HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1943-08-19, Page 8HENSALL
Sgt, Jack MacFarlane aucl Mrs,
.MM'eeleai'lane of Sydney, N•S„ are vac•
aliening et the home 'of the Tatter's
motiles; Mrs, Peter Sehwalm, •
Miss Dorothy McQueen of London
visited this week with her parents,
Mr. and Mfrs. Ed McQueen,
Miss Joyce Serutou retutued to To -
Panto after a pleasant vacation with
hem' mother Nis, Seruton and. Sister
Mrs. Peter elcalaughton.
LAO. Milton Boyleof Winnipeg
visited during the week with relatives
turd friends here.
Miss Florence Welsh spent several
days last week at Port Elgin,
Miss Margaret Maclaren enjoyed a
pleasant boat trip from Sarnia to
Port Arthur this week,
Mrs. Melvin Moir, Douglas and
Betty and Mee'. Jack Farquhar and
Graham are spending a week at Turn -
bull's Grove,
Mr- and Mrs. Mervyn Schwalm and
son et Stratford visited. on Sunday
with the former's mother, Mrs. Peter
Schwalm. •
Mrs, H. 0. Dayman visited last
week with friends at Staffa,-
Mrs, Manns was in Toronto this
week attending the marriage of her
son Leading Aircraftman Kenneth
Stewart Manus to Miss Marguerite
Madeline Moire, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Adolph Moire of Winipeg, in
Bloor St, United Church at 4 p,m. on
Manns-Maire —
Miracle Drug of 1943
Toward the end of the last war, Township of Tuckeramith
medical research, in the fight against
infections, hit upon • what many The Council of the Township :of
people regarded as a most repulsive Tueker'smith arra the Hydro Electric
cure. It was fated that apparel -nil/ Power Commission wish it plainly
understood'that any party or parties
the best treatment for certain aype-, interfering with t1,e . c
of infection was a handful of magg treatiig'hts in
ots. Experimenters found that the the village of I'.gmon grille will be
maggots did solriethir. to the infer. aevarely dealt with.. The parties:
g guilty of the recent breakage of
tion; This
thed, tc dev, hat• eoekets end bWbc are known and
This ,method, however, had obv>- May beheld accountable for' the da-
ms disadvantages, Even when it was mage done, By order of the Tuck;
a matter of life and death, many ersmfth Council,
patients rebelled, The idea of insects D. F. McGREGOR; Clerk:
crawling over them was so repugnant
that the patient wits often harmedIn Memoriam
psychologically, T.I;oRNTUN.—Iii loving memory
One physician wondered what the of our dear grandson and, nephew,
effect would, be if dead maggots, ra- Kenneth, -who died` Aug. 21, 1942:
ther than live ones, were employed. '"To think we could not say goodbye,
He ground up, the maggots and ap Will always bring regret,
plied the mixture to an infection. But the ones 'who loved you e •ly
To his own surprise, the result was Are the ones who don't forget."
identical with that of using live mag- _,Sadly missed by grandparents,
gots. The success q£the treatment aunts and uncles, of Waterloo.
had not been due to the eating az-
tion of the maggots but to some sub- In Memoriam
stance which they eontalned, Very THORNTON,-In cherished mem-
promptly ere maggots disappeared ory of a beloved husband and father,
Bloor Street United Church, Tor- as a rneehee of treatment, and were Kenneth Thornton, who was so sud-
onto, with a floral background of 'Ne- by maggots which were denly taken from ne one year, ago,
lovely summer flowers, was the scene d• and pulverized, Even today Aug, 21, 1942:
of a charming wedding of wide int-
erest, Saturday, August 14th, at 4. 'y physicians have en hand bottle I "Just when your life was brightest,
p.m, when Marguerite Madelaine I of pulverized maggots, and at least Just when your years were best,
Maire, of Toronto, daughter of Mr, ,,re company specializes in the man- You were called from this world of
and Mrs. Adolph Metre, of Winnipeg, litacture of this product. 1 ..-rroW
Man,, became the bride of Leading However, the search for a tura
Airceaftman Kenneth Stewart Manns, To a Home of eternal rest.
