The Seaforth News, 1943-08-26, Page 4THE $EAFORTEE NEWS
saowdon Pros„ Publishers
Mr. rid My 's, Slcalitzlty are visiting
her sister Mr, and Mrs.Albert Mc-
Miss No1111, who has spent the past
week with Mr. and Mrs, H. B. Kirk-
by and ales friends in tbis vicinity,
has returned to her !tome in Tees-
Jack Snralldon called on old friends
;in the village over the week end.
Mr. Thomas M'eFadzean of Toron-
to has been visiting his father, Mr.
Wm. McFadzean.
Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Steiss from
Niagara Falls have been visiting
friends in Walton and Brussels.
11liss Susie Latimer,' of Brampton,
has been visiting her cousin, Mrs,
G. E. Pollard.
Miss Grace Roe, McKillop, Spent
last week with Mrs, Robert Kirkby.
AU, Ray Garter of Welland visited
over the week end with his father,
Joe Carter and grandmother, Mrs.
Fulton, an sister, Mrs. Rabt, Camp-
bell, Brussels.
Mr. and Mrs, Jack Rutledge of
Port Robinson are visiting friends in
Walton and Brussels.
Mrs, Thomas Marshall has been
visiting her daughter, Mrs, Wm.
Morritt at Blyth.
Miss Edith Ennis of Toronto is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Ennis. • •
Mrs. (Rev.) S. F. Friedrickson, of
Phillipsburg, who has been spending
her vacation•with Mrs. John Benne-
wies near Brodhagen, accompanied
by Mrs, Bennewies, visited friends in
Walton on Sunday.
Mrs, George Bentley of Auburn
visited with Mrs. Sarah Gross in
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Sanderson
are leaving this week on a trip to the
Miss Lois Livingston and friend
of London with her grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. David Livingston.
Former McKillop 'Boy Donates
Clock and $5 To Red Cross Unit
Mrs. Geo. !Paton, president of the
Winthrop Red Cross :'Unit, received
trims Mr. Wilibun , Robinson of Lon -
ton, tt sloe'!'anti $5, for iheir'.Red
CrossSociety, -to bo used as they see
lit, Mrs, Geo. Tittle, a sister of Mi'."
Robinson, donated two quietepa to
Circle No. 2.
Thanks to them, also to others what
have made quilt donations, helped to
make blocks and bleach flour sacks
for linings, We !tope everyone can
help with the urgent sewing. No
doubt several of our boys will be
prisouers, so let us put om' shoulder
to the wheel and show Welty we arc
behind them.
Don't forget donations fol' prison-
er's of war parcels,
We ask the ladies to save paper
bags and small boxes for use at our
cooking sale and bazaar Oct, 2,
Mr. Ray Hoiman spent Sunday with
friends in Monkton.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pauli or
Stratford spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs, Joseph Dolmage.
Miss Isabel Betties, R,N., 1s visiting
her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Theron
Miss Margaret Montgomery has re-
turned to Brantford after spending
several weeks at her home.
Mo. and Mrs. Earl Papple and Mr.
and Mrs, Harold Bolger spent Sun-
day with Miss Kathleen Shannon and
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bryce.
The regular monthly meeting of
the W.M1S. and W.A. of Cavell
Church, Winthrop, will be held on
Wednesday, Sept. 1st, at the home
of Mrs. Wm. McSpadden. Will all
the members kindly bring their don-
ation for the supply secretary.
The local distribution of No. 3 'ra-
tion books will take place at Dublin
War Service Association clubrooms
on August 26 and 27 from 10
to noon; from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m. The
campaign manager and district chief
is William J. Kay; receiver of sup-
plies, Gerald Holland, and deputy re-
ceiver, Miss Kay Stapleton. .A. num-
ber of ladies have volunteered their
services in the distribution of ration
Miss Loreen Looby, St. Joseph's ,
Hospital, London, with her mother,
Mrs. A. M. Looby.
Mrs, W. Wilcott and Miss • Olive
Evans, Galt, with Mr. and Mrs. Pet-
er Matthews.
