HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1943-06-17, Page 5`•
THURSDAY,.JUNE 17, 1943.
Tops in Values — Thursday, June 17 till June 23.
Large pkg:: ,,.,,..,.
'2 — 12 oz, pkgs. 27e
27_oz. jar .... 290
Per pkg. 10c
12 oz, pkg. ,,..,,,,•.15c
KELLOGGS ALL WHEAT - with free tumbler
2 Pkgs. 25c
Clover Leaf Herring — in Tomato sauce 15% oz. tin 190
Laings C. 0, Sauce 8 oz. bottle 19c
Libbys Prepared Mustard 6 oz. jar 100
Blue Boy Coffee 1 •lb, bag 35c
Newport Fluffs — Tumbler Free !, , , , , , , , , , , ... , , 8 qt, bag 26e
Roman Meal per pkg, 29c
Liptons Red Label Tea, Black ,. ,,,,.... ,,,,...,,., % ib, pkg, l8c
Aylmer Infants Food , 3 tins 25c
Satins .. per pkg, 7c
2 in 1 White Shoe Cleaner per bottle -15c and 250
Hawes Floor Wax , , 1 lb, tin 45c
Moodys Chloride of Limo lairge pkg, 150
Hillcrest Toilet Tissue 8 large rolls 250
Pard Dog Food • 2'pkgs, 290
'Certo per bottle 25c
Rubber Rings ...................... 4 dozen 25o
Memba Seals per pkg. 10c
Parowax• 1 lb. carton 150
Ovaltine, med. tin -58e; large tin 98c
Habitant Vegetable Soup 10 oz. tin 10b
Plain or Iodized Salt • large 2 lb pkg. — 2 for 150
Quick Quaker Macaroni' 16 , oz, pkg. 130
Coxs Gelatine per pkg, 19e
Hillcrest Pure Lard 1 lb, carton 19c
Cow Brand Baking Soda, rF lb, pkg. —5c; 1 lb. pkg. 10c
Ross J. Sproat
Art Wright
Seaforth Farmers Co -Operative
41 Certified Green. Mountain Potatoes.
5 X B. C. Shingles.
Co-op and Shur Gain Fertilizer.
Co-op and Shur Gain Feed.
Semi -Solid Buttermilk.
Orders taken for Seed Corn.
Electric Fencers. -
Phone 9
Spence's Produce
Highest Cash Prices paid for
Eggs and Poultry
Phone 170-W, Seaforth
The Government bonus of 4c a
lb will be paid on all approved
lots, direct from the department
of agriculture, without the pro-
ducer having to make an ap-I
A11 wool shipped to Jacksons is
graded in Seaforth and full set-
tlement made from there. -
Seaforth . Phone 3W & 3J
Service in the United Church,
Varna, will be withdrawn next Sun-
day so that as many as possible will
be able to attend the anniversary
service at Blake Church. The Rev.
A. W. Gardiner of Egreondvilie will
be the special speaker. Services will
be held at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m.
Special music will be a quartette in
the morning and a trio in the even
ing. Special singers from Hensall
will be present.
A Special service will be held in
the hall Sunday,. June 20th at 7 p.m.
Rev. Horace Watts from the north-
ern mission field, will come prepared
to show some very interesting views
from the mission field. Service will
be conducted under the auspices of
St. John's Anglican Church, Rev.
Watts before the war was a mission-
ary in Japan and we expect will be
well worth hearing..A welcome invi-
tation is extended to all who care to
attend this service
Anniversary services of the Con-
stance Sunday School will be held
Sunday evening, June '20th, at 7.10.
Rev. Gordon Hazlewood of Walton,
will be tie guest speaker, The, jun-
ior choir will provide special music.
Mrs. Austin Dexter, Mrs, Chas.
Dexter and. Mrs, Wm. Jewitt att nd
ed the decoration service at Blyth
Union Cemetery on Sunday.
Mr, James Moore returned to Tor-
onto last week after spending a few
weeks with his brother.
Mrs. Ken Betties of Brantford
:Penta day last week with her par
ents Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Grimoldby.
Miss Blanche Armstrong is sink at
present with the mumps.
Mr. Percy Taylor, Mrs. Diana Tay-
lor,_Mr. and Mrs. Peter Papineau of
Walton visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Armstrong on. Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Riley of Sea -
forth have moved back to the village.
