•ee e1'0taileta canned ;neat. shir-
*safety Mins, eon*. shoe las'-.-.
't lints , "1Y, ia,a`' enter, honey.
se—dines. emuch drops.
razor blades. oap,
tooth T' St€. chow•
Airdk'r•'r:e s and a pair
M s Morar; MIrivet - rvi Chatham
•rk ea :rite her par-.
Euchre & Dance
In Seaforth Armories
est eves Seaforth Women's institute
..•i..lei eiit?R se-
with veil, and carrying pink roses. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. .Wm.
Carter. Atte. and Sits- George Carter
and Sire. Watson Reid visited at the
home of Mr. and Airs, D. R. McKenzie
at Lneknow,
George Radford mustier has come
,1 tee work ea the Silt and 5[11 of
Ilii:! •tt at.d has moved to Paisley.
A 2.umber iti tha neighberhoo,l (tr-
eated the r: t 17;,i iu IlIy411
•- 111. aid :fir. r ,s•ge Fear mi
'fl,itrsday eight.
Mi'. At x Mae- y , 1,te4 b':• eta
Elmer Htt.._Il Il-: ,-eateet,e. rl were. rt,
his "mete
ifea-ta. Aellete Tlin t ee C. 1
A:. Juane. .,Iebwir:g and Nelson
Lien. u'ettt north foe a holiday its the
limiting setsson.
lir. -James Doyle was best man and
the ushers were Wilfred J. Cook
t,n.i Francis P. Doyle. RCAF, At
ie; Diet Kitchen, Mrs. Cook receiv-
n a back brocaded crepe dress,
teeiet.te-i with white. Assisting her
was the mother of the bridegroom
"••enele Attie:- with blue trite. They
els :core a corsage of pink roses.
[tor - honeymoon in Nortaertt
remark, the couple will reside in
V'ui,iit . Foy .eine; away the bride
sesegeil t7 s, heevy triplecrepe
,,alk green suit •with biaek vel
t ants Hudson seal coat,
.1.-= -ansa Meagher, London, with
iter u:trettts. Mr. end 3lrs. John
•Anzeln Ilornelr, Stratford.
rr i u tat M', and :firs.
'tk Isn the tl[
C' cella and Ed-
Cateseeef. l..t::hexer, with their
nt Me. ;mil Airs. A]lsert Kraus'
.It 1'iunr.s•li• Aylvnor, and Miss
D'oe to ly. Go.trnitn, with their
The name of •Ile. Duncan eleCow-
et was inadvertently omitted from
the list of honorary pallbearers pub-
ub-l :shed last week in the funeral of
the late John McDowell.
\\-asst. anti Ft,r ease ode. ,, wt•t•lte atee
T\\'O FtletTCTltlld --end show starts at 8.45
Sabers Preston, Ellen Drew
"Night ?lane From Chungling"
A flight for life across China's frowstier !
'— Also
"Henry Aldrich Swings It"
What a jure session for Henry and his gang!
2nd show starts at 9.15
Barbara Stanwyck Michael O'Shea
"Lady Burlesque"
alkali Murder! Melody 1 Mystery !
Attd Girls ! Girls ! Girls !
TWO FEATURES. 2nd show starts 8:45
William Gargan Margaret Lindsay
"Enemy Agents Meet Ellery Queen"
When Nazis meet Ellery - • - They met their Waterloo
"Reveille With Beverly"
with Ann Miller
Bob Crosby and his band — The Radio Rogues
Frank Sinatra Mills Bros,
William Wright Dick Purcell
"Mr. Lucky"
lei show starts each eve,. at 7.80.
Matinee each Sat. at 2.300
r �
BRUCEFIELD Foot and Mouth
We are sorry Airs. J. Berry had to
Disease Kept Out
return to the hospital last week.
Mrs. C. Munce and daughter of
London visited with their aunt Mrs.
J. Berry, on Sunday.
Mrs. Anderson of Ailsa Craig visit-
ed with her sister Mrs, Alex Mustard
Sr. over the week end,
Nursing Sister Hazel Haugh of
Morley Park Military hospital, Tor-
onto. visited with her people on Sat-
At the W.M.S. thank -offering meet-
ing on Sunday Aire. W. Crookes of
Loudon was the guest speaker. She
told of the work that was being done
at Hearst hospital, Her talk was very
interesting and impressive.
Mrs. Alex Souter left Thursday to
visit her sister. Mrs. McNair of Ham-
ilton. From there she will go to
Toledo to visit with her daughter
Mrs. Alex York,
Mr. and Mrs. Aidie Mustard return-
ed from their honeymoon on Friday.
We welcome Mrs. Mustard to our
Mr. Alex Paterson, who was in a
car accident last Wednesday, was
able to be removed to his home here
on Sunday.
Last Thursday night a shower was
held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H.
