HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1943-11-04, Page 8THE SEAPORT.
Mrs, Fred Beer WAS lu I.ouioin this
week attending as a delegate the
Women's lhatitute couveution being
held in Hotel London,
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mae.Laren who
have been yarded residents of Hensall
for number of years, moved to God-
erich on Wednesday, "where Mr, Mae -
Laren hes been engaged at Sky Har-
bor for the past two years,
The W,M,S, of the United Chuveh
held their annual Thank-O'rter'iug ser-
vice on Sunday morning when they
had for their guest speaker Mrs,
(Rev.) Harold Johnston of Mitchell,
who delivered a most impressive
message. Rev, R A, Brook was in
charge of the evening service. The;
choir sang two anthems entitled "Pre-
pare Ye The WRY," and "Our,
Strength and Song."
The November meeting of the flen-
sail Women's institute will be held'
on Wednesday, Nov. 10th at 8.15 at
the home of Niles Florence Welsh
with Mrs. Beer do -hostess. The roll
call will be answered by my favorite
proverb. Ray. R. A. Brook will be the
guest speaker, Mrs, E, Chipchase will
be in charge of the motto, "Nothing
Great was ever achieved without en-
thusiasm." Demonstration by memb-
ers of something new from something
old. Current event, Miss Sally Man-
son. Recipe. Mrs. Mickle. Members
are requested to bring tea, pencils.
paper and scrap books for the navy,
Mr. Cerro)! Joynt of Loudon is con-
valescing at his home following an
operation in the hospital in London.
Barn Destroyed By Fire —
Fire of an unknown origin destroy-
estroyed the large barn of Mr. Charles
O'Brien on the 4th concession of Ps -
borne early Monday morning, The
season's crap as well as 125 ehi('ker1S,
0 cows and a number of pigs were
burned. Mr. O'Brien had just finished
the milking and chores when he dis-
covered the fire. The loss estimated
at between two and three thousand
dollars is partly covered by insurance,
Mr. W. W. Chapman
Died Monday
Jnr. William W Chapman passed
away in his 71st year at his hone on
tl'e second cont -:sem o1' Hay Town-
ship early Monday morning following
a short illness. The deceased was a
successful farmer having spent his
life in this community. He is sur-
vived by his widow, formerly Ada
Jane Westaway. two daughters
lGraeel 3As. Price of Murrayrille,
Pa., Rutli. R,N„ of Albany Hospital,
lieu• Yore, and one son Lorne at
home: one sister Mrs. Kate Cantelon.
Tlensall, and three brothers Charles
('hapman, Palmerston, Ralph Chap-
man of San Francisco. and John
Chapman of Hamilton. Funeral sere
vices will be held from the hone on
Wednesday at 2,30 p,m., conducted by
Rev, R. A. Brook of the United
Church, Hensen, of which the deceas-
ed was a valued member. Burial in
Exeter cemetery.
Misses June and Edna Saundercock
pleasantly entertained at their home
o.1) Monday evening for Miss Marian
MaeLaren who leaves this week to
taste up residence in Goclerieh. The
evening was pleasantly spent in play-
ing games, after which refreshments
were served from a beautifully ar-
rtinged table decorated for Hallow-
e'en. Marion was presented with a
handsome dresser lamp.
LAC Ronald Parker and Mrs. Park-
er spent a few days hast week visit-
ing with the fornmer's parents Mr.
and Mrs. 001(10n Parker,
Parker -Brewer —
A pretty autumn wedding was sol-
emnized at 2 Brennen Ave., Troonto.
(u1) Oct. 25th at 7 pen. when Rev.
Geo. Bracken united in marriage Lil-
lian Gwenrloline, youngest daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. John H, Brewer. 41
Batavia Ave., Toronto. and LAC.
Ronald Clayton Parker, of Calgary
Wireless School, only son of NAr, and
Mrs. Gordon Parker, Hensall. The
bride rliose a turquoise irlue wool
two-piere dress with eor'sage of pink
roses and brown accessories. Miss
Hilda Dean, of Toronto, as brides-
maid. wore a pink wool two-piece
dress with corsage of yellow roses,
end binck ar(esso'ies. The groom
was attenders by Mr. 'Waiter Brooks,
of Ter -into. Following the ceremony
o reception was held at the home of
the bride's parents,
Later LAC and Mrs. Parker left on
a trip to London and Hensall whore
they visited with the former's par-
ents Mr. and MrS, Gordon Parker.
Thr' W.M.S. of Carmel Presbyterian
Chtn'Ch will hold their annual thank -
offering in the spool -room of the
ehm•ch on Thursday. Nov, 4 at 3 p.m.
A very pleasant evening was spent
lest week at the home of Mr. anri
Airs, Edgar Cudmo'e, Trebel -1m, when
a number of the relatives gatherer)
in honor of LAC RonrilrI Parker and
his bride. following their recent mar-
"iere. The evening was spent in
games and contests after which the
Pride mut cream were presenter) with
o nurse of money. The address was
rears by Marjorie Cndmere and Ar-
+hm Parker made the presentation.
Tlnnalrl made a fitting reply of thanks
anri refreshments were served.
The Hallowe'en dame snotsore(1 by
the eh'is dance cirri of Friday evan-
ieg was a splendid success. The nr-
elrestr's from the Centralia Airport:
received a warm weleone, end the
nrrmher and class of the various cost-
umes were very interesting. The hall
was heantifnlly decorated with light-
ed pumpkins, witches. oats. Prime
were awarded the fallowing ladies.
Mrs, H. T,swrence, Mrs. Leonard
NoakOs, Mrs. Ray Broderick and Miss
"Evelyn Waring of Exeter. Gents, Mr,
Ti. H, Middleton, Mr. Scott Welsh and
Pte. Murray Trammel, and Orville
Messrs. Carl Passmore, Alvin Kers-
lake and Jark Faber enjoyed a fleet-
ing trip at IAons Head this week.
Mrs. Morrie Tnclo' encs little son
left no Thursday for icer home in
Edmonton, Alta.. Mr. and Mrs, Stanley
Tudor aeeompanier1 her to Toronto by
entomobile, and she then travelled
from there by aeroplane,
Mr. ,Jerk Simmons of the RCNVR,
left this. week for Nova Scotia, after
a short leave at his home here.
The many friends of Mrs. F!, 0.
Ireyman will be pleased to hear she
;e tends improved in health and w85
able to return to her home this week
following two menthe at Mrs. Annie
Sanndereoek's nursing borne,
'The he Red Cress' Branch of S.S. No..
111, Flay, held a lied ;Gross quilting at
the hone of Mrs. }toy Bell on Thuree
:lir, and Mr's. John Passmore have
received word that their sea Gerald
Passmore, now Statiouea emnewliei'e
in Alaska, lure received a commission
as pilot officer,
Mrs, Don Rigby or Bleulieim is
visiting at the borne of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs,. Stewart McQueen,
Mrs, Catharine Devlin has moved
into the dwelling adjoining the post
office, on Monday and is getting nice-
ly settled.
Miss Jessie Hodgert of Exeter is
spending several weeks with Mr. and
Mrs, H. 0. Dayman.
Mrs, Wesley Jones spent Saturday
in London.
Mr. A, L. Case, local CNR station
agent is enjoying a week's vacation,
Pte. Murray Traquair returned to
Toronto this week after spending sev-
eral -weeks' furlough with his permits
Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Ti-aquair,
and Mrs, Louis Weigand and
son of Dashwood visited on Sunday
with Mr, and Mrs, Geo, Fee.
Bride and Groom Honored —
A large number of relatives and
friends gathered at Kippen Hail 00
Monday evening in honor of Mr, and
Mrs. John McMnr'trie of Hensall.
