HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1943-07-08, Page 5THURSDAY, JULY ,61 1943
For. Thursday, July 8, till Wed„ July 14
1 Ib. bag
16 oz. pkg. '
per Ib:
,,,,,. 43c
per pkg.
2 large 2 Ib. pkgs..
Nutrim Baby Cereal -9 oz, pkg. 29c; 18 oz, pkg:' 49c
Roman Meal per pkg, 29c
Kkovah Health Salts small jar 29c
My -T -Nice Wheat Berries 5 Ib. bag 25c
Nugget Shoe Polish per tin 120
Oxydol, small pkg.-10c; large pkg. 250
Superior Baking Powder, 8 oz. tin -13c; 16 oz. tin 23e
Antrol Ant Traps each 25e
,Cream Tartar, McLarens 2' oz. pkg, 180
L ibbys Evaporated 1Vlilk large tin 10c
Daltons Horse Radish Mustard 9 oz, jar 150
Plain Queen Olives 6 oz, jar 23c
Pimento Stuffed Olives 6 oz, jar 33c
Hillside Pure Cider or White Vinegar ..,.,., 1 galon jug 49e
XXX Quality — Plus Container
Durham or Canada Cornstarch 2 pkgs. 210
Bon Ami Powder. or Cake ' each 14c
Black Cat Wiuddw Cleaner . , , ... , , , . bottle 150
Whole or Ground Spices per pkg 50 and 10c
Pastry Flour 7 ib bag 270
Ellman Vanilla Extract, 4 oz, bottle -10e; 8 oz. bottle 15c
Mazda Light Bulbs 25, 40, 60 Watt ............:.......each 150
Savoy Gravy Browning pkg, 100
Crosse & Blackwell Thick Meat Sauce 6 oz. bottle 26e
Crosse & Blackwell Worcestershire Sauce „ 8 oz. bottle 29c
Fruit Kepe pkg of 25 tablets 250
Metal Fruit Jar Rings per dozen 29c
Certo per bottle 25c
Memba Seals. per pkg, 100
Rubber Rings 4 dozen 25c
Parowax 1 lb. carton 150
Ross J. Sproat
Art Wright
Spence's Produce
Highest Cash Prices paid for
Eggs and Poultry..
Phone 170-W, Seaforth
Seaforth Farmers Co-operative
Co-op & Shurgain Feeds.
:Semisolid Buttermilk
Co-op Binder Twine.
Fly Spray.
Motor Oil & Pressure Grease.
Electric Fencers.
We have a good supply of Western
Wheat, Oats, Barley and Screenings.
Mixed chop and rolled Oats.
We are unloading a car of Virginia
Phone 9
Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Cornish, who
received word that their son,
J. C. Cornish was missing, have now
received word that he is a prisoner
of war.
• Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Wheeler spent
Sunday in Stratford.
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Cornish spent
the week end in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. R. McKenzie and
Lois of Detroit are visiting relatives
in the village.'
Mr. and Mrs. B. Kaiser and Edwin
McKenzie of Detroit spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. H. Zapfe.
Miss Jessie Grainger R.N. of Clin-
ton visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Grainger.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Dutot and son
and Miss Doris Dutot - .of London
spent Sunday with their mother,
Mrs. S. Dutot and Bessie.
Mr. Jack Mustard, RCAF, of
Montreal, is visiting at his home
Mrs. D. Ward and children of
Clinton visited Mr. and Mrs. G.
Miss Ina Scott of London visited
her sister, Miss E. Scott.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Moore and fam-
ily of Eginondville spent Sunday
with Mrs. Mary McKenzie.
The Red Cross are in need of
blood donors, Won't you get in touch
with Mrs. W. MeBeath. Both men.
and women are needed.
Mr. Jas, McCully and Norman
Thornton of Hamilton are visiting
Mr. 3. McCully and Mary,
Mrs. Jas. Berry Spent a holiday
with her niece, Mrs. Munce of Lon-
Miss Annie Mustard of London
snent the week end with her mother,
Mrs. Alex, Mustard.
Friend'h- of Mr. J. B. Mustard were
sorry to learn he had to be taken to
the hospital in Seaforth on Monday,
Hope he may soon be able to return
Mr. David Tough is visiting with
old neighbors on the Bronson line, in
Miss Mary .Steckle of Blake spent
the week end with Mr. and Mrs, W.
