HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1943-09-23, Page 8THE S17AFORTIT NEWS
Weiberg-Purdy — was coir
A pretty autumn wodsin l g
eutuized on Thursday, Sept 16th, at
the United Church Manse, Centralia,
'when Alm Merriam united in marri-
age Mary Maxine, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Leonard Purdy,Heitsall,
and Lorne Weiberg, son of Mr. . and
Mrs. Karl Weiber•g, Centralia, The
charming bride chow a street length
frock of turquoise blue crepe with
white' angora wool trim and white
accessories and carried a bouquet of
white rosesand wore a wreath of
white roses in her hair, The brides-
maid Mrs. Lloyd Stanlake, wore shell
pink sheer frock and carried a bou-
• quet of white roses. The groom was
attended by Mr. Harold Fischer, Fob
lowing the ceremony a wedding din-
ner was served at the hone of the
bride's parents at Hensall with the
immediate relatives present, The din-
ing room was beautifully decorated
with blue and white streamer's fall-
raag from a silver ornament above the
bride's table, which was centered
With the four-story wedding cake,
and decorated with white roses, Later
a wedding reception was held in the
town hall at Heneall when about two
hundred relatives and friends of the
bride and groom were present and
presented them with beautiful gifts.'
Murdoch's orchestra played for the
dancing. Following a wedding trip to
Niagara Falls they will take up resi-'
dense on the groom's farm at Cen-
Miss Margaret Shilton, B.A., of To-
ronto, spent the week end with Mr.
and Mrs. John Passmore.
Mr, Donald Joynt left this weep for
Western University, London, where
he will commence his studies for the
coming year.
Rally day services were held in the
United Church on Sunday morning
when the classes of the Sunday
School attended the worship in the
auditorimu of the church. The rally
Clay program was directed by Mr.
Edison Fprest and Rev. R, A. Brook.
Miss Mattie Ellis in her very capable
manner told the Story and Rev. Rob-
ert Passmore, B.A., preached the ser-
mon, speaking on "What Christianity
Has Meant To Me." Rev. Brook bap-
tized the children of Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Shindy, Mr. and Mrs. Russell
Broderick, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Me-
Larnon, Mr. and Mrs, Byron Kyle, Mr.
anti Mrs. Frank Lostell and Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Elder. The choir sang an
anthem. At the evening service Rev.
Brook occupied the pulpit and the
chair sang an anthem "Our All in
and 27, Colborne township, on Mait-
land Coneession, VA miles blast acid
2 miles south of . Benrnflier, .on
Tuesday, Oetober 5th, at 1 O'clock
Livestock; 1 black horse 5 yrs. old,
1 Chesnut horse, 1 General Purpose
bay ,rare, 1 Clyde yearling filly, 7
young Durham cows, bred to Hero
ford bull, 3 yearling Durham steers,
2 yearling Durham heifers, 7 spring
calves, 2 brood sows, 19 chunks, 1
pure bred Shorthorn bull, 1 year old,
2 yearling Durham steers.
Chattels -1 Doering binder, 7 ft.
cut, 1 Deering mower, 6 ft. cut, 1
IYIH. side delivery rake, 1 Frost &
Wood dump rake, 1 MH, push bar
type hay loader, 1 MH, fertilizer.
disc drill, 1 Cockshutt manure
spreader, 1 steel roller, 1 Oliver rid-
ing scuffler, 1 single scuffler, 1 set
MH. disc, 8' -sections Tudhope Ander-
son spring tooth cultivator, 4 -sec-
tions heavy steel harrows, 1 single
furrow Cockshutt 21 Walking plow,
1 single furrow Cockshutt 21 riding
plow, 1 2 -furrow sulky plow, 1 Mc-
Cormick Deering wagon with sliding
platform hay rack, 1 gravel box, 1
stock rack, 1 set of sloop sleighs
with flat rack, 1 light wagon with
stock rack, pig trough and self feed-
ers, 1 set 1200 lb. scales, 1 fanning
mill, 2 cutters, 2 sets of team har-
ness and collars, wheel barrow, 1
set of single harness, 1 Melott cream
separator used 4 years, 1 Daisy
churn, quantity of mixed grain,
hay, 1 rubber tire wagon and rack.
Other articles,
Terms cash. For further particu-
lars apply to Harold Jackson, Auc-
tioneer, Seaforth. A. Racine, Pub-
lic Trustee, Osgoode Hall, Toronto.
