HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1943-07-15, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, .JULY 6, 1943 HENSALL Miss Hattie MeQueen, RN., of Al- bony, NY., 1$ visiting with her sister Mrs, Geo, Foleek and brother Mr, kid McQueen and uncle Mr, Al Rycknrau, Miss Dora O'Lair of Loudon is visiting ,with Miss Hannah Craig and Mr, Johri Craig. Mrs. Orville Twitchell and Mernie are spending a couple of weeks with relatives in London and Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Passmore and family and Mr, and Mrs. Albert Pass- more of Delhi left this week for a vaoation at Pike's Bay. Mr, and Mrs. Bert Horton and lit- tle daughter last week 'fo r their home in Texas after a pleasant visit with relatives here, Miss Geraldine MacLean and Mrs, Lorne Elder of Hamilton are spend- ing a two weeks' vacation with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore. Mr. Kenneth Hicks and Mr. How- ard Love of the RCAF, St, Thomas, KIPPEN spent the week end at their home. Mr. and Mr's. N. E. Cook and family left this week for their vacation at Wasaga Beach, Mrs, Gertrude Brazier of London visited this week at the home of Dr. and Mrs, D, G. Steer, ' Mr. and Mrs, John Passmore re- ceived a cabelgram this week from their sou Pilot Officer Kenneth Pass- more, that he had arrived safely overseas. They also received a mess- age from their son Gerald at Patricia Bay that he had been promoted to warrant officer. Reception for Newlyweds — A large number of relatives and friends gathered at the town hall, Hensall, on Friday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs, Harold Oudmore (nee Gladys McKenzie). Dancing was enjoyed to the music furnished by Allen's Orchestra of Farquhar, with Mr, Alfred Hunkin, floor manager. During the evening the bride and groom were presented with a purse of One year has passed, money. The groom expressed sincere Since that sad day thanks. Our little lad Reeve of Hay May Was called away. Seek Nomination — We loved him dearly, Mr. George Armstrong, reeve of But God knew it best Hay Township and Warden of Huron To take our loved one County in 1942 may seek nomination Home to rest. as Progressive -Conservative candid- He had to go and we're thinking now, ate for Huron at the convention to , That somewhere to us unknown be held in the town hall in Hensall He is just away with a light on his on Thursday, July 15th at 3,30 p.m. brow The only other contender for•the can- And a smile that is all his own. didacy at present is Dr, Hobbs Tay- lor of Dashwood. Misses Lois MacLaren and June Saundercock spent the week end BINDER FOR SALE with relatives in Kitchener. Deering , foot binder in good Mr. and Mrs. Robert Higgins of shape. Price 5121 Wm. F. Alexander. Exeter and daughter Mrs. Bert North Phone S?r13, Henral.l. and Audrey of Woodstock visited NOTICE last week with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Me-' Queen and friends here, j Could n -are a number of cattle. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. Bell recently Apply to phone 14 on 79, Hensall received a cablegram from their son central. PO. Alvin G. Bell of his safe arrival FOR SALE overseas. 10 Yorkshire P.; TS Six weeks old, Wolff -Million — James Carnoehan, Phone 665r32, St. George's Anglican Church, God- Seaforth, erich, was the scene of a pretty wed- ding when Mayme Marguerite Mill- ion, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Million, COMMUNITY SALE Goderich, was united in marriage to At Pope's barn, Brussels, at 2 p.m. George Albert Wolff, Goderich, son of sharp, Saturday, July 24th. Lew Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wolff, Hen- Rowland has been instructed to sell sail, Delphiniums, Canterbury bells, by public auction household `effects, snapdragons and peonies decorated machinery, tools of all kinds, cows, the church for the ceremony which calves, young