Royal Canadian Airforce, Mountain. for infection did not stop there. Your faint last wish we would like
View, sou of Mrs, F. Manns of Hen- Scientists analyzed the maggot mix -1 to have heard,
salt, and the late Mr. F. Manna, The ture and found that thehemieal •
marriage was solemnized by Rev.And breathed in your ear one last
Donald MacLeod, Met P. Sylvester which did the work in attacking the parting word.
was at the console for the bridal bacteria was the urea secreted by Only those who have lost are able to
music. Given in marriage by her the insects. A somewhat similar des- tell
father, the attractive bride was love- cover had been made long
ly in a white taffeta, floor -length, with y before The pain of the heart in not saying
finger-tip veil, and wee `ng a double by backwoodsmen, who• used ordin- farewell
strand of pearls, gift ce he groom, ary urine as a first-aid treatment for Quick and quiet was the call,
her bridal boquet wee dark red open wounds.
roses arid white gladiol a floor•. Sudden death distressed us all, `
length gown of pink she, 'Ira, D.' Scientists looked for help from We have lost and God has gained
M. Jones of Winnipegg, sister f. the the most common of all substances-- One of the best the world contained.
bride, was matron of nonour, anti the the earth itself. They found a drug The happy hours we once enjoyed,
bridesmaid Miss Marjorie Ewald of in the soil bacteria which attacked
Wiarton was gowned in blue sheer, How sweet their memory still,
floor -length. Both carried nosegays. and -killed ordinary disease-produe• But death has left a loneliness
Mr, Cyril Hollingshead attended the ing bacteria. This was gramicidin. The world can never fill."
groom, and the ushers were Raye Soon this drugbecame the talk of g y
Paterson of Toronto, formerly of —Lovingly remembered and sadly
Hensall, and Joseph Maire. The re- medical circles. It had, however, one missed by his wife Kay and son
caption was held at Blackstone Rest- disadvantage. If it penetrated the Wayne•
aurant, Toronto, Mrs. Manna of Hen- blood stream it could cause serious
sall, mother of the groom, receiving
in a floor -length two-piece black silk complications.
velvet, and wearing a corsage of tea Meanwhile, in 1920, an English a sensational comeback. From then
roses. For their wedding trip to scientist, Alexander Fleming, devel on, they with their ally penicillin,
Muskoka powderLokes and aHwoololl ut bride oped a new drugfrom a bread mold. proceeded to annihilate the invader. Of Household Effects.—At the
donned a blue suit, with p home of Mrs. C. Querengeeser, Brus-
British tan accessories, Attending He called this drug penicillin. It was
from Hensall were Mrs, F. Manus, given some .brief tests and then was sels, on Saturday, Aug.,2lst, the fol -
Mr, and Mrs. John Shepherd, Mr. and for otten, Almost tenCropConditions lowingwill be offered for sale at 1
Mrs. G. T. Wren. g years later
Mrs. E. Shaddick and Mrs. Morris scientists on both sides of the Atlan- In Ontario o'clock sharp: 1 extension table, 6
Tudor spent last week Holidaying at tic remembered penicillin and decid- dining room chairs and 1 rocker to
Bayfield. Little Miss Judith Shaddick ed to give it a thorough clinical test. •' I match; 1 bedroom suite,: oak, com-
has returned home following a de The result is the discovery,plate; 1 bedroom suite, 3 -piece; 2
lightful six week's' vacation in Bay- or re- Moisture supplies were sufficient in
field and Goderich, discovery, of what may well prove to most areas during the past month tor beds, 2 mattresses, 2 sets bedsprings,
Mr. and Mis, Lorne Elder of Ham- be•the miracle drug of 1948. satisfactory growth of spring crops 2 dressers, 1 bird cage and stand, 5
