HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1943-06-10, Page 1S .... _ . HURON CQJNTVS LEADING NEWSPAPER rthNews WHOLE SERIES, VOL,05, No, 23. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE, 10, 1943 Phone 84 $1 a year CHINA URGENTLY NEEDS YOUR HELP --- ARE YOUR DONATION NOW Blast Burma and . Open The Life Line to China We, must blast Burma, and open the life line to China, and do it now. This is our 'wan. China needs you —' you,need China. We cannot all join the forces but. we 'can pile up and help to pile up a force that will cheer the heart of General- issimo Chiang KaiShek and his gallant fighting men.. Keep China, in your thoughts until you drop your offering in one of the boxes at Keat- ing's Drug Store, Seaforth Creamery, Stewart Bros., the Tasty Grill, Spence's Prod- uce, Provincial Bank, Ben- nett's Store; Walton, Steph enson's Store, Constance, or give your donation to any. member of the War Victims Committee. Seaforth and district did a grand job for Russia. Now it's "On to China." Thank you. Drive will last until June 26th. —War Victims Committee, Seaforth. *'blue coal':. THE SOLID FUEL FOR SOLID COMFORT E. L. BOX PHONE 43 North Side United Church Rev. H. Vim, Workman, Minister. 10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m,"Flower Sunday and Child- ren's Day." Music by Senior and Jr. Choirs. Infant Baptism. 7 p.m. "The Secret Things Belong to God." Welcome to these services, • St. Thomas Church Rector; Rev. Dr. Hurford. 11 a,m. "Whitson and the Holy Spirit." '7 p.m. "The Indwelling Spirit." Sunday School at 10 a,m, C. W. L. TO GIVE Federation Picnic MEDALS TO PUPILS Is Huge Success The June meeting of the C,W.L, 1 was held on June 5th with Mrs, C, Hon. John Bracken and Hon. P. Sills presiding. After the reading , Farquhar Oliver Spoke Here of minutes of previous meeting by i on Monday, the secretary, Mrs. I. O'Leary, the' 1 correspondence was read by the Col. Monday was palmers' day in Sea* See,, Mrs, G. Eckert, and the finan- forth when the Huron Federation of i Agriculture held their first annual cial statement by the Treasurer, field day and picnio here with a huge Mrs. J. Cleary. Mrs. W. H. Hart re- crowd present throughout the day. ported 7•2 members to date. It was The weather was ideal, cloudy with - decided to give medals to successful out rain, and the temperature was entrance pupils and Mrs. W, Ander- just right. Arrangements for ievents were well handlethed var- by son,. 2nd Vice, was instructed tothe committees in charge, and every - BRIDE -TO -BE HONORED BY McKILLOP FRIENDS Complimenting Miss Edythe Me -1 Millan, a bride of Saturday, June 12, over sixty friends, relatives and neighbors gathered on Friday even- ing at the home of Miss Mildred Ait- cheson to present Edythe with a Sgt. Harold Free Ore Atlantic Patrol Has Been on Duty on Both Sides of the Atlantic on Coast Patrol The following story from an Eas- miscellaneous shower. The house de- tern Canadian RCAF base, wase pub- corations were pink and white lished this week: streamers and spring flowers, A "Boy, I'd sure like to scare me up short program was featured during the evening consisting of piano in- strumentals by Miss Ilene Broome, Miss Ann De La Franier and Mrs. a sub before lunch." Squatted in the greenhouse at the bomber's nose, the sergeant was on the prowl for U-boats, As our air look after the matter. The 3rd Vice, 1 thing went off smoothly, G. McDonald; solos by Mrs. T. Gov- craft lumbered along over the At - Mrs. J. Nolan, reported supplying 1 School children 'from- the local enlock and Miss Marjorie Hunt; a lentis, he was peering behind every dress and 2 veils for confirmation schools as well as those who came in reading by Mrs. J. Kellar, and a waveeap. Any one of those white from the country with their parents, class. Twelve visits were made by attended the