HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1943-09-02, Page 8THE SEAPORTH NEWS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER e, 19431 H.1N$ALL Sgt, Jerry Drummond, . a fernier Hensall boys has been pocked from No. 1 Manning DepOt, Toronto, to a depot in Halitax, N.S. Prior to his de- parture he e.parturehe was presented with a handsome club bag and fitted writing ease by the officers and neer of the reception wing of No. 1 manning de- pot, 02 which h0'was a member, Mrs. Churchill and daughter Miss Elvira, of pronto,, who spent the summer months at their cottage m Hayfield, recently visited Reeve and Mrs, Shaddick Dr. and Mrs, Harry Joynt and Jud- ith Ann of Byron spent the week end with the former's mother, Mrs. Alice Joynt, of SL 1,ultep in the Quillen, Byron, when Rev. W, E. MacNiven, ]united ill marriage awry i'.rue[1 rrrui• tveriei', 1Zeg,N., and Harry Faber,' sou 01 mi', run .urs, Atkt llVl'u' 2.` w. riensall. Toe bride chose a liocoluiltg suit at Regina blue sheer over taffeta, )vlth navy accessories, and wore a GUA'dkbgH 4t.lonalina kiln roses With �.,.ituoweis, s'oirowutg the r000pt[on at the home of rho groom's parents at I3elisaA, the oouple left on a short trip. They will. reside at Huron springs, t�enbnu. Mrs, It. L. Walters, the former Miss Florence McDonald, now resid- ing in Vancouver, in writing tofri. contactnds wre l s with' ap ytiof the Hensallte anous to rural boys wire, are at present in ser- vice in Vancouver. Her address is Mrs, R. L. Welters, 2828 West 7th ave„ Vaucolver, B.C. Miss Dorothy Brazier, who has spent the s'(tmmer months' with Dr, and Mrs. D. G. Steer, left last week for her home in London and began probatioUElrY training in the school of this week, g when at a classoof 31 entered. James Niebol, a former Hensall re- sident r it Toron- to, spentthepast etwo A 10 ve weeks with relatives and friends here, Miss Norma Cook, who spent the summer months with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. N. E. Cook, returned to Western University, London, this week to commence her studies there. Women's Institdte to Meet - The initial meeting of the Hensall Women's Institute takes the form of a pot luck supper to be held at the hone of Mrs, E. Chipchase with Mrs. I Goodwin co -hostess, Date: Wednes- day, Sept, 8th at 6 p.m. Members and guests are to meet at. the town hall. Card of Thanks The family of the late .Andrew Dantzer wish to express their sinc- ere appreciation to all their neigh- bours, friends and relatives for the many acts of kindness, spiritual offer- ings and expressions of sympathy ex- tended to them during their recent sad bereavement. Card of Thanks The family of the late James Murray wishto express their sincere thanks. and eppreelation to their friends and neighbors for the many acts of kindness and expressions of sympathy in their bereavement; also for spiritual bouquets, and those who loaned cars, WANTED Two school boys to room. Apply at News Office. FOR CALE 29 young pigs. Apply to Frank Fowler, phone 16-616, Clinton central, S Highway. Each member bas the privilege of FOR SALE inviting a friend. An interesting pro- i gram is being arranged. Roll call, a A wooden baguette on wheels. riddle. The luncheon will consist of Apply at Mrs, Jake Wor'm's, East foodstuffs provided by the members' William et. A large attendance of members and guests is requested. Local and rural citizens are to be Ap commended for their hearty support cony given to the appeal for donations n money and other gifts for boxes for the Hensall boys who are serving overseas. These boxes, 35 in number, were packed by the Women's Insti- tute and other volunteers and the War Service Committee on Monday night August 30th. The fact that a FOR RENT artment in Seaforth to rent, with eniences. Apply to News Ofine. FARM FOR SALE Or Rent, One hundred acres, Lot 34, Cou. 14, McKillop. Mrs. M, Nash, R,R.5, Seaforth, WANTED TO RENT great many folks throughott