The Seaforth News, 1943-06-10, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY: ,)UNE. 14, 1943 HENSAM...L Sohroeder.-Corbett McEveen•Down A Pretty June •wedding was sal. A, quiet June wedding was solem emuizecl. on Saturday, June 5th, at 11 1 nizcd at .Philpott Tabernacle, Ham11- p'm, at tie United ,_Church Ma nse ton, on Saturday, when Rev. Brown Hensall, when Rev..R; A. Brook unit united in. marringMaryorie Down, ed in marriage, Evalyn Marjorie, daughter of Mr..and `Mrs, Down, of youngest daughter of Ml. and Mrs, Calgary,Alberta,. and P.O.: Arnold Fred Corbett, Hay, and Edward Her. RONVR of Calgary, now hart Sclu'oedar, only eon of Mrs. on duty at Hamilton, a son of M. Schroeder and the late.Mr. Solomon 0, J, M°Ewen and the late Ml', Me- ,Schroeder of Hensall. The bride look - Ewen,' of Calgary. The; chose a ed charming in a floor length gown bride ch two-piece; beige' snit with brown ac- of white sheer fashioned with lace, cessories and wore a corsage 0e shoulder length veil and bouquet of roses. Following' the ceremony the early rose carnations, Mrs. Wesley Vide and groom spent the week end Jones; sister of the bride, was brides• with the groom's uncle and aunt, maid, wearing a floor -length gown of Mr. and Mrs, Jno, McEwen, Hensall. Pink, shear and 'bouquet of white Miss Mary Goodwin of the staff of oltvette carnations. The groom was the Bank of Montreal is enjoying a attended'. by Mr. Edward Corbett, bro- week's vacation. then of the bride, Following the cere- Donald Park Succumbs ,i mony a wedding dinner wag served Mr, Donald Falk of Hensall pass- at the bride's home with thirty ed awn cin Park on aev- guests present, Mrs. Corbett received, yy wearing rose printed sheer and Mrs, ening in his 76th year, following a Schroeder received wearing blue fig - fractured hip of some weeks ago used crepe; both wore corsages of from which he failed to recover. white carnations. The wedding cake Born at Cromarty he moved to Hen- centered the bride's table and the sail to the farm on Highway No. 4, decorations were in pink and white half a mile north of Hensall where and set with spring flowers. Serving he farmed successfully for over 40 were two girl friends of the bride; years. He was a valued member of Mrs, Arthur Finlayson, .Blake, and Carmel Presbyterian Church, Surviv- Mrs. Hugh Morenz, Daghwood, assist-. ing are his widow, the former Isob- ed by Mrs. Mousseau, Mrs. Armstrong ella Towers, one daughter (Jessie), and Mrs. Coleman, Later the bride Mrs. D. E. McKinnon, of Hensall, and groom left on a trip to Niagara. and three grandsons, Donald, Ronald and Billy McKinnon of Hensall. His Faris, the bride travelling 1n an aqua green two-piece suit with beige ac - only son, James, was killed in a ear accident several years ago. Two cessories. They will reside on the brothers, Norman of Mitchell, James groom's farm west of Hensall. of Toronto, and one sister, Miss Born — At Mrs. Saundercock's' CONSTANCE Agnes Park, Niagara Falls, also sur- Nursing home, Hensall, on Wednes- vive. A private funeral service was day, June 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Jaek Miss Ethel Dexter of Kitchener. held from the late residence on Sat- Verbeem, of Ipperwash, a son, spent' the week end at the home of urday at 3.30 p,m., conducted by Mrs. Bowden returned to Exeter her parents, Mr.. and Mrs. Nelson Howes and family of Harristonand-Miss D. Liv- held. The pallbearers were Dr, A.-R,The home ermore, of Toronto, visited at the Clark, Hensall, was the scene of a cLaren, Ca Shenitt Wins Soklan, R.aBrade quiet wedding on Thursday, June '3,, home of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dexter. Tick, C. Smillie. Donald and Ronald when their daughter, Mary, became McKinnon were flower bearers. Int- the bride of LAC Keith Buchanan, erment at Cromarty cemetery where No, 8 F.LS., Arnprior, son of William Bach• McWilliams, , anon of Hensall. Rev. R. A. Brook of- The Sunday School registered a Death of Mrs. Willai+d-- i ciated, Miss Florence Welsh, cousin record attendance last Sunday. of the bride,. played the wedding The Mission Band will hold its Residents of the village were march and sang "Because." I problen) is xiraarily one of allti- submarine