HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1943-08-12, Page 5THURSDAY, AUGUST 12, 194 Superior Tops —August 12 till Aug. 18 CHASE & SANBORN COFFEE ,, 43c 1 lb bag KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES 8 oz, 15C 2pkg. ............ Roman Meal . per pkge. 29c PALMOLIVE SOAP, REGULAR 19C 3 cakes Royal -York Cheese Swansdown Cake Flour, %2 lb. pkg. 21c per pkge. 31c Hemphill's Mighty Nice Wheat Berries Classic Cleanser Pard Dog Food 2kgs. 290 Woodbury's Facial Soap 2 cakes 15c Chipso, Small pkg.-10c; Large pkg, 250 Colgate's Dental Cream Large tube 250 Interlake Toilet Rolls 3 rolls 25c Hllmar Brand Vanilla 8 oz. bottle 150 Fry's Cocoa % lb. tin 21c Superior Brand Baking Powder 8 oz. tin 13c 16 oz, tin 23c Moody's Chloride of Lime is per pkge. 15c Carnation or Libby's EvaporatedMilk 2 tall tins 21c Libby's Prepared Mustard , 9 oz, jar 90 Laing's C. 0. Sauce 8 oz, bottle 190 5 lb; bag 25c per tin 50 aL R - Whole Mixed Pickling Spice, per pkge. 10c Pure Spices, Whole or Ground, per pkge 100 O� Goderioh Free Running Salt, 2 pkgs. 15c ✓ Cow Brand Soda, 8 oz, per pkge. 50 16 oz. per pkge. 100 Bon Ami Cake or Powder each 140 Royal York Tea, % Ib. pkge. 38c Lipton's Noodle Soup Mix, 2 pkges, 25c Two in One White Shoe Cleaner, bottle 15c Rubber Fruit Jar Rings 4 dozen 25c Metal Jar Rings per dozen 290 Crown Fruit Jars, med. size, per doz. $1.14 Wilson's Fly Pads • per pkge. 100 1480 tnf. units of VITAMIN 81 In every package Special Pkg. 290 Fresh Vegetables, Fruits, Cigarettes, Tobaccos • Ross J. Sproat Art Wright PHONE 8 PHONE 77 1 BRUCEFIELD. Be sure and hear the R.C.A.F. Kiltie Band from Centralia ,Training School No. 9, in Brucefield on Thurs- day evening, Aug. 19th. This band is considered the best in the Dominion; it has just completed a tour of the Eastern 1 rovinces and expects to leave shortly, on a tour of the West, returning by the States. There will also be bingo and other games. Re- freshment booths and dance. W. Mrs. George Swan is visiting with friends in Shakespeare. Mr. and Mrs. Paterson, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson and Ina, Miss Marg- aret Mercer of Montreal, are visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. A. Paterson. Come and have a dance at the frolic on Aug. 19th. There will be one of the best floors in Ontario. Music by Murdoch orchestra. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kaiser of De- troit spent a few days with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Chowen of Toronto are visiting Mr. and' Mrs. Ross Scott. Mr. John McIntosh of Toronto vi- sited with relatives during the week end. Mrs. McIntosh and three child- ren, Jean, Margaret and David,who had been visiting here, returned to their home with Mr. McIntosh. Mr. and Mrs. Webster McNaugh- ton of Whitby, who had spent their vacation with Mr. Jas. McNaughton and Miss Tena McNaughton, left for Port Arthur last week. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Haugh and family of Dashwood visited at the home of their uncle, Mr. C. Haugh on Sunday. Mr. Harry Collins of Western Un- iversity is visiting with his mother and sister here. Mr. and Mrs. John Cornish receiv- ed a letter on Tuesdayfrom their son, Carlyle Cornish, who is a prison- er in Germany, stating he is well. BORN NOTTINGHAM — At Scott Memor- ial Hospital, on Aug. 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Nottingham, R.R. 2, Seaforth, a son. SCOTT — At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal on Aug. llth, to Mr, and Mrs. Robert M. Scott, R.R.1, Seaforth, a daughter. KEYS — At Scott Memorial Hospital' on Aug, 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Keys, R.R.2, Brussels, a son. SCOTT—At Scott Memorial Hospital on Aug. 8th, to Mr. and Mrs, Thos. L. Scott, Cromarty, a daughter. MUEGGE — At Scott Memorial Hos- pital on Aug. 