sports program in the spelling contest. After a treasure tufts of foam might be the trail of and Miss Dorsey. I saw the exhibits, the visiting committee, Miss Dunn morning, commencing at 11 a,m., and hunt the bride -elect displayed • her a periscope, gifts, assisted by Mrs, Kellar. Al -1 He didn't turn up any subs that An interesting account of the' At the close of the speeobee in the though Miss McMillan was complete- day, did Sgt. Ray Voyce, of Toronto. Diocesan executive meeting held in afternoon, Mr. Harry Sturdy, of Au- 1 taken h surprise she made a fill Neither ida'Sgt. Harold Free, of burn vice chairman on behalf of the • y yh London recently was given by Miss Federation, tendered a vote of thanks ing reply, Lunch was served by the Seaforth, who alternated with h im .Alice Daly. New .business included ' to the town and local organizations hostess. in the transparent ovoid overhang - plans fors an evening at which Mrs. , for assistance, to the general chair- •ing the ocean. But it wasn't for. Coveny, Diocesan President, is to be man, W. L. Whyte; to, Hugh Hill of. lack of looking. guest speaker, ,and a picnic for the Goderich, program chairman; Robt COUSIN IS KILLED Between them, on an eight-hour Archibald, 'Seaforth, sports; Russell IN AIR RAID children at the close of the school Bolton, McKillop, parking•_ Ross. Mac- anti-submarine patrol from this base term. The meeting closed with pray- Gregor, •Constance, educational dis-; : Mrs. Raymond Nott received word they cast an eye over some hundreds er for the armed forces. plays; James M.membership Scott,iSeaforth, pub- last week that her cousin, Cpl. Dave of square miles of green water. Un - Dale, tnon; lukip booth, W. J. der them rolled convoys and war - Dale, Clinton; lunch, etc., Robt. Mc- Chalmers of Winnipeg, Man,, had Red Cross Notes' Millan, Seaforth, display of machines, been killed in England during an air- ships and 'assorted ocean. trivia. But I'Gorclon McGavin, McKillop;• t'ecep- raid, Cpl Chalmers was a frequent no subs. At least, none that were Representatives from the units and the 'Seaforth Branch met on Tuesday evening and reviewed the work done during the first five months of the year. It is regretted that ,there has been a drop in the amount of work done, and the mat- ter of speeding up was discussed. 85 per cent. of all contributions are now to be forwarded to head- quarters. This means that if the work is to continue on the present scale there must be more Fund Rais- e ing events. SEAFORTH INSTITUTE IN HIGHEST RANK fare for Ontario, was special speaker Church., June meeting for the field day: Institute was held on Tuesday after- The Progressive Conservativelead tion committee, W. IL Golding, M.P.,, ,visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. visible. Seaforth,Cardiff,Brus- us pn 11s e Ta L B M L. Bus Nott while he was in training with "J t e crack at a sub would bels` Tames Ballantyne, M,L.A„ Us- make u fol all this said Sgt borne; Warden Benson Tuckey, of the RCAF at Dunnville. He leave p 'Exeter; Mayor J. J, Cluff of Seaforth, a wife and four small children m Voyce, fondling the Browning that Reeve Merton Reid, Seaforth, Dr. E. Winnipeg, poked its snout out of the plexiglass. A. McMaster, Seaforth, A. W. Morg If a flash of action should break the an, Hensel', Fred, Watson, Bayfield. NICHOL-BLANCHARD monotony, his job would be pouring The draw for the lucky ticket. held steel from this or one of the other at 5 p.m. was won by Mr. Russell A pretty June wedding took place machine guns bristling from the Bolton of hying i at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H, T. "We are living in the most `sial Blanchard,. McKillop, on Wednesday bomber's hide, longing days of any generation, and afternoon, June 9th, at 2 o'clock, But while the hunt was on, he and we know better how to lay the