HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1943-11-11, Page 2hese days, when tea must yield
the utmost in flavour, quality
is of supreme importance. Ask for . .
L. L. Knox Passes
At Goderrch -
Death or L. L. Knox. a veteran in
mun1 ipal matters iii Goderich, and
for over 30 years its clerk and treas-
urer, was announced by Mayer E. D.
Brown ou Friday night. An able and
efficient office, was the tribute paid
to Mr. Knox, who died in his 59t11
year. Recognized by his fellow towns-
people as an authority on municipal
affairs, he hod retired from public•
lite a year ago due to a heart ailment
which resulted in his death. While
carrying 00 the twofold duties of
town clerk and treasurer. lir. Knox
lead also boon s errotary of the 1ntblIc
nttltties eonunis cion and the public
school board for years. Ito WAS born
in Gaderich, the sou of the late 11r.
and Mrs. John Knox, His widow is
the sole survivor. She was the former
Miss olive Borns.
Native of Cromarty Honored
For Research Work -
A we•ddh1; of interest w-hicli took
pie, c,'. it 111nol:u1,i appears in this
paper, the b;'ido„r:,,,ni 14t1lg ,sergeant
.•f i.,o . 1/1 i, it:t..
c:17.11 1..... this venni man
1.1 1;11,3 (10111 t',7rth
; 11:3.1v;i, l'. -i.t i'.'l1 1.I.1•
. u..1r ..• „i, i. of Itis pilp
}::,L 1*. 11tt llnhatiy i; rhe-
sn1! ,. ;u- 1::?e Tho., :liale;ifty of Cro-
fton -Ty and :fifer receiving his school-
ing at 5,5 , No, :. Ribbert. he came to
Dlitchell high school, t.ralivatinp.,
later from the University ?f Toronto
he was teaching its tile high school ai
Dawson t'ity when tate first Great
War broke our. He enlisted there.
serving his country until the war
elided. On Ili -h returns with his English
bride he began the study of medi-
cine at the University of Toronto .and
being one of the five most outstand-
ing students was .elected by the
Rockefeller Foundation. International
Health Division, to co to Africa on
research work when' he has spent
many years. as the Foundation
\w'rit's. in work that Was 111001 Fni'•
•essful and highly appreciated, Ile is
a111:e117,771 to the Yellow Fever Resid-
ential lnsthat.' at Etit• oh-,. Uganda.
Es.. Africa. and for hi: outs an gift,.
work was included in the F;na'•
11:11el17, i1, .lift,-..
Staffs Young Man Married
England -
- .. .-1 ei of
... . 1' i-:fr
,....i Miss Margaret
t ;rll!. 1.. ,.,tt.1.
N. s' P.utnn. Wisho ettfh
Ti-'- bride, who was given
c,: fry h•;: ;:triter. was dressed in
an „r.kie-leit;oth gown of ohite fig-
4red with a whit, satin ('tato^-.
Her lona i::ce v-.11 and train w';,re
heir in piale ley a halo of orange
lalossom, and site rlarri'-:i a shower
both -met of white rarnations. There
wet,- six bridesmaids. the Misses
Joyce. Lilian, Patricia and Barbara
(Allo L.o. sisters of the bride. Marg-
:rr=t Stantbridge, cousin. and Dolly
".eherts. a friend of the bride, They
ct-c•..;. all dt '. .tel itt ankle>•]F•ll'.'th
frocks of white silk. w;th red sashes
and lei lace elbow rniftens. Their
0.:ad t .. s.,. wet, t lusr .. f rwd and
whit- feathers. anal t':,,-, 01-
ri :11 1.1 white carnations, A
• t.ot, t..;: 1:: bt • .fee Dat and
l.all 11111. rile Ilom•e of 10.' bride
uncle and inter i . )-,inn,= c.euple
1••1t i, .h=• 11 t ymooti.
Golden Wedding of •
Usborne Couple -
of whole were at the wedding fifty
Years ago, The guests included Rev.
1\'ln. Mail' and Airs. A'Iait', The wait.:
r1'ses were five nieces, The tables'
were decorated with fall Rowers and
the rooms were decorated with
boughs of staple leaves and with
flowers sept from friends in Ottawa,
Regina. Hamilton, Toronto and Mea -
ford. In the evening Mr, and Mrs.
Kydd were "at home" TO one hundred
01' more friends. A short program was.
enjoyed including tt solo. "Just Fifty
Years Ago." sung by Mrs. James
Gardiner, aged 84. mother of Hon, J.
Cr Gardiner. Lunch was served by
wives of the nephews. Friends were
present from Shallow Lake.: eaforth,
Owen Sound. Brantford, St. Thomas
and surrounding district,
Wright-Preszoator -
.1 quiet but pretty wedding took
odic:• at the United church parsonage
a (.n7411.i11 when the Itev. L. A.
