HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1943-09-09, Page 1WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 66, No, 36 rth HURON COUNTY'S LEADINp NEWSPAPER SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1943 Phone 34 al a year FALL SALVAGE DRIVE "V" For Victory Potato STARTS NEXT WEEK Found by Farmer The first bigFall Salvage Drive will be held in the East Side of Sea - forth, also in Egmondville and Little Scotland, on Tuesday, September 14, starting at 4.80 p.m, The trucks will call at all homes in Seaforth east of Main street, and at all the business places, as well as in Egmondville and Little Scotland. Please have your salvage in a convenient place for a quick pick-up by the collectors. Have you several bundles of paper and no eord to tie it with? If such the case, you may secure cord at Salvage Headquarters to tie up your salvage parcels. All 'salvage and rummage items will be appreciated. Rags of all. kinds, paper and cardboard, iron, brass, aluminum, copper, rubber tires and tubes, bottles of all kinds, grease and dry bones are all desired. Rummage articles that can be re -sold will be quickly disposed of, and War Charities will benefit by your contri- bution. E. L. BO PHONE 43 Northside United Church Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister. 10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m. "The Sacrament of the 'Lord's Supper," 7 p.m. "The Set of the Soul," Thurs. at 8 p,m. Precommunion service. First Presbyterian Church Rev. Hugh Jack, Minister. Sunday School 10 a.m. Morning subject "The Temple of Human Life." Evening subject "An 'Unseen Con- filet." ,Midweek meeting Thursday at 8 p.m. Mr, John Mcllroy, of McHilloP, brought & "V for Vlgtory" potato to The News office on Tuesday which he found while taking up the sea- son's crop. It consists of two potatoes well grown together at the base, making a perfect "V", and is a nice, firm, medium-sized specimen. PROPERTY CHANGES IN SEAFORTH Recent real estate changes effect- ed through the office of E. C. Cham- berlain are: Mrs, Ivan Hill property situated on Goderich street west, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ferguson of Hullett twp. The property of Miss Nellie Ptyce; Market street, to Mr, Alfred Byermann, of Seaforth. The property of the estate of the late Agnes Dodds, Centre street, to Mr. I. H. Weedmark, of Seaforth, GLORIA HOLLAND LEAVES FOR WASHINGTON, D.C. Miss Gloria Holland, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Holland, who has been with the Mutual Lite Insurance Co. at Waterloo for the past two years, has accepted a position with the British Embassy in Washington, D.C. Miss Holland is a graduate of St. Coluurban and Dublin Continua- tion Schools and also oi' the School of Commerce, Clinton,' She has two brothers serving in the armed forces. Sgt. John Holland has been overseas for three years and Sgt, W.A.G. Kale Holland who is stationed et ,No. 4 Wireless School, Guelph, C. W. L. HOLD MONTHLY MEETING The C.W.L. held their September meeting with Mrs. C. P. Sills, the president, in the chair and with a good attendance. Several letters of appreciation for cigarettes, etc., from our boys overseas, were read, also thank -you cards from members who had received cards of sympathy. A letter regarding the Diocesan convention to be held in London, Oct. 12-14, was read and Mrs. C. P. Sills was appointed as delegate to attend. 'She will be accompanied by Miss Alice Daly, Councillor for Hur- St. Thomas' Church on. The visiting committee, Mrs. Rector, Rev. Dr. Hurford. Anderson and Mrs. Matthews, re - 11 a.m. Morning prayer and ser- ported 18 visits to the sick and 'new - mon., comers. ,• 7 p.m. Evening, prayer and sermon. Plans were made for a Parish At - Sunday School re -opens on Sept. 19. Home to be held Oct. lst. The meet- ing closed 'with prayer for the men in the armed forces. St. Mary's Church, Dublin 3 p.m. Afternoon service. Egmondville United Church Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B.A.,B.D. 10 a.m., Sunday School. 11 a.m. "Unselfish Benefaction." 