HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1943-06-24, Page 5THUSDAY, JUNE 24, 1948 THE SE,A,FORTI=I NEWS ar S_0 _. Superior Values — For Thursday, June 24 till June 30 No. 1 ROUND BLUE ROSE RICE 2 lbs. • 21c KELLOGG'S 'RICE KRISPIES 2 pkgs. LIBBY'S MILK -- Large Large tin ARCTIC PASTRY FLOUR — 7 ib. bag KRAFT OR VELVEETA PLAIN crieeSE -- • /bLkE . 21c LIPTONS NOODSOUP MIX — 2 pkgs. 25c 234° 10c 25c 'Nutrini Baby Cereal—l8 oz. pkg. 49c; 9 oz, pkg. 29c Champion Dog or CatFood per pkg. 10e Fleishmans All Purpose Yeast per Dake 4c Maxwell House Coffee, % lb bag -25e; 1 lb. bag 47c Gowans Perfection Cocoa large 1 lb. tin 250 Swansdown Cake Flour ,., per pkg. 310 Bakers Premium Chocolate, 3 oz, bar -10e; 3 lb. bar 21a Red Maraschino Cherries Crosse & Blackwells Thick Meat Sauce Javex Concentrate Manyflowers Toilet Soap Old Dutch Cleanser 8 oz. bottle 15c 8 oz. bottle 25c per bottle 150 3 bars 15c 2 tins 210 Paper Napkins ,.... per' pkg. 15c Catellis Macaroni or Spaghetti 16 oz. pkg. 10c - Certo Mamba Seals .. Parowax Rubber Rings per bottle 25c per pkg. 10e 1 Ib.• carton 15c 4 dozen 250 Crosse & Blackwells Worcestershire Sauce 6 oz. bottle 29c White Hand Picked Beans " 4 Ib, 19e Grape Nuts Flakes large economy pkg. 15c Shredded Wheat 2 pkgs. 250 Keens Mustard, 1% oz. tin -1.0c; 4 oz. tin 27c Fruit Kepe 25 tablets for 25e Van Camps Ungraded Peas 2-20 oz, tins 27e Flags for Dominion Day, approx. 3' x 4' 75c Ross J„Spro-at Art Wright PHONE 8 PHONE 77 Seaforth Farmers Co -Operative Certified Green Mountain Potatoes. • ai 5 X B. C. Shingles, Go -op and Shur Gain Fertilizer. Co-op and Shur Gain Feed. Semi -Solid Buttermilk. Orders taken for Seed Corn. Electric Fencers. Phone 9 Spence's Produce GOVERNMENT REGISTERED EGG GRADING STATION Highest Cash Prices paid for Eggs and Poultry Phone 170-W, Seaforth DUBLIN The recent normal school gradu- ates of this district have all received schooj appointments for the ensuing year: Miss Katherine Jordan to S.S. No. 2, Hibbert, Miss Jean Quinsey to Logan and Miss Marion Meagher to the Board of Separate Schools, Lon- don. Miss Mary Evans has been re- engaged at her school in Logan. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Stapleton have moved into the residence reo- entry vacated`i,y Mr. and Mrs. Suth- erland. Mrs. Catherine McDermott and Miss Mary Ryan, Toronto, at their homes here. Private Louis J. Looby, Simcoe, with his mother, Mrs. A. M. Looby. Mr. and Mrs. James Hanley and son, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hanley. Mr. and. Mrs. William Stapleton entertained the Hagarty and Staple- ton families at a dinner in honor of Captain and Mrs. Frank Stapleton' on Sunday,prior to their return to Petawawa. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Walker and children, Listowel, with Mr. and Mrs Thos. Brown. • I Miss Alicia Coyne, Stratford, with Mr. and Mrs. M. Coyne. f Misses Agnes and Lauretta Feeney of London and Private Michael Fee- ney, Halifax, with Mr. and Mrs. Mac. Feeney. HARLOCK Quite a number of the men in Burns' Church neighborhood have been busy shingling the church sheds this week. Mrs, Jennie Knox, Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Knox and Mr. and Mrs. Ward Knox attended the wedding dinner of the former's granddaughter, Miss Rosamond Appleby at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Appleby in McKillop Saturday, June 19. The young couple were married at the manse. Mrs. -Jennie Knox, Mrs. Ernest and Mrs. Ward Knox were guests at the trousseau tea Wednesday afternoon of last week at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Appleby in honor of the bride-to-be, Miss Rosamond Ap- pleby, Mr. and Mrs, Isaac Rapson spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Joint T. Knox in Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Willows Mountain and Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Joselyn and little Eileen ,were also visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Knox. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Knox of Picker- ing visited friends in this neighbor- hood part of last week; also visited friends in Listowel, near Atwood, Brussels,' Wingham, Blyth, Londes- boro and Clinton, and near Clinton, Mrs. Bert Alien,, who was appoint- ed convener for looking after Burne' Cemetery, had ladies in cutting grass and weeds, also had Guy and Thomas Leiper with their team filling up graves and made a great improve- ment on the cemetery. As it is sandy ground it is hard to keep the graves in shape. We are sorry Mr. James Watt of Blyth, formerly of .Harlock, is not at present enjoying good health, but hope he will soon be Peeling better. ELIMV'ILLE Mr, and :Mr's. Edwin Chesney of Egmondville were Sunday visitors at 1the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Brock. Sgt. Clarence Ford of Jarvis is ,spending a nine day leave at his home here. Mrs, Ed Johns and Hazel ate Spending this week in Toronto visit- ing the former's sister, Mrs. Alice Reihnt. ' - Mr, and Mrs. Hy, Ford and family visited. with Mr. and Mrs. Newnan Baker near Wellburn on Sunday. KIPPEN EAST The June meeting of the Kippen. East W.I. will be 'held at the home, of Mrs. Wm. Kyle • on Tuesday even- ing, June 29th, at 8.30. Guest speaker will be Miss Rorke from the Dept. of Agriculture who will speak on the project, "The Family Co-op eratet for Good Nutrition." This talk will be illustrated by slides. All lad- ies interested are cordially invited to attend, The roll call Will be How to Save a Step or Two. TUCKERSMITH Mrs. Kirk of near Wingham return- ed home on Sunday afterr visiting for two' weeks with friends on the 2nd concession. Mr, and Mrs. Lewis Tebbutt spent several days with friends in Hamilton and em'oute. Mrs. Russell Coleman, while hoe- ing in the garden one day last week, turned ttii an 18k gold ring. It must have been in the ground a great manyyears but the centre was quite bright and almost as good as ever, but the engraving on the outside was not so clear. Want and For Sale Ads, 1 week 25o, TOWN TOPICS Mrs. Francis Coleman was i'n Clin- ton on Saturday attending ,achieve- ment day, Mrs. Coleman is local lead- er for 'The Garden Brigade" in Me- Killep. • Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tate and family of Dearborn are visiting with friends and 'relatives in town and vicinity. Mrs. J. F, McMann, who has been visiting here, left Wednesday for her. home in Chicago, Mrs. Gordoa Hays and daughter. Patsy are visiting her mother, Mrs. C, Eckert. Mr, and Mrs, Walter Hoegy and family, of Kalamazoo, Michigan, are spending the week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hoegy. Mr. Malcolm Southgate, Kitchener, spent the week end at the home of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. E. Southgate. Mr. and Mrs. •Clifford Beil,` and family, Grimsby, were week end guests at the home of, Mr. and Mrs. John Bell, John street. Airwoman Vera Hudson,' RCAF, Fingal, was a guest at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Scott Habkirk, Lance Corporal John Flannery, Ip perwash, spent the week end with. Mrs. Flannery, Mr, David Lowery, Goderioh, spent the week end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. George Lowery. , LAC Jack Dunlop, ROAF, Guelph, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A, W. Dunlop, Elmer Beattie, of Goderich, is vis- iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Beattie. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Salisbury, Mit- chell, spent Sunday at the home of the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. P. Nigh. LAC. Jack Fortune, RCAF, Guelph, spent the week enol with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fortune. Pte, Harold Chesney, Woodstock; spent the week end with Mrs. Chesney. Miss Laura McLellan, of Stratford, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. An- drew McLellan. Miss Gladys MoMane, Blyth, spent the week end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. R. McMane. Miss Ferne Dunlop.3s holidaying at Barrow Bay. .Bruce Wright, RCAF, Centralia, with his parents Mr. and Mrs. W. Wright. Mr. Francis O'Reilly, Waterloo, 'spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert O'Reilly. Miss Doreen Regier, Toronto, was a guest at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Regier,over the week end. • Mr. and Mrs. M, Hoff visited with relatives in Paris. Mr. Jack Stevens, London, spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. W. Stevens. Miss Betty Bannon spent the week end in London. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Millson and little daugltter, of Ingersoll, spent the week end with the latter's father Mr. E. Mole. Mr, George MacDonald, Stratford, is visiting with his daughter, Mrs. Ralph McFadden and Mr. McFadden. Mr. and •Mr•s, Frank McNamara of Stratford spent Sunday with Mr, Michael Murray. Mrs. Gordon Regele received word that her husband Pte. Gordon Regele has arrived safely overseas. Mr, and Mrs,. W. J. Faulkner of Kitchener spent the week end with the former's mother, Mrs. F. A. Faulkner. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Archibald of Chattanooga, Tennessee, are spend- ing pending the week with the former's mother, Mrs. Andrew Archibald. Dr, and Mrs. Grieve and eon David spent the week end in Buffalo. Mr, and Mrs. Knott of Brantford spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Knott, Goderioh st, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Stewart and Miss. Florence Fowler of Bluevale at- tended the wedding on Saturday at London of Miss Matilde, Fowler, dau- ghter of Mr, Henry Fowler,. London. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eaton and family spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. A. Sperling of Gorrie, Dancing Dublin IN LOOBY'S BALL FRIDAY JUNE 25th MAC BURGESS AND ' HIS ORCHESTRA Admission 50e Dance i ST. COLUMBAN MONDAY, JUNE 28 Snider's Orchestra Lunch served. Admission 500, Proceeds to be used for war work Auspices of C. W. L. MRS, JAMES H. COLQUHOUN The death occur ed suddenly on Tuesday evening, June 15th, at 746 Tenth street, Niagara Falls, N.Y., of Elizabeth Spencer, beloved wife of James Colquhoun, in. her 7701 year. The late Mrs. Colquhoun was born in Liverpool, England, daughter of the late John and Maria Spencer and at the age of 12 eame to Canada with her sister,the late Mrs. Wm. Kruse (Hannah) then 13 years of age. For a number of years Mrs. Oolquhoun lived in and around Beamsville, Ont. where she was married to James Colquhoun about 60 years ago. Later they moved to Niagara Falls, NX., where Mr. Colquhoun was employed at the Niagara Electric Power plant until his retirement a few years ago. The deceased was a member of Rosebud Rebekah Lodge, No. 20, I.O.O.F., Dames of Malta, Degree of Pocohantas, Daughters of St. George also Niagara Falls Chapter No. 58'2, Order of the Eastern Star, Messiah White Shrine of Jerusalem No. 18, and Niagara Falls Court No. 50, Or- der of Amaranth. Besides her husband she is surviv- ed by two sons and one daughter, William E. Colquhoun, member of the Niagara Falls Board of Educa- tion, Donald J. Colquhoun, member of the City Police Patrol, and Mrs. George Wilson, all of Niagara Falls, N.X. Also there are 6 grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren. Funeral services were held from the family home, Friday at 2 p.m. and burial took 'place in Oakwood cemetery. Rev. Chas. Osborn offic- iated. • Mrs. William Oldfield and• son John, Mrs, Raymond Nott and Mrs. Edward Brown of Seaforth, nieces and nephew of Mrs. Colquhoun, were in Niagara Falls last week attending the funeral. Mrs. R. G, Parke, a friend of the deceased for a number of yoars, accompanied them. Mrs. Colquhoun will be remembered by a great many people in and around Seaforth at she was an annual visitor here with her sister, Mrs. Kruse, un- til the death of the latter, six years ago, on June 11, 1937. KIPPEN The Rev. Mr. Harrington of Tor- onto was the guest speaker at the church on Sunday last. He outlined in an interesting way the wide scope of the work of the . Bible Society, made wider by war conditions. The Bible Society places a copy of the New Testament in every lifeboat and every aeroplane liferaft. So that such as a Rickenbacher adrift on the ocean for days or weeks at sea may Ilave the comfort of the Word of life beside" hint. Mr. Harrington told of a record in the Toronto office • of a contribution sent in from this com- munity as early as 1858 and amount- ed to $220 The service next Sunday will be in charge of the Rev. Mr. Patton of McKillop, while Mr. Grant is taking anniversary services at Duff's church. The Sunday School follows the close of the service. Mrs. Wm. McCIytnont and daugh- ter Edith McClymont of Ndtvmarket and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Grieve were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. NIcClymont. Mr, Norman Long, Jean Long and Mrs. Leslie Sim visited with friends in Owen Sound on Sunday. Mrs. .Robt. McBride met with a hairful accident when she got her hand caught in the wringer of the washing machine. Miss Ruth Watson of Clinton visit- ed with her parents, Mr. and SIrs. C. Watson over. the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Smith of Guelph and Wanda Baker of Clin- ton spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. John Jarrott. Mrs, Wm, Cole of Chiselhurst is the guest of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. J. F. Bell and family, Mrs. B. McDonald of Seaforth is the guest of Mr. and Mrs, R. Broad - foot and fancily, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Caldwell visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Joe McClellan on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, J. F. Bell visited with friends in London on Sunday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dayman and son Howard took in anniversary ser- vices at Thames Road on Sunday and visited with the latter's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Cann and son Arnold, WINTHROP • The Red Cross unit willmeet in the church Tuesday, June 29th, Try and be present. Miss Beatrice Pryee has returned to Stratford after spending her 11.101 - days at her home. Cpl, George McClure of Petawawa Camp spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs. John McClure. Mr. John Bullard of Thamesford is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. George Eaton, and nailing on old friends and neighbors. Mr, Thomas Staples of Seaforth visited Mr. and Mrs, John Piyce this week. Vire were sorry to hear of Miss Margaret Montgomery having to und- ergo a very critical operation in the Brantford Hospital and pleased to hear she is getting along fine. Pte, Les Dolmage has returned to Nanaimo Camp, B,C„ after spending a month's furlough with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, Charles Dolmage, We are sorry to hear of Mr, John Storey having his two sons in Scott Memorial Hospital, both having oper- ations within a week, LAKEVIEW CASINO RAN.D BEND - BANG ! OFF WE GO STARTING SATURDAY — JUNE 26th EVERY NIGHT "MUSICAL PATTERNS BY PATTON" STAN. PATTON d HIS ORCHESTRA Direct from a successful season in Toronto and Brant Inn, Hamilton Admission 50c, SUNDAY CONCERT, JUNE 27T33 THEDFORD BRASS BAND _ 30 MUSICIANS JULY 1st HOLIDAY BALL GAME — CASINO DIAMOND — 7 o'clock GUELPH vs. EXETER LAKEVIEWS (Lakeviews winners of district series) (Guelph were victors of the last game) COME OUT & SUPPORT YOUR HOME THAM! SUNDAY — JULY 4th TAVISTOCK BRASS BAND — TAVISTOCK BUGLE BAND FRED FUNK'S FLOOR SHOW (Details later) BAYFIELD Mr. and Mrs. F. Turner, of God - elicit spent Sunday with their son; Mr. Grant Turner and Mrs. Turner. Mr. and Mrs. Stephenson of God- erich, Mr, L. Fowlie of London and Mr, and Mrs, G, Koehler of Zurich spent Sunday with the Misses Fowlie Miss Lorna Westlake of Hespeler spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Westlake. The many friends of Mr. Robt. Orr, who has been in Clinton hospi- tal for. the past two weeks, will be glad to know that he is recovering and will soon be able to come home. Prof, Lloyd Hodgins and Miss Hodgins of Toronto, and Mrs. (Dr.) McNeil and son of Cleveland arriv- ed at their cottage on Tuesday and expect to spend the summer here. Dr, Wm. Aberhart and Mrs. Aber - hart and fc,mily of Mitchell spent Sunday at their cottage. The death occurred in Bayfield on Thursday, June 17th of one of the oldest and most highly esteemed res- idents in the person of Melissa Har- rison, beloved wife of Murdoch Ross in her eightieth year. She lived all her married Iife in Bayfield. Mrs. Ross was of a kind, genial nature which endeared her to her neigh- bors and she will be missed in Bay- field, Mrs, Ross had been ill for sev- eral months. She is survived by her husband and four daughters, Lena, Mrs. Kister, of Petersburg, Kate, Mrs. N,ewcome, of Philadelphia, Dol- ly Mrs. Davidson of Woodstock and Irene, Mrs. Bassett of Buffalo, and one son William of Baltimore. The funeral was held on Saturday. A short service at the house and a pub- lic service at the Presbyterian church conducted by her pastor, Rev. D. Lane, interment in Bayfield cemet- ery. The pallbearers were Messrs. A. Armstrong, J. Richardson, C. Hous- ton, G. Little, S. McEwan and R. Harrison. A very successful Young People's Rally was held in St, Andrew's Unit- ed Church on Sunday, June 20th, at ent, Murray Grainger, in charge. The scripture lesson was read by Mr, Bert Dunn Jr, from the 3rd chapter of St. John's gospel. Special musical numb- ers consisted of a solo by Mr. Colin Campbell, "I Know God's Promises are true," a duet by Miss Mabel Scotchmer and Mrs. Donald McKen zie entitled "Come close to the Sav- iour" and a solo by Murray Grainger, "The Stranger of Galileo," The guest speaker for the occasion was Mr. Benson Sutter of Clinton, president of Huron Presbytery Young People's Union. The theme of his message was "I Will Serve," calling on the youth of to -day to rise up and serve the church, the community, and the Mas- ter. The responsibilities ahead are great, the challenges to those who are to -morrow's strength in the church are great and youth to -day answers the challenge. He also ex- tended greetings on behalf of the Presbytery of Huron to the young people of Bayfield in their work here, A baptismal service was also con- ducted by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Vol - land, HILLSGREEN Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Koch and son Tom of Exeter visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davidson one evening. Some of the young men from this district were called to report at Lis- towel under the selective service, Mrs. Hopkins and friend, Mrs. Porter, of Chicago, spent a week visiting relatives in this district. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davidson, ac- companied by Mrs. John Koch of Ex- eter attended the funeral on Friday of the former's uncle, Mr. William Parker of Milverton. the morning service with the presid- Want and For Sale Ads, 3 weeks 50e. h C E « TO THE MUSIC OF CLAYTON STEEPER'S 8 PIECE DANCE BAND At The Seaforth Armouries THURSDAY, JULY 1ST 9.30 P.M. R Open Air Chicken Bingo AND OTHER ATTRACTIONS Come To Seaforth on the Night of July 1st Yon won't have to kick in much! To get a kick out of it ! Sponsored by the Seaforth Athletic Association FREE WHILE STOCK LASTS 1 gal. Livestock Spray free with 1 Bowman Electric Fencer at regular price. JOHN BACH MAIN STREET SEAFORTH NOTICE A change will be made in Passenger Train Schedules on SUNDAY, JUNE 27TH, 1943 and other specific dates Pursuant to instructions of the Transport Controller certain services which it was proposed would operate during the summer months will be withdrawn, FOR PARTICULARS APPLY TO TICKET AGENT CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS