HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1943-10-28, Page 8THE. SEAFOIW
ONI;l 014NT SALE --'chis wet: st generates
Pharmacy, 'Lie Itexe Drug Stow, $caforur,
Miss 'Emma Johnston returned
home from, a pleasant vacation with
relatives and friends in Delhi and
Miss Margaret Tudor and Miss
Patterson of Dundas spent the week
end at the home of the former's par-
arents, Mr, and Mrs. Stan. Tudor,
Corporal Wilfred Klopp of Wood-
stock and Mrs, Klapp of London are
Spending a few days at the home. of
the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Jas, Parkins.
Dr. Wm. T. Joynt of London was
a weak end visitor with his mother,
Mrs. Alice Joynt.
Local and rural citizens are to be
commended for their hearty support
given to the appeal for donations of
money and other gifts for Christmas
boxes for the Hensall and district
boys who are serving overseas.
Euchre & Dance
Wednesday Evening, Nov, 3rd,
at 9.30
Murdocll's Orchestra. Proceeds for
local boys overseas. Door prize and
rattle. Admission 35e. Lunch will be
Sponsored by Kippen East Women's
booth, proceeds to be used
Mr, Henry Hoxton, M. H
Card of Thanks
Mrs. J. N. Campbell, Walton, wishes
to express special thanks t0 Di'. a. A,
Gorwill and the '0111'808 for their
kindness at Scott Memorial hospital,
and kind friends during her recent
illness. The kindness was much an -
Auction Sale
Lambert Sala Yards, Stratbroy,
Saturday, Oct. 30th,
200 Head stock cattle including 160
for war good heifers, Trucks to deliver.
Sales every Saturday, also private
Hamann, sales during the week.
Mrs. Harpole, Mrs. Mitchell and Mrs
Silber visited at the• home of the Auction Sale
former's son, Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis
A. G. McAlpine, Auctioneer,
Horton on Sunday and attended the Of Household Furniture in Brussels
anniversary' service at Brucefield on Wednesday, Nov. 3rd, at 1.80 p.m.
United Church, The Estate of Mrs, George Edwards,
Mrs. D, H. Peacock visited last at the residence in Brussels. House -
These parcels, forty in number, were week with her mother, Mrs. Grace hold furniture, including a piano,
packed by the Women's Institute Harpole, prior to leaving' on Monday Lew Rowland, Auctioneer.
and the war service committee and with her husband, Flight Lient, D.
friends on Monday night, Oct, 25th, H, Peacock, for Prince ledward Islaud Auction Sale
The fact that a great many Hensall where he will be stationed far two
and district folks gladly gave of their months. Of 150 -acre Farm, Stock, Inrple-
sugar rations, made possible the Mr. Elgin Thomson, well-known nrents and Feed. - Lot 9, Concession
delicious homemade candy eonsisting farmer on No, 4 highway north of 8,Ellice, 5 miles north of Stratford,
of chocolate and divinity fudge, this Kipper, had the misfortune to frac- 2 miles west, On Wednesday, Nov -
splendid work being accomplished by i ture his back between the shoulders ember Ord, at 10,30 a,m. sharp.
Mesdames Pfaff, Sherritt, Welsh, when he fell from an apple tree on Horses -Bay general purpose horse
Sangster and Beer, while other kind , Monday while picking apples at his 6 years old; bay general purpose
friends contributed cookies, short- home. IIe was removed to the hosp- mare, a years old and black Peroheron
bread, etc. In addition to these home ; ital and placed in a cast, mare 9 years old, both in foal to a
made treats each parcel contained: Mrs, Hannah Workman and Mrs. Perclheran sire; bay Clyde gelding, 10
a nice assortment. of bars, cigarettes, Norman Stanlake visited on Sunday years old bay Clyde mare, 10 years.
tobaccos and papers, Christmas cake
a pound packages) eheese, mills,
razor blades, styptic pencils, soup,
face cloths, razor hones, combs, talc,
ete. Lovely knitted geode were en-
closed in each box by the Hensall
Red Cross bol iety. Previously ac-
knowledged with gratitude were the
gifts of money received from the
ladies' 000 club, proceeds from mat
raffle S,5, No, 10, Hay, proceeds of
• euchre and donee sponsored by the
Institute, all those from the booth
operated by the Institute at the
frolic. These various sources along
with the individual contributions re- tlhtre. York sows due in Nov„ 12 shoats;
eeiced from Hen ill and rural 11h,s. Churchill of Clinton visited far sows
friends readily covered the entire recently with her slaughter and son- Implements -A full line of nearly
expenses of these boxes, leaving on io-law Mr, and Airs. R. E. Shaddick, new farm machinery.
hand a nice balance to be used at Mr. E. L. Mickle returned home Dairy Utensils - Clean -Easy port -
the next date of shipment. All the from a business trip to Ottawa elm•- able milker, double unit, nearly new;
shipping expenses were horse by thepug the past week.
