HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1943-07-08, Page 1ieatorth- HLJONCOUNTY'SLEADING NEWSPAPER WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 05, No, 27 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1.943 Fit. Sgt. F. L'. O'Leary BIDDING BRiSK AT EXECUTOR'S SALE Seaforth Quota Is The auction sale of household fur - Listed As Missing ' 12 Depth Charges niture held in the skating rink, Sea- r% ea- During12 Had' arly✓ Served 19420Overseas ons Several'w asliver Wednesday o A ca o va a Depth Charges ToBuy Citizens Asked Early July Fronts around 1,500 people filled the rink' To Stainp Out U -Boat and bidding was exceptionally brisk. Mr,and Mrs, A. O'Leary; Huron People seemed to have plenty of Paste Stamp•O-Grams on the chart Road East 'have, received. word that cash, - Auctioneer Harold Jackson in the Post Office whenever you buy made a total of 630 individual sales war savings stamps during July. You their youngest son, Fit, Sergi, Fred in approximately six hour's, A set erick Leo O'Leary is missing. He of Limoges dishes was sold for $175, help ,purchase a depth charge to put had been overseassince early in h ghi as1e27.0for $275.00, each,0odd as occasional dishes ans an endttoe eryoipu!c acs ofenastamps. 1942,.and had served in Egypt as tique chairs as high as $82.00• The y the local Postmaster wil give you h well as on other £routs. Fred was executors of Miss Wigthtman's estate, born here and attained his 27th Messrs. Helmer Snell and Thos. Stamp -O -Gram to be pasted on the birthday last January: After,:graduat- Baird, managed the affair very cap- depth charge sheet on display in the Ing from Seaforth Separate School ably, and Messrs. E. P. Chesney and Post Office and Collegiate Institute, he was in Detroit, Toronto and Exeter, He en- listed at London on April 23rd, 1941 and trained at Trenton, Victoria, Quebec, and got his pilot's wings at St. Hubert: The day before Christ- mas, shortly before he went over- seas, he was married to Miss Marg- aret Agnes Hill, of Toronto. There are four brothers and two sisters: Brother Arthur, Yorkton, Sask.; Brother Gilbert, Toronto, both of whom are, of the DeLaSalle Chris- tian Brothers; Pte. Andrew O'Leary, h d overseas on June oath• • ENTRANCE RESULTS t I Manley euermann, Nita; Doerr, Hazel; 1-10 an, Jack; Leonhardt, Pearl; Me - Nip ol, Carmetta;; Mills, Jean (H); Mo •ray, Martin; Pryce, Donald; Stor- ey,; Junior; Storey, Marie (H); Wat- son Donna (H). Seaforth. rightrall, Donald; Broome, Dor- is;; Cleary, Mary (H); Currie, Helen; Doig, Elizabeth (H); Doyle, Louis; Doyle, Thomas; Eckert, Geraldine; Flanagan, Margaret; Givlin, Margar• et; Green, Catherine (H) ; Hillis,. Donald; Holland, Lenore (H) ; Hub err Archie `(H) • Hudson Jack (H) • Phone 84 Tuck'srrlith Newlyweds Honored by Friends Presentation to Mr. and Mrs, Bert Garrett In the Kipper Hall On Monday evening last around 250 friends and neighbors gathered in Kippen hall to honour the recent- ly married couple, Mr. and Mrs. Beit Garrett. The evening was pleasantly spent in dancing till midnight, when Mr, Bi11 Pepper and Mr. Bill Roger- son presented the young couple with a Beautiful writing desk and chair, Lloyd Walters read the follow- ing address: Kn ght, Bobby; Lane, Jack; Lauden- „ ,"Dear Bert and Rosamond, -If a n their H. hands.ilson s The link was big had a fineob ' When the