basis . Idthanbefore. h their daughter, Helen Julia his fellow wireless operator took for a new won ever a ore,;w :when enc turns at the loneliest job in the My hope is that we may be able to became the bride of Melvin Arthur meet this challenge," John Bracken, 'Nichol son of Mr. and Mrs. William -vv leader of the Progressive Conservat- Nichol, Nichol,.Stratford. Rev, W. J. Down there, in the nose, the ocean ive party in Canada, declared here ;Patton of Coven United Church, unwinds below the observer's heels, on Monday afternoon. vast and empty. The rest of the Mr. Bracken, with the Hon. Farqu- .Winthrop, officiated assisted by Rev. orld. Anyway it looks like that bar Oliver, minister of . public wel- a u ew inhabit another deck, and to H, Chipchase of Stratford Baptist h tan The bridesmaids w va the mar in the cafe t ev are .us The J t' of theWomen's were Bel assortment of voices over the and Edith Blanchard, sisters of the intercom," - noon at the home of Mrs, Leslie Mc- "er expressed great pleasure at being bride. Carl. Nichol, of Stratford, oxd The tables are turned when he brother of the room, was groans - Clime with Mrs. W. Coleman, presid present at the gathering sponsored g takes his trick at the wireless, Then ri ulture nen. The bride wore a dress of pale ent, in the chair. It was decided to by the Federation of Ag c , 1 he is the crew's link with their base. ' hat ho was glad Co see blue taffeta with floor length veil, farmers all over Canada uniting in her flowers were pink roses. Berea d, anThe tap of his key spans the long Mrs. Cecil Oke gave an interesting this body, "If farmers have not hada miles to l report of the district annual meeting pati. show in the past, the reason is Blanchard was dressed in green oig Sgt Free's key has clipped out its held recently at HensalL showing that they have not been organized," andy and Edith ,Blanchard in pink terse messages on both sides of the that Seaforth was'among the highest he said. organdy; both had floral wreaths for •In his address, Mr. Bracken stress- their hair and old-fashioned nose Atlantic. Of the crew,e.he was the in the past year's activities. only veteran of the air war over - St. Mary's Church,, Dublin Arrangements were discussed for ,ed that Ganactians, living, in an age gays. • The wedding music was played' • when mechanization and •organization by ylis. Earl Webb of Munroe, seas. 9.30 a,m. "Whitsun and the Holy making of jam at Haigh's store, An arse more highly developed than ever The stocky "Wag," prematurely Spirit" - appeal is being made for the loan of before in' history, are faced -with "a Mich., aunt of the bride. A wedding stoves for this purpose The ones-; war to win a peace to make endur- dinner was held at the home' follow- gray in his early twenties, has been • E d 'll United Ch h d world t h '�l" th Later the bade in the RCAF more than three years, room Mrs. Paul Doig was in charge mf farmers, who represent 30 per cent points east. NI •cin ton Road, Stratford. Among give $18 to the Chinese Relief Fund. state,a t 0 make sure that 11. a, ,, gime yr a urs Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B.A., B.D. tion of securing a much needed rest ing, an a postwar war o m c . mg a ceremony. out of which he put in a considerable 10 am. Sunda School. 