Mr, Harry Durnin is shingling his
kitchen this week.
The service on Sunday next will
be in charge of the minister, the
Rev. A. M. Grant, who wi11 introduce
the Rev. J. S. Harrington of Toronto.
Mr. Harrington will discuss' "The
Bible in many languages:"
The Gauld Mission Band held its
June meeting on Sunday morning,
meeting first with the congregation.
Immediately after the sermon the
Mission Band adjourned " to the
school room fdr their meeting. The
meeting was opened with prayer by
the leader, followed by the prayer
for peace and the Lord's prayer in.
unison. The minutes' of the last
meeting were read by Joyce Broad -
foot. Mrs. J. W. Mellis told the story
of Ramdial, a little boy of Trinidad.
Donald Kyle moved a vote of thanks
to Mrs. Mellis for telling the story,
which was seconded by Ray Consitt..
"Jesus Bids us. Shine" was dung and
the meeting closed with the Mizpah
benediction repeated in unison.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ulch of Wind-
sor were visitors with Mr. Norman
Long and Jean over the week end.
Mr'.' and Mrs. Joseph Dayman and
son Howard and also brother-in-law,
Mr. John Moore, of Algoma, spent an
evening in Goderich visiting . Mrs.
Dayman's daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs, Keith Colborne and
family, '
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dayman and
Howard and sister, Mrs,' John Oke, .of
Exeter, attended anniversary services
at Zion (Usborne), Woodham circuit,
which Mrs. Dayman and Mrs. Oke
formerly attended and renewed old
acquaintances and visited their bro-
ther George and Mrs. Squire.
Mr. Earl Sproat spent the week
end with friendsin Toronto and
Mr, E. Mousseau of the village
has been confined to his room with
sickness, under the doctor's care.
Mr. and Mrs, Ross Broadfoot are
receiving congratulations these days.
It a girl.
Mr. and Mrs, John Cooper. of Ha-
milton have moved to their new
home in the village where they in-
tend to reside.
ALBRECHT — in Scott Memorial
Hospital, on Thursday, June 10th
to Mr, and Mrs, Emmanuel Al-
brecht, Seaforth, a son,
MCKENZIE — In Scott Memorial
Hospital, on Sunday, June 13th, to
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, 1. McKenzie, of
Kippen,.a daughter (Flora Grace).
MoCOWAN in Scott . Memorial
Hospital, on. Tuesday, June 15th, to
Mr, and Mrs. Frank McCowan, of
Brucefleld, a daugl4,er,
Cottage, 6 rooms with bathroom,
lights, furnace, soft and hard water,
conveniently located; immediate pos-
We also have listed 2 modern
houses for sale, well situated, of
which . immediate possesslon can be
Apply to 16. C. Chamberlain, Li-
censed Real Estate Broker and In-
surance Agent, Phone. 334 or 220,
Mt'. Joseph Gibson who is ill,was
removed to Scott Memorial Hospital
on Saturday. Mr. Gibson will be 90
on July 24tli and has llved in this
vicinity most of this life, having come
from near Toronto when quite young
to Mclfillop. Since 1926 he has lived
in Seaforth, and the, past' twelve
years with his niece, Mrs, M. White.
Mrs, W. J. Woods, of Walton, has
taken rooms in the Royal Apart.
Local members of the Middlesex.
Huron Regiment left on Sunday for
training at Thames Valley Camp, at
miss Ruth Joynt, who taught at
Leadbury school last year, has been
engaged to teach at Preston next
Mrs- T, J. Nolan and baby Susan
returned to their home in Niagara
Falls after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Nolan for the past week.
Miss Alice Daly is in Hamilton this
week where she is attending the nat-
ional convention of the Catholic Wo-
men's League which is being held 111'
that city. •
Week end guests at the homes of
Mr. T. W. McMillan- and Mr. Edwin
Hunt, were Mr. and Mrs, 0, H, Mox-
ley, Dorchester, Mrs. Maude Sloane,
Toronto, Miss Betty Lou Marsh, Win-
nipeg, Mrs, Gladson Campbell, Tor.
onto, Mr, and Mrs, C. C. Hunt, Lon-
don, Mr. Ted Moxley, Winnipeg, now
stationed. in St. Thomas with RCAF.