Auction Sale
Lambert Sale Yards, Stratlroy,
Saturday, Sept, 25th.
150 Head stock cattle including a
choice run of Shorthorn and Here-
fords. Track to deliver.
Sales every •Saturday, also private
sales during the week.
A. G. McAlpine, Auctioneer.
Card of Thanks
The family of the late Mrs. Tilos,
Young wish to thank the friends and
neighbors for the kindness and sym-
pathy shown them in their recent
sad bereavement.
Auction Sale
Community Auction Sale of
Household Effects in Haigh's store,
Seaforth, Saturday night, Sept. 25th
at 8.30. Anyone wishing to sell
furniture at this sale please deliver
it to the store Sat, afternoon. Har-
old Jackson, Auctioneer,
Auction Sale
• Of Farm Stock and Implemnents—
Mr. Harold Jackson has been instruc-
ted to sell by public auction on Lot
13-14, Con. 3, Colborne Twp,, first
farm west of Ball's Bridge, 3 miles
south of. Auburn, Base Line, on Fri-
day, Sept, 24, at 1 o'clock sharp:
In Memoriam 1 Horses—Clyde horse, 10 years
mare, 5 years old, 'hiving mare, 5
yrs. old; filly colt, 4 months old.
Durham Cattle. -Cow clue time of
sale, 5 sows due to freshen from
Jan. to Mar., registered Durham
bull, 1700 lbs.; 4 steers 2 years old;
4 year-old steers; 4 year-old heifers,
3 spring calves.
Pigs—one sow due to farrow in
Poultry -100 Leghorn pullets, 5
months old; 125 year-old hens, 1000
chicks, colony 'house 10x12; brooder
stove; 2 incubators, 400 capacity.
Implements—Massey-Harris bind-
er, Massey -Harris mower, hay red-
der, sulky rake, spring tooth cultiva-
tor, disc harrow, three - drum
steel roller; 5 -section harrows,
new; McCormick Deering fertilizer
drill, new; scuffler, riding plough,
walking plow, cream separator, set
sloop sleighs, new; wagon and hay
rack, one acre of turnips.
Terms cash. Proprietor forced to
sell as barn was burnt two weeks
John Pitblado, Jr., Prop.; Harold
Jackson, Auctioneer,
SHANNON—In loving memory of a
dear Father, who passed away
Sept, 20, 1940.
Too far away for sight or speech,
But not too far for thoughts to reach,
Sweet to remember him who once
was here,
And who though absent, is Just as
—Ever fondly remembered by
1 mile east of Walton. Large bank
barn; frame house; good gravel pit.
120 acres. Price reasonable for quick
sale. Apply E. Jean Turner, Seaforth,
A dependable woman for house-
work, full or part time, Egmond-
ville. Apply to The News Office.
Garage for rent on paved street,
close to highway. Apply at The
News office.
Silver identification wristlet, init-
ialed lost in Seaforth valued as keep,'
old; black mare, 8 years old, grey
sake. Apply to Elaine Holmes, I •
Auction Sale
Farm Stock, Implements, Hay,'
Grain and Etc. Harold Jackson has
been instructed to sell by public auc-
tion at Lot 18, Concession 6, Morris
Twp„ on Monday, September 27th,
commencing at 1 p.m. sharp.
Horses—Heavy Draft Horse 5 years,
old; Heavy draft horse 10 years old;,
aged heavy draft mare; filly rising 3
years old; filly rising 2 years old. 1
Cattle—Hereford cow 6 years old,
due in Feb.; Durham cow 8 years old,
due in June; Durham cow 8 years old
due in Feb;; Durham cow 3 years old
due in Feb.; Jersey cow 3 years old
due in March; Jersey cow 5 years
old due in Feb,; Jersey cow 7 years
old due in Feb.; Hereford cow 3
years due in Feb.; Blue Durham
heifer 2 years old fresh 2 months; 4
heifers and 4 steers rising 2 years
old; 8 last years Spring calves; 1
Jersey calf,
Pigs -13 pigs around 150 lbs.; 13
Pigs around 100 lbs.; 10 pigs 7 weeks
old; 1 sow with litter 2 weeks old; 1
sow to farrow; 1 sow just bred,
Hens — About 75 year old White
Leghorn hens.