I Anchorholt cream- separator, 90.0 lbs.
War Service committee. Included in Mr. and Mrs. Cline Flynn of Lon- cap.; Se h.p. motor; Beatty grinder
the forty boxes was one for Cpl. dots spent the week end here. and 11S h.p. motor; 30 -gal, milk can;
Helene Bell, wife of P.O. Alvin Bell, About three hundred neighbors and 8 -gal. milk can, etc.
both of whom are in the service ov- friends gathered at the town hall, Harnesss also Hay and Grain.
ereens. It contained rake, cookies, Hensall. <tu Friday evening, in honor' Real Estate- 150 acre farm with
shortbread, fudge and other articles of Mr. and Mrs. Orland Reichert, who' good buildings.
appropriate for a lady's Christmas were. recently married. During the Terms -On the real estate made
known day of sale; terms on the
chattels, cash on clay of sale.
M. R. Roth, Auctioneer, phone
30-W, Tavistock, •
William J. Finck, Proprietor, 11.1a.
T2, Gttdshilh
with Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Stanlake 40 Head of Cattle, consisting of
at Exeter. Holstein cow, fresh; Holstein cow
Mr, Jas. Mortis of Goderich spent clue in •Nov.; I-Iolstein cow due in
the week end at his home here with Jan.; 4 Holstein cows due in Feb.;
Mrs. Morris and family. 3 Holstein cows due in March; 4
Miss Norma Cook of Western '(Tui- Holstein cows due in April; 2 Durham
vsusity, Loudon, spent the week. end cows due in April; Holstein cow sun -
at the home of her parents, Mt'. and posed to be due in May; fat cow;
Mrs, N. V. Cook, Holstein heifer, fresh; 2 Holstein
•Pte, Wesley Jones of London spent heifers due in March; Holstein
the week end here with Mrs. Jones heifer •supposed to be due in May;
and Patsy. Holstein heifer due its Nov.; 2 Dur -
Mr, George Walker spent the week ham heifers rising 2 years; 11 year-
end'iciting with relatives in Toronto. rings, steers and heifers; Shorthorn
He Inas accompanied home by Mrs. bull rising 2 years, 2 spring calves.
Walker who spent Ole past week Hogs -•2 Tani sows clue in Nov,; 2
parcel. Mr. J. Zuefie of St. Thomas evening they were presented with a
and Miss B. Cudmore •of Toronto handsome chesterfield, Dancing was
forwarded donation of cash to aid enjoyed to music furnished by the
the cause. A unique maple leaf em- "Valley Five" of Zurich.
blem was enclosed in each box, the Mrs. Ray Broderick spent. the week
handiwork of Mrs. G. M. Drysdale. end in London.
Complete list 'follows: Kenneth Pass Wohelo Class Meets -
more, Don Hoggarth, Alvin Bell,
Max and Laird Hudson, Harold lied- The October meeting of the Wo
den, Gerald Glenn, Ray Foster, lnelo Class was held in the school
Stuart and Ben Dick, Cecil Kipfer, room of the United Church on Friday
Dave and Geo, Sangster, E. Non•rnin- evening with Mrs, Jack Corbett pre -
ton, A. Schwalm, Stuart Pepper, siding. The program opened by sing -
Jack Taylor, Clare Zuefie, Jim Camp_ ing a hymn followed by the Lord's
bell, Alex, and Jack Boa, Royce prayer in unison, The Scripture was
Welsh, Howard Smale, Elton Fair- read by Mrs, Corbett. Mrs. Lorne
burn, Doug. Sangster, Ken Brook, Chapman gave the topic on "Re -
Ron. Peck, L. Baynham7 Bill Snow, iseoea," which was very interesting.
Bill Nicol, Lloyd Noakes, G. John- Following the business Misses Mary
Ston, Don Mcl eig, P. Leninnon, Roy Goodwin red Ruth Hess favored with
and Lloyd Brock, Cpl. Helene Bell, tt duet. They were aceompanied by
.J, R. Inglis, Jack Bell, M. Tudor. Miss Violet McClymont at the piano.