Miss Peggy Boundy, Detroit, is a
guest at the home of her grandpar-
ents, Mr, and Mrs. A. O'Leary,
Mrs, Rae Benninger, Guelph, and
Mrs, Joseph Miller, Detroit, were
here attending the Phillips -MacLean
wedding on Saturday,
Mrs. L. Smith and children, Tor-
onto, are visiting at the home of Mr,
and Mrs. Percy Smith, in McKillop.
Miss Helen Upshall, St. Marys,
spent the week end at the home of
her parents,
Jack Dunlop, RCAF, Guelph, spent
the week end with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. A. W. Dunlop, '
Pte. Frank Lamont, of Ipperwash,
spent the week end with Mrs. La-
Flying Officer Ian MacTavish, of
Camp Borden, who just returned
from New 'fork, spent the week end
with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. John
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Zimmerman
and daughter Miss Edith, Stratford,
spent the week end with friends in
Richard Box, RCAF, Hamilton,
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E, L.
Mrs, J. McMahon, Chicago, is
spending two weeks vacation with
relatives in town and vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs, William Neely and
son, Stratford, with the latter's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Reeves,
Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth MacLean,
Toronto, 'were week end visitors in
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Groves and
son Duncan, of Victoria, B,C., are
spending a -few days at the parental
home with Mr. andMrs. Jacob Wurm.
Mr. and Mr's, Nelson Aubrey and
son Richard, have returned to their
home in Nalcna, after spending the
past week at the home of Mrs. Aub-
rey's father, Mr. A, F. Cluff.
CSM. Lloyd Hoggarth, RCAF, Ot-
tawa, spent the week end with Mrs.
Hoggarth and Phillip.
Don -MacLean, RCNVR, of London,
spent the week end with his parents
Mr. and Mrs. Roderick MacLean,
Lieutenant . M. C. Milliken, - Camp
Borden, spent the week end at his
home here.
Leading Aircraftman David Grieve,
RCAF, Dartmouth, N.S., visited this
week with his parents, Dr, and Mrs.
John Grieve.
Miss Agnes Lynch, Detroit, is vis-
iting with relatives in Seaforth,,
Sgt, J. Walker Hart, Military Train-
ing Camp, London, spent the week
end with. his mother, Mrs. Margaret
Karl, George St,.
Mrs. Mary Stubbs, who visited the
past week with her mother, Mrs,
Thos. Storey, left on Tuesday for
New York, enroute to her home in
Reeve Merton Reid of Seaforth,
Reeve 5. H. Whitmore sof Tucker -
smith and Reeve N. 13. Domaine of
McKillop are in Goderich this week
attending •County Council.
Mrs. L. Bernstein and two child-
ren of London are guests at the
"Little inn."
Mr. and Mrs. G. Knight, Ronald
and Mary and Miss Wilma Bickerton
of Toronto spent the week end with
Mrs. Knight's mother, Mrs. F. C.
Miss Marilyn Maxwell of .Preston
is spending this week with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Maxwell
Mr, and Mrs. Craig Herr spent the
week end at their home in the vil-
Mr. and Mrs, F. Erwin and Master
The regular. meeting of the W.M.
S. was held in the chnreh on Thurs-
day last with the president in the
Omar. After the usual opening ser-
vice business was taken up. It was
agreed that the Auxiliary entertain
the Mission Circle, Mission Band and
Baby Band at the July meeting to
be held on community hall .grounds
if weather favorable, a picnic lunch
to be served, Roll call was answered
by a verse containing the word
"'Comfort," Mrs. Webster gave a
very interesting temperance reading.
Group No. 3 with Mrs, Caldwell in
charge gave the program, Mrs, G.
Moon read the Scripture lesson, fol-
lowed with prayer by Mrs. Caldwell,
Mrs. Scott contributed a pleasing
solo, "Hear thou my prayer." A
short playlet was then put on, those
taking part were: Mrs. Fangrad,
Velma. Hesk, Mrs. W. E. Manning,
Mrs. W. Gower and Ruth ,Shaddick,
Mrs, Caldwell gave a reading. Meet-
ing• closed with singing a hymn and
prayer by Mrs. Watson and Mrs,
Mr. and Mrs. John Fingland and
Alice and Mr. Frank Pingland of
Clinton attended the funeral of the
formers' son-in-law, Mr. Barker of
Toronto, who died suddenly on Sun-
day. He was the husband of Jemima
Mr, and Mrs, Frank Hall are visit-
ing at the home of their son, -Charles
Hall of St. Marys,
Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Fairservice
had all their family with them on
Sunday. - -
One of the worst electrical storms
for some time was experienced here
on Saturday night it being accomp-
anied with shets of heavy rain, Mrs,
Lillie Webster's house was struck by
lightning coming' down through the
chimney. The damage was not heavy.
