HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1943-05-06, Page 8HENSAi_I THE SWAFOB,III NVW $ music,and M. Weir will !,reach a adopted, T. Kyle reported re the Clearing Public Mrs. ;lea Corbett and Coaanie re sermon is keeping wifla fire ogcasinn, tree$ on P. Moir"$ property, refer rad Auction Sale The eveeMg service will he et int- to property cemmittee, W. B. Cross THURSPAY, MAY 6, 1943 turned name after spending it week crest not only to the members of Car- and W. R, Davidson .appeared re the Of Faratr Stock and Implements, in London with her sisters, hers, Mei Charon, but to people of the drain at the side of their property on owed W. Ahrens, anetconeer, has re - Mains and Mrs. Corey, whole district, .fuasenuoli as the con- Albert Street, referred to street nom- ceived instructions from the under• Miss Mande Glenn of London visit- gregati0ual Honor Roll will be nal- 1011108, G. I-Iess and 'W. Daviclson tap- • signed proprietor to sell by public ed on Sunday With Mr, and Mrs, 080, , veiled, M this time Hon. 0/Lt. (Rev.) neared re salvage, asking village to auction at Lot 11, Con. 10, Town.. Glenn and Mr. and Mrs, John- M, D. J. Leine of Coderieh will bring the supply the oartage, Recommended to Gleam, message. Mr. Lane was a chaplain, make a bee some evening end got ship of Logan,. 11/4 miles .north, of Miss Victoria Bolton returned to during the 1001 war anti again ' is same donated, Correspondence read Bornbelm, then 1>r1 miles east, on her duties 10 Toronto after spending serving the armed forces by being iatcluded communication from local "Friday, May '7th, the following; the Easter vacation with her mother part-time chaplain at Sky Harbor and ration board re salary for secretary. Horses 1 Pereheron mare 5 Mrs. Gordon Dolton, also at Port Albert, Mr, Lane is Seine filed. Bills and accounts paid, ears old;1 Mrs. Fred Corbett visited on Sat- therefore particularly fitted to preach B. Kyle, paint. and painting lire dept., y Percheron mare 14 urday with her aunt, Mrs, Ida Hard- 00 such an occasion as this and" the $G.so; W. R. Davidson, coal, hall, $81r Yew's old; 1 Pereheron gelding 8 ing in London. !congregation of Carmel Church are .75; Hydro Commission,' hall, $15.38; Years old; 1 good driving horse, Mrs, Donald E. McMullan and faun-, very fortunate indeed . to have Mr. T. Kyle, salary, $70; E. Little, oiling quiet and reliable. ily moved into the dwelling .on the r Lane for this outstanding event. It is baud instruments, $1; I, Geiger, Cattle — 1 Durham cow, fresh highway recently vacated by Mr.' hoped to have a member of the urns- teaming streets, ,89; school board, and, Mrs. Nelson Plraff. i with calf by her side; 1 Holstein Mr, R. B, Cook, 0 veteran guard in el Porton present to assist in the ser- current expenses, $1,000; J. Patter - the Senior Guards of Canada, Mrs, ,vice of praiser Those who have seen son,' cartage and salt, $1,10, Total cow due Jure 10; 2 Durham and 1 Cook and son Roy of Toronto, visited the Honor Roll to be dedicated next $1,116.33, F. W. Smallaoombe and E. Holstein cows fresh; 2 Durham heif- for. a few days this work with the Sunday are enthusiastic in their Fink, .that a court of revision be held eas' rising 1 year old; 1 Durham praise as they see it as a thing of on the assessment roil June 7111 at 8 steer rising2 ears old; 3 spring former's mother, Mrs, Catherine Jails. Yp' C Devlin, beauty which will do much to keep p,m. Carried, A. Kerslake and T. Par- calves, Jerry and Paula Iiauson returned in remembrance the navies of those kins, that we collect the garbage a5 to their home in Stratford after boli- connected with the congregation who usual May 12.13: Carried. — James Hogs 1 Yorkshire sow due in daring with their grandmother, Mrs, have enlisted -in the present struggle. A, Patterson, Clerk, July; 7 chunks weighing about 90 lb Schwalm, Ross Corbett spent the Easter holi- days at the home of his uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs, Hugh Morenz at Dashwood. The many friends of Mrs. Hannah Workman regret to hear that she has been confined to her room for several days suffering with an attack of pleurisy. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Parsons of Lon- don visited on Sunday with the form- er's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Parsons and the latter's mother, Mrs. Thom - 13033, Miss Esther McTllwain returned to her duties after spending the holi- days at her home at Goderich, MacKinnon-Lithgow — St, Andrew's United Church, Kip - pen, was the scene of a pretty wed- ding when Rev. A. hi, Grant, B,A., B.D., former pastor of the bride, sol- emnized the marriage of Ruth Aileen, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Bruce Lithgow of Forest, and John 0, MacKinnon, son of Mrs. MacIlin- non, formerly of Brigden, and the late Charles J. MacKinnon. The bride, who looked charming in a dress of heaven blue jersey silk with matching hat trimmed with rose and blue and matching veil and corsage of opheha roses, entered the church ou the arm of her father to the strains of the wedding march played by Miss Sybil Grant. Miss Elizabeth Grant as bridesmaid was becomingly attired in congress blue crepe with darker hat and accessories and corsage of talis- man roses, Robert M. Lithgow, bro- ther of the bride, was best man. Af- ter the ceremony a wedding dinner was served at the manse. Later the happy couple left on a wedding trip to Niagara Falls and Toronto, the bride travelling in a grey Dortegal tweed suit with matching accessories. On their return they will reside at Bpsanquet. The following list of books have been. added to the Hensel] Pnblio Library: Fiction — 'the Day must dawn, Turnbull; The Robe, Douglas; Blackout in Gretley, Priestley; A Golden Age, Parmenter; Crescent Carnival, Keyes; The Lieutenant's Baby, Aldrich; Celia's0House, Stev- enson; Elizabeth My Daughter, Rii ver; Thorofare, Morley; Little Man, Sallans, Stella Dallas, Prouty; Ring Without Romance, Greig; The En- chanted Hill, Kyne; Gringo Gold, Coolidge; Law and Order on Half -a- Day Creek, Hendryx; Shadow Moun- tain, Bower; The ease of the Haunt- ed Brides, DuBois; The case of the Sleep Walker's Niece, Gardner; Gtto- man's Chance, Short; Cousin Will- iam, Lutes; Not under the Law, Hill; Rim of the Desert, Haycock; The Patriotic Murders, Christie; The Love of Julie Boril, Norris; Exit a Dictator, Oppenheim; Hand on Her Shoulder, Widdemer•; Out of the Storm, Hill; Twin Sombreros, Grey; The Dead Line, Tuttle; Too Many Women, Greig; The Lady in Lilac, Shane; The Winter Murder Case, VanDine; Guardians of the Trail, Gregory; The Mulberry Bush, Miller; Lance Falls in Love, Hauck; Nurses Are People, Handcock. Non-fiction -- Alfred Nobel, King of Dynamite, Pauli; G. B. S., a full length port- rait, Pearson; The truth about Sov- iet . Russia, Webb; The time of My .Life, De Vighne; Dress Rehearsal, Reynolds; Beside Still Waters, Jac - clues; 1 saw two Englands, Morton; Trouble Shooter, Travers; Living Biographies of Great Composers, Thomas; Living Biographies of Fam- ous Women, Thomas; I Married Ad- venture, Johnstone; Personalities of the Passion, Weatherhead; We took to the Woods, Riclt; The Quiet Place, Allan; Doctors of the Mind, Ray; Cripps, Advocate Extraordinary, Strauss; Land of the Soviets, Stew- art; Soviet Asia, Davies; Is the King- dom of God Realism, Jones. Juvenile Fiction—Lost Island, Burglow; Toni, the little wood carver, Spyri; Mary Jane's Country Home, and Mary Jane's City Horne, Judson; Ragged- dy Anne and the nice fat policeman, Gruella.; Here is Alaska, Stefanason; Ducks of Dingle Dill, Sari; "Little Animal Stories, Parsons; The