The ladies desire to extend a' The meeting closed by singing a
word of appreciation to Mr. I•'.. Bon• hymn, A spelling match was enjoyed
thron, postmaster, and his assistant, '
incl refreshment served.
Miss Margaret Johnston, not. only' Bride Honored at Shower -
for their splendid efficiency in send- enjoyable evening was
ing these parcels promptly, but also A lent very Thursday et the 'home t'
for the task of addressing each of 1
the forty parcels. they attending to Air. and Mrs. Jas, Parkins when a
this matter each time of shipment. number of friends gathered in honor
Also a hearty thanks to Dr. Camp -
their daughter Edith, Games and
Dell, Mr. W. 0. Goodwin and Mr, contests 'tete directed by Miss Edna
Tinos. Kyle for their helpful services Sanmdercock� after which the bride
rendered each time, , was presented with a number of mis-
cellaneous gifts in a beautifully dee-
Willard-Parkins- orated basket, In appropriate words
A pretty double -ring ceremony the bride expressed sincere thanks.
was solemnized in First Presbyter- ' All joined in singing For She's a
tan Church, Seaforth, at 11 o'clock, , Jolly .Good Fellow. Refreshments
on Saturday, Oct. 23rd, when Rev. were served, •
Hugh Jack united in marriage Edith Mr. Edward Little of the anti -abs
Agnes, daughter of lir, and Mrs, craft, London, spent the week end al
James Parkins, Hensall,. and Harold his home here with his mother Airs.
Lyle Willard, son of Mr. Ezra Will -Mary Little.
ted and the late •Ahs, Willard of Airs, David Kyle and infant son re-
Hensall The immediate relatives of turned- home from the lwspital in
the families were present including Exeter on Friday.
grandmother. Will- Air. and Mrs. Mervyn Hodgert of
the groom's grandmoth
end with
Stratford spent the
arca of Exeter, The brisk looked ween;:
the ratter's par
charming in a floor length weddingparents,Mr. and AI i's, W.
gown of white triple sheer, white Schilbe,
. Mr, and Mrs. Glenn Bell visited dm -
Boy wanted to work in butcher
shop. Apply National Selective Serv-
ice Office, 19 Market Place, Stratford,
Refer to file #4822,
Pure bred Leicester sheep, Shearl-
ing ewes and ewe lambs. Also a num-
ber of ram lambs. Apply to J. H.
Quigley, 3 miles south of Clinton. on
No. 4 highway. Phone 3-619, Clinton.
A quantity of hand picked spy ap-
ples. Also 3 young sows just bred.
Apply to J. S, O'Reilly, Phone 46r3,
Card of Thanks
The Presicleni. and Management of
Heslsy flax Products Limited wish to
thank the Seaforth Fire 'Department,
and also many citizens of. Seaforth
for the able and unsparing assistance
and efforts they so uastintilgly gave
during the recent fire,
130 cement blocks for sale. Phone
81021, Hensall, John McBeatlh.
Purebred Hereford bull, calf, ready
for service,' James Neilans, Londos-
bora. Phone 848t'31, Seaforth central.
At lot 29, eon. 9, Morris, a pure bred
Oxford rant. Phone 1809, Brussels.
Gilbert McCallum,
Good reliable young girl between
20 and 25 years of age. I will pay be-
tween $5 and 86 per week, I need a
girl right away for housework. Apply
at Nows Office.
Purchase A Poppy on 'Saturday, November eth. Wear it
until "Relne.l ibrauce Day," Thursday, the 11th
„Brave Men Died that you might wear it."
111111,111411,114111111111111111111,11111111.1111111111111110.1111110111 llllll llllll111,,, „n1„nin141111111111,1,,,,l o,ll,l,ll 111111
Robinhood Flour, 98 lb. bag
Maxwell House Coffee, Ib hag
Maple Leaf Flour, 98 ib. bag. 2.59
Red Rose Coffee, lb bag ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 430
Blue Ribbon 'sea, pound sage
Bulk Cocoa, 2 pounds 25c
Baby's cot wanted, Apply
News Office.
to the
Or rent. On Main St„ Hensall. Ap-
FOR SALE ply to Walter Fairbairn, Hensall.
