HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1943-11-11, Page 1III lllll111111111.4411111141111111111111111111111,1111111111111111111111111111
When the world is gnfe again, and peace has
comr t1 my
"W'e'llforget the trials and tribulations of
We'll forget about the things that caused us
tears and pain:
The heattaehes and the hardships and the
striving and the strain.
]fn, S.lu n'e 1,ie thing we Mhau•t forget,
rvf1LL.•vur els, may slide; -
The f 11 n hal that /MVO 20011(1, the
fr 1i -hip 1111', m1de:
1'h•.- ,, ui who lulu notched with oa t
he pal,. I lh .luted our load;
The num o1 good eompatuoua we hero met
alone the road.
..,Patience Strong.
Phone 84
$1 a year
Jersey Breeders To.
Form Local Club
To Hold Educational Meetings
To Help Improve Present
Jersey enthusiasts of Huron Coun-
ty decided to form a local Jersey
Breeders Club to further the inter-
ests of the breed and to help improve
the present herds by the holding of
educational meetings, type demon-
strations, production tests, and the
bringing into the county of superior
This decision was reached at a
meeting held to Clinton on November
3rd at which Mr. James Bremner,
secretary of the Canadian Jersey
Cattle Club and Dr. Charles Cook, in
charge of sales of Jersey milk, were
guest speakers.
A committee was formed to pro•
eeed with the club formation in the
near future: E. V. Lawson, Clinton,
chairman, Gordon Rathwell, Bayfield,
Colin Fingland, Walton, Maitland'
Henry, Blyth, Irwin Trewartha, Sea-
forth, with George Laithwaite, God-
erich, member ex -officio. There are
more than 20 Jersey breeders iu
J. C. Shearer, Agricultural Repres-
entative, presided at the meeting and
was later appointed secretary of the
vraeneerntlatnaa,Maeagazta...1.....:051.1631.55Mrallislel WHOM,/
Northside United Church
Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister.
10 a:m. Sunday School.
11 a.m. "Dispossessing Our Souls,"
7 p.m. "The Chains of Onr Hope,"
Welcome to these services.
Egmondville United Church
Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B,A.,B,D.
10 a.m., Sunday School.
11 a.m., "Loyalty to God."
7 p.m., "Living on a High Plane,"
St. Thomas Church
Rector, Rev, Dr. Hurford.
11 a.m. "Isaac the Plain Man,"
7 p.m. "Bible Steclies in St. Mark's
Sunday School 10 a.m.
St. Mary's Church, Dublin
2.25 p.m. Sunday School.
3 p.m. "Jesus Triumphal Entry into
First Presbyterian 'Church
Rev. Hugh Jack, Minister,
S. S. at 10 a.m.
Morning service 11 a,ni,
.Evening.service 7 p.m,
Midweek meeting Thursday at 8.
Anniversary services Nov, 21st. Rev.
Richard Stewart of Goderich, the
guest speaker,
Mr.Mr•. and Mrs. Sydney Ddlmage, Sea -
forth, announce the engagement of
their daughter Viola Ethel to William
John Ross McNichol, : Walton. The
marriage will take place the latter
part of November.
The property of Robert W. Tiber -
hart, South Main Street, has been
sold through the office of E. C.
Chamberlain to Harvey W. Heileman
of Seaforth. Mr. Beuerman gets pos-
session next spring,
The funeral of the late George
Brownlee took place on Friday af-
ternoon, Rev. Hugh. Jack officiating,
and, interment was in Maitlandbank
cemetery. The pallbearers were D.
H. Wilson, W. D. Smith, M. McPhee,
A. C. Routledge, Mr. Broome, Mr.
Brownlee was in his 66th year and
died following' an illness of nearly
a year with a heart condition, He
was born in Tuckersmith township
and in 1905 married Miss Violetta
Flynn, of Exeter, who survives hiin,
He was a member of First Presbyter-
ian Church and had been in business
here since 1910, as a salesman of
lightning rods. Besides his wife he
is survived by two sons, ]l]dgar, of
Windsor, and Elroy, of St, Thomas,
and two brothers, William, of Osh-
awa and Russell of Fort William.
Weekly Salvage Bulletin
East Side and Egmondville Coltec
tion, Tuesday, Nov. 16th.
There will be a Salvage Collec-
tion in the East Side of Seaforth on
Tuesday, Nov. 16th, starting at 4
in the afternoon. The collection 'will
include all ]tomes East of Main St„
the stores of both sides of the
street, also Egmondville and Little
Scotland. You are asked to make a
final clean-up for the year, as this
will probably be the last "East Side
and Egmondville" collection in 1943,
Last Wednesday was a busy clay
around Salvage Headquarters, when
a steady stream of trucks brought
salvage from McKillop and Hullett.
Busy farmers took their tune and
their trucks and brought in many
loads of salvage, the sale of which
will materially raise the total of
money that the committee can don-
ate to War Charities. Committee
members Gordon McGavin and W. L.
Whyte were in charge of this very
successful collection.
The West Side collection on last
Tuesday brought in a good assort-
ment of Salvage, In the - evening,
sorters arrived from St. James' Ro-
man Catholic Church and made quick
work of sorting and preparing the
salvage for market.
Have you an old tea box, bushel
basket or barrel? If so, leave it out
on collection day and it will be pick-
ed up. These are very handy to use
as containers for shipping glass.
The following is from the Port
Hope Evening Guide:
The lovely wedding of Ola Leona,
daughter of Mn and Mrs. John A.
Fox, to Francis Allan Devereaux,
son of Mrs. Frank Devereaux and
the late Mr. Frank Devereaux, Sea -
forth, took place on Saturday at the
Church of Our Lady of Mercy with
the Rev. Father G. J. Maher, of Co-
bourg officiating.
The wedding was held amidst de-
corations of chrysanthemums and
pompoms in gorgeous autumn col-
ourings: The bride, given away by 1
her father, wore a lovely street •
length frock of summer sky sheer
and chantilly lace and carried a
white prayer book with streamers
entwined with pompons. She wore
black accessories and a corsage- of
bouvardia, pink pompoms and adian-
ton. Miss Agnes O'Neill was the
bride's only attendant and was dress-
ed in gold crepe with black accessor-�
ies and carried a nosegay of bronze
yy yyye y� �+ Notes ...._,...-- -....._. y,� ■q. Council Holds Discuss Health Nursing Red Cross Notes Seafo( th Council R olt s i1111111111s41111a1111111111141411144114141111i1l111 14/11/111
November Meeting
Service in Huron The writer of the Red Cross notes
regrets that an error was • made in
Deputy Minister of Health and the deport of the quilts completed Additional Grant of $5O.00
Others Address A Large for the month of October, It reads Made to the Junior Kiltie
Gathering corrected 6 quilts returned, 10 made Band
' in work room, 6 donated, 10 tops -
Over 150 men and women from all donated, Regular meeting of the Council
parts of Huron County crowded the held in the Council Chambers at 8
Council chambers at Clinton on Nov- The executive has accepted two pm. Present Mayor John J. Chuff,
ember 4th, to hear Dr, Phalle Deputy
Minister of Health, Toronto, and Mise
Margaret Grieve, R.N., Woodstock
discuss health nursing service on a
county basis, The meeting was under
the auspices of the Huron -Federation
of Agriculture and President W. L.
Whyte of Seaforth presided,
It was decided to send a delegation
to the November session of the coun-
ty council to discuss with the mem-
bers the advisability of inaugurating
a scheme in Huron to benefit the
5,000 boys and girls going to public
and separate schools,
Favorable recommendations of the
plan were expressed by Warden Ben-
son Tuckey, Exeter, T. C, oiriisrn,
Bluevale, Mrs, 0. G. Anderson, Wing.
ham, Dr, E. A. McMaster, Seaforth,
Jas. Kinkead, and R. 0, Staples, God-
erich, L. E. Cardiff, Brussels. Dr.
