HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1943-07-08, Page 8HENSALL
Mrs: Roy P rMier and blighter
Caroline' of Windsor are visiting
with ,the formers parents, Mr, and
Mrs: John Fisher,
Lieut, Sam Rennie of Chatham,
spent the week end here with Mz's,.
Rennie and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen of Toronto vis-
ited this week with Mr and Mrs. Nor-
man Jones,
Mr. Ernie MacTaggart , of Wat-
ford visited recently ,with relatives
Mise Dorothy Munn of London
spent the week end 'with her parents,
Mr, and Mrs. Robt, Munn.
Dr, Win. T. Joynt of London visit-
ed over the week end with his moth-
er, Mrs, Alice Joynt,
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Smith of Lon-
don visited this week with Mrs. Fred
Miss Kathleen Jones of Toronto
spent the week end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs, Norman Jones and sis-
ter Mildred,
Pte. Homer Tinney of the A,S,F„
Toronto, spent the week end at the
home of his father, Mr. Matthew
Birth —
Parsons — At Mrs, Paterson's Hos-
pital, Hensall, on July 5th, to Mr.
and Mrs. Archie R. Parsons, Hensall,
a son.
Mr, Jack Tudor of the ROAF, Cen-
tralia, spent the week end with his
parents, Mr, and Mrs, Stan Tudor.
Dr, and Mrs, Byron Campbell of
Toronto and son Mr. Keith Campbell
of London, are visiting with friends
Mr. and Mrs, Ben Kaiser of Detroit
spent the week end with the form-
er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Miss Marion MacLaren has accept-
ed a position as assistant operator at
the local telephone offire,
Miss Margaret Tudor of Dundas
spent the week end with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Tudor.
Mrs. Carter of London visited last
week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. G. Bell.
Week end visitors at the home of
Mr, and Mrs. Jas, Parkins were Miss
Edith Parkins, Mrs. Wilfred Klopp
and Mr, and Mrs. Cline Flynn of Lon-
don, and Lance Corporal Wilfred
Klapp of Quebec,
Little Barbara Tuckey of Exeter
visited last week at the home of her
grandfather, Mr, Peter Moir.
Miss Jean Foster of London .spent
the week end with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. A. Foster.
' Mr. and Mrs. Russel Kyle of St.
Catharines visited last week with the
former's .parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
Kyle.. ,
Mrs. Keith 'Buchanan of Wingham
spent the week end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Alf Clark,
• Members of the Masonic Order,
A.F. & A.M., Hensall, attended wor-
ship in St, Paul's Anglican Church on
Sunday evening and were addressed
by the rector, Rev. M. A. Hhnt,
Born — In Hensall at Mrs, R. J.
.Patterson's Nursing Home, July 2nd,
to Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Bell, a
Miss Helen McNaughton of Tor-
onto is holidaying at.the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Mc-
Mrs. Bawden of Exeter visited last
week with her daughter and son-in-
law. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Farquhar and
William Dougall Dies.—
Mr. William Dougall passed away
at his hone here Tuesday morning
in his 87th year, following a lengthy
illness. The deceased has been a pro-
minent resident of the village for
over 25 years coming here from his
farm in Hay township. A member of
the United Church he was promin-
ent in all organizations and formerly
an elder and Sunday School superin-
tendent. Surviving are his widow,
two sons, . W. R. Dougall on the
homestead Hay; Capt. R. P. I. Dou-
gall, Chatham, two daughters, Mrs.
Milne Rennie, Seaforth, Miss Alice
Dougall, Toronto. Funeral services
will be held from the United Church
on Thursday afternoon at 2 p.m. to
Hensall Union cemetery.
Regular meeting of village council
was held Monday evening, July 5 in
council chamber, all members Pres-
ent. Minutes of the previous council
meeting, also the Court of Revision
on the assessment roll read. F. W.
Smallacombe and A. Kerslake that
minutes be adopted as read. Carried.
