HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1943-07-01, Page 4T d SEAFORTH NEWS
Snowdon liras.; Publishers
Mr. Wm, G. Bolger and 1VIr.Rus-
sell Anderson of Lacedena, Sask.,
arrived in Walton on MondeY to
spend some weeks in Eastern Canada.
It is '25 years since Mr. Bolger visit-
ed here before with his brothers and
Miss Dorothy Turnbull and Miss
Mary McDonald were in Listowel on
Mr. Ray Carter of Welland is vis-
iting his father; Mr, Joe Carter.
Mrs, Joseph Smith of Bluevale
spent ,the past week with her uncle
and• aunt, Mr. and Mrs. • W, Kearney.
Mrs. Hugh Fulton and daughter,
Mrs, Murray of Long Branch, Ont.,
visited Mrs. Andrew Bruce at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cardiff.
in Grey.
School closed this week for the
summer holidays.
Jeffrey -Knox—
, Saturday morning, June 26, 11
o'clock, at the Wingham United
Church, a quiet wedding took place
when Eileen Alice Knox, only daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Knox,
became the bride of Sgt. Stewart
Jeffrey of Petawawa, only son of
Mr, and Mrs. Richard Jeffrey of
Glenanan. Rev. W. A. Beecroft per-
formed the ceremony. The music was
played by A. W. Anderton, The
bride wore a blue sheer with lace
trim . street length gown with small
hat to match and wore a corsage of
pink roses and bouvardia, her brides-
maid, Miss Thelma Scott of Londes-
bore, wearing a figured rose street
length dress, jaunty white hat and
corsage of talisman roses and bou-
vardia. Sgt. George Tervitt of Peta-
wawa was the groom's attendant,
After the ceremony luncheon was
served at the Brunswick hotel to the
immediate families, the bride's mo-
ther wearing a light blue crepe suit
dress with grey hat and accessories
and corsage of deep pink roses. The
groom's mother wore a rose and
white figured dress, white hat and a
corsage of talisman roses. The gift of
the groom to the bride was a gold
bracelet, to the bridesmaid a gold
locket and to the best man a cigaret
case. Following the luncheon the
bridal couple left on a short honey-
moon, the bride wearing a dark beige
suit with beige hat with brown trim
and beige and brown accessories.
On their return they will take up re-
sidence at Petawawa where the
groom is in training.
Mrs. James Shea and Mrs. William
Stapleton attended the Ladies' Ret-
reat at Brescia Hall, London.
James Jordan, RCAF, Hamilton,
with friends here.
Lawrence Dillon, Provost Corps,
London, and Mrs. Dillon, with Mr.
and Mrs. Dennis Dillon.
Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Etue and
daughter, Jeanne Marie, Zurich, and
Mr. and Mrs. James Dalton, Mount
Carmel, with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
J. Molyneaux.
Miss Birdie Murray, Toronto, with
Dr. and Mrs. S, Murray,
Mrs. Lucy Woods and Miss Helen
O'Reilly attended the wedding of
Private James O'Reilly at Niagara on
Rev. Elwyn A. Morris with his
aunt, Mrs. Catherine McQuaid.
Miss Kathleen Stapleton, Canad-
ian Bank of Commerce staff, is on
her vacation in Toronto.
Dan McCarthy, Windsor, Thomas
McCarthy, Toronto, Douglas and
Patricia McCarthy, Detroit, with Mr.
and Mrs. M. McCarthy.
Miss Marion Dill, London, with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Dill,
Mrs. E. B. Tyers, Georgetown,
and Miss Sara Edwards, Stratford,
with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans.
Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Coyne, Hamil-
ton, with. Mr. and Mrs. R. Burchill
and Mr. and Mrs, M. Coyne.
Joseph Morrison and John Morrison
of Windsor with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs, J. Morrison. "
Misses Mary and Jean Jordan are
taking a special business course at
Misses Irene O'Rourke and Doro-
thy Donnelly, Goderich, with Mr,
and Mrs, Joseph Donnelly.
Miss Stella O'Neil has returned to
Stratford after spending a month
Special services in honor of Cor-
pus Christi were held at St. Patrick's
Church, Dublin, on Sunday evening,
Why Admiral Yamamoto, Hated Us So
A new version of the death of the
3apaneae .admiral who was taught
that tiro ,Taps ave a divinely appoint-
ed race, and other races more or less
vermin, will appear in The American
Weekly with this Sunday's (July 4)
issue of The Detroit Sunday Times,
Did Yamamoto commit suicide, or
was he executed! Get Sunday's De-
trolt Times.
Mrs. Louise Hillobrecht of Kiteh•
ener visited with 'her sister Mrs. ,lad
•Prueter and other relatives.
Mr, and Mrs, Jelin G. j?iogol of
Ferris spent a week with relatives
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, 13esserer and
daughter Mary. Ann of Kitchener and
Mr, George Bennewies of Toronto
with Mrs. I.ouise Hinz and Mr, and
Mrs. Noi'miui Bode.
Mrs, Hubert Reid of Orillia and
Mrs. Jack Smith of Toronto with
Mrs, John Bennewies.
Mrs, Elizabeth Morenz of Kitch.
ener with lack Prueter.
Rev, and Mrs. Schultz and Eric at-
tended Decoration Day service in
Zurich on Sunday.'
The monthly meeting of the Brod-
hagen Luther League was held on
the lawn of the parsonage, George
Jarmuth, vice president, was in
charge during the business period.
Plans were completed _tor the an-
nual Luther League picnic to be
held in Queen's Park, Stratford in
July. With Dorothy Scherbarth in
charge, the devotional period was
opened with the singing of the.
hymn, "The church's one Founda-
tion." Edward Bennewies read the
Scripture lesson, In discussing the
topic for the evening, "The Handi-
clps of My Church—What do I do
about Them?" the pastor, W. Schultz
asserted that the handicaps of the
church such as indifference to the
spiritual aims of the church, chang-
ing times, ineffective organization
which , allows bickering between
members and factions, can be easily
overcome, if we as individuals recog-
nize that the primary purpose of the
church is spiritual and that it pro-
vides the place where men and wo-
ven congregate to worship God and
learn more about His word. Follow-
ing the devotional period, several en-
joyable games such as "Pick the
Bone," and "Circle Tag," were played
after which the meeting was adjourn-
The Sunday School anniversary
services held in this church on Sun-
day drew good congregations despite
the intense heat, Rev, Cleave of
Grand Bend preached a fine sermon.
in the morning and a Sunday School
choir sang two numbers. In the
evening Rev. Irwin of James St.
Church, Exeter, gave a splendid ad-
dress and the regular choirsang two
anthem, "0 for a thousand ton-
gues to sing" and "Sun of my soul."
Among the many visitors in this
vicinity for the anniversary were,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bradshaw and
David, of Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs. Hil-
son Whiteford of Ingersoll, at Mr. J.
Herdman's, Mrs. J. Harrison of Exe-
ter at Mr, Allen Johns, Mr. and Mrs,
Art Ford and family of Farquhar, at
Mr, F. Skinner's, Mr. and Mrs. Wes
Venner and Murray of Chiselhurst, at
Mr, Gilbert Johns', Mr: and Mrs. Bill
Stephens and family of Woodham at
Mr. C. Stephens', Mrs. J. Kirkland
and Malcolm of Hurondale at Mr. S.
Pyin s.
A very enjoyable evening was
spent at the home of Mr. and Mrd.
Roy Scotchmer on Friday night,
when about 50 members of the
Bronson Line Red Cross unit- par-
took of a bountiful repast, which was
provided by the ladies. The tables
were most generously spread under
the maple trees. After the banquet, a
splendid programme was given by
home talent, which was enjoyed by
all. The evening's collection amount-
ed to $11.85, which will go to the
Bayfleld Community Fund for boxes
for the boys overseas.
Mr, and Mrs, Harold Penhale and
family spent Saturday at London and
Springbank Park.
Birth—It Victoria Hospital, Lon-
don, on June 20th, to Mr. and Mrs.
Herman Johnson of London a daugh-
ter (Anna Marie),
Rev, W. A. MacWillianr preached
impressive sermons at the anniver-
sary services at the Cromarty Pres-
byterian church on Sunday, Rev. A.
W, Aldworth of Staffa assisted at
the evening service. At the morning
service Ernest Graham of London
favored with two solos accompanied
by his daughter, Jean Graham. The
augmented choir was tinder the lead-
ership of Mrs. Kenneth IIacKeilar,
the organist. At the evening service
the male, quartet favored with two
selectiinrs. The two services were
largely attended.
Mr. and Mi's. Ernest Graham and
family, London, with Miss ILL B.
Mr, and Mrs, George Dalrymple,
Private Wilmer Dalrymple and Mar-
jory, with Mrs. Houghton and family.
Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Hocking and
slaughter Gwen, Miss Mary Robert.
son and Sterling Graham with Mr.
ant Mrs, Roy McCulloch,
The Red Coss unit met ut the
church on Tuesday afternoon with a
very low attendance of nine. Two
quilts were quilted and a few busi-
ness items' discussed,
The junior Red Cross'"of S.S, No,
10 sold tickets en a large wicker
tray donated by Miss Haig. Miss
Ethel McClure held the lucky ticket.
The sum of $16.95 was realized on
the sale of tickets. The teacher also
gave prizes for the pupils selling the
most tickets, Donald Eaton sold' 91
tickets and received first prize and
Ross Montgomery won 2nd prize by
selling 65 tickets.
Mr, and Mrs. James Hogg and •Mr.
and Mrs, Robert Dodds spent the
holidays with Mr. and Mrs.. Adrian
Hogg and Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Hogg
of Collingwood.
Anyone wishing to give a blood
donation can leave their name with
Mrs. Reg, Kerslake or Mr. Joseph
Dolmage, The ladies are being asked
now too. The next call is July 15th.
Every drop helps to save a life.
Mr. Haase who has drilled a few
wells around is now leaving for Tiv-
erton to drill several wells.
Haying and berry picking is the
order of the day.
We are sorry to hear that Pte.
William Little, who is stationed at
Saskatoon, has scarlet fever.
Mr. and Mrs. Garnet McClinchey
and family spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. John McClure. -
The regular monthly meeting of
the W.M.S. and W.A. of Caven
Church, Winthrop, will be held on
Wednesday, July 7th in the basement
of the church, A good attendance is
The annual church service of Var-
na Orange Lodge No. 1035 will be
held in the Varna United Church on
Sunday evening, July 4th at 7.30.
Rev, Reba Hern will be the speakei
and her subject will be "The Charter
of Protestantism," All visiting mem-
bers and lady lodgers welcome.
Mrs. Dodsworth, in company with
Mrs. Robinson of London spent Sat-
urday with the former's mother,
Mrs, Smith, and Mr. Dennison,
Mrs. M. Stire and daughter, Mary
Fleet and son with Harvey Parsons
of Camp Borden were week end
guests at the home of Mr. Harvey
Mrs. Bill Ball and little son' have
returned after spending a fortnight
with her sister, Mrs. Elliott of
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Appleby.. ,. of
Ingersoll are guests at the home of
Mr. C. Pilgrim.
Mr. C. C. Pilgrim has returned
after a visit with friends in Wood-
stock and Ingersoll.
Billy McAsh of the RCAF post
office dept. paid a short visit at the
parental home and wife and little
We are sorry to report Mr. T.
Dennison is not enjoying the best of
health these days.
Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Aidington spent
the week end with friends in Hibb-
Mr. Lee McConnell is visiting his
sister, Mrs. Argo in Halifax, where
he went by plane.
Once more the school year has
closed with the majority of pupils
making good on their year's studies
and promoted to higher grades. At.
No. 2 Tuckersmith Alice Wren suc-
cessfully passed her entrance exam-
ination and .is now working at the
factory in Exeter, In addition to
splendid progress in their studies,
the pupils set themselves an object-
ive of $125 for war savings certific
ates and passed it by raising $128.
Much of the success in the school is
due to Mrs. Kay who has now sever-
ed her connection with the school as
teacher to take over more fully the
work of her new home. The pupils
regret the loss of a good teacher and
The church service on Sunday was
in charge of the Rev, Mr, Patton of
Duff's Church, McKillop, who preach-
ed an excellent sermon.
The sacrament of the Lord's Sup-
per will be dispensed on Sunday first
with the minister officiating.
Mrs. R, I'Iopkins, who has been
visitiirg relatives here, returned last
week to her home In Chicago,
Mr. and Mrs. ,Toseph Linden and
Verna of Denfield and Mrs, /Joseph
Carter and three children of Clande-
boye, visited one day last week with
Mr, and Mrs, Archie Parsons,
Mrs. Stacey of Exeter is spending a
few weeks with her daughter and
son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Hornet'.
Rev, Mr, Patton of Duff's Church,
McKillop, took the service in the
United Church here on Sunday; Rev,
Mr, Grant was taking anniversary'
services in Duff's Church, McKillop,
Want and Thor Sole Ads, al week lisle
Mrs, John Downey of London is
spending a few days with her sisters,
Mr, Frank Ryan of the West is
visiting his brothers and sisters here,
Mr, and Mrs, Patrick Reidy and
daughter Patricia, Mr, Paul McMul-
len and Miss Mary Boyes of London
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs,
William Ryan.
Mrs. Rafferty of Woodstock vatt-
ed her mother, Mrs, I?, H, McGrath,
and Mr. and Mrs. Angus Kennedy'
over the week end.'.
Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Moylan of
Kitchener spent Sunday with Mrs;
P. Sullivan.
The I.O.O.F. will hold'. their decor-
ation day at •Baird's cemetery on
Sunday, July 11th, Everybody come.
` Miss ,Gants, of Winona, Illinois,
is visiting: her sister, Mrs. Atkinson
and Rev, Mr. Atkinson.
Mr. and Mrs. -Jas. Hill of Strat-
ford spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs.
T. K. Oornish, -
Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith 'and family
of Wingham spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Elliott, •
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Strange of
Toronto are visiting Mx. and Mrs,
G, Swan.
Mr. and Mrs,- James McGovern and
two children, Montreal, 'with Mi'. and
Mrs. Edwin Stapleton,
James Curtin, RCAF, Camp Borden,
with his parents, Mr, and' Mrs. Will-
itans 'Curtin,
Driver 3'. J. Walsh, London, with
his parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Walsh
Mrs. E. Sutton and son, Detroit,
with her mother, Mrs, M. Burns.
Miss Margaret Maty Scherbarth at
her hone in Riversdale.
Rev. William Nigh, C.S.B., has re-
turned to Houston, Texas, _ after
spending a month •with his sister,
Mrs, John Walsh,
Sob nope Dorothy Lamour
"They Got Me Covered",
A greatcomedy Tait
Betty Grable John Payne
"Footlight Serenade"
A Romantic Fun -filled Musical
Ray Milland Paulette Goddard'
in —
Crystal Sall
See all — Know all — Tell all
Coming ---
Springtime In The Rockies
First show starts at 7.30 p.m, but all patrons in by 9.15 will see com-
piete show when single features such as these are shown. Matinee
each Saturday and holiday at 2,30 P,M,
Old -Fashioned Revival Hour
9 to 10 P,M,,
Pilgrim's Hour
2 to 3 P.M., E.D.S.T,
Local Station — C.K.L.W., Windsor
1erYY's getting
THE WATCHERS on the dills
cheer their going and coming as —
night after night—R.C.A.F. bombers
deliver shattering blows.
e11 to-niglid
Canadian attack teams are famous for their skill and daring.
As raw recruits, they entered R.C.A.F. Training Schools. They
emerged within a few happy and exciting months as trained
specialists— clear-eyed and competent.
Every member of a bomber crew is an expert at his own job,
yet at the same time part of a closely -knit, s ooth-working
team. Happily, too, the air training and technical knowledge
possessed by these fighting comrades of the skies will open
up golden opportunities to them later in civil life.
More men than ever are needed for Aircrew ... join nowt
Apply at nearest R.C.A.F. Recruiting Centre.
o If you are physically fit, tnentally alert, over 171/2 and not yet 33,
you are eligible. You do not need a High School education.
(Air Gunners)
Needed for
Immediate Enlistment
Por illiah•eirrl binnl'let giving full information, write; Director of Manning, R C.A,P., Jackson
13uildins>>, Ottawa, or the nearest of these R,C.A,P, Recruiting Centres:
t';rnnun•ar, Calgary, Edton, Saskatoon, Regina, Winnipeg, North Bay, Windsor, London, Hamilton, 'l'on,nr ,
Kingston, Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec, Moncton, Sunt John, Ilalifax, '