The Seaforth News, 1943-06-17, Page 4THE SEAFORTTI NEWS
THURSDAY, JUNE 17". 1943
Snowdon Bra„ Publishers,
Mr, and Mrs. Nottingham and Mrs
Snell from Constance visited .with
Mr. end )Ylrs. Walter Broadfoet on
The next exchange of , Huron
County Library Association books
will be made about Jane 24th, Those
who have book out, pleasetake.
The regular monthly }}Heating of
the W,M,S. of Duffs Cbneoli, 'Written,.
Was held Wednesday afternoon, June,
9th, with Mrs. McDonald presiding,
The meeting opened by siuging hymn
171 followed 1/3' prayer by Mrs. Mc-
Donald, The soripture was read from
' the 10th chapter of Isaiah. The min-
utes, roll call and treasurer's report
were there read, Miss Knox moved
we get leaflets for our next meeting,
The topic "What is the truth about
the Japanese Canadians," was given
by Mrs. R. Bennett, Mrs. Shaw, Mrs.
Herb Travis, Mrs. W. Davidson and
Miss .A, Simpson. Hymn. 349 was
sung. Mrs. G. McGavin in charge of
the Baby and gave an account of
her work so far this. year. A social
time was spent as the W.M.S. enter-
tained the Baby Band. Doris John-
ston favored us with a song and
Elizabeth McGavin with a recitation,
Sandwiches, cookies and lemonade
were served at the close of meeting,
Mrs. Johnston presided .for the W,
A. meeting. Psalm 713 was read re-
sponsively followed by prayer. Trea-
surer's report and secretary's report
were given. The garden party dona-
tions are to be in by next meeting.
The meeting closed with hymn 390
and m3zpah benediction.
Mrs, Wnr. Humphries and Mr,
Bert Anderson represented St,
George's Church at the annual Dean-
ery meeting held in St. Paul's church,
Clinton, on Wednesday, the 9011.
St. George's Guild were the guests
of St, John's, Brussels, Guild at the
house of Mrs. Harvey Bryaus ou
Thursday evening,
Whit Sunday, June 13th, was ob-
served in St. George's Clinch with a
celebration of the holy Cumnlunion
at 1,80 p,m, The Rector preached 4n
Tile Coining of the Holy Spirit on the
Day of Pentecost
Remember the ' an^tliversary sexy.
ices for St George's Anglican ultui oia,
morning aiid evening, July '18th.
Mr, Earl Coutts pi 39. ()Marie spent
it few days with his parents last
week: Ile is training in, the navy,
and expected to lie moved to other
Mrs, Thomas Clark of Hamilton,
formerly of Walton, spent one 'day
last week calling on friends around
the 'village, Site was accompanied by
her sisters, Mrs. Cook of Clinton, and
brother-in-law, Mr. Lew Peacock, of
Mr. and Mrs, George Hutchins and
three: children, Godericlt, spent Sat-
urday with her brother, Mr, Hoy,
Last Friday evening about 300 peo-
ple gathered in the community hall
in honor of Mr. and Mrs, Norman
Williamson, newlyweds, The evening
was spent In dancing, At lunch a
suitable paper was read by Mr, •Chas.
Granger and a studio couch was pre-
sented by Harvey Greig and Ralph
McNichol, Mr. Williamson made a
suitable reply and lunch was served,
the rest of the evening spent in
Mr, and Mrs. John Carter of Kent
Bridge called on his brother, Mr. Joe
Carter on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, Garnet Cummings of
Wingttam spent the week end with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Mrs, Mary Dresser of Toronto is
spending some holidays with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Ennis,
Mr, Earl Coutts of HMOS, Madge
donna, Gananoque, Ont., was a visit-
or with his parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Andrew Coutts,
Mi', Colin Fingland has been in To-
ronto owing to the death of his
Want and For Sale Ads., 1 week ScS
Mrs Joseph Flanagan, Mrs. Jos -
The Hol Name Societies of Dub- tPh Cronin itsad Ma's., L, Schauidt at
tended lite furteral of tlzoir uncle,
lin and S Si,CcluaHban held a. I'loly Patrick Curtin sat Lozldon
Hour at tPatrick's Cltarch,. Dub-
lin, on Sunday evening, which was
largely attended° by Iloly Name mem-
bers, Rev, Father O'Drowski renew-
ed the pledges of the society and
solemn benediction with Rev. Father
Nigh as celebrant assisted by Father
O'D'oWskitJiud Father Ffouikes as
deacon and sub -deacon, concluded
the services.
Rev. Joseph A. Feeney, London,
with his sisters, Mrs. John Meagher
and Mrs. Daniel Costello,
Rev. Gordon T. Dill, Loudon, with
his parents, Mr; and Mrs. P. Dill,.