The treasurer presented the financ-
ial report for the first six months of
the year same compared with last
years report. T, Kyle reported re
the repairs made re plastering the
hall. Communications read from the
following: Pte, Murray Parkins, Co.
treasurer, Engineer, Imperial Oil,
etc. J. Parkins and E. Fink, that we
grant a cost of living bonus to the
town clerk and utility man of 60c a
week from July 1. Bills and ac-
counts: J. A. Paterson, part salary,
$137,50, T. I{yle, salary, $70: W.
Otterbein, labor streets, $4.50, R.
Dick, labor streets, $5.10, G. M.
Case, team streets, 99.60, hydro hall,
Gutta Perla Rubber Fire Hose
9127,40; Scott's Grocery, plants, hall,
.50; F. G Bontbron, postage, 95;
Drysdale's Hardware, supplies, 934:
56; G. R Hess, printing, 933,50; A.'
Clark, supplies fire dept., 946,55; R.
Middleton, supplies, 97.45, Total $492.-
492:50. The Clerk was instructed to not-.
ify Hay Township Council to open,
our main outlet as far as Highway
#54 in the contemplated municipal
drain.—J, A. Patterson, Clerk,
"Coni-pan-ee, atten-shunt" the
drill sergeant bawled . to the rookie
squad. "Com-pan-ee, lift up your
left leg and hold it straight out in
front of your,"
By mistake, one soldier held
his right leg, which br'oug'ht it sid
by side with his neighbor's left leg.
"Aw right," shouted the sergeant,
when he noticed this, "who's the
wise guy over there holding up both
legs 7"
TO no111inate a candidate fol•
Cuolltll Huron
Town Hall, Hensall
To be addressed by Hon, 21. 0.
Hipel, Minister of Lands and
Forests for Ontario, and W. H.
Golding, M.P.
races were as i'onowst Children's
race,4 years and under, Henry Leon-
hardt; girls race, 5 and 0 years, Gary
Sholdice; boys race 7 to '1,0, Ronald
Drager; girls race, 11 to 14, Leona
Smith; boys racer 11 to 14, Milton
Rapien; young ladies race, Rutit Ra-
pien; young men's race, Howard
I Querengesser; married women's race,
Nlr's, Harold Rock; married nien's
i race, Russell Sholdice; stout womtens
race, Mrs. Geo. Bennewies; grand.'
mothers race, Mrs. Geo, Bennewies;
stick jumping race, Mrs. Herman
Leonhardt; clothes pin race, Mrs, N.
Kintner, captain, side; men's nail,
driving, Dalton Steinbach; women's'
nail driving, Mrs, Martin' Diegel;
women's kicking the football, Rata
Pennewies;. children's kicking the
football Glen Kistner; pinning the
tail on the donkey, Dorothy Drager;:
rope walking contest, Dalton Stein-
bach hitting the -nigger, Lloyd
Pfeifer; eating cake, Joyce Diegel,
Visitors; Private Carman Mogk of
Kingston spent the week end with!
his parents, Mr, and Mrs. George
Mogk, -
Mrs, Mildred Finlay and daughter
Joan and Miss one Wesenberg of
Toronto are visiting at the same
Private Howard J. Querengesser of
Ottawa spent the week end with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Queren-
Mr, and Mrs, Frank Swigger of
Detroit and Mrs, Lydia Querengesser
of Brussels visited relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Messerschmidt
and daughter of Detroit with Mr. and
Mrs, Henry Kleber Sr,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Scherbarth,
Kenneth and Earl, of Detroit, spent
the week end with the former's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Bennewies,
Mrs, Bennewies and Glenn returned
with them to spend several weeks in
\'WWindsor and Detroit,
Nit'. and Mrs, Jack Eisler and fam-
ily of Seaforth spent Sunday with
NIr. and Mrs. Manuel Beuermann,
Mr, and Mrs. Bill Gollnitz of Mit-
chell visited with Mr, and Mrs. Har-
old Diegel on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, Bob Murray of Strat-
ford are holidaying with Mrs, John
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Muegge and
son Allan of Galt and Mrs, Annie
Muegge of Heidelberg spent the
week end with Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr. and Mrs.. Harvey Beuernoann 'annd Miss Eva 'Beuermann of Galt
visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Beuermann.
