HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1943-08-26, Page 240th Wedding Anniversary
The holm of Mr, and Mrs. Rol
Ceee was 'the -,roue or a happy g
'rill rt C on tly Whena iuuiitrer. of
atives present, the oveasion
Mg Mr, and Mr's. Cree's fortieth wcling anniversary, It Was also M
Cree's birthday. Guests were pies
from Seafortii, Exeter, Str'atord
_ Flint, Michigan:, Mt', and Mrs, 0._
are rte -long residents 0 Clinton,
Purchased Residence —
military training at Shy Harbor. Ti
mmet, funeral was held at Goderich,
ntlit construction At Sky Harbor —
rel -
be= Representatives 01 several well-
sci- lt00011 contracting firms have hoot
i,a; i•: tlnderieh this week tuaking prep-
ont orations. for the construction of'a new
slid recreation hall and several barracks
No "at Sity Harbor this autumn. Manager
,L R. Douglas said this work wee 0011
siderably overdue, construction )tav-
hill i1een held up by lack of material,
rias A group of fifty student pilots of the
ad, fleet air arm of the Royal Navy is
iii coating to Sky Harbor to train, the
he nasty coming from .England, so that
re,the navy uniform, always popular in
ire this lakeside town, will be more pre-
valentthan heretofore ort Goderich
streets, They will be the first naval
airmen to train here, but, contrary to
rumor. their presence Means nothing
m, as to the status of the school, or the
nl, course of training,-0oderich Signal -
Mee, Irene Little, of Ingersoll,
phrchased from Mrs, Charlotte Wo
a brick resitleuce -on sHuron street
Exeter. Mrs. Little, daughter of t
late. Thomas Handford, Intends
turning to Exeter ,in the near Putt
to reside.
In critical Condition —.
The many friends of Mr. R
Andrew, who 'is in Victoria Hosptt
London, following a recent strol
will regret to know that his condition
is serious. The family were called to Clinton School/
his bedside on Tuesday, Ml•, George Linder R.C.A.F, —
Andrew, who is with a constructi
company at Cayuga, was home for
few days,—Exeter Ttmes-Advocate,
a The R,C.A.F. took over the Clinton
Radio School as at July 31st, the last
group of R,A,F, administration per-
sonnel departing recently. This did
or not cone as any surprise, for nearly'
11 R.A.F. stations in Western Canada
nd have now been taken over by the
Taught at Dashwood —
Miss Christine Ednneston, teach
of Spanish at Greensboro Caller
North Carolina, visited with Mr, a
Mrs. G. S, Howard of Exeter racent
ly. Miss Ednrestau was on the staff
the Dashwood Public School when
M. Howard was Principal the
Prior to the last year and a h
spent at'a college in the Unit
States she taught several years at
girls' school lit Buenos Aires, S.A.
R.C. A.F.
01 Approve Sale of Right -of -Way —
re. The sale of the right-of-way of the
ass ill-conceived and ill-fated Ontario
ed West Shore Railway which skirts the
a Blue Water Highway from Goderich
to Kincardine and is now a part of
that highway, to the Ontario Depart-
ment of Highways, was approved at
to the last meeting of the Goderich
s_ council. It comprises about fifty-five
it- acres and the agreed price is 3100 an
acre. Four municipalities, Goderich.
e Kincardine, Ashfield and Huron
townships are affected and the money
i will be divided pro rata according to
n the guarantee given by each railway.
It is estimated that this "South Sea
Bubble•' cost the ratepayers of the
four municipalities well over three-
quarters of a million dollars In prin-
cipal and interest and some are still
n paying and have been paying for
o nearly forty years Kincardine News
t- Sugar Lifted By Thief —
v. •
Trip Through Maritimes —
Miss Vera Decker has returned
her hone in Exeter after an eaten
ive holiday trip through the mar
Imes. Miss Decker went by airplau
frons London to Ottawa where sl
was joined by Miss Mary Van Ca
and together they enjoyed a tr
through Nova Scotia, Cape Breto
Island and Prince Edward Island,
New Bus Service
For Hibbert Pupils
Another bus is to be in operatio
for the transportation of pupils t
Mitchell High School according to a
announcement stating that the On
alio Department of Education ha
ratified contracts betweeu tate board
of trustees of the secondary school
Nos. 2, 3, 6 and 7, Hibbert, and Ed
munds & Cook, Mitchell such ser
ice to be rendered during the corrin
school year. 25 pupils will be acro
modated by this service, it is undo
stood. This firm built a bus last yea
and provided transportation for Full
arson township pupils, to thenumb
of 35. For three years previous t
that time btu accommodation ha
also been available. This service fns
Fullerton pupils will continue in op
enation, One-half of the net cost b
such transportation arrangement
are borne by the Department of Edu
cation, Edmunds & Cook have th
chassis for their new bus on orde
and will commence its constructio
as soon as possible. -Mitchell Advo-
To Take Course in Dietetics
Miss Isabel Park, of Mitchell, wh
graduated from the University of To-
ronto with a scholarship this year,
has gone to Toronto where she win
enter Western Hospital for dietetic
Passed Away In Toronto —
Friends learned with regret of the
passing in Toronto of Edith Dundas
Cull, widow of Murray G. Lottrtdge
of Hamilton and daughter of the late
Dr. J. W. Cull and Mrs. Cull of Mit-
chell, Dr. Cull conducted a drug
store in Mitchell for years. Interment
was in Trinity Anglican cemetery at
Student Flier Killed —
'SVith only a few days remaining
before he finished his elementary
course LAC. Christopher W. Kelly,
Sky Harbor student pilot, was in-
stantly killed last week- when his
training plane fell out of control for
about 2500 feet, to the farm of Jarvis
McBride, 8th concession of Colborne
township. It was said that Kelly, an
RAF trainee, had only to put in one
more hour of flying to complete tri
course, Mr. McBride saw the plane
come crazily down and ran to a knoll
to get a better view. The machine
alighted nose down, but right side
up, straddling a wire fence, a post
piercing It, It irmediately burst into
flames and so hot was the fire that
would-be rescuers who ran to the
scene had to wait until the flames
died out to remove the charred re-
mains of the unfortunate young marc,
Only the twisted framework of the
Tiger Moth remained, It is thought
Dint Belly had failed to pull out of
an exercise spin and had lost control,
The late LAC. Kelly was 'Yorkshire.