7 p.m, "The Soul's Approach to God." Anniversary services, September 19th, conducted by Rev. ' Reba H. Hern, B.A., of Varna. WOLF CUBS TO MEET The first meeting of the fall term of the Seaforth Wolf Cub Pack will be held on Monday, September 13, at 7.30 p.m. NIGH -RYAN The marriage of Miss Geraldine Ryan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. New Owner At Kippen Store Mr. Harvey H: Damm Was for 24 Years , A Resident of Walkerton The following is from the Walker- ton Herald -Times. Mr. Harvey H. Damm, an esteem- ed resident of Walkerton for the past thirty-four years, founder of the Bruce Capital's first motion picture theatre, and conductor for a great many years of a grocery and later a variety store here, left Walkerton on Wednesday of this week, with Mrs. Damm and younger son, Kenneth, for the rural settlement of Kippen which is situated in Huron County, seven nudes south of the Clinton Air Pont on Provinoial Highway No. '4. Having BLOOD DONORS CLINIC ON SEPT. 23RD The next Blood Donors Clinic in Seaforth for men and women will be held on Thursday morning, Sept, 23rd, Volunteers are asked to call 341. DISTRICT STUDENTS AT STRATFORD NORMAL 'Students from this district who registered at Stratford normal school on Tuesday include; Marion I. Chris- tie, Cromarty; Wilma Dinnin, Cro- marty; Doreen Gingerich, Zurich, R.R. 3; Elva Govier, Londesboro; Gwendolyn Hocking, Cromarty; Isa- bel Jean MacDonald, Brussels; Isab- el McDonald, Walton; Helen Mc- Cutoheon, R.R. 4, Brussels; Luella Mitehell, Brussels; Reta Moore, Dub- lin, R.R. 2; Beatrix Sandford, Sea- Tuckersmith Council Appoints Collector Taxes May Be Paid This Year Also at Stated Banks in Surrounding Towns The Tuckersmith council 1piet in the town hall, Seaforth, on Satur- day, aturday, September 4th. All members present, the Reeve presiding. The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted. The Council decided that no weed cutting be paid for until the meeting October 2nd and that the time for cutting weeds be extended to Sept, 18th. Bylaw No. '7 naming the rates to be charged for taxation on roll for 1943 was read three times and passed, signed and sealed. The crushing and trucking of gravel =- recently purchased a long and well- forth; Betty Snell, Loridesboro; inset with Harold Glew was termin- establlehed general store business in, Mary Stapleton, Dublin; William ated, the gravel being unsatisfactory that hamlet, Mr, Damm in his xiewly Hocking, Cromarty; Thomas Morris, to the council, his certified cheque to acquired property will conduct in Staffa, R.R. 1, Francis Ryan, Sea be returned and full settlement addition to the Kippen Post Office forth; Gibson Willis, Brussels. made. The following taxes be writ - d the general store business a flour' t ff J L Mc Bairn $17 04 same an and feed establishment, a provincial egg -grading station, and also with the above he will operate a service sta- tion carrying White Rose gasoline, Mr. Damm takes possession of his Huron County holdings on September 0th, Mr. Damm learned the printing trade with the late Win. MacDonald of the Chesley Enterprise prior to coming to Walkerton and taking a position with the late Wm. Wesley, fotnicier,6ans publisher of the Bruce Times. Leaving this lino of endeavor he took a position as clerk in the W.I. TO MEET NEXT. WEEK The regular meeting of the Wo- men's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. Paul Doig at 2.30 sharp on Tuesday, Sept. 14th. Roll call will be "One Thing a Good Mo- ther Should Be." The topic will be on Blood Donors and will be taken by Mrs. Frank Kling. The motto will be taken by Mrs. Leonard Strong. Please bring donations for capture hags and housewives, etc also bring in your Red Cross sew- ing. Special sewing for capture bags may be had at Spence's or Hudson's en o : . . , , having ben paid to Hydro office. John Grainger was' paid 58.00 for cutting weeds on lot owned by Mrs. Calder, and said amount entered on roll against said lot. E. P. Chesney was again appoint- ed to act'as Tax Collector, and mail all tax notices. Taxes inay be paid 1 • 'when/Lull TWQ FEATURED DIAMOND VALUES AVAUGE at stated banks without cost as well v Jeweller and Optometrist as at treasurer's office. The collector Opposite Post Office, Seaford h to be relieved from attending at ' certain places for the purpose of col-, Miss Bernadette Flanagan, Lon- lecting. don, Miss