Many from here attended the de-
coration service held at the Union
cemetery on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Shobbrook of
Clinton visited with Mr: and Mrs.
John Shobbrook on Sunday.
Rev. A. E. Menzies is taking the
anniversary services at Fullerton on
Sunday next. The minister. from
Fullerton will take the services here.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Manning and
Phyllis, Clinton, visited the foriner's
mother, Mrs. M. Manning on Sunday
Mrs. H, Lyon and Mr. Harold
Beacom have removed their fences
from the front of their houses which
adds to the appearance considerably.
A lovely June wedding of wide
interest took place at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McQueen of
Aensall, Saturday, June 12 at 2.80
p.m, when their youngest' daughter,
Helen Grace, became the bride of
Wilmer John Traquair, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Melville Traquair of _Hen-
sall: The ceremony which took place
in the living room under an arch of
evergreen, spirea and pink peonies,
was'perfbrmed by. R. A. Brook
of Hensall United Church in the
-presence of a large number of guests
from Ridgetown, Blenheim, London,
Zurich,- Brueefield,Cromarty, Hen-
sall, Exeter, and Thamesford. The
wedding music was played by Miss
Mavis Reid of London, cousin of the
bride. Mi. Benson Stoneman of Hen-
sall, cousin of the groom, soloist,
sang in pleasing voice "At Dawn-
ing," In her floor -length gown of
white triple sheer crepe, the lovely
young bride was given away_ by her
father, her finger-tip veil
ranged from heart -shaped
dress and her bridal bouquet was of
Sunburst roses. She wore a gold
watch and chain belonging to her
grandmother, the late Mrs. Mc-
Queen. She was attended by her sis-
ter, Miss Jean McQueen of Hensall,
charming m- a floor -length gown of
blue triple sheer with shoulder
length veil and head-dress the same
as the bride's. She carried a bou-
quet of early rose carnations, Donna
Rigby of Blenheim, niece ' of the
bride, was a dainty little flower girl
frocked in pink crepe, floor -length,
with matching bows on her hair, and
carrying a colonial bouquet of for-
get-me-not and lily of the valley.
Mr. Arthur Traquair, brother of the
groom, was 'best. man. The wedd-
ing dinner was served at the New
Commercial Hotel at Hensall, Mrs.
McQueen receiving in a gown of blue
crepe, blue felt hat and matching
accessories. Mrs. Traquair assisted,
wearing powder blue crepe, picture
hat of cream and matching access-
ories. Both wore corsages of white
olivette carnations. Mrs. J. D. Reid
of London, aunt of the bride, also
assisted, costumed in a figured crepe
dress with matching accessories and
corsage of American Beauty roses.
Pink and white were the color
schemes for the attractive decore-'
tions in the dining room, decorated
with white wedding bells and fes-
tooned with pink and white carna-
tions. The bridal table centred with
the wedding cake, pink and white
Jerry, Mr. and Mrs, J. Muter, all of carnations and corresponding tapers.
(Kitchener visited the former's aunt, For their wedding trip they motored
Mrs, F, A. Edwards on Sunday, to Muskoka, the bride travelling in a
llir, C. Atkinson and Mr. and Mrs. printed silk jersey suit with match -
Tack Atkinson and Marion and Stew- ing accessories. Mr. and Mrs. Tra-
art, of Detroit were here over the sail, The groom'sll take giftdtoce in Hen -
the bride
week end. was a cabinet of silver, flower girl,
Mrs. A• Lawson of Stratford ar-
rived. gold bracelet, bridesmaid, pearl ear-
Friday to spend a weak at her rings, best man, leather cigarette
Misses May Thomasand Annie case, soloist, shaving set, pianist,
Munson are spending a week at the compact.
Thomas cottage.McLean-Hayter.
