HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1943-08-05, Page 8THD $E, FORTH NEWS THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 1943 MSA H E Arrand•Dogglas,,:- 1, IP LL Mrs. Thos, J, Suitor of Montreal is A charming summer wedding was Visiting with her mother, Mrs, Ellen solemnized at, the home of Mr. and Coxworth. • Mrs. A, T. Douglas, Hyde Park, on Mrs, Wesley Jones visited with Saturday, July 31st, 1943, at 2,30 Pte, Wesley Jones in London last pan. when their daughter, Norma week Elizabeth, became the bride of Gor Master George Panzer returned don Lorene .Arrand of Hyde Park, home after spending a week with his son of Mr. and Mrs, George Arrand, rand arenas Ml'. and Mrs. Fred Cor Hyde Park,- The ceremony was per - g p Auction Sale Lambert Sale 'Yards, Strathroy, Saturday, Aug. 7th, 200 Head of nixed stock cattle, a choice run including steer's up to 900 lbs. Usual run of pigs. Sales every Saturday., Trucks to deliver, A, G, McAlpine, Auctioneer. Card of Thanks Mr, Lawrence \Ynsman wishes to thank . the friends and neighbors for their loud expressions of sympathy and assistance during his bereave- ment; also for the beautiful floral tributes and those who kindly loaned cars. Lett formed by Rev. T, J. Watson, before Clearing Public Miss Margaret MacGregor is visit -a bank o£ .flowers in the presence of ing with relatvies at Port Dalhousie the immediate relatives. Given in this week. marriage by her, father, the attract-' Miss Mae McNaughton of Toronto ive bride was lovely in her street hoe, been holidaying at the home of length dress of white sheer, her fing- her brothers Messrs. Peter and Lorne er tip veil was caught with a halo of McNaughton.'orange blossoms,., and slle parried Mr. and Mrs. Win, Bcnthron 0f Do- American Beauty noses. Her only troit visited last week at the Home of ornament was a gold brooch set with the former's mother, Mrs. Robt, Bon. a ruby, Which had been presented to thMy, her grandmother, Mrs. John John- Halifax,Morris of left this week to resume his anniversaryr Miss Marion Fish, of at th home of an enjoyable and London,, as 'bridesmaid, was costum- M the Mime oP his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Stan Tudor, ed in petal pinkfashioned similar to Misses Edna Saundercoek and that of the bride, with shoulder Margaret MacGregor enjoyed a length veil and coronet of pink gar- week's arweek's vacation at Grand Bend. demos. The bridal music was play - Mr. Harry Lawrence of the staff of ed by Miss Ethel ,Skippen of Hyde the Bank of Montreal is enjoying a Park. The`, groom was attended by two weeks' vacation. William C vin of ats ator the receptionheld Toronto spent the week end at their 'bride's parents. Mrs. Douglas wore a parents' homes here with Mr. and beige and brown two-piece dress Mrs, Jas, Smillie and Mr, and Mrs, with matching accessories, and cox John Shepherd, Mr, Roy MacLaren of St. Cather- sage of Ophelia roses, Mrs. Arrand was gowned in a royal blue dress Ines spent a few days last week at with matching accessories and her his home here with Mrs. MacLaren corsage was Talisman roses. A buf- and Donald. fet luncheon was served in the din - Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Miekle and •n room attractive with lovely sum- • family returned home on Saturday mer blooms, pink and white were following a three weeks' vacation at used with such effect Eco, the colour theirMpottage Mrs. IonRi u Park. schemes, the bridal table centred ghterMr, and Don Rigby and dart with the wedding cake, flowers and week with of Blenheim -visited last tapers completing lithe decorations. and with Mrs. Rigby'sMcQueen. rents, Mr. The bride and groom later motored and Mrs. Stewart Garnetto Mr, and Mrs,Catharines Mousseau sre-y bridal lr obrlerpgrandmother, r turned to St, Catharines on Sundayboquet following a week's vacation with the Mrs. John Johnston who