Doris Flanagan, Seaforth, The following accounts were paid: Miss Teresa Ryan, London, Miss M. Relief cash $10; Salaries and post- Ryan, Guelph, Misses Mary and Jean 4 men's wear department of McBurney produce stores. age, $¢2; road accounts, $1100.08. Jordan, Guelph, Miss Eileen Jordan, fully Co. and at the same time success- at raany REYNOLDS-CARLIN Thecouncilwill meet on Saturday, London, Miss Ethelyn O'Hearn, God- yeas the first motion picd for a ture theatre Baskets of pink and white gladioli Oct, 2nd at 8 o'clock p.m. crisp, Miss Loretto Feeney, Londpn, were used to decorate the sanctnttry —D. F. McGregor, Clerk. Misses Irene and Dorothy Donnelly, in Walkerton which he established on Goderieh, Miss Marie I�rauskopf, of its present site, and which is now of St. Columban's Churn for the DUBLIN B LI N London, Miss Teresa Atkinson, Tor - known as the Roxy, successor to the marriage of Miss Barbara Louise onto, at their respective homes. Reenville Theatre. Carlin, younger daughter of Mr. and At St, Mary's Anglican Church aft - Mr. and NIrs. James Hanley and That Mr. Damm and his wife and Mae. James Carlin of Beechwood to ernoon service will be resumed neat son, Jimmie, Toronto, with Mr, and family may prosper and thrive in the Mr. Harry M. Reynolds of Sarnia, Sunday for the Fall and Winter Mrs. W. J. Hanley. new quarters they will henceforth son of Mr_ and Mrs. Patrick O. months. Harvest Thanksgiving will Joseph Looby, Blyth, with his know as their home, is the hope and Reynolds of Clinton which took place be on Sept, _0th, mother, Mrs. A. M. Looby. desire of their host of friends iu ion Saturday morning, September 4th, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Grose of Lon - at eiglxt•thirty o'clock. Rev. F. J. don with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Darling. Mrs. Peter Dill and daughter, Walkerton mid- - elsewhere -.,-in the Marlene, Detroit, with Mrs. T�ather- district where they 'are so well and O'Drowski sang the nuptial high mass Mr. and Mre, John Kenney of De- ane Byrne. favorably known, and for so many and also performed the marriage cer- troll with his mother Mrs. Catherine emony. Rev. Father McDonald.of Kenney. The following teachers began their years among its foremost citizens. Besides the numerous activities con - The was present in the sanctuary. Miss Margaret Strubb and sister of terms this week: Miss Mary Evans at nested with his various business The charming bride, given in narri- Kitchener with Mr• and Mrs. \'ver. S.S. No. 8, Logan; Miss Genevieve age by her father, wore a street Flanagan. Atkinson at No. 9, Logan, Miss' Ea - enterprises in town, which later in- cluded the operation for a great length two piece dress of burgundy Mr. and Mrs. Edward Desmarais tharine Jordan at No. 2, Hibbert, many years of a large grocery bust• alpaca trimmed with matching braid and daughter Lenora returned to Miss Marion Meagher at St. Martins nese and recently the conducting for and gld buttons, biege gloves and their hone in Chicago after three School, London; Miss Jean Quinsey, several years of the variety store shoes and a corsage of white roses. weeks' vacation at the home of Mr. at Logan; Miss Hazel Roney, at business now known as the Grigg 5c The head piece was a halo of gold and Mrs. Alex Darling. Dublin public school; Miss Marjorie to 61.00 Store here, Mr. Damm al- cloth and wine flowers. The bride's wedding bells are ringing in ow' Hannon, at Tuckersmith; Miss Rhea. only ornament was a gold locket the village. Roney at Hamilton. ways took a keen interest in the wel• fare of the community. gift of the groom and she carried a Mrs. Trilling of Blyth with Mr. and Being an outstanding member of white satin missal with streamers, Mrs. Lane. BAYFIELD the executive of the Walkerton Miss Clare }taut, of Seaforth, Mrs. E. Nagle with friends in Mrs. W. Grearson and Miss Ruby Christmas Fair at the commence- friend of the bride, was bridesmaid Mitchell Fisher and Miss Pollock of Kitchener went of its establishment here, he and wore a two piece dress of sea Mr, and Mrs. Snaith of Stratford spent the week end with Mrs. F. A. Ryan of Englehart, Ontario, and Mr. wwas . consequently, throughout the green, crepe brown hat and matching with