Miss Norma,'Hillebrecht of Galt
and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Beuermann
and Larry. of Seaforth with Mr. and
Mrs, Lorne Hillebrecht.
Visitor's from a distance at the
home of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Diegel on
Sunday were, Mr. and Mrs. Geo,
Young of Stratford, Mr, and Mrs.
, Wilfred Suehring, Patricia and Gloria,
Mrs. Henry Brunner and Clarence of
Sebringville, Miss Verna Holman of
Kitchener, Misses Kathleen and Arb-
utus Smith of Atwood, Mrs. Close of
Stratford, Private Howard Queren-
gesser, Ottawa.
The Brodhagen Band presented
their first open air band concert of
the season on Sunday evening, a
large crowd in attendance. They will
have an open air concert every two
Arthur 'William, infant son of Mr.
and Mrs. Win. Diegel was baptized In
St, Peter's Lutheran Church on Sun-
day morning with Miss Kathleen
Smith and Mr. William Rose, Miss
Arbutus Smith and Private Howard
J. Querengesser as sponsors,
Hugh Gene Edward, infant son of
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Dietz was bap-
tized at St. Peter's Lutheran Parson-
age on Friday evening with Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Wassmann and Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Diegel as sponsors.
Miss Toledo Pushelberg of Mitchell
is holidaying at the home of her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas, F. Pushel-
Mr, and Mrs. Chas, F. Pushelberg
and Ross attended the Riehl Reunion
in Queen's Park, Stratford, on Sat-
Miss Claires Diegel of Stratford is
spending her holidays with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Diegel.
Mrs. John A. Arbuckle, Jimmy and
Billy and Miss Betty Melville of To-
ronto are spending several weeks at
the home of her parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Albert E. Querengesser. I
Miss Audrey Tunes and Mr. Irwin
Hinz of Tavistock visited with Mrs,
Win. Mueller on Sunday.
The Sunday School teachers of St,
Peter's Lutheran Church met on Mon-
day evening, when. they decided to
have a Sunday School picnic on the
school grounds on Tuesday afternoon,
July 27th.
Mr, and Mrs, Carol Geiger and faun-'
fly of Fo•dwich spent Sunday with,
Mr, and Mrs. Mervin Miller.
Diegel Reunion —
The seventh annual Diegel Re-
union -was held on July 1st at the'
home of Mr. and Mrs. George Diegel l
in Brodhagen with 125 present. The
president Norman Kistner presided,
over a short business period when,
the following officers were elected
for 1944: President Frank Joeling;
sec. treas,, Russell Sholdice, Sports
committee, Mrs. Harold Rook, Mrs,
Wm, Bennewies, Mrs, Wm, Stein-,
bach, Mrs, H. E, Dlegel, Mrs. Harold;
Diegel, Chas, Leonhardt, Mr. and
Mrs, Henry Steinbach invited the re-
union to be held at their home on
July lst, 1944. Lunch was served on
the lawn. A vote of thanks was tend-
ered Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Diegel sed
Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Diegel for tite use
of their home, Dancing was enjoyed
in the evening with music supplied
by Nelson Howe of Cromarty. Relat-
ives were present from Ottawa,
Stratford, Seaforth, Woodstock, Wal-
ton, Brodhagen and surrounding dis-
trict, Mrs, John Leonhardt was the
oldest person present and Arthur
William Diegel, 5 weeks old son of
Mt'. and Mrs, William Diegel, was the
youngest, Mr, and Mrs, William Ben-
newies were the latest married cou-
ple preeent, An exciting •ball game