sheet is filled it rept baeh, Joseph; McQuaid, Frank (H); 'little by the best of menonsense now n"tilt pren obab- spacious place to hold such a sale. A septa :$00.00, the price of one dap Maloney, Clarence; Maloney, Mag ly is by the best of women too, but number of buyers were present from charge. Seaforth has 12 of these aret; Munn Bill (H); Murphey, El - we haven't got you upon the carpet eanor (H); Murray, Doreen.urraY • These filed sheets actually ge on Kathleen (H) ;' Rowland,Mary (H) i rather to tender you our hearty eon- other t 1 t' ur recent mart Landon, Stratford, Goderich and shoots to fill during July, Joseph• Norris Blanche (H)' Powell' to recite nursery rhymes to you, but other places, d h t the depth charge and the messages Strong, Robert; Trapnell, Peggy; gra u a ions on yo Dublin Continuation you paste on, bring good cher to Willis, Doggy. Regulation 10 (5) • rage, anti to welc• ome you, Rosamond School Re iii k' John; Doig,N 11 to your community. A young ReporH'tl' U-boats. t Canada's sailors, and destruction to a ins; o n; Ethel Nylle. r ei s Car- Students sum e t Here's your chance to put a few diff, dJa kJoaOo Cochrane, Doris ' Ciij ; father and said, "Dad; I'm Being to ("tuition nnill receive their certificates fighting, dol ars right to work in .the Eckmier, Marie; Rea, Oliver; ,Smith, v e forrt s'ied,meha • a you any course the •boys when they have complied with the battle of the Atlantic. � Kenneth; Ward, Lycille, always ask Dad's advice, don't they?) requirements of the Department of To date, sales have been slow.: As the old man was a bit of a poet, 66-74%, class rdueation• Class -I over 75%%class II Won't you make it a point to buy an we shall give You the advice he gave 60-65%, credit 50- extra $1 worth of war savings McDonald Clan Hold to his son: man who had courted a girl winter and m r for some time went to his "G t• married my boy is a wond- $1 a year who arrive J Grade I - len n. stamps this week, I URANCE ` { Family Reunion Here • exfnl jpY. FREE INs 11, Lat. oath, C; Lat. coni C. $1,080 is Seaforth's quota, One doll But it's not just for laughter you a dy (Mary), Detroit; Miss, Celestine Moore Reta• Eng, lit, pII En , ar from 1080 Seaforth people will put •! 's r o at. au Savings This Week: j ( more, President comp. 3: . I For winter or summer, m fact its fn 1 Ignatius at home Mrs R G Boun 7.I I. F aga , Helen: Alg, make her your wife, F' ty Members of Family Gather It's for all sorts of weather, for all sAVAUGE . on Dominion Day -R. Pass- i O'Leary, Biscotasing, Ont, comp. C, history y I, gem, I, L' t the campaign over the top. Buy War- e Lat... coal': :• piE SOLID niEL EARi$�F1!}y }Fq T E. L. BOX • ' PHONE 43. sorts of strife, Morris, Thomas: Eng. lit 1, Eng. comp. 2, history 3, geom 3, Lat. au. $567 RAISED FOR �T G L t C Fr. au 2 F comp. Thurs d pain I life; - Jeweller and Optometrist he Lions park, Seaforth It's for sunshine and rain, for pleas- OppoSiite Post Orrice, Seaforth 0. a ,comp, r, o CHINESE RELIEF da , July •1st, was the setting for the It's no just a promise to love now annual McDonald reunion. Fifty and then, Red Cross Notes Ryan, Mary Margaret: Eng, lit. 1. members of the clan Eng, comp: 3, alga 1, geom: 1, Fr. The War Victims Committee wish Toronto, Owen SoundeseElintmv Ifrle, i But a pledge herto stay faithful and an. 2• Fr. comp C. to thank all those who