protection. Usua11Y the submarine cannot hope to do more than fire its torpedoes.. across the line of approaching ships, taking a chance 'wine") vessel it act- ually hits, It has very little hope of an assured hit en one pz'eseleeted ship in a convoy. Hhe nlerchantntent will, therefore, generally be disposed in three lines abreast, with destroyers and corvettes spread out on either side of them, and witli perhaps one destroyer ahead and one astern, A glance might suggest that the convoy is unprotected from the rear, But hi daylight a submarine must at- tack while submerged, and a sub- merged shot at the stern of a convoy is a particularly ineffective one. Remember, too, that the destroyers and corvettes with their'Asdic appar- atus have been "sweeping" the water ahead and abeam of the convoy as it proceeds, go they should have picked up the.submarine as they approached, it. The reason for disposing the con- voy in long lines abreast rather than in lines ahead is that this presents the smallest target for torpedoes fired from the side. Rev. Jno. Galloway of Coven Pres after spending a few days at :the tributes were beautiful, showing the, byterian Church, Exeter. The floral hMr, Mrs, Jack Farquhar. one of her daughter and son-in-law, respect with which deceased was of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. the service was conducted by Rev. Buchanan and the late Mrs. KiPPEN Card of Thanks The family of the late John Mc- Naughton wish to express their sip- sere appreciation for the many ex- pressions of kindness and sympathy shown them during their recent sad bereavement, and grateful thanks to. the minister, organist and choir of the-Brucefiel'd 'United Church, the nurse and friends and to those who sent the beautiful floral tributes. shocked to hear of the sudden pass- Misses Lillian and Edith McEwen June meeting next Sunday morning. ing of Mrs. Ezra Willard at her of Loddon visited during the weekin the School room during church ser- home on Thursday night in.her 51st with their brother and sister-in-law, vice, Mrs. Mellis has an interesting year. The deceased had been in her Mr. and Mrs, John E. McEwen. story for the boys and girls. usual health and was working in her garden that evening. She was form- I The regular meeting of the village Sunday last was Baptismal Day. FOR QUICK SALE erly Olive Batten of Winchelsea and council was held Mondl y of ty evening that The church was beautiful with var- 1 Durham cow due to freshen any was a member of Carmel Presbyter- 8.45 p.m. immediate ied spring 'flowers. The two children time. Also 1 used mower. Mrs. Joe Ian Church. Surviving are her hus- court of revision of the 1943 assess- Rau Blue Water Nighway, 7 miles were Marjorie Edna, baby band and two sons, Harold, at home ment roll in the council chamber, baptized south of Bayfield: Phone 98r6, Zurich and Private Donald Willard of Niag- with all members present. Minutes ,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon central. ' Auction Sale Of Household Effects of the late Marian Jane Forrest, will be held from her late residence in Brussels, on Saturday, June 12th, commencing at 2.00 p.m. sharp: fallleaf table, kitchen table (extension), 6 good chairs, 6• parlor chairs, 2 Pocking chairs, 3 small tables, 1 lounge, lib- rary table, parlour table, extension couch, book' case, quilt box, book ends, dining room rug 3 yds. x 4• yds, 1 parlour rug 3 yds x 4 yds, 1 good, cook stove ,(Tip. Top), 1 good Queb- ec heater, 2 beds, 3 wash stands,. dresser, bed spring, mattress, bur- eau, coal oil stove, 2 suit cases, car- pet sweeper, clothes chest, 2„ small trunks, 1 large trunk, Lawn mower, coal scuttle, stove pipes, fork, shov- els, wash tub, pails, hoe, scythe, axe window box, wash board, dish lean, iron, scissors, adjustable dress form, cooking utensils, a number of seal- ers, pans, pots, crock, looking glass, window screens, lamps and glasses, odd dishes, pictures, ironing board, knives and forks, kitchen cupboard, kitchen table, sewing machine, 'side board, odd pillows. Terms cash. The house and lot will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid. 10 per cent, purchase price to be paid on signing. agreement of sale. Walter' S. For- rest, Executor. Lew Rowland, Auc- tioneer; R. Patrick, Clerk. FOR SALE 1 china cabinet, 1 kitchen cup- board, 1 pandora cook stove, 1 wind- mill :tower,. 