Ilton spent the week end with their Penicillin does all that the maggot andpastures. However, soil condi- rocking chairs, 2 large upholstered
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Elder and gg chairs, 1 drop-leaf table, 6 kitchen
Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore. cure did, and more. It is able to rid tions were far from perfect, following
Mr, George Otterbein of Preston the body of certain infections which the wet spring, and in some areas, chairs, 1 glass cupboard, 2 couches,
spent a week's vacation here with his until now have largely defied medi- the hard condition of the soil did not 1 hat rack, 1 rug 10x14, 1 rug 9x12,
parents and Mrs. Wm. Thomas
1 linoleum rug 9x12 almost new; 1
Mr. Wm.m, Jones of St, Thomas vis -s- treats cases favor moisture conservation, and best cal skill. It successfully -
ited on Sunday with Mr. and M.S. in which even the sulfa drugs have growing conditions. Much grain and love seat, 1 hall rack, 1 flowerstand,
Norman Jones and Pte. and Mrs. been unable to offer any hope. hay lodged as result of heavy scat- 1 sideboard, 1 flowered carpet 13x9,
Wesley Jones. Unlike gramicidin—the drugtak- tared rainfall earlyin the month. 1 McClary cookstove nearly new,
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Tamand dau- with waterfront; 2 Quebec heaters,
ghter Toni of Listowel spent the en from soil bacteria—it can enter Some loss of hay occurred by reason
week end with Mrs. Tartan's mother, the blood stream without harm. It is of wet weather, and haying opera .1 Perfection coal oil stove in perfect
Mrs. Chas. MeDonell and Miss Dor-
non-toxic, and does not tions were delayed over wide areas. shape, 1 lawn mower, 1 scythe, 1
nthy 'Icnonep• screen door and frame, 1 12 -foot lad -
and Mrs. Harry Lawrence destroy the blood. Pastures have been better than av- ,der 1 step ladder, forks, shovels,.
spent a few days last week with In sickroom cases given penicillin erage, but are now losing much of
friends in Hamilton, at the Mayo Clinic this drug was their feeding value by reason of mat- etc., 1 coal oil lamp, 1 gas lamp, 1
Mrs. s in Preston
mhs visiting with piano, 1 bedroom table, a number of
relatives in Preston this week. shown to be highly effective against urity. Generally Speaking, there has p �'
M1•. Thos, Shaddick visited last a long list of virulent bacteria. been satisfactory growth of after -
Mrs. Roy Flear and sons of Doren- quilts and pillows, 3 cushions, 1
week with relatives in Clinton. For example a four year old girl math, but many fields were cut too meat grinder, 1 'kitchen clock, dishes,
ester visited last week at the form- had been admitted to the hospital late for best results, and other articles. Terms cash,
Orville Whitfield, Prop.; Lou Row-
er's parents' home, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. after an illness of four days. She Mille flow has been below what pas -
had bitten the inside of her left ture conditions would indicate. Al- land,'Auctioneer.
Mr. and Mrs. W r tilTeber of r 0fb- cheek and that side of her jaw began though milk production has• dropped
_urn and Mr. and Mrs. John Doerr of
Blyth were the guests of Mrs. Wm. to swell rapidly. Within four days considerable, the decline has neither FOR SALE
Eight FOR
cattle (seven
Luker and Mrs. C. Meidinger on Sat- her teinperature had risen to 104 de- been as great nor as sudden as in steers and 1 heifer). Apply to John
m•Say grecs and the child was unable to other years
Shirley. Coleman is holidaying at
the home of her sister Mrs. Hugh sleep for 24 hours before admission. ! E. Murray, Dublin, R.R. 1.
Morenz at Dashwood this week, She had become critically ill. An in- WANTED
faction of this type complicated by ST. COLUMBAN't Wanted to room or board, some
Miss Mary Doyle of Detroit was high school students, boys or girls.