Miss Mary Beale has resumed her
position as telephone operator after
several weeks' illness.
Jerome Theisen and son Donald,
have returned to Detroit after a vaca-
tion with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Holl-
Sister Marion and Sister St. Alfred,
Ursuline Community, Chatham, with
their father, Frank McConnell,
Sister Consesca and Sister Daniel,
St, Joseph's Community, London,
with their parents, Mr, and. Mrs, Dan-
iel O'Connor,
Sister Evelyn and Sister Agatha,
Windsor, with their father, James
Mrs. Robt. McCormick, Detroit, is
with Mr. and Mrs. James Krauskopf.
Mrs. Frances Glossop and daughter
Betty, Listowel, and Mrs. H. Durst,
Wroxeter, with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs, A. Forster,
Richard Holland, Windsor, with
Mr, and Mrs, J. V. Flynn.
Albert Gormley, London, with his
sister, Mrs Jack McCarthy,
Mr. and Mrs. Edward McGrath and
•children, Merton, with Mr. Frank
Private Paul Givlin, London, with
his father, Joseph Givlin.
Mr. and Mrs, Richard Ayotte, of
Varna, were Sunday visitors with
Miss Ella Dillon.
John Dillon, RCAF., St. Thomas,
with his uncles John and Louis
Mrs. Marion Simpson and daughter
Mary, Miss Mary Beale and Mrs, Dan
Williams in Stratford,
Mrs. Minnie Schulman, Buffalo,
with her brother, Mr. Patrick Mal-
Miss Margaret Krauskopf, Water-
loo, with her parents, Mr. and Mr's.
Aiber't Krauskopf.
Misses Mary and Jean Jordan and
Miss •Mary Ryan, Guelph, and Miss
Theresa Ryan, London, at their
'homes here.
Miss Mary Jordan and Miss Annie
Ryan in Goderich,
Joseph Morrison, RCAF., Windsor,
with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. James
Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Chris Leon-
hardt, Alvin and Laurens, of Doon,
Pte. Lester Leonhardt, of Listowel,
Mr. and Mrs. Rhine Kahle of Mitch-
ell, Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Kahle, of
Stratford, with Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stanek of
Kitchener, spent the week end with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mogk and
Nancy spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs, Roy Daer at Auburn.
Mrs. Sophia Bennewies and Mrs.
S. Friedrichsen visited friends in
Walton on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Jacob and fam-
ily visited with Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Bauer at Glencoe.
• Mr. and Mrs. Chris W. Leonhardt
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.. Al-
vin Rose in Stratford. Miss Yvonne
Rose returned with them for some
holidays. .
Mr. and Mrs, John C. Deigel are
visiting in Stratford at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Kressler.
Mrs. John Leonhardt Sr. and Don-
'rld Ahrens are holidaying at the
hone of Mr. and Mrs. Christ. Leon-
hardt at Doon.
I Mr. Chas. Seifert and friend of
Toronto, Miss Doris Hinz of London
with Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Hinz.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Querengesser
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Orval Mc-
Nichol of Grey township on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Orval Whitfield and
daughter Margaret of St. Catharines,
Mrs. Adam Sholdice of Walton, with
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sholdiee
A large crowd gathered at the op-
en air band concert presented by the
Brodhagen band on Sunday evening.
Rev. and Mrs. Schultz and Eric
spent the week end at their home
here. They, returned to their cottage
at Port Elgin.
There will be no services in St.
Peter's Lutheran Church on Sunday.
Mr. John F. Prueter spent a few
days holidays in the Niagara district.
Anna and Ralph Dipole of Mitchell
at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Manuel
Beuer mann,
Mrs. Thos. Ryan and daughter
Madeline of Brussels with her sister,
Mrs. Chas. Ahrens.
. Mrs. Stanley Thompson and sons
Wayne and Larry of Goldstone and
Mrs, Alexander of Atwood With Mr,
and Mrs, Ilarold Diegel and "Esther
The Tuckersmith Ladies' Club
will hold their meeting on Wednes-
day afternoon, Sept. 1st, at 2 p.m.,
at the home of -Mrs. Fred Pepper.