Rev. Harry F, Feeney, IC,R,, .St.
Jerome's •College, Kitchener, and
Miss 'Rose Feeney, Toronto, with
their "nether, Mrs. Kathleen Feeney.
Mr, and Mrs. J, V. Ryan and dau-
ghter, Mary, with Patrick Maloney.
Miss Mary Dorsey, London; with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lo'ttis
Mrs. Kelly and two sons, Thomas
and James, Blyth, with Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph E. Feeney,
James Curtin, RCAF, Camp Bor-
den; with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
William Curtin.
John Morris, RCAF; Galt, and
Miss Mary Morris, Chatham, with
their mother, Mrs. W. P, Morris.
J. Doyle, RCAF, Toronto, with his
mother, Mrs. J. Doyle.
Mother Carmelite, "The Pines,"
Chatham, and Mother Gerald, St.
Angela's Academy, London, attend-
eding the first Mass of Rev. E, A.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Dorsey and
son Thomas, Captain Frank and Mrs,
Stapleton 'and Mrs, William Staple-
ton attended the ordination of Rev,
E. A. Morris in London, '
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Woods in
Private Borden Bayes and Driver
John J. Walsh, Camp Borden, with
1VIr. and Mrs. John Walsh. Mrs.
Bayes' and two sons, Jack and Ron-
ald, returned to Toronto after spend-
ing a month with her parents.
like to remind the iv)miliioa
I would their obligation to file a
taxpayers of Canada of the 30th of June'
1942 IncoIncomeirn before
This year, the forms have been situp
Yted So that they can be completed with a mini;
of time and effort.
The Income Tax dollars that Canadians
e necessary in our -present struggle. They)
pay are future peace" and
investment in our Victory
are an They are fighting dollars....
'security• as each
dollars. is fair to all,
Income accordance with his 1
is taxed inn
to pay' There is no easy way t0 mustabeapaid
costs of this war
the Income Tax is not a
Almost half I know that is win the
by taxes. but I also know that
pleasant burden, to fulfil their
Canadians are willing rice and . shoulder
war, to pay the p unbeatable
obligationsnsi with the .same our
sties from their responsibil who have gone Y
spirit as shown by those
shores to fight.
Minister of National Revenue.
JUNE 30th
D'O M I hl 14 h!?
i;�dUr1 GlegO it
k `.'
tylia , dl,rl 100. l 144,Vi,a.;
{, t.:. f ., .,v W „ r ,O`',d'!, gex '1f 1 ' v-.,- tl'.Vf yi'riiVq.. ,1 r '1 '—.-"
The Patriotic Society hells their
monthly meeting in the hall on. Well:
nosciay evening with 13 members
present, The ,,meeting opened with
the Maple Leaf, 83rd' psalm and the
Lord's prayer, The secretary's report
Was read,' also the treasurer's ' report
with a. balance of 8117.70 on hand, A
county grant of 825 Was received;
36,25 was realized for the first load of.
salvage, It was decided to send 310
to Greek Relief. Received certificate
of Fourth Victory loan. Letters of
thanks for the Easter boxes were
read from the following, Pte., Edward
Doerr, overseas; Pte, Lloyd Wolfe,
Vancouver; Pte. Howard Querengess-
er, Ottawa; Signs. Wilmer Rose, Bar -
'deltoid; Lewis Hoegy, RCAF, Toron-
to. Also a letter of thanks from Pte.
Howard Querengesser for the money
order of $5,50, stating he h thine
chase a wallet witnte as a re-
membrance. it was also decided to
have a lawn social on July 16, and
also sell tickets for a good prise, The
meeting date was changed to the se-
cond Thursday of each month. Boxes
for the boys are to be packed each
month at each meeting. 50 cartons
are being bought fog- use in packing.
the boys' boxes. Articles sent; 2 quilts
and used clothing to the Salvation
Army, Seaforth; 3 quilts and used
clothing to the Salvation Army at
Stratford, To the Monkton Society, 1
quilt, 1 infants sweater, 1 infants cap,
1 pr, infants mitts, 1 pr. infants boot-
ies, 1 child's sweater, 1 child's scarf,
3 boys shirts, 2 men's scarfs.
Hinz-Elekmeir Wedding —
I A quiet but pretty wedding was
solemnized at the parsonage of St.