I-Iobbs Taylor, Dashwood, John Han-
na, Wingham, Mayor A. S. McMurray
and J. 0, Shearer, Clinton.
Dr. Phair outlined the financial
bepking of the Department of Health
whereby one third of the cost to the
county council was remitted by the
provincial government,
Miss Margaret Grieve gave a splen-
did picture of the work and results
in Oxford County where three county
health nurses are employed by the
county council to inspect the school
children twice during their school
career (in grade one and 4n grade
seven), and to report their findings to
the local medical officer of health
who has the authority to have the
defeats corrected. Out of over 2,000
pupils in Oxford county physically
examined over 1,000 had major
Local speakers of Huron forecast
about the same situation amongst the
school children stere if the plan was
put into operation,
iew quotas:
Hospital supplies, 50 men's bed
jackets, 60 men's pyjamas, 50 dress-
ing gowns, 120 hot water bag covers,
100 gauze handkerchiefs, 120 spray
towels. Seamen's comforts for sur-
vivors bundles. 50 pr. socks, 30
turtle neck sweaters, 40 ribbed hel-
mets, 40 pr. mitts. This quota is ur-
gently needed, 25 pr. 18" socks.
and Councillors F. S, Sills, R. 0.
Parke, H. E, Smith, J. E. Keating,
John C. MacKenzie. Minutes of the
last meeting rears and confirmed.
Light an Mill St, was discussed and
left in the hands of the street com-
mittee. -
The report of the fire and water
committee was accepted and the mat-
ter left in their hands,
Motions: Sills -Parke: That this
Already returns are coming in Council endorse the resolution of the
for the Blood Donors Clinic Benefit, City of Kitchener relative to the pre -
with Mrs. Roy McGeoch and Mrs.
Lillice, co -conveners, entertained a
euchre party in the school house last
Friday evening with proceeds am-
ounting to over 320,
Duff's unit under Mrs, Watson's
leadership, have turned in 315, part
of proceeds of a rummage sale.
Girl Guiders of Goderich and Sea -
forth held a conference in Seaforth
on Monday evening in the guide hall
when Mrs. W. Conner of Kingston,
Field Secretary for Ontario of the
Girl Guides, was present, Mrs. Con-
ner conducted an inspection of the
Seaforth Guides and gave many int-
eresting and instructive ideas to the
During the afternoon an inspec-
tion for the Seaforth Brownie Pack
was held by Mrs. Conner. Miss Alice
Daly is leader of the Brownies and
Miss Marion Sclater of the Guides.
Funeral,-seivices for the late Mary
Elizabeth Willson of Detroit were
held here on Monday afternoon. A
private service was held at the home
of her brother-in-law, Mr. Walter G.
Willis, conducted by Rev. H. V.
BIBLE SOCIETY MAKES Workman of Northside United
LOCAL APPEAL Church. Interment took place in the
Maitlandbank cemetery: The pall -
The following paragraph is taken bearers were: Dr. F. J. Burrows, R.
from the 103rd report of the Society. E. Bright, Wm. Ament, F. McLean,
Problems of war must not over- J'. C. Greig and J. G. Mullen. Attend -
shadow those problems of peace for ing the funeral from a distance were
which preparation must be made in Lieut. R. 0. Willis, Ottawa; Mr. and
advance. When the society again Mrs. Harry Watson, Goderich. The
obtains access to countries now cies- deceased was born in Goderich on ; MISS HELEN GEMMELL
eel to it by war there will be found Sept. 7th, 76 years ago, a daughter The death occurred on Thursday,
a great dearth of Holy Scripture. of the late 0, C. Willson, who was in November 4th, of an old and highly
We will face immense opportunities business in Seaforth for many years ! esteemed resident of Egmondville in
but we will also face inexorable de- before moving to Detroit. She was the person of Miss Helen Gemmell,
and yellow pompoms. The best clan mends. Spiritual reconstruction must . the last surviving member of the fa' in her 77th year. Miss Gemmell had
was AC1 Edward Devereaux of Des- - go hand in hand with humanitarian ' niily. been in failing health for the past
eronto, brother of the groom. The ; relief, and the parent society in Lon- • Year and became seriously ill about
music was played by Miss C. Gordon don has already opened its "After YOUNG PEOPLE'S UNION ( ten days before her death.
