The Seaforth News, 1943-07-22, Page 1Sea ortli News
HURO N C O U N T 8 L E A D1 N G N E 1✓1' S P A
Phone 84
V. a year
Lions Carnival
Is Great Success
Two Nights of Entertainment
Thousands Attenll - Good
The Lions carnival on Wednesday
and Friday nights last was a great
success,, with a crowd of 3,000 on
hand the first night and 2,500 the
second night. The committee were
well pleased with the experiment
this year of holding the affair on two
nights, The firstprogram was put
on by the A. B. Tibbs Co. of Toronto
and the Friday night program by the
Jessie McGregor Co. Band music
was by. the Seaforth Junior Band on
both nights, assisted by the Centralia
Air -Force Pipe Band on Wednesday
The Simpson Radio and Amplifier
Service of Embro was in charge of
the loudspeaker for the programs
and bingo. The winners of the Fri-
day night draw were:_ Mr. Fine, 97
Roncesvalles, Toronto, $100. Ticket
10426. (2) Mrs. B. Hurn, Mitchell,
$50, ticket No. 11759. (3) M. Sowa,
470 Barton St. E:, Hamilton, $50,
ticket 8527. (4) Murray Gibson,
Brucefield, $25, ticket 27680. (5)
Mrs. Best, 188 Ottawa, N. Hamilton,
$10, ticket 10400. (6) Mrs. Ohas.
Mills, Embro, $10, ticket 8039. (7)
S. Hallahan, Belgrave, $5, No. 6992.
*'blue coal':
Union Services
Northside United and First Pres-
byterian Churches. Services in North-
side Church. Rev. Hugh Jack, Minis-
ter in charge. S. S. at 10 a.m.
Morning subject, "The Increase of
Faith." Evening subject: "Does God
Punish Sin,"
St. Thomas' Church
Rector, Rev. Dr. -Eu ford,
T1 0..,.. ++what Manner of Man is
No evening service for July 25 and
Aug. 1st only.
Sunday School attends church at
11 a.m.
Mr. J. M. Scott of Scott's Poultry
Farm was re-elected Vice -President
of the Ontario Poultry Breeders'
Association at Ontario's Wartime
Poultry Production Conference held
July 15-16 at the Royal York Hotel,
Toronto, The sessions were attend-
ed by between 400 and 600 poultry-
Resolutions passed included oppo-
sition to any proposed rationing of
poultry and. eggs, Also asking the
department of agriculture to sanc-
tion five-day trapping instead of the
present seven -day -a -week to conserve
Other officers elected were: Pres-
ident, Dr. Elwood Roe, Atwood; sec.-
ec:treas., Murray Fisher, Freeman, Ont.
Directors, C. F, Luckham, St. Wil-
liams; I. H. Fisher, Ayton; A. Bevin,
Thornhill; K. Slacer, Clarkson; D.
Lerch, London; F. Teasdale, Con-
Helpful addresses were given by
outsanding poultrymen from Cana-
dian and United States colleges.
There will be no work on surgical
dressings on Monday evening next,
but please watch this column for in-
formation regarding place and date of
future work.
The members. of Duff's United Red
Cross (No Surrender Club) wish to
express their sincere appreciation to
all those who helped' to make thein
sale of home baking and tea such a
success, the sum of $65 having been
Two more boxes, weighing 100 lbs.,
of clothing for Russia, have been
shipped by Seaforth War Victims
Two rinks of local bowlers took
part in the Irish Trebles tournament
at Exeter on Monday night: Lorne
Dale, Bev Christie, Jim McDonald
and Fred Johnston, Ed. Bright, Geo:
Lillie. ,
Seaforth bowlers will stage a
doubles tournament Monday even-
ing, July 26, at 7.30 with local and
outside entries.
To Contest Huron
On Saturday afternoon some forty
members of the Barbour Clan met at
Ask That J. C. Shearer
Nominated By Progressive Con- the Lions Park here for their fifth Huron Agricultural Representa-
servatives at Big Meeting in annual picnic, Horse-shoe pitching tive Withdraws Resignation
Hens II
$... I and a bail game were thoroughly en- at. Request of Committee
joyed by the men and boys. All sat
dowa to a sumptuous picnic supper. A deputation consisting of Warden
Dr, R. Hobbs Taylor, of Dash- The election of officers took place: Benson W. Tuckey of the Huron
wood, was chosen as Progessive Honorary president, Robert Sadler, County Council, Thomas Wilson, '
Conservative candidate in the coming Staffs; president, Alvin Barbour; chairman of the Huron County Agri -
see. treas„ Mis. 0. W. Reed; sport cultural committee; Harry Sturdy,'
provincial election for theidenridingt oin Harold Rice; Lunch committee; Mrs. federation of Agriculture, and W. L.'
