HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1943-07-29, Page 2TGIF SWORTH =WS amous for flavour since 1 92 the `Salada' name assures you of a uniform blend of quality teas. lE Reeve Victor Falconer of Clintontamest. Interment was made in Cl.im left his ear parked on a Seaforth ten cemetery. street for about half an hour and New Bridges To Be Erected came back to end it gone: County The road C Constable Helmer' Snell who was committee of the Cannty ounels he.decided to construct two ,called to investigate. found the car bridges over the Maitland River this travelling toward. S.eaforth. fust west of Dubh,. The drover had been ask- u Bide::•. Both are. located ,poet south ed to drive a similar model home for F Ethel and are not a.great dastans e a friend and upon discovering he had apart, Thay wild reptaer old struct ores which collapsed during the pass the wrong car had started hack to twe:re months, one only a few deeks return it to its rightful owner, ae"' Tie 'natter is known as the Cron Going To London — id Dr. George S. Elliott leave, :hart nmgham ifridge. Two i i foot 'rr ly for London where he will conduct `rami spans of reinforced conca &e he a small animal hospital He is the iviIl be built here. and Farther np the rirer, closer to E youngest son of Mrs. Elliott and the Ethel, a .90 -foot rein - youngest late George H. Elliott. well ltnowa forced concrete span will be erected,] . auctioneer and politician, and alter The carry may have to do the Rork graduating at Guelph in 19.1 came to itself. only one tender having been his home town, where be has prae-' received so far. and it is said not co be tised successfully ever ,,ince.--Clinton bridge • The old eiugCunningham' \ews•Reeard. bridge structure is now being reran Took Wrong Car — ad Caldwell-Colquhoun — Lightning Attacked Bicycle — Hydrangea. red roses and eve During the electrical storm which greens in beautiful arrangement in struck the dietriet with such furry. a the bay window at the bride's home bol[ of lightning came close to melt- formed eltformed the setting for the marriage in a bicycle. owned by Bruce Pick- of ickof Jean Lorene . Calmuhoun, eldest ares Leto a twisted heap of scrap daughter of Mr, and Mrs. R. W. Cdr mesal. 'While she young lad was her- houn, Clinton. and William Leonard lag his dinner at the Pickard home Caldwell, RCAF, Janis, son of Mr. me Church Su -see he leaned his two - and Mrs, P.ohert Caldwell. L and w- .: wheeler up against a Maple eta at boro. The ceremony was performed the front if the yard. Several ersone by Flight I.ientenattt D. J. Lane of saw the bole strike the topmost She Harbour, and minister of Clinton branches of the tree. carom ao dawn Prmbyterian Chnrc3. Mrs . ti`a•nes=_ the trunk- leap to the bicycle. and Allen. Croneatay, .aunt of the bride, then seemed to whip TLc1ot[sW MUD played the weddiag mange, Garen in the g':mun+d•_ t ea,rnittstion of the bike reeeriage by her grand -father, Mr. rereated not a trace of the lightnings ar=cher Colquhonrt of Stata, he beide prank,. other than that one of the wore a white shee.r lest lengrh rubber Baa n: N i was barren off. — ress with inseres of elseeeille leer lvaisley Adroeate. She wore a she^ leer ...length reit Is Candidate — canghs with orange ble sr„ and car - toed a '33 greet of redo z :e *ossa rain Petr_ ell T. Kelley of Iron,) ti a bo-earrth-a. The bred, was a cad- adTerdting eaecntare boa on 6'238- I e�o 'A II..r SStor, 145 T i ,1 an al the PriGgi•_SITe C2in3ex TaalTria, yVtaei L Tla tr6 inn as beideeee - ,, wed^ t a street a= loon r2utWartb as weir stun- �� drams IIB ;ale era` darva nearer re the p,o,s,acial eleet?o z t OZ An e. 4th. air. Bel- is a former ; alone C. D.+C. Colgthsem RC_F. 3e _ °ied Saskatv?aewan g3 4A 4 3 b? Z f the ▪ deathJ em Hog==ar ia his 65th .` the Pa7ene7 Ca▪ :_c. e • ra -.. at Iter. s� ? u 'KSei:Sti �._ _ where he. ha. -wiled. to lA a. s, g_- a • �g H_ wee bore en Jeeer 25th, 2-7_. t3 1.1fre. srm Of the., eaee Dae. $ bra: garz and Mars Brawn mead is scarTivel . ha~ed▪ =_• cl a eur_=a,ee oy widow ani he Trail. clan e o= Oil 22..^d_. d M.'S. eereete. of a: fin ~ C, Also six brother,: George of i ▪ -n.o, Med AC. Cali- Cs- aI Ci-, Marito'ssa^ r Cha les. Se -. -c.-.r tri .. u a ::ss* - drew aud s. -s:e- of Hal er and Ja- W ' s if Clinton. and one eeeter. Recovering From O-cerrsos — 3=='` +•s'r€K-� Addison 3; H.,3_ t. An-- 24.7. Jos. _air:. • :own ether sister Mrs. John Gibbing- pee oar -are.