Dancing was enjoyed to music furn-
ished by Mnrdoch's orchestra. During
tthe evening they were presented
with an electric lamp and purse of
money. The groom made a fitting
reply of thanks,
The Exeter-Hensall Branch of the;
Canadian Legion are having a bingo
and dance in the town hall, Hensall,
on Thursday evening, 'Nov. llth,
Thirty-five friends and neighbor's
met at the home of Mrs. Catharine
Hedden on Monday evening, Nov. -1,
in honer of Mrs, Allan, an esteemed
citizen of Hensall. Mis Cassie Doug-
all had charge of a short program,
llise Greta ',anemic assisting in the
leading of community songs, Miss
Violet McClymont gave a couple of
readings, then the rest of the even-
ing was spent in bingo games. The
prize winners were ns follows, Mrs.
Henderson, Mrs. A. Spencer, Mrs.
R. Dick, Mrs. W. •Consitt, Mrs. F.
Manns, Mrs. M. Harvey, Mrs. A.
Logo, Mrs. Wilson Carlile, Miss
Gladys Luker, Miss Violet McCly-
mont iss Alice Beaver, Miss Pearl
Gellman, Idi's. W. Fairbairn, Mr. Lee
Hedden called out the numbers.
Mrs, Allan was then called forward
to take the chair and hiss Cassie
Dougall read a few appropriate
words and also a poem composed by
Mr. Henry Horton. Mrs. Allan was
then presented with some very beau-
tiful and useful gifts, showing the
esteem in which she is held. Every-
one joined in singing together "For
she is a jolly good fellow," then
Mrs. Harpole and Gladys Luker as-
sisted in handing the presents to
her, after which lunch was served.
Mr. Jim Sparks is visiting at the
home of his sister, Mrs. W. Daniels.
The Wohelo Class of the United
Church are holding a crokinole and
Chinese checker party on Nov. 12th
at 8 p.m. Each member to bring one
orcf more friends. Admission 15c,
Come and have a good time.
The Mission Circle of the 'United
Church intend holding a bazaar on
Nov. 21th. Keep the date in mind so
you can buy Christmas presents.
On Dec. 4th the Anglican Church
will hold their bazaar,.
More Red Cross workers are need-
ed, both for sewing and knitting,
Monday and Friday afternoons each
week at the Red Cross rooms in the
town hall. Come and lend a helping
land and speed the victory.
Mrs. Roderich McKenzie, Bruce -
field, has come to. spend the winter
months with her sista' Miss Mary
llcAsh. We welcome her back again
to our midst.
Wanted, an old frame building,
barn or hoose. Phone 22 r 4, Dublin
Twp. of Tuckersmith
Tuckersmith Council will meet in
town hall, Seaforth, on Saturday,
Nov. 6th at 8 p,m. Any ratepayers
interested in cleaning any of the
following drains are invited to at-
tend: Dill, McCullie, Elgie, Crozier
and Forrest Award Drain, and in
the area draining into the McMillan
sink holes.
E. P. Chesney, Deputy Clerk.
Auction Sale
Of Farm, Farm Stock and Imple-
ments. Mr. Harold Jackson has been
instructed to sell by public auction
on Lot 4 and 5 on Concession 4,
Stanley Township, 114 miles north of
Kippen, and two miles west, on Fri-
day, November 12th, at 1 p,m.
Horses—Team of Percheron horses,
Pigs -6 pigs 130 lbs; 3 pigs 140 lbs.
Poultry -30 Hybrid year-old hens,
1 set hack hand harness, like new.
horse collars.
Quantity of 1" lumber.