HARLOCK septicemia is almost universally fa- home for the funeral of her grand- Apply at The News,
Mrs. Lorne 'Marshall and baby tat However, the electors decided to mother, Mrs, Michael Doyle,
Mary Louise returned home to Tor- try penicillin. Thirty-six hours after LOST
of Miss Bessie Cronin with Mr, and
the treatment had begun, a test
'onto Thursday of last week afterMrs. Frank Hart. On Satiuctay night, on Main street,
holidaying at the home of the form- the little girl's blood showed that the Mr. and Mrs. Tom Christopher,' Seaforth, a gold locket and chain, sAP-
er's mother, Mrs. Jennie Knox, and harmful bacteria had disappeared. London, with Mr. and Mrs. Michael ply at The News.
brothers, Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Knox, ]3y the fifth day she was able to eat Downey and other friends. FOR SALE
Mr. and Mrs, Ward Knox, and sin- 'temperature
foods. By the ninth day her � Miss Mary Gawley is holidaying
ters, Mrs, and Mr. Thomas Appleby temperature was normal. Three days with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McQuaid. 150 white rock pullets started to
and Mrs. and Mr. Graydon Neil and later, penicillin was discontinued.' Mr, and Mrs, Jack McIver. spent lay. John Keys, Varna, 96x13, Hensall.
other friends. Little Elizabeth, who The child made a complete recovery. Sunday in St. Marys. FOR SALE
had been holidaying for some time In numerous other cases where I Miss Nellie Doyle and friend with 2 milking goats, both brought from
returned home with them. penicillin was employed, the bacteria
Mrs. Jas, Doyle.
NIr, and Mrs. Roberton and Billy disappeared from the blood stream I Niagara district, Apply Clinton 618r8,
of Seaforth sent Sundayat the patientsI Mr.a Jerry Holland of Windsor is
and the showed vast im-FOR SALE
pholidaying witH friends.
hoarse of Mat and Mrs. Ernest Knox provement. I Wedding bells are ringing in St. 8 weaned Pigs, Also a number of
and Mrs, Jennie Knox. - ' But this wonder drug of 1943 has Columban.
Mrs. Norman Lloyd and Joan of certain disadvantages. It is hard to
Walkerton spent the week end at the make and easy to spoil. Since it' must '
Inane of the former's parents, Mr. be kept at refrigeration tempera- STAFFA
anal Mrs, A. W. McEwing. Tommy tures, it is not yet practical to use Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Norris and
hes been holidaying since the begin- on the battlefield. Mrs,. N. J. Norris in London.
ning of the holidays and is still One factor which enabled the pa- Mrs. William Sadler in Whalen
there. 1 tients in each case to throw off the with Mr. and Mrs, Angus Earl.
Mi•s, Samuel Ruddell returned disease germs was the help which Mr, and Mrs, 0. W. Reed in Lon -
home from her visit the beginning of penicillin gave to the white blood don.
last week. , corpuscles, the tiny policemen who Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Baker and 'air FINE POR CIGARETTE'S
Little Donald Watt returned home wage a constant war against inteud- Mr. and Mrs. F. Marshall, Fullerton,
from sailing the beginning of last ing bacteria.
with Mr, and Mrs, A, W. Morrie.
week. 1 When the infection. was at its Mit and Mrs. William Jeffery in
height, the count of these white dor- Mitchell with Mr,, and Mrs, A, Jeff -
"Janitor, you could cool our apart- puscles in the blood showed a start]- ery.
meet nicely if you would run ice- ing decline, indicating a losing bat- Mee. Russell Lott, Dryden, with
water through the radiators." 1 tle against the enemy. Penicillin Mr. and Mrs. Walter O'Brien,
"Can't be done, madam," came to their rescue, and less than 1VIrs, 3. Cooper- and Archie, Toren -
"What did you have in them last 24 hours later the blood count to, with Mr. and Mrs. James Bat -
winter," showed that the leukocytes had made boar.
Foar Sale., -
Well situated oountr;' General
Store with living apartn :�'.ta, close to
school and church, e, n en.: ntly loot
eked to Town, A goea ge,ng concern,
100 Acre Farm wire brick house,
gpod cellar and enir,aee, Splendid
bank barn, drilled well, goad clay
loam, underclrahied Close to School,
handy to Town.'
12 Aare i'aiau, good ba•ick Ilouse,
cellar, furnace, hath room, hydro and
lierd and soli water. First Bless oarn,.
lien house, hog pen and fruit trees.
Make good poultry farm. A beautiful
Have listed alio a number of priv-
ate residences iu different parts of
the town at ti irious prices. Are you
interested? Vi-uld be glad to show
you through,
E. C. Ohareterlain, Seaforth, Ont.
Insurance & ;teal r7state, Phone 334
and 220.`
In Memoriam
THORNTON-In loving memory
of our darling son Kenneth Thorn-
ton, who died August 21st, 1942.
In our hearts his memory lingers,
But we know 'tis vain to weep,
Tears of love can never wake him
From his long and peaceful sleep.
Loving angels came and took him,
But we'll meet him up above,
One of Jesus' precious jewels
Token of His wondrous love."
Sadly missed by Mother and Father,
—Dad and Mother.
In Memoriam
THORNTON — In loving memory pf
our dear brother Kenneth, who died
Aug, 21, 1942.
We have only- your memory, dear
As' we journey our whole life through
Bat the memory will last forever,
As we treasure it always of you.
—Ever remembered by sister,
Mr, and Mrs. Ed Regale and family.
Auction Sale
Lambert Sale Yards, Strathroy,
Saturday, Aug. 21st,
200 head of mixed stock cattle. A
nice run. Also usual run of calves and
pigs. Trucks to deliver.
Sales every Saturday. Livestock
sold on commission of 8%n.
A. G. MCAlpine,'Auotioneer,
Auction Sale
youngregistered sows. Apply to Roy
Lawson, 2 miles west of Seaforth on
Spence's Produce
Highest Cash Prices paid for
Eggs and Poultre
Phone 170-W, Seaforth
Saturday Cash Specials
Canasta Core Starch pkge Oo
Cowan's Cocoa
pound tin 22o
Red Rose °ot'fee, ib. pkge. 48e
Kelloggs Coln Flakes
3 pkges „ ...,28c
Kellogg's rep, 2 pkges 22c
Eat -more Rolled Wheat
5 lb, pkge . .' 22c
Robinhood Roiled Oats
3 le. pkge. 17c
Grape Nut Flakes, 2 pkges 19c
Sunlight Soap, 3'oakes 190
Odex Soap, 4 calces 190
Goblin Soap, 4, eak:es 19e
Lifebuoy Soap, 3 oaken 19e
Kirks ,Castile Soap
4 cakes , ,,19e
Lelys Castile Soap y
4 cakes 190
English Carbolic Soap
0 cakes 25c
-'Castile Soap, 12 cakes 850
Shoo -Fly Cow Spray, 128 oz. ten,, , , 90c
Card of Thanks
McConneli & Hays
-The husband and family a the late
Mrs, John Krauskopf week to thank Barristers, Solicitors, Etc,
their friends and relatives for their Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays
teal kindness, and consoling SEAFORTFI, ONT:'
Telephone 174
messages of sympathy during the re-
cent illness and death of a loving E. C. CHAMBERLAIN
wife and mother. The Second Division Court
County of Huron
FOR SALE Office in the Dominion BankBuild-
A 9 -piece dining room suite, a 3- ing, Seaforth, Office hours;—
piece living room suite, and a Jewel Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
range, also a coal heater, two dress- 1.30 p.m. to 5 p m. Saturday
evening, 7,30 p.m. to 9 p.m,
era, and other bousehold effects. The to John Krauskopf, Dublin. The McKillop Mutual
PIGS FOR SALE, Fire Insurance CO.
8 pigs about eight weeks old.
Phone 16 on 616, Clinton. Frank
Fowler, No. 8 Highway.
The residence of the late Thomas
Purcell, corner of Chalk and Crom-
bie streets, Seaforth. Frame house,
seven rooms, electric lights, town
water, eight lots. Must be sold to
close estate. Apply to Mrs, John
Nigh, Seaforth.
The Council of the Township of
Tuckersmith have decided to pay the
owners or renters of property at the
rate of 2c a rod for weeds cut on
road side opposite their property if
cut before the 1st day -of Sept.'
D. F. McGREGOR, Clerk.
William Bradshaw, your Watkins
dealer, and also agent for E. D.
Smith & Sons, fruit and ornamental
nursery stock.