was enjoyed, also bingo, Winners of
The death occurred at his resid-
ence, Dinsley St,, Blyth on Wednes-
day, July 7th of James Watt, prom-
inent and highly respected citizen of
Blyth and this district for the past
80 years. Mn Watt died following
an illness which had confined him to
his bed for the past three weeks. He
was in his 80th year. Mr. Watt was
a son of the late George Watt and
Mary Reid, who emigrated from
Scotland to Hullett township during
the pioneer period. He was born on
lot 10, con, 13, Hullett, where he
farmed for many years. In 1893 he
married Miss Ida Parsons,. daughter
of the late Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Par-
sons, also of Hullett. Following their
marriage they moved to lot 6, con-
cession 14, the farm where their son,
George, now lives, They continued
to reside there until 1928, when they
moved to Blyth. Mr. Watt was a
very industrious man and in spite of
the fact that he retired to Blyth, he
continued actively as agent for the
McKillop Mutual Insurance Co. up
until the time' of his death. Until his
illness struck him three weeks ago he
was actively engaged in the everyday
affairs of life. Interested in munici-
pal and public affairs, he had served
as councillor for many years both in
Hullett and Blyth. In religion he was
a member of the Blyth ,United church
and was always a regular attender,
He ,was keenly ' interested in the
work of the church, and served as
elder and steward. Also he was a
great worker in the S.S. and Bible
Class. Before retiring to Blyth he
had been an elder of Burns' Church
and also Sunday School superintend-
ent. The late Mr. Watt was a man
who felt keenly his family responsib-
ilities. He was always a kind father
and a loving husband. Besides his
wife he is survived by a family of
three sons, James,. of Toronto; and.
Leo and George of Hullett; one dau-
ghter, Mary, died in infancy. Also
surviving are one brother, Robert, of
Blyth, and two sisters, Miss Mary
Watt at Blyth, and Mrs. Wm. Gib-
son (Annie), of Wroxeter,. as'well as
seven grandchildren. Three brothers,
George, Archie and John, and two
sisters, Mrs. James Hamilton (Jean)
and Grace Watt, predeceased him.
Funeral services will be held from
the Blyth United Church on Friday
afternoon, July 9th at 2 o'clock with
Rev. A. Sinclair officiating. Inter-
ment will be in Burns' cemetery.
Card of Thanks
Mrs. Louis Devereaux and Arthur
wish to express their sincere grati-
tude for the sympathy and kindness
extended to them by their relatives,
neighbors and friends during their
recent bereavement. Special thanks
to those who sent spiritual bouquets
as well as to the stair of Scott Mem
orial Hospital,
In Memoriam
KENNY — In loving memory of a
dear husband, and father, Philip
Kenny, who died July 11, 1941,
Days of sadness still come o'er lis,
Tears in silence often flow, '
For memory keeps you ever near us,.
Though you died two years ago.
A happy home we once enjoyed,
How sweet the memory' still,
But death has left,a loneliness
The world can never fill, '
—Sadly missed by wife and family.
Auction Sale
1 Of Purn't I th k t' k
r ore, n e s a mg r
Seaforth, on Saturday night, July 17
at 7.30, List will 'follow next week.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
Notice To Farmers
A few ten day -to 2 week old
Barred Rock Chicks, Leghorn
Pullets still available.
Sunnyvale Poultry Farm
Phone 666 r 3
Seven foot Deering binder for sale.
Wm. F. Alexander, Hensall, Phone
52 r 13.