Hensall on Thursday evening last. Andrew Patrick, Mrs, Bill Drake. I Whyte of the Huron County War'
The hall was crowded to capacity. The picnic in 1944 will be held in Committee conferred with Hon. P. M,1
Dr, Taylor is well known through- Seaforth the third Saturday in July. , Dewan, Ontario minister of agricult-
out the riding having been candidate Races—Small girls, Annabel Char- ure in Toronto on Tuesday afternoon,
inethe last provincial election when ters, Helen Barbour; small boys, Ray' They requested that he refuse to
he strongly contested the riding. He
is physician at Dashwood. Powell, Scott Powell; young men, accept the resignation of James C.
Jack Rice, Roy • Hannon; married Shearer, as Agricultural Representa-
There were six nominees but all
withdrew except Dr. Taylor men, Alvin Barbour, Angus Earl;-tive in Huron County which Mr,
and married ladies, Mrs. Pearson Chart- Shearer tendered ;Saturday to the'
Reeve George Armstrong of Hay ers,. Mrs. R, Patrick; stout ladies, government,
I atety it became known Sat -
township who was Warden of the Mrs, R. Rice, Mrs. A. Barbour. I I
Ladies, kick the slipper, Mrs. Roy urday that Mr. Shearer had taken
Mated were county last F. R. The
Darrow, Frank Patrick, Mrs, Hannon; men, kick the ofithe s tiHuron Oounon, W. L. hyte, chaltutalan l
I Donnelly and H J A McEwen all slipper, Jack Rice, O. W. Reed. I WarCommitee called a special yes-
' Sion of the committee and placed the
I of Goderich and H G Meir of Sea- Graceful walk, Mrs. E. Dinnin, Mrs.
forth. Mr. Meir spoke highly of. Dr. A. Earl. The sports ended with a u
Taylor for candidate and said he quiz contest, the ladies on one side,'
q estion before them, It was uuani-
had done much to keep the county gentlemen on the other, The ladies mousiy agreed that every effort must
won made to retain the services of Mr.
organization together in recent The oldest person at the picnic was Shearer and the following resolution
years and had been one of the dele- Robert Sadler Sr.;the youngest, to Mr, Dewan was passed:
where fundamental policies of the M • d Mrs. John Powell As the day cultural War Committee has learned
was drawing to a close, all joined to
Doctor had also been a delegate to getlier in singing God Save the King. resignation of James C. Shearer, as
the Winnipeg convention where Mr. agricultural representative of Huron
Bracken was chosen as Dominion
leader. 1 DUBLIN
Dr. Taylor's selection by the con-
vention was made unanimous on mo-
tion of Mr. Armstrong.
'Dr, Taylor made a forceful add-
ress on the issues in the election and,
pledged full support to the program
of the Ontario, Progressive Conserv-
ative Leader, George A. Drew. He
made particular reference to secur-
ing a new deal in regard to hydro.
The principal speaker of the ev-
ening was Cecil G. Frost, K.C., of
Lindsay, president of the provincial
association, who paid high tribute to
Dr. Taylor, and explained the vari-
ous points in the Progressive Con-
servative party platform. He won
hearty applause from the audience
on the promise that under Col. Drew
the stock yards would be, taken over
by the government and operated as
a publicly owned enterprise, so that
manipulation would be stopped and
I fair prices realized by the farmers
STANLEY i Mr. Frost explained why Col. Drew
,I proposes to assume at least 50 per
Charlotte Brownett — cent. of the school taxes now charged
There passed into the Great Be- against real estate. It would encour-
youd on Saturday,. July 17th, one of age citizens to own their own homes
Stanley Township's esteemed and and make improvements, thus aiding
industry and employment in the post
war years and it would help to keep
out the "isms.' Mr. Frost Contend-
ed that the cut in taxes could be fin-
anced by effecting economies in gov-
ernment which were long overdue.