A. Haugh.
Mr. Jas. Burdge of London Was a
visitor with his parents over the
week end,,
Mr, W. Scott and bride visited rel-
atives here last week.
S,S. No. 10, Stanley.—
tanley.The following is the report of
those who passed their exams at SA.
No. 10, Stanley, Those passing their
entrance were: Blanche Zapfe,
Frank Mustard, Betty Woolley, Amy
Aikenhead, Jack Taylor, Walter Mc-
Ewen, Edna Mustard. Those passing
from Gr. 7 to Gr. 8: Thornton Mus-
tard, Marion Paterson, Jimmie Pat-
erson. From Gr. 6 to Gr. 7: Marion
Hill,Nora Eyre, Bill Taylor, Bessie
Dutot,' Cora. Taylor. From Gr. 5 to
Gr. 6 ,-Douglas:-McBeath,. Hugh
Zapfe, ';Ronnie Paterson, Marjory
Mustard, Jimmie Aikenhead. From
Gr. 4 to Gr. 5—June Taylor, Morley
Taylor, Audrey Baird,. Ruth Wooll-
ey. From Gr. 3 to Gr. 4—Leonard
O'Rourke, Morris Taylor, Marion
Ross, Donna Taylor, George Baird.
From Gr. 2 to Gr. 3—John Moffat,
Margaret Zapfe, Arnold Taylor,
Leola Taylor. From Gr. 1 to Gr. 2
—Verna Eyre, Thelma Baird, Rob-
ert Mustard,Frankie Hill, Donnie
Ross.—Donald Ross, Teacher.
Mr. Lee McConnell has returned
after a visit with his sister, Mrs. Ar-
go in Halifax.
Mr, . and .Mrs. Tuffin of Staffa in
company with their daughter, Mrs,
Parsons and kiddies spent the holi-
day at• the home of Mr. and Mrs.
The many friends of Mr. Dennison
will be pleased to know he is improv-
ing 'after his recent illness.
Mrs. A. Ings attended the Break-
ey'Corless wedding Saturday June
20th in Clinton.
Sunday visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. A. Ings: Mr. and Mrs,
-Geo. Gierhart, of Detroit, Mr. and
Mrs. Blake Horner and family of
Varna School Report: 6-7, Mary
Elizabeth Beatty, John McConnell,
James Keyes, Keith Keyes, Helen
Erratt, Norman Smith. 5-6—Vivian
Chuter, Marion Dowson, Geo. Keyes,
Jean Keyes, Nettie Clark. 4-5, Bar-
bara MclConnell, Grant Webster,
Margaret McGlymont, Geo: Beatty.
8-4—John Bratherton, Marilyn Do-
wson. 2-3—John Dowson, Ruth
Clark, Kenneth Keyes, Marion Hor-
ner. 1-2—Marjery Webster, Wm,.
McClinchey, Joyce Webster, Ann Os-
Mrs, Horner of Zurich is visiting
her daughter, Mrs. Ings and son, Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. David Dewar of To -
onto called on Mrs. Mossop Tuesday,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Makin of Clinton
spent Sunday at the home of Mrs.
M. McGlymont,
The L.O.L. 1035 held their annual.
service in Varna United Church Sun-
day evening, July 4th with a large
attendance, including upwards of
100 lodge members, some of the L.O.
B.A„ Clinton, L.0,B.A. Seaforth, al-
so' L.O.L. members from Clinton,
Seaforth and Bayfield The speaker
for the occasion was our worthy min-
ister, Rev. Reba Hern, who had for
her text, "The just shall live by
faith." The Varna Lodge wish to ex-
press their appreciation to Miss Hern
for her splendid address, to the
choir for their anthem, also the visit-
ing members. The lodges will, hold
their 12th of July celebration in.
Sgt. Major Stewart Geddes of Petri.
wawa spent a few slays this week.
with his parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. R.
Mr, Harold Pearce of Detroit speak
the week end with friends.
Brother Gilbert of the Christian
Brothers, Toronto, Mrs, I+'. L. O'Leary
'of Tomato, and Mies Celestine 0' -
Leary of Bisootasing, Ont., are visit-
ors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. .A..
