HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1943-05-27, Page 5THIS PAY, MAY 27; 1943
Superior Values for Thursday, M
y 27, till Juno 2
Large, 12 oz, pkg.
,.,,,., 13e
%g lb. pkg. .,.....,.....,, 19c
per pkg. 15c
3 large rolls 25c
per Pkg. 9c
1 Ib. jar 590
Kkovah Health Salts per jar 29c
Fruit Kepi, 25 tablets in pkg. .,,,, per pkg. 250
Nabob Coffee 1 lb. bag 450
Roman Meal per pkg. 29c
Old English Scratch Cover Polish .. . , 4 oz, bottle 250
Chipso, Quick Suds, small pkg. —10c; large pkg. 250
Ivory Flakes, small pkg, —10c. large pkg, 25c
Ivory Soap medium size bars, 3 for 20c
Dalton's Puddings 4 pkgs, 230
Royal York Tea i/s lb, pkg. 380
Blue Boy Coffee 1 1b. bag 35c
My -T -Nice Wheat Berries 6 lb. bag 25c
Savoy Gravy Browning per pkg. 10c
Muratori's Noodles 14 oz, pkg, 10c
Acadia Codfish 1 ib. pkg. 300
Silver Gloss Starch per pkg. 13c
Old Dutch Cleanser per tin 10c
Bon And Cake or Powder Each 140
lrroutenac Paper Napkins per pkg. 150
Moody's Chloride of Lime large pkg. 15c
Turpentine 12 •oz. bottle 25c
Ross J. Sproat
Art Wright
*Radio Service
Complete Stock of Tubes and
Electric Fencers and. Repairs
Phone 884 r 12
Looby's Hall
Dancing 9.30 - 1.30
Admission 50c.
Ship your lot to us. Yost will
receive honest grading . and
full Government prices and
William Stone Sons
Registered Warehouse No. 5
Ingersoll, Ontario
Mrs. Chris Meyers and Jackie went
to Stratford Saturday where Mr,
Meyers is on the Police Force, and
where they will make their home.
Miss Mary Jamieson, Toronto, vis-
ited with her parents over the week
end holiday.
Mr. and Mrs. Val. Townsend and
two sons of Toronto, visited with
friends here over the Week end.
Mrs. John Ellis, Blyth, was a caller
on Mrs. Wm. Radford and other
friends on Tuesday.
Starting May 22, Seaforth
Farmers Co-operative will be
open Saturday evenings and
closed Wednesday afternoons
during the busy season.
We have a good supply,of Western
grains and can deliver feed rea-
We have just received another
shipment of Co-op Special Grass seed
mixture, 50% alfalfa, 20% red. and
30% timothy.
For Sale
1 Anchor Holth Creant Separator
1-3 furrow Tractor 'Plow 90.00
We can now supply new 2 and 3
furrow Tractor Plows.
Sulky Plows.
Walking Plows.
Gang Plows
Horse and Tractor Field Cultiv-
Cream Separators:
Feed Grinders.
Feed Crushers:
Bean Harvesters, and numerous
other machines and attachments.
Any of these machines can be
shipped immediately,
Main St. Seaforth
Miss Hazel billing of London vis-
ited with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Adams
and Doneldaover the week end.
The building at the Belden salt
works west of the C.N.R. stock yards,
is nearing completion.
The county grader has done ex-
cellent work scarifying and grading
the roads in town this week.
Workmen are engaged this week
repairing the roof of the flour mill
and reglazing many broken windows.
Town of Seaforth
All persons in the lvlun,icipality owning or harbouring
dogs must purchase 1943..licenses for same on or before
June• 14, 1943. Licenses will be issued from the Treasurer's
Office in the Town Hall.
After that date summonses through the Court will be
issued to the owners or harbourers of dogs not having
All dogs must wear license tags.
Many complaints have been received about dogs •
damaging gardens and flower beds:. Owners or harbourers
are personally responsible and, if necessary, dogs wilt not
be allowed to run at large.
Mrs. Milton Stewart and Mrs, Al'
bort Harrison are in London this
week attending the L.0,13. A. cdn-
.vention witchis being held in Hotel
Miss Mary Broadfoot of London
spent the week end at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs, James
Mr. Jack McElroy of Blyth at the
home of Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Dale.
Miss Aiioe Devereaux and Mr. Pitt-
ard Devereaux, of Toronto, were
week end guests at the home of their
mother, Mrs. F. Devereaux,
Sergeant W. E, Southgate Jr., Lon-
don, Aircraftman dames Southgate,
RCAF, Belleville, and Mr. M. South-
gate, Kitchener, spent the week end
at the home of their parents, Mr. and
Mrs, W. L. Soathgate.