Mr. and Mrs. D. Dillon. Edwards. Peter Nigh, of Niagara Falls, son of intervening years, connected with accessories. She wore a corsage of Mrs. D. Elliott of Windsor was a Mr. and Mrs. F. Fowlie and M.r L. Mr and 'Mrs. Luke Nigh, Seaforth, every movement for the well-being red roses and carried a large brown week end visitor at the home of Mr, Fowlie of London spent the holiday I was solemnized Saturday morning, missal. and Mrs. Norval Elliott. with the Misses Fowlie: and up -lift of this section of Bruce. The groom's brother Mr. Earl ROY- Captain and Mrs. Frank Stapleton, Augnst 28th, at nine o'clock, in Our He was chairman of the Walkerton Mrs. Bassett is visiting her sister, Wil - Lady of Peace Chinch, Niagara Palls, Public School Board at the time it colds, acted as best roan, liana Stapleton. with Mr. and 17rs. R'il- Mrs. Davidson M Woodstock this (Rev. Wilfred Smith, 0. Carm., offic- instituted most of the present modern The ushers were Mr. James Carroll Ilam Stapleton. week. rated. The bride, given in marriage improvements for the benefit of the of. Lune and Mr, Hubert Reynolds hiss Mary Dorsey, London, with Rev, Mr. Caldwell and Mrs. Cald- by her Pother, wore atwo-piece street rising generation attending the acrid- of Clinton. her parents, lir, and Mrs. Louis well left for a month's holiday with length dress of navy blue sills crepe, The groom's gift to the bridesmaid Dorsey. relatives in Detroit. g emy, including the installation of was a gold locket, to .the best man, Miss Jean Burns, Galt, with her fashioned with a peplum. waist and non -glare black boards anti the mod - Pea Mr. and Mrs. Burt and family of long fitted sleeves. She wore a ern lighting and ventilating system, and Pencil set, to the ushers, parents, Mr. and obs,MrsDan Burns. London with the latter's parents, matching hat and veil and a corsage A more patriotic, public spirited, fountain pen and cigarette lighter. Miss Rita Nleloolie, :Miss Teresa Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baker, f white roses, gladioli and' bon- self - sacrificing citizen than Mr. The wedding music was played by 'tiler and Miss Louise BardeweIl, St. Mr. and Mrs. G. Churchward and vmdia Miss Bernice Ryan of Tor- D m would be hard to find in any the organist Mrs. Vincent Lane. Josephs Hospital graduates, Lon Miss Shortt of London spent the hol- o I HARLOCK Miss Levine Knox returned to To- ronto after holidaying, for the past week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Knox and other friends. Mr. and Mao, Frank McGregor and the former's sister, Mrs. Sproule of Winnipeg, called on Clinton friends last Saturday evening. Miss Agnes Leiper of 'Toronto hol- idayed over the' week end and Labor Day at the home of her mother, Mrs. Annie Leiper and other friends, Mrs. James Ruddell returned home " fronn London one day last week. The teachers, Mrs. Arthur Colson, Miss Helen MoGregor and Mrs, Wat- son Reid have started their. duties for the coining year. We wish them all success. Miss. Jean Gibbings of near Clin- ton holidayed last week at the home of her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs, L Rapson,. returning home Saturday night Mrs. E. ICnechtel and Maxine re- turned to London after spending the summer holidays at the home of the former's brother, Mr. Reece Ferris, a nn d t tl Roya community, and to his recent d�part- don, with Mrs. A. M. Looby, anti), who was Dinner was serve a re idav in their cottage. fr 1 d ' gold ilk crepe with brown with h• wife and son Kenneth Hotel in Mitchell to thirty guests bliss Helen O'Reilly, Ititchener, Mrs. Wm. Balkwill, Jean and accessories g from the County Rev. Father McDonald and the rt. man rosea. Edward Nigh was the best county of the province, as Bruce is d Mrs. Leonard Steinbach, London, end with Miss Nora Ferguson. Mrs. Robert Iieighen sang "Ave frequently referred to there goes br'ide's grandmother Mrs. G. K. Holl and Miss Rose Feeney, Toronto, with Miss Ferns and the Misses Jordan will behard t prettily decorated Joseph and Mary at their cottages, left for their bride's cake, Afterwards a reeeptfou Mr. and Mrs. James Jordan: Mrs, R. Poth who has been visit - was held at the home of the bride's ; Kenneth Dill, R.C.A.F., St. Thom- ing her