^_ beeca- e o: _._ keeg d• de as rims ie =r„�rt x�k para ear a and asters oen • eeeetal e? i\ -Pr!^ life L Exeter Flet_ , encu, „ e: an opeV Pasted To Mannino Depot con :rhes^ Do a:d Svensbuaree son of Mr. ar.and Wl ala 2y eT n -ng 01 ' _. s., ?r c ales. Rey Seemeherase. Gad_nen, has daughter. Mrs,C. L. Graves. and iii s i,'h: h~ ee] costa_ a:' the es: ter. Mere. App:eford. were down :0 dale a_r rioal School. H=s been him on Tuesday and a th a•= :t .se 'honors, and has been reposes :lass ccs is getting aeon roasted X_ the 3ear��,srg Deprsi, at A Time Ad ocate. T a on r, The — Gies Duncan McArthur •IIe Wesley i:nitsd Church Giest Grand Bend — pa -.o. age. Landon,, was the scene of a qme, Her.. Du^sar; t1tn. h^.ter^ Onario, bo: p : e wedding when/ilea v fats f Ef seas° died sndel-uy Ela° da •ghter of Mrs. Hervey and -a=; w r=f :tear; the late C P Hervey, r� r .ser, wac IInem at Maple Grose. north. united Ln marriage with 'gear: tea ' Gram Bend. He was $:t --,yens' Harry 31a:rrice Hee-neon. r_f C^,t r i4r. ears c.fErn31eAetbrir apparent• sod ,i me. a ill and tae :a s va` `rgeel _earth. tie Baa a Cing lie[ ro ;f W -'--.pe ' C. +s:: a fa 3. le �eicDere td. a Lonien W , Rer, r. Wtiaehi:.gton wee the efecialleg cis. sera;• 'ai- Mrs. John Watkins, Clinton — 31ai cha Amelia Jenathe. - dew Jelin OVackinie died at Canter. in he. 83rd year after a lingering illness. She was a daughter of the late Will- iam and Charlotte Jenkin, and was horn in HYilett Township near Lon- desboro. In 1906 she married John Watkins who predeceased her eve years ago. They resided in Clinton all their married life. There survive two sons, Hary, Clinton, and William, Brantford; two daughters, tOliret Mrs. Frank Brant, Mount Forest. and talars: 31rs, Sydney Rowe, Toronto, two stepdaugbters (Jessiet airs. John Giasford, St. Catharines. and 1:4ellies ,Mrs. Wallace Powell, hipper, also eleven grandchildren and one sister. lass Louie Jenkins, Winghant. The departed was Anglican in religion. The funeral was held from St. Paul's church, where Rev. G. W, Moore eon - ducted the service, assisted by Res.. Windham of Mount Forest. The L, 0. B.A. conducted their service at the terse/are, The pallbearers were 31 J. Agnew. K. Sttnitn, L. Planter, P J. Watkiha; C0ialna. Wallace Prewgii, Seaecaoili.. and Frank Smolt of Mount r ;c D.:21-174 to ,'ghee 15' McAc nor 'tee erre atea e teener was rale& from Hi..,..... est. _.- 31='Ar leer sneered her ._ 07: a «" ▪ abo se noon the -.en, eay and feend her husband flee; De. .-.:then sat for 41126; E.es- 11, ...- i lan] Legieeas... lie ,vas a na:_re Duron (me. Tse Omen:: was held in Lendoe ren Fri- day - day .tom the home of hie bre:her-b- e z•, Ray Lawson. Knitting Factory Starts — No time- is being lost ix: getting Goderieh's new Indnatry. a branch of the Holsproof Hoeis y Co. of Canada. Into operation. Mr. Len Vivaisak has come from the company's London plant to take charge of the factory on East street. and Mr. Joseph R. )3en- tert, the company's superintendent at London, was helping to get the plant in operation. Machines are In- stalled and knitting will begin at once, Joins Examiner Corps— Word from Listowel is that D. L Hill. formerly 00 the staff of Goder- icb 'Collegiate institute, and for the last eight years principal of Listowel High School, has been accepted into the Army Examiner Corps and deft ThiliIUWAYr t1141 -,Y 10, 194 Bast weelt for London on his way to dowers were yellow roses and cern- Three Rivers, Quebee; for au officer's ,dowers, The best loan was Murray tranlittg course. Air. and Mrs. Hill Hetheriustou, and the ushers were are graduates of Seafortlt Collegiate Harold Blackstone, Jr., brotberin•law institute, and were formerly 'resid- of the bridegroom, and BIIl Ross, all tansy of Seaforth, of,Goder£eh, After the ceremony the award -Lane — wedding party returned to Goderieh where a reception was held at the home of the bride's. parents, East street. Later air, and Mrs. .Edward left be motor for a weding trip through Quebec provinee, the bride traveling in aa apricot sheer' wool suit. On their return they will reside ou Keays street, Goderich, Out-of- town guests were preseut from Sar- nia, Toronto. Owen Sound and ;Miont- real. Engagement.— Mr, and Mrs, William. Edward Winer, Exeter, announce the engage- ment 01 their daughter, Susan Alma Winer. Reg,?