Roll call will be answered with an
impromptu quiz. Each group will be
responsible for a pot luck supper and
each group also responsible for one
item of the program.
Miss Margaret Stewart of Saskat-
chewan is here far an extended visit
with her sister Mrs. N. Siliery and
her aunts, Mire, Wright of Kippen and
the Misses Simpson of Walton,
Miss Gladys E. Fawcett, R,N., of
New York City, spent a day re0ently
Morrleon. tvith her cousin, Mrs, Norris Sillery,
James McGregor is the 'enest of his
grandmother, Mr's, Chapman in Eg-
Want and p'or Sale Ads, 1 week 26e, mondville,
Mrs, Stratrohors of Toronto is the
guest or At, lint Ata 1
n Bell and
Mt'. 'lural Mrs, Joe MrC'lellarl attend-
ed ti w'edtlhil 'la Sarnia rocsntlY.
The Iron Bossie ��t
''pees To yv ar
Homer tells us how a Greek 'army
succeeded in subduing' the tough
Trojans with the aid of a wooden
horse. The wooden horse of Tray
has its modern counterpart in Amer-
ica's iron cow, The iron cow is an yin•'
genieus,, steel -plated Bessie whose.
metallic udders are helping to beat
down the Axis by solving one of the
war's biggest supply problems that
of providing fresh mills for our fight-
ing forces.
The longest that even the most
carefully refrigeratedmilk will keep
is two weeks, Consequently, soldiers
in tropical or remote, barren regions
and sailors on the high seas have
been deprived of what science calls
the most perfect single food known
to man. Dried milk powder, however,
will keep for a long time and refrig-
erated sweet butter will keep for six
The American iron cow has solved
the milk -for -our -fighters problem by
utilizing these two products. Fed
the right quantities of distilled wat-
er, butter and milk powder, she will
produce 1,000 quarts of the best,
milk daily.
The iron Bessie has introduced a
new battleship cocktail to the Amer
lean Navy—a glass of nice, cold
milk. Sailors are finding they are
better off at the milk bar below deck
than they are on shore where other'
bars serve expensive hangovers.
Beside her ability to keep the com-
plement of the dreadnought contin-
ually supplied with the best milk-
shakes and ice cream, iron Bessie
possesses many practical advantages
over her live sisters. These advan-
tages are of considerable importance
on board a battlewagon. Iron Bossie
stays put and never gets tempera-
mental. She never kicks the pail over
and she doesn't attract flies. She is
immune to the foot and mouth dis-
„""e and never dirties the deck. Her
milk never; sours from fright. 'She's
s good gal that produces unflinching-
ly in the 120 -degree heat of the tro-
pics or in the imnus-50 temperatures
of the Arctic. Provide her with some
grease to keep her limber, an occa-
sional squirt of oil' and her daily ra-
tion of butter, milk powder and die-
ietilled water and she'll give till you
shut her off.
The world's first mechanical cow
was horn in a Pennsylvania machine
shop about six year ago. A group of
employees of -an old separator com-
nany set up a dairy equipment fac-
Today there is a herd of about
500 bolted bovines widely dispersed
over the globe. There is one on ev-
ery American warship of any real.
size, in every American army camp
from Guadalcanal to Iceland and in
every coastal outpost and Naval
hospital. The mother of the herd
went down in eastern waters with
the submarine tender Canopus.
When the Japs took Wake and' Guam
they foolishly hacked two Bossies to
pieces, not understanding their pur-
pose. Later they discovered that the
Iron Bossie shot milk, not missies,
and that she could be made to churn
for the Axis as readily as she churn-
ed for us. Accordingly, when they
captured three on Corregidor, they
praised their Shinto gods for the
prize catch.
The mechanical cow operates like
a cream separator in reverse. All of
us remember' that old movie trick of
reversing the camera to make a diver
come back from the water to the div-
ing board. The Iron Bessie does the
same thing. It makes milk backwards.
Milk belongs to the class of com-
pounds called emulsions. In the me-
chanical cow the ingredients of milk
are emulsified with gears and levers
instead of by bovine biology.