so kindly do- Thames Road, Farquhar Winchel- ; fond of when Red Cross has received this mas- Stapleton, Mary: Eng. lit. 2, Engg• noted to this fund. Onl sea, Exeter and Hensail, the wea.Ir,ir She burns the biscuits now and again ,rip. C, ]gist. C, alg: C, Hat. oath. C, y through + But if ,you are sure your love will sage from Her Majesty the Queen: was ideal and the event a eat Apr, 14, 1943. Dear Mr. Justice Fr. i. oath. 0, Fr, scrap. C. your generosity have the committee cess and much enjoyed byall Pres sue - That s not a mere fancy a storm Gordon, -The Queen commands me Grade XII. Dillon, Marie: Eng. lit. 0, been able to raise •this money for om• ent, A sumptuous picnic -supper was to tell you with what admiration and Eng. comp. ,hist. 8, geom. 2, phys, worthy ally, China, which has suffer served at 7 p.m. after which the And on'11 stick to ether in all kinds pleasure she has learned of the most Flanagan, Helen: Eng. r ,. 0 hist. 2, ed the pangs of war from a ruthless races and sport§ were featured; din- 1 of weather, g remarkable success of the recent feted by Ten] McCurdy and NI h you• campaign of the Canadian Red Cross. enemy' for seven years. Northside 'United and First Pres- Jordan. Jean, Eng. comp, C, hist, C, The citizens of Seaforth and the joyed. Winners of races were: Ch' 1 gnsrrel, my boy. ar' And kiss and make up when Union Services geom. C. -Gardiner, A ball game was also e i $ Many may well have thought that 1 , sr much for our good advice' We with the unceasing calls which the byterian Churches. Services in North- geom, 2, phys• 3, Latin 2. surrounding district will feel ,proud dren, 4 and under,' Billie Mover Ro- wfsh you health, wealth and lots of war has brought to ail in Canada✓ Ie Church, Rev, Hugh Jack, Minis- Krauskopf, Margaret: Eng. Lit. 3, that their contribution has at least bert Love; 4-6,. Dopglas Love, I)on- happiness and ask you `to accept this the plan of collecting $1»0,000,0 h r in charge, S. S: at 10 a.m. ' ng• Comp. 3, History 3, Lat. 2, Fr, relieved part of the. suffering in a a d Mover; 6-9, Shirley Davis, Gor- gift and good wishes of your fiiendA today was beyond hope, Morning service 11 a.m. Subject, I. don Mayer; 912, Edna Broadfoot, '� room replied skeptics cannot have known, as her Otherworldliness. McIver, Rose: Eng. Lit, C, Eng, small way and neighbors. The g i Leonard Davis. young ladies r h' h gone tom- Maiesty dos, the unboixnded genet Cravings•" a r• this worthy cause. otfrcrally closed on 7$}lene Johns d Ethel e m ntrn tions m service, by all those connect- 117urphy' Arthur: Egg lit 0, Eng June 2 d Fellows. Then dancing St. Thomas Church comp. C hist. 3, al 3, geom. C, ed with theblodPrisoners of War De-, phys, 3, Lat. C. ceivedartment, by blood donors and by Rector: Rev. Dr. Burford, the countless women who nurse the 11 a.m., Unveiling of Honour Roll Murray, Mary Ellen: Eng. lit. C, headquarters g Eng. comp. (probation), hist, 3, geo. lowing HURON -BRUCE PICNIC sick and minister to their wants, are of those enlisted in :the -present war. 1, Phys. 1, Latin C, French 8. no less striking than their gifts , in 7 p.m., "Religion and Health," O'Reilly Angela Eng lit 3 Eng the closingAT DAUP'H'IN O'N JULY 1.5 money, and I am bidden by Her Maj- Sunday- School attends• Church este to ask you to convey to all those 11 a•m, cess whether organisers or co present drive