HensallLaud, preferably old sod for the and district gladly gave of their sugar rations made possible the pre- growing of flax. Hesky Flax.Products, vision of delicious home-made candY Ltd., Seaforth consisting of chocolate and divinity, fudge. This work was accomplished by Mesdames Phaff, Sher'ritt, Welsh, , Ellis and Beer. while other hind friends contributed cookies, short- bread, handkerchiefs, sox, cheese, soap, canted goods, etc. In addition to the items already named each I parcel consisted of shoe laces, scam I milk, buttons, velvo, cigarettes, tob- areos and papers, razor blades, per- sonal kit, a variety of bars, tooth Powder. styptic pencil. A hearty vote of thanks is extended to the follow- ing. Miss Ellis, who made the folders. to Lenore Norminton, Norma Sang- ster, Mina McEwen, Helen Noakes, Mrs. Kennedy, Greta Laramie, Mrs. W. Sangster, During Friday and Sat- urday while the ration books were being distributed at the Town Hall, these ladies in turn received collec- tions for these boxes, and as a result of their efforts 650 was realized. The Institute after buying the supplies, has on hand a small balance. All ship- ping charges were borne by the War Service Committee. The list is as follows:R. Brock, L. Baynham, K. 'Alex Alex and Jack Boa, Jim Campbell, Stuart and Ben Dick, R. Foster. E. Fairburn, G. Glenn, H. Redden, Max and Laird Hudson, G. Johnston, C. Kipfer, P, Lemmon, D. McKaig, W. Nicol, L. Noakes, E. Norminton, A. Schwalm, Dave and George Sangster, Jno. Taylor. R. Welsh. C. 2uetie, Howard Smale, D. Roggarth, Bill Snow, Alvin Bell, Doug Sangster, Ken Passmore, Stuart Pepper, Ronald Peck, Mrs. James Sangster of Tillsonburg spent the week end at her home here. Mr, and Mrs. Norman Jones and Mildred returned home after a pleasant visit with relatives and Mends in Toronto. Mr. Donald Walker of Toronto spent the past week visiting with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Gec, Walker. Born - At Mrs. R, J. Patterson's Nursing Home, Hensall, on Friday, August 27th, to Mr, Morris Tudor of the RCNVR, Halifax, N.S., and Mrs. Tudor, a son. LAC Kenneth Manns of the RCAF and his bride, formerly Marguerite Maine of Toronto, returned to their respective positions on Saturday aft- er a pleasant visit with the former's mother, Mrs, Manns. Miss Olive Walker, R.N. of Albany Hospital, New York, is holidaying 'with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Walker. Misses Beryl Phaff and Mary Good- win are holidaying at Grand Bend this weep. Commencing next Sunday, Sept, 5, services will be held at 11 a.m, and 7 p.m. in Carmel Presbyterian church Hensel], when the ministers will preach for a call. commence at 10a.m n and everyone is urged to attend these services after the holiday season is over, Miss Helen McAllister of George- town visited last week with Miss Helen Moir, Mr. Moir and Mrs, Bayn. bath. Miss Ruth Chapman, R.N. of .Alb- any Hospital, New York, is visiting her parents, Mr, and Mr's, W, W, Chapman. Mise Ruth Maclll'tve.ine, formerly of Hensail, is the guest of. Miss F. Logan. Mr, Morrison Priest of Clinton visited this week with his sister Mrs. A. McEwen. Miss Eleanor Bell, R,N, of New York is visiting at the home of her motber Mrs. Wm. Hyde, Feber-Detweller .. A quiet mid -summer wedding was solemnised on Saturday at the church For Sale Auotion Sale Well situated cotntl - General Store with living apaltIl l9, close to school earl ehur'ell c, .' au: - ntly loc- ated- to Town, A go' gang concern. 10 Acre Farm with brick house, good 'cellar nett ,armee, Splendid bank barn, drilled Well, good elay loam, underdraincd Close to 5011001, handy to Town, 12 Acre Farm, good brick house, c elial fnruace, hath room, hydro and. hard and sett water. First class barn, herr house, frog pen and fruit trees,' Make good poultry farm. A beautiful situation, Lambert Sale Yards, Strathroy, Saturday, Sept. 4th, 175 Head of Mixed stock .cattle, Including a choice run of yearlings, also calves and pigs. Sales every Saturday, Trueks to deliver. Private sales during the week, A. G. McAlpine, Auctioneer. Auction Sale Have listed also a number of Priv- Of Household Effects. Wednesday, ate residencesvarios In differices,rent partste town of Sept. Sth, at Brueefleld, commencinginterested a Wruhltrbe glad to18Sho ' I at 2 o'clock. . You through. 