HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1943-05-27, Page 2TEM SP.WFORTH NF,WS.
THURSDAY, MAY 27r 1943
hese days, when tea must yield
the utmost in flavour, quality
is of supreme importance. Ask for .
in spite of the backwardness of the
season there were sufficient flowers
and foliage on hand last week to
adorn the United Church chancel for
the Young People's anniversary on
Sunday. Under the capable, leadership
of Miss Ivison the choir rendered
two beautiful anthems "Wake the
Glad Refrain," and "In Flint Will I
Trust," with the obligato taken by
Miss Jean Long in good voice. The
soloist for the day was Mr. Benson
Stoneman who sang "Jesus Lover or
My Soul," in the morning, and in the
evening, "My God and Father While
I Stay," and "I come to Thee", which
were very much appreciated.
The special preachers for the oc-
casion were Rev. Mr. Atkinson of
Brucetisld, who brought a very help-
ful message on "Youth"; and in the
evening Rev, Mr, McTavish of Lond-
on, who in his own inimitable man-
ner took for his subject, "The Fut-
ure is Yours."
The service next Sunday will be.
conducted by the minister, Rev. A.
M. Grant, who will discuss the mes-
sage of the Book of Kings.
Mrs, Lanib of Toronto is visiting
her mother. Mrs, John McClure,
Driver Keith Gemenhardt of Catnp
Borden is on a short leave with his
mother. Mrs. F. Gemenhardt.
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Bristol of
Washington are staying at their cot-
tage and expect to spent the Bummer
O.S. John McLeod has been spend-
ing a furlough with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Louis McLeod, He expects
to loin his boat in the near future at
an eastern port.
Mrs. Eva .Harvey and son George
of Landon, Miss :Helen Sturgeon of
Clinton, and Mr; Harold Jones wee
week end guests a tthe home of lid
Mr. J. Thompson of Fort Frances,
Mis Walters of *Toledo and Mrs.
Fraser of Fort William, are here to
visit their brother, Lewis Thompson,
who has been seriously ill in Clinton
Hospital and latest reports are he is
improving slowly.
Mr, and Mrs. Maxwell, who have
been living in Clinton this winter,
returned to her home in the village,
Nass Callahan of Cincinnati, Ohio,
was a week end guest of Miss Gard-
nier. Miss Gardnier, who has been on
the staff of Vogue magazine in New
York for the past 7 months, is spend-
ing some time with her mother, Mrs,
R. F. H. Gardnier.
Mrs, T. Churchward and sons Jack
and Gerald and Miss Shortt, spent
the week end at their cottage.
Mr. and Mrs, C. F. Rodgers of Ha-
milton and Mrs. R. Hunter and dau-
ghter of Toronto spent the week end
at their cottage,
Mrs. 0. W. Rhynas was in Inger-
soll on Wednesday attending the
graduation of nurses at the Ingersoll
General Hospital, where she was
guest speaker.
John Huether, Cranbrook —
After several months of illness
John Huether died at his 'home in
Cranbroolt. hHe was in his 86th year.
He was born in Grey township and
had lived in the same community the
greater part of his lite: 'Many friends
and relatives attended the funeral
with Rev, J. 111, Taylor oottd(teting
the services. Intertnent was made in
Cranbroolt eenietery, with George
Menzies, Charles Hansuld, Melvilie
Lamont, Glen and Murray Huether
and Adrian McTaggart acting as pall
'bearers. Left to mourn the loss , of
husband and father are his wife, the
former Celia Bessey; his family,
(Mary) Mrs, Gordon Saunders, of .De-
rroit. Michigan; Harold of the RCAF,
who has served overseas for more
than a year; (Alice) Mrs. Allan
Searle,of Walton; Ronald and Rae at
home. Brothers and sisters of the
deceased are William of St. Marys;
Daniel at Cranbroolt; Christian of
Toronto; , Mary (Mrs, John Mittle-
holtz) of Walkerton; Lizzie (Mrs.
Chas. Lamont) of the 8th concession
of Grey, aitd Mrs, Emma Young 01
Hamilton, One sister Margaret die in
Brussels Business Man Passes
Samuel Wilton, a life-long resident
of Brussels, who had been prominent
in business, community affairs and
the. fraternal societies of the village,
died at his house there on May 15th;
in itis 83rd year, The deceased was
the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Has-
tings Wilton. For many he was en-
gaged in the hardware business there
and though he had 'been in poor
health for some time he was attend-
ing business as usual until a few
days prior to his death, Through the
years he had taken an active interest
in the affairs of the town, having
been councillor and reeve. Ho was a
member of Western Star Odd Fel-
low's Lodge and St. John's Lodge, A.
F. and A.M. and was a past district
grand master of both the 1.0.0.F. and
A,F, and A.M. His wife predeceasedil
;tint in 1917, also a son John in 1914,
and one daughter (Alice) Mrs. J. F.
Rouhan, Detroit, in 1937. There re-
tnains to mourn the loss of their da-
tier, one son, Joseph, Brussels; and
three daughters, Mrs, W. F. Cole-;
man (Elsie) R.R.6, St. Thomas; Mrs,
J. L, Callaghan (Kathleen), Simcoe, i
and Mrs. W. A. Birtles (Marguerite) •
Toronto, Interment took place in I
Brussels cemetery.
Send us the names of your visitors.
\ A\°.2,/
��R 491616
08040 °PE
'Help your switchboard operator fgetto
handle calls prom; y
your own numbers rather than ash"
ing her to do it for you.
Avoid asking the switchboard aper
ator to took up telephone numbers --
keep a list of frequentlyoalled num.
hers handy at your desk.
It may be practicable to accept calls
direct from your switchboard rather
than route thelia through your sacro•
When you place a Long Distance
cell, stay near your telephone. ready
to talk as soon as your call is cont^
'When will he get off that line ! It's
easy to see he's forgotten how precious
time has become, and how seriously
telephone facilities are strained.
The days of casual telephoning are
definitely over; there is urgent war
work to be done.
You can help hurry it along by using
the telephone judiciously. Before
you lift the receiver, ask yourself :
"Do I really need to make this call?"
And when you do, please be brief.
• Buy War Savings Stamps
and Cerfiflarks Regularly.
tr ;
•� live in c(lctlfort. 'They of
iii ✓='' you pat across the great .herbs 99aeof
�N 1 T, y of that
the Home' this Dominion car, so
ou know
materials deist
of chit-chat y and in it alao{mu.s maY live in free
spun bitsours a day oar
he wants to hear • • u
our heart. Y° �wenty•four a rolling,
you ed it put y ra et that it - raU Y wheels ar of. over
mailed with ; p yand well. driven by army
safe an workers serving two
night find hint the home front
already on the 1.50,000 is
Took—it's as fast as valor fronts front.
• .speeding it. d the g 1' their
an a is
way .. • carry - "Keep 'e,�J rolling d
wheels can ordr whether is foo
railway wheels carry *watchword, troops'
Those singing than let. or fuel, tanks or
re our letter CO your
l2bose1°"ch t°° ®1 just y.
They carry food for your
tern. coal for your furnace. `
that you b®y • • S
pantry, tirelessly OVER WEEK -END
CA lliDI NN.
Was Married in Seaforth —
Another of the pioneer women of
this district, Mrs. Hector MacKay,
has passed on. She was the former
Catharine MaeDonaid, and her death
took place at the family home, near
Whitechurch, on Saturday, May 15th.
She was in her 88th year. A life-long
resident of this district she was born
at Goderich. As a child she came to
Culross and on March 7th, 1877, was
married at Seaforth to her now be-
reft husband, who is 96 years of age.
They have since been esteemed resi-
dents of this community. For forty
years they have lived in East Wawa -
nosh, the past thirty-three years on
their farm on the Whitechurch -Wing -
ham road. Last March they celebrat-
ed their sixty-sixth wedding anniv-
ersary. She leaves to mourn her
passing. her husband, and eleven
sons and daughters.. They are: Mrs.
A. E. (Christena) Purdon of White-
church; John A. of Wawota, Sask.;
Mrs. J. (Sara) Markle, Hamilton;
Donald J. of Guelph; Charles of
Dunnville; Mrs, G. (Catherine) Mar-
kle, Bender, Sask,; Mrs: Robert (An-
nette) Mowbray, of Whitechurch;
Miss Bertha T. of Toronto; Angus
A., who will soon return to the Jhan-
si Mission, Central India; H, Gordon,
of Wingham and Agnes at home. All
the family were home for the funeral
except John A. and Mrs. Markle who
reside in the West. Surviving also
are 40 grandchildren, 10 of whom are
in the service of the country, and :l9
great grandchildren, one of them
Pte. Renison Falconer. is also in the
service. One grandson, Flt. Sgt. Mc-
Kenzie Mowbray of Whitechurch, has
paid the supreme sacrifice during this
war, The funeral was held on Mon-
day morning. Requiem High Mase
was sung in Sacred Heart Church,
Wingham, by Rev. Father J, F. Pa-
quette, Burial took place in Teeswat-
er R. C. Cemetery. — Wingham Ad-
vance -Times,
Want and For Sale Ads, 1 week 25c.