for funds for suitably, after w to ever, Iayce Broadfoot,. Alice Passmore+ "For They Are Jolly carry of Cana of one Johns; Goo 6 and a cheque for monies re- YoultR m's rae, Kenneth Dun- ued. has been sent through to Lloyd McDonald McCurdy,Mairreied ladies asters at Toronto. The fol- _Mrs, Robert Mover, Mrs. Russell contributions were made in Love, Mrs, Gilbert Johns; married HU week: - men's race, Gilbert Jolms, Allan Ernest o Evening subject "Mans Spiritual comp C. his 2, geom. C, phys. C, The L t 2 F 3 d drays. The contnect- singing +> opsin co Geddes $2; J. J. Forsyth Johns, Robert Mover; ladies'. kick the slipper, Teni McGurcly Mrs. Rns- at rump. S, hist. 3, geom. 2, phys. 2, Erne Latin C, Fr, 3• $2, Mrs. Richard Rogers $25, W. L. , Woods, ` C th ri •'Eng lit C Whyte $10, 3 C h $2 50 sal] Love; graceful walking• Dee - Mr"' r • Dauphin, Manitoba, June 28th, responsible for this outstanding suc- S f tl Yews ntrib- St, Mary's Church, Dublin Pug. comp C, hist. 0, alg. 1, geom, 2,Gard• iner, Mrs. Gordon Dat- name!, her anis it 1 men: We have had a very Secy. - a e ne. , as. since an • , Arthu The Seaforth r r ere conaiatulations. 9,30 a.m., "Religion and Health," phys, 2• Stitch Cub $5, Mrs. Shanahan $1, is, Mrs. Frank Smale, bean on spoon, Gentle Yoms rmeetely, Acting Private S Y Grade XI. Dillon, Geraldine: Alga No Name $2,00, No Name 40c, Jas, Dorothy McCurdy, Mrs. Allan Johns; cold, tvet and backward spring here 'to the Queen." Egmondville United Church C; phys. 0, French C, Latin C. M, Scott $25,00, No Name 50c, Sear dropping boons in jar, Mary Gardiri- as I believe yell kava had iu Ontario. Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B.A„B.D. Eckert, Cecilia: Alg. 2, phys; C, forth W.I., `$18.00; No Name $1; er s side, Teni •Mo Robert leaver, aide; bean There will be thousands upon thous- "_,11 signs point to the opening of 10 atm,; Sunday School I r. C, Latin C. No Name 2, Robt. Smith 5, Mrs. •eixess]ng, Mrs. Robert Mavor, Mrs. ands of aeries of farm lands in these a sAron,d front at almost any hour, 11 a.m. The Scope of Christianity." Evans, Eileen: Alg. 3, phys, C, A. Archibald $1;00, No Nara $1.20, i rhMrasG rnetrJohns of Wiiiel+elsem, parts which were intended for seed- "^ Ped 'Cross is sending out a spec 7 p.m., "Trusting God for the Fu- taly. G, hist. 3. sal appeal for continued work tura. E Mar' • Alg 1 phys 2 Ed Chamberlain $100 WC,S. $2; the past president. presided to: the ing this year, go unseedetl and will "throughout the summer." For both Evans, ie. , g $1.00, electioi! of officers for 1943-44 and knitters and sewers there is much to . Eye. 3, y, h hist. 3, Lat. 3• Margaret Grieve Junior Red in turn be summer' fallowetl. Most Feeney, Thomas: Alg. 1, phys. 1, Cross S.S. No. 12, Me1Cfllop, Mrs, VV Want Green of Hensel], ;,ast $5.00, secret f+• 1 d h eerytliing, except grasses, are from he done. And the =sine is true or a 2 brae weeks later than who do hospital supplies, Cap - The death occurred on Friday, Hollan , argare : g. ng. »steel--. fm. nrisoners of war are C, hist. C. D. McCallurn $1, Mrs, W. R. Stew old, Hensail; president, Percy Pass- and some seeds rotted in the ground, to be prepared and comfort bags for Hospital 1 anion: Alg. 2, phys. C, art $5.00. Total for week ending more, Thames Road; secretary -tress. such as potatoes and corn: The ryes- those in Newfowtdland are needed. of Annie C. O'Leary after a few Env. C, French C,'Latin C. June 26th 3121.10. Grad total Robert Mover, Thames Road; snorts titer for the past weal: lras bean very F^afo'th rust do her share. days' illness. She was the daughter Kale, Patricia: Alg. 3, phys• 2, committee, Mrs. Gilbert Johns, Elim - of Arthur O'Leary and Ellen Gar- $567.00. Thank you one and al.