1 cultivator, 1 set sleighs, 1 pair Seta ACRES
backhands, 3 wagon jacks, 1 buffalo Good grass farm, Well never dry,
robe. Stretcher for four section har- For sltle or rent, Situated on Goshen
rows, Doubletrees. Apply to Mrs. Wes Line, Stanley Twp, Inquire Miss Sue
Nichols, Seaforth, Johnson, Sandusky, Mich.
Spy and Ontario apples, hand pick-
ed, $1,00 a bushel. Apply to Leslie
Pepper, R,R.5, Clinton, Phone 616116,
Goderich St„ West, furnace, bath- Clinton central,
room, hydro and town water,
7 -Room frame house on North FOR SALE
Main street, furnace, lights and town Jersey hoifer •calf Sow days cid,
water, for sale. Phone 664013, Roddy Mac-
7Room brick house on East Wil- • Lean,
liana St, furnace, lights and water.
We also have 100 acre, 75 -acre Brown Driving mare 4 years old,
and 12 -acre farms in McKillop twp.' 10;0 Ilia„ thicic-set, free quiet road
listed .and Se's acre farm in Goderich mare, Chestuut gelding 6 years old,
950 iba„ double gaited free stylish
township. Full particulars given 00road horse, can pull a buggy a 2,30
request, I shot, Black Peroheron gelding 3 years
E. C. CHAMBERLAIN old; 1600 lbs„ real good •quiet work
Insurance & Real Estate. 1 horse. All above horses priced for
Phones; Office 334, Res.220, I quick sale. Bob Kirkby, Walton,
Reliable girl for general house-
NOtiC3 To Creditors I work wanted. Apply to Mrs. Ernest
1 L. Box.
All persons having claims against FOR SALE
In the Estate of Jane Aim Young.
the Estate of ,Tone Ann Young, late Some young pigs, 5 weeks old. Spy
of the Township oi' McKillop, in tate apples oil the tree, piclt your •own.
County of • Huron, Widow, deceased, Also a Pandora range. Apply to Fred
who died on or about the 14t1t day ot. Slavin. Phone S032, Iieasall central.
September, 1943, are hereby notified FOR SALE
to send in to the undersigned on or 3 furrow Case riding plow. 10 inch
before the' 20th day of November, shears, for sale. riding Horan, lot 4,
1943, -full particulars of their claims. con. 8, McKillop, Phone 23r8, Dublin
mmediately after the said last central.
mentioned date, the assets of the
said estate will he distributed among- FARM FOR SALE
st the parties entitled thereto, having 100 acres of good clay loam, in
regard only to claims of which the
undersigned shall then have notice, good state of cultivation, brick
to the exclusion of all others, and the house, bank basin, good spring, 4
undersigned will not be liable to any acres of bush, 5 acres fall wheat,
person of whose claim the under- close to church and school, 5 miles
signed shall not then have notice for north of Zurich, on Goshen line, 4
the assets so distributed or any part miles from Varna. Apply to Jas. E..
thereof. Stephenson, Varna, R.R. 1.
Dated at Seaforth, Ontario, .this
22ndSALE day of October, 1943.
MCCONNELL & HAYS I 1 mile eaet of Walton. Large bank
Seaforth, Ontario. j barn; frame house; good gravel pit.
Solicitors for the Executors. 120 acre's. Price reasonable for quick
sale, Apply D. Jean Turner, Seaforth.
,s Notice To Creditors 1 FARM FOR SALE
About 100 acres all workable. Good
In the Estate of Martha Flanagan. house and barn. Watered by 4 wells,
All persons having claims against Fine location. C. P, Van Mil, No. 8
the Estate of Martha Flanagan, late Highway, St, Columban,
of the City of Detroit, in the State
FOR SALE of Michigan, formerly of the Town-.
Ahont 50 well developed Rock pull- ship of Tuekersmith, its the County Auction Sale.
its. Scott's breed, hatched in March. of Huron, widow, deceased, who
Also a good pine box with four bins. died on or about the 5th day of Of House and Household Furnish -
May, Keyes. Seaforth. May, 1943, are hereby notified to lugs. Main street, Egmonch'ille, on
send in to the undersigned on or be- Saturday, October 30th, at 1 p.m.