En- chanted Fawn, Gray; Little Chuck's Adventures, Burgess; R, A, Helps Grandma Hoppergrass, Geueila; Bus- zywing, Ellsworth; Diana of the Ranges, Rutley; Geraldine Belinda, Henry; Skittles, Lamky; Fun on the farm, Beatty; The Mystery of Calico Island, Dixon; Mother Goose, 'aojan- koosky; Flicka, Rieke, and Dicke, Lindman; Dave Dawson of the Paai- flc Fleet, Bowen; The Mystery of Arnold Hall, Persons; Sisters, North;. Polyanna's Door to happiness, Bort- en; Maida's Little Village, 'Irwin, Carmel 'Church Notes There will be two special services at Carmel Presbyterian Church next Sanday, At the morning diet of woe ship the annual Mother's Day service will be observed at which time re- wards for the Bible tests will be made i., Donald MacKinnon and Billy At least 21 names will be on the.Implements — M. B. Binder, 6 ft. Honor Roll, each name being oast in Red Cross Notes— cut,With truck and sheaf carrier, a separate metal bar which makes the Roll a permanent one. I1 is hoped. Spring' is somewhat slow in corm -nearly new; M. H. mower, 5 ft. cut; . that there will be a large attendance ing this yea! and the business of M, H, seed drill. cultivator..3 drum at this particular service not only to housecleaning has been held up. MI ofland roller; 4 setion iron harrows; ]tear Mr. Lane, but to pay tribute to those who have given themselves to lection which has meant that salvage coi- ction in Hensall and district has disc; manure spreader; dump rake; the Cause of Freedom at this time. I not yet got under way. Houseclean- 2 good walking plows; 1 Cockshutt cutter, The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- 'tug days mean salvage days and with single furrow riding plow, top bug - per will be observed at the morning that in mind the local salvage tom- set sleighs, truck wag - service tnittee have, designated May as Sal- gy'g service on Sunday, May 18th. Mr. wage Month. Plans are being laid for on, new; gravel box; stock rack; hay 'Weir will preach his farewell ser- a blitzkrieg of the village some time rack; pulper; Viking cream separa mons on this day,soon when a gang of volunteer tor, 750 lb. cap., nearly new; hay Sunday, May 23rd, will mark the workers will clean up the village of ear, hayfork, anniversary of Carmel Presbyterian all the salvage that you put out. So f rk 2sets, Church and for this happy occasion during your housecleaning; chores '-re —, sets of double hare - , the congregation has secured the please collect all the paper, the old ess; 1 set of single harness. services of Rev, Hugh Jack, B.A., of metal, the old rags, the old rubber Feed --About 5 tons of good Seaforth. Further announcement will and anything else that the Red; Cross hay, forks, shovel, logging chain, be made at a later date. I can sell. But glass is out—at present Lieut. Sant Rennie, Toronto, spent there is no market for it so please hoes, whiifletrees, neckyokea, and a the week end with Mrs. Rennie said do not include it in your gift to the host of other articles too numerous family here. I salvage drive, to mention found about a farm. Mrs. Harry Lawrence returned 1 Hensall is not producing all the Sale to commence at 1 o'clock home on Saturday after spending 0fat it should, It may be that you couple of weeks in Detroit. I think that the little fat your kitchen sharp. No reserve as everything will Uplands, leben Inglis gli tl�fhetNo. father, Mr. produces will not be valuable bo sold as the farm is sold. Auction- produces enough to make it worth while say- eer's decision final in case of all NV, J. Inglis and her aunt, Mrs. Helenl ing. The war effort wants and needs disputes. Terms of sale, cash. J. Dow, over the week -end, evert last drop of fat that can be Wm. Prendergast, Proprietor. Mr. and Mrs. David Kilpatrick of obtained so everybody is again asked Fred