The Seaforth News, 1943-07-15, Page 51) THURSDAY, .JULY 15, 1943 TIMI'+ $DAFOBTH NEWS "Nationally Advertised Brands Sale" Thursday, July 15 till July 21 CARNATION MILK — 2 Large Tins,,19c COWANS PERFECTION COOA -- 1 Ib. tin • 24c KELLOGGS RICE KRISPIES — 2 pkgs. 20c LIPTONS RED LABEL TEA — %x Ib. pkg 38c VAN CAMPS PRE-COOKED BEANS 12 oz. pkgs. 15c INTERLAKE TOILET TISSUE 3 large rolls 25c ,c - Wilsons Fly Pads 3 pad pkg, 10c Odex Toilet Soap (Antiseptic) 3 bars 19c My -T -Nice Wheat Berries , 5 lb. bag 250 ,Aylmer. Infant Foods (Vegetables) 3 tins 250 Aylmer Chopped Food for Juniors 2 tins 190 Van Camps Choice Ungraded Peas 2 — 20 oz. tins 270 Quaker Quick. Macaroni 2 — 16 oz. pkgs, 250 Quick Quaker Oats (with Tumbler) large pkg, 29c Ovaltine, med. tin -58c; large tin 98c Pard Dog Food 2 pkgs. 29c Cow Brand Baking Soda, % lb. pkg.-5c; 1 Ib, pkg, 10c Libbys Prepared Mustard 6 oz. jar 10c Liptons Noodle Soup Mix 2 pkgs. 25c Kelloggs Corn Flakes 2 large 12 oz, pkgs. 250 Five Roses Flour 7 ib. bag 28c HOUSEHOLD CONSERVATION AIDS #6 Mops (for Washing Floors and General Mop use) , each 350 4 String Brooms, each 630 Hawes Lemon Oil, large 12 ori, bottle • 25c Hawes Floor Wax, 1 lb. jar 46c Old English Scratch Cover Polish, 4 oz. bottle 25c Gilletts Lye "Eats Dirt", per tin 12c Flushe (for Toilet Bowls) per tin 210 Sinko (Cleans Clogged Drains) per tin 250 Household Washing Soda, per pkg. 5c Javex Concentrate, per bottle 150 CANNING AND PRESERVING SUPPLIES Fruit Kepe pkg, of 25 Tablets 26c Certo per bottle 25c Parowax 1 lb, carton 15c Rubber Jar Rings 4 dozen 25c Memba Seals per pkg. 10c Metal Fruit Jar Rings per dozen 25c Ross J. Sproat Art Wright PHONE 8 PHONE 77 CONSTANCE . art clan, representing many differ - A. reception was ,held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dexter on Wednesday evening of last week in honor of .Gunner and Mrs. John San- derson, who were recently married. About thirty members of the Stew- ent families, were guests. T e even- ing was spent in music and a social time. Gunner .John S. Sanderson return- ed to St. John, New Brunswick, on Tuesday afternoon. Home and Farm Owners Share these 70 Millions Between April 1, 1935, and March 31, 1943, direct- financial benefits to municipal tax- payers from the Ontario Liberal Government totalled $70,543,033.05. Here are the Savings for Taxpayers of HURON COUNTY Municipal Subsidy - - $ 268,732.12. King's Highways - - - - - 393,761.09 Township and County Roads 134,962.50 Mother's Allowances - 90,076.00 Old Age Pensions and Pensions for Blind 109,237.00 Indigents in Sanatoria. - 41,098.50 Total $1,037,867.21 Every Elector in this riding has a direct and vital interest in maintaining the Nixon Administration's policy of ever-increndsing relief for municipalities from tax burdens. Keep Nixon at the Wheel for Progress and Unity VOTE LIBERAL AUG. 4th ISSUED BY THE ONTARIO LIBERAL ASSOCIATION TOWN TOPICS Mr, and Mrs, Russell Allen slid daughter and Sgt. and , Mrs,_; Albert Boucher and son Bobby spent Sunday at. Varna and, Bayfield, Mr, and'Mrs, W. E. Brownlea and daughter. Penny and Mrs. Tanner, all of London; spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs. George Brownlee. Mr, George Brownlee has been poor- ly for the past four months, Pte. Angelo Phillips is spending his furlough with his parents alter com- pleting* his om-pleting`his course in Hamilton„ and will return to Red Deer, Alberta. Mrs. Thomas Phillips attended the graduation of her son Angelo in Ha- milton on Friday.. AC John L. Hotham, St, Thomas, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, John, Hotham. Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Davis and Mr. and Mrs. L Hein of Winchelsea and Mrs. Bertha Johnson of Detroit, Mieh„ spent Sunday evening with Mr, and Mrs. John Hotham, AC Richard Box, RCAF, of Guelph, spent the week end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Box. Mrs. Mervin Schultz and son John David of Toronto, accompanied by Mrs. Jean Moon and son Billy of Stevensville were visitors in town this week. Mrs. Faulkner and Miss Loretto Faulkner spent last week in Kitch- en,, with Mr. and Mrs. W, J. Faulk- ner. Spr, D, A, Coutts of Toronto spent the week end at his home here with his parents. Misses Josie Forte and Olga Var- one, of New York City, spent a cou- ple of days last week visiting Mrs. J. A. Boucher, James street. ,c Graduates at Centralia air station on•Friday where a wings parade was held, included