Implements—Massey-Harris binder
7 ft, cut; McCormick -Deering mower
6 ft. out; Dane side delivery rake;
MIT. loader, grain roller, M.H. 13
disc fertilizer drill; double disc;
scuffler; Peter Hamilton cultivator;
141.,H, 0 foot cultivator; International
'steel roller; 6 section of harrows;'
flat rack; 21 Fleury walking plow;
13 Fleury walking plow; Irish Ford -
son tractor (completely overhauled);
McCormick -Deering 2 furrowed trac-
tor plow; buggy, cutter, stock rack,
wagon box, rubber tired wagon, Mc-
Cormick manure spreader, nearly
new; hay rake with carriage; Chev-
rolet motor with {Pulley; set of
scales 3000 lbs. capacity; DeLaval.
cream separator, and many other art-
icles too numerous to mention.
Hay—About 50 tons of hay, Grain
-.- 450 bushels of mixed grain fit for
feed. Quantity of potatoes. About an
acre of mangels, Number of house-
hold effects,
Terms cash. Sale unreserved as
proprietor is giving up.farming.
John J. Kelly, Proprietor.
Garold Jackson, Auctioneer.
Auction Sale
Of Farm, Farm Stock and Imple-
ments: At lot 10, concession 13,
McKillop, a mile south and 334 east
of Walton, on Tuesday, October 12,
at 1 p.m. sharp:
Horses: Matched team, black filly'
and gelding 7 and 8 years old; 1
black mare 6 years old with colt 3%
mos., 1 black gelding 2 years old. i
Cattle -1 cow, 4 yrs., due Oct.
24; Durham cows: 1 cow, 4 yrs., due
Nov. 15; 1 cow, 7 years due Jan. 20;
2 cows, 7 yrs„ fresh 2 mos.; 1 cow, '
6 yrs., fresh 6 weeks; 1 fat cow not
in calf; 1 Shorthorn bull, 2% yrs.,
eligible for registration; 5 steers, 2
years old averaging 1000 lbs. or
more; 1 heifer, 2 yrs. old; 6 heifers,
1 yr. old; 2 steers, 1 year old; 5
spring calves, 3 young calves,
Bogs-8.pigs 90 lbs. each; 9
chunks 65 lbs. each,
Poultry -75 year-old hens, 20
Leghorn pullets.
Implements -7 ft. McCormick
binder, 1 Frost & Wood mower 5 ft.
cut; 1 Massey Harris side rake, 1
M.H. hay loader, 1 hay tedder, 1
M.H. fertilizer drill 11 disc; 1 M.H.
manure spreader, 1 12 plate disc
with fore -carriage, 1 single furrow
riding plow, 1 two -furrow Oliver
riding plow, 1 set harrow, 1 walking •
plow, 1 steel wheel wagon, 4" rim,
28" front wheel, 82" rear wheel; 1
34 -wagon, 1 high wagon, 1 set sloop
sleighs, 3" runner; 1 Portland cut-
ter, 1 2 -wheeled trailer, 1 Massey -
Harris 2 hp, engine, 1 cutting box,
1 crusher, 1 Clinton fanning mill, 1
pump jack, 1 2,000-1b. scale, 1 Ren-
frew cream separator 5 yrs. old; 1
sap pan, 185 new buckets, 1 sap
trough, 1 hand corn planter, 1 pow.
er horse clipper, 3 set of blades; 1
grass seed sower, 1 fire extinguish-
er; 1 sat double harness, horse col-
lars, 1 set single harness, 1 gas lan-
tern, hay knife, forks, shovels, axes,
tool chest, saws and other articles
too numerous to mention.
Household Effects -1 Acme range
1 Quebec heater, 1 chemical toilet,
1 lamps. 260 -egg incubator, Hawaiian
amplifier guitar.
Terms cash.
Farm -75 acres, brick house, 2 0
barns, 9 acres hardwood bush, 2,0
acres fall plowed. balance in hay and
pasture. Farm offered subject to re-
serve bid.
Terms on farm 10 per cent. down
balance in 80 days.
Mrs, Ethel Rockwell, Proprietress
Louis Rowland, Auctioneer.
Auction Sale
Farm,Farm Stock any Implern
ents,' on Lot 24, halfway between
Seaforth and Clinton on No. 8 high-
way, Tuesday, Sept. 28th, at 1 o'-
clock sharp.
Horses -1 team of extra good
Clydesdale mares, 6 and 7 years old.
Cattle -3 good cows, milking,
freshen later. 50 stocker and feeder
cattle, all ages,
Sheep -50 good young Leicester
Hogs -4 brood sows, 1 purebred
Yorkshire hog. 24 chunk, -100 lbs.