1 coal and wood heater With pipes; E. 0. Chamberlain, Seaforth,Ont,' 1 coal oil heater, Perfection; 1 ex - Insurance & heal Estate. Phone 384 tension table; 6 dining robin chairs, and 220' 1 buffet, 1 new buffet, 1 kitchen cab - WA niet; 1 kitchen table, 4 kitchen Girl or Np anNTEwanted for \lightl chairs, 5 rocking chairs; 1 settee, an - house work. Apply at The News. tique; 1-9x12 Brussels rug; 1-6x9 FOR SALE 8 pigs ready to wean; 15 pigs t0 wean about Sept, 25th, Also a cheap work mare. Janes Landsbo'ough, phone 665r 16, Seaforth, WANTED Widower in Seaforth has accom- modation in house for married cou- ple, Apply at the News office. ' STRAYED A Holstein heifer front Lot 6, Con. 6, McKtliop. Anyone knowing where- abouts please notify Carl Rose, R,R.4, Mitchell.Phone 22.65, Dublin, Brussels rug; 2 writing desks; 1 solid oak extension table, good as new; 2 small tables; 1 library table; 1 chesterfield good as new; 1 Bruns- setck phonograph and 40 records; 3 wooden beds and 3 springs; a felt mattresses, 1 new Marshall spring' mattress; 1 hair covered couch; 2 bedroom dressers, 2 wash stands,. 1 set fancy bedroom dishes, 1 set white bedroom dishes; 1 antique sideboard; 1 highboy, antique; 1 new century washer; 1 all copper boiler, 1 ironing board, 1 -2 -burner oven for oil stove; 1 set of sad irons; clothes basket; Pillows, bedding, table linen, dishes, and tools, and numerous other art - NOTICE icles, Terms cash, The Public Library will be closed Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. from Sept, 6th to Sept. 20211, ' Win. Berry, Proprietor. Greta Thompson, Librarian. FOR .SALE 2 Leicester rant lambs for sale: John Nottingham, phone 833 r 13, Seaforth, NOTICE William Bradshaw, your Watkins dealer, and also agent for E. D. Smith & Sons, fruit and ornamental nursery stock. CAR WANTED Model A Ford coach wanted. MuSt be in good condition, Apply at The New office FARM FOR SALE Opportunity for enterprising farm - e', 100 acres excellent clay loam in high state of cultivation, between Seaforth and Clinton on No. 8 high- way, ighway, Ideal home, hydro, large banked barn, etc. Apply at The News office. FOR SALE 2 pure bred dual Shorthorn cows for sale, 3 and 4 years old; one fresh, the other to calve in Sept. Also a Yew heifers under a year old. Cows not registered. James P, Scott. Phone 351r 4. THIS NEWSPAPER (1 YEAR) and THREE GREAT MAGAZINES For Both Newspaper and Magazines GROUP "A" -Select One (1 Better Homes & Gardens 1 Yr [3 True Story Magazine 1 Yr [] Photoplay-Movie Mirror 1 Yr [] Woman's Home Comp 1 Yr [l Sports Afield 1 Yr 1] Magazine Digest 6 Mos. (3 Fact Digest 1 Yr [l American Home 1 Yr (3 Parent's Magazine.... 6 Mos [3 Open Road for Boys 1 Yr (] The Woman 1 Yr (3 Science & Discovery 1 Yr GROUP "B" -Select Two 13 Maclean's f (] Canadian Home Journal 1 Yr 0 Chatelaine 1 Yr (3 National Home Monthly1Yr. [7 Family Herald & Weekly Star 1 Yr. ()New World (Illustrated) 1 Yr (]*Farmer's Magazine 2 Yrs. (] Canadian Horticulture & Home 1 Yr. ()Click (Picture Mthly.)1 Yr, C] Canadian Poultry Rev 1 Yr (1 Rod & Gun in Canada,,, 1 Yr. (3 American Girl 6 Mos. (3 American Fruit Grower 1 Yr SAVE MONEY! Enjoy the finest magazines while saving tires and gas. Only through this news- paper can you get such big reading bargains. Pick your favorites and mail coupon to us TODAY. THIS NEWSPAPER (1 Year) and Your Choice THREE POPULAR MAGAZINES For Both e Newspaper and Magazines $2.00 [3 Maclean's []Canadian Home Journal 1 Yr. (] Chatelaine • 1 Yr [3 National Home Monthly 1 Yr. [3 Family Herald & Weekly Star 1 Yr. [] New World (Illustrated) 1 Yr, (1 *Farmer's Magazine 2Yrs [3 Canadian Horticulture & Home ....... 