HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1943-04-29, Page 4TIE SEAFORTH NEWS
1, 29, 1943
Snowdon Bron., ?etagere
The regular meeting of the Red
Cross will be held on Thursday, 11My
WALTON 6th,; in the community Hall. At this
nteetlug 'there will be a shower for
the "Woinan in Uniform," Articles
needed ate. soap,' tooth brushes,
toothpaste or powder, laundry soap
said soap ]lakes, combs. hairnets,
wash (+laths. "cold cream, lipstiok,
face powder, tape lines, Hairpins,.
bobby. itue, straight pins, safety
Mils, oleauex. Any of these articles
will be gratefully received.
Easter visitors with friends here,
were MIS, Mary Grierson and dangb-
ter from near Toronto; Miss Esther
Jamieson, Toronto;. Miss D. Little,
Swansea, Toronto; Mr, and Mrs, Jack
Knox, Wingltanr, Miss Rhoda Govier
and friend, London;''Mrs. SSiu, Breen;
London; Mr. and Mrs, Gordon House,
Clinton; Mr. and Mrs, A. Shaddick,
Clinton; also Mrs, Shaddicl:s''Sister
and husband and- two children, from
London; Jack Snell of the RCAF,
Guelph; t\iiss Elva Snell, London,
Mr. Knechtal and daughter. Lon-
don, with Mr, and •Mrs, A. Voider.
Mrs, Knechtal is a sister of Mrs.
The W. M. S. held their Easter
thank offering meeting in conjunc-
tion with their regular meeting on
Wednesday, April 21st, in the 'base-
event of the church with Mrs, R,
Townsend presidiug. Meeting opened
in the usual form with Mrs. Arm-
strong at the piano. An Easter hymn
was sung and prayer by the presid-
ent. Business was then taken up, It
was announced that the quilt for the
bale was completed and a special
collectiou will be taken at next meet-
ing to defray expenses on quilt, Roll
call was answered by a verse with
trust; word For next roll call to be
"Courage," Mrs. Webster gave a
splendid reading on the temperance
question. Mrs. Shobbrook reported
several visits being made to the sick,
Miss Kirk, leader of Group No 1,
then took charge, the programme in
the missionary monthly being fol-
lowed, with the thence "Africa for
Christ." Those taking part were Miss
Kirk, Mrs. F, Tambly n, Mrs, Geo. Mc-
Vittie, Mrs. Townsend, Mrs: Shob-
brook, Mrs. E. Wood, Miss Ruth;
Shaddick. Mrs. Menzies sang a beau-,
tiful solo, The Shepherd and the little:
Black Sheep. Miss Young Introduced
the individual leaflet "The Sharpened t
Tool." Prayers were offered by Mrs.
Caldwell, Mrs. Wood, Mrs, Shaddick. i
Mrs. Webster took up the effering.1
Meeting closed with prayer by . Miss
An interesting Easter service was
held on Sunday morning in the Unit-'
ed Church. It was a joint service
with the Sunday School. As a special
feature a pageant of the twelve dis-
ciples was given by twelve of the
senior scholars of the Sunday School.
The Junior choir rendered efficient
music in song. Four young girls took
up the offering. The bouquet of flow-
ers at the altar was placed there by
Mrs. W. Lyon and family in memory .
of Mr. W. Lyon. Rev, Menzies con-
ducted the service. •
Mr. and Mrs. W. H, Lyon of Park -
dale, and son Kenneth, who is home
ou his last leave, visited friends here
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Moore and baby were
with MrS. Moore's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Hunking. Mr, Moore re-
turned to Preston on Monday. Mrs.
Moore will remain for a week.
Word came to the village on Mon-
day of the sudden death of Mrs.
Newton Black' of Kitchener. Mrs.
Black is a relative of the Woodman.
Mrs. Jack Clark went to Kitchener
on Tuesday morning. -
A service of a very inspiring nat-
ure was held in St, George's Church,
Walton on Good Friday, April 23rd,
' at 3 p.tn, Rev. M. P, Oldham wvas in
charge. A very appropriate sermon
was given by Rev, R. G. Haalewood
of Duff's United ,Chureli on the
teaching and significance of the
Gross, There was a good attendance
of members of both the Anglican and
United Church.