and Mrs. F. Devereaux,. the groom's the war development fund." We • VISIT GODERICH, Born on the 2nd concession of
mother, while Mrs. Leo Buckley and might well give thought in Canada
Tuckersmith, daughter of the late
Miss Joan Devereaux sang. to problems which will inevitably On Monday evening the Y.P. of Thomas Gemmell, she had resided in
sent maldistribution of present
liquor and beer allottnrents, -
Keating-Sntith, That the Junior
Kiltie Baud be granted an additional
60,00 for repairing of instruments
and uniforms. 1'
We are fortunate in having
received a very large shipment
of Myott and Sons English
Dinnerware direct. from Eng-
This ie now 00 display at
this store and comprises a wide
variety of patterns of new and
attractive designs and color,
The quality is 02 course high
standard as it is made by Myott
41 Sons of England,
Fred S. Savauge
Phone 194 Res. 10
Smith -MacKenzie, That the purch-
ase of 317,000 .for the R. Bell Eng. &I SIMON S. LEYBURNE
Thresher Co. Debenture account. and Air. Simon S. Leyburne, a highly
33,000 for the Town of Seaforth of respected resident of • Tuckersmith,
the current victory loan by the fin-' flied Sunday evening at his home
ance committee be ratifiers and con- after a brief illness. Mr. Leyburne
firmed. had been in failing health for solve
Sills -Parke, that the Mayor end time but was able to be around un -
Clerk be authorized to sign a lease til taken seriously ill on Thure clay
with the Seaforth Badminton Club last.
on the same terms as last season. ! Mr. Leyburne was a native of
MarRenzie,Parke: That Lots 10, 11, Ireland, where he was born in 1873.
12. 13, Jarvis Survey, and lots. 1, 2, 3, In June, 1914, he was married in
4, 5; 23, 24, 25, 26, Jarvis Survey, be Dublin, Ireland, to Miss Alicia Earle
sold to Hartman Huisser for the sunt and they came to Canada and began
ofst$160eteandto that the Solicitor be tn• farming in Tuckersmith where he
rud prepare deeds and the had lived ever since. He was a mem-
Mayor and Clerk authorized to sign bet• of St. Thomas' Anglican Church,
same, Seaforth. Besides his wife he is sur-
Accounts and salaries: D. H. Wil- vived by three sons, William, at
son $50,03; R, Mien, 325; J. A. home; Earl, RCAF., Manning Pool,
Toronto; and Arthur, of the Caned -
'{Filson, pension $20; J, Cummings, fan Army, serving in Kiska; and one
389; J. Currie, $85; Thos. Storey 365. daughter, Mrs. Robert Carter, OM--
Fire Chief, A. Reid, 325; Sproat & ton, The funeral took place on
Sproat, $1.40; Seaforth Salt Indust -Wednesday afternoon from his late
ries, $3.75; E. 0. Gondie, 36; P. 77. C:. residence, lot 5, concession 4, Rev.
(waterworks dept.), hydrant rental, Dr. Hurford officiating. Interment.
33,975; Canadian National Railways. was in the Maitlandbank cemetery.