Ilouse contains 7 rooms, good cell-
ar, hard and soft water, five minutes'
walk to church, school or store. Tele-
phone. Township taxes, good garden.
Reasonable rent to reliable parties,
no children. Mrs. Margaret Gordon,
Box 51, Seaforth.
One Happy Thought range, one
coal heater (furnacette). Phone
Brussels 19-7. Mrs. W. -S.' Forrest,
Walton, Ont.
In Iiippen, a modern hduse, 7
rooms, 2 full basements. Garage. All
newly decorated. Apply to Elston
Dowson, Kippers.
Seaforth Farmers Co-operative
Co-op & Shurgain'Feeds.
Semisolid Buttermilk •
Co-op Binder Twine.
Fly Spray,
Motor Oil' d£`Pressure Grease,
Electric Fencers.
We have a good supply of Western
Wheat, Oats, Barley and Screenings.
Mixed chop and rolled Oats.
We are unloading a car of Virginia
Phone 9
The Clydesdale Stallion
Enrolment No. 8500, Grade A Premium 171
The Pure Bred Belgian Draft Stallion
—0249— 18471
Enrolment No. 8017. Grade A Premium 84.
The Pure Bred Clydesdale Stallion
Enrolment No. 4177. Form 8
Mon. & Tues., vicinity of Walton
and Brussels.. Wed. & Thurs., vicin-
ity of Seaforth, St. Columban, and
McKillop. Fria & Sat., vicinity of
Kippen, Hensall and Zurich.
T. J. MCMICHAEL, Prop. and Manager,
Monument Works
Formerly W. E. Chapman
We invite inspection of our Stock
of Cemetery Memorials
SATURDAYS, or any other
time by appointment
See Dr. Harburn -Phone 105
Phone 41—Exeter—Box 150
President, Alex. McEwing, Blyth;
Vice President, W. R. Archibald, Sea -
forth; Mgr. & Sec.-Treas., M. A. Reid,.
Alex. Mewing, Blyth; W, R, Arch-
ibald, Seaforth; Alex. Broadfoot, Sea -
forth; Chris. Leonhardt, Bornholm;
E, J. Trewartha, Clinton; Thome&
Moylan, Seaforth • t Frank McGregor,.
Clinton; Hugh Alexander, Walton;
George Leitch, Clinton,
• Agents
John E. Pepper, Brucefleld; R, F.
McKercher, Dublin; J. F. Prueter,.
Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth,
Parties desirous to effect insurance
or transact other business, will be
promptly atended to by applications
to any ofthe above, named officers
addressed to their respective post
Watson & Reid
(Successors to James Watson)
All kinds of Insurance risks effect-
ed at lowest rates in First -Class
Or. E. A. McMaster, M.B., Graduate
of University of Toronto.
Paul L. Brady,' M,D., Graduate or
University of Toronto.
The Clinic is fully equipped witb
nomplete and modern x-ray and other
rip -to -date diagnostic and thereuptie•
equipment. •
Dr. F. J. R. Forster, Specialist to
Diseasesof the Ear, Eye, Nose and
Throat, will be at the Clinic the first
Tuesday in every month from 3 to
6 p.m. .
Free well -baby clinic will be held
in the second and last Thursday h
every month. from 1 to 2 p.m.
Physician and Surgeon"
In Dr. H. H. Ross' office. Phone 5.7
Physician and Surgeon
Successor to Dr,•W. C. Sproat
Phone 90 W • Seaforth
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Graduate in Medicine, University
of Toronto. Late Assistant New York
Ophthalmic, and • Aural Institute
Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square
throat hospitals, London, Eng. At
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third
Wednesday in each month from 2 to
4 p.m. Also at Seaforth Clinic first'
Tuesday in each month. -53 Waterloo
St„ Stratford. Telephone 267.
Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid-
ent, Windstorm & guarantee bonds.
Rates reasonable. All risks placed
in first class companies.
Information cheerfully given
Sun Life Assurance
Co. of Canada
Assures Security for over
One Million Partners
District Agent
(Essential War Industry)