Poultry -30 Rock hens, also ducks
Implements -1 International trac-
tor, 9 yrs. old, complete on rubber,
1 three -furrow International . plow,
new; 1 walking plow new, 1 M.H.
double disc new, 1 wide cultivator,
1 M.H. 15 disc drill with fertilator
attachment, 1 M.H. binder, 7 ft. cut
1 International oil bath mower new,
1 M.H. manure spreader new, 1 M.H.
endless beltrinder 100 ft., inch 1e set os f sleighs
with rack new, 1 wagon and box, set
of harrows and hay rake, 2 sets'of
cars, ropes and pulleys, 1 Interna-
tional power separator new, 1 com-
bine, Allis Chalmers 40, 1 set of
sleighs, 1 set of brass -mounted har-
ness new. Many other articles too
numerous to mention.
Grain -1000 bushels mixed grain
1942 crop. 1000 bushels mixed grain
1943 crop.
Household affects—'Dining room
suite, 1 electric radio, 1 two=burner
electric plate and many other articles
too numerous to mention.
Terms cash. Farm 100 acres, may
be seen on day of sale. Subject to
reserve bid. Terms to suit purchaser.
G. W. Nott, Prop.; Harold Jack-
son, Auctioneer.
Auction Sale
Of Farm Stock and Implements—
By direction of tiro Public Trustee,
the following farm stock and im-
plements will be offered for safe by
public auction an the farm of Mrs.
William 5 evens an ,
1 Royal Jewel range, burns wood
or coal. Apply to Norval Stimore,.
Walton, lot 15, `eon. 14, McKillop,
phone 343 r 25.
Bornholm cider -mill will' be in op-
eration Tuesday and Friday, of each
week until Oct, 5th; after that every
day except Mondays,
For general housework. Apply to
Mrs. F. J. Bechely.
Girl for housework or woman for
housekeeper. Sleep in or out as de-
sired, no small children. Apply Box
W, The Seaforth News.
Quebec heater in good ,condition.
Apply News Office.:
Auction Sale
Of Farm Stock, Implements, Furni-
ture, Etc. At the 'farm of • Harold
Glew on highway No. 8, 2%. miles
east of Clinton on Saturday, Sept. 25,
at 1 p.m. sharp.
Horses — 1 Clyde horse, roan, 6
years; 1 black Percheron, 4 years; 1
general purpose team, aged,
Cattle 1 Polled Angus cow, 7
years, due Dec.; 1 Jersey, cow, 7 yrs,,
due Jan.; 3 Hereford cows, 5 years,
clue, April; 1 black cow due May; 10
steers, 2 years, Steers can be past-
ured till. Nov. 1. .2 Durham heifers, 1
year; 3' Hereford calves.
+ Poultry -75 rock pullets; 75 hyb-
rids, Moore's breed; 20 hens, 1 year.
Implements - 1 Deering mower, 6
ft.; 1 Deering hay -rake; 1 Cockshutt.
hay -loader; 1 wagon with sliding
rack; 1' spring tooth cultivator; 1
Fleury ` walking plough (new); 1
scuffler M:IS, (new); 4 section har-
rows; 1 set Manitoba sleighs; 1 cut-
ter; 1 hay -foil:, rope and car; 1 Ren-
frew cream separator; 1 set double
harness, brass mounted (new); 1 set
single harness; 1,000 ft.
(new); 25 tons hay; 1 cal
8x12; 1 colony house 10x10.
Household : Effects -2 dressers, 1
wash stand; 1 hanging lamp; 2
lamps; 1 gas lantern; 1 wringer; 4
rocking chairs; 1RCA Victor battery
radio. Many other articles too nuin-
erous to mention. Terms cash,
No reserve as farm is sold.
Harold Jackson, .Auctioneer.
Harold Glow, Proprietor.
Auction Sale
0f Farm Stock and Implements,
at North Half Lot 5, Concession 9,
Morris Township, 114 miles north
and 1 mile east of Blyth,. on Satur-
day, October 2nd, at 12.30 sharp:
Horses—Grey Horse, 8 years old;
red roan horse, 5 years old;-- black
mare, 9 years old; 3 -year-old Agri-
cultural mare. '
Cattle—Reg. white cow, 6 years
old, with calf at foot (Marhgold)
(Manning & Woods strain), bred.