$15.36; County of Huron 35.25; -Fidel- The Pallbearers were William M.
ity ins, Co„ $S; Hesky Flax Products Sproat, Matthew Haney, Robert Tyn-
1,14., 330; J. Regier, $4.50; Jack's Re- trap, Robert Archibald, Arthur Wal -
pair, .15; Bell Telephone Co., $4.27: lace and Leonard Strong,
Town of Seaforth,. taxes, 3100,31;
P. Bell, police duty 33; R. Holmes.
On Saturday afternoon at the.
Pre'byterian manse, Seaforth, Rev.
Hugh Jack united in marriage Anne
Margaret, younger daughter of Mr.
Alexander Stewart, Windthorst,
Sask., formerly •of Logan township,
to Harvey James Craig, Walton, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Robert, Craig, of
Blyth. The ceremony was solemnized
at one o'clock. The bride wore a
street length dress of .Vice blue
crepe with snatching redingote, navy
blue felt hat, navy blue accessories,
and a corsage of baby mums. The
bride's only attendant was Miss Ada
Craig, Listowel, sister of the bride-
groom, in a dusty rose street -length
crepe dress, navy blue felt hat and
accessories to match, and corsage of
pink roses. Frank Wright, Kippen,
cousin of the bride, was best man.
Following the ceremony a wedding
dinner •was- served in- the Commer-
At the reception held in the St.
Lawrence Hotel, the guests were re-
ceived by the bride's mother, Mrs.
John A, Fox, and the mother of the
groom, Mrs. Frank Devereaux. Mrs.
Fox was gowned in flowered sheer
and wore a corsage of Joanna Hill
roses. Mrs. Devereaux wore a dress
of two -toned blue crepe with a cor-
sage of Joanna Hill roses.
The newly married couple left for
a wedding trip through Eastern On-
tario and for the journey the bride
wore her wedding dress topped with
a black coat trimmed in silver fox
with black a`c'cessories.
On their return Mr• and Mrs.
Devereaux will reside in Port Hope.
Out of town guests at the wedd-
ing were Mrs. Frank Devereaux and
Miss Joan Devereaux, Seaforth; Miss
Alice Devereaux, Toronto; Corporal
George Siddell, London; Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Pearson, Toronto, and
Mrs. Harold Keeler and Miss Marg-
aret Jane Keeler, Toronto.
The 44th annual meeting of the
IIuroi 0151 Boys' Association of Tor-
onto, will be held at Haddon Hall, 310
Bloor Street West, Toronto, on Fri-
day evening, November 19111. Busin-
ess meeting fol' the election of new
officers will convene- at 8,15, and
bridge and euchre games will begin
at 9 o'clock., Attractive prizes will be
awarded to the winners. A small ad-
mission fee fill be charged,
confront us here, and, seek to be North Side United Church were en -
ready to use every opportunity and tertained by Victoria St. Y.P„ at
advantage which peace will bring Goderich. Harry Westlake, presid-
within our reach. Such plans in the ent of the Goderich Union, opened
hature of things can be only tenta- the meeting and 0 Canada was sung
tive, and should be capable of rapid followed by the Lord's prayer in un -
re -adjustment. We can, however, ison. The secretary, June Baechler,
with full certainty begin with our- read the minutes of their last meet-
Lgntondville nearly all her life. She
was a member of Egmondville Unit-
ed Church. Surviving is one sister,
Bessie Gemmell, who Was residing
with her. Miss Gemmell had always
taken a great interest in growing
flowers and her beautiful flower gar-
den was a source of much pleasure
selves, and see to it that all who join ing and the Northside Y.P. took the to her.