COURT OF REVISION fore the 18th clay of November,
TOWN OF SEAFORTH . I 2 Qnebee cool. stoves; 1 rangette;
1943, full particulars of their claims. 1 riot. plate; 1 large glass cupboatcd;
Immediately after the said last 1 walnut fall leaf table; kitchen
mentioned date, the assets of the chairs; 1 pantry table; 1 coal oil
The' first meeting of the Court of said estate will be distributed am- stove; 1 sewing machine; 1 hand
Revision for hearing appeals againstoigst the parties entitled thereto, washing machine; 1 oak dining room
the Assessment Roil for 1943 of the having regard only to claims of suite; 1 day bed; number of small
Town of Seaforth will be held in the which the undersigned shall then tables; 1 electric heater; 2 pieces of
Council Chamber, Seaforth, on Tues„ have notice, to the exclusion of all linoleunl-floor covering; 1 Axminster
Nov, Lith, a1 8 o'clock p.m.
D. H. WILSON, Clerk. others, and the undersigned will not rag 9x10; several scatter mats; 1
be liable to any person of whose Mason Risch piano; 1 floor lanip;
claim the undersigned shall not then 1 Philco radio; number of table
have notice for the assets so distrib- lamps; 2 reed rockers; walnut chest
uted or any part thereof. of drawers; 1 antique walnut sofa;
Dated at Seaforth this 19th day of 3 beds, 3 dressers and 9 washstands,
October, 1943. springs , and mattresses; 1 Quebec
McCONNELL & HAYS, heating stove; cooping utensils.
Seaforth, Ontario Dishes, number of pieces of Lim -
Solicitors for the Administrator. oges china; number of pieces of
Royal Dalton china. Lawn mower,
garden tools, etc.
Notice To Creditors , Property -6 room frame house on
• Main street, Egmondville, in first
class repair.
Terms on Household Effects, cash.
Property, 10% down, balance in 30
clays; sold subject to reserve bid.
Mrs, John Love, Proprietress.
1 Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
particularly of wild carrot, a weed
which is spreading rapidly through-
out the Province.
By cleaning up and burning neg-
lected weeds at this time we improve
the appearance of property and help
to control weeds, not only on our
accessories and finger-tip net vert, own property, but also on that of
ing the weei. with Mr, and Mrs . Alf -
'which was gracefully taught with a red Hunitin, Thames Road.
I our neighbors.
coronet of soft -white feathers, Her . The Ladles' Aid of Carmel Presby -
bridal bouquet was pink roses, The teres, Church was held on Tuesday
bridesmaid. Mrs. Wilfred Klopp, of peening. Oct, 26th, in the basement
London, twin -sister of the bride, of the church at 8 pan. The meeting
ehose a floor length gown of rose opened with Mrs. W. Douglas in the
taffeta blue shoulder length veil ..hair in charge of group 5. Hymn 740
caught with blue flowers. Her bou- was sung followed by prayer by Mrs,
duet was orchid chrysanthemums. Annie Logan. The secretary Mrs.
Corporal Wilfred Klapp of Zurich ltlaeLaren read the minutes which
was groomsman. The groom's gift were adopted as read. She also read
to the bride was a cabinet of silver, the treasurer's report. and this was
to the bridesmaid and groomsman, followed by a business discussion,
gold identification bracelets, Follow- Hymn 560 was sung. then a. program
'mg the ceremony a reception was followed. Mics V. Meflvmont gave 0
held at the home of the bride's par• reading entitled "13111 Mason's Bn urs "
ents in Hensall. The wedding dinner 'followed hy a solo hy Mrs. Cairns, ac.
was served from a table beautifully r'ompanied by Mrs. Simpson on the
decorated with pink and white and violin entitled ,Trist a song at -mi.
centred with the three-storey wedd_ light." Miss Metlyrient gave another
ing cake while the rooms were der- reading entitled Aunt Tabit:h r ' Mrs.
orated with wedding bells and Cairns then read a little poem follow -
y a leleallymont
streamers, Lifter the bride and entitled "The o Railroad uMiss p to Thaven."
groom left on a motor trip to Tor- The offering was then taken, A quiz
onto and Teterboro. For travelling was then held with Mrs. Simpson and
the bride donned a smart brown pin Mrs. Campbell ea captains, Mrs, W.
striped tailored suit with brown ac- R. Davidson won the prize, a lovely
cessories, Mr. and Mrs, Willard will little dish, Lunch was then served
reside in Hensall, end enjoyed by all
Dimes make dollars, dollars send
smokes to our boys overseas Seel CLEAN UP WEEDS
the handsome crocheted 3 -piece Much good can be accomplished at
chesterfield set now on display in
Joynt's store This raffle is being this time of the year by cleaning up
sponsored by the ladies 500 club in any weeds which dict not receive tit-
an effort to aur in the smokes fund. tention (luring the growing season.