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Muegge, R.R.4, Mitchell, a daughter, SUTHERLAND — At Scott Memor- ial Hospital on Aug. 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. William Sutherland, Seaforth, a daughter. DI ED GRIFF, Milton Eric—Died Aug. 5, as result of plane accident, on ac- tive service, Warrant Officer Mil- ton Eric Griff, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Griff, 26 Norman St., Stratford. CONSTANCE Trooper Robert S. Johnston of Camp Borden and' Mrs. Johnston of Pickering visited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James E. Medd and other friends over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley and Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Riley spent Sunday at Bayfield. Mr, Robt. Grimoldby spent Satur- day in Brantford with his daughter, Mrs. Ken Betties, who returned home with him to spend a week's vacation at home. Mr, Charles Riley attended the races in Hamilton on Friday. Mr, and Mrs. Leo Stephenson spent Sunday in Blyth, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Fralick of Vineland called on friends in the vill- Want and For Sale ads, 3 weeks pig, age on Sunday. TUNE IN ON Old -Fashioned Revival Hour 9 to 10 P;88., IF,D,S.T, Pilgrim's Hour 2 to 3 P.M., E.D.S.T, ON MUTUAL NETWORK -.- SUNDAYS Local Station — C.K.L,W., Windsor CHARLES E. FULLER, P.O. Box 123, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA E °SEAFORTH NEWS TOWN TOPICS Mr, Jahn Bonnett is iii at present. IIe is In his 84th year. Mrs and, Mrs. Gordon Hays and daughter Patricia of Detroit are vis- iting with friends in. town, Miss June Brill of Detroit, is visit- ingg at the home or Mrs. Con Eckert, Sister M. flavor and Sister M. Isa- dore of Toronto who have been 'vis- iting friends the past week, returned on Tuesday. Mr, and Mrs. Bert 'Muir and Mr, John Muir visited with relatives in Preston last week. Miss Zetta Dunlop, who spent the past three weeks at her home here, has returned to resume her duties as nurse -in -training In St. Mary's Hosp- ital, Nitohener. Misses Rebecca and Ethel Shinen have returned home after spending their vacation in Port Stanley. Driver Joseph Purcell, RCAF., of Windsor, spent the week end with re- latives here, Brother Joseph, Toronto, is a guest at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Joseph McQuaid in McKillop. Mrs. Margaret Burke and daughter Miss Luella Burke, of Ottawa , were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fort- une and Mrs. D. Shanahan. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Freeman and daughter Carol of Buffalo, N,Y., at the home of Mr. and Mgs, William Freeman, Er. Paul Freeman of Toronto visit- ed with relatives here. Out of town bowlers were here on Wednesday evening for a men's dou- bles tournament. Ross Montgomery of Halifax is spending his furlough with his par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. William Mont- gomery. Merle Dunlop, RCE., of Petawawa, spent the week end with his parents Mr. and Mrs, A. W. Dunlop, Mr. and Mrs. Gratton Flannigan and family, Hamilton, are guests at the home of the latter's mother, Mrs. J. Horan. Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Day, Gorrie, were guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. A. W. Dunlop this week. Staff Sgt. Harry McLeod with Mrs. McLeod. AC, Richard Box of Guelph, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Box. Miss Helen Upshall, St. Marys, spent the week end at her home here. LAC. J. L. McNairn, Mrs, McNairn and Kenneth, of Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, are spending a few days at their home in Egmondville and with her.. mother, Mi•s.. F. Reeves. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Kay of Clinton spent Sunday evening with Mr, and Mrs. John Ruston. Miss Doris Ruston and Miss 4ean Currie spent a few days with friends in London. Miss Geralda Flannery, who has spent the past week with her cousin, Mary Margaret Cleary, has returned to her home in Guelph. AC2. Jas. Flannery, St. Thomas, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs: J. J. Cleary. Miss Jeanne McIver is spending this week with Miss Fern Dunlop, and Mr. and Mrs. Green, Barrow Bay. Mise Josephine McIver spent last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack McIver, St. Columban. LAC. Howard Carrol called on friends in town on Tuesday. Mrs. H. G. Meir is the guest of her mother in Windsor this week. Miss Barbara McLellan at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs, A. Mc- Lellan. Miss June Brall, Detroit, with her grandmother Mrs. Con Eckart and other relatives in town. Mrs. Lawrence Murray and daugh- ter Bonnie, of Chicago, are spending a month's vacation with Mr. Michael Murray. Mr. Lawrence Webster of Port El- gin was a visitor in town this week. Sister Ann of the Cross has return- ed to Ottawa after a two week's visit with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, James Nolan. Spr. Donald A, Coutts of Petawawa spent the week end with his parents here. - Mr. Harold Coates, of Montreal, spent the Week end with his mother Mrs. R, til: Coates, who is ill in the hospital. Rev, and Mrs, C. 0. Katne have re- turned from Grand Bend. where they visited the latter's sister, Mr, and Mrs. F. S. Clysdale. Mr, and Mrs, W. D. Smith, Mrs. H. R, Scott, James and Harry and Miss Davina Anderson were at Port Col- borne on Friday attending the Smith - Swan wedding. Mr. and Mrs, John Beattie are London visitors this week. Mrs, Daniel Manley and baby of ICitchener are visiting at the 'home of Mr, and Mrs. Daniel Manley, Mc- 1011op, Send tis the names of your visitors DUBLIN The community was shocked to learn of the death of a highly res- pected resident, Andrew Dantzer, on Sunday, following a brief illness from a heart ailment. He was the. son of Mn and Mrs, Joseph Dantzer of Shakespeare and spent the great- er part of his life in this district, Be was the last surviving member of his family and was in his 77th year. He was married in 1900 to Miss Eliza- beth Doherty who predeceased him just three months ago, Mr. Dantzer was a faithful member of St, Pat- rick's church, Dublin, of the Holy Name Society and the League of the Sacred Heart. Surviving are flue sons, Joseph, Kitchener; Harvey, of Windsor; Andrew, London; Prank, Brodhagen, and William, at home, also one daughter, Helen, at home. The funeral was held on Tuesday at 9.30 at St. Patrick's. Church, Dublin. Solemn Requiem .High Mass was sung by Rev, Dr. Ffoulkes as celeb- rant, assisted by Rev. F. J. ()Prow - ski, St. Columban, as deacon and Rev. Donald B. Benninger, C.S.B„ Toronto, as sub -deacon. Mrs. William Lane presided at the organ and the soloist was Mrs. Leo Fortune of Sea - forth who sang "What Could My Je- sus Do More?" The pallbearers were James Delaney, Leo Krauskopf, Chas. Kistner, Joseph F. Ryan, Patrick Woods and Louis Dillon. Many spir- itual and floral offerings were re- ceived. Mr. and Mrs. Conway and children of Fergus with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carpenter. Miss Marion Meagher and Miss Phonsine Meagher in London. Flight Lieut. Charles Malone and Mrs. Malone, Verdun, with the Tat- ter's mother, Mrs. Mary McGrath. Albert Donnelly, RCAF, Vancou- ver, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Donnelly. Private Michael Feeney, Halifax. with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mack Feeney. Mrs. Philip Kenny has received a cablegram announcing the safe arri- val of Gunner