cattle, horses, pigs, was performed by Rev. H. Dunbar. sheep and implements, etc. Anyone The bride given in marriage by her with anything to sell please bring it fathefather wore a floor length gown of in early and secure your number. white triple sheer and carried pin r strictly cash. For information roses and lily of the valley. Miss phone Ed. Henderson, phone 68r3, Marjorie Million was her sister's Brussels, Lew Rowland, Auctioneer, bridesmaid, gowned in pale blue Jack Thymic, clerk, PROGRESSIVE - CONSERVATIVE CONVENTION Town Hall, Hensall Thursday, July 15 AT 8.30 P.M. For the purpose of ' nominating a Candidate to contest the riding of Huron. MR. CECIL, G. FROST, K.C. President of the Ontario Association, will be the principal speaker Delegates will receive their: creden- tials immediately prior to the „meet- ing and should be on hand promptly. CLARK •FISHER, Secretor/ J. W, MORLEY, President Next Sunday the services will be conducted by the minister, the Rev, A. M. Grant. His subject will be "The Lord's Needs." The Mission Band will hold its re- gular monthly meeting in the school room during the morning. service. Miss Isobel Alexander will bring the members a story of Trinidad. The Sunday school pupils are look- ing forward to their annual picnic which this year is tb be held in the Lions Club park. The date is Friday the 23rd and is under the direction of the Hillsgreen Sunday school. Mrs. John Richardson of Thames- ville visited her sister, Mrs. W. Sin- clair for a few days last week. In Memoriam In loving memory of our little son David McBrien, who went to Heaven one year ago. —Missed every day by his Daddy, Mother and sister Maxine. triple sheer. with pink roses and lily of the valley. _14r. Benjamin Horton was best man and Mrs. William Hag- gitt, aunt of the groom, played the wedding music. Luncheon was serv- ed at the British Exchange Hotel. Mr. Alexander Ingram Dies — Mr. Alexander Ingram passed away in Scott Memorial Hospital Sunday morning in his 35th year following a week's illness, The deceased was a well known district farmer spending the most of his life on his farm south of the village, on which his son Jack now resides, '0f later years Mr, In- gram has resided at the home of his daughter Mrs, Archie Hoggarth Kip - pen, His wife, formerly Mary Jack- son, predeceased him a number of, years ago. Surviving are three sons, Alva of Detroit, George and Jack of Hensall; three daughters (Ruby) Mrs, Archie Hoggarth, Kipper; (May) Mrs. O'Day of Detroit, and (Stella) Mrs. Harry Bowden, St. John N.B.; three sisters, Mrs, Robt. Eacrett, London; Mrs. Beer, Calgary; Mrs. Dougall, Whitewater, Manitoba, one brother George, of Portland, Oregon. Public funeral service was held from the home of his son Jack on Tuesday at 2 p.m„ conducted by Rev, R. A. Brook, Interment in Hensall Union Cemetery. Miss Helen McNaughton of Tor- onto and Mrs. Lorne McNaughton and members of the family are spend- ing a week at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs, A. L. Case visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Rosser at Denfield. Mr, and Mrs. Bob McKenzie and family spent the week end with rel- atives in London, Mr, and Mrs. 17, L. Mickle and family and Miss Irma -Kipfer left this week for their summer cottage at Rondeau Park. Mr. Ray Patterson and friend of Toronto visited over the week end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Horton of troit spent the week end with former's mother, Mrs. Horton members of the family, Mr, and Mrs, Harold Hanson and De - the and family of Stratford are holidaying with Mrs. Hanson's mother, Mrs. Peter Schwalm and Mrs. Roht. Mc- Kenzie. Mrs, Ross MacLean of Detroit is visiting with her mother, Mrs, Jack• son and brother Robert. Donald and Jin1'rriie Orr underwent for the re- movalerations of theirst tonsilskat the office of Dr, D. G, Steer, Pte. Wilmer Dalrymple el Camp