Mr, Theo Jordan, Mrs: Wm. Byrne
and son Billy; Mr. and, Mrs. Leo
Bolger and family, all of Detroit, and
LAC Jack Fortune of Hamilton, spent
the week end with •Mr, and Mrs. Leo
Mr. and Mrs, John Ballge spent a
few days with friends in Kitchener.
Mr. and Mrs. .L R. Dunlop and
children of Galt and Mr. and Mrs. C.
W, Colclough and children of Niagara
Falls were guests last week with. Mr,
and Mrs. H. W. Hart and Mrs. J. A.
Miss Lautaine Moeser of Kitchener
was a week end visitor at the home.
of Mrs. Edythe Wallace, Side -street,.
Mrs. J, B. Early and Miss Mary Jo
Early, Detroit, Mrs, Looby and Miss
A. Looby, Dublin, visited Mr. and
Mrs. Trott on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs, C. Trott .returned
home from vacationing at Grand
Mr, and Mrs. R. E. MacKenzie and
Donald and John Robert, of Toronto
were visitors with his mother here
ontheir way to their cottage at God-
Mr, and Mrs. Hinson Whiteford of
Ingersoll spent a few days last week
visiting Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Bradshaw,
Market street.
Mr. John Herdman and. Carman
spent one day recently with Mr. and
Mrs. Wm, Bradshaw, Market st.
Mr. , and Mrs. Wm. Bradshaw have
moved into the residence recently
purchased from Mrs. W. Cowan on
Market street.
Pte, Gordon D. Scott of the Tank
Unit arrived safely overseas, accord-
ing to word received by his parents,
Mr, and Mrs, James T. Scott.
Miss Helen Murray is visiting in
Miss Mary Howard and Miss
Norma Pearce of Toronto spent the
holiday week end with Mr. and Mrs.
James Murray.
Miss Laura 'Spriggs of Toronto
spent the past week with Mr. and
Mrs, W. M. Sproat.
Miss Mary Lou Sills is spending a
week in London the guest of Miss.
Dianne Mellen.
Master Larry Mellen, London, is
visiting Joyce Sills, Jr.
Mr. Bill Cudmore, Windsor, spent
a few days last week with his father
Mr. William Cudmore and other
Mr. Arnold Westcott, of Toronto,
spent the week end at his home here.
Mrs. Sloan, who spent the past
three weeks visiting with relatives
and friends here, has returned to her
home in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hawkins and
daughters, ". Toronto, are visiting at
the home of Mr.,,end Mrs. Wilson
Hawkins. •' .
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Little and
family, Galt, spent the week end with
relatives here. '
LAC Chester McNay, RCAF, Monc-
ton, N:B., with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John McNay, in McKillop.
On Sunday -morning next in St.
Thomas Church a Roll of Honour of
those of the congregation enlisted in
the present war will be unveiled. A
special service will be held for this
Staff Sergeant Harry McLeod, of
Camp Borden, spent the week end
with Mrs. McLeod and family.
i Pte. Thomas Fox, Mrs. Fox ,and
baby daughter, of Stratford, were
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
E. Andrews, over the week end.
LAC Bruce Wright, RCAF, Cent-
ralia, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. Wright,
Mrs, H. C. Box has returned home
from visiting relatives and friends in
Miss Kathleen` Holmes, Sky Harb-
our, Goderich, spent the week end
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Mrs. Kenneth Betties, Brantford,
visited with relatives here over the
week end.
Miss Gladys MoMane is holidaying
in Bala.
Miss Patricia Bechel
fully passed her Toronto Conservat-
ory Grade IX Vocal ex
First Class Honors.
Prof. James Scott returned Monday
after spending a mont
Miss Margaret Bell
y has success
amination with
h in Toronto.
of St.
Marys is
a holiday visitor with her grand-
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Bell.
Miss Loretta Bannon, and Teresa
and Veronica Maloney, spent the
week end at their homes here.
Mr. Edward Devereaux, RCAF, To.
route, with his mother, Mrs. Marg-
aret Devereaux. •
LAC Jack Hothatn, RCAF, .and Miss
Carmel Rielly, Guelph, were guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr. and Mrs. V. Wigg and daugh-
ter Miss. Marjorie . Wigg, and Mrs. H.
R. Scott, spent several days at Bala,
Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Beuermann,
Galt, visited this week with Mr. and
Mrs. William Motgomery:
Mr. Leslie Hogg, Preston, is holi-
daying at his home here,
Mr. and Mrs, George Scofield and
daughter Miss' (Nancy, Detroit, were
guests at the home of the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Case
over the *week end, Miss Nancy re-
mained to spend a few holidays 'here.
Miss Margaret 1VIcKellar is visiting
in Toronto this week.
Mr, and Mrs. Robert Harrison went
to Windsor on Monday to spend a
few days,
Mr, Fred Beattie of Toronto is
spending a couple of weeks in town.
3,055 Jean MacDonald, Stratford, is
a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph McFadden.
Miss Margaret Dale is at the Bell
Telephone Conference in London,
Lakeview Casino
Dancing Every, Night
Stan Patton & His `
Friday —. July 23rd
Silver Collection
Mr, Allan McLeod, Detroit, is
visiting with relatives here,
Mrs. Gordon McKellar and child-
ren, Toronto, are visiting with Mrs.
McKellar's parents, Mr. and Mrs, W.
Smith, -in Egmondviile, and other
Mr. and Mrs, Clifford Bell, St.
.Marys, were visitors in town on Wed-
Miss Winnie Savauge left Tuesday
for Edmonton to visit Rev, and Mrs.
Douglas Stewart and will also take a
six weeks' course at Banff.
Mr, and Mrs. A, H. Carter of Tor-
onto have returned home after
spending a week with, their parents
at Spruce Villa .Farm, Huron Road
west, Miss Joyce Carter accompanied
them to spend a two weeks holiday.
Mr. Chas, Holmes is confined tb his
home as a result of a heart attack
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Welton R. Krauel of
Brantford visited at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Dale over the week
end. Miss Lenora'Habkirk returned to
Brantford with them,
Miss' Ruth Muff is a holiday visitor
in Woodstock.
Miss Alice McDonald of Stratford
spent the week end with Miss Flor-
ence Murray.
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Tyndall of Sud-
bury spent a couple of days this week
with the former's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Tyndall.
Corp. J. B. Higgins of Jarvis is
visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Higgins,
The Agricultural Society are mak-
ing improvements on the show room.
The Red Cross Finance Committee
are, planning a grand rally on July
28th, when a convoy- of soldiers are
expected from Camp Borden to put
on a demonstration in the show
grounds, and a grand carnival and
bingo is to be held on Clan Gregor
square at night.
Miss Sylvester of Detroit is a guest
of Mrs. Jas. Ferguson.
Gorwill and Mrs. Gorwill and
family of Seaforth have taken a cot-
tage 'at .the Highlands,
Mr., and Mrs. K. Smith of London
are visiting Mrs. C. Parker ,over
the week end.
Mr. aid Mrs. 'Newcome' of Phila-
delphia are
hila-delphia'are guests of Mrs. Newcome's
father, Mr. M. Ross.
Rev. Dr. Barclay and Mrs. Barclay
and family of Hamilton have taken
one of the Heard cottages on the
Point for the summer,
Mr. Norval Gemienhardt and wife
and family of Saginaw, and Corp Jas.
Gemienhardt of Camp Borden spent
the week end with their mother Mrs.
P. Gemienhardt.
Mrs, John Brent and Master Billy
of Montreal and Mrs. J. Mahar and
daughter of London are occupying
the Tillman cottage.
Dr, and Mrs, J. Duffy, John and
Ellen of London and Mrs. Duffy's fa-
ther, Mr. J. F. Walsh of Conneaut,
are occupying W. H. Robinson's cot-
tage, . ` °
Mrs. M. McTaggart of Clinton and
daughters Miss Janet McTaggart and
Mrs. E. Halsey are occupying the
Cunningham cottage.
Mrs. E. Kendall and two daugh-
ters are occupying one of her father's
cottages for the season.
Mrs. Clayton Weston and Miss E.
Newton of Detroit were guests of
Miss E. Weston over the holiday.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. 'Ferguson and
son of Sudbury and Margaret Fergu-
son ofGuelph spent the week end
with their parents.