4...4 1 Yr, [] Click (Picture Monthly) 1 Yr (1 American Fruit Grower,. 1 Yr. [3 Canadian Poultry Rev,. 1 Yr. 13 Rod & Gun in Canada,... 1 Yr.' C] American Girl 6 Mos. *Farmer's Magazine sent only to farm addresses in Eastern Canada. THIS NEWSPAPER (1 YEAR) and ANY MAGAZINES LISTED Both for Price Shown All Magazines Are For 1 Year [] Maclean's s, $1.50 [] Canadian Home Journal1.50 ()Chatelaine 1.50 [3 National Home Monthly1.50 [} Family Herald & • Weekly Star 1.50 [] New World (Illustrated)1.50 [] *Farmer's Mag. (2 yrs.)1.25 [7 Canadian Horticulture & Home 1.25 (] Click (Picture Monthly) ,. 1.50 [] Canadian Poultry Rev1.50 [3 Rod & Gun in Canada 1.50 [7 Better Homes & Gardens 2.00 (] True Story 2.00 [] Woman's Home Comp2.00 (3 Sports Afield 2.00. (1 Liberty (Weekly) 2.50 (3 Magazine Digest 3.50 [] Silver Screen 2.5.0 (3 Screenland 2.50 (1 Look 3.50 [] American Home ,.. 2.00 (3 Parent's Magazine 3.00 (] Christian Herald 3.00 [3 Open Road for Boys 2.00 13 American Girl 2.50 (] Red Book 3.50 (3Arnerican Magazine 3.50 0 Colliers Weekly 3.50 [] Child Life 3.28 bUU UD THIS IN SP , AY Cheek magazines desired and enclose with coupon. Gentlemen: I enclose 3 Please send me the offer chocked, with s year's subscrtptio n to your paper. POST OFFICE STREET OR R.R. PRoV. ....w.:» Q Saturday Cash Specials Canada Corn Starch pkge Sc Coyaft'.a Cocoa; , 22c pound tin „ RRose Coffee, lb. A pi"tge. 48c Kellogg's Corn Flakes a 23c S p1,geS Kellogg's 'Pep, 3 pl,ges 22e Eat -more Rolled Wheat 220 5 lb. pkge, 5obinhood Moiled Oats 170 3 in. pkge, Grape Nut Flakes, 2 pltges 190 Sunligint Soap, 3 capes 19c 19c Odea Soap, 4 capes 190 Goblin Soap, 4 cakes Lifeb1107 5069, 3 capes 13e Kirks Castile Soap 4 cakes , .,, ..,,19 c LelyeCastile 5089 4 cakes rqe . . 1' English Carbolic, Soap 250 6 cakes Castile Soap, 12 cakes 25c Shoo -Fly Cow Spray, 128 oz. tin, , ..990 W. J. FINNIGAN HORSE WANTED Horse, work or drive, wanted. John Slloldice, phone 655x12, Seaforth. FOR SALE 4 rolls heavy green asphalt Roofing, Also a McClary range. Apply, at News office. FOR SALE 100 cross bred pullets, laying, nerve Coleman, Zurich, Phone 95x12, Hensall central. FOR SALE 6 -roomed brick house, well situat- ed in the Village of Walton. Apply Mrs. Dorothy Rutledge, Adninistrat-' rix, Charlotte M. Drager Estate, Phone 49, Blyth, or MoConnell Hays, Solicitors, Seaforth, Ontario. CLEARING Auction Sale Of Farm Stock, Implements, Feed, Furniture. W, E. Nairn, Auctioneer, will sell by public auction on Lot 20, Con. 8, Hibbert, 11/, miles west of Staffa, on Thursday, Sept. 9th, com- mencing at 12 o'clock sharp, the fol- lowing: Horses -Span of good horses, Cattle - 3 Shorthorn cows due in Oct.; 3 shorthorn cows due in Dec,; 3 shorthorn .cows due in Jan.; 4 shorthorn heifers cine in Jan,; 2 steers two years old; 5 steers and heifers, yearlings; 9 calves. Hogs -10 hogs 175 lbs. each; 11 ks, Brooch sow with litter of PIP 7 wee 13. Brood sow just bred. Fowl - 300 purebred Barred Rock pullets (Scott strain), 0 months old and laying. 3 chicken shelters. Hay & Grain - 35 tons of mixed hay; 10 bus. timothy seed; 1200 bus oats; 250 bus. barley; 150 bus. wheat; 634 acres of corn; 1 acre of mangolds and turnips. Implements -Deering binder 6 foot: out; Deering mower 6 foot cut; Case hay loader, new; Frost &. Wood side rake; tedtle•; steel hay fake; Massey Harris fertilizer drill, new; Cockshutt spreader (new); Allis Chalmers trac- tor; Goodison separator 36x56; 7" drive belt 120 feet long; Papec corn blower and pipes; one - way disc (new); 3 furrow tractor plow; stiff - tooth tractor cultivator; spring tooth cultivator; corn cultivator, steel land roller; set of iron harrows; corn binder; stuffier; walking plows; set steel trucks; rubber tied wagon; hay rack and one man rack; set of sleighs; cutter; buggy; road cart; wagon box; 1 set scales, 2000 lbs.; 1 set 1200 lbs.; 1 set 240 lbs. Power log saw. 314. hp. Fairliank Morse en- gine; set of rollers; tanning mill; root pulper, cutting box; grain grind- er, 10 in. plate; stone boat; wheel barrow; steel drums; gasoline pump; 2 set of team harness; robe; 80 sap nails; 400 ft, of snow fence; wire stretchers; grain bags; s/4 hp. motor, vice, tools, forks, hoes, shovels, and a host of small articles, Furniture: Ant ivallint bed, Gerhard Heintzman piano, 2 leather chairs, couch, congoleum rug 9x12, churn, carpet sweeper, '2 clocks, sealers, dishes, toilet set, etc. Positively no reserve as the farm is sold. Terms cash. Albert W. Norris, Proprietor, W. E. Nairn, Auctioneer. McConnell & Hays Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, 11, Glenn tray. SEAFORTH, ONT.'• Telephone r7a' E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build' tug, Seaforth. Office hours: - Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1.30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday evening, 7,30 p.m, to 9 p.m. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE - SEAFORTH Ont, Officers President Alex. McEwing, Blyth; `ice President, W. R. Archibald, Sea - forth; Mgt. & Sec; Treas„ M. A. Reid, Seaforth, Directors Alex. McEwing, Blyth; W. R. Arch- ibald, Seaforth; Alex. Broadfoot, Sea - forth; Chris. Leonhardt, Bornholm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; Thomas Moylan, Seaforth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; Hugh Alexander, Walton; George Leitch, Clinton, Agents John E. Pepper, Brucefleld; R. 3'. McKercher, Dublin; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be Promptly atended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. Seaforth Monument Works Formeriy W. 12. Chapman Nl>W UP161t:AT1:U 131' CUNNINGHAM & PRYDE W0 invite iuspectlou of our stock' of Cemetery Memorials 9EAFOt;TH - TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS, or any other time by appointment see Ur. Harburn---P)lone 105 Phone 41 -Exeter -'-Box 15.0 Watson & Reid REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY (Successors to James Watson' MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT All kinds of Insurance risks effect ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies. SEAFORTH CLINIC Or. E. A, McMaster, M,R.. Oredner, nt University of Toronto. Paul L. Brady, M.D., Graduate et University of Toronto. The Clinic is fully equipped with nomplete and modern x-ray and oihe' at -to -date diagnostic and thereon, b equipment. Dr, F. J. R. Forster, Specialist ir. Diseases of the Ear, Eye. NneP 9449 Throat, will be at the Cliiair ahs a. Tuesday in every month from 3 to 5 p.m, Free well -baby clinic will he her, .n the second and last Thursday '• every month from 1 to 2 p.m. JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A..M.D Physician and Surgeon In Dr. H. H. Ross' office. Phone c MARTIN W. STAPLETON, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Successor to Dr, W. C. Sproat Phone 90 W • - Seaforth DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Frye. Ear. Nose and Thrnet riradnate in Medicine TTnivs,•vlt, '1 Toronto, tate Assistant. New 'store nphthalmle and Aural lnstittne Mnnreflal,l'e Eye, and (Inkier Ramiro throat hospitals, London. Eno At Commercial Hotel. Seaforth. *hire Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 p.m. Mso at. Senfortb C1inlo fir«' Tuesday in each month. -58 Waterer' Si., Stratford. Telephone 267 INSURANCE Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid- ent, Windstorm & guarantee bonds. Rates reasonable. All risks placed in first class companies. information cheerfully given E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIES Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Assures Security for over One Million Partners H. 'R. LONG, GODERICH District Agent DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY PHONE COLLECT -- SEAFORTH 15. EXETER 236 DARLING & CO. OF CANADA, LTD. (Essential War Industry)