Second Compulsory Employment
Transfer Order
Notice to Certain Employers and Employees
that men in specified. lines of .civilian employment, in classes already
designated under National Selective Service Mobilization Regulations, must
report for interview not Inter than June 1Stb, 1943, at an Employment and
Selective Service Office.
A. Objective: This Second Order mattes
available for essential employments the ser-
vices of men in classes already designated
under National Selective Service Mobilization
Regulations, who are now employed in speci-
fied non-essential employments,
ORDER: Men, of the specified aetegorlea,
are covered if now employed at:
(1) Any occupation in or associated with
retail stores; (2) any occupation in or
associated with the manufacturingof
feathers, plumes and artificial' flowers;
cheering g wine; lace gods; greeting
cn ds; jewelry; (3) any ocuation in or
aveocmtcd with distilling alcohol for
Leverage; (4) any occupation in or asso-
ciated ith the factory production of
statuary pod err gaols; (5) any occupa-
tion in the operation of ice cream parlours
and soda fountains; (6) any ofthefollow-
ing occupations: bus boyat chaueen
and cleaners; custom furriers; dancing
leachers; dish washers; doormen and
starters; greens keepers; grounds keepers{
porters (other than in railway train ser.
vice); private chauffeurs.
(u)' Every 'man born In any year from
1917 to 1924 (inclusive) who has reached
age 19; (b) every man born from 1902 to
1916 (Inclusive), who, at July 15, 1940.
was unmarried,or divorced or judlelally
separated, or a widower without child or
children; (e) every man born from 1902
M 1916 (inclusive) Who has become a
I-IoMcimev Mtacuuw,
Minister of Labour
widower .ince July 15, 1940, and la
without child or children now living -
(d) every man born from 1902 to 1916r
(inclusive) who, since July 15, 1940, has
been divorced or judicially separated.
D. Procedure- to be Followed: All men as
defined above must report to an Employment
and Selective -Service Office not later titan
June ISM, 1945, Men resident outside a city
or town having an Employment and Selective
Service Office, too far removed to call per-
sonally, may write to the nearest office, and
await further directions, -
When directed to accept employment, men
referred to in Paragraphs it and C above
oro required by the Regulations to follow
the direction.
will be illegal for an employer to retain in
his employ after June 15th, 1943, any men
referred to in Paragraphs R and C above,unlesa special permit has been obtaines
from Selective Service.
G. Transportation: Provision will be made
for transportation of man moved to a new
place of residence,
11. Appeals: If objecting to transfer 10 other
employmeht when directed, a man may
enter appeal with a Court of Referees within
l days.
1. Penalties: Penalties are provided for
either employer or employees failing to
comply with this Order
J. Authority: This Order is issued by the
Minister of Labour under National Selective
Service Civilian Regulations (P.C. 246. of
January 19th, 1943, and amending Orders in
K. This Second Order is Additional to
First Order: Employments listed in Pam»
graph a above, declared non-essential in this
Second Order, are additionalto the non-
essential employments contained in the First
Order. The First Order, issued on May 4th,
1947, required compliance by May 194 on.
the pact of employees designated under
Mobilization Regulations, and also of thew
employers, in thefollowing lines of worir.—
(1) taverns or liquor, wine and beer stores;
(2) retail sale of candy, confectionery, to-
bacco, boola, stationery, tows; (J) barber
,bops and beauty parlours (4) retail and
wholesale florists; (5) service statioar (gaso-
line -filling stations.); (6) retail sale of motor
vehicles or accessories; (7) retail sale of
sporting goods or musical instruments; (R)
waiter, taxi driver, elevator operator, hotel
belt boy, domestic servant; (9) any mope.
dot in or directly associated with entertain-
ment, including but not restricted to sheatret,
filo, ageuck;, ,lotion picture companies,
crabs, bowling alleys, pool rooms; (10) any
occupation In or directly associated with
dyeing, cleaning, acid pressistg (not including
laundry work); baths; guide service; ,bee
Man referred to above mot present doeumema at the employment office,
indicating compliance wish Mohifinatien Regulations
A Rnillinte CT
A. MAoNAnuaaA, Director
National Selective Scrota