1111 11,1' united in marriage, Shirley
Gra . . e ,and daughter of lir. Wm.
th;.1 and the late Mrs P1asz
for, of i:oatel'. to Frederick George
youngest sift ''1 Mr. and
Mrs. Wm, Wright. of 1=.xcier. hiss
111111 mica as bridesmaid. 11r.
1,11, 7'T7 E': ...',2:101. brother 0f the
->_ pi'•+;L. i't`t
Properties Said At Exeter-
;.:..:y last what was one
,;-1;si,lered some of the finest
1o.h:e and ., si.ieut.'ti properties in
1-:x11:1 11 ere 0ltel'ee: on rho suction
4'10 w14:'11 five stores and two houses
tet• property of 111,; late P1'. Browning
u'•sr.' 09'0'ed for salt' together with
thy contents of the Browning halite
and the stock and fixtures of the
drugstore. 1)r. J. W. Rrolwning died
lwirht'1,1 a will and tate Canada Trust
-'.,111(10110 are :t:llleilli.t 1010rs 00 •111e I
ialr:• with J. W, :Money. solicitor.
Frank Taylor was the auctioneer.
1=1'10 for the v l'lc'ns properties were
t' criwrti Gild nett• ::wait ceRllr1113tie:l
before the transfers are completed.
For the large residential property of
Pr. Browning the highest bidder was
\V711. Sw iraer, of Stephen town -
The . brick cottage 00
Huron street occupied by ill•, Win.
k went to g_t;u.,, with Mr. Cook
;:s bidder. Thr three-storey build-
ing in 1w11ic11 the drugstore is 100:1 -1
went. 1, j2'l3l0 alai the stock and 11x-
. ,a to S371..0. ro. ,lir.
.....-. :iii'.has b, .yl con.:
t nc?= 1 1277 nigh..st
Left Estate Te Hospital -
:. 1r ...
o 11 1;-q'1 .led
County Hospital at \t :.l.;r1
!1,1 will r :t.tiy
of tate hospital at Walkerton aid sup-
ported it liberally, - Arthur Enter-
prise -N ews.
Wawanosh Road Now a Sink -hole
sink -holes are not uncommon in
this district. bat the suddenness; with
which one developed on the Ninth
Concession of West \Yaw•auosh. has
caused a flurry of excitement and is
r . ,1'« a repair problem to again
make the road fit for traffic. In the
meantime 0 temporary road of rails
over swampy grouted. skirts the sink -
lode. The 10110l- developed on the
county raft ani east of the 'Yarm of
James Pardon. 'West Wawanosh
Tow ltil: r e::el sal,.. yintandent. For
11 , -, -.. t. ,-,e 1':;1 reetite _O' bottotn
out (.t the read, anal
as it ..1.10. 11,1(15. on the roadside
1:4 ver° tip 'bolltour feet. The
v a_ • c': t :11 ail 1 P^.e r, 3111. a
) :r:. t: t turf that was plunged
1 l 1111.i
11 .i.:` it t!
,`It #1'71-' AI r'.- 1,1 411- ground.
[1).1 "Y'1"'
c1 r. 1.'"'4"1'.who 13'4 Lueknow Man and Wife at Cano!
_1, 1•'e r-1.1l.1t 1 t:'rr ldetl vcoilii•nt
t .tri t..:,. til0 tnaio2ity fle.mel 1 rer'•. II 1 ,11•- :11'
It �11t1-e'0. 11') 21'-1t•s11,47.-=0 I'llil1ts1,'.It
11117.77, 11 ,lit', 1 170 ;. 1'‘1l
' COUf NSA -"
afEID and
ria: Ude / '.
.#1kAls0'Et1 tri tOtt,
e2 ,1112121.1
.,' . '11.1(0'.
11, - .0..191 li 1 111 e1
tho United 11131:3"' \t : 11epa1tn.'1,1
at. this 1,ost for 111 (liw 100113111. He
was t:-rb; iii+: wide. who
is a graduate pharmacist, and is now
acting in that capacity in the Panol
Hospital. Their phot' ofabode is 0
ace log cabin," Gordon says,
1,uc1;110w Sentinel,
Two Escaped Foxes Oauflht
Two foxes which escaped from the
DuVal Fox x011011 have been <'aptured.
One which had a white face was
away- about five weekstient it 101111
finally walleyed in a culvert in front
of Mrs. Tyndall's home, The other
had .Its freedom for about three weeks
and each night it would return to the
ranch fence but every effort to cap-
ture 11 failed, Finally Lloyd Cook shot
it as it came near the guard fence at
the ranch. This is a third fox on the
loose, it escaped front the Laidlaw
farm and it has now for three weeks
been enjoying its freedom. - 1\'iug•
haat Advance -Times,
Exeter Minister Resigns -
Rev, John Galloway, minister of
Cavell PresbyterIait church, Exeter,
has announced Itis resignation. Alt'.
Galloway has placed his resignation
in the hands of the Clerk of Presby-
tery. On the 19th of this months Pres-
bytery will tweet at Hensall and will
deal with the resignation which is
scheduled to taste effect the latter
part of this month, Mr. anti furs.