clad hotel, Seaforth, to immediate
in the work of the Bible Society give worship period. Maxine Lawrence of The funeral was held on Sunday relatives of the bride and bride -
to it a fail measure of faithful effort Seaforth Union, read the worship from her late residence. Rev. A, W. groom. The dining room was eflec-
'1051 loyal and sacrificial support," call and hymn er3 was sung. The
Gardiner officiated, assisted by Rev, ' tively decorated with pink and white
The total contributions for the responsive reading was led by Ron J is I;lt'ord. Interment was in the streamers and white wedding bells
year 1942 sent to the head office ald Savauge. Lois Whitney rendered
Egmondville cemetery, Pallbearers and the bride's table was centred
from Seaforth were 3139.97. a solo, "Cone Unto -Me," and Marg- were Arthur Routledge, Hugh Me -
Collectors will be calling on you uerite Westcott read the Scripture. gWith yellow, pink and white chiccak
during the month of November. Wel- Matt. 25, verses 31-40, followed by Lachlan, Jolts McCloy, John Watson with ams. The bride cut the cake
come them with your financial sup- the words of a Br, Padre "The Great Nelson Keyes and A.•Glemence. with knife'resented by her cousin.
port. ' War," and then read "In Flanders Professor John Hall Stewarthc' of Uni-
Field." Pat Bechely and Maxine versify of Cleveland, to her sister,
DR. TWEDDLE BURIED HERE n „,,;s„„ t .i ;,, „„a„e,. and Ernie ANNOUNCEMENT Mrs. NO1'rie S5 her of Brucefleld, ott
Burial of Dr. Frederick W. Twed- Clark gave a piano selection. Hymn Ytr, and Mrs. 12 M. Peck, Stanley the o Craigi of ha• wedding, Mr. and
die, of Fergus,- who cried there Fri- 514 was sung and Harty Westlake their announce the engagement of. FMrs. left later on a short
day in his 82nd yeah, took place in • took charge. A social hour was en- elder daughter, Dorothy Em- honeymoon- trip to Hamilton, Nian•
marine, to John Francis Elliott, of ora falls, Welland and Stratford. On
Toronto, son of Mr, and Mrs. J. H. R. their return they will reside near
Elliott, of Blyth, The marriage to Walton,
taste place the latter part of Novem-
Maitlandbank cemetery here on Mon-
day, following a private funeral ser-
vice at the hone of his son, J. G.
Tweddle, Fergus. Dr. Tweddle was
the husband of the late Dora Wilson
Tweddle and father of 3. G. Twecl-
die, Mrs, F. F, Foote of Fergus and
Mrs, 0, B. Brown of Montreal.
The ladies of Duff's Unit Red Cross -
wish to express their sincere thanks
to all those who macre their rummage
sale such an outstanding success.
Miss Doreen McLellan of l0gntond-
vili.e was the winner of the occasional
chairs which were drawn for at the
sale. The entire proceeds amounted
to 3153.10.
joyed and a delicious lunch was serv-
ed by the Goderich Society. Marg.
Westcott moved a vote of thanks,
seconded by Maxine Lawrence and
the meeting closed by singing Auld
Lang Syne.
A large number of the members
of Fidelity Lodge, No. 55, I.0.0,10.,
visited Exeter Lodge No, 67 on
Tuesday evening, the occasion being
the visit to Exeter of Mr, Byron E.
Dundas, of London, grandmaster for
Ontario, A lodge from London put
on the first degree, and the grand
master gave a splendid address to the
gathering. Lunen was served at the
Mrs, Howard ,johns underwent An
operation for appendicitis in Victoria
hospital 011 Thm'sday last week, She
is progressing favorably.
Mr, and Mrs. Levy Johns and farm
fly visited at the home of Mr. C101•-
e110e S1111 (11 near Llrean on Sunday.
Pte. W. Tl, Dicitey reported in Lon-
don on Monday for further posting
after spending twit weeks' leave
Miss Agnes hove is spending some
time at the home of her sister, Mr.
and Mrs. Wilfred Huxtable of Cent-
Mt', •F1'e11 Brock and several others
left Saturday for the Northern hunt-
ing grounds.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Love have gone
to reside in Hensali for the winter
Mr. Ronnie Stephan of liensall was
a week end visitor with hie grand
mother Mrs. Mary Stephan,