Implements -- McCormick Deering
tractor, 15.30; 1 3 -furrow tractor
plow; International double disc;
horse drawn disc; 2 disc power, seed
drill, McCormick -Deering, like new;
4 (iise plow; Portland cutter; electric
fencer; McCormick Deering power
binder; 13 dise,, seed drill; 6 ft,
mower; sulky rape; steel trunk
wagon; 16 ft, hay rake; set sloop
sleighs; buggy; set four section har-
rows; Clinton fanning mill; 2000 lb.
scale, Renfrew; quantity of mixed
hay; hay car, rope and pulleys; sling
ropes and Tray fork; for'lts, shovels
and outer articles,
Furniture --• Good Cheer range in
good Condition; oak extension table;
kitchen (lhair's; Victrola <1ntl records;
kitchen table; several rockers; 2
hanging lamps and severe] other
lamps; 2 antique beds; iron bed and
springs; settee; several dressers;
several large pieces of linoleum, like
Farm: 172 acres farm. 2 storey
stone hover); 2 large bank barns with
steel roofs; good hen house; Perm is
in good state of cultivation.
Terms on chattels cash,
On property made known on clay
of sale.
Mrs. David Cameron, Proprietress.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
In. Memoriam
SMITH--hn loving memory of a dear
daughter and sister, Vera 17, Smith,
who passed away 2 years ago, Nov.
7th, 1941.
Two year's have passed since that sad
When one we loved W115 called away.
God took her home; it was His will,
Bet in our hearts she liveth still,
—Sadly missed by Mother and
Dace, Mae, Edgar and Gladys,
Card of Thanks
Mrs. Luke Nigh and family wish
to thank their friends and neighbors
far their many acts of kindness and
sympathy, also those who sent flow-
ers, spiritual bouquets and those who
kindly loaned their cars.
Auction Sale
Of J'arin Stock, Feed and Imple-
ments, On Lot 22, Con. 7, Hullett
Township, 381 miles north and ea
mile east of Clinton, on Tuesday,
November 9th, at 1.30 p.m.
Horses -1 mare and colt; 1 tlu'ee
year old gelding.
Cattle -1 roan cow, fresh, 4 years
old; I 1 roan cow, fresh, 5 year's old;
1 red cow, fresh, 6 years old; 1 blue
cow, fresh, 4 years old; 1 black 00w,
4 years old, due January 30th; 1
Guernsey cow, 6 year's old, clue Janu-
ary 20th; 1 Jersey cow, 3 years old,
due April 10th; 1 Hereford heifer,
fresh; 1 Holstein cow, 4 years old,
due in May; 1 red heifer, 3 years old,
due in December; 10 yearling cattle.
2 part Jersey steers (in good shape
for winter meat). 10 spring and fall
1 brood sow,
100 Bar'r'ed Rock pullets. 6 geese.
15 loads hay.
Quantity of Urban oats.
25 bushels Spy and mixed apples.
1929 Ford coupe in good running
shape, good tires.
Also number of Farm Implements.
James Medd will offer for sale at
same time: 10 head Hereford and
Durham calves; 1 pure bred Hereford
bull, about 400 lbs.; 1 pure bred Dur-
ham bull, ready for service,
Terms: Cash.
Raymond Finch Proprietor.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
In Memoriam
D'011101':m-Iit loving 1ne1001'y of my
clear sister Annie, Mrs, Dan lanpee,
'10110 passed away two years ago,
November 5th, 1941,
Calm and Jreacefnl she is sleeping,
Sweetest rest that follows pain.
We, who loved her sadly miss her
But trust in God to meet ,again..
Sheltered by the Rook Of Ages,
Anchored on the Golden Shore,
In the loving amts of Jesus,
Rests our clear one ever more.
—Sadly missed by ter sister Mary,
Mrs. Fred Reeves, and family.
Auction Sale
Lambert Sale Yards, Stretln'oy,,
Saturday, Nov, 6t11.
100 head mixed stock cattle includ-
ing 25 stools cows and springers.
Trucks to deliver.
Sales every Saturday, also private
sales during the week,
A, G. McAlpine, Auctioneer,
150 acres good clay loam, all under
cultivation except 12 acres of bush.