He strongly attacked the Nixon gov-
ernment for what he termed mis-
leading advertisements in regard to
government finances and the marked
The speaker referred to the CCF.
party, quoting the declaration of the Miss Eleanor McGrath, St. Joseph's resignation became known to Huron
OOF. leader in favor of compulsory Hospital, London, with their parents, residents.
interest-free loans to the govern- Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McGrath. 1 Members of the Huron County War
ment. This would mean that under Mr, and Mrs. Harry Krauskopf, ' Committee are: W. L. Whyte, A.
CCF. rule, all your life insurance and Detroit, with Mr. and'Mrs. John Alexander, A. McCann, A. W. Morgan,
government bonds, fie result of your Krauskopf. I W. C. Oestricher, Wm, Turnbull, B.
thrift and years of labor, would be. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Murphy at -INV. Klopp, T. C. Wilson, Ben'Rath-
wiped out; regimentation would fol- tended the funeral of W. Hamiltonwell, Benson Tuckey, Fred Watson,
low, he said. I in Toronto. I Harry Sturdy, Gilbert Frayne,
Mr. J. W. Morley of Exeter was •Joseph Dorsey and Misses Minnie ; Mr, Shearer has since withdrawn
chairman of the meeting and Mr. and Rose Dorsey of Seaforth with his resignation,
e ar friends here
re o es p
gates to the Port Hope conference ljtinston Powell, WO year old. son of "Whereas the Huron County Agri -
party had been drawn up; and the r. an t g' o - with feelings of deepest regret of the
St. Mary's Church, Dublin much respected.citizens, • Charlotte
9.30 a.m• "The Character of Jesus." Brownett, in her 78th year. The de-
ceased had enjoyed almost .perfect
health until some two months ago,
when a slight stroke somewhat af-
fected her memory. Followed by
others of like nature her strength was
H I L LSG R E E K gradually worn away and on Satur-
Miss Orion Stephan of Hensall is day evening her spirit departed and
speeding . her vacation 'with her her body was at rest. Miss Brownett
grandmother, Mrs. Mary Stephan. was the daughter of the late George
Miss Consitt of Hensall, and Mr. I Brownett and Mary Ann Morris, who
and Mrs. Coleman of Stratford called came out from England and took up
on friends in this vicinity. 'property on. the land which has been
Miss Georgena Seiler and Miss the home of the Brownett family
Norma Roegele of Stratford visited up to the present time. She was -the
for the week end with Mr. and Mrs.' sole surviving member of her family
Wm. Davidson. lof eight, three brothers and four sis-
Mrs, Biter and family of Toronto tern, many of whom have predeceased
are visiting at the home of Mr. and her in recent years, As a youthful
Mrs. Ross Dick and other relatives, I girl she left home to keep house for
Mrs. Wm. Reichert and Miss Elda the late Dr. Wm. J. R. Holmes of
Reichert enjoyed a pleasant week Goderich and was a faithful house -
end at Owen Sound and other points.'
for him until his death, after
Mrs. Ellen Moser' and daughters' which in 1919 she returned to the
Miss Mary Moser and Miss Shirley- home of her brother in Stanley Town-
Moser of Stratford spent a day re- ship where she remained until her
Gently with her sister Mrs, Wm• I death. She was a faithful, tireless
worker for the comfort and welfare
Egmondville United Church
10 a.m., Sunday School.
11 a.m., Rev. James Elford.
Davidson. of others about her, never complain-,
Haying is In full ' swing and all King, and always ready to welcome
report a bumper hay crop. with the greatest hospitality all who
A little son has come to the home called.' She was a member of St,
of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons. Andrew's United Church, Bayfield,
and was a very faithful helper in its
organization, allowing nothing to
Mr, and Mrs. Cecil'Wiley have re keep her from regular attendance at
turned to Detroit after spending se- the services, The funeral was held ,
veral days with the former's sister, on Monday, July 19th, from the
Mrs. Reid. church with a large attendance of
Rev. Reba Hern is having a vaca- friends and acquaintances. Rev. Mr,
tin t her home Colwell spoke from the passage in
county, they hereby desire to express
their regret and also as a most rep-
resentative groups of agriculturists
Mr. Michael McPhail, formerly of to express their loyalty to Mr, Shear -
Dublin, and now living in Wingham, er. Every movement connected with
has had the honor of being made a agriculture or agricultural production
member of the Century Club with. the and in 'fact every move connected
Mutual Life Assurance Co. This with the war effort arising within hie
award is given to agents who have reach, has received his unreserved
made an outstanding production of support and help. He has shown him
business. self to be a leader, and has great
Miss Mildred Murray is visiting executive ability, His intimate ac -
friends in Toronto, quaintance with this county and the
Mrs. E. Nagle with Stratford Problems peculiar to it make his ser -
friends. vices more valuable today than they
Mrs. A. M. Looby visited friends in have ever been, and, in our opinion,
Loi}don. more valuable than would be the
Miss Muriel Darling returned home services of any other representative.