Corporal Frank Golcliitg, RCAF, Ot-
tawa, was a week end visitor at his
Borne here,
LAC John Fortune, RCAF, 'Tor-
onto, with his parents, Mr, and Mrs,
L. D. Fortune.
Pte, Harold Chesney, of Petawawa,
with Mrs. Chesney and other rela-
Mr, Leslie Hogg, Preston, with his
patents, bIr. and Mrs. W. Hogg.
Writer H. Glenn Hays, RONVR, of
Toronto, with his mother, Mrs. James
Mr. Ross Rennie, Toronto, with Itis
parents, Mr, and Mrs, M. R. Rennie.
LAC Bruce Wright, ROAF, Centra-
lia, spent the week end at the home
of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. A,
Aircraftman Richard Box, RCAF,
Hamilton, with Mr. and Mrs. E. L.
Sergeant Lionel Fortune, London,
at his Home here.
Mr. George MacDonald, Stratford,
with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McFaddin.
Mr, and Mrs, Cleadon Christie, Kit-
chener, with Mr. and Mrs, B. F.
Christie and Mr, and Mrs, Lorne
Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Broadfoot, of
Hamilton, with relatives here.
Miss Teresa McIver, Toronto, with
Mr. and Mrs. Peter McIver,
Mr. F. Melady, London, at the
home or Mr,, and Mrs, Jos, Rowland,
Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Stewart and
Mr. Roland Stewart, of Toronto, were
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
H. Stewart.
Mrs. H. C. Box is spending this
week in Windsor with her sisters,
Mrs. Brown and Miss Beckett.
Mrs. John Flannery has returned
to her hone after, spending the past
week witlr'relatives in Detroit.
Mr. and Mre, Gordon Little and
family . of Hamilton were week end
visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
Alex Lowery.
Mrs. A. D. Armstrong has returned
after spending the winter at Port
Mrs. R. M. Jones has returned
home after spending the winter in
Miss Margaret Murray has return-
ed to Toronto after spending the hol-
iday week end with her patents, Mr.
and Mrs, James Murray.
Miss Elizabeth Lane, Stratford, and
LAC Louis Lane, RCAF, Centralia,
visited with their father Mr, T, Lane.
Miss Merle Keating, London, was a
week end visitor at the home of her
pareuts, Mr. and Mrs, J. E. Keating.
Miss Carolyn Holmes, of Toronto,
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Chas.
Holmes. • •
Miss Isobel Betties, Reg.N., Lon -
,don, with 1VIr. and Mrs. T. Betties.
Mr. R. MacLean, Kitchener, and
Mr. Donald MacLean, I3CNVR, Lon-
don, spent the week end with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. MacLean.
Miss Gladys McMane, Blyth, with
Mr. and Mrs. Roy McMane.
Mr, H. Christopher, London,./at the
hone of his sister, Mrs. Ironside and
Mr. Ironside.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Barry and daugh-
aughter Elizabeth Anne, Stratford, were
recent guests of Mrs, G.'T. Turnbull.
Mr, .Clifford Lowery, Goderich, was
a holiday guest at the home of his
parents Mr. and Mrs. George Lowery.
MIs, Henry Hoggarth returned on
Monday after spending ten days with
her daughter, Mrs. Peiffer, in Detroit.
Mr. and 11174. John Hartman Jr, and
family, of Varna, visited the fornter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hartman.
Miss Barbara McLellan, Kitchener,
with her parents, Mr, and, Mrs. A,
Sergeant Nora Hickey,, Camp Bord-
and Sergeant Thomas Sills, Tor-
onto, spent the week end at the',
home of Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Sills.
Miss Marjory Wigg, London, visit-
ed .her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W.
Aircraftman Donald MaITavish, of
RCAF, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs.
John MacTavish,
Miss Mary McIver leaves next week
for Toronto where she has accepted
a position.
Miss Belle Ballantyne, who has
been visiting for two months in St.
Thomas, returned 'to her home on
Lakeview Casino
We are proud to preseut
Specially Augmented
Guest Orchestra
(Musicians of #9 S,P.T.S.,
Admission 50c
the week -end were Mrs, Frank Smith
EWA sons, LAC. Alan Smith, home on
leave from overseas, and Douglas,
and her mother, Mrs, James Hard-
man, or Pott Colborne, and Miss Do-
rothy Swan of Welland.
Mr. Thos, Johnstone and daughter
Miss Mary Johnstone, are in Hamil-
ton attending the funeral of Mr.
Johnstoue's sister, Mrs, Archie Mid-
dientost, who died on Tuesday even-
ing about 8 o'clock.
Misses Vera and Laura Mole were
Toronto visitors last week,
Week end visitors with Mr, and
Mrs. T. H. Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs •
Austin Wheeler and son, Mr, and
Mrs, Norman Wheeler and daughter,
of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs, C. Halstead
and. son, of Stratford.
Mr, and Mrs. Austin Zayre of Lon-
don visited friends in the village,
Miss Evelyn Grainger of Goderich
spent a couple of days at her home
Mrs, W. Smith ;of Exeter spent the
week end with her sister, Mrs. A,
Hoh her,
Miss Ina Scott and. Miss Margaret
Aikenbead of London spent the week
end at their home here.
Miss May Mitchell of Toronto,
and Miss Grace Dalrymple of Hen -
sail spent the week end with Mr. and
NIrs. H Diilrytuple,
Miss Doris Dutot of London spent
Sunday at her home here.
Pte.' Clarence Armstrong of Toron-
to spent a few days with his parents
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Armstrong, last
Miss T. Baird of Toronto who as-
sisted the choir at the morning serv-
ice Iasi Sunday, also rendered 'a solo.
•Next,Sundagq Rev. G, Atkinson will
preach,at the anniversary services at
Motherwell where he was once the
pastor.. Rev. Mr. Smith' or Mother-
well will occupy the pulpit here.
Pte, and Mrs. Leonard Webster of
Camp Borden, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. 1VIc-
Nain and family. of Kintail and Mrs.
David McKenzie of Amberley visited
with, their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Webster, on the Mill Road. the latter
apart of last week,
Mr. Donald Ross and a group of
pupils•£rom School Section No, 10,
Stanley township, are arranging a
programme for Friday, May 28th at
7.30 pan. over CKNX, in the interest
of War Savings Stamps and Certifi-
ca s .
Mr. Andrew Doig of Wroxeter vis-
ited with relatives in this vicinity
during the week.
Miss Edna "Dayntan of London is
the holiday guest of her'parents and
sister, 'Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Dayman,
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Upshall and dalt-
ghter Rhea of Hamilton are the holi-
day guests of Mrs. Upshall's mother,
Mrs. Rob.t. Elgie.
Mrs. Win. Chapman returned home
to Egmondville after a pleasant visit
the guest of her daughter and son-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs. Root. McGregor.
The Mission Band held its May
last Sunday morning 'in the
school room while the congregation
was engaged in worship in the
church. The meeting was in charge
of the Mission Band Superintendent,
Mrs. Grant. After business was com-
pleted Mrs. Alex McMurtrie told an
interesting story of Trinidad, entitled
"Mickey adopts a new mistress."
There was a splendid attendance.
The service next Sunday will be
conducted by the Rev. Mr. Grant who
announced the day was being recog-
nised as Rural Life Sunday.. He also
announced he will discuss "The Sow-
er and his Father," All the members
of any such organisation as the Wo-
men's Institute are 'cordially invited
to attend,
The death occurred at his resid-
ence, Clinton, on Monday afternoon,
of Robert John Fisher, in his 75th'
yea -r, after an illness of two weeks.
For two years he had been in failing
health. 0f Scottish parentage, Mr..
Fisher was a son of the late Malcolm
Fisher and Eleanor Gibson Fisher
and wasborn in Stanley township,
near Kippen, in 1868. He attended
S.S. No. 14, Stanley, and later learn-
ed the trade' of blacksmithing with
the late Thomas Mellis ofKippen. At
the age of 18 he wei3t west to Dak-
ota, and at Vargo took up a home-
stead while also carrying on his
trade. In March, 1900, he married
Guests of Mrs, H, R. Scott during .Agnes Thomson of Kippen and after
veil of loveliness that lasts many hours. 65o
$ LIPSTICK , , . petal smooth , easily
applied and lasting, 65c
c0 LOG N E .. ,fragrantly lingering and
refreshing. 65c —$I.10
CREAMS that vitalize your skin. 60c
Blended by Adrienne to glorify each
type of beauty ... blonde... brunette
or titian. Adrienne Scientifically Har-
monized Beauty Aids are sold only at
Rexall Cosmetic Counters.
Phone 28, Seaforth
A Call To Worship
For Seventy -Six Years
First. Presbyterian Church, Seaforth
Has provided an open door for Public Worship,
Each year Anniversary Services have been celebrated and at other
times through the years Special Services have been observed.
Is a Special Occasion. The Minister for the day will be Reverend
W. E. Kelly, M.A.,B.D., of Listowel
Male Quartette "When I think how they Crucified My Lord"
Mr. J. T. Scott, Mr, L. Hemberger, Mr. M. R. Rennie, Mr. D. L. Reid
Anthem, "Lift Up Your Heads."