Peter's Lutheran Church, Brodhagen,
on Saturday afternoon when Jean
Dorothy Eickmeier, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs, Ed Eickmeler was united
in 'marriage to Albeit Edward Hinz,
son of Mrs. Louise Hinz and the late
Fred Hinz. The attendants were,
Miss Vera Eiekmeir of Iitchenei',
sister of the bride, and Carl Sahellen-
berger, Mitchell, The bride wore a
ttu'quoise two-piece ensemble and
carried a bouquet of talisman rose-
buds, bouvat'dia and lily of the
valley. Tho bridesmaid was attired in
British tan and carried a bouquet of
pink carnations and white sweet
peas. After the cernony the bridal
couple ,left for Toronto. The bride's
going away costume was beige with
British tan accessories. After the
honeymoon Mr. and Mrs. Hinz will
reside on the bridegroom's farm near.
During the severe electrical storm
early on Sunday morning a bolt of
lightning demolished one of the
chimneys on St. Peter's Lutheran
Church and also blew out several
fuses in the building;
Miss Doris . Hinz of London with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. G. Hinz,
• Visitors; Mr, and Mrs. Jack Ford
and Audrey of London with Mr, and
Mrs. Edwin Rock.
Private Howard J. Querengesser of
'Ottawa spent the week end . with. his
parents, Mt-, and. Mrs. W. ,L. Queren-,
gasser, -
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller of Walton charge. Following the scripture,
with Mr, and Mrs. John Bennewies, ''raver and a hymn, Miss Jean Mc -
Mrs. Harry Beuermann is spending , Cuiloch Offered a sacred piano solo:
this week in Galt with' her son Har- ' Mrs. Carter Kerslake read a paper
vey and daughter Eva. on "Why Missions?". Miss Phyllis
Mr, and Mrs, Wm. S. Riehl and MacLaren read a poem and Rev. Mr.
Shirley spent Sunday with Mrs. Wm.' Aldworth, Staffa, led in the discus -
in M3tch1 ' sion. The meeting closed with 'a
]tkmn and the Lord's prayer.
Saturday afternoon a spirited
team of horses belonging to Alex,
Gardiner, Cromarty, bolted from the
loading door of the Staffa creamery
ad when thrown from the road, the
wagon upset, and smashed butter-
milk cans. Fortunately a little boy
who was in the wagon was thrown
clear over a fence into some long
grass which saved him from serious
injury. The horses became entangled
in the harness and were later caught
MTs, William Houghton and Leon-
ard Houghton with friends in Mitch-
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Allen with Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Coleman, Staffa. ..
Two Features --:,2nd show starts 8.45
Willieni' Gargan Irene Hervey '
"Bombay Clipper"
Dynaanite drama at Clipper spend
.— Also -.--
Harry James Andrews Sisters
Private Buckaroo
A. solid send -oft of Red Hot Rhythm
Two features - 2nd show starts at 8.45 pan.
"Desert Victory"
The actual story of the rout of Rommel by. the British eighth Army
— with the most thrilling scenes ever taken under' fire
George Brent . Brenda Marshal
"You Can't Escape Forever
Excitement! Laughs ! Thrills!
"It Turned Out Nice Again"
First show starts each evening at 7.30 P.M. Matinee each Saturday at
2.30 P. M.
five guests partook of the annivers-
ary dinner at noon and in honor of
the occasion the bride and groom of
fifty years ago were presented with a
lovely chenille bedspread from the
members of their family, and a beau-
tiful mixed bouquet, the gift of their
21 grandchildren. Among the guests
were Rev. J. W. Magwood, pastor of,
Parkview United Church and Mrs,
Magwood, On June 13, 1893, Henry
Koehler was married to Miss Kather-
ine Regele, daughter of Mr. and Mrs,.
Christian Regele, all of McKillop
township, in the Evangelical chm'ch,
the anniversary of which event was
marked Sunday with joyous festiv-
ity. Following their marriage Mr. and
Mrs, Koehler were, engaged in farm-
ing until 20 years ago when they re-
tired from active work, although they
still take au interest in farm and
household duties. They are both in
excellent health 'and are alert to alt
community - and world happenings.
Mr. ,Koehler is 73 years of age and
his wife Is four years his senior.
They are a well known couple and
enjoy the esteem of their friends
and neighbors. They have a family of
four daughters, (Laura) Mrs. Stein-
ticker, of Stratford; (Melinda) Mrs.
William Koehler, McKillop township;
(Lydia) Mrs. John Banks, Regina,
Sask.; (Amanda) Mrs, Hugh Purvis,
Milestone, Sask.; and one adopted
sou Fred, 20 Blake at, Stratford, They
take much pride in their 21 grand-
children, two ot,°whom are serving in
the Royal Canadian Air Force.