after spending two weeks' vacation Be it therefore resolved that in the
in ;Wingham. best interests of agricultural produc-
We are pleased to report that John tion, that the Minister o1 Agriculture.
Joiidan has returned home from St, for the Province of Ontario be re -
Joseph's Hospital, London, after a .spectfully asked to refuse to accept
very serious operation. We hope for Mr. Shearer's resignation, and that
his speedy recovery, Mr. Shearer should be asked to. re-
Miss Loreen Jeffery of Stratford is consider his decision and that he
sttigg at the home of Mr. and Mrs. should be persuaded, if at all poss-
Aleic Darling. ible, to continue with the good work
Miss Birdie Murray of Toronto with which he has been doing in Huron
'her parents, Dr, and Mrs, S. Murray, county."
Rev. Gordon T. Dill, London, with I The delegation had planned to
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Dill. visit Mr. Dewan in his Toronto of-
fices Monday afternoon but it was
Elizabeth Purcell, Toronto, and Miss not convenient. The conference was
Mary Lannan, Stratford, with M. I arranged for Tuesday afternoon,
Teresa Redmond. Since coming .to Huron • County
Joseph Carbert, Detroit, with Mr.
James Shearer has been most err-
and Mrs, George E. Holland. I thusiastic about his work and the
Mrs. M. Smith and daughter, Rose agricultural future of Huron County.
Marie, Stratford, with Mr. and Mrs. He has devoted considerable time
Dennis Dillon. and effort to all patriotic endeavors
Private Louis J. Looby, Simcoe, such as the Victory Loans, War Sav-
with his mother, Mrs. A. M. Looby. Farm inComma s Stamp dos eand Bso on alood nd cit
Miss Mary McGrath, R•N., and was with surprise that word of his
Clark Fisher, Exeter, sect t Y
rte . s
Mise Katherine O'Rourke is re -
Iseparate school.
• Detroit are vacationing with Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Carpenter.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Walker and
twins, Listowel, and Roy Brown, of
. London, with Mx. and Mrs. Thomas
At the IIuited Church, Brockville
Caroline Eleanor, daughter of Mr. W
J. Sims and the late Mrs. Sime
Blyth, was married to Mr. Charles
Emerson Freestone, son of Mr. and
Mrs.. W. E. Freestone, Meafor•d, Rev
J. Lewis officiated. Mr, and Mrs
Freestone will reside in Mount
Royal, P:Q.
engaged as teacher at Beechwood
Mr, and Mrs. Fergus Reynolds of
• Brown.
Miss Gladys Mien, Hamilton, with
Mi. and Mrs. Gar Smith.
Mrs. Lloyd Etue and daughter,
Jeanne Marie, Zurich, with Mr. and
Mrs. T. J. Molyneaux.
Kenneth Dill, RCAF, St. Thomas,
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P.
I Miss Genevieve Feeney has re-
turned to Toronto.
Joseph Lerner, Toronto, with Mr.
I and Mrs. Michael Coyne.
Misses Mary and Margaret Fitz -
1 patrick, Detroit, with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. P. Fitzpatrick. 1
Aircraftman John Dillon has re -
.turned to St. Thomas after two
, weeks furlough with his uncles, John
and Louis Dillon.
Mrs, Maloney and family, accomp-
Mrs, E. McAsh left Monday for St. John's gospel, ch. 14, verse 1.3, The "Stamp Out the U -Boat"
Detroit to visit her daughter, Mrs. bearing tribute to the faithfulness of cam ai is goingvery sluggishly
the one departed. The pallbearers p en gg y
Hamilton. ` I were 1' Campbell, Mr. Robt and needs to be bolstered up with a
Mr. and Mrs. Laybham and family G Re
Mr. Com amp great increase in sales of War Sav-
in Root. S. Reid, ]Vlr.°
in company, with Miss Beatty of , Joseph Richardson, Mr, William Tay
London are guests at the home of lor, Mr. D. H. McNaughton. Besides,
the latter's mother, Mrs. L. Beatty I, her many friends there:are left to
owing to special service in St. L mo
and Edith. urn her loss each member of the James' Anglican Church; Middleton, Grainger family to whom she had
been so faithful, also John Barclay,
next Sunday, there will be no ser 'l of Bayfleld. Interment in Bayfield
vice in St. .John's Anglican Church. Cemetery.