Shavings can be had in any quan-
tity free of charge, for taking them
away. Boshart & Sons, Seaforth, I
Notice To Creditors
A young Durham bull. Apply to
John Sholdice, Phone 12-655, Sea -
Cream of the West flour Hog Concentrate
98 lb. bag 2 49 ewi, 3 70
Calf Meal
Royal 1A
ltobitlliood Flour i Y Purple
9$ ib bag ........2.09 owt. $4.00
Prairie Rose Flour Royal Purple, Poultry Con -
98 Ib, bag ,.,2.49 oentrate 4,60
My.T-Nice Rolled Wheal Pig Starter
Ratmoi'e ]!'laked Wheat ..230 Rey cwt, , , , ... , , . , 2.49
Tied River Cereal —
5 lb: bag ,,..,,,.,,,, 21c plige, 23o
Clean Salt Blue Ribbon Baking Powder
100 lb. bag ..,...,,,,,,590 lb tin . 23c
Shell Maker, 100 ]b bag 690 Calumet Baking Powder
Darleys Shoo -Fly Animal 1b, tin , . . , r. 23c
Spray Bulk Core Starch.
128. ounce Tin . , , .. 990 5 lb. 230
Odex-Soap, 4 calies,,..,.19c
Timothy hay fields or old pasture
laud, for spreading of flax. FIesky
Flax Products' Ltd., Seaforth,
16 acres of hay and 15 acres of
crop on the field. Apply to Thomas
Bolton, Walton, R.R.2, Phone 848r11,
Nine room house in Egmondyille;
oleo 3 acre of land. Write Ken
MacLean, 68 Mimico Ave., Mimico,
Toronto, Ont.
As these are not normal times or-
der your Fly Spray and Insect' Dust
early. Your Watkins dealer, William
Bradshaw, Seaforth, Phone 60.
Cottage, 6 rooms with bathroom,
lights, furnace, soft and hard water,
conveniently located; immediate pos-
We also have listed 2 modern
houses for sale, well\ situated, of
which immediate possession can be
Apply to E. C. Chamberlain,. Li-
censed Real Estate Broker and In-
surance Agent, Phone 334 or 220.
In the Estate of Joseph Gibson.
All persons having claims against
the Estate of Joseph Gibson,late of
the Town of Seaforth, in the County.
of Huron, Gentleman, deceased, who
died on or about the 19th day of
June, A.D. 1943, are hereby notified
to send in to the undersigned on or
10 pigs,. 6 weeks old, 1 Durham calf.
W. J. Finnigan.
before the 31st day of July, 1943,
full particulars of their claims. House For Sale
Immediately after the said last
mentioned date, the assets of the
said estate will be distributed am-
ongst the, parties entitled thereto,
having regard only to claims of
which the undersigned shall then
havenotice, to the exclusion of all
others, and the undersigned will not
be liable to any person of whose
claim the undersigned shall not then
have notice for the assets so distrib
uted or any part thereof.
Dated at Seaforth this 5th day of
July, 1943.
Seaforth, Ontario,
Solicitors for the Executrix.
Notice To Creditors 1
in the estate of MARGARET A.
SHANNON, late of the Village of
Walton in the County of Huron wi-
rlow, who died on or about "'the 22nd
day of April, A.D. 1943.
Mr, and Mrs. Lennis. Seaman of
Kitchener and children, also Mrs,
Grace Ross of Seaforth visited dur-
ing the week end with Mr. and Mrs,
Relit McGregor and family.
Mrs. Robt. Cole of Chiselhin•st is
the guest of Mr. and Mrs, W. J. F.
Bell and family,
Mrs. D, Taylor and family have left
this vicinity to reside in Seaforth.
Mrs. B. McDonald, who was the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. Broaclfoot,
has returned to her home in Seaforth.
Mr, Andrew Doig and his daughter
Miss Nellie of Wroxeter were the re-
cent guests of Mrs. Lydia Doig and
Miss Janet.
Dr. Jas. Jarrott of New York and
Miss Etta Jarrott of Toronto are
spending their vacation with their
mother, Mrs, Isaac Jarrott.
Mrs, J. McGregor and Miss F. Mc -
Cloy of Egmondville spent a few days
last week with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar
Mr, Wm. Moore, Mr, and .Mrs, J.
Witcombe, Mr. and Mrs. Kiely and
Bill Witcombe of Ingersoll spent the
week end at Mr, Moore's home in the
village, '
Cmifi. n4
Guelph visited with Mr. and Mrs.