The union meeting of the Young
People's Societies was ;held . in ., the
Presbyterian Church on. Sunday ev-
ening with Robert Hamilton in
Mr. and Mrs: Harold Hiegel, Claires
and Glenn, attended the flower and
bird service in Main St. United
Church, Mitchell, on Sunday.
Smith — In Belleville Hospital on
Thursday, June 10th, 1943, to Mr, and
Mrs. Albert Smith (Beryl Backus) of
Belleville, a daughter, Sandra ICath-
Miss Norma Hillebrecht of Galt
with Mr. and Mrs, Louie Hillebrecht,
Miss Eva Beuermann of Galt with
Mr. and ,Mrs. Harry Beuermann,
Mr, Wilfred Jacob 1a spading a few
days with Mr, and Mrs, Herman
Bauer in Glencoe.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Koehler °
Mark 50th Anniversary -
The family of Mr. and Mrs, Henry
Koehler, MOKi'llop township, gather-
ed on Sunday at the home of their
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Andrew Stalnecker, 405 Ontario
street, Stratford, in celebration of
their golden wedding day. Twenty
Sgt. Mervyn Keys spent the week
end at the 'home of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ben Keys. Mervyn was one
of a class of forty-seven to receive
their wings in Clat'esholm, Alberta,
nn May 25th, and he left on June 9th
for Portage La Prairie where he will
be stationed until further notice.
Mr, Robert Robinson underwent a
critical operation in Victoria Hospi-
tal, London, on Friday last and at
time of writing we arepleased to
state he is as well as can be ex-
The services in Varna and Goshen
churches will be withdrawn next
Sunday on the occasion .of Blake - an-
Mr, Robert MaClinchey has been
under the dootor's care and we 'hope
for a speedy 'recovery.
Mrs. Henry Breath is spending a
few weeks visiting her Sister, Mrs.
Lowden of Hamilton. -
Mrs. Mary Anderson of Godetieh
spent a couple of weeks with her
brother, Mt', Ben Keys and family.
Mr. Bert -Peck and Mr, Clifford
Keys had very successful sales of
Shorthorns on - Wednesday and
Thursday oflast week.'
Idi's. Holmes' of Walton visited her
daughter Mrs. F. McClinchey last
week, .
' Mr, Clifford Keys has been confin=
ed to bed the past few days and we
hope to soon see him able to be
around again, Mrs. Keys has return-
ed home., from Seaforth Hospital
where she underwent an operation..
Mrs, James Barnes of London spent
a few days last week visiting rela-
tions in this vicinity.
Mrs. Archie Hodgson of Roland,
Manitoba, who has spent the last two
months with her niece, Mrs. Harold
Penhale, has returned to'London.
Mrs. F. Hobson of St. Thomas
spent the week end with relatives In
this vicinity.
Mrs. 'Harold Penhale is spending a
few days in Loddon with her sister,
Mrs, Herman Johnson,
A miscellaneous shower was given
Miss Helen Elliott by about fifty
friends and neighbors at her home
on Tuesday evening. A program was
carried out the first part -of the even-
ing consisting of songs, instrument-
als, contests and jokes, after which
Helen, was asked to:occupy a nicely
decorated chair, The room was beau-
tifully decorated with pink and white
streamers and snowballs and peon-
ies. A large basket covered in pink
was brought in heavily laden with'
beautiful gifts, which Helen opened
and passed around, Helen thanked all
for their kindness, after which lunch
was served. Then all departed after
wishing Helen the very best in her
new home. .
Miss Beatrice Pryce of Stratford is
ePending,a few holidays at her home,
Mrs. Geddes of Belgrave is visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Little.
Mrs, Peter McCowan and little son
are spending a few days. with Mr,
and Mrs.. George Baton.
Mrs. Thos. Pryce recently discov-
ered a duck egg with three yolks, a
real rarity.
Want .and For Sale Ads, 1 ,week 2Sc
Hundreds of women enlist in "Nutrition for Victory" Drive . - r
bring health and stamina to families... especially war workers!
You too, can play an important part in this vital
national need. Health and stamina are needed
now for Victory ... always for full happiness.
Government surveys reveal that even those who
can afford the best are often ill -fed, according
to the stand'ards of true nutrition. Here is an
opportunity of learning at easy and interesting
way to improve your family's health, through
better nutrition ... an opportunity of getting your..
copy of the booklet t-' at -to -Work -to -Win' , at
absolutely no cost. .,;m en
So don't delay! Send for your
FREE copy NOW !
*(The nutritional statementsfi, Tat-torlyork-to-WPin"aro acceptable
to. Nutrition Servi a:, Department of Pennons and National Health,
Ottawa, for the Canadian Nutrii,o. Programme.)
Sponsored by
in the interests of euttition and health as an aid to Victory.