Sept. 12; Reg. red cow, 3 years old,
bred ed
12 (Mina) July ( i ) (Snell strain);
Reg. red roan 2 -year-old heifer, bred
Mar. 11 (Marigold) ; blue cow, 10
years old, bred Aug. 1; red cow,:3
years old, bred in August; red white
spot cow, 8 years old, bred in -June;
light red cow, 8 years old, bred Aug.
30; red cow, 7 years old, bled July
31; Holstein Jersey cow, 4 years old,
bred July 5; red cow, 6 years old,
bred June 15; red cow, 3 years' old,
bred June 1; red cow, 3 years old,
bred May 19; grey cow, 3 years old,
bred in May; roan cow, 3 years old,
bred July 22; grey cow, 4 years old,
bred May 11; light red heifer, bred
June 5; Jersey heifer, Durham cross,
due Oct. 6; Reg. (Marigold) red roan
bull, 1 year old, serviceable age
(Manning & Woods strain); Reg.
(Lavender) dark red bull, 16 months
(Kerr strain, Ethel, Ont.); Reg. red
heifer, 1 year old (Mina); 5 steers,
2 years old; heifer, 2 years old; 2
Jersey Durham heifers, 1% years
old; 9 yearlings; 10 spring calves.
Pigs -8 pigs, around 190 lbs.;
Weldwood sow, due Oct. 12.
Hens -200 white Leghorn pullets,:
6 months old (laying).
Implements — McCormick binder
7 ft. cut, nearly new; M. -H. manure
spreader, nearly new; M.H. side rake
nearly new; McCormick -Deering 13 -
disc fertilizer drill, new; M.41, oil
bath, 6 -ft. cut mower, nearly new;
M.H. low service truck wagon, near-
ly new; new 16 -ft. hay rack comp-
lete with, ladders and moveable hay
rack; M. -H. drop -head hay loader,
good as new; M.H. spring -tooth cul-
tivator; 2 -furrow gang plow; McCor-
mick -Deering scuffler, good as new;
M. -H. 14 -plate out -throw disc har-
rows; 1 4 -section harrow; 1 2 -section
spring -tooth harrow nearly new; 3 -
drum steel roller;, cutter;. buggy;
stoneboat; wheelbarrow; M.H. 7-B
walking plow, nearly new; - set
sleighs with rack; gravel box; • col-
ony house, 8'x12', double floor;
Jamesway electric brooder stove;
chicken equipment; 2 chicken shelt-
ers, chicken fattening crate, 2 sugar
kettles, steel grain trough; 32 -foot
extension ladder; sap pan; 100 sap
pails; sap tank; 100 feet snow fence,
cross cut saw, scythe, 40 cedar rails.
200 cedar posts, 100 stakes; fanning
mill; barbed wire stretcher; 4 sling
ropes, 1 sling chain, hay fork, Me -
Cormick -Deering cream separator,
nearly new; 1.6 -horse electric motor;
set back -band team harness; set plow
harness; set single harness; roll of
barbed wire; self -feeder for pigs;
2,000-1b. set scales; new logging
chain; chains, collars, whiffletrees,
pig crate, barrels, boxes, 3 -bus.
grain bags, lumber, milk pails, etc.
Grain -150 bus. wheat, 400 bus.
Cartier oats; 150 bus. No. 1 West-
ern barley; 200 bus. year-old mixed
grain (Banner & Barlev) for seed;
4 bus, timothy seed, 150 lbs.-Alsike,
timothy and alfalfa; mangolds, pota-
toes, 1 barrel feeding molasses,
Terms—Cash. No reserve as farm
is sold.
Torrance Dundas,. Prop.;,Harold
' Jaekson, Auctioneer,
Executors Sale
01 Household Goods. To wind up
the estate of the late Mrs. Annie
Elliott, Mr. Harold Jackson has been'
instructed to sell by public auction,
at the apartments of the late Mrs.:
Elliott, over A. C. Routledge's store,
Main st., at 1.30 p.m. Thursday,
Sept. 30th.