A very fine Easter service was
held in St. George's Church on Eas-
ter day, April 25th at 1,30 p,nr. Rev,
M. F. Oldham was in charge and
preached on St. John 2011. The Holy
Communion was celebrated. There
was a good attendance,
Service in St. George's Church on
Sunday, May 2nd, at 1,30 p.m. S.S.
at 2.30 p.m. On May 9th, service at
4 met. S,S, at 3 p.m,
In St. John's Church, Brussels, on
Easter Day at 11 a.m. a beautiful
brass altar stand in memory of Mrs,
Mabel Amelia Chapman, for many
Years a valued member of the
church, was dedicated by the rector,
Rev. M. F. Oldham, in the' presence
of a large congregation. The stand
was given by Mr, Nathan Chapman,
husband, and also Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Kennedy, daughter, A splendid num-
ber of Easter communicants was
very gratifying, and an Easter offer-
ing of $66.00.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ferg and Max-
ine spent the week end in London at
her hone and attended the wedding
of her sister, Ruby Gill to Edward
Oakley of London.
Mrs. George Well, Toronto, is
spending a few days with her niece,
'Mrs. Wm. Walsh, of Walton.
Mrs. Russell Alderson, North Bay,
spent a few days with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Bishop last week.
At Duff's United Church, Walton,
on Sunday, special Easter service
was held. The church was beautifully
decorated with lilies and cut flowers
which were later given to shut-ins.
A solo, "The Stranger of Galilee,"
was sung by Miss Dorothy Turnbull
and the choir also rendered special
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Watson and
baby of Hamilton are spending the
holidays with Mrs. Watson's parents,
Mr, and Mrs. Fred Wilson.
Mr. Clarence Grainger is spending
the holidays in Toronto.
Mr. Ronald Bennett spent Easter
in Toronto with his father, S Sgt,
W. C. Bennett.
Miss Evelyn Dundas of Toronto is
spending a few weeks with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Dundas,
in McKillop.
Miss Mary Shortreed of Fergus
spent Easter at the home of her
mother, Mrs. William Shortreed.
Mrs. D. Watson, who has been vis-
iting her daughters, near Blyth, has
returned home.
Mrs. Russel Alderson, of North
Bay, has been visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Bishop.
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Rutledge of
Blyth were calling on friends last
Mrs. Orr attended the funeral of
the late Mrs. Shannon on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Colin Fingland
spent Easter with the former's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fingland at
T ondesboro.
Cpl. Edna Dunk and A. W. Dorothy
Gafka of Vegreville, Alta., stationed
at Brantford, spent the week end
with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ennis.
Miss Edith Ennis of Toronto spent
the week end with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. F, Ennis.
Miss Anna Ennis. who has been
working in a munition factory in
Toronto, is spending a few days at
her home before leaving for Rock-
cliffe for her basic training. Before
leaving Toronto she was presented
with a suit case from members of
the factory staff.
Mrs. (Dr.) C. Stewart of Vista,
California, visited with her cousins,
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Moody, the latter
part of last week. Mrs. Stewart in
her younger days lived at Blake. Her
Blake friends here were pleased to
see her.
On Friday Mr. and Mrs, Ll. Dpug-.
las and Mrs, (Dr,) Stewart visited
at Blake and Rayfield, catling on old
acquaintances of Ars. Stewart.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Alexander of
Tuckersmitli were guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs, Moody on Thursday,
Mr. Jas, McCully, of 'Hamilton,
spent the week end at his home here,
Miss Margaret Aikenhead .of Lon-
don visited with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Aikenhead over the holiday
Miss Janet Watson, teacher at
Blackstock is spending the Easter
vacation with her people here.
Mr, Wesley Ham has finished his
course at Toronto University and is
at home with his mother, Mrs. Hain,
Mrs, John McIntosh and Jean and
Marlene Haugh were week', end
guests at the home of the former's
parents, Mr, and Mrs. C. Ilaugh,
The sacrament of the Lord's Sip-
per was held at the morning service
last Sunday. '
The Young People's Union will
hold their anniversary services next
Sunday, Rev, G. Hazelwood of Wal-
ton will be the guest speaker at both
services at 11 a.nr, and 7.30 pan. On
'Wednesday, May 5th, the Y, P,
of Egmondville will present their
play "Civil Service" in the school
room of the church here.
The W.M.S. and W.A. of Cavan
Church, Winthrop, held their Easter
thankoffering meeting on Friday,
April 16th, at the home of Mrs, W,
Patton, Mrs. E. Toll presided. The
meeting opened by singing hymn 103
and Mrs. Toll led in prayer. The roll
call was answered by twenty-three
members. The minutes of the last
meeting were read and adopted. The
W.A, report was given, after which
the W.A. offering was received, Mrs.
A. Ross gave a very fitting talk on
Temperance. At this time the busi-
ness of the meeting was discussed.
The president reminded everyone
that the mite boxes were to be hand-
ed in in May. Mrs. J. Hogg and Mrs.
R. McClure were appointed dele-
gates to the Presbyterial at Brussels.
The world day of prayer program
was followed throughout the meet-
ing. Mrs. 3. Kellar gave an address
on prayer. Mrs. Patton then gave the
Easter message, "Joy." The meeting
closed with the national anthem and
prayer by Rev. Mr, Patton.
The regular monthly meeting of
the W.A. and W.M.S. of Cavan
Church, Winthrop, will be held on
Wednesday, May 5th, at the home
of Mrs. W. Dodds. Mrs. Hiram Blan-
chard will take the topic. •
The Red Cross met in the church
on Tuesday afternoon. There were
20 ladies present. Two quilts were
quilted and several business items
were discussed.
Mrs. John Gillies and family spent
the 'week in Toronto.
11lliss Isobel Betties, R.N., of Lon-
don, and Mrs. Kenneth Betties of
Brantford visited Mr. and Mrs. Ther-
on Betties over the week end.
Gnr. Arthur McClure of Petawawa
is having a couple of weeks with Mr.
and Mrs. John McClure. t.
Pte.. Ernest Mathers, of London,
spent the week end with Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Henderson.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hayter and
family of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. E.
McLachlan of Cleveland, visited with
Mr. and Mrs. E. Ross and family.
Mrs. J. Jackson is spending this
week with Mrs. Harold Smalldon at
Mr, and Mrs. Wren Eyre and fam-
ily of Sarnia spent Easter with the
former's brother, also Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Wright.
Mr. Alex. Irvine left on Monday
for Valcartier•, Quebec, after spend-
ing his leave at his home here.
Patriotism Is Not Rationed
in Huron County
Let's Each Buy MORE Victory Bonds
Sales to date are encouraging. That's fine, but let's not
take this for granted. Let's make sure that our quota will be
As a matter of fact, there should be no quotas in con-
nection with the sale of Victory Bonds. Until the war has been
won there can be no halting — no resting for any of us. We
haven't won the war yet.
Our fighters are not working on a quota basis. They are
"all out" doing everything they can to get the job done.
So, if we give this matter proper thought, each of us will
buy more "Victory Bonds. We will buy all we can for cash, and
we will buy more — on the instalment plan — all we can pay
for in the next six months. If necessary, we will scrimp and
save to do it.
This ad is sponsored by the Huron County War ,Finance Commitee
Mr, and Mrs, James Scott and
children n ktur
d to Toronto to to Mon•:
day after visiting' at the home of her
parents, l2)', and Mrs. Sinton MeVit-
tie and other friends,
Miss Cole of Toronto spent the
week end with her father, Mr. Thos.
Cole at the home of Mr, and Mrs,,
Leo Watt.
We are very sorry to hear that
Mrs. Simon McVittie is at present
bedfast but hope she will soon be
Mr: and Mrs, Robert Watson. have
a little girl friend visiting thein from
London over the holiday,
Miss Agnes Leiper, who has been
holidaying for the eastthree weeks
With her mother and brothers and
sister and other friends, returned to
Toronto on Sunday with her brother,
1141•, Robert Leiper.
We Wish to congratulate Mr. Or -
ren Maker on being successful in
twinning the patch quilt (which was
made by the teacher and pupils, at
No, 7 school and was quilted at the
home of Mr, and Mrs, Kelland Mc-
Vittie where a potluck supper was
held some time ago, The ticket was
drawn at a social evening held at
No, 7 school house where progressive
euchre was played and prizes given,
also having a short program and
lunch, The proceeds go to the Red
Mr. James Watt of Toronto holi-
dayed over the holiday season at the
hone of his parents, Mr. and Mrs,
James Watt of Blyth and friends in
this neighborhood.
The Sunday school opens ,next
Sunday morning when it is hoped
there will be a large attendance
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hodgson and
son, London, with Mr. and Mrs.
Alev. James.
Miss Ruth Trivett, Dundas, with
Mr, and Mrs, James Scott.
Private Lloyd Sorsdahl, Stratford;
with his wife and family.
Mrs, Leonard Houghton and son
Frankie, have arrived hone after a
few weeks u ith relatives et Mount
Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace and
family and Mr. and Mrs. George
Wallace and daughter, with Mr. and
Mrs. Adams of Linwood.
Miss Jean McCulloch is 111 in Sea -
forth hospital.
Gordon Houghton with Ross Mc-
Lellan in Seaforth,
Mrs. Ted Taylor, Hensel!, and Mr.
and Mrs. Colin MacDougald, • West
Harrington. with Mrs. Violet Quance
Easter visitors: Helen McNaugh•
ton of Toronto, with her parents.
co. Mary Hamilton of Aylmer with
her parents. Pte, Anthony Allan of
Ralph Richardson Deborah Kerr
"The Avengers"
Not just another war melodrama - but an honest -to -goodness
portrayal of the Norwegian underground•.
Humphrey Bogart Ingrid Bergman Paul Henreid
— in — .
Tiley kept a date with destiny in the city that rocked the world!
TWO FEATURES — and Show starts 8.45
"Riders of Badlands"
Penny Singleton Larry Simms
"Biondie's Blessed Event"
First show starts at 7,30 each evening. When single features are
shown, all patrons in by 9.15 will see complete show,,
Please Note ! On Sat., May 29th, and thereafter, all Matinees (Sat,
and holidays), will start at 2,30' P.M, instead of 3 P.M.
Listowel at his home here, Mr. and
Mrs. Archie Hoggarth with his par-
ents. •
Mr, and Mrs. Roger Christie and
little son of Sudbury at the home of
his parents.
Mrs. Cooper of Toronto, who
spent• the last week with friends re-
turned to her home on Sunday.
Mr. Jack Aldington and his bride
have returned from their honeymoon
and are getting settled in their new
hone In Varna.
Holiday Visitors: Mr. and Mrs.
Eiarvey Chuter of Harriston with
Mr, and Mrs. E. Chute)... Mr. and
Mrs. Alvin Elliott of Galt with the
former's patents, also Mrs. Morrison
of Kitchener and little Lorna Heard
of Stratford were guests at the home
of 1,YIr. and Mrs. M. Elliott.
Mr. -and Mrs, Harold Elliott, of
Windsor with the latter's mother,
Mrs. Mossop,
Mr. Jamieson of Windsor with
Mrs. Jamieson and the latter's mo-
ther, Mrs. Reid.
We are pleased to mention that
Mr. and Mrs. Aldington (newlyweds)
are now comfortably, settled in their
new home and we welcomd Mr. and
Mrs. Aldington to our community
and wish then happiness and pros-
The funeral of the late Mrs. An-
nie Beatty Woods of Listowel' was
held in Bayfield cemetery Monday.
Miss Isobel Alexander of Toronto
is spending the Easter vacation with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Al-
Mr. Henry Ivison is home from
Toronto where he has spent some
The Easter service was conducted
by the Rev. A. M. Grant, who dis-
cussed the meaning of the Resurrec-
tion Life. The choir, under the lead-
ership of Miss Jean Ivison, rendered
two excellent numbers, "The Stone
Was Rolled Away," and "He Lives,
the King."
The service next Sunday will be
conducted by the minister who an-
nounced he will discuss "The Restor-
estonation of a Disciple."
Plans are being made for Mother's
Day on May 9th and the Young
People's anniversary on May 16th,
Mrs, Oliver ranee of Toronto
spent the week end with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Scotch -
mer, of the Bronson line.
Mr. and. Mrs. M. Butler of Sarnia
visited friends in this vicinity over
the weep end.
Mrs. F. Hobson spent the week
end visiting friends in this vicinity.
Want and For Sale Ads, 3 weeks 50e.