Ipperwash is spending a leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Dal- rymple. EXEOUTORS SALE WANTED Of House and Household Contents I A responsible woman or gifor —Mr. Harold Jaeltson has received country home, two .adults and baby, instructions from the Executor o ,Duties to commence around Aug. 30, se Sc Sanborn 0oifee the Estate of Agnes Dodds, deceas- ,I Apply to News Office, Gowans Cocoa Clra 1 lb 430 1 nound tin 220 el, to sell by public auction at her Neilsons Cocoa Salado Orange Pekoe Tea late residence, Centre Street, Sea -'WANTED 1 nound tin 29e r/g IP Pekoe Tea 3, Cutting box with pipes. State size Noils 1 i Cocoa, r/3 lb 29o' Blue Ribbon Baking Powder forth on Saturday, July 24th 194 and condition, price, ere. Jas..F. at Lie c'olook ,1 ib, tan , , • , , , , • .,2233: 28o Ho'USmou CowmiTS: — 3 Scott R.R. 2, Seaforth, Club House Cocoa Calumet: on Ba ,Powder bedroom suites (one oak), springs FOR SALE 1 Ib, . , , .. , '224290c 22c 1 lb, tin , , . , , . , , , • , 230' - and mattresses, 1 bedstead, 2 Wash- 2 bunches of chunks of pigs, for• Red Rose Coffee, lb, 49c Fly -Cid z inn spray 25c sale. Lawrence Ryan, Walton. Phone8 0 stands 1 bureau, 2 feather mattress- Red Rose Coffee, r/a ib 28c es, and 1 feather tick, 1 commode, 1 5 on 830, Maxwell House Coffee 16 oz. in 45e toilet set, 1 buffet, 2 square centre 1 lb, 43c Slroc•p ly Cow' Spray tables, 1 round centre table, pantry Notice To Creditors' Maxwell House Coffee Kellogg's 128 oz, tin 99c table, 1 cellar' table, 2 rocking' chairs, gg's Corn .Flakes' 12 kitchen chairs, 1 kitchen stool, 1 I In All therE states of Mary Carpenter. '� lb..,...,..,,..,.. 22e 3 pkges. 230 couch, 1 fern stand, pillows, Cush- p t ions, pictures, 1 crochinole board, the Estate of Mary Carpenter, late window screens, 12 pint sealers, car- of the Village of Dublin, in the pet sweeper, brooms, dust mops, gar- County of Perth, widow, deceased, den tools, mat frames, flowers, ' who died on or about the 10th day step ladder, 1 hall rack, 1 of July, A.D. 1943, are hereby noti-j ELIMVILLE McConnell & Hays shelves,fled to send in to the undersigned on 'organ, cooking utensils; 1 electric The free-will offering from the an- iron, 1 electric toaster, 1 gas stove, 1 or before the 7th dayiof, August, niversary amounted to about $100 Barristers, Solicitors,'Etc. Quebec range,. 1 iron range, 1 elec- 1943, full particulars of their claims. for the Sunday School, a very grati- Patrick D. McConne%, H. Glenn Hays tris hot plate, 1' electric ;(Beatty) Immediately after the said last bring amount, SEAFORTH, ONT. washing machine, tubs, tub stand, 1 mentioned date, the assets of the Misses Helen Leslie and June Bier- ,,Telephone 174 copper boiler, wash board and many said estate will be distributed am- ling of Exeter visited a_fehv days other household articles. 1 ongst the parties entitled thereto, last week with Mr, and Mrs. Ken. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN HOUSE: -7 roomed stucco house, having regard only to claims :of neth Johns. The Seconal Division Court modern conveniences, garage, which the undersigned shall then Mr. Lew Woods of'London spent a Oounty of Huron Terms on Chattels, cash, Terms on have notice, to the exclusion of all few days last week al In the home of Office in the Dominion Bank Build - property, 10% deposit and balance others, and the undersigned will not his brother, Mr. Jacks5n Woods, g, Seaforth. Office hours:— in 30 days. Subject to a reserve bid, 'be liable to any person of whose The W. A. met at the home 01 Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday claim the undersigned shall not then Mrs. W, Dickey for their July meet- 1.30 p,m. to 5 Am. Saturday Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P. Chesney, Clerk, have notice for the assets se ing, Mrs, 'Norman Jaques took charge evening, 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m, distributed