1 was again under discussion I Not the least of Canada's problems, and groom left for Stratford and Sundayhe sand wall be to t t They wall reside on hitch overseas He came back after m "Salvation." The Lord's along hospital bout with dysently. Supper. the program on Citizenship. She read of her, population, •reserve more than ori g "T was on coastal patrol over there 7 p.m., "Christ's Quality of Good -i an appropriate paper on the motto, one-sixth of the country's income. those present were the bride's grand green- ness." Y b] h fit h" b canmother,NI Mary Turnbull of too," he said as we shared the green - Preparatory Service, Friday, June I "Morale, like charity, begins at Grand Be as . This s a problem, e e er ae ndg also Mr. and Mrs. W. J. house for the moment. "Any excite- be solved better in the federal than 11th at 8 p.m., 'The Loneliness of • home.men We11 Oust ab Jesus." Rev. Dr. Hurford, guest speaker, out as much. TWO FEATURED DIAMOND VALUES FREE INSURANCE' AVAUGE S jeweller and Optometrist Opposite Post Office, Seaforth Complaints Received Re Township Drains Tuckersmith Council To Secure Estimates On Work—Hold Court of Revision. The Council of Tuckersmith met in the town hall, Seaforth, on Satur- day, June 5th, as a Court of Revis- ion on the assessment roll, after which the council reverted to usual business. Thele was only one com- plaint entered against the assessment which was not allowed by the court. A complaint was received by the council from Mr. S. Thompson of Stanley in regard to need of repair of the Moore Drain on, his property in Stanley, which was referred back to Mr. Thompson, the complaint to be made to the Council of Stanley. The following complaints in regard to need of repair of different drains in the Municipality: Alex. McGregor, lot 7, con. 11, in regard to the Elgtie• Drain; Harold Jackson, lot '7, con. 1, H.R.S., in re- gard to, the Archibald .Drain; Andrew Crozier, a petition to change the Forrest Award drain into a inunici- the provincial Heid, and cannot be Nichol and Mrs. Stanley Ring, of the ; pal drain for improvement, the met by the individual fainter alone, we're having today, This with a. gave an instructive talk on "World The importance of the Federation SCtratford• , thumb at the placid water under- Reeve was av First Presbyterian Church I Government After the War:'•' He told'02 Agriculture as "an avenue through The bride was honored by friends Clerk was instructed to notify the Rev. Hugh Jack, Minister. foot Engineer -in each case, to attend and Sunday School at 10 a.m. us that we were citizens of the world which which farmers can place theif• ideas of the community at a shower held ' But the sergeants keep hoping. • Morning service at 11 a.m, and not merely of Canada The nor- before. the federal and provincial at the home of Mr, and Sirs. Theron submit specifications and estimate of Evening service at 7 p.m. row, selfish r ea o continued an Page Four Mid -week service, Thursday at 8 rivalry or jealousy and hence to 1 P m• world strife. Modern science has brought nationsclosertogether, and. because of this we need some form of government in which nations can act together, plan together and live to- gether in peace. A hearty vote of thanks was given Dr. Hurford for his ins irin talk and to the hostess, lionized to sign. The •d f citizenship ]ed to Parliaments," was stressed by the settles on Monday evening. • ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. William Mason an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Grace Isabel, to Mr. Sam- uel James Scott, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Scott, The marriage to take place the latter- part of June, P g ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Thomas' Appleby, Mc- Killop, announce the engagement of their daughter Rosamond Doreen, to Wilbert Stanley Garrett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Newman Garrett, Tucker - smith, the marriage to take place in June. ENGAGEMENT Mr. Lorne Elliott, McKillop wishes to announce the engagement of his daughter, Helen Evelyn, to ,Herbert Leslie, son of Mr. a.ncl Mrs. Thos. Williamson, Walton. The marriage to take place late in June, ARRIVES OVERSEAS • Sgt. Pilot George Kruse arrived safely overseas according to a cable receivedby hie wife on Tuesday, June '8th. He received his wings- on April 80 9i Moncton, N.B. A: H. CARTER RECEIVES DEGREE