„ to Dr. Campbell Mc - Lagan, London, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey James McLagan, 3litchell, the marriage to rake place on August Y In Trivitt Memorial church, Exeter. Beautifully decorated with regal 1Llies, shasta deletes awe fern, the Presbyterian church, Clinton, was the scene of a tiedduig 'of interest on Saturday afternoon wben Madeleine Elizabeth, only daughter of Rev. Da - rid James Lane and Mrs. Lane,Gode- rieb, was united in marriage to Clay- ton H, Edward, Goderieh. The cere- mony was performed by Aer, Andrew Lane, Clinton, unele of the bride, as, silted by her father, Rev. D. 3. Lane. The wedding .music was played by Mrs, Murray Hetherington and dur- ing the signing of the register Miss Elizabeth Whitely. Toronto, the bridegroom's cousin, sang "At Dawn - ewe". The bride, given in marriage by her father, looked lovely In a graceful gown of irory satin. She carried a bouquet of white roses and bonrtirdia. 'Bliss Doris Belger, Ma_ illott Ohio, Attend Camp --- college college classmate of the bride, as Among Wove attending the young maid -of -honor, and Min Mary Lane, people's camp at the Goderieh Sum - Clinton, the bride's cousin, were mer School grounds at Dunlop last gowned alike in chalk white- Their week were Maxine Edighoffer, Willa YOUR BREAD 10 ttetil SY TO Til i ;/ *«Ma,MMnmm:ub,ms+rmnwnemWn,-+. WITH ROM Year ra Only 2 a day ensures against baking failures! WRAPPED AIRTIGHT FOR DEPENDABLE STRENGTH •e Mad. in CoeedJ Carroll, Mitchell; Lenore Norminton,' Ruth Hess, Donna MaEwen, Marion Sangster, Hensall; Mary McDonald, Walton, Viola Marks, Walton; Glen Gemmell, Egmondville; Bill Robin- son, Goshen. 'I don't know why the men grum- ble. This soup is excellent." "Whey wouldn't grumble sir, if the cools would admit it is soup, mut he insists it's coffee." THE LIFE STORY OF HARRY NIXON, PREMIER OF ONTARIO A Horsy Nixo• n's people were United Empire Le'al'ssts. His farm waspioneered by his grandfather qv r 100 years ago_ Onto{ii ts, premrcr was born op tbg farm in Aprjl, 1891 He vats christened Harry Corwin Nixon and is always Coned Iset Plein Borry He attended tate litttp Sett school house down the logo. Nights, mornings, Saturday odd holidays his helped on the forth. kfigh Se:.00l H firoatfard was an exciting. eace so 'tang Kaa3, bout 1 snacked hard acid d Four years of more hard work at Ontario Agricultural College. Guelph, eeosed Horsy Nixon a studious end determined man and earned 'him the 8.5.ft, degree. He returned to the form, his chosen life work. Oa October 28, 1914, he married Alice Jackson, a azpelplp girl who hod graduated from MacDonald Hall: Rase r Bee i.e.. Henry Khan well, .kaaw bis to be o disci c4 s0m,d bs3nns od5rnest as well as a success,ul -ckr-t former Working in his own quiet way, Nixon's qualities of leadership earned him a seat in the Ontario house in 1919. At 28, Harry Nixon was the youngest Cabinet Minister in Canada, The Nixon {army are hurcrs-0003 They aaead the United C.'wrcb at S:•. Gg_ Y herr er ze.the Iran de of t ie Parlio.:ret Buildings, he 1iker SO relax:P/1AL Shirt eeevaatthe end ofes busy day. • The Hixon family bin uniform: Son Jackson, R.CA-F., was killed m action over Germany Katherine, R:GA.F„ Y/.D., is overseas; Margaret is doing confidential work at Ottawa. Both, daughters married service men Sob 14t is working on the form. Harry Nixon has been a member of the legislature for Brant continuously since 1919, but forming is his occupation and he works at it. Nixon's quietly efficient ways and original thinking earned film a high place in government councils. At 45 he was many times Acting, Prime Minister, .Mrs. Nixon is a friendly, motherly woman; o -gracious hostess and sympathetic counsel. She is well liked wherever she goes. Equally at home in a neighbors drawing room or in his barn, 1 is said he has reachedmany important decisions while milking; a job. he truly enjoys. On April 30, .1943, an enthusiastic Liberal Convention made Harry Nixon leader of the party. He was then sworn in as Prime Minister, Now he wants his appoint- ment confirmed by the people. Premier Nixon iso steady -driving statesman; a cour- ageous thinker who has the will to get things done, His long administrative experience and level-headedness will ensure Progress and Unity in Government for Ontario. KEEP NIXON, AT THE FOR PROGRESS WHEEL PROGRESS AND UNITY VOTE LIBERAL AUGUST 4TH Elect Tuckey for Huron