1 Frigidaire electric refrigerator, in
good order; 1 Locomotive electric
washer, Al condition; 2 steel beds'
complete with mattress and springs,
Al condition; 2 dressers for sane; 1•
walnut bedroom suite, mattress and
springs, and dresser to match; din -1
ing roost suite; buffet, china cabinet
and. extension table; 1 library table;'
1 kitchen table and chairs, 4 dining
room chairs; 1 hot plate, electric, (2:
plates), good condition; 1 'electric
toaster, 1 electric iron; 1 linoleum
9x15, nearly new; linoleum 12x12,
nearly new; also 2 linoleum 10x9
and 9x12, fine condition. One medium
size Spencer heater (coal), good con-
dition, and 1 Gem kitchen range,
wood or coal, in good condition. Medi-
cine cabinet, kitchen utensils, extra
tables, step ladder, window blinds
(8), and other articles too numerous
to mention. All must be sold.
Terms cash.
C. P. Sills, Executor.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
Saturday Cash Specials
Canada Cart Starch pkge 30 Sunlight Soap, 3 calces 190
Cowan's Cocoa. Odea: Soap, 4 calces 190
pound_ tin- 220 Goblin Soap, 4 calces
- Lifebuoy Soap,,0 eakes 1199:
Kirks Castile Soap cakes
Lely:4 Castile Soap 19e
3 pltgas 230
Kellogg's Pep, 2 pkges 22c
Eat -more Rolled Wheat
6 lb. pkge. ............'22c
Rohinhood Roiled Oats
3 Io. pkge. .. 17e
• Grape Nut Flakes, 2 pkges 19c
4 cakes 19c
English Ccakesarbolic Soap
Castile 'Soap, 12 cakes 25c
Shoo -Fly Cow Spray, 128 oz. tin...,99c
A ladies' black tailored suit, size
15, in first-class condition. Phone
143, +Seaforth.
Several registered Hereford bulls,'
Stanway breeding, serviceable age.
Apply to Melville Mathers, Winghanr
R.R. 4, Phone Brussels 10 r 26.
Girl wanted for housework in Sea-
forth. Apply to Box 127, The Seaforth
William Bradshaw, your Watkins
dealer, and also agent for E. D,
Smith & Sons, fruit and ornamental
nursery stock.
Fully modern 7 -roomed house, sit-
uated on Goderieh S. West. Two
piece bathroom 'downstairs, three
piece ace.
Electric bathroom hts, fireplace, r
ce laundrytubs
e lights,
in cellar.
Seven room cottage, situated . on
Market Street, furnace, bathroom,
water, lights. Barn on property.
Eight room brick house on East
William Street. Furnace, lights
water. Garage on property,
Immediate possession can be given
of any of the above.
Eight roomed cottage, situated on
West William Street. Furnace, lights,
hard and soft water on premises.
E. C. Chamberlain, Seaforth, Ont:
Insurance & Ileal .Estate. Phone 334
and 220.
! Notice To Creditors
hi the Estate of Helena Mary
All persons having claims against
the Estate of Helena Mary Vokes,
late of the City and County of Los
Angeles, California, U.S.A., Married
Woman, deceased, who died on or
about the 22nd day of March, 1943,
are hereby notified to send in to the
undersigned on or before the 30th day
of. September, 1943, full particulars
Of their claims.
Immediately after the said last
mentioned date, the assets of the said
estate will be distributed amongst
the parties entitled thereto, having
regard only to claims of which the
undersigned shall then have notice,
to the exclusion of all others, and the
undersigned will not be liable to any
person of whose claim the under-
signed shall not then have notice for
the assets so distributed or any part
Dated at Seaforth this 7th day of
September, 1943.
Seaforth, Ontario.
Solicitors for the Administrator
Auction Sale
Of Farm Implements, Mr. Harold
Dale has been instructed to sell by
public auction at Lot 19, Con. 10,
McKillop, on Tuesday, Sept. 28th at
1 o'clock.
Implements—M. H. 6 foot binder;
M. H. 6 foot mower; M. H. hay
loader; M. H. 13 hoed drill; M. H.
manure spreader; M. H. land roller;
10 ft. Deering rake; 13 tooth Deering
cultivator; 1 set discs; 4 section har-
row; 1 walking plow; 1 furrow rid-
ing plow, 1 scuffler, 1 %, wagon
(nearly new); 1 steel tire top buggy,
1 steel tire open buggy, 1 piano box
cutter, 1 light carriage, 1 -40 -gal.
drum; 1 -10 -gal. drum; 1 sap kettle;
2 doz. sap pails; 1 cutter pole;. 1 set
team harness; 3 horses; small quan-
tity of mixed grain; fowl, and house-
hold effects.
Terms cash.
Thos. 13. Bolton, Proprietor.
Harold Dale, Auctioneer.