AT TORONTO On Thursday last Mr, A. H. Carter, M.A,, of Forest hill Village, Toronto, son of Mr, and Mrs, N. L. Carter, Huron Road. West, received his Bach- elor of Pedagogy degree. Mr, and Mrs, Carter attended the graduation h Monday and.. returned ora en : Meeting closed with God' Save the Ring. , Dr. F. J. Burrows Was ' Graduate of '93 Honor Thirteen Members of Medical Graduating Class of I Fifty Years Ago Dr, F, J. Burrows was in Toronto on Friday. when thirteen members of, the medical graduating clans of 1893 were honored by the Alumnae Asso- elation 02 the University of Toronto at luncheon in Hart House. Only three of the '93 class were women. Those present, most of whom are eti11 practising, were; Dr. Neil Camp- bell, Thorold; Dr. James IC Gordon, Rattle Creek, Mich.; Dr, F. G. Pear- son, Brantford; Dr, Annie Carveth (Mrs, Chas, Higbee) Newcastle; Dr, John P. Hubbard, Forest; Dr. Henry McKendrick, Galt; . Dr. James Mc- Garry, Niagara Falls; Dr, D. Marr, Ridgetown; Dr. Warren Doan, Her rietsville Dr, Francis J. Burrows, Seaforth; Dr. J. M. Rogers, Inger' soil; Dr. Charles Carter, Hamilton; Dr, Thomas Douglas, Toronto, Icon, John Bracken, who on Monday. a speaker at the Field Day and Picnic Isere work necessary. The following fenceviewers were re -appointed for 1943: Alex. Broad- / THE FESTIVAL OF j foot, W. R. Archibald, R. D. Bell, Wm Workman and Jas. Finlayson, (WHITSUN who was appointed in place of Mr. Wm. Charters who was called by — I death during 1942. There are three great religious fee- The Council authorized the pay- tivals, Christmas, Easter, and Whit- sun (next Sunday), We have valued the first two and forgotten the third, Whitsun, This is said to be one reason for the 'weakness of the Christian Church, --fol: the festival of Whitsun is concerned with the life- giving person of the Holy Spirit. Without the Holy Spirit we are with- out the power of God. Why the name Whitsun ? Two of the reasons given 'are: (1) White Sunday, from the white : baptismal garment worn on this clay when in England many were baptized; (2) Whitsun is said by some to be deriv- ecl from the Gernlan. "pfin5Sten " a. ment of $7.00 for prizes in the quiz contest in connection .with the Vic- tory Loan, By-law No. 5, giving eon - sent to Bell Tel Co, altering line and appointing S. H. Whitmore to sup- ervise. same, was given a third read- ing and passed, signed and sealed. The following accounts were pass- ed: The Provincial Treas., insulin, 53.29, E. P. Chesney, quiz contest, $7.00; salaries and postage, 552,00; 'relief. supplies, $10.00; road ac-, counts 5207.01. The council ad- journedto meet Saturday, July 3rd, at 8 o'clock p.m.—D. F. McGregor,,: Clerk. .MCMILLAN-ANDREWS A gniotwedding took place at First corrupt foihn of Pentecost. Pentecost Presbyterian Church manse, Sea - (fiftieth) was a Jewish festivalto forth, Rev. I7ugh Jack officiating, on z'ontmemorete the Mothering of the Saturday. June 6th at 3 o'clock, first -fruits of (rte harvest and came tshhn LAC. Duueaan McMillan and fifty days atter the feast of Passover. Mise Patricia Andrews, both of Sirat- T# was on the day of Pentecost that lord, were united in marriage, They. Y were attended by the groom's broth - the Holy Spirit was outpour'ed upon 1)411 -law and sister, Mr. and Mrs, Ed - the followers of Jesus, Acts 2, 1 ward Andrews of Seaforth. ' In England 'Vti1itsim has always, 1)000 kept as a festival and as Whlt- Monday is a holiday (i.e. holy Clay), it is not forgotten, We can afford to L/Cpl. Arthur Leyburne of 24th let go some traditions of the past but Field Company, RCE, of Prince can we afford to let go this ancient George, B.C., wishes to thank the Festival which is as important as friends and neighbors for the nice festival and Easton 2 gifts which he received during his leave at his home in Tuckersmith, EXPRESSES THANKS