is in her former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex 92nd year and the oldest woman Mousseau. resident of Hensall. For their wedd- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Higgins of ing trip to Niagara. Falls and points Exeter visited last week with Mr. and past the bride donned a two-piece Mrs. Ed McQueen. British tan dress with beige and Bri Miss Mae Schwalm and friend of tish tan accessories. Mr. and Mrs. London visited over the week end Arrand will reside hi Hyde Park. with Mr. and Mrs. Robert McKenzie prior to her marriage the bride was and Mrs, Schwalm, a teacher at St. John. Dr. and Mrs. D. G, Steer spent a few days recently in Toronto. Mi•. Milton Ortwein of London has , been holidaying at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ortwein. Mr. and Mrs, Farmer of Stratford � visited recently with the latter's' father Mr. Wm. Stone. Mr. Win. Cook of London visited last week with his mother, Mrs. Devlin, prior to leaving for his home in the West. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hedden and family and Mr. Herb Hedden return- ed to St. Catharines following their vacation with their mother, Mrs, Catharine Heddeu. Mrs. Elliott Bell and family of Toronto visited last week with Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Bell. Rev. Wm. Weir, Mrs. Weir and Freddie of Hespe]er spent a few days this week visiting with friends. Miss Norma Sangster is spending this week in London with Miss Thel- ma Cook. Mr. Ben Dick of the RCNVR, Hal- ifax, returned to his duties following a month's furlough with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dick. Mrs. Campbell returned to her home in Windsor following a pleas- ant visit with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bell and Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Bell. Mr. George Cook and daughter, � Miss Thelma Cook of London visited on Sunday with Mrs. Minnie Sang- ster, Miss Joyce Scruton of Toronto is holidaying with her mother, Mrs. Scruton. Miss Dorothy McQueen of London spent the holiday at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. McQueen. Miss Jean. Foster of London is holidaying at the home of her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. A. Foster. Miss Mae McNaughton of Chisel- hurst is visiting. in Toronto with her sister, Miss Helen McNaughton and aunt. Miss Mae McNaughton. Quite a number from here attend- ed the horse races at Goderich on Monday. During August while Rev. R. A. Brook. pastor of the United Church. Hensall, is on vacation, service will be held at 11 a.m. only and Rev. Mr. Grant of Kippen will conduct the services on August 8th and 15th and Rev. Jas. Elfgrd of Seaforth will conduct the service on August 22nd and 29th. Master Bobbie Bell visited this week at the home of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hunkin, Thames Road. Wayne Tuckey of Exeter visited last week at the home of his grand- father, Mr. Peter Moir. Mrs. Farrell (nee Bella Smale) of Ottawa is holidaying with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Smale. Miss Marjorie Cudmore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Cudmore, had the misfortune to sprain her should- er when she fell from a load of hay I lasek. tw Alice Joynt spent last week', at Sauble Beach with Dr. and Mrs, Harry Joynt and Judith of London. Mrs. Bella Parlmer returned home after an extended holiday with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Parlmer in Toronto. Mrs. Sherman of Detroit recentlY visited with her aunt, Mrs, C. Meld• inger of the village. Kennedy-Hoggarth- A quiet wedding was solemnized on Thursday, July 29th at Hamilton Road Presbyterian Church, London, when Rev. R. R. Gordon united in marriage Irene, youngest daughter o Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Hoggarth, Hensall, and Clark Kennedy, Ships