Notice To Creditors
In the Estate of John McNay. •
All persons 4aving claims against
the Estate of John McNay, late of
the Township of McKillop, deceased,
who died on or about the 6th day of
August, 1943; are hereby notified to
send in to the undersigned on or
before the 2nd day of October, 1943,
full particulars of their claims.
Immediately after the said last
mentioned date, the assets of the
said estate will be distributed among-
st the parties entitled thereto, hav-
ing regard only to claims of which
the undersigned shall then have not-
ice, to the exclusion of all others,
and the undersigned will not be liable
to any person of whose claim the
undersigned shall not, then have not-
ice for the assets se distributed or
any part thereof.
Dated at Seaforth this 14th clay of
September, 1943. •
By his Solicitor, H. G. Meir, Sea
forth, Ontario.
McConnell & ` Hays
Barristers, , Solicitors, Etc.
Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays
Telephone 174
The Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Build-
ing, Seaforth. Office hours:
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
1.30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday
evening, 730 p.m. to 9 p.m.
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.
President, Alex. Malwing, Blyth;
Vice Presidont, W. R, Archibald, Sea -
forth; Mgr. & See.-Treas., M. A. Reid,
Alex. Mchlwing, Blyth; W. R. Arch-
ibald, Seaforth; Alex. Broadfoot, Sea -
forth; Chris. Leonhardt, Bornholm`;
E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; 'Thomas
Moylan, Seaforth; Frank McGregor.
Clinton; Hugh Alexander, Walton;
George Leitch, Clinton.
John E. Pepper, Brimfield; R. F..
McKercher, Dublin; J. F. Prueter„
Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth.
Parties desirous to effect insurance
or transact other business, will be
promptly atended to by applications
to any of the above named officers
addressed to their respective post
Watson & Reid
(Successors to James Watson)
All kinds of Insurance risks effect- "-
ed at lowest rates in First -Class.
Dr. E. A. McMaster, M.B., Graduate
of University of Toronto.
The Clinic is fully equipped with
complete and modern x-ray and other
up-to-date diagnostic and thereuptie
Dr. F. .J. R. Forster, Specialist in
Diseases of the Ear, Eye, Nose and
Throat, will be at the Clinic the first
Tuesday in :every month from 3 to
5 p.m.
Free well -baby clinic will be held -
on the second and last Thursday in
every month from 1 to 2 p.m.
Notice To Creditors
In the Estate of Annie Elliott.
All persona having claims against
the Estate of Annie Elliott, late of
the Town of Seaforth, in the County
of Huron, Widow, deceased, who died
on or about the 22nd day of July,
A.D. 1943,.are hereby notified to send
in to the undersigned on or before
the 25th day of September, 1943, full.
particulars of their claims.
a Immediately after the said last
mentioned date, the assets of the
said estate will be distributed. among-
st the parties entitled thereto, hav-
ing regard only to claims of which
the undersigned shall then have not
ice, to the exclusion of all others, and
the undersigned will not be liable to
any person of whose claim the under-
signed shall not then have notice for
the assets so distributed or anv part
Dated at Seaforth this 2nd day of
September, 1943,
Seaforth, Ontario.
Solicitors for the Executor.
Monument Works
Formerly W. D. Chapman
We invite inspection of our stock
of Cemetery Memorials
SE SATURDAYS, or any other
time by appointment
See Dr, Harburn—Phone 105
Phone 41—Exeter-Box 160
Want and For Sale ads, 3 weeks 500:
Physician and Surgeon
In Dr. H. H. Ross' office. Phone 5 J
Physician and Surgeon
Successor to Dr. W. C. Sproat
Phone 90 W - Seaforth
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Graduate in Medicine, University
of Toronto. Late Assistant New York
Ophthalmic and Aural Institute,
Moorefield's Eye, and Golden ,Square
throat hospitals, London, Eng. At
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third
Wednesday in each month from 2 to
4 p.m. Also at Seaforth Clinic first
Tuesday in each month. -53 Waterloo
St., Stratford. Telephone 267.
Spence's Produce
Highest Cash Prices paid for
Eggs and Poultry
Phone 170-W, Seaforth
Life, Fire: Auto, Sickness & Accid-
ent, Windstorm & guarantee bonds.
Rates reasonable. All risks placed
in first class companies.
Information cheerfully given
Sun Life Assurance
Co. of Canada
Assures Security for over
One Million Partners
District Agent
(Essential War Industry)