parents, Ma. and Mrs. Wm. parents followed by a delicious bullet as, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jowett, returned to her home in luncheon to over sixty guests includ- P. Dill, Caledonia. ing the aunts and uncles of the bride i Private and Mrs, Joseph. Carpen- School opened on Tuesday with and groom. Mrs, Carlin received the ter. London, and Mr. and Mrs, Fer- Mr. Bates as principal and Mrs. Par' guests in a black jacket stress, white I gus Roynolds, Detroit, with Mr, and ken in the junior room. Par - necklace and a corsage of red i•oses,;Mrs. Joseph Carpenter: Mr. and Mrs, Chao. Toms were in The groom's mother wore a dress of . Mr, and Mrs. Fergus Maloney, St, Thomas on Wednesday attending black crape satin trimmed with cm- Buffalo, N.Y,, with Patrick Maloney. the wedding of Mrs. Tones niece. sage of red roses. Miss Mary Atkinson, Toronto, is Mr, and Ms, Reynolds left on the vacationing with her parents, Mr. RECEIVES PROMOTION afternoon train for Niagara Falls and and Mrs, Joseph Atkinson. A list of promotions of officers Hamilton, For travel Mrs, Reynolds wore a ginger colored suit of spun crepe, fox fur, brown hat and match- ing accessories. After a short honey- moon they will reside in Sarnia where the best wishes of a host of friends wiil,follow them. i t' 1 maid of honor, was oe re In go c s1 ire wi i r5 w and a sorsa a of Talis- . Town of the banner including Rev. Father O'Dr'owski, with Mrs. Lucy Woods. Charlie, of London, spent the week man. r . 90 requen Y > Maria" .and "On this Day, 0 Beanti• and of Dublin, The dining room was their mother, NIrs. Kathleen Feeney. bruin who spent the summer months forth a family whose place in the l for the occasion ar Jordan and Miss 0nl Mother" and Mrs. William or an municipal picture it ran o t i home played the wedding music. Following an. and the table was centered with the Mary Donnelly Buffalo, N.Y., with in Detroit on Labor Day. • the reception, held at the Wright Mr. Damm was for several years a House, Lundy's Lane, the bride and devout and active member of Trinity groom left on a short wedding trip. Lutheran Church here and later an Upon theta' return they will reside in official of the newly organized the city. Out of town guests were Evangelical Church of Walke0ton, present from Toronto, , Seaforth autl which held forth in the sacred edi- Englehart; Tice now known as the Pentecostal Church. Ivir. Damm has practically ENGAGEMENT since the union of the Methodist and The engagement is announced Of Presbyterian congregations been on Ann Mae Bell, slaughter of Mr, and the official board of St. Paul's United Mrs. John Dell, Clai'esholm, Alta., to Church, he being also active for a LAC Joseph Matthew'Purcell, RCAF, time as a Sunday School teacher, Claresholmm, Alta„ son of the late Mr, and in short was one of the pillars and Mrs, Thomas Purcell, Seaforth. of St. Paul's, Mrs, Damm as well The marriage to take place at'Clares• has consistently been a faithell holm, Alta., on Sept, 25th. church worker, and besides the vari- ous duties in her own home was HOSPITAL AID TO MEET always ready and willing to lend • assistance to those In need. The annual meeting of • the Wo- Now serving with the W,D. ,of the men's Aid to Scott Memorial Hospi- R,C,A.P, is their only slaughter, Miss tal will be held. at the home Of the Ana, while their elder son, Ralph, president, Mas. D, H. Wilson on now employed by the government as Tuesday evening, Sept, 14, at 8.18, Continua on Page 5 SCHOOLS OPEN The public and separate schools opened on Tuesday, also the two lower forms of the high school. Mx, and NIrs, Clayton Trill, Chica- overseas for Military District No. 2 go. with Mt'. and Mrs. ,Tames Shea. (Toronto), to acting captain con - Mr. and Mrs. John Kenny, Det- tains the name of T. W. Gordon, mit, with Mrs, Frank Kenny, Seaforth. Tolin Murray, Kitchener, renewing old acquaintances here. ITALY SURRENDERS Walter Klinkhamel', Detroit, and Announcement was made at noon .T, M. Eckert, Seaforth, with Mr. Leo Wednesday of the unconditional Krauskopf, render of the Italian armed forces, Miss Anne Meagher. London. with eight days after the Anglo-Canad- her parents, Mr, and Mrs, John tan Eighth Army had landed in. Meagher. Italy.