John Jarrott over the week end,
Mr. and Mrs, John Butt and dau-
aughter Joy of Flint, Mich„ visited a
few days with Thos, and Edgar Butt.
Mrs. Jessie Fraser of Oxford, Mich„
is visiting with her sister, Mrs, E,
The Misses Dorothy and Jean
Chandler of Parkhill called oil friends
in the village last Thursday,
Mr. and Mrs, 'Edward Taylor and.
family are holidaying with Mr. and
Mrs, Robt. Dfnsdale.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Beattie of
Wingham spent Dominion Day with
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McBride.
Miss. Kate Bengough has taken an
apartment at John Jarrott's and 15
getting settled in her new homo.
Miss Edna Duman of London spent
a few clays with her parents recently.
Haying operations are going slow
on account of the wet backward
weather, '
Mr. Wm. Workman is spending a
week with friends in Michigan.
Word was received of the 'death of
Frank ,Jordan, at Copper Cliff, the
victim of an automobile accident, 12e
was a native of this district, the son
of the late Mr. and Mrs, William
Jordan, and was in his 44th year, He
formerly an employee of the Stand-
ard Bank at Dublin, and at the time
of his death held an exerutive Imo
Take Notice that all parties hav-
ing claims or demands against the
estate of the above deceased must
mail particulars and proof of same
to the undersigned executor on or
before the twenty-fourth day of
July, A.D. 1943, upon which date
the 'said executor will proceed to
distribute the assets with regard
only to those claims which he shall
then have received:
' Dated at Brussels this second day
of July, A.D. 1943.
Executor, Walton, Ontario.
by his solicitor C. JOSEPH BEN-
SON, Brussels, Ontario, for Elmer
D. Bell who is absent on Active Ser-
Take Notice that all accounts ow-
ing to Humphries & Co. at Walton,
Ontario, up to April 22, 1943, must
be Haid on or before JULY 24, 1943,
to William Humphries, in order to
close the estate of the late Margaret
A. Shannon, ,Dated at Brussels this
second clay of July, A.D. 1943.
Walton, Ontario,
Executor of estate of Margaret A.
Lot 277 and part Lot 278, Moir's Sur-
vey, Hensall, South Richmond St.,
Is offered for sale by tender. White
frame house thereon. 2 story, 7 rooms,
furnace, electric lights, hard and
soft water, dry cellar, good roof,
close to church, post office and stores,
Property may be inspected: on ap-
plication to Undersigned,
Written tenders will be received
until 31st July, 1943. Send .same to
• W. E. Butt and J. S. Petty, Admin-
istrator of Estate of Martha Murdock,
c/o F. Fingiand, Clinton, Ontario.
Enrolment No. 3019. First Class
Form 1, Grade A, Premium No. 76
Route 1943—Monday, will 'gave his
home stable, lot 4, con. 3, Hibbert,
proceed along' #8 highway to 11/4
miles west of Dublin, then north; re,
Matt, Hurray's, lot 5, con. 4, Mc-
Killop, for noon, thence to Jack Mc-
Carthy's, lot 33, con. 2, Logan, until
6 o'clock, and then to his home stable
until Wednesday morning.
Wednesday, proceed to Ben Thiel's,
first farm east of Mitchell, on No, 8
highway for noon. To his own stable
for night.
Thursday, to Dune Colquhoun's, lot
3, con, 8, Hibbert, for noon, then to
Geo. Wallace's, lot 11, con. 11, Crom-
arty, from 3 to 6, then to Jack Burch -
ill's, lot 10, con. 5, for night.
Friday, will go west to Nagle's side
road, then north 11,4 miles, then east
to his own stable for noon.
Terms, $13.00, payable Jan. 1, 1944.
Robert Burchill, Prop. & Mgr,, R.R.
2, Dublin. Phone 19r 13.