The basie action is centrifugal mo-
tion, the same action that is utilized
in a cream separator. But in the
cream separator this notion forces
the constituents of milk apart. In
the mechanical cow it throws them,
together' again.
Abandoned Farms in
Eastern ,,Canada
Mg new laud or original tarest
COM? . Iu orclet to auswol' this eine s
tion'sattisiacioi'ily a very 'careful sur-
vey of each individual piece of'abanil-
oned property must bo shade and the
reasons why it was -abandoned stad-
led, Manns farms were abandoned be-
cause the lain' was originally sub•
marginal for agrlctiltgral ptu'iroses
and no farmer could be, expected to
make a satisfactory living on such'
land after the forest resources wore
exhausted, On outer faults the land,
although originally of fair quality,
!As been gradually exhausted by ruin;
,sound far • mem otices, Some !arras
had to be vacated because the acre-
age of suitable farm land was too
small to provide a 'livelihood for the
The farms which have been aband-
oned for the reasons given are a1 -
most invariably poor prospects for fu-
ture settlers. Such land, in most.
cases, is of greater value to the state
and the individual if it Is left to re-
vert to forest, In some oases it pray
even be advisable to assist nature by
planting young tree seedlings.
It should be observed that many
farms located on good soils have been
abandoned for various personal, soc-
ial and economic reasons, The right
type of settler could make a good
home and build up a sound, economic
enterprise on such land if he had the
opportunity and so it would be very
much easier to become established on
some of these farms than to clear.
new forest land 'and bring it under
In Eastern Canada are between
12,000 and 13,000 farms, covering'
about one and one•half million acres,
which have been abandoned and'
have been idle for some time. This,.
condition exists despite the fact that
many thousands of acres of new
wooded land have been cleared and
settled in some parts of Eastern Can-
ada during the last ten years, states
P. C. Stobbe, Central Experimental
Farm, Ottawa.
Should this abandoned land, which
to a large extent has already been
cleared of its forest, ,be used for land
settlement. purposes instead of clear
Soybeans Valuable
for Their Oil
An analysis of the seeds of soy-
beans shows that high protein and
oil contents are characteristics ' of
this crop. Protein may be utilized
either as livestock feed or for indust-
rial uses. Soybean oil is extensively
used by manufacturers, says C. W.
Owen of the experimental station at
Harrow, where the production of
soybeans is a feature.
Processing soybean seeds extracts
the oil and leaves soybean meal. The
soybean oil is classed as a vegetable
oil in common with such oils as lin-
seed, peanut, etc, as contrasted to
oils of mineral origin, The oil is also
used for food purposes. In the Unit-
ed States over half the soybean oil
Produced is used in shortenings and
margarines. The remainder is used
in varying amounts by the soap and
varnish industries.
Liuseed oil is the principal vege-
table oil produced in Canada. There
is plenty of room for expansion of
soybeans, particularly in Southwest
ern Ontario, Under existing war con-
ditions vegetable oils have assumed
unusual importance. An increasing
number of dairy farmers are growing
soybeans for their own use as a high
protein dairy feed and obtaining ex-
cellent results. The whole beans are
crushed and fed in mixtures with
other ;rains.
ToT paraphrase an old adage, to
spare the shears is to spoil the
hedge. After it is planted properly,
the 'most important point in the
development of it good hedge ie to
cut it back the• first year as severely
as it will stand, says R. W, `Oliver,
A deciduous hedge, 01 a hedge
witiclt is not an evergreen, should be
cut to within a few inches of the
ground as soon as it is planted in the
spring; with evergreen pinch out
about half of the current season's
growth about the middle of June for
spruce, pine and yew, attd about the
first of September for cedar. If the
hedge is allowed to grow tall before
trimming commences, the bottom
I will never fill in thickly.
After the initial trimming, one
trimming a year about the time that
active growth starts will keep the
hedge tidy. In districts where the
snowfall is heavy the top of the
hedge should be rounded of pointed
to prevent the weight of snow from
breaking it down. The sides should
slope in towards the top so as to
allow more light to reach the lower
foliage and keep it healthy,
Like other living things hedges
require food and water. A good top
dressing of well -rotted barnyard man-
ure may be spread over the soil on
each side of the hedge ,in autumn,
and lightly forked into the surface in
spring—deep digging will destroy the
During the first year the beige
should receive a liberal supply of
water, but once established watering
is not so necessary. �.
A Frenchman was relating his ex-
perience in studying the English lan-
guage, He said: "When I first discov-
ered that if I was quick, I was fast;
that it was tied, I was fast;; if I
spent too freely, I was fast; and that
not to eat was to fast, I was discour-
aged- But when I cane across the
sentence, 'The first one won one,
dollar prize.' I gave up trying,"
The Weaning of Lambs
Lambs are usually weaned at ap-
proximately five, motiths of age, that
is about in.late August or in Septem-
ber depending upon conditions. The
lambs should be separated from the
main flock dad pasture or a feed lot
provided, preferably at some distance
from the ewe flock. Wether lambs
and ewe lambs intended for market
should be separated from the lambs
to be held for breeding purposes.
Those intended for market may be
placed on rape or alfalfa pasture, and
gradually started on grain so that as
the pasture becomes less luxut'Iant
they will be approaching a full grain
The stubble field, quite satisfactory
for breeding stock, provides too much
exercise for market lambs and makes
for growth rather than fattening.
The most desirable weight for market
iambs is from 80 to 90 pounds, and
this should be kept in mind when
considering the age of weaning and
fattening for market as some breeds
tend to become too large before get-
ting the desired finish,
Blyth Sept. 14, 15
Kincardine Sept. 16, 17
Harriston - Sept. 23, 24
Listowel Sept. 22, 23
Lucknow Sept. 22, 23
Seaforth Sept. 23, 24
Stratford Sept. 20-23
Arthur ................. Sept. 30, Oct. 1
Bayfield .Sept. 21-22
Dungannon Sept. 30, Oct.1
Gorrie i..-._ _, Oct. 1, 2
Mitchell Sept. 28, 29
St. Marys Sept. 29, 30
Zurich Sept. 27, 28
Atwood Oct. 8, 9
Teeswater .–•.•.-•..-••-••••_••••••-•• Oct. 5, 6
Walkerton Nov. 24
et 0tOt the tut..
E the tigh►�
Needed Now
for Immediate
Training as
f 'r MAYBE you're making bombs or tanks or plane
parts or ships—but the real job, the big job today
is delivering the stuff right into the heart of enemy country, No job
is more essential today than sweeping enemy planes from the skies;
than blasting half -made U-boats back into scrap metal.
If you're a fit, young Canadian eager to do your bit, there's a place
for you in aircrew. There are fast training planes and skilled instruc-
tors waiting to help you get wings and get into the fight mote quickly
than ever before.
And the specialized training you get today as a member of an R.C.A.F.
Aircrew will help you take your place in the skyways of tomorrow.
Make up your mind to get into the fight now. See your nearest
R.C.A.F. Recruiting Centre today.
II you are physically fit, mentally alert, over 171/2 and not yet 33, you are
eligible for aircrew training. You do not require a High, School Education.
You can be in uniform at once)
Recruiting Centres are located in the principal cities of Canada.
Mobile recruiting units visit smaller centres regularly.
A0 -SW
— 2nd Show starts 8.45
Brod Crawford
The Baby"
funniest yet.
Edmund Lowe
Double Feature
Vii'giuia Bruce
"Butch Minds
Damns! RRnyan's
Williaui Gargan
To -clay's youth is flying high, wide and hazardous
2nd show starts 9.15
Tyrone Power Maureen O'Hara
in Rafael! Sabatini's
"Black Swan"
in. teohniooloi' •
Adventure! Roaring across the screen in the most rousing romance
a master story -teller has ever written !