- villa; Mrs'. Robert Mavens• Thames good and has dried up cousiderabty, Murphy, Betty: Alg. 2, phys. `2, Britain is asking "Are you in- land. She was born in Stephen town Eng. 3, French 2; hist. 3; Lot. C. War Victims Committee. {Road; table committee, Airs. Allan and some farmers are still sowirtg r oacihm your output of blood ser - ship in 1868 and had lived at Sea- IJohns.,Elimville Mrs. Gilbert Dun- barley and some green feed. The ,,, forth for 27 years. Surviving are two OReilly, Basil: Physics 3, Eng, 0, ! ; tcr1, Sn s new et. ive of 15.000 French C, Maths. C.. ; can, Farquhar; Mrs. Percy Pass- grass is going to be a heavy crop acid a week his been set. Dr. Best told at sisters, IZrs.•lIary Kearns Renfrew, Grade X. Flanagan„ Bernice: MRS. R. R. ROSS more, Thames Road. The oldest other things seem to be on the jump the opening ceremonies of the new and Mrs. Lours Devereauxoffrom e Eng ein 3, alg•. 2, geom. C, science C, The death occurred.in Scott Mem- member present was: Mr, John R. forth, The funeral took place geog. C; hist, C, health 1, home .ee, 2. oriel Hospital on Saturday of Mrs. McDonald; youngest, Robert Love, now since the weather has set in Mobile Centre stre that s of Canadian ser - the home of her sister, Mrs. Dever -Jordan, Dorothy: Eng. 1, Fr. 1, son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Love, o£ fine. nm powder: of America clnad tiles - R. on Monday morning, to St. R. •R. Ross . a highly respected resid- Owan Sound• James' Cttrrch whets Requiem High Latin 2, alg. 1, geom. 1, science 1, So much for the weather, etc, reeu and powder; pf dried n dried were Mass was sung by Rev. Father Hus health 2 h econ ant of Seaforth for many years Mrs PICNIC time in this given at this one battle. n Ross had not been in the best of the first half of You are elven an opportunity say. Interment took pace r f Dorothy: 1, r, time and was taken ver- out- y i MISS ANNIE C. O'LEARY Eng. C, �r, IM, hist. 8,iLaa1, 1; E cry e. surer xea t e mtrtteG usual those No Name 26c, Wm. MacF dzean $ Hon president John R MCDon- two to .i;,,,,� July 2nd in Scott -Memorialospi a gale M - e-eog. 3, hist. 1> ea r , oma. 2. EGMONDVILLE SCHOOL REPORTt s is now ortunit 7 of t t k 1 St Krausl.o , Y F health for some t mcountry and. during James' Cemetery. The pallbearers p Boni. C science G, helping b1 being a donor at the were W. J. Duncan, J. M. Eckert, 3, Lat. C; alg. C, g 4 to the hospital about a week ago. I The following report indicates the July thele will be three y Clinic here, Harry Fortune, J. M. McMillan, J. J• geog. 3, hist. C, health 3, home ee. Formerly Alison Moffat Douglas, grading of the pupils in.Egm erns lie standing Picnics at Dauphin, mutely, Cleary and Gordon Reynolds, atg et geoDonald: cie Eng 23' geog. 3, she was born in Stanley township, on puiblic school for the school term of The Dauphin Pioneers' Association; 1948-44 The names are not in order on the 7th; the Loyal Orangemen on Jan. a daughter o0 So Attending the funeral from a