Mrs. Wm. Moran of London was
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs; Sam A lovely June wedding was sol-
Houston over the week end, emnized at the United Church
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. P. Ferguson of manse, Varna, when Rev, Reba Bern
London have taken Mrs. Hart's cot- Officiated for the marriage of Marg-
tage for two weeks. itret Eileen Hayter, daughter of Mr:
The bee inspectors have made and Mrs, William Hayter, of Varna,
their annual rounds to 'the apiaries and Kenneth Lawrence McLean,
in this district. Prospoets at present 'luppen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robt.
indicate a very light yield of honey McLean of Hipper. The attractive
this year, young bride was charming' 10 white
Lieut, and Mrs. E. W. Kendall and net over white satin floor -length,
two children returned to their home with sweetheart neckline and carry-
in Elmira after having visited Mrs, ing pink carnations. She wore a gold
Kendall's parents, Mr. and Ml's. Wm pendant set with pearls, gift of the
Jowett for a few days this week. groom. She was attended by miss
Adrienne Scientifically
Harmonized Cosmetics
are some of the high
quality, papular priced
products sold only by
Rexall Drug Stores.
"True beauty,"
Adrienne, "depends on harmony.says"
Face Powder, Rouge and Lipstick
must be skilfully blended, each to
enhance the other, to glorify your
Adriennehasspecially harmonized
cosmetics for each type of feminine
beauty ... so ingeniously that you
feel that your choice was blended just
for you, Adrienne Perfume compli-
ments your every mood ... matches
you revery costu m e. YetAd Nen ne cos-
metics are not costly. Stop in and see
the Adrienne Colour Harmony Chart
at your Rexall Cosmetic Counter.
Phone 28, Seaforth
Barbara Graham, costumed in floor
length floral sheer, over satin, and
her bouquet was white carnations.
Mr, Bruce McGregor of I{ippen was
groomsman. Later the bridal couple
left for a wedding trip to Hamilton,
Niagara Falls and points east, the
bride donning for travelling a two-
tone beige aua tan crepe dress with
matching accessories, Mr. and Mrs.
Hayter will reside east of Hensall
A quiet June wedding was solem-
nized at James street United Church
manse, Exeter, on Saturday when
Rev, A. B. Irwin united in marriage
Mary Viotta, only daughter of Mrs.
T. McKaig, Hensall, and Charles
Gould Salter, son of Mrs. E. Salter,
Exeter. They were unattended. The
mothers of the bridal couple were
witnesses. The bride chose a street -
length Churchill blue shadow crepe
dress with white accessories and cor-
sage bouquet of Talisman roses. Fol-
lowing the ceremony the wedding
party motored to the home of the
bride's mother in Hensall where din-
ner was served to the immediate rel-
atives. For their wedding trip the
bridal couple motored to Northern
Ontario, the bride travelling in a
two-piece flowered silk dress, tweed
coat and matching accessories. Mr.
and Mrs. Salter will reside in Wing -
ham where the groom recently re-
ceived the appointment of county
The June meeting of the W.M.S. of
Chiselhurst United Church was held
at the home of Mrs. George Dal-
rymple with Mrs. David Chappel in
the chair. Opening hymn 171 was
sung. Mrs. Chappel led in prayer.
The roll call was answered by your
favorite flower. Scripture reading Isa-
iah 9, 1.10, by Mrs. John Glenn.
Wholesome recreation from the study
book was taken by Mrs. Earl Treifry,
city recreation by Mrs, A. McDonald.
Mrs. Chappel read the closing wor-
ship and a reading from the program.
The meeting closed with hymn and
Lakeview Casino
Repeat Performance
Alf. Tibbs and his
. Orchestra
'Phone or write Eric Meilroy
regarding your picnic date,
59 r 1
Dancing !
Dancing'-' Admission 50c
BARKER, John McIntyre—At his
home, 560 Balliol Street, on Sunday,
June 13th, John 51. Barker, beloved
husband of Jemima Fingland, father
of Sergeant-Major Ross Barker,
R.C.C.S., Camp Borden, and ACh.
Donald Barker, RCAF, St. Thomas.
Service in the funeral chapel Tues-
day at 3.30 p.m. Interment Mount
Pleasant cemetery.
Do You,Need Money?
FARM PRODUCTS are a first essential in the
United Nations' drive for Victory.
Canada's farmers have met this challenge
and are doing everything possible to still further
increase their production of hogs, beef, poultry,
and dairy products. -
If, to carry out YOUR programme, you
need money, call and discuss your needs on
your next trip to town. We welcome applications
from responsible farmers for loans to increase
E. C. Boswell - - Manager