L. A. Lane, of Sea - forth, Mr. Frank Harburn of Delisle, Sask., is spending a month with his brother Dr. F. Harburn, and also with friends in Hibbert township. He re- ports that crops are looking fine in the West. Miss Grace Cockburn has returned home to St. Catharines after spend= ing the past week with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. M. Haney.' Miss Thelma Forbes is holidaying in Toronto. • Master Billy Barrett of Hamilton is visiting his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Louis Aberhart. Corporal George Siddall; RCAF, Crumlin, spent .the week end with friends in town. Corporal ,Thomas Sills, RCAF, of Windsor, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sills. Miss Margaret Bell, St. Marys, is spending a few holidays with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J, P. Bell, John street. Miss Louise Case has returned home from spending the past week at Egerton Beach, the guest of Miss Jean McMaster. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Steinburg and. baby daughter, New Hamburg, spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James MacDonald and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Walters and daughter,. Dundas, are guests this week at the home of the latter's sis- ter, Mrs. James E. Willis and Mr, Willis. Miss Janet Baker, St. Catherines, is holidaying at her home here. Little Rosemary Eckert, daughter of Mrs, Joseph Eckert, was removed last week to St. Joseph's Hospital, London, for further treatment. Mrs. Fletcher Ritchie, London, is a guest at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Knight,_ Miss Margaret McIver, nurse -in - training at St. Mary's Hospital, Kit- chener, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter McIver. Sergeant Keith Sharpe, RCAF, St, Thomas, spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. T. Sharpe. Pte.. Morley Storey, London, Is spending furlough with Mrs. Storey and family. Master Bruce McFadden is holiday- ing with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George MacDonald, Stratford. Corporal Frank Golding, RCAF, Ot- tawa, is spending furlough at home of his parents, Mr. W. H. Golding, M.P., and Mrs. Golding. Mr, Art Thompson, Stratford, spent the week end with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Rae Benninger, of Guelph, were week end guests in town. LAC. Jack Fortune, RCAF, Hamil- ton, spent the week end with his par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Leo Fortune. Sergeant Lloyd Hoggarth, RCAF, Ottawa, spent the week end with Mrs. Hoggarth and Phillip. Thomas Cluff, RCAF, Manning Pool, Toronto, spent the week end with his father; Mr. A. F. ChM.. Mr. Charles Dolmage is ill at pres- ent in Scott Memorial Hospital. Master Dennis Nolan, Listowel, is visiting with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. James Nolan. Lance Corporal Leslie Dolmage, Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, B.C., is spending furlough at the home of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Charles Dol - mage, in McKillop. Pte. Harold Chesney, Woodstock, spent the week end with Mrs. Ches- ney and other relatives, LAC. James ,Flannery, RCAF, Tor- wito, spent the week end with friends and relatives in town. Miss Lois Henderson has returned to Toronto after visiting with het' parents, Mr, and Mrs, L Henderson. iu McKillop. Mr, Malcolm McKellar spent the week end in Toronto. Mr. Vernon Ran, RCMP, Windsor, was a guest last week at the house of his sister, Mrs. John Regier and Mr. Regier. AC Jack Baynes, RCAF, Yorkton, Sask„ is spending furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, C, Baynes. Mr. Joseph Morris, Detroit, is a guest atthe home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jamas Morris. The Odd Fellows and Rebekahs held their decoration service on Sun- day at Maitland Bank Cemetery. Mr, and Mrs, M. Haney received a cable from their son, Ord. Snt. Claire Haney that he had arrived overseas, Mr. and Mrs, Victor Knott were in Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND DANCING, EVERY NIGHT Stan. Patton & His Orchestra Coming Friday July 23rd MART KENNEY AND HIS WESTERN GENTLEMEN Canada's Ace Orchestra ADMISSION 91.00 per person THEDFORD BRASS BAND SUNDAY JULY 18th Afternoon 'And Evening Silver Collection Brantford last week visiting the for- mer's brother. Mr. and Mrs. Pearson Grieve and Billy and Jack of Buffalo are visiting Dr. and