born and had come from England
only six weeks ago to take his ele-
_Mr•s, W, Seddon. Lower Wingham,
has ten pounds less sugar than she
should have as a thief last week
broke open the door of her home,
while she was out. for the afternoon,'
and made off with a bag of sugar
that was on the sideboard, The police
have been notified and are investigat-
ing. Mrs, Seddon «as counting on
this sugar to do some canning for the
winter and her disappointment is
great.-1Vinghant Advance -Times,
Clinton Officer Missing —
Mr, and Ili's. W. T. Hawkins re-
ceived word Wednesday informing
them that their younger son, John
Hawkins, an observer in the R,C.A.F,
overseas, is missing after a bombing
raid over enemy- territory, The cable
stated, "Regret to advise you that
your son, John D, Hawkins, is report-
ed missing after air operations over-
seas, August lith, Letter follows,"
P. 0. Hawkins is 21 yews of age and
has been in active work overseas for
the past two years and bas been
mentioned in dispatches for effective
bombing of important enemy indus-
trial targets. Two other members of
the family are in active' service.
Hugh, as an instructor in ordnance
is the Trade School at Hamilton and
Miss Madeleine in the women's divi-
sion of the R.C.A.-F, at Toronto. —
Clinton News -Record,
Appointed At Goderich —
Mr. E. H. Hill,
appointed to the
office in Goderich.
old Williams, who
of the office since
Goderich, has been
Selective Service
replacing Mr. Har -
has been in charge
it was opened. The
office has been moved from the north
side of West street to the Ma_sonid
building on the south side. The sew
quarters are being renovated and
Wounded in. Sicily —
The first Goderich casuaty in the
Siciian campaign was reported when.
Mrs. Lillian Willis received word
that her son, Pte. Jack Walter Lea-
man, had been wounded in action,'
The extent or nature of the wounds,
was not given, Pte. Leaman, 22, is a
former employee of Western Canada
Flour Mills and enlisted in March,,
1942, and went overseas In August of
the same year with a group of rein-
forcements. He was serving with the
Royal Canadian Regiment,
A mountaineer took Ms son to a
school t0 enroll him, "My boy .a'ter
Iarnin', what dya have?" he asked
the teacher-.
"We offer English, Trigonometry,
spelling, etc„ she eepifed.
"Well glve him some of than riger-
nomerry; he the worst shot in the
Clinton Mui
Gourmands Destroyer
Latest Canadian Destroyer Is "Huron'
With Naval Striking Force
Canada has sent her newest and
best equipped. warship --'Into service
She is the Tribal class destr'oy'er
"Huron," the third of her line in the
Royal Canadian Navy,'
This latest acquisition- to the Can-
aditul Navy was built in Englandand
FT.M,C.S, "Huron," like her sister
ships "Iroquois" and Athabaslcan," is
now engaged with a striking fo'•ce of
the Royal Navy. A fourth ship of the
same class H,M.C,S. "Haydn," now le
under construction,
There' was little ceremony when
this greyhomid of the seas leas corn=
mission's& Everything was letter per -
feet anti the examining comtniteder
even lost the customary penny bets
that extunining officers usually make
with the shipbuilding officials, He
failed to find a single door stuck or
any other defect and, after he had
declared the ship okay, there was the
shrill note of a boatswain's cell and
the White Ensign was broken out on
the jackstaff: The ship that hereto-
fore had been known merely by a
number officially had become
S. 'Huron."
curries twin 4.7 mountings reinforced
by' numerous anti-aircraft. weapons.