Mr. Chas, Balkwill of London is a
guest of Nora Ferguson this week.
Miss Elsie McLeod of Hamilton
and Mrs. C, Robbins and daughter of
Detroit are spending several weeks
with their mother Mrs. J. McLeod Sr.
Mrs, H. Thomas of. Toledo, Ohio, is
the guest of Mrs. A, McLeod for two
Mr. and Mrs. C. Parker, Toronto,
spentthe week end with Mr. and
Mrs. J, Parkers
Mr. and Mrs, T. Bennett of Detroit
and Mrs.' C. Barrett were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. H, Weston over the
Mrs. L. M. Day of Buffalo and
Misses McAdam of Detroit are at
their cottage.
Induction at Bayfleld —
The Induction service for the Rev.
A. Stimson Colwell was held he St.
Andrew's - United Church, Bayfield, on
Friday evening, July 2nd, in the pre-
sence of a large attendance from
,Bayfield congregation and also from
Grace Church, Porter's Hill.
The Rev, Mr. Gardiner of Esmond -I
ville gave the address to the minist-
er; his subject was 'St. Paul the
Preacher, The Rev, Mr, McKay of
Victoria St. Church, Goderich, ' ad-
dressed the people; his theme was
"Building the Walls of Salvation."
After the services ended the people
of the congregation were given the
opportunity to, meet Mr'. and Mrs,
Coldwell who have come from Kent
County. I"
CARROLL — At Scott Memorial
Hospital on Tuesday, July 6, 1943,
to Mr, and Mrs. James Carroll, a
Are A Necessity
in Growing Good
The management doting the first five months of a chicken's life determines
the future profits.
We supply material for these Shelters ready cut for assembly at 87.35 each
Lumber is difficult to procure, We have just 25 Shelters on hand.
If you require Range Shelters it is advisable to order at once
Phone 851- 32. Seaforth, Ontario
The June meeting of the Kippen
East Women's Institute was held at
the home of Mrs. Wm. Kyle on Tues-
day evening, June 29, The meeting
opened by singing the opening ode
and repeating the Lord's prayer in
unison. The speaker for the evening
was Miss Rorke, from the Dept. of
Agriculture, who gave an illustrated
talk on the Family Co-operates for
Good Nutrition. Mrs, Maude Redden
ant MrS. Geo. Hess of Hensel' sang
two pleasing duets with Miss Flor-
ence Welsh as accompanist. The pre-
sident, Mrs. Glenn MacLean, read a
letter from Mrs, Kerslake of Sea -
forth advising of the date of the
blood donor clinic to be held in Sea -
forth on Tuesday, July 15. Mrs.
Glenn Slavin spoke on the jam pro-
ject. A vote of thanks was moved to
the hostess, Meeting closed by sing-
ing the national anthem and a social
half hour was spent.
Mr, and Mrs, Fred Long of near
Atwood were visitors at Mr. Will
Johns on Wednesday of last week.
Mrs. Harry Ford is spending this
week with her sister Miss Joy Whit
lock in St, Thomas.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Johns, Mr. .
and Mrs. Allan Johns, Mr. Will
Johns, also Misses Ethelene and
Eilene Johns attended the McDonald
re -union at Seaforth last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Skinner vis-
ited in Seatorth with Mr. and Mrs.
Wm, Bradshaw ou Wednesday of last
Master Murray Venner of Chisel -
burst 1s visiting his sister Mrs, Gil-
bert Johns.
Members of the Bell Clan attended
the Bell reunion held at Mr. Nelson
Watson's near Kirkton on Saturday.
JULY ' 16
Grand Open Air Program
Drawing f or $500 Cash Prizes
The Biggest
Night of
If you need help for hoeing, haying, or 'harvest phone
your requirements.
Town People
If you can spare any time to assist food production,
volunteer your services
Villages & Hamlets
If you desire any assistance to organize in your centre,
phone the nearest town' headquarters
Goderich Martin Stewart
Clinton Fred Ford
Seaforth Daly's Garage
Exeter • Dr. E. S. Steiner
Wingham Donald Rae
Phone 8603
This ad. is sponsored by the Ililron Agricultural War