dis- lance were Mrs. Dan Doyle, Mr, and, hist. C, health C l , dila 1561, da ght r of the of standingbut rather in alphabets- the 12th and the good old Huron and Mrs. Geo. Naugle and two sons, Ger- Looby, Allie: Eng. 2, Fr. C, alg. 1, late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Douglas of Zurich, On Dec. 21, 1891, she was cal order: Grade 8 -Chesney Mar- -Bruce Association on the 15th. aid and John, all of London, Misses geom. 2, scienceC, geog. 3, hist. 3, garet Doig Roddy Forbes Avis, Mc- should any one front Ontario be visit - Margaret and Nora O'Leary of Win health a home ee. 2. dsor. Ma+hers Helen: Eng. 2, Fr. 2, Clellan Ada Mae, McGhnchey Betty ing here during married to Roderick R. Ross, D.D.S., that period, they 2 Smenee C geog, C, hist. C, who practised .dentistry here ford receive a very warm welcome Lat. Grade 7 -Brown Billy, Pretty Phyl would health 3, home ec. 2. many years. Mrs: Ross was a faith- TUCKERSiNIITH McGrath, Michael, Eng. C, geog, 2' ful member of First Presbyterian lis. Grade 6 - Coombes Fergus, at any of these gatherings. Especially Forbes Leona Malley Bernice, Mus -would they he welcomed at the Huron On the last day of school, the pup- , C. tis, Angela: Eng. II,Fr. 1, Church, Surviving are one daughter, :Forbes Bert, Pretty Wilba, Vincent dt Bruce Picnic, Mies Beryl Car- Lat. 2, alga 1, geom. 1, science0, ss Eva Wilson Bernice, Grade 5- And now t' cup and saucer,' cake plate, Bream Morrison, James: Fr. 3, a in + Mich. and r en bowl and tray. The air. 1. geom, 2, geog. r hist, 3, More Margaret, Moore Kenneth, to all friends and relatives in the pitcher were presented. by George Tur- Rock, Lorne: Eng, 0, Fr, 3, alg. 2, The funeral was held from her Vincent Jack. Grade 4 -Chesney East and will be glad to hear from gifts 1 health 3. late residence on Goderieh street on ' ' P them at any time. Geraldine: Eng. 1, Fi'• i, Monday afternoon, Rev: Hugh Jac , alg 1, geom, 1, science of First Presbyterian Church office ils of S.S. No, 4, Tuekersmrth, pre- Mor M7 Gretta Ross Seaforth and one sented th taches M s y through your paper allow Lt pax and Kenneth Rogerson while science 3, geog. ,. hist.1 k Dorothy, Cooper Melvin, Lillreo Ma any o ter, Londes c r , with an end table, geoe. 2, list C; health 2, home ec, sister, Mrs. John Douglas, Croswell, C Doig, Bobby,McClinchey Jack, me to convey my very best regards Amy Walters read the' address. Miss Ryan,. G Carter has been engaged as teacher Latin, a, a c 2 las Grade 3 -Brown Jacqueline, f' S S No 11 Hallett for the cam- geog 1 hist. 2, health, 1, home D rated and RI interment was in Maitland i ' h 'b 1 Mary Margaret' ng, in 1 with her son, Mr, Einer Townsend. science 1, geog. 2, brat. 2, heal , were four nephews, W, Mr, Greely Wankel and Miss be home ec. 2. Wilfred Ross, Edgar Shunit, Thomas en of London spent the week end Sutherland, Donald: Eng.. 3, r• Dinsmore, and M. McIzellar and Geo• e with their sister, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. 