or any part thereof. of the meeting which opened with Auction Sale I Dated at Seaforth this 12th day of the hymn, "In Christ there is no East The McKillopMutual In skating rink, Seaforth Satur- July, 1943. nor West," after which Mrs.Jaques day night, July 17th, starting at McCONNELL 8z HAYS, led in prayer, Mrs, Allen Johns read 7.30 p.m.: Chesterfield suite, studio Seaforth, Ontario, !Psalm 125 for the Scripture Lesson. Fire Insurance CO. couch, walnut living room table, oak Solicitors for the Executors A reading "Saboteurin the Kitchen sectional book case, cedar chest, floor was given ,by Mrs. Chas. Stephen. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, Ont. lamp, 1 day bed, 1 sewing, cabinet, Notice To Creditors (The hymn, "Alas and did my Savi- OFFICERS clothes hamper, 1 Raymond sewing In the Estate of Charles 14. Drager. our Bleed," was sung, Mrs, Freeman machine, drop-leaf walnut table, 1 All persons having claims against Horne favored with a piano instru- extension table, modern bedroom the Estate of Charles H. Drager, late mental. Mrs, Norman Jaques read an suite, 2 bedroom chairs, 1 single bed, of the Village of Walton, in the interesting letter from LAC. Elgin 4 iron beds, 4 dressers, 5 felt mat- County of Huron, grain dealer, de- Skinner. The roll call was answered tresses, kitchen cabinet, 2 kitchen ceased, who died on or about the by 7 members on your "Favorite tables, 16 kitchen chairs, 2 clocks, 8 4th day of June, 1923, are hereby Bible Character." Minutes of the last kitchen stools, electric heater, Que- notified to send in to the undersign- meeting were read and adopted. Some bee cook stove, Moffat electric stove, ed on or before the 7th day of Aug- business was dealt with. The meet - chrome -plated heavy duty electric ust, 1943, full particulars of their ing was closed with the hymn, "Take plate (like new), 25 1 -gallon jars, 2 claims. time to be Holy," and the Mizpah ice boxes, step ladder, 2 3 -burner , Immediately after the said last benediction, coal oil stoves, crocks, curtains, 2 mentioned date, the assets of the WANTED TO RENT toilet sets, 1 set scales, 240 lbs. 1 said estate will be distributed am- Timothy fray fields or 011 pasture new lawn mower, 100 kitchen uten- ongst the parties entitled thereto, land, for spreading of flax. Hesky sits. Terms cash, Harold Jackson, having regard only to claims of ,Flax Products Ltd., Seaforth, Auctioneer. E. P. Chesney, Clerk. which the undersigned shall then have notice,to the exclusion of all HOUSE FOR SALE Notice To Creditors others, and the undersigned will not Nine room house in Egmondville; be liable to any person of whose also % acre of land. Write Ken claim the undersigned shall not then MacLean, 68 Mimico Ave., Mimico, In the Estate of James Andrew have notice for the assets so distrib- Toronto, Ont. Rea. All persons having claims uted or any part thereof. Rea, late of the Town of Seaforth, July, 1943. As these are not normal times Or - against the Estate of James Andrew Dated at Seaforth this 12th day of NOTICE in the county of Huron, .Sectionman, McCONNELL .& HAYS, der your Fly Spray and Insect Dust deceased, who died on or about the Seaforth, Ontario, early. Your Watkins dealer, William 15th day of October, 1942, are here- Solicitors for the Administratrix Bradshaw, Seaforth, Phone 50. by notified to send in to the under- FOR SALE signed on or before the 7th day of'Notice To Creditors � Cottage, 6 rooms with bathroom, August, 1943, full particulars of 1 In the Estate of Joseph Gibson, lights, furnace, soft and hard water, their claims. Allpersons havingclaims a ainst conveniently located; immediate pos. Immediately after the said last g nentioned dobe, the assets of the the Estate of Joseph'Gibson, late of session. aid estate will be distributed am- the Town of Seaforth, in the County We also have listed 2 modern ongst the parties