Well drained and fenced. Bank barn
on stone foundation, 66' square,
stabling underneath with cement
floors, Hay barn 34' square with lien
house underneath, driving shed 24' x
34', Cement silo 12'x35'. Frame house
with Insulate brick covering, seven
rooms ar111 wood shed. Situated 7
miles from Seaforth, 4 miles from
Walton, 100 rods from school and 195
utiles from Winthrop. Lot 27, pt. 28,
Con, 10, McKillop. Apply to Zack
McSpadden, Walton, 1t,R,4,
Hydro all through barn and house.
One 2 volt, 6 tube, long and short
wave, Stewart Warner cabinet radio,
with batteries. Also some young pigs.
Frank Fowler, 3% miles west of Sea -
Choice Aberdeen cow, white face,
6 years old, freshen March let, Rob-
ert Rogerson, Londesboro, Phone
8501)12, Seaforth central.
A large black haircloth sofa, \vat-
nut frame, antique. A Wilton rug 9x
12, Apply to Mrs. W. W. Cowan, at
Mr. John Ferguson's, Goclerieh St,
3 farrow Case riding plow. 10 inch
shears, for sale. Fergus Horan, lot 4,
con. S, McKillop. Phone 23r8, Dublin
Auction Sale i For Sale
On Goderich street east, on Friday,
Nov. 5th, at 2 o'clock. Estate of the
late Miss Young,
1 Quebec heater, 2 dressers, wash -1
stand, 1 couch, 4 odd chairs, 1 arm
chair, 3 dining room chairs, 2 rockers,
1 sideboard, 1 table, 1 whatnot
1 becl, springs and mattress.
Dishes, jars, etc. Terns cash.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer,
Wm. Bradshaw. your Watkins
Dealer, also agent for l7. D. Smith &
Sons, fruit and ornamental nursery
stock, Market St„ Seaforth, Out,
Phone 50.
6 -Room frame house, located on
Goderich St., West, furnace, bath-
room, hydro and town water.
'7 -Room frame House on North
Main street, furnace, lights and town
7Room brick house on East Wil-
liam St., furnace, lights and water.
We also have 100 acre, 75 -acre
and 12 -acre farms in McKillop twee.
listed and 31/2 acre farm in Goderich
township. Full particulars given on
Insurance & Real Estate.
Phones: Office 334, Res.220.
Auction Sale 1 Brown Driving mare 4 years old,
1050 lbs., thick -set, free quiet road
mare. Chestnut gelding 6 years old,
950 lbs., double gaited free stylish
road horse, can pull a buggy a 2.30
shot. Black Percheron gelding 3 years
old; 1500 lbs., real good quiet work
horse. All alcove horses priced for
quick sale, Bob Kirkby, Walton.
Of Farm, Stock, and Implements,
On Lot 1, Concession 5, Hullett town-
ship, on Wednesday, Nov. 10th, at 1
p,m. 21/11 miles west and 2ef: miles
north of Seaforth.
Farm consists of 100 acres of land
good clay loam, 20 acres fall plowed,
balance in hay and pasture. Good
brick house, bank bath and drive
shed anti hen (rouse in the barn;
never failing well with windmill
Horses—Agricultural mare 6 years,
supposed to be in foal to a Belgian
horse; agricultural mare, 7 years,
supposed to be in foal to Clyde horse;
agricultural filly 2 years; general
Purpose mare with colt by side from
Geo, B. Dorrance's horse; 1 aged
mare, good worker.
Cows — Durham cow 6 years old
in calf to Durham bull due in Jan,;
1 Durham cow 6 years, due in Feb.;
1 white Durham cow 6 years, due 111
Jan.; 1 Durham cow 5 years due in
Feb.; 1 red cow 3 years dile in
March; 1 red cow 8 years, due last
of March; 1 Hereford cow due time
of sale, 3 years old, carrying second
calf; 1 row 6 years due last of Nov.
1 cow 5 years clue last of Nov.
Young Cattle — 18 heifers rising 2
years; 12 steers rising 2 years. 5
spring calves.
Pigs -- 6 pigs 190 lbs„ 9 Piga 185
lbs.; 7 chunks 70 lbs. 1 sow carrying
second litter, clue last of Dec.