3, Latin 0, alg. 1, geom, ,sere ce + 1)Ferguson, The t owerbeareee: Carr, Will geog, i, hist, 1, health 2. Malott d Frank Sutherland Jean: '.Ung. 1, Fr. 1, Frank Douglas, James Dinsmore, rian, McClinchey Billy, Vincent Ken- Yours sincerely,. neth, Watson, Alice, Wilson Doug - g year. Sc ar act, Mrs. Amos Townsend is visiting 1, 3'r. 1, Latin 1,' alg. 1; geom. 1, Bank Cemetery. s The Mr, Mao an sons, x Berl Barber, nephews, and Mr. John and Craig and Mrs. Myrtle Carpo- sig. C, geom, 3, science 1, geog, C, , chars of Garden City, Mich., returned hist. 0, health 1, home se. 2. Beattie, home Monday after spending two Wentzlafi', Lloyd: Eng. C, Fr. 3, weeks visiting relatives in this vicin- T,atin 0, alg. 3,. geo sty, geog, 2, hist. 3, health 2, Turners Church held their S.S. ' Wentzlaff Norma; Eng. 2; Fr. 2, Let-- picnic et- I picnic Monday ;afternoon at the h C,aal2 he geo . 1home nc: 2,, .geog. Lions Park, Seaforth. 0, hi Me and Mrs. Clayton Martin of Wentzlaff, Waiter: Geom, 3, scie, Kitchener spent the week end with 2, geog. 0, health 0, Mr. and Mrs. L. Tebbutt, Williams. Dan Eng. 1, Freeeneh 3� e Mr, Carman Whitmore spent a Latin 0, alga 1, °geom, 3, geog. few days last week holidaying at hist, 3. Continued en rase Pour Grand Bond, M . 3, science le W.I. TO MBET The Women's Institute will hold their meeting on Tuesday, July 13th 1 2.30 pen, at the home of Mrs. William Oldfield. Roll call, "Ory Quality a Good Citizen Should Poss- ess." The motto is e:tperience teaches but the rates ate high. A demon- stration will be given on "The Gay Nineties" Finnigan Bea, McClinchey Maybelle, Nott Nancy, Powell Donald, Grade 2 -Brown Helen Ann, Forbes Verna, Holley Ruth, Lillieo Ena, McClinch- ey Dorothy, Pudner Gertrude, Vin- ; cent Ross, Wilson Den. Grade 1 Brown Margaret, Chesney Billy, Grant McClinchey, Wilson Jean, - Miss C. A. Trott, Teacher. DUBLIN Miss Alice- Coyne spent' the week eiid with Mr. and Mrs. M, Coyne. Miss Irene Donnelly, principal of Centra] Business College, Goderieh, is assisting Mr. D, Irvine of 'Stratford f - the month of Ju]y WM, MURRAY. HURON ROAD W -EST Mr, and Mrs, Melbourne Ball of Windsor spent. the week end with their' parents,- Mr, and Mrs. Will Ball and MI', and Mr's, 'Howard Crich, Mrs, Joe Erickson and daughter'; Ardis of Detroit, also was homeswitlr her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Will Ball. Miss Marie- Moneta] spent' two weeks with her sister Mrs. -'Victor Heeley o4 Toronto, Returning Mrs. Heeley spent a weep with her par- ents Mr. and Mrs, Noble Holland. Mrs. Joe Reed of London is visit- ing her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Sheri, Dale. STANLEY The eighteenth. annual Penhale, Snowden and Westlake Reunion was held at Springbank park on June 2.6 with 50 members present from Lon- don; St, Thomas, Windsor, Toronto, Wilton Grove, Zurich, Bayfield and Seaforth. Both dinner and supper were served. During the afternoon races were enjoyed. The winners were as follows: Girls under 2, Mary Evelyn Grainger; girls under 12, Gloria Westlake; young ladies 'race, Gloria Westlake; boys under 8, Bill- ie Pollock, Kenneth Pollock; young boys' race. Tom Penhale, Arthur an pres- ent was Mr. R. A. Penhale, St. Tho- mas; the oldest lady present was Mrs. Mann, St, Thomas; youngest child present. was Mary Evelyn Grainger. The person coming the farthest to the picnic was Mr. Rich- ard Penhale, Toronto, The lucky ti- eket was won by Mrs. George Hodg- son, Wilton Grove, Officer's elected for 1944 were: President, Russell 1 Grainger, Zurich; vide president, Gladwin Westlake, Bayfield; secret- cry -treasurer', Mary Snowden, Wind sora After stepper everyone left for their various homes, each reporting a good time. Robson (tie). The oldest rn