Double feature: 2nd show starts 3,46
Stan Laurel Oliver Hardy
— ALSO —
Frederick March Veronica Lake
COMING — DESPERADOS — in technicolor
First show starts at 7.30 each evening. Matinee each Saturday at 2,30.
the 'most important point in the
development of it good hedge ie to
cut it back the• first year as severely
as it will stand, says R. W, `Oliver,
A deciduous hedge, 01 a hedge
witiclt is not an evergreen, should be
cut to within a few inches of the
ground as soon as it is planted in the
spring; with evergreen pinch out
about half of the current season's
growth about the middle of June for
spruce, pine and yew, attd about the
first of September for cedar. If the
hedge is allowed to grow tall before
trimming commences, the bottom
I will never fill in thickly.
After the initial trimming, one
trimming a year about the time that
active growth starts will keep the
hedge tidy. In districts where the
snowfall is heavy the top of the
hedge should be rounded of pointed
to prevent the weight of snow from
breaking it down. The sides should
slope in towards the top so as to
allow more light to reach the lower
foliage and keep it healthy,
Like other living things hedges
require food and water. A good top
dressing of well -rotted barnyard man-
ure may be spread over the soil on
each side of the hedge ,in autumn,
and lightly forked into the surface in
spring—deep digging will destroy the
During the first year the beige
should receive a liberal supply of
water, but once established watering
is not so necessary. �.
A Frenchman was relating his ex-
perience in studying the English lan-
guage, He said: "When I first discov-
ered that if I was quick, I was fast;
that it was tied, I was fast;; if I
spent too freely, I was fast; and that
not to eat was to fast, I was discour-
aged- But when I cane across the
sentence, 'The first one won one,
dollar prize.' I gave up trying,"
The Weaning of Lambs
Lambs are usually weaned at ap-
proximately five, motiths of age, that
is about in.late August or in Septem-
ber depending upon conditions. The
lambs should be separated from the
main flock dad pasture or a feed lot
provided, preferably at some distance
from the ewe flock. Wether lambs
and ewe lambs intended for market
should be separated from the lambs
to be held for breeding purposes.
Those intended for market may be
placed on rape or alfalfa pasture, and
gradually started on grain so that as
the pasture becomes less luxut'Iant
they will be approaching a full grain
The stubble field, quite satisfactory
for breeding stock, provides too much
exercise for market lambs and makes
for growth rather than fattening.
The most desirable weight for market
iambs is from 80 to 90 pounds, and
this should be kept in mind when
considering the age of weaning and
fattening for market as some breeds
tend to become too large before get-
ting the desired finish,
Blyth Sept. 14, 15
Kincardine Sept. 16, 17
Harriston - Sept. 23, 24
Listowel Sept. 22, 23
Lucknow Sept. 22, 23
Seaforth Sept. 23, 24
Stratford Sept. 20-23
Arthur ................. Sept. 30, Oct. 1
Bayfield .Sept. 21-22
Dungannon Sept. 30, Oct.1
Gorrie i..-._ _, Oct. 1, 2
Mitchell Sept. 28, 29
St. Marys Sept. 29, 30
Zurich Sept. 27, 28
Atwood Oct. 8, 9
Teeswater .–•.•.-•..-••-••••_••••••-•• Oct. 5, 6
Walkerton Nov. 24
et 0tOt the tut..
E the tigh►�
Needed Now
for Immediate
Training as
f 'r MAYBE you're making bombs or tanks or plane
parts or ships—but the real job, the big job today
is delivering the stuff right into the heart of enemy country, No job
is more essential today than sweeping enemy planes from the skies;
than blasting half -made U-boats back into scrap metal.
If you're a fit, young Canadian eager to do your bit, there's a place
for you in aircrew. There are fast training planes and skilled instruc-
tors waiting to help you get wings and get into the fight mote quickly
than ever before.
And the specialized training you get today as a member of an R.C.A.F.
Aircrew will help you take your place in the skyways of tomorrow.
Make up your mind to get into the fight now. See your nearest
R.C.A.F. Recruiting Centre today.
II you are physically fit, mentally alert, over 171/2 and not yet 33, you are
eligible for aircrew training. You do not require a High, School Education.
You can be in uniform at once)
Recruiting Centres are located in the principal cities of Canada.
Mobile recruiting units visit smaller centres regularly.
A0 -SW