Implements consisting of full line
of machinery, 1 water tank of large
25 tons of good hay.
60 bushels of wheat,
225 bushels of mixed oats and bar-
ley suitable for seed,
50 bushels of 2 rowed barley suit-
able for seed,
The farm 'will be offered for sale
subject to reserve hid, The taros on
the farm will be made known the day
of the sale.
Everytbtng must he sold as the pro-
prietor is in ill health. Terms on
chattels cash„
Wm. Mason, Proprietor,
Rosa McGregor, Clerk,
Lew Rowland, Auctioneer,
Reliable girl for general house-
work wanted. Apply to Mrs. Ernest
L. Box.
About 50 well developed Rock pull-
ets, Scott's breed, hatched in March.
Also a good pine box with four bins.
Wilbur Keyes, Seaforth.
The first meeting of the Court of
Revision for hearing appeals against
the Assessment Roll for 1943 of the
Town of Seaforth will be held in the
Council Chamber, Seaforth, on Tues.,
Nov. 9th, at 8 o'clock p.m.
D. H. WILSON, Clerk.
The next meeting of the Huron
County Council will be held 111 the
Council Chambers, Court House, God-
ericlr, commencing Tuesday, Novem-
ber 16111, at 2,00 P,M.
All accounts, notices of deputations
and other business requiring the at-
tention of Council should be in the
hands of the County Clerk not later
titan Saturday. November 13th.
County Clerk,
Goderich, Ont,
Cider Mill
`GVM opdrnta
of each week (curing October and
'terms--•CASIt Proprieto
P1I0941) 181
Purchase A Poppy on. Saturday, November eth. Wear it
until "Remembrance Day," Thursday, the Lltll
"Brave lien Died that you might wear it,"
11111M111111111111111111111111111 llllll 11111111411111111111111A lllllllll llllllll 011111111111,1111411111MMI11111 iiiiiiiiii iiiii /.14
Robinhood Flour, 98 Ib. bag 2,59
Maple Leaf Fiottr, 98 1b. bag ,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,, 2,59
Maxwell House Coffee, lb. bag Vit, , , .
Red Rose Coffee, ib bag ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 430
Blue Ribbon Tea, pound 69e
Bulk Cocoa, 2 pounds 25c'
81 ye ACRES
Good grass farm, Well never dry,
For sale or rent. Situated on Goshen
Line, Stanley Twp, Inquire Miss Sue
Johnson, Sandusky, Mich.
Spy and Ontario apples, hand pick-
ed, $1,00 a bushel. Apply to Leslie
Pepper, 1.1.5, Clinton, Phone 015116,
Clinton central,
From lot 3, con, 12, Tuckersmith, a
team of white horses. Apply to
Campbell Eyre, phone 84113, Heiman.
McConnell & Hays
Barristers, Solicitors, Etc,
Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays
Telephone 174
The. Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Build-
ing, Seaforth. Office hours:—
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
1.30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday
evening, 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Notice To Creditors
In 'the Estate of Jane Ann Young.
All persons having claims against
the Lstate of Jane Ann Young, late
of the Township of McKillop, in the
County of Huron, Widow, deceased,
who died OIr 01' about the 14111 day of
September, 1943, are hereby notitled
to send in to the undersigned on or
before the 20th day of November,
1943, full particulars of their claims.
Immediately after the said last
mentioned date, the assets of the
said estate will be distributed among-
st the parties entitled thereto, having
regard only to claims of which the
undersigned shall then have notice,
to the exclusion of all others, and the
undersigned will not be liable to any
person of whose claim the under-
signed shall not then have notice for
the assets so distributed or any part
Dated at Seaforth, Ontario, this
22nd day of October, 1948.
Seaforth, Ontario.
Solicitors for the Executors.
Notice To Creditors
In the Estate of Martha Flanagan.