W. Ahrens, Auctioneer. London called on relatives and to get a clean can and put into it all friends in town on Sunday, ' the kitchen fats they are able to get. COMMUNITY PUBLIC Mrs. Hannah Workman has been When you get a good bit, say a full SATURDAY CASH & CARRY SPECIALS Green Mountain Potatoes 190 ib, bag's ' ' 415 Robinhood Flour —r 98 Ib, hag, cash , ,2.59 Katandin Certified Seed' Potatoes, 75 lb. bag $ 08 Prairie Rose Flour 98 lb. bag ,,,,,,,..,.,2.49 . Pig Starter, 18% per cwt, , . ..,,,, 2.49 0/Canada Bread Flour— per98 lb. bag ..,... ,,2.59 Cream 'of Wheat 5'pound 23o' M -Y -T Nice Rolled Wheat 5 pound hag ..,, 230 W. JFINNIGAN Rioso, giant size 2850, ,.,,Ole Super Suds, giant size pkge 470 Chipao, large size pkge, 23c Oxydol, large .pkge, ,,..,,240 Ivory Suow, large pkge. ..,.23c Lely's Soap, 6 oaken 25c Canned Milk, 4 tins only $9c Pure Lard, 2 pounds 350 Maxwell House Coffee -- oneone ib. tin ,,,... ,,,.,,43c Boots & .Shoes at Pre -War prices. Card of Thanks. Mr, and Mrs, 7. Elgin McKinley and family wish to thank their friends and neighbors for the assistance and sympathy extended to them! in their sad bereavements Special thanks ' to Rey. Wilbur Rogers and Rev, Reba Hern; also for the beautiful floral tributes and those who assisted in Me singing, Card of Thanks We wish to thank the many friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy in our sad bereavement; those who loaned cars; and Rev. M, 5', Oldham, — The Humphries fam- ily; Mrs, Wm. Walsh. • FOR SALE One John. Deere manure spreader. Phone 13 on 82, Hensall. W. F. Alex- ander, Hensall, Ont., R.R.2. WANTED Lady in Seaforth wishes compan- ion. Apply at The News office, WANTED Wanted to buy: Stick of timber in good shape, 26 ft, long by 10" square. Phone 628-15, Clinton, Ont, FOR SALE Five Tamworth pigs ready to wean. Apply 'to George Hoggart, Londes- boyo, Phone 850r 3, Seaforth central. seriously alt at her home bete trite,. can, take et down to the Red Cross AUCTION SALE FOR SALE pneumonia. • Her many friends ]tope Of Horses, Cows, Grass Cattle, Ten choice pigs, 6 weeks old. Apply Hogs, Implements, To be held at the to Herald P. Lawrence. Phone 859-25, for a speedy recovery, Arnold Circle Meets — The Arnold Circle held theirregu- lar meeting at the home of Miss. Irene Hoggarth on Friday evening with the president Mrs. Melvin Moir presiding. The meeting opened by singing, "My Faith Looks up to Tbee" after which Miss Helen Moir led in prayer. The Scripture lesson, Matt. 10, 29-31, and Matt. 12, 11-12, was read by Mrs, Orr. After singing "More Love to Thee 0 Christ," the minutes were read, the business dis- cussed and the offering taken. The topic on the "French" was ably taken by Mrs. Baynham and the meeting closed by singing "What a Friend We have in Jesus," and the Lord's pray- er in unison. Refreshments were ser- ved by the hostess. Mrs, D. Walks visited over the week end with relatives and friends in Guelph, Miss Grace Pepper' of London spent the week end at her hone here. Pte. Stewart Pepper of Halifax is on furlough at the home of his father Mr, Wm. Pepper. Hensel] Women's Institute will meet on Wednesday evening, May 12, at 8.15 sharp at the hone of Mrs. C. Cook with 'Vire. Harry Horton co - hostess. The roll call will be answer- ed by "One way in which I may keep in the Institute." Speaker, bliss Jean Murray, subject to be selected. The motto, "If you want a good neighbor, be one," to be taken by Mrs. Morley Sanders. A demonstration on "Child- ren's Parties" to be taken by Mrs. Norminton. The xecipe by Mrs. Carl Passmore and current events by Miss Greta Lammie. Please bring tea, pen- cil' and paper. A goodly attendance is urged. Local and rural citizens are to be commended for their hearty support given to the recent canvass conduct- ed by the Women's Institute, for don- ations of money and other gifts for boxes for the Hensall boys who are serving overseas. These .boxes, 27 in number, were packed by the Wom- en's Institute Monday night, May 3. The fact that various persons throughout the village and district donated sugar made possible the pro- vision of delicious home-made candy (this work being accomplished by Mesdames Phaff, Sherritt, 'Welsh, Patterson and Hess) while other kind friends contributed cookies, guru, shortbread, maple sugar, cigarettes, razor blades, bars, etc. In addition to the items already named, each parcel consisted of stationery, talcum, shav- ing stick, tooth brushes, cheese, to- baccos, cigaretes and papers, flints, lux handkerchiefs, tea, Further dona- tions of home-made candy were re- ceived from Mrs. J. Sangster and Mrs. Mary Buoilanan, the total collection in cash up to May 3rd amounted to $129,44, The Institute after buying supplies for these boxes has on hand $39.63, which will be used at the next time of shipment in August. All shipping charges were borne by the War Service Committee. The list as follows: L. Noakes, E, Norminton, J, Taylor, R. Ilroak, J. Campbell, D. Mc' Kale', E. Fairbm'n, P, Lemmon, A. Schwalm, L, Bsynham, C. and I, Kip- fer, S. and B, Dick, G. Johnston, R. Foster', C. Zuede, J.' and A. Boa, H. Redden, 0. Glenn, H. Smale, 10 Brook, R. Welsh, W. Nicol, L, Hud- son and D. Sangster. Mrs, 'Phos, Simpson of Windsor ie the guest of Mr, and Mrs, 3. Sinnpsott. Council Meeting — The regular meeting of the village Couuciil was held Monday evening at $ lbm, in the emelt chambers -with all members present, The minutes of salvage rooms and your contribution will help to make a lot of fat and a lot of explosives. And at the same; time you will be helping the Red Cross. You can get the key to the salvage rooms at Goodwin's stoic.. Hicks House Barn, Mitchell, every POSITION WANTED Thursday of each week from now on. Anyone having anything to sell in Woman wants position. Mrs. Ellen the line of stock, implements or any- Esplen, .Clinton, thing you have to dispose of, bring 1 RED SHIELD it to the Hicks House Barn, Mitchell. The followingis a list of the work Don't forget the date. Every Thurs- day from now on. Phone Gordon Bach, completed for the month of April 634r4, Mitchell. Terms reasonable. by the Salvation Army Red .Shield. Gordon Bach, Manager. 11 large quilts, 1 crib quilt, 23 pr. , Fred W. Ahrens, Auctioneer, socks, 3 sleeveless sweaters, 4 navy CLEARING caps, 1 scarf, 1 pr. mitts, 1 ladies' blouses, size 4' 1 skirt and blouseAuction Sale sweater, 1 ladies' dress, 2 skirts and Of Household Furniture. Fred W. " size 6, 3 rag Boils, 4 pr. 'slippers, 1 Ahrens has received. instructions sweater size.$.from the undersigned proprietress to ANNUAL MEETING OF i sell by public auction at Chopping COUNTY LIBRARIES Mill, Village of Brodhagen, on Satur- day, May 8. Sale to commence at 1 The annual meeting of the Huron o'clock sharp, tine following: County Library Association was 2 kitchen _cabinets, 3 tables, cellar held at the public library, Exeter, er, inlaid linol- Andrew Rougvie, of Goderich, was emu, verandah couch, table, fire extinguish2 good couches, re-elected president. Other officers 1 eight-day clock; set scales 250 lb. elected were: Vice-president, P. B. capacity; 2 small scales; 2 sinks; Moffatt, Seaforth; secretary-treasur- wadi stand,meat saw; large mirror; er, Rev. Hugh Wilson of Brussels; breakfast table and chairs, several county council representative, Reeve rocking chairs, wardrobe; clothes R. J. Bowman of Brussels. ; closet, screen cupboard, quilting Warden B. W. Tuckey,reeve of frame, electric light fixtures, several Exeter welcomed the group. R. 3. end tables, small stools, flower pot Bowman also spoke briefly. Miss and jardiniere, window screens, bath Rose Aitken, librarian at Goderich, room set, tea kettle, several large in her report as secretary, stated lugs and - crocks, several beds, that there had been four book ex-' springs and mattresses, dressers, changes during the year. She had stands, dishes, cooking utensils and travelled 815 miles in making the kitchen utensils, horse clipper, iron distribution. In March each library pump, quantity of lumber, small received sixteen books • in June, 26 • child's wagon, wheel barrow, quantity and in December, 44. The total ch-�' of rope, 2 large truck boxes, wood culation for the year was 5,074. The I lox, cement lawn roller, cement tie amount spent for books was $712.48. post, picture frames, 1 robe, large Receipts in the treasury were $961: number of small articles found about 24. Miss Aitken expressed the grati- a house too numerous to mention, tude of the Association to the county 'No reserve as everything offered will be sold as the proprietress is giv- ing up housekeeping. Terms of sale, cash, Mrs. Emma Querengesser, Prop. Fred W. Ahrens, Auctioneer. council for a grant of $200. There are 22 libraries in the county, and 16 of these are mem- bers of the Association. During a discussionit was remarked that three townships, in which are sever- al municipalities, in the southern part of the county, have no library service. The association would be glad to assist in the organization of libraries here, or in any part of the county. Miss Elsie McLeod Murray of the staff of the Lawson Memorial library of the University of Western Ont- ario, London, was the guest speaker. She described methods of collecting data on local history and emphasized the importance of gathering records, old letters, newspapers, documents, etc., of historic interest, and illus- trated how letters may be preserved by the use of cellophane, BRITAIN'S MERCHANT ARMADA Cargo can be handled twice as fast as in 1939 by the ships now leaving yards in a steady stream all over the United Kingdom. Scores of new tankers, large and fast refrigerated cargo vessels, and general, cargo carriers of several sizes are already in service—a tri- umphant vindication of the policy of the British Admiralty Tot to adopt one standard type of 'remit - Campbell, There will be special the previous meeting were read and i ant ship but to use a number' of FOR SALE - 1 Case 2 -furrow tractor plow nearly new; also a quantity of Van- guard seed oats, clean. Apply to Sandy Pepper, Mill Road. Auction Sale Of House Furnishings bn Friday, May 7th, at 1 p.m. in the Village of Hensall: One kitchen range one heater; 1 coal oil stove; 1 extension table; 6 kitchen chairs; 1 dining room table (extension); 6 dining room chairs; 1 couch; clock; 3 -piece parlor suite; 1 oak parlor table; 3 odd rockers; pictures; 1 organ; dav- enette; sewing machine; 2 iron beds; springs and mattresses; 1 dresser; 1 piece of linoleum 8x12; 3 feather ticks; curtains; 3 pairs of pillows; 4 dozen sealers; crocks; wash tub - lawn mower; step ladder; toilet set; hose, rack and garden tools. Estate of the late Isabella Moir. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. NOTICE As these are not normal tunes or- der your Fly Spray and Insect Dust early. Your Watkins dealer, William Bradshaw, Seaforth, Phone 50. Seaforth Farmers Co -Operative Certified Green 'Mountain Potatoes. 5 X B. C. Shingles. Co-op and Shur Gain Fertilizer. Co-op and. Shur Gain Feed, Semi -Solid Buttermilk. ' Orders taken for Seed Corn. Electric Fencers. Phone 9 Spence's Produce GOVERNMENT REGISTERED EGG GRADING STATION Highest Cash Prices paid for Eggs and Poultry Phone 170-W, Seaforth types developed before the war for different trades. Exact plans used in this colossal programme have been sent to Can- ada, Australia and the United States where ships are now being. produced at the unprecedented rate of two a day. Britain's standard ships are a very great advance on their predecessors of 25 years ago: indeed in many re- spects they are better than those . launched just before the war. Be- sides possessing twice the capacity of the 1939 vessels in handling cargo to -day's, whether steam or diesel driven, have a higher speed. The new merchant fleet has prac- tically every item which will be needed in peace time, a useful in- dication of the official view on the result of the Battle of the Oceans. Accommodation has been improved beyond belief. The fo'c's'le has gone and the modern tramp has deck houses for its petty officers, seamen and firemen specially designed. You Roll Them BetterWifh OGDFIN S cu TE 1 EN CIGARETTE TOBACCO Seaforth Monument Works Formerly W. E. Chapman . NOW OPERATED BY CUNNINGHAM & PRYDE We invite inspection of our stock of Cemetery Memorials SEAFORTH — TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS, or any other time by appointment Seo Dr, Harburn—Phone' 105 Phone 41—Exeter-Bos 150 McConnell & Hays Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hay. SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion. Bank Build- ing, Seaforth, Office hours:— Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1.30 p.m. to 5 p.m, Saturday evening, 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, Ont, OFFICERS President, .Alex McEwing, Blyth; Vice -President, W. R. Archibald, Sea. forth; Manager & Sec.-Treas., M. A. Reid, Seaforth. AGENTS F. McKercher, R.R.1, Dublin; John E. Pepper, R.R.1, Brucefleld; 7, F. Prueter, Brodhagen; James Watt. Elyth. DIRECTORS Alex Broadfoot, Seaforth; William Knox, Londeaboro; Chris Leonhardt; Brodhagen; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; Thomas Moylan, Seaforth; W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Alex McEwing, Blyth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; Hugh Alexander, Walton. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly atended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post. offices. . Watson & Reid REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY (Successors to James Watson) MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kende of insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies. • SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr, E. A. McMaster, M,B„ Graduate ^� University of Toronto.. Paul L. Brady, M.D., Graduate of University of Toronto. The Clinic is fully equipped wit) complete and modern x-ray and other up-to-dstte diagnostic and tbereuptir equipment. Dr. F. J. R. Forster, Specialist In Diseases of the Ear, Eye. Nose and Throat, will be at the Clinic the flrsl Tuesday in every month from 3 to 5 p.m, Free well -baby clinicwill be bele ,n the second and last Thursday to 'very month from 1 to 2 p.m. JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A.,M.D. Pbysician and Surgeon to Dr, H. H. Ross' office, Phone 6 J . DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto. Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square. throat hospitals, London, Eng. At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 p.m. Also at Seaforth Clinic first Tuesday in each month. -53 Waterloo St.. Stratford. Telephone 267. INSURANCE Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid- ent, Windstorm & guarantee bonds. Rates reasonable. All risks placed in first class companies. Information cheerfully given E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIES Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Assures Security for over One Million Partners H. R. LONG, 'GODERICH District Agent DEAD.. AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY PHONE COLLECT -- SEAFORTH 15, EXETER 235 DARLING & CO. OF CANADA, LTD. (Essential War Industry)