Duet, "The Lord is My Shepherd."
Miss Marion Mason, Miss Joan McMaster
Anthem. "Open Our Eyos."
Male Quartette, "Somebody's Knocking at our Door."
Mr. J. T. Scott, Mr. L. Hemberger, Mr, M. R. Rennie, Mr. D. L. Reid
Mrs. M. R. Rennie Rev. Hugh Jack M, R. Rennie
Organist Minister Choir Leader
"The Church needs you.,,- You need the Church"
some years' residence in Dakota
they moved to Manitoba, where :in
1920 Mrs, Fisher died. He returned
to Ontario and went into business
doing carriage and general black-
smithing in which he continued until
his health failed. In 1923 he married
Edith Jennison, daughter of the late
Richard Jennison, who survives him.
There are also three daughters by
his former marriage, Miss Eleanor
Fisher and Hazel (Mrs, Frank
Chance), Winnipeg, and Miss Jean
Fisher, Toronto; and a sister, Mrs.
Joseph Hood, Kippen. The funeral
Has held Wednesday afternoon, the
service being conducted by Rev. D.
J. Lane, of Goderich, minister of the
Clinton Presbyterian church. Inter-
ment in Clinton cemetery. The pall-
bearers were Walter Moffatt, James
Walker, A. Garon, W. Cook, H.
Charlesworth and G. D. Robertson.
Visitors: Miss Mae Quance of Lon-
don, with her mother, Mrs. Quance.
Mr. and Mrs, Deichert of Zurich
with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Coleman,
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Russell with
Mrs, Grace Scott.
Miss Grace Chalmers with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Howe of Detroit
with Mr. Howe's parents.
Pte. Wm. McKaig of London at his
home here.
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Caldwell and
family of Kippen with Mr. and Mrs,
Mr. and Nit's. All Coates of Eden
with Mrs. Scorsdal. .
Mr. Robert Hoggarth of Stratford
with relatives.
Mr, and Mrs. Aldington in Varna
with their son.
The McKellar families held a re-
union at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Wilbur Miller on Monday.
The Thames Road Young People
are putting on their play "Willow -
dale" in Stalla Hall on Friday night,
May 28th, under the auspices of the
Marion Ritchie Auxiliary of Cromarty
'Reilly-Lane.—A wedding of interest took place
on Saturday, May 15th in St. Co1-
umban Church when Catherine Ceci-
lia, younger daughter of the late Mr.
and Mrs. John Lane, was united in
marriage to Mr. John O'Reilly, of
Stratford, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
O'Reilly of 'Hibbert. Rev. Father
O'Drowski officiated. The bride,
given in marriage by her brother,
John Lane, was lovely in a gown of
white sheer, designed on princess
lines with full skirt and train. She
wore a finger tip veil, caught up with
baby's breath, and carried a sheaf of
Better Time roses and bouvardia.
Miss Margaret O'Reilly, Toronto,
sister of the groom, was bridesmaid,
and was dressed in heaven blue
sheer, fashioned on the same lines as
the bride's dress, with small blue hat
and veil. She carried a bouquet of
carnations and maidenhair fern. The
groom was assisted by Joseph Lane,
brother of the bride. The ushers
were Thomas Lane, Toronto, and
Joseph O'Reilly, Hibbert. After the
ceremony a dinner was served at the
home of the bride. Among those pre-
sent were guests from Toronto, To-
ledo, Detroit, Logan and Seaforth.
Later, amid a shower of confetti and
good wishes, Mr. and Mrs. O'Reilly
left on a honeymoon, the bride trav-
elling in a two-piece dress of ice blue
with matching hat, and biege acces-
STEWART — In Scott Memorial
Hospital, , on May 20th, to Mr, and.
Mrs. Kenneth Stewart, McKillop,
a son,
HEMINGWAY — In Scott Memorial
Hospital, on Saturday, May 22nd,
1943, to Mr. and Mrs, Bertram
Hemingway (nee Viola Morrison)
of Brussels, a son, Morris Bertram,
DOLMAGE — In Scott Memorial Hos-
pital, on Saturday, May 22, 1943,
to Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Dolmage,
1VIcI{iltop, a daughter,
McCOW AN. — In Scott Memorial
hospital, on Thursday, May 20th,
to Mr. and Mrs. Peter McCowan,
McKillop, a son.
On account of 112eat Rationing, on and after Thurs., May
27th, all orders, along with the necessary coupons, must be
in the preceding day, or we will be unable to make delivery