Norval Parker over- seas. Private Pat Maloney of London with Paul Mulligan. Sister Clever of Toronto and Mrs. Lizzie Eckert of Seaforth with Mrs. Catherine Kenny and other rela- tives in the village. Private Dalton Burns of Hamilton wltb. his parents, Mi', and Mrs. Frank Burns, Sorry to report that Mrs. John Krauskopf Is not improving' as well t.s her friends would like, Mrs, Simpson and daughter Mary with friends in Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Beale of Stratford with Miss Mary Beale, Private Wilfred Murray of Strat- ford at the home of his parents, Dr, and Mrs. Murray, Private Martin Klinkhammer at his home here. Mr, and 1VIrs. Charlie Strubb and son Willard returned to their home in Kitchener after a pleasant week at the home of Mr, and Mrs, William Flanagan. Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Kay of Kip - pen were Sunday visitors with Mr. Frank Smith and Mn and Mrs, Wm. Smith. HOW TO BE YOUR OWN ROBINSON CRUSOOE An exciting, double page article... illustrated in FULL COLOR—in .in The Lakeview Casino GRAND REND DANCING NIGHTLY Stan, Patton and his Orchestra The Season's Best Concert I SUNDAY — AUGUST 15,:9 p.m. All proceeds to CANADIAN RED CROSS "BOMB VICTIMS FUND" Cast STAN. PATTON and his Orchestra CARY JOYNT, Baritone SUNSHINE GIRLS MALLET TRIO — Xylophone, harpophone, chimes SING KELLY --- Yodeler THREE HILLBILLYS — Singers, guitarist CARTER & CARTER — Comedians American Weekly with this Sunday's (August 15) issue of The Detroit Sun- day Times, tells about the Ranger "Jungle" School in Honolulu, where American troops are taught how . to make a picnic out of a shipwreck. NOTICE TOWN OF SEAFORTH Closing Hours for Certain Places of Business Take notice that in accordance with petitions presented to them, the Council of the Town. of Sea - forth has passed By -Law #449 regulating the closing of the following places of business: All Dry Goods, Clothing, Department Stores, Novelty Stores, Boots and Shoes and Hardware Stores situated -in the Town of Seafortli. Such shops will close on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays at 6 P.M.; on Wednesdays at 12.30 P.M.; on Saturdays at 10 P.M. except during June, July, August, and September on Saturdays at 11 P.M., commencing Monday, August 16th, 1943. D. H. WILSON, Clerk. ascafrfl, f IfiAR WEAPON O <i SUMMER or winter, when nature cuts loose with a blitzkrieg of wind, torrential rains, lightning, ice, sleet or snow most people hurry for cover ... and stay there. But not Hydro maintenance crews. For them a storm is the zero hour ... and task forces go forth to battle. • Last winter's sleet storm in Eastern Ontariois but one example of their work. Hours of freezing rain followed by a blizzard sheathed the district in ice and snow. Streets and roads were blocked by a fantastic tangle of poles, trees and wire. Hundreds of Hydro poles were down. Country.roads blocked with snow. • Within a kw hours over 200 Hydro men were on the job. Supplies were rushed to strategic points. Men and trucks went to work . , , line breaks were repaired broken poles replace& wire restrung. Point by point the battling "storm troopers restored the How of Hydro to war production plants factoriesefarms and homes ... pushed relentlessly ahead, day and night, until the job was done. • The work of Hydro maintenance crews Is 000 of unrelent- ing vigilance. Power must go through regardless of con- ditions, Across Ontario, Hydro men are on the alert twenty-four hours a day ... ready, at all times, to combat any storm . , , ready to meet any emergency.. , ready to stay on the job until power is again flowing ... doing theft part in helping Ontario's war -geared industries speed the supply of Victory munitions to the battle -fronts of the world. ISSION OF . ONTARIO,