Mr. Win. Dinnin of Cromarty- and I
Mrs. Darman of Lethbridge, Alta., WINTHROP
called Tuesday on Mrs. M. G. Beatty
Mrs. R. Hart spent a day in Bay -1 The Red Cross met on Tuesday.
field, 1 There were thirteen ladies present.
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Austin and Two quilts were quilted. A letter
children spent Sunday with Mrs. 'from Wm, Little of Saskatoon was
Austin and family. read, thanking for socks and sweat-
CONSTANCE Mrs, Reg. Little and son Douglas
of St. Catharines are visiting here. ,
Mr. and Mrs. George Fox and Lois Douglas had his tonsils removed in
of Blyth spent Sunday with Mr, and Seaforth on Tuesday. I
Mrs, Robt, Grimoldbv. Mr, Robert Sheridan of Toronto
Mrs. George Cook of Goderich is visiting his niece, Mrs. Eaton. 1
township is visiting her daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Wm, MontgomerY
Mrs. Frank Riley, of Brantford are visiting this week
Gnr.. Alvin Riley of Wainright, in the village.
Alberta, is expeC e t d home this week Mr. and Mrs.' Melville Blanchard
to spend two weeks furlough with of the West
visited here recently. •
his parents, Mrs, Coombs of Seaforth and Mrs,
Mr. George Lawes of the Huron Dudley and Mr. Chas. Chaplin of
Road spent Sunday with Mr, and London visited Mr. and Mrs. Eaton
Mrs, Fred Wakefield. on Wednesday,
Ings Stamps during the next final
two weeks, if we are to meet our
quota of 67 depth charges in Huron
county. The cooler weather should
physically stimulate us to action.
Even though we may be on vacation,
the U-boats are not. With the pres-
ent increased intensity of attack, the
need for greater protection against
the deadly submarine increases also.
The returns of sales of depth
charges in Huron County to the end
of the third week of the campaign
show that ,only one-tenth of the
quota has been sold.
If we all make an effort to buy
an extra War Savings Stamp during
the next. two weeks, our quota will
be reached, we will all feel proud of
6ur part in the fight to , finish the
U-boat, and our boys in the Navy
will. feel heartened by the continued
support of the folks back home.
anted by Miss Agnes Kr•auskop
London, spent Sunday with Messrs, ,
Peter and Edward Kreuskopf of
h I Miss Agnes Feeney of London
spent Sunday with her parents, Mr,
I and Mrs. ' Mack Feeney,
There' will be a meeting o f the
Seaforth executive and supporters
of the Progressive Conservative can,
dilate at the Town Hall at 5.30 Fri-
day evening., Dr, Hobbs Taylor will
be present.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hill and family
of 'Listowel, with Mr, and Mrs. Jas.
Private William McKaig, Chat-
ham, at his home.
Miss Hazel Laing, Waterloo, at
her home.
Miss Jeanette Macl(ellar has re-
turned home from Seaforth.
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Lammond, Mr.
and Mrs. Harold McLeod with Sandy
McKellar and family ands, Mr, and
Mrs. L. Sorsdahl.
The meeting of the W.M.S. was
held in the school room of the
church Thursday afternoon, July 15,
Mrs. Britton taking charge. Hymn
"Faith of Our Fathers" was sung.
Responsive reading was Psalm 46
and theme, "Fellowship In the Whole
World." Prayer was offered by Mrs.
Robt. Rogerson and Mrs. Britton.
Hymn "Far Away in Heathen Dark-
ness Dwelling," Reading by Mrs. C.
Dexter, "Could This Be True," ins-
trumental by Mrs. Geo. Addison.
Mrs. Britton gave a reading on
Christian stewardship, 1 Cor. 16:4;
hymn, "Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove."