The Clydesdale Stallion
Enrolment No. 8800. Grade A Premium 171
The Pure Bred Belgian Draft Stallion
8240— 18
Enrolment No. — 3017, Grade471 A Premium 84,.
The Pure Bred Olydesdale Stallion
Enrolment No. 4177. Form 3
Owing to the gas situation we are forced
to take our stallions off the road and win
stand them for service for the remainderof
the season at the home barn, lot8,con.8,
Hullett township. Tern's for West Pine Sup-
reme 513, Terms for Donald Renoir and.
CUT COARSE FOR THE PiPE ' Royal oarbrook 511.
T. J, McMICHAEL, Prop. and Manager.
Notice Re Hogs
During the warm weather and until
further notice, we will ship hogs
Wednesday morning early, so you
have them delivered to their destin-
ation before the heat of the day. We
gather with two trucks.
RHONE 655 1' 2.
tion with the International Nickel
Mine at Copper Cliff, near Sudbury. •
His oldest son, William, was killed
overseas about three months ago, He
is srt'ViVed by his wife, two sons,
Walter and Robert; one sister, Miss
Mary Jordan, Toronto; and six bro-
thers, John, Joseph and Patrick, of
Dublin; Cpl, James Jordan, overseas;
Lyle, Western Canada, and Albert, of
Detroit, The reelable will be brought
to Dublin for interment.
Monument Works
Formerly W. E. Chapman
We invite inspection of our stock
of Cemetery Memorials
SATURDAYS, or any other
time by appointment
See Dr, Harburn -Phone 105
Phone 41—Exeter—Box 150
McConnell & Hays
Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays
Telephone 174
The Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Build-
ing Seaforth. Office hours;-
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
1.30 p.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday
evening, 7.30 p.m. to 9 p,m.
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.
President, Alex McEwing, Blyth;.
Vice -President, W. R. Archibald, Sea
forth; Manager & Sec,-Treas., M. A.
Reid, Seaforth.
F. McKercher, R,R.1, Dublin; John,
E. Pepper, R.R.1, Brucefleld; J.
Prueter, Brodhagen; James Watt,,.
Alex Broadfoot, Seaforth; William. •
Knox, Londesboro; Chris Leonhardt,
Brodhagen; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton;
Thomas Moylan, Seaforth; W. R..
Archibald, Seaforth; Alex McEwing,
Blyth; Frank McGregor, Clinton;
Hugh Alexander, Wilton.
Parties desirous to effect insurance,
or transact ether business, will be,
promptly atended to by applications.
to any of the above named officers
addressed to their respective post
Watson & Reid
(Successors to James Watson)
All kinds of Insurance risks effect- '
ed at lowest rates in First -Class
Dr. E. A, McMaster, M.B.. Graduate
of University of Toronto.
Paul L. Brady, M.D„ Graduate of
University of Toronto.
The Clinic is fully equipped with
complete and modern x-ray and other
up-to-date diagnostic and thereuptic,,--�g.,
equipment. - •
Dr. F. J. R. Forster, Specialist in
Diseases of the Ear, Eye, Nose and
Throat, will be at the Clinic the first
Tuesday in every month from 3 to
6 p.m.
Free well -baby clinic will be held
nn the second and last Thursday in
Avery month from 1 to 2 p.m.
Physician and Surgeon
In Dr. H. H. Rose' office. Phone 6.1
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Graduate in Medicine, University
of Toronto. Late Assistant New York'
Ophthalmic a,nd Aural Institute.
Moorefield's Eye. and Golden Square,
throat hospitals, London, Eng. At
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third'
Wednesday in each month from 2 to, •
4 p.m. Also at Seaforth Clinic first
Tuesday in each month, -53 Waterloo
St., Stratford. Telephone 267.
Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid-
ent, Windstorm & guarantee bonds.
Rates reasonable. All risks placed
in first class companies.
Information cheerfully given
Sun Life Assurance
Co. of Canada
Assures Security for over
One Million Partners.
District Agent
(Essential War Industry)