Mrs, Grieve. BORN SCOTT — At the General & Marine Hospital, Collingwood, on July 10, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Scott, of St. Johns, Newfoundland, a daugh- ter, Patricia Ann. MANLEY — At Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on July 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Manley, Walton, a daughter, KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. H. Cameron of • Clin- ton and Mr. and Mrs. G. Lockhart, and Carol Ann of Goderich visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, John Cochrane, Mrs. Stacey who has been visiting her daughter and son-in-law Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Horney, has returned to her home in Exeter. Mr. and M rs, Edgar Smith of Guelph visited over the week end with Mrs. Smith's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Jarrott. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Horsey were Mrs, R. K. Horn- ey and Miss Mary Horsey of Lon- don, Mrs. (Rev,) R. A. Thompson and three children of Columbia, South Carolina, and Mr. and M rs, A. H. Gackstetter of Guelph. Mrs, Joseph Linden and Miss Vel- ma spent a day last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons. BRUCEFIELD Watch for the bingo and big night of the Patriotic Society coming soon. ;Mr. Orville Stephenson and sister, Mrs. Wiley from Marlette, Mich., Mr. and. Mrs. M. Sparks, Mr. and Mrs. W. Schellig of Detroit visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Douglas. The Patriotic Society have receiv- ed letters from the following boys overseas thanking them for parcels: Ross Grainger, Wm. Caldwell, Willie Burdge and J. C. Cornish now pris- 00ME, OR SEAFORTH! IN WAR SAVINGS STAMPS BUYS A DEPTH CHARGE IN THE Stamp Out The U -Boat Campaign DURING THE MONTH OF JULY Seaforth's Quota is $1080 (TO BUY 12 DEPTH CHARGES) BUY AN EXTRA CERTIFICATE OR WAR SAVING STAMPS THIS MONTH AT SEA - FORTH POST OFFICE OR THE CHART- ERED BANKS POST YOUR STAMP -O -GRAMS ON THE DEPTH CHARGE SHEET Depth Charge sheets are conveniently displayed in all Banks and the Post Office, For every Dollar purchase you will receive a stampogram to paste on the poster. Five sheets representing 5 depth charges have already been filled. L1t<T'S FINISH THE JOB Buy Extra War Savings This Month Seaforth War Finance Committee oner of war. ' • Mrs. Wm. Smith, Mr. Cecil Smith, Exeter,• Miss Sims of Parkhill visited Mrs. A. Hohner on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Smith and El- eanor of Bluevale visited Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Berry on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith of Wing - ham visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Berry on Monday. Home Baking Sale and Tea Sponsored by 'DUFF'S UNIT RED CROSS (No Surrender Club) To be held in ' HAIGH.'S STORE SATURDAY, JULY 17 - Sale begins at 4 o'clock Please come and help make the sale a success The Sutherland Beauty Shop WILL BE CLOSED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE vr; The LINE PATROL keeps Ontario's Power' Flowing • Maintenance of Hydro transmission lines presents a tremendous challenge to the men whose lob it is to keep Ontario's power flowing. For, in war or peace, the factory, the farm, and the home, depend upon an unfailing supply of electricity. I ;k. '� H Rcsl • During the winter, when deep snow blankets the province, line patrol and maintenance is particularly tough. In the north oc when, at many times of the year, toads are impassable ... line patrols of men and dogs, fight their way through the drifts battling blizzard, ice and Frost. In summer too, the patrol must continue. Where economically possible this Is done by car or truck, but in many remote places it must be canted out on foot?1' or byeanoe. In Fair weather or foul, the year around, Ontario yA looks to Hydro for power... and Hydro men see that they gel It "rr at �t.+ia.:l •. From one end of the province to the other ; ; . from the areal w + lakes to the wilderness of the far North ... Hydro patrol men and ' crews of skilled linemen are on the alert, day and night, ready to Meet the onslaughts of nature In the raw ; .. ready to combat the havoc wrought by any dorm. And ... when disaster strikes .; they stay on the lob until the power Is flowing again, so that Ontario's war -geared industries can keep running full -till, producing on round-the-clock schedules, THE HYDRO -ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO