HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1943-05-20, Page 8THE SE'+ ORT NEWS HENSALL Presentation Made .iBy Congregation The members of Carmel Presbyter- ian C11urc11'met in the school room of the ohureh on Friday, evening to honor; Rev, Mr. and Mrs. Weir and Freddy prior to their departure to Re eeler where Mr. Weir will be in- ducted as minister this 'week. De. A. R. Campbell very ably acted as chairman for the evening, following his brief address, Mrs, J, Cairns fav- ored with a vocal solo entitled "Take Me Back to Dear Old Hensall." Mrs. S. Murdoch aceonipauied at the piano, Mr. A. Orr favored with a saxophone solo entitled "Silver. Threads Among the Gold," and Miss Irene Hoggarth accompanied. Mrs, Robt, Simpson favored with readioge which were much enjoyed. Two vocal numbers, "Loch Lomond," and "A Wee- Dock an' Doris," by Mr. R. Y, MacLaren were enjoyed. Miss Margaret Mac; Laren accompanied at the piano, The Dougall trio comprising Mrs. Malcolm Dougall, Mrs. Andrew Dougal' and Miss Margaret Dougall favored with vocal selections. A reading entitled "Livinsky at the Wedding," given by Mr, James Mustard Jr. was much en- joyed. Mrs, J, W, Bonthron contrib- uted a vocal solo entitled "Perfect Day." Mrs, J. Murdoch accompanied. Miss Margaret Dougall played a Piano instrumental, a Mexican dance and sang a solo entitled The Mexic- an national anthem. Mr. and Mrs. Weir were then called forward and Mr, W. R. Davidson read the follow- ing address and the presentation of a Bulova wrist watch to Mr. Weir and a set of three chairs were made to Mr, and Mrs. Weir and Freddie by Mr, J. W. Bonthron, Mr. Jas. Ben- Sough, Miss Beryl Plate and Donald McKinnon. Mr. Weir expressed sinc- ere thanks and appreciation on be- half of himself, Mrs. Weir and 'Fred- die in a brief address after which all Joined in singing "For They are Jolly Good Fellows," Refreshments were served at the close. The following is the address: Neiman, May 14th, Dear Mr, and Mrs. Weir and Freddie: We have gathered here tonight to bid you farewell. Since coining to our congregation you have endeared yourselves to our heiarts, and you have beenan example to our lives and to those around us. You have been ever ready to help with any project that would build or benefit our congregation or community. Your presence in the field of sports has had a steadying and uplifting in- fluence that will be reflected in tut - me generations, and your departure from our midst will be a loss to our church and village that will not be easily filled. We feel we could not say "Good-bye" without leaving you something that will be a link between us when you are in your new home, and we ask you Mr. Weir to accept this wrist watch , . and for your- self and Mrs. Weir and Freddie these chairs — so that in years to come you may have pleasant memories of our fellowship in Hensall. We pray that you will be given many years of health and strength to carry on the work of the Master in your sew and larger field, and many souls won for the Kingdom of God by your labor. On behalf of Carmel Church congregation, James Bonthron, W. R. Davidson, James Bengougb, com- mittee in charge. Pte. Donald Hoggarth, now station- ed with the Railroad Army in Strat- ford, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hoggarth. Mrs. Hoggarth of Seaforth accompanied him. Mrs. McAllister Greer of London visited 'on Sunday with her parents, Mr, and Jdrs. J. W. Bonthron. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Love of Hills green visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert McKenzie. Rev. Wnr. Weir, Mrs. Weir and Freddie Ieft on Monday for their new charge at Hespeler. The best wishes of a host of friends go with them. President of Red Cross Society Honored — At a recent meeting of the Execut- ive of the Hensall Branch of the Red Cross Rev, Wm. Weir, who has been president for the past year and is severing his position here with the 'branch oiving to the fact that he has accepted a call to the charge of Hes- peter Presbyterian Church, was pre- sented with the following illuminat- ed letter beautifully framed, the work of which was done by Miss Mettle 111115. Following is a copy of the let- ter of which Mr. Weir is the proud possessor: Hensall, May 10. Dear Mr. Weir, As members of the Hensall Branch of the Red Cross Society, we