Aided to this are torpedo tubes and
depth charges. She carries fourteen
Officers and about 250' Men,
Veterans lis expei'ierice, the officors
"Huron" are a young lot, The old-
. est is the first lieutenant Lieutenant
P, Il. Budge, RbN, who is 38, and ,the
youngest is Sub -Lieutenant W. H.
Hole ROTI, l'1io is only 20.
Sub -Lieutenant Howe, who is a son
of the Icon, 0, D. Howe, Minister of
Munitions and Supply, has probably
had the most gruelling experience of
any .pian in tate ship. Ha eet'ved pit
the Dorsetshire when site wassunk
in the Indian Odean last yepr and he
spent thirty hours in the water, 'ding-
ing to wreckage before being picked
Lieutenant -Commander Rayner, the
commanding officers, 'is the youngest
of the three officers commanding'
Canadian Tribe's. He joined the RCN
in 1928, He won his D.S.C. while in
command of'H,M.0,5. "St, Laurent"
Properly enough, the ship bearing
the name Huron is commanded by a
native of Huron County, Ontario, His
name le Lieutenant -Commander H. R.
Rayner, D,S,C„ RCM and he was born
In Clinton 32 years ago.
Also the lady who performed the
launching ceremony several months
ago is a Canadian the Countess of
Minto, the former Marion Cook, p1
Montreal The father of the present
earl was Governer -General of Canada
from 1898 to 1904. Lady Minto pre-
sented an engraved silver salver as a
token of her having officiated at the
lauttelting ceremony, -
Built in the same shipyard as her
two sister ships, Huron carries even
greater armament than either of
them. She boasts all the latest secret
gunnery, anti-submarine and other
devices that will make things un-
comfortable for the enemy both on
the surface and beneath it.
Her displacement is about 2,000
tons. Her gunpower - is more than
double that of the River class de-
stroyers in the Canadian Navy, She
in an Atlantic battle with the first Ur
boat path to altaok a convoy,
His parents, M}'. and Mrs, Harold
Rayner, live ill Grimsby, _ Ontario,.
where his father is connected :with
the 1Vsrtime',Prices and Trade' Board„
Lieutenant Budge, who i8 a native
of Toronto, is the first lower deck
rating to become 'drst lieutenant of a
Canadian destroyer. He is a torpedo
Other officers iiiolude Lieutenant
A. G. Watson, RONVR, of Toronto;
Surgeop•Lieutunant J. M. Grisdale,
RCNVR, of Kirkland Lake.
Lay in Green Feed
for Poultry Now
Because egg production is a vital
war eftoi't, hens should be kept 111
first class condition all the year..
round, To do this, a certain amount
of green food in the ration is of great
importance, with emphasis on provid-
ing green stuff during the winter,
THURSDAY, Atigl1ST 06, 1943
Months, The Poultry "Services, Duinlil-
ion Department of Agriculture, 'salt
atleritien to "this Fant and point' out
tlutt now is the time to lay in a sup-
ity of oloter and alfalfa for.t11e'0001-
tag winter.
Short cut, seta ni, or third crop
clover and alfalfa are rateable winter
feeds for potlltr'y', ,'affordingas they
do'an economl;al source of neoeesary
vtamns and protons. The clover and
INV), may be fell by the forkful, or
ctii short in a cutting box, soaked.
over -night in oold water, and fed
unite• a day. For 'tile purpose 01
green feed for, poultry, ,:clover and
alfalfa should be crit when coming
into flower, or sooner, and dried as
quickly as possible without undue
exposure to the weather; A good '
practice is to rake the out clover into
winth'ows as soon as it is properly.
dry, and then put 'quickly into coils.
When properly cured and stored, it
comes out green and appetizing:
Want and For Sale Ads, 1 week 25c
11 FED
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Government surveys conducted early in the
war show that only 40 percent of Canadians
regularly eat the right foods, even though
seemingly well fed. Forty per sent are on the
borderline of malnutrition, Twenty per cent
are definitely undernourished.
That's why you need a sure plan for healthful
family meals. That's: why we offer you "Eat -to -
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Your Help is Badly Needed
MOTHERS ... Wives : Sisters ... Daughters .
here is your opportunity to help on the production of Canada's
food supply for next winter. The work is not hard; conditions are
pleasant; you will be paid current wages for doing it.
Thousands of those who formerly worked in the canning fac-
tories are now on year-round war jobs. If the abundant tomatoes—
the peaches, corn, beans, peas and other fruits and vegetables which
are being gathered from farms and orchards—are not to be largely
wasted, thousands of women must be found now to help can them.
You know how necessary these canned supplies will be this fall
and winter. So lend a hand, even though you can spare only tl few
days or a few half days a week. You'll enjoy' the work. And how'
useful the money you' earn will be!
You can be of any age from 16 to 60. You don't need any
experience or any special permit to undertake the work. So act
now-- don't delay.
Do This Now
Apply direct to the Superintendent of any nearby canning factory or see
the Agricultural Advisor .at your nearest Employment and Selective Service
Office for full in%rmation. i
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