Galloway c•tune to Exeter in Febru-
try. 19911, from Burlington and during
their stay there Pave made 1110(1y
friends. They have a home in Burl-
ington and expect to return to that
Engagement Announced -.
Air. tad lits, 3 11. Mustard, Ilrll(1"
field. 1001031110' the engagement Uf
their daughter, Katlriyn L11zoabeth, to
Kenneth Gordon 11et'navan, son of
11(0. McCowan amt the late Mr, 30101
11ct'ow.m of Stanley. The marriage
will take place in November,
Flier Missing-
llrs. William Gauhey, of Uodea'ieh„
ou Saturday received word from tale
RCAF casualties officer that her soil,
\\'O. list classl George Albert Gau-
ley, is tossing :titer air operations
over .01117 territory on November 3.
He is a native of Colborne Township.
Enlisted in ,lune, 1941, trained at To-
ronto. Guelph, Paulson atld Rivers,
11an., and went overseas in June of
this year. He was a wireless operator
air simnel!.
Oldest Clinton Business
Man Retires -
This week marks the retirement or
Clinton's oldest businessman, in the
person of William Dickson Fair, for
over 48 years an active and progreas-
ire naerehaut. Mr. Fair's long career
as proprietor of the bok and station-
ery store on Albert street commenced.
in April, 1595, when Ile purchased
the business from Colonel FI, T,
Rance and Air. W. P. Spalding, He is
a son of the late Air, and Ml's,
Thomas Fair, and prior to taking
Over his business worked with his
father 111 the Post Office, He 'sue.
tweeted to the position or Postmaster
Old-Fashiionecl Revival Hour
'7 to 8 1',M„
Pilgrim's Hour
2 to 3 1',M.,
Local Station - C,K.L.W„ Windsor
CHARLES E. FULLER, P.0, Sox 123,
after his father's death only a few
months before purchasing this busi-
(less, Mr. Fait' has been on the job
continuously, never taking a fest ex-
cept on legal holidays. The two, old-
est business establishments in town
are A. T. Cooper's and Plumsteel
Brothers, but the W. 1). Fah' Comp-
any has had only the cue proprietor
since its establishment. In 1909 he
married Harriett Louise Leslie, dau-
ghter of the tate Mr, and Airs. John
Leslie, lite -long resident of Clinton,
and they went to reside on Townsend
street, where Mr. Fair still lives. Mrs,
Fair died in May, 1942. Mr. G. Ross
McEwan has purchased the business
and is now In charge, He is the eld-
est son of Mr, and Mrs, Murray Mc -
Ewan of town, and for the past num-
ber of Sean's has been with the rural
division of H.E,P,C, of Ontario, Mrs.
AIOEw•tln, who is well and favorably
known, is the daughter of Mrs. Gres -
and the late Thomas Grealis. -
Clinton News -Record.
Mrs, Geo, Docking, 'Flibbert, Dies --
Mrs. George Docking, a highly es-
teemed resident of Hibbert township
died in Stratford General Hospital
on Sunday evening about 8 o'clock
from a heart condition. The young-
est daughter of the late Thomas and
Margaret Moffat of Logan towftship,
the departed woman was born in
1868. She graduated from the Strat-
ford General Hospital as a register-
ed nurse in 1899, She was married
'to George Docking of Hibbert town-
ship in 1907. kir. Docking died in
1986. She is survived by one son,
Gordon, at home, and one sister,
Miss Alice Moffat of Mitchell and a
grandchild. Beside her husband she
was predeceased by one brother,
James Moffat, Monkton, and one
sister, Margaret, Mrs. G. Henry, of
Hibbert township.
Want 1111(1 For Sale Ads, 1 week 25o.
• Hydro is a living thing. It takes people ... their hands and brains and hearts
to keep Ontario supplied with power in uninterrupted flow.
Producing power for Ontario's needs is Hydro's number one job. A veritable
army of men is required to keep this power flowing at peak efficiency. For
Hydro is much more than mighty power plants . . much more than the trans-
mission Tines you see striding through the countryside.
Hydro is the employees who keep the power plants producing, who guide
and co-ordinate the constant flow of energy through the transformer stations.
It is the employees who patrol the lines that carry power to far-off mills and
mines, to roaring industrial plants, busy stores and offices, comfortable homes,
peaceful farms.
Hydro is the families of those employees who have set up their homes in city
and town and country .. and, perchance, deep in the isolation of wilderness
and forest.
It is these ... and all the other co-operative men and women employees . , .
who have put life into Hydro, made it a living organization devoted to the
benefit and service of Ontario.
Just now their efforts are directed mainly to producing power for victory
and essential uses, but, after the war,they will 6e ready again to provide the full
peace -time service so essential to the development and progress of this province.
Yes! The heart of Hydro is people ... employees and consumers alike , .
both necessary . both partners in a great public enterprise. For today .
as in the past, and in the Future ..the success of Hydro is dependent on both
the faithful service of the employee an,d the wholehearted support of the consumer.
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