entitled thereto, of Huron, Gentleman, deceased, who houses for sale, well situated, of having regard only to claims of which died on or about the '19th" day of which immediate possession can be he undersigned shall then have no- June, A.D. 1943, are hereby notified given. -, ice, to the exclusion' of all others, to send in to the undersigned on or Apply to E. C. ' Chamberlain, Li - and the undersigned will not be before the 31st day of July, 1943, tensed Real Estate Broker and: In - liable to any person of whose claim full particulars of their claims. surance Agent, Phone 334 or 220. the undersigned shall not then have Immediately after the said last notice for the assets so distributed mentioned date, the - assets of " the House For Sale ,r any part thereof, said estate will be distributed am- Lot 277 and part Lot' 278, Moir's Sur - Dated at Seaforth this 12th day of ongst the parties entitled thereto, ver, Hensall, South Richmond St., July, 1943. , having regard only to claims of ' McCONNELL & HAYS, which the undersigned shall then " Ie offered for sale by tender. White Seaforth, Ontario, have notice, to the exclusion of all frame house thereon. 2"story, 7 rooms, Solicitors for the Administrator be liableers. d to the anyuperson Rad will not o whose soft wateelectric drcellar, lights, goodhard rooand, claim the undersigned shall not then close to church, post office and stores. have notice for the assets so distrib- Property may be inspected on an- uted or any part thereof. plication to undersigned. ' Dated at Seaforth this 5th day of Written tenders will be received July, 1943. until 31st July, 1943. Send same to ' McCONNELL & HAYS, VV. E. Butt and J. S. Petty, Admin Seaforth, Ontario, istrator of Estate of Martha Murdock, Solicitors for the Executrix. c/o F. Fingland, Clinton, Ontario. CASH & CARRY SATURDAY'ONLY Greb-Shoes at Pre -War Prices 'W. J. FINNIGAN Men and Women, Join the R.C.A.F. Openings in Aircrew, Ground crew and Women's Division. If you are a skilled carpenter, metal worker, welder, pumpman, station- ary engineer or Diesel operator and mechanic, you may be enlisted directly in your trade. Young Women:„Join the R.C.A.F, and release an airman for flying duties Mobile Recruiting Unit at Seaforth Council Chambers TUESDAY, JULY 20, from 4 to 7 P.M. NOTICE to Cream Patrons Will you do your part to help us solve the mystery of missing cans of cream ? YOU can help by writing your name clearly on a tag and fastening it to the handle of your can of cream. Also, please see that all the old names are taken off. We will greatly appreciate your co-operation in this matter, as this small act on your part will help us to eliminate many errors. YOUR cream is valuable to US and to YOU. PLEASE put YOUR name on EACH can of cream. SEAFORTH CREAMERY LIMITED TUNE IN -ON Old -Fashioned Revival Hour 9 to 10 P,M•, E.D.S.T. Pilgrim's Hour 2 to 3 P,M, KD,S•T, ON MUTUAL NETWORK — SUNDAYS Local Station — C.K.L.W., Windsor CHARLES E. FULLER, P.O. Box 123, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA Notice To Creditors Seaforth Farmers Co-operative Co-op & Shurgain Feeds. in the estate of MARGARET A. Semisolid Buttermilk SHANNON, late of the Village of Co-op Binder Twine. Walton in the County of Huron, wi- Fly Spray. low, who died on or about the 22nd Motor Oil & Pressure Grease. day of April A.D. 1943. Electric Fencers. Take Notile that all parties hav- We have a good supply of Western ing claims or demands against the Wheat, Oats, Barley and Screenings. estate of the above deceased must Mixed chop and rolled Oats. mail particulars and proof of same ' We are unloading a car of Virginia to the undersigned executor on or Coal. before the twenty-fourth day of July, A.D. 1943, upon which date Stallion the said executor will, proceed to , ROYAL GARB$OOK The Clydesdale stelllio(27n > distribute the assets with regard ' only to those claims which he shall then have received. Dated at Brussels this second day of July, A.D. 1943. WILLIAM HUMPHRIES, Executor, Walton, Ontario. by his solicitor C. JOSEPH BEN- SON, Brussels, Ontario, for Elmer D. Bell who is absent on Active Ser- vice. Phone 9 - NOTICE Take Notice that all accounts ow- ing to Humphries & Co. at Walton, Ontario, up to April 22,. 