Aikenhead in honor of the bride -elect
Miss Kathleen Mustard, when she re-
ceived many useful and beautiful
Constance W. M. S, held special
Thanksgiving meeting at the hone
of Mrs. Wm. Britton Wednesday aft-
ernoon with a good attendance. Mrs.
Britton opened the meeting by tine of
hymn, The whole world was last in
the darkness of sin, Mrs. Menzies,
Mrs, Snell, Mrs. Lindsay offered
prayer.Scripture lesson was read by
Airs. Lindsay. The Kingdom of God
front the beginning, Luke 17, 00-21,
Romans, 14th chap, Mrs. Britton gave
a short, paper o11 the scripture read-
ing, three thoughts: The Kingdom of
God with you; The Kingdon[ of God
is upon you: Where is the Kingdom
of God in this war. Salo by Mrs, Improved Situation
Menzies, I heard the voice of Jesus L gar
say, Reading by Mrs, Wm. Jewitt on in Sheep and VV OOl
Wm, Cary. Duet by Mrs. Mclhvain
and Edith Britton, Mrs. Roy Lawson,
guest speaker, gave an interesting
addt•ess. Matthew, 17th chap, 13 -14th
verses. taking as her theme., The four
Gates -1. The Gate of Conversion.
2. The Gate of Holiness. 3. The Gate
of Christian Stewardship. 4. The Gate
of Death. And also spoke on temper-
ance. Closed with poen[ on Crossing
the Bar. Collection, Sung Ityntn. Bro-
ther snake It friend of Jesus, Mrs.
Britton closed with prayer. Lunch
was served.
Don't forget. the chicken -pie sup-
, et• on Nev. 17th. Good supper and
Mrs, Austin Dexter recently ent-
-t omega the ladies of Group II and,
to a quilting. During the
eft •inose, the lucky ticket was
01'7.11 for the apron donated by Mrs.
(Thas. Hoggart, making 37,30 for the
11'd Cross, Mr:. Orville Dale had the
lug --t": ticket.
Owing to the constant vigilance of
the Health of Animals Division, Do-
minion Department of Agriculture,
and to the enforcement of restrictive
treasures taken to protect Canadian
live stock and the live -stock industry,
the dread Foot and Mouth Disease
which has ravaged many countries
has never gained entrance into Can-
ada, Witlt this aim in view, a caution
was issued in the summary of pro-
ceedings of the recent meeting of the
Central Canada Veterinary Assoeia-
1 tion held at the Dominion Animals
Diseases Research Institute, Hull,
P.Q. During times of war, states the
summary, too much emphasis cannot
be placed on Foot and Mouth di-
sease, an infection which potentially
could paralyse the food producing
industry of Canada and of the Unit-
ed States. Therefore, all conditions
bearing a resemblance to this infec-
tion should be thoroughly under-
In California, a new disease made
its appearance a number of years
ago, which was thought to be Foot
and Mouth, because of the symp-
toms presented in swine. The out-
breaks of 1932, 1933, and 1934 were
classified as Foot and Mouth disease
but in reality they were this new
disease—vesicular exanthema. To
date this disease has been confined
to the State of California. It is an
infection spread by feeding meat
scraps to hogs and because no pork
has been exported from that State it
has been confined strictly to that
area. Lately however the number of
pigs in California has increased en-
ormously and there is likely to be a
considerable amount of exportation
which will probably result in vesicu-
lar exanthema being spread to other
parts of the United States and poss-
ibly into Canada.
Out breaks presenting symptoms
suggestive of Foot and Mouth di-
sease should be dealt with immed-
Boss (to applicant for job):—
"Aren't you the fellow we fired yes.
"That's right:" replied the job
It that ,vas(,." queried tine other.
-why do you come in here looking
Due to war conditions and the
emergency created through the un-
certainty of North America's wool
requirements from outside sources
reaching the continent, a nation-wide
campaign of sheep expansion was
undertaken in 111)42 by the Dominion
in co-operation with all the Provin-
cial Departments. of Agriculture, As
a result there has been a consider-
able increase in the production of
sheep and wool, shared by all the
provinces, and the assistance given
under the program by the Domhtion
Department of Agriculture is con-
The situation in regard to the safe
transportation of wool from Austra-
lia. New Zealand and South Amer-
ica has improved, Supplies are more
easily available and the emergency
has lessened appreciably. The meat
situation, however, is stick that an
inc't'ense its the production of lamb
and mutton its Canada is highly de-
suable in connection with Canada's
present and potential obligations its
relation to world food supply for the
duration of the war and its post-war
for a job?" DRISCOLL Al. Stott Memorial MS -
"Why note" demanded the nttpli pial. nn Nov, 8tlt. to air, and Mrs.
rant. "1 }net it here. didn't I?" Rime T1ri:,col1. Walton. a sort.