desire to put ourselves on' record, as deeply appreciative of and grateful for the splendid leadership and un- Vtiring service you have rendered our organization since your appointment as its President. The President of a Society such as ours must be more than a figurehead. There is a great deal of detail to look after, much correspondence to keep up, and one needs to be tactful, alert and effici- ent if the work is to continue smoothly and steady progress be maintained. May we congratulate you on the efficient manner in which you have achieved all these things and helped our Branch for- ward until it is one of the best for. Its size, in Western Ontario. Deeply regretting that you needs must sever your relationship with us, we tender to you our sincere thanks for your willing co-operation in all things, and for the wise counsel anti leadership you have always given. We wish you, Mrs. Weir and Freddie, every sue ease In your new field of labor. We will 'follow with keen interest your future, and we trust that your min - Jetty' and life will be full of fruitful- nessand blessing to your people. Signed' on behalf of ' the Hensall Brandt of the Red. Cross, Beryl Pfaff, Secretary. • Mr, Donald Walker of Toronto spent the' week end at the keine of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Walker. Rev. Wm, Weir who concluded pastorate at Hensall on Sunday. FOR SALE 5 or 6 square of wide esphalt shingles, red awl green, for sale, C, H, Addicott, c/o Geo, Eaton, Win-. throe, Seaforth R,I1,1, FOR SALE , Reil shorthorn bull for sale, 12 mouths old, Harry Norris, Hipper, 'Ont, Phone' 6581'4, Seaforth central, Auction Sale Of implements, Household Hffeets, Etc,—Mr. Harold Jackson has re- ceived instructions to sell by public auction at Lot 13, Goshen Line, ' Stanley township, on Wednesday, • June '2nd, at 1 p.m., the following: Binder, mower, 13 -hoe Seed drill, 18 -disc seed drill, disk, cultivator, harrows, DeLaval cream separator, rake, plough, wagon, sleighs, cutter, , buggy, rack, wagon box, democrat, I sugar kettle; single harness, double his harness, bells, chime bells, pipe wrench, '200 red bricks, hay, fanning mill, scales, spade and shovel, forks, Presentation Made at W,I. Meeting Mrs, C. Cook was hostess for the May meeting of the Women's Insti- tute on Wednesday evening and. Ml's. Harry Horton, co -hostess. The presi- dent, Miss Gladys Luker, presided. After the opening exercises the mot- to, ''if You Want a Good Neighbor, Be One," was very ably taken by Mrs, Morley Sanders. Mrs, •Jas, Pat- erson, Mrs, A. Kerslake, Mrs. Kenn- edy and Mrs. Goodwin werd appoint- ed delegates to the district annual meeting in the United Church, Hen- sel], on Tuesday, May 18th. The amount on hand from packing' the overseas boxes is $40.13 which will be put to good use when boxes are again packed in August. Miss Jean Murray gave a very interesting ad- dress on Citizenship. Mrs. Norminton gave a demonstration on children's parties. Mrs, Weir was presented with a water glass set prior to her departure to her new home, The presentation was made by Mrs. Jas, Paterson and the accompanying ad- dress read by Miss Beryl Pfaff: "Dear Mrs. Weir,—Being aware of the great loss we are to suffer by your decision to prove away from Hensall, we your friends and mem- bers of the W.I. have gathered here this evening to wish you much happ- iness in your new field of labor. During your stay here you have pro- ven yourself to be a genial member of our group, always ready to co- operate in every way, not only to advance the interests of your church activities and of Institute work but the welfare of the entire commun- ity. Our affectionate wishes for your future accompany you and Rev. Mr. Weir and wee Freddie to your new home. Our prayer is that health, strength and happiness will always be your companions and that God will abundantly bless your life by making you a blessing in your service to others. As a visible token of our sincere esteem for you and as an expression of our profound grati- tude for all that you have done we present you with this simple gift. We trust that its place in your home will often bring back pleasant memories of past days we have spent together and thoughts of friendship that shall never change or end. Gladys Luker, President; Ml's. Ken Hicks, Sec.- Treas. Hensall W.I." emery stone, crosscut saw, buck saw, 2 hand saws, whipple trees, -neck yokes, pails, four wheels for buggy, 3 logging chains, meat grinder, meat press, sling ropes, rope stretcher, 2 handstretehers, hoes, garden rake, barrel, crow bars, sledge, 2 geese, 1 gander, 1 doz. black minorca hens, dog, cupboard, .table, 5 chairs, rock- ing chair, crock, clock, stove pipes, lantern, Terms cash. ' John McClinchey, Prop.; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. Mrs, -Weir in a few well chosen words expressed sincere thanks. A recipe for oatmeal cookies contribut- ed by Mrs. Carl Passmore was read by Mrs. Kennedy. Miss Audrey Din- nin favored with a reading, "The Bicycle Rider'." The annual picnic will be held on June 16th at 4.30 or 5 p.m. at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Bell, committee in charge, Miss B. Pfaff, Mrs. Kerslake and Mrs. Blowes. Mrs. Cameron, Mrs. Hess and Mrs. Orr were appointed to be in charge of the navy project and org- anize plans to aid this worthy cause. A representative of the Navy League gave a detailed account of this work. The president moved a vote of thanks to all participating. Refresh- ments were served, with the follow- ing committee in charge: Mrs. Hicks, Mrs, Hess, Mrs. Kerslake and 'Mrs. R. MacLaren, The Young People's Union of the Chiselh.m'st United Church presented their play '2'll Explain Everything," in the United Church, Blyth, on Tuesday evening, where Rev. Arthur Sinclair, formerly of Hensel] and Chiselhurst, is minister. This play is highly recommended and has been presented on various occasions under the able leadership of Mr. Joseph Ferguson. The young people are pre- senting this play in the town hall at Hensall on Friday night when the entire proceeds will go to the 'Red Cross Society'. Come out and support this loyal society, Mr. Homer Tinney of St, Cathar- ines athayines has been spending several days at the home of his father, Mr. Matt, Tinney suffering with blood poison- ing in his foot. Mr. Jack Smith of RCAF, Guelph, spent the week end visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Consitt Miss Margaret MacLaren, Professor in History at the Ladies' College In Waterloo, is spending her vacation at the home of het parents, Nh', and Mrs, It, Y, MacLaren. Members of the Arnold Circle of Carmel Church, Hensall, presented a three -act comedy play "There's A Man in the 'House," in Coven Pres. byterian Church, Exeter, 017 Tuesday evening under the auspices of the Young People's Society. Those tak- ing part were Misses Irene Hog- garth, Sally Manson, Beryl Pfaff, Mrs. Roy MacLaren, Mrs. John Far- quhar, Mr.'s. R. Broderick, Misses Jean McQueen, Lois and Marion MacLaren, under the direction of Mrs. Melvin Moir' and Virg, Robt. Simpson, Auction Sale Of Household Furniture, Harold Jackson has received instructions from the undersigned, to sell by pub- lic auction. The household effects of the late Martha J. Baker, one block west of Dick House: On Friday, May 21st, at 1.30 o'clock, the followhig: 1 parlor suits, 1 parlor table„ 2 leather rockers, 1, Victrola with rec- ords, 2 sideboards, 2 extension tables, dining -room chairs, 1 couch, 1 walnut love seat, 1 large wall mirror, 1 floor lamp, 1 cherry dropleaf table, 1'pine dropleaf table, 4 rockers, kitchen chairs, 1 cook stove, 1 wood heater, 1 -3 -burner coal oil stove with oven, 1 dresser. and stand, 1 dresser, 3 wash -stands, 2 single beds, 3 double beds, 'springs and mattresses, 1 fea- ther-bed,s1 sewing machine, 1 Edison gramophone with records, 2 bedroom lamps, jardiniere stand, hotpoint elec- tric iron, 1 toaster, 1 eight-day clock, 1 hand washing machine, 1 wringer, 2 washboards, 2 boilers, 1 washtub, floor coverings, curtains, blinds, cu- shions, 2 water sets, trays and dish- es, 2 tea-ketles, tea and coffee pot, 2 toilet sets, pictures, coal oil can, gar- den tools and other articles. Albert Baker, Manager. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. FOR SALE 13 pigs, 7 'weeks ol(l, W, J, Finni- gan. FQR. SALE 14 'Piet in Baird's Cemetery, near Br'ucetield, Apply at New Office, FOR SALE White Wyandotte rooster about a year old. Apply to Clarence Reeves, Side St. FOR SALE 1 driving horse 5 years old. Also three Berkshire. boars, Phone 608r21;,. Seaforth. W. D. Wilson, TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be • received up to June lst, 1943, for repairs for $.5, #3, Stanley, school house. Tenderer to supply cement' and all other mater- ials. The walls are to be four inches" thick. Tenderer also to supply the finishing coat. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.. Dated this 18th day of May, 1943. J. W. Elgin Porter, Chairman, Bay- field R. R. 4. J. A. McGee, Sec.-Treas,, Varna, Ont. TOWNSHIP OF McKILLOP COURT OF REVISION ' The , Council of the Township of McKillop will meet as a Court of Revision on the Assessment of 1943, at Carnegie Hall, Seaforth, on .Mon- day, the 7th day of June, 1943, at 1.80 p.m. Parties interested should govern themselves accordingly. JOHN McNAY, Clerk, McKillop. Notice To Creditors • In the Estate of Wilbert James Williams. All persons having claims against the Estate of Wilbert James Will- iams, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Heron, Retired Cab- inet Maker, deceased, who died on m' about the 271h flay of March, 1943, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 5th day of June, 1943, full particulars of their claims. • Immediately after the said last mentioned date, the assets of the said. estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any perdon of whose claim the under- signed shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. Dated at Seaforth this 10th day of May, 1943. McCONN Seaforth, ntario Solicitors for the Executrix. PUBLIC NOTICE. CONCERNING HOURS OF BUSINESS FOR ALL SEAFORTH STORES & SHOPS Saturday Nights • All stores and shops in Seaforth will remain open until 11 p,m, during the months of June, July, ,August and September. All other months, 10 o'clock closing will remain in force. Wednesday Afternoons All stores and shops will close every Wednesday afternoon, except in December, at 12.30 instead of 12 noon. Since hour regulations are in the interest of power con- servation, customers are urged to co-operate by shopping early. SEAFORTH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE USED TIRES MR. FARMER MR. TRUCK OWNER We have an excellent stock of over 200 tlsed and Retreaded Tires available to Eligible Buyers. All sizes for Cars and Trucks in stock. Equip your car now so you will be prepared for summer driving. The sale of Tires is controlled by strict government regulations. If in doubt as to your elegibility to buy, we will be very pleased to explain the Tire Rationing Regula tions to you. Goodrich Silverlown Stores 79 Wellington St., Stratford The Big Imperial Station across from the Mansion House Hotel THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1943 Cash Specials. Lux Soap :. -'- 3 cakes ., , , .. 19e Camay Soap, 3" cakes „ , „19c Palm Olive 3 cakes 19c Kirk's Castile 4 cakes ,,. 19c Lifebuoy Soap 3 cakes .• 190 Lelys, Soap; 4 cakes 19e Goblin Soap, 4 cakes 19c Odex Soap, 4 cakes 19c Saturday Orily Green Mountain Certified Seed Potatoes, 100 pound bag 4.26 Katandin Certified Seed Pota- toes,. 75 ib, bag 3.70 Robinhood Flour, 98 ib. bar 2.69 Prairie Rose Flour 98 lb.,bag ` 2,59 Cream of the West Flour 98 lb, bag 2.49 Rolled Wheat, 5 lb, bag 21c Roman Meal, pkgs. 270 Tender Leaf Tea, pkge, 34e BOOTS & SHOES AT PRE-WAR PRICES W. J. FINNIGAN COURT OF REVISION Township of Tuckerslnith The Municipal Council of Tucker - smith will meet as a Court of Revi- sion on the Assessment Roll of 1943 at town hall, Seaforth, on Saturday, June 6, at 2 p.m. All appeals must be in the hands of the Clerk on or before Friday, May 28, 1943, Inter- ested parties should govern them- selves accordingly, D. F. MoGREGOR, Clerk. FOR SALE 7 remelt stucco house situated on Centre Street, Seaforth. All modern conveniences, garage. Apply W. T, Dodds, R.R. #1, Seaforth, Executor Agnes Dodds Estate, or McConnell & Hays, Seaforth, Ont., his Solicitors. PIGS FOR SALE Five weaned pigs for sale, 7 weeks old, Ed Regele, R.R.2, Walton. FOR SALE 1 one-horse wagon, heavy. John Abel, Seaforth, George St. FOR SALE 1 two -yeas old boar and 2 young boars for sale. George Aberhart, Sea - forth, R.R. 5, The Pure Bred Belgian Draft Stallion WEST PINE SUPREME —5249— 18471 The Pure, Bred Olydesdale Stallion DONALD MONCUR (28889) Route for 1943: Monday and Tuesday, in the vicinity of Walton and Brussels. Wednesday and Thursday,. vicinity of Sea - forth, St. Columban and McKillop Twp. Friday and Saturday, vicinity of Kippen, Hensall and Zurich. Terms for Donald Moncur, $13. payable March let, 1944. Terms for West Pine Supreme, 515. T. J. MCMICRAEL, Prop. and Manager. COMMUNITY PUBLIC AUCTION SALE Cif Horses, Cows, Grass Cattle, Hogs, Implements. To be held at the Hicks House Barn, Mitchell, every Thursday of each week from now on. Anyone having anything to sell in the line of stock, implements or any- thing yon have to dispose of, bring it to the Hicks House Barn, Mitchell. Don't forget the date, Every Thurs- day from now on. Phone Gordon Bach, 634r4, Mitchell. Terms reasonable. Gordon Bach, Manager., Fred W. Ahrens, Auctioneer. NOTICE As these are not normal times or-., der your Fly Spray and Insect Dust early. Your Watkins dealer,. William Bradshaw, Seaforth, Phone 50. Seaforth Farmers Co -Operative Certified Green Mountain Potatoes. 5 X B. C. Shingles. Co -Op and Shur Gain Fertilizer. Co-op and Shur Gain Feed. Semi -Solid Buttermilk. Orders taken for Seed Corn. Electric Fencers, Phone 9 Spence's Produce GOVERNMENT REGISTERED EGG GRADING STATION Highest Cash Prices paid for Eggs and Poultry • Phone 170-W, Seaforth You Roll Them Beffer With OGDEN'S I CIGARETTE TOBACCO Seaforth Monument Works Formerly W. E. Chapman NOW OPERATED BY CUNNINGHAM & PRYDE We invite inspection of our stock of Cemetery Memorials SEAFORTH -- TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS, or any other time by appointment See Dr. Harburn—Phone 105 Phone 41—Exeter—Box 150 McConnell & Hays Barristers, Solicitors, Etc., Petrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Cburt County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build, ing, Seaforth. Office hours:— Tuesday, Thursday. and Saturday 1.30 p.m. to 5 . p.m. Saturday evening, 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, Ont. OFFICERS President, Alex Mo1wing, Blyth; Vice -President, W. R. Archibald, Sea. forth; Manager & Sea,-Treas., M. A. Reid, Seaforth., F. McKercher, R,R,1, Dublin; John E. Pepper, R.R.1, Brucefleld; T, F. Prueter, Brodhagen; James Watt, Blyth. DIRECTORS Alex Broadfoot, Seaforth; William Knox, Londesboro; Chris Leonhardt, Brodhagen; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; Thomas Moylan, Seaforth; W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Alex McEwing, Blyth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; Hugh Alexander, Walton: Parties deeiroud to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly atended to by applications to any of the above 'named officers addressed to their respective post Watson & Reid REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY (Successors to James Watson) MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at , lowest rates in First-CIass Companies. SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr. E. A, McMaster, M,S., Graduate ,f University of Toronto. Paul L. Brady, M.D., Graduate of University of Toronto. The Clilflc is fully equipped wits complete and modern x-ray and other up-to-date diagnostic and thereuptie equipment. Dr. F. J. R. Forster, Specialist in. Diseases of the Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat, will be at the Clinic the first Tuesday in every month from 3 to 5 p.m. Free well -baby clinic will be held en the second and last Thursday it every month from 1 to 2 p.m. JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon in Dr. H. H. Ross' office. Phone 6 J DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine. University of Toronto. Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, Moorefleld's Eye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, London, Eng. At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 p.m. Also at Seaforth Clinic first Tuesday in each month, -53 Waterloo St., Stratford. Telephone 267. INSURANCE Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid- ent, Windstorm & guarantee bonds., Rates reasonable, All risks placed in first class companies. Information cheerfully given E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIES Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Assures Security for over One Million Partners H. R. LONG, GODERICH District Agent DEAD • AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY PHONE COLLECT -- SEAFORTH 15. EXETER 235 DARLING & CO, OF CANADA, LTD. (Essential War Industry)