All persons having claims against
the Estate of Martha Flanagan, late
of the City of Detroit, in the State
of Michigan, formerly of the Town-
ship of Tuckersmith, in the County
of Huron, widow, deceased, who
died on or about the 5th day of
May, 1943, are hereby notified to
send in to the undersigned on or be-
fore the 13th day of November,
1943, full particulars of their claims.
Immediately after the said last
mentioned date, the assets of the
said estate will be distributed am-
ongst the parties entitled thereto,
having regard only to claims of
which the undersigned shall then
have notice, to the exclusion of all
others, and the undersigned will not
be liable to any person of whose
claim the undersigned shall not then
have notice for the assets so distrib-
uted or any part thereof.
Dated at Seaforth this 19th day of
October, 1943.
Seaforth, Ontario
Solicitors for the Administrator.
Notice To Creditors
In the estate of Isabelle Webster.
All persons having claims against
the Estate of Isabelle Webster, late
of the town of Seaforth, in the
County of Huron, formerly of
Craik, Saskatchewan, wiclow, deceas-
ed, who died on or about the 8th day
of September, 1943, are hereby not-
ified to send in to the undersigned
on or before the 13th day of Novem-
ber, 1943, full particulars of their
Immediately after the said last
mentioned date, the assets of the
said estate will be distributed am-
ongst the parties entitled thereto,
having regard only to claims of
which the undersigned shall then
have notice, to the exclusion of all
others, and the undersigned will not
be liable to any person of whose
claim the undersigned shall not then
have notice for the assets so distrib-
uted or any part thereof.
Dated at Seaforth this 18th day of
October, 1943.
Seaforth, Ontario
Solicitors for the Executor.
Monument Works
Formerly W, E. Chapman
We invite inspection of our stock
of Cemetery Memorials
SATURDAYS, or any otber
time by appointment
See Dr. Iiarburn—Phone 105
Phone 41—Exeter—Box 150
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.
• Officers
President, Alex. McEwing, Blyth;
Vice President, W. R. Archibald, Sea -
forth; Mgr. & Sec.-Treas., M. A. Reid,
Alex. MoRwing, Blyth; W, R. Arch-
ibald, Seaforth; Alex. Broadfoot, Sea -
forth; Chris. Leouhardt, Bornholm;
J. Trewartha, Clinton; Thomas
Moylan, Seaforth; Frank McGregor,
Clinton; Hugh Alexander, Walton;
George Leitch,;Clinton.
John E, Pepper, Brucefield; R. F.
McKercher, Dublin; J. F. Prueter,
Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth.
• Parties desirous to effect insurance
or transact other business, will be
promptly atended to by applications
to auy of the above named officers
addressed to their respective post
Watson & Reid
(Successors to James Watson)
All kinds of Insurance risks effect-
ed at lowest rates in First -Class
Dr. E. A. McMaster, M,B., Graduate
of University of Toronto.
The Clinic is fully equipped with
complete and modern x-ray and other
up-to-date diagnostic and thereuptic
Dr. F, J, R. Forster, Specialist in
Diseases of the Ear, Eye, Nose and
Throat, will be at the Clinic the first
Tuesday . in every month from 3 to
5 p.m. •
Free wen -baby clinic will be held
on the second and last Thursday in
every month from 1 to 2 p.m.
Physician and Surgeon
hr Dr. H. H. Ross' office. Phone 5 J
Physician and Surgeon
Successor to Dr, W. C. Sproat
Phone 90 W - Seaforth
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Graduate in Medicine University
of Toronto. Late Assistant New York
Ophthalmic and Aural Institute,
Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square
throat hospitals, London, Eng. At
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third
Wednesday in each month from 2 to
4 p.m. Also at Seaforth Clinic first
Tuesday in each month. -53 Waterloo
St.. Stratford. Telephone 267.
Spence's Produce
Highest Cash Prices paid for
Eggs and Poultry
Phone 170-W, Seaforth
Sun Life Assurance
Co. of Canada
Assures Security for over
One iVLillion Partners
District Agent
(Essential War Industry)