1943, must be paid on or before JULY 24, 1943, to William Humphries, in qrder 1:0 close the estate of the late Margaret. A. Shannon. Dated at Brussels this second day of July, A.D. 1943. WILLIAM HUMPHRIES, Walton, Ontario, Executor of estate of Margaret A. Shannon. CUT COARSE FOR THE PIPE OLD CHUM BUT FINE. FOR CIGARETTES Spencers Produc Eggs and Poultry. e L VERNMENT REGISTERED EGG GRADING STATION ghest. Cash Prices paid for hone 170-W, Seaforth Enrolment No. 8500. Grade A Premium 171 The Pure Bred Belgian Draft Stallion WEST PINE SUPREME —5240— 18471 Enrolment No. 3017. Grade A Premium 84. The PDONALDC)MONCURStallion Enrolment No. 4177, Form 3 Mon. Sr Tues., vicinity of Walton and Brussels. Wed. & Thurs., vicin- ity of Seaforth, St. Columban, and McKillop. Fri. 1& Sat., vicinity of Kippen, Hensall and Zurich. . T. J. McMICHAEL, Prop. and Manager. Seaforth Monument Works Formerly. W. E. Chapman NOW OPERATED BY 'CUNNINGHAM & • PRYDE We invite inspection of our stock of Cemetery Memorials - SEAFORTH — TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS, or any other time by appointment See Dr. Harburn—Phone 106 Phone 41,—Exeter—Box 150 A President, Alex McEwing, Blyth; Vice -President, W. R. Archibald, Sea,• forth; Manager & See.-Treas., M. A, Reid, Seaforth. - AGENTS F. McKercher, R.R.1, Dublin; John E. Pepper, R.R.1, Bruceteld; J. ' F. Prueter, Brodhagen; James Watt, Blyth. DIRECTORS Alex Broadfoot, Seaforth; William Knox, Londesboro; Chris Leonhardt, Brodhagen; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; Thomas Moylan, Seaforth; W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Alex Malving, Blyth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; Hugh Alexander, Walton. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly atended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices, Watson & Reid REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY (Successors to James Watson) MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies. SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr. E. A. McMaster, M.B., Graduate University of Toronto. Paul. L. Brady, M.D., Graduate of University of Toronto. The Clinic is fully equipped with complete and modern x-ray and other up-to-date diagnostic and thereupti- equipment. •• Pr. 7'. J. R. Forster, Specialist in Diseaes of the Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat, will be at the Clinic the first Tuesday in, every month from 3 to 5 p.m. Free well -baby clinic will be held on the second and last Thursday in every month from 1 to 2 p.m. JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A.,M•D. Physician and Surgeon In Dr. H. H. Ross' office. Phone 5J DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto. Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, London, Eng. At Commercial Hotel, Seafortb, third Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 p.m. Also at Seaforth Clinic first Tuesday in each month, -53 Waterloo St., Stratford. Telephone 267. INSURANCE Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid- ent, Windstorm & guarantee bonds. Rates reasonable. All risks placed in first class companies. Information cheerfully given E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIES Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Assures Security for over One Million Partners H. R. LONG, GODERICH District Agent DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY PHONE COLLECT — SEAFORTH 15. EXETER 235 DARLING & CO. OF CANADA, LTD. (Essential War Industry) 1