Get your tickets without delay, says I. D. McLeod, Director of the
A real nite's enjoyment is anticip-
ated at the Hallowe'en frolic to be Crops, Weeds and Seeds Branch of
held in the town hall, Hensall on
Friday evening, Oct. 29th, under the
sponsorship of the girl's dance club.
This will be the first appeah'ance of
the Centralia airport orchestra in
H•Iensall. Come, out and welcome this
group to ons town. Refreshment
the Ontario Department of Agricul-
ture. Seeds are retained by many
weeds until freeze-up when they are
distributed by many 'agencies in-
cluding wind, water and birds, thus
infesting new areas, This is true
S E a®
T=AR 114' FUTURE/4f
Vie..A044 & ub
In the estate of Isabelle Webster,
All persons having claims against
the Estate of Isabelle Webster, late
of the town of Seaforth, in the
County of Huron, formerly of
Craik, Saskatchewan, widow, deceas-
ed, who died on or about the 8th day
of September, 1943, are hereby not-
ified to send in to the undersigned
on or before the 13th day of Novem-
ber, 1943, full particulars of their
Immediately after the said last
mentioned date, the assets of the
said estate will be distributed am-
ongst the parties entitled thereto,'
having regard only to claims of
which the undersigned shall then
have notice, to the exclusion of all
others, and the undersigned will not
be liable to any person of whose
claim the undersigned shall not then
have notice for the assets so distrib-
uted or any part thereof, •
Dated at Seaforth this 18th day of
October, 1948.
Seaforth, Ontario
Solicitors for the 'Executor.
Cider Mill
Will operate
of each weal< during estates end
Want and For Sale Ads, 1 week 22i5c
Monument Works
Formerly W, E. Chapman
We invite inspection of our stock
of Cemetery Memorials
SATURDAYS, of any other
time by appointment
See Dr, Harburn --Phone 105
Phone 41 -Exeter -:Box 150
McConnell & Hays
Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
Patrick D. McConnell, ,Ii, Glenn Hays
Telephone 174
The Second Division Cloud
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Build-
ing, Seaforth. Office hours: -
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
1,30 p.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday
evening, 7 30 p.m. to 9 p.m.
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.
President, Alex. McEwing, Blyth;
Vice President, W. R. Archibald, Sea.
forth; Mgr. & Sec.-Treas., M, A, Reid,
Alex. McEwing, Blyth; W, R. Arch-
ibald, Seaforth; Alex. Broadfoot, Sea -
forth; Chris. Leonhardt, Bornholm;
E, J, Trewartha, Clinton; Thomas
Moylan, Seaforth- Frank McGregor,
Clinton; Iiugh Alexander, Walton;
George Leitch, Clinton.
John E. Pepper, Brucefieid• R. F.
McKercher•, Dublin; J. F. Prueter,
Brodhagen• George A. Watt, Blyth.
Partes desirous to effect insurance
or transact other business, will be
promptly atendea to by applications
to any of the above named officers
addressed to their respective post
Watson & Reid
(Successors to James Watson)
All kinds of Insurance risks effect-
ed at lowest rates in First -Class
Dr. E. A, McMaster, M.B., Graduate
of University of Toronto.
The Clinic is fully equipped with
complete and modern x-ray and other
up-to-date diagnostic and •thereuptia
Dr. F. J, R. Forster. Specialist in
Diseases of the Ear, Eye, Nose and
Throat, will be at the Clinic the first
Tuesday in every month from 3 to
5 p.m.
Free well -baby clinic will be held
on the second and last Thursday in
every month from 1 to 2 p.m.
Physician and Surgeon
In Dr, H. H. Ross' office. Phone 5 J
Physician and Surgeon
Successor to Dr. W. C. Sproat
Phone 90 W • Seaforth
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Graduate in " Medicine, University
of Toronto. Late Assistant New York
Ophthalmic and Aural Institute,
Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square
throat hospitals, London, Eng. At
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third
Wednesday in each month from 2 to
4 p.m, Also at Seaforth Clinic first
Tuesday in each month. -53 Waterloo
St., Stratford. Telephone 267.
0111.11111Mmte 4111=11011.193125.•=t
Spence's Produce
Highest Cash Prices paid for
Eggs and Poultry
Phone 170-W, Seaforth
Sun Life Assurance
Co. of Canada
Assures Security for over
One 1Vfillion Partners
District Agent
(Essential War I