2 -furrow Cockshutt rid- ing plow. Apply to 84 r' 3'2., Hensall. ora -on -the -Lake. Seven sisters, Mrs. of the . previous meeting read and Hodgert of Stratford, and Donald Al- FOR SALE Ian son of r, 1's, an nd;'60 1 to e e1',' • Thos. Morley and Mrs. Walter Gun- adopted. T. Kyle reported and asked baby M and M Al] Between 50 a light Sussex ping Whalen, Mrs. Luther Oke, Ex- about the moving of the piano every Johnstone Rev. Mr. Giant officiated. (pulietg 43/ months old . Apply t Mrs Byron Rondon, Clinton tlso necessary as it was hard on It On Sunday first . Mr. Grant will Ernest Chipchase, phone 911'12, Hen- , W Archer, London Mrs Gar- also stated that the trees were all Perkins; Exeter; three brothers, 'W. bage collection. R. E. Shaddick re- Chronicles. Batten, Detroit, Wilbert and Well- ported as having received an account Miss M. Grant of Toronto is.viait- ington Batten, Winchelsea. Private from the county for loading gravel trig her brother at the manse.' funeral services were held from the last year, also a request to sell a home on Saturday at 1 p,m., con- band instrument. The treasurer re - ducted by Rev. Hugh Jack of First ported as having received, 9175.45 - Presbyterian Church, Seaforth. Bur- from the Liquor Control Board be -1 1's, es e , net Miners Elimvrlle, Mrs. Freeman planted in the park, also re the gar- discuss the mesage of the Book of sale. WINTHROP tai in Exeter cemetery. ing the village share of the authority PROTESTANT TEACHER For S.S. No. 9, Tuckersmith. Duties to commence Sept 1. Apply by June 22nd, stating qualifications and api- ary. Personal applications :preferred to James H. Upahall, Sec.-Treas., R. R. #3, ICippen, Ont. 141rs. Harold Shepherd of Toronto fees collected. Bills and accounts W,M.S, and W.A. of Coven church ( WANTED is visiting with her parents, Mr. and passed: Provincial treasures insulin, Winthrop, held a special meeting on Mrs. Jas. Smillie. $1.16, Gutta Percha & Rubber, hose Pte, ran a en o Frank Ildd f Camp Bor. , ' and boots $57.50, C M Case team- Wednesday, June 3rd in the church den is spending a few days leave ing, $5.40, Ezra Willard, trucking when they entertained the ladies ith his mother, Mrs. Catherine Hed- garbage, $23.25. R. Dick, labor, from Seaforth United Church and tt b n laborgarbage 4 20, from Constance. The meeting Toronto W.0 garbagep d with quiet music after. which thisweek business.Walter Madge, disposal, 1 den. 54.20, J. Clark, labor garbage, 34 20 frac Mr. E. L• Mickle was 10 cion o e1' ei , ' opened on The annual picnic of the Hensall $9.00, Win, Dbus, sanitary work, hymn 198 was sung. The. worship Women's Institute will be held at $4.00, Thos. Kyle, salary, 270; J. A. service was taken by Mrs. Wm. the beautiful residence and at- Paterson, express 4.0c, prow, treas., Church and Mrs. Calvin Hillen. The tractive lawn of Dr. and 'Mrs. Jas. licenses, hall and park, $6.00, W. R. words of welcome were given -by Bell on Highway No. 4 on Wednes- Davidson, coal hall 344,90 Hydro day afternoon, June 16th. Members Commission, hydro hall $12,87, Mr's. Russell Bolton. Mrs. Lawson of and guests are to meet around 4.30 County of Huron, loading gravel the Seaforth. Afternoon Auxiliary, or 5 o'clock, The roll call, "Sing, $'17,50. Moved by Kerslake and gave a splendid reading from a book Say or Pay." Besides the hostess, Smallacombe, that we put railings written by Madam Chiang KaiShek, Mrs, Bell, the committee in charge on the steps for fire exit. A'duet was given by Mrs. Britton to eomplete arrangements, consists ' Court of Revision on the 1943 as A 'du e1' daughters Edith of Constance of Miss Beryl Pfaff, Mrs. • Kerslake sessment roll was held Monday even- and Mrs. Blowes, Each member has ing at 8 p.m. in the council chamber, and Hymn 389 was sung as a prayer. the privilege of inviting a guest. all members having taken their oath Mrs. Jas. Stewart of Seaforth Even - Members are reminded to bring a of office. The Clerk reported as hav- ing Auxiliary, rendered a very beau - cup, spoon, tea (also extra for their ing received no complaints or ap- „ guests) also to provide baskets con- peals. A few changes were suggested tiful solo, "Father in Heaven. The taining foodstuffs suitable for a Pic- as to property qualification3. E. Fink offering was then taken and two nic luncheon. A large attendance is and F. W. Smallacombe, that J. Ha- minutes silent prayer was observed hoped for. gan be struck off as owner, A. Clark and Mrs, Ernie Toll led in prayer. Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore and assessment be levied on W. Taylor, The first two verses of 0 Canada Mr. and Mrs. Carl Passmore and fa- H. & D. Elder be assessed as tenants, roily visited in Delhi on Sunday. N. & F. Jones be assessed as tenants were sung. The address' was given The annual birthday party of the of the Davis property, B. and 0. by Mrs. Menzies of Londesboro who W.M.S. of Carmel Presbyterian Kyle be changed, H. Taylor be pro- chose as her subject, "Thee Salt of Church will be held in the school perly assessed, N. Pfaff and wife be the Earth."Avery beautiful cornet xoom of the church on Thursday, struck off. Carried. June 10th at 3 p.m. Miss Lillian Jeckell will be the guest speaker. 1 HARLOCK Special services will be held in St. Paul's Anglican Church, Hensall, on Mr. and Mrs. James Scott and Sunday, June 13th to commemorate children motored from Toronto on the sixty-sixth anniversary of the Sunday, visiting at the home of Mr. opening of the church. Morning ser- i - other at 9 45 speaker Rev. M. A. and Mrs. Simon. McVitt a and Hunt. Evening service at 7 o'clock, friends, returning to Toronto Mon- special speaker, F L. R. Moynan,day. I No. 9 SFTS. Mrs. Simon McVittie•is gradually • Bell -Collett.— gaining strength and is able to be up A pretty wedding was solemnized - and around a little, We hope she at All Saints Anglican Church, Marysville, N.B., at 4 o'cloek, May will soon he to her usual health 29th, when Rev. Harry -E. Dysart again. united in marriage Helen. Esther, Mrs. Thos. Knox took charge of daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Col- baby Charlie while her son, Mr. and lett, Marysville, N.B., and Pilot Of- Mrs. Wm. Knox Jr, and family 54- ficer Alvin D. G. Bell, son of Mr. tended the agricultural picnic in Sea - and Mrs. Wm, G. Bell, Hensall, The g p� altar was beautifully decorated with forth on Monday. 1115 and snapdragons, The bride, Quite a number' from this neigh - given in marriage by her father, boyhood attended the picnic in Sea - looked eherming in a suit of teal f th M ort( ried a bouquet of white carnations, ' Little Shirley Knox was brought blue with navy accessories and car- 01 on o ay. The bridesmaid, Mrs. Virginia Fish- home :from Seaforth hospital Thurs- er, wore a dusky rose suit with navy 'day of Iasi week and has had the res n( Carrie a nose -gay 'a "trait e • assessor an( d ose-gay01 stitches taken out and r co id l pink and white flowers. A reception ettine along fine. was held at the D -Co, Inn, Frederic- g ton, N.B, The bride's mother re- Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Knox and ccived in It blue figured dress, white little Myrtle .spent Sunday at the hat trimmed with white flowers, and home of Mr. and :Mrs. Leonard wore a corsage of red roses. The Shobbrook. bride and groom left on a motor trip B Southern New k through S 1cern N runswle before proceeding to the bride- groom's home at Hensall, They will return to their respective duties with the RCAF. The groom is a popular young man around this vicinity and a graduate of Western University, London. GUARDING ON THE SEAS Let ns suppose that twenty of thirty merchantmen are being escort- ed in convoy on an open ocean route. For the most of the voyage they will be otit of range of air attach, so the duet was rendered by Miss Kathleen Shannon and Miss Jean Pryce of Winthrop. 'Words of appreciation were given by Mrs. Robt. McFarlane and hymn 500 was sung as the clos- ing hymn and meeting closed with the national anthem and prayer. Af- ter this worship service a bazaar and social time were held in the base- ment. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rennie and son Clive of Sundridge called on Mr. and Mrs. George Eaton on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Baton and family and Mona Bennett of Sea- forth eaforth spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, George Eaton. Mrs. John Gillies and sons Bruce and Jack left Wednesday for Coll- ingwood for a few days, Mr. Harry Addicott has had his house painted which adds greatly to its appearance. •Mr, Haas has finished drilling a well at 8, S. No. 12. PIGS FOR SALE 50 chunks and nine sows carrying second and third litters. Apply to Carl Dalton, phone 4949, Brussels. FOR SALE About '75 bus, seed buckwheat, for sale. Charles Kleber, lot 7, con. 14, McKillop. Phone 24r3, Dublin central, Child's good second hand play' pen. Phone 852 r 3, Seaforth central. GLEN REMEMBRANCE Reg. No. 28859, Enrolment No. 4059 Form I, Premium A The Clydesdale stallion, Glen Re- membrance, willstand for the season of 1943 at Coyne Bros., Lot -22, Con.; 7, Hlbbert. Sired by, that grand show horse, "Scotland's Remembrance," "Glen Remembrance" is a medium sized horse with plenty of. substance. He stands on four good legs and feet, carrying a small amount of Rife silky. hair. He is a flashy mover and prov- en rowen sire. Owing to the scarcity of gas- oline, tires, and labor, any person wishing to use this horse should' make their reservations early. Terms—To insure a foal, $13.00, or two foals to the one owner, 925.00, payable. March 1, 1944. All accidents at owner's risk. Trucking willbe charged for extra and payable at time of service. Phone Dublin 43 r 27. Fred Colquhoun, Proprietor, : At- wood, Ont. CASH & CARRY SATURDAY SPECIALS , Cream of the West Flour Hog Concentrate 3,70. 98 ib. bag .. , , , , , . , 2,49 cwt, , . Robinhood Flour Royal Purple Calf Meal 98 lb. bag .. , , , , 2,59 cwt. 94.00 Prairie Roee Flour Royal Purple Poultry Con; 4fi0 98 lb. bag ,.,,,,_,,,,,2.49 centlate My -T -Nice Rolled Wheat Pig Starter — 5 ib, bag 23c per cwt. .. , .... , .. , 2.49 Eatmol•e 'Flaked Wheat Red River Cereal --- 230 5 lb. bag 21c. .pkge, .. Clean Salt — Blue Ribbon Baking Powder 100 Ib. bag') 59c Ib tin ....... 23e Shell Maker, 100 lb bag 69c Calumet Baking Powder 230 Darloys Shoo -Fly Animal lb, tin .. , . ,Bulk Corn Starch 8 lb, 128 ounce Tin .,,,,,,,99c Odor -Soap, 4 cakes 19c W. J. FINNIGAN BULL FOR SALE One pure bred roan bull, for sale. McConnell & Hays Harold Sellars; "phone, 82 r'7, Brus- • Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hay. SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 230 LOST Horse` hide• leather coat, green color, lost last Thursday morning, be- tween Alex Chesney's and )Harry Chesney's. Finder, oranyone who saw the coat, please phone Alex Chesney, 660 r 12, Seaforth. FOR SALE 1 young Jersey cow to freshen s0011 and some young brood sows. Geo.' B. Aberhart, TEACHER WANTED Protestant teacher wanted for S.S. No. 3, Tuckeremith, situated near village .and church. Apply - to Gordon Richardson, See,- Treas.; Brucefield, Ont. Wool Notice The Government bonus of 4c a Ib will be paid on all approved lots, direct from the department of agriculture, without the pro- ducer having to make an ap- plication. ` All wool shipped to Jacksons is graded hi Seaforth and full set- tlement made from there. H. M. JACKSON Seaforth Phone 3W & 3J For Sale 1 Anchor Horth Cream Separator 25,00 1-3 furrow Tractor Plow .. , , .90.00 We ear DOW supply new 2 and 3 furrow Tractor Plows. Sulky Plows. ' Walking Plows. Gang PloWs; Horse and, Tractor Field Cuttiv- ators. Cream Separators. Feed Grinders, • Feed Crushers. - Bean ,Harvesters, and numerous other machines and attachments,. Any of these machines can ';be shipped immediately, BACE= Main St. Seaforth FOR SALE Beatty hand washer, good as new. With wringer. Phone 661y21, Seaforth central. John Nolan. TEACHER WANTED By ' S.S. No. 2, McKillop. Apply W. A, Palin, Sec., RR. 1, Seaforth. NOTICE As these are not, normal times or- der your Fly Spray and Insect Dust early. Your Watkins dealer, William Bradshaw, Seaforth, Phone 50, `PLANTS FOR SALE' A large variety of flower plants, also Tomatoes, Cauliflower, Celery, Garden Huckleberry, Come and see them. One block east of. Hospital. A. L. Porteous,. West st. BUILDINGS FOR SALE Barn for sale, size 40x70, frame house, size '24x30, back kitchen 16x 16. Located east of Walton. Sam Harris. For information phone Sea - forth 842r25. ]UNE MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The next meetingof the Huron County Council will be held in the Council Cham- bers, Court House, Goderich,. commencing Tuesday, June 15th, at 2 P.M. All accounts, notices of deputations nattention and the other business requiring . of Council should be .in the hands ofthe County Clerk not later than Saturday, June 12th, 1942. N. W. MILLER, County Clerk, • Goderich, Ont, .. The Pure Bred Belgian Draft Stallion WEST PINE SUPREME. -5249- 13471 The Pure DONALD ClydesdaleStallion (28559), Route for 194$: -in ,the vicinity of Monday and Tuesday, Walton and Brussels. for le, St. Columbanand hand Thursday, vicinity and Saturday, vicinity of Kippen, Hdnsell and Zurich. - Terms for Donald Mansur, $13, payable March 1st, 1944. Terms for west Pine Supreme, $15. T. J. McklICHAEL,, Prop.. and Manager. Seaforth Farmers Co -Operative Certified Green Mountain Potatoes. 5 X B. C. Shingles. • Co-op and Shur Gain Fertilizer. Co-op and Shur Gain Feed. Semi -Solid Buttermilk. Orders taken for Seed Corn. Electric Fencers. Phone 9 1 Spence's Produce GOVERNMENT REGISTERED EGG GRADING STATION Highest Cash Prices paid for Eggs and Poultry Phone 170-W, Seaforth You Roil Them Better With E C UE V 0rH FINT CIGARETTE TOBACCO 'Seaforth'. Monument Works Formerly W. E. Chapman NOW OPERATED BY CUNNINGHAM & PRYDE We invite inspection of out stock of Cemetery Memorials SEIAF,ORTH TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS, or any other time bv appointment See Dr. Harburn—Phone 105' Phone 41-Exeter—Box 150 E. C. CHAMMBERLAIN The Second Division Omit County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth, Office hours:— Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1.30 p.m. to 6 p.m. -•-Saturday evening, 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, Ont. OFFICERS President, Alex McEwing, Blythe Vice -President, W. R. Archibald, Sea, forth; Manager &, See: Treas., M. A. Reid, Seaforth. AGENTS F. MoKercher, R.R.1, Dublin; John E. Pepper, R.R.1, Brucefleld; J. :F: Prueter, Brodhagen; James Watt, Elyth!, DIRECTORS Alex Broadfoot, Seaforth; Wililam Knox, Londesboro; Chris Leonhardt, Brodhagen; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; • Thomas Moylan, Seaforth; W, R. Archibald, Seaforth; Alex McEwing, Blyth; 'Frank. McGregor, Clinton; Hugh Alexander•, Walton. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly atended to by applications to any of the above, named officers addressed to their respective post offices. Watson & Reid REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY (Successors to James Watson) MAIN ST., SEAFORTH. ONT. All kinds of insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates .in First -Class Companies. SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr. E. A. McMaster, M.B., Graduatt if University of Toronto, Paul L. Brady, M.D., Graduate or University of Toronto, The Clinic is fully equipped with complete and modern x-ray and other up-to-date diagnostic and therenpt&7, equipment. Dr. F. J. It. Forster. Specialist in Diseases of the Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat, will be at the Clinic the first Tuesday in every month from 3 to 5 ' p.m. Free well -baby clinic will be held on the' second and last' Thursday in every month from 1 to 2 p.m. JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon In Dr. H. H. Ross' office. Phone 5 J DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto. Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, London, Eng. At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 p.m. Also at Seaforth Clinic first Tuesday in each month. -53 Waterloo loo St., Stratford. Telephone 267. INSURANCE' Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid- ent, Windstorm & guarantee bonds. Rates reasonable. All risks placed in first class companies., Information cheerfully given E: C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIES Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada' Assures Security for over One Million Partners H. R. LONG,GODERICH • District Agent DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY PHONE CQLLECT — SEAFORTH 15. EXETER 235 DARLING & CO. OF CANADA, LTD. (Essential War Industry)