Meeting closed with benediction.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dexter, Mr.
and Mrs. Austin Dexter and Mrs,
John Sanderson attended the funeral
of the late Mr. James Cummings of
Blyth on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Troop of Chi-
cago and Miss Elizabeth Mains of
Londesboro visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Chas, Dexter on Tuesday.
Miss Joyce Jewitt spent a few
days with her aunt, Miss Lillian
Adams of Londesboro.
Jeweller and Optometrist
Opposite Post Office, Seaforth
Mr. and Mrs. Ed O'Hearn and
children of London with Mr. and
Mrs. James O'Sullivan.
Miss Dolores O'Sullivan has re-
turned home after spending two
weeks in London.
Miss Lenore Holland is spending
a week with Mr. and Mrs. Toni Mor-
Miss Evelyn Givlin of Windsor
and Irene with their parents.
Mr. Gerald Eckert is holidaying
with Mr. and Mrs. Alphonsus Cronin.
Miss Joan Holland is holidaying in
Mr. Michael Downey isn't as well
as his many friends wish him to be.
iiIrs. James Carroll and son Mich-
ael Leo have returned home from
Scott Memorial Hospital and is at
the hone of her parents, Mr. and
Nlrs. James Carlin.
rl'Iiss Catherine Williams with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Williams.
Miss Rose O'Connor, teacher at
Parry Sound, with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs, Dan J. O'Connor.
Mr. Jim Lane, teacher at Stratton
is spending the holidays at his home
1VIrs. John F. Murphy is spending
a week in Toronto.
Miss Mary Doyle has returned to
Detroit after spending her holidays
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Miss Catherine Ducharme has ac-
cepted a position at the Seaforth
Salt Works.
Miss Rose McQuaid with her par-
ents, NIr. and Mrs. Joe McQuaid.
Miss Mary Murphy, teacher at
Welland, is holidaying with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs, John F. Murphy.
Saints Win One; Tie the Other—
St. Columban played an eleven
inning 8-8 tie with Dublin in the Lo-
gan Softball League during the week
end, which will be replayed in Dub-
lin. on Wed. evening, July 21; while
in a second game the Saints manag-
ed to nose out Brodhagen 11-10 by
scoring two runs in the ninth frame.
While hits were scarce in both games
St. Columban connected for nine in
the two games. Brodhagen three and
Dublin three in their single games.
There was plenty of slugging with
no less than two homers, three
triples, and eight doubles being belt-
ed. Dublin—F. Turner ss, E. Wil-
son p, S. Looby c.f., Joe Delaney 3b,
H. Ryan 1.f., J. Darling lb, Jas. De-
laney 2b, B. McCarthy r.f., P. Mc-
Grath c. Brodhagen—Glen Diegel
c.f., M. Delta p, F. Murray c, H.
Mogk r.f., R. Rock 3b, A. Queren-
a'esser 2b. J, Eckert as, J. Manley lb,
H, Diegel 1.1. St. Columban—Jack
Roach c, J. O'Connor p, P. Jordan
2b, L. O'Reilly r.f., Jim Roach 3b,
F. O'Connor 1b, J. Stapleton 1.1., F.
Moylan s.s:, H. O'Connor cf., T.
Morris c.c. All St. Columban games
will be played in Dublin.
Mr. Knechtel of London is spending
this*week at the home of Mr. Reece
Ferris. Mrs. Knechtel and Maxine
have been there since the beginning
of the holidays.
Mr. Cliff Ball of Windsor came,
over to attend the 12th of July cele-,
br•ation in Wingham and also called
on some of his friends in this
borhood, returning to Windsor on
Mr. ars Mrs: Join Moon of Toi'on'
to called on friends in Londesboro
vicinity last week, Mr. John Reid,
son of the late Mr. and Mis. John
Reid of this neighborhood motored up
from Toronto with the former but
stayed a few days calling on friends
near Lonctesboro, also among rho Me-
Vittie's and other friends in this
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Webster,
Mr, and Mrs, Cecil Webster and Mr,
and Mrs, Clifford Webster of London
visited with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. Webster during the week
Mrs. Mex. York and daughter
Meryle of Flinton are visiting with
Mrs. York's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Alex. Sauter.,
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Webster attend-
ed the funeral of the late Miss Char-
lotte Brownett of Bayfield Monday.
The annual picnic of the Sunday
School and congregation will be held
at Bayfield grove on Wednesday,
July 28th in the afternoon. of
Mrs, John McIntosh and family
Toronto are visiting with their people