Writer, RCNVR, Halifax, son of Mr. and Mrs W. Kennedy, Lindsay. The bride looked charming hi corn flowered sheer dress with white accessories and corsage of. roses. The only at- tendants were the bride's sister, Mrs. Roy Flea!, as bridesmaid, and Mr, ,toy Flexr of Dorchester. Following the ceremony a wedding dinner Was Served at the Hotel London. Later the bride and groom left for the groom's home at Lindsay. Auction Sale • Of Furniture, At Mrs, Bishop's house at Ethel on Saturday, Aug, 7th at 3 pan. sharp. Miss Jean- Fraser, Prop, Lew Rowland, Auctioneer, Send us the names of your visitors FOR SALE 1 cow with calf at foot; 3 sows with pigs at foot; 2 sows to pig. Gor- don Holmes, McKillop. R.R.2, Wal- ton, Ont. • Auction Sale Of Furniture and Household Ef- fects; also House and Lot, Fred W. Ahrens, auctioneer, has received in- structions fi'omn the undersigned' Pro- prietor to sell by public auction at. Logan and Mitchell boundary, 1 block east of Supertest gas station on #23 highway north of Mitchell, on Satur- day, Aug. 7th. Sale to commence at 1.30 o'clock sham, Furniture - 1 good range, bur• ns FOR SALE coal or wood, with pipes; 1 Quebec .Leicester, Oxford and Dorset ewes heater, coal oil heater, 1 drop leaf and Iambs; also 1 Oxford ram lamb. table, 6 dining room. chairs, 3 rocking J. W. Thompson, R. R. 2, Seaforth.'• chairs, several odd chairs, 3 dress - Phone 833x31. ers and stands to match dressers, 2 Conductor: "What's that you're holding in your lap?" Pasenger: "It's an unexploded bomb I'm taking to the police sta- tion." Conductor: "Goodness man! Put it under the seat." CUT COARSE FOR THE PIPE OLD CHUM 1'UT FINE FOR CIGARETTES Spence's Produce • GOVERNMENT REGISTERED EGG GRADING STATION Highest Cash Prices paid for Eggs and Poultry Phone 170-W, Seaforth 4 wooden beds with springs, 2 iron beds with spring, 1 Single bed with spring and mattress, quantity of lin- oleum, 2 centre parlor tables, 1 square and 1 oval, as good as new; curtain rods and window blinds, toilet set, book case, hand wagon, two 5 -gal. crocks, lawn mower, new; scythe (new), pr. grass snips, pr. shears (new); 60 ft, rubber hose, cross cut saw, cistern pump, about 2 tons of good hay, new tea kettle, a host of cooking and kitchen utensils; dishes of all kinds and a host of other art- icles found about a house. Property: Consists of 2 acres of land, good garden, barn 18x26, cement foundation and cement stabling, frame house with 5 rooms. No reserve as everything offered will be sold to the highest bidder. Terms on property will be made known day of sale. Terms of chattels: Cash. William Klee, Proprietor. Fired W. Ahrens, Auctioneer. THIS NEWSPAPER (1 YEAR) and THREE GREAT MAGAZINES For Both Newspaper and Magazines GROUP "A" -Select One [7 Better Homes & Gardens 1 Yr. L7 True Story Magazine 1 Yr [] Photoplay-Movie Mirror 1 Yr [] Woman's Home Comp 1 Yr [3 Sports Afield 1 Yr 0 Magazine Digest 6 Mos. [3 Fact Digest 1 Yr [] American Home 1 Yr [3 Parent's Magazine 6 Mos (] Open Road for Boys1 Yr [3 The Woman 1 Yr [] Science & Discovery 1 Yr GROUP "B" -Select Two [] Maclean's ( -"14 [7 Canadian Home Journal 1 Yr. [] Chatelaine 1 Yr [7 National Home MonthlylYr. [3 Family Herald & Weekly Star 1 Yr. [] New World (Illustrated) 1 Yr O eFarmer's Magazin! 2 Yrs. []Canadian Horticulture & Home 1 Yr, Q Click (Picture Mthly.).,1 Yr, [I Canadian Poultry Rev 1 Yr (3 Rod & Gun in Canada,, 1 Yr. (3 American Girl 8 Mos. [] American Fruit Grower 1 Yr Enioy the finest magazines while saving tires and gas. Only through this news- paper can you get such big reading bargains. Pick your favorites and mall coupon to us TODAY. THIS NEWSPAPER (1 Year) and Your Choice THREE POPULAR MAGAZINES For Both . $200 Newspaper a and Magazines 13 Maclean's []Canadian Home Journal 1 Yr. [] Chatelaine 1 Yr [3 National Home Monthly 1 Yr, [] Family Herald & Weekly Star 1 Yr. [3 New World (Illustrated) 1 Yr. [3 *Farmer's Magazine 2Yrs [3 Canadian Horticulture & Home 1 Yr. [] Click (Picture Monthly) 1 Yr [7 American Fruit Grower1 Yr: [] Canadian Poultry Rev 1 Yr. [] Rod & Gun in Canada.,1 Yr. [3 American Girl 6 Moa. "Farmer's Magazine sent only to farm addresses in Eastern Canada. THIS NEWSPAPER (1 YEAR) and ANY MAGAZINES LISTEDBoth for Price Shown All Magazines Are Fos 1 Year [3 Maclean's ai. .,.,,31.50 [3 Canadian Home Journal1.50 [] Chatelaine 1.50 [] National Home Monthly1.50 [] Family Herald & 0 Weekly Star 1.50 [l New World (Illustrated)1.50 [1*Farmer's Mag. (2 yrs.)--1.25 [3 Canadian Horticulture & Home 1.25 [] Click (Picture Monthly) 1.50 [] Canadian Poultry Rev1.50 [7 Rod & Gun in Canada 1.50 (] Better Homes & Gardena 2.00 [7 True Story 3.10 [] Woman's Home Comp..,2.00 [] Sports Afield 2.00 []Liberty (Weekly) ,....... 2.50 [7 Magazine Digest ,,, .:3.50 [] Silver Screen 1,W [3 Seraeniand. [7 Look •-•• 3.50 [] American Home .....,,,,2.00 [] Parent's Magazine ,, 3.00 [3 Christian Harald 3.00 [] Open Road for Boys 2.00 [] American Girl 2.50 - [ 3 Red Book i 3.50 [1 American Magazine 3.50 [] Colliers Weekly 3.50 [3 Child Life •. 3.25 COUPON { FILL RWSP MAIL Y. Check =gotten desired and -enclose with coupon. Gentleman: 1 enclose $ Pleas* send me the offer checked, with a year's aubserlptle nto your paper. NAMEw.«.••.-..»««......».«... POST OFFICE ..............-... STREET OR R.R. PROV .....«:»... • CASH & CARRY SATURDAY ONLY Gowans Cocoa 1 pound tin • 22c Neilsons Cocoa 1 pound tin 29c Neilsons Cocoa, % lb 19c Club House Cocos 22c 1 lb, Red Rose 'Coffee, ib, 43e Red Rose Coffee, '/a ]b 23c Maxwell House Coffee 43c 1 lb. .... ,,.. .. Maxwell Reuse Coffee" Chase & Sanborn Coffee 43e 1 ib Salads, Orange Pekoe Tea 3/2 lb., 43c Blue Ribbon Baking Powder 1 lb. tin .,,.,,.,,,,230 Calumet Baking Powder 23C 1 1b. tin . , .. . FlyO-Cide Fly spray 8 oz tin 25c 45c0 16 oz. tin Shoo -Fly Cow Spray 128 oz. tin 99c +,' Kellogg's Corn Flakes 230 3 pkges. Greb-Shoes at Pre -War Prices W. J. FINNIGAN FOR SALE Tlu'ee. Belgian horses, 3, 4 and 5 years old, Thirty young pigs for' side. Phone 841x4, Sea*rth. Alfred Buch- anan, Lot. 7, Con, 7, ]:iullett, WANTED Child's high chair in good condi. tion. Apply to News Office. FOR SALE Pontiac Coach in good running con- dition; original tires and finish:. Rob- ert Dewar, Queen st,, Hensal]. FOR SALE 11 pigs 8 weeks old. Ed Boyea. Phone 6251'2, Clinton, WANTED TO BUY A quantity of second cut alfalfa. Apply to Dale `Nixon. Phone 661r4, Seaforth. FOR SALE OR RENT In Kippen, a modern house, 7 rooms, 2 full basements. Garage. All newly decorated. Apply to Elston Dowson, Kippen, FOR SALE Registered Shorthorn bull one year old, Wood's strain. Apply Torrance Dundas, Blyth, Ont., R.R. #2. Phone 13 ring 15, Blyth. WANTED TO RENT Timothy hay fields or old pasture land, for spreading of flax. Hesky Flax Products Ltd., Seaforth. FOR SALE Cottage, 6 rooms with bathroom, fights, furnace, soft and hard water, conveniently located; immediate pos- session. We also have listed 2 modern houses for sale, well situated, of which immediate possession can be given. Apply to E. C. Chamberlain, Li- censed Real Estate Broker and In- surance Agent. Phone 334 or 220. McConnell & Hays Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion BankBuild- ing, Seaforth. Office hours:- Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1.30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday evening, 7,30 p.m. to 9' p.m. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE -, SEAFORTH Ont. Officers President, Alex. McEwing, Blyth; Vice President, W. 11 Archibald, Sea - forth; Mgr. & Sec.-Treas., M. A. Reid,: Seaforth. Directors Alex. McEwing, Blyth; W. R. Arch- ibald, Seaforth; Alex. Broadfoot, Sea - forth; Chris. Leonhardt, Bornholm; E- J. Trewartha, Clinton; Thomas - Moylan, Seaforth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; Hugh Alexander, Walton; George Leitch, Clinton. Agents John E. Pepper, Brucefield; 11. F_ MoKercber, Dublin; J. F. Prueter,. Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly atended to by applications. tq any o1 the : above named officers. addressed to their respective post offices. House For Sale Lot 277 and part Lot 278, Moir's Sur- vey, Hensall, South Richmond St., Is offered fol• sale by tender. White frame house thereon. 2 story, 7 rooms, furnace, electric lights, hard and soft water, dry cellar, good roof, close to church, post office and stores, Property may be inspected on ap- plication to undersigned. Written tenders will be received until 31st July, 1943. Send same to W. E. Butt and J. S. Petty, Admin- istrator of Estate of Martha Murdock, c/o F. Fingland, Clinton, Ontario- Seaforth Farmers Co-operative Co-op & Shurgain Feeds. Semisolid Buttermilk Co-op Binder Twine. Fly Spray. Motor Oil & Pressure Grease. Electric Fencers. We have a good supply of Western Wheat, Oats, Barley and Screenings.' Mixed chop and rolled Oats. We are unloading a car of Virginia Coal. Phone 9 - The Clydesdale Stallion ROYAL CARBROOIC (27101) Enrolment No. 8600. Grade A Premium 171 The Pure Bred Belgian Draft 'Stallion WEST PINE SUPREME -6249- 18471 Enrolment No. 8017. Grade A Premium 84. The Pure Bred Clydesdale Stallion` DONALD MONCUR Enrolment No. 4177. Form 2 Mon. & Tues., vicinity of Walton and Brussels. Wed. & Thurs., vicin- ity of Seaforth, St. Columban, and McKillop. Fri. & Sat., vicinity of Kippen, Hensall and Zurich. T. J, McMICBIAEL, Prop. and Manager, Watson & Reid REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY. --u„ (Successors to James Watson) "'8 MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, O'NT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest. rates In Firat-Clase Companies. SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr. E. A. McMaster, M.B., Graduato of University of Toronto. Paul L. Brady, M.D., Graduate of' University of Toronto. The Clime is fully equipped with complete and modern x-ray and other up-to-date diagnostic and thereuptic equipment. Dr. F. J. R. Forster, Specialist In Diseases of the Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat, will be at the Clinic the flrslrfi4y Tuesday in every month from 3 tc,A4' 5 p.m. Free well -baby clinic will be held on the second and last Thursday 10 every month from 1 to 2 p.m. Seaforth Monument Works Formerly ,W: 17. Chapman NOW OPERATED BY CUNNINGHAM & PRYDE We invite inspection of our stock of Cemetery Memorials SEAFORTH - TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS, or any other time bv-appointment See Dr. Harburn -Phone 105 Phone 41 -Exeter -Box 150 JOHN'A. GORWILL, B,A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon In Dr. H. H. Ross' office. Phone 6 MARTIN W. STAPLETON, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Successor to Dr, W. C. Sproat Phone 90 W Seaforth DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto. Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic and Aural Inatttute. Moorefleld's Eye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, London, Eng. At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 p.m. Also at Seaforth Clinic first Tuesday in each month. -53 Waterloo St., Stratford. Telephone 387. INSURANCE Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid- ent, Windstorm & guarantee bonds. Rates reasonable. All risks placed in first class companies. •Information cheerfully even E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIES Sun Life Assurance Co. of 'Canada Assures Security for over, One ]billion Partners H. R. LONG, GODERICH District Agent DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED \PROMPTLY PHONE COLLECT --, SEAFORTH 15. EXETER 235 DARLING & CO. OF CANADA, LTD. (l6ssential War Industry) 1