HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1943-04-29, Page 1WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 05, No. 17 Ift HURON COUNTY'S, LEADING NEWSPAPER SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1943 Phone 84 S1 a year Two in Hospital After Early Morning Crash Jack Fraser, Seaforth; anti E. C. Davis, Elmira, Injured on Sunday Jack Fraiser, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Praiser, of Seaforth; is in Scott Memorial Hospital, with severe concussion and cuts as a result of a head-on 'collision which occurred about one o'clock Sunday morning, on N0. 8 highway near the Silver' Creek bridge just east of Seaforth. Mr, E, C. Davis, of Elmira, editor of The Hlmira Signet, driver of the other car which figured in the accid- ent, was also removed to the hospi- tal, suffering from concussion, and lacerations on the forehead. Mr. Davis had left his wife and family at her home in Mitchell and was on his way to Seaforth to ' get relatives who also intended spending Easter at Mitchell. Both' cars were badly damaged, the Davis car to the extent' of 1300.00. The other car was owned by W. G. Wright's Garage, Seaforth, Provincial Constable George Govier, of Mitchell, investigated •the accident. ecoa:i 418 YI„F,L,'FOn SOLID giIMFURT•, E. L. BOX PHONE 43 1 • Northside United Church Rev, H. V. Workman, Minister, 10. a.m, Sunday School. 1Y a.m. "Jesus, As Teacher." 7 pm."The Way, The Truth, The Life " Speciai donations to Chinese Relief. Fund on Sunday, May 2nd. St. Thomas Church Rector, Rev. Dr. Hurford. 11 a.m. Holy Communion, 7 p.m. "Immortality." Sunday School at 10 a.n,. All who missed their Easter com- munion are invited to come this Sunday. St. Mary's Church, Dublin 2.25 p.m., Sunday School. 3 p.m. "The Unrecognised Jesus." Egmondville United 'Church Rev, A. W. Gardiner, B.A,,B.D. 30 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m., "Comradesixip of Spirit." 7 p.m., "The Head of Humanity." Salvation Army Meetings of the Salvation Army on Sunday, May 2nd, will be conducted by Capt. Grace Tntte of London, at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. HILLSGREEN Miss Edna Cochrane, R.N., of- Tor- onto, apent the week end with relat- ives in this vicinity. Miss Mitchell of Hensel] is assist- ing at the home of Mr. Ward Forrest, Mrs, Forrest being on the sick list. Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Switzer are niov- ing their household effects into the Troyer house recently purchased from Mr..Jarrott of Brigden by Mrs. John Baker. Mr. and Mrs, David Davidson and son Dalton of Stratford, Mrs. Geo.' Davidson and Mrs. Thos, Salter vis- ited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Wni. Davidson. BRUCEFIELD The May meeting of the W.A. will be held on Tuesday, May 4th in the S.S. room. This is visitors' day and we hope every lady in our congrega- tion will be present. We have invited the ladies' club of the 2nd of Stan- ley and : we hope they will all come and make it an enjoyable afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. C. Halstead and Floyd of Stratford spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. Wheeler. Miss Freda Hill of St. Catherines spent Easter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Hill. Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Neale and fam- ily of Glencoe spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stackhouse. Messrs. Jas. Burdge, of London, Jas, McCully of Hamilton, spent' the week end at their home here. Mrs. Robt. Dawson spent last week at her home in Inwood. Miss Doris Dutot of London, Mr. and Mrs.., A. Dutot and son of Goder- ich township, spent Easter with their mother, Mrs. Dutot. Miss Ina Scott of London spent Good Friday at her home here. Mies Annie Mustard of London spent Master with her mother, Mrs, A. Mustard. Mr, W Ham of Toronto is holiday- ing at his home here. Grass ,fires are the order of the clay, ' Mr, :and Mrs. Frank Strange of Toronto spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs, G. Swan, Starting the first of May the. stores of Brucefield will close on 'Wednesday afternoon and remain open on Tueaday evening till ten o'clock. Remembers \World's First Automobile An article in a recent issue of The News about NU', KellY of Code - rich having built the world's first automobile was of partie lla.r interest to NIL', James- Siris of town, who grew up in Blyth with Me, Kelly. "I Wrote -and:, told hini he was wrong about al the people being dead who would remember his auto- mobile," Mr. Sines says. "There are still three or four fellows left. Of coarse, we didn't call it an automo- bile in those days, It was a 'ltorseless carriage'." Mr. Kelly was a marvel as an inventive genius, - but he did not foresee the futui'e of, the automobile. He werked with Henry Ford for a While when the latter was experi t0 10 p.m.All the congregations in menting but refused to put a thous- who was attending a funeral Rev A: gse g B Irwin s cpm ted a snbstantnal in- recalls. m'ehse 3 tl NI & Mcontributionsdistance, are requested to co-operate Rev..H. V. Workman Heads Presbytery Rev. A. W. 'Gardiner is Secret- ary and Mr. F. S. Savauge Treasurer The annual meeting of Huron Pres- bytery of the United Church was held at Brussels, on April 20th when the following officers were elected:, Chairman, Rev, H. V. Workman. Secretary, Rev, A. W. Gardiner, Treasurer, Mr, F. S. Savauge TRAINING SCHOOL WILL START HERE 'MONDAY An interdenominational Training' School foi' Seaforth and 'district will be held from May 3rd to May 71h, with the following in charge; Dean, Rev, A. W. Gardiner.. Devotional leader, Captain Phippen. Instructors, Revs, H, V. Workman, R. G. Hazlewood, H. Jack and Dr. Hurford; recreation leader, Rev. R, 0. Flazle}yoocl, Three causes will be taught; "How to Teach Teen Age Boys and Girls", "What it Means to be a Christian,"' 4 Dail from Fordwich was extend- and "Lite and Teaching of Old Test- ? ament • Prophets." ed to Rev. H. Vi . Johnson of Ruther- The School will be held in the ford, and Rev. W. J. Rogers received United Church on Monday, Tuesday a call from Holnsesville. and Wednesday and in the Presby , During the afternoon session Rev. terian Church on Thursday and .Fri - R. A. Brook occupied the chair dor- day, with each session from 8 p,rn. ing the absence of Rev, H,• C, Wilson and dollars In with Ford, Mr, SimsSeaforth, and within a convenient TO RE -ORGANIZE for 1942. re ' in making it a success, Permission was granted for tem - TENNIS CLU B> i?orary retirement of Rev. J. 1V. BOWLERS TO SEEK DUBLIN Rev. Joseph O'Rourke, 'Cillson- burg, with his father, Patrick O'- Rourke and other relatives, Mrs, 'Robt, McCormick and two sons, Detroit, with Mr, and Mrs. James Krauskopf, Miss Veronica Molyneaux, Ottawa, with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. T. J, Molyneaux, Mr, and Mrs. James Hanley and son, Toronto, with hir. and Mrs. W. J. Hanley, Miss Angela Rowland, Windsor, with her mother, Mrs, Lillian Row- land. Pte, Louis J, Looby, Simcoe, with his mother, Mrs. A. M. Looby, Private Dalton Burns and Mrs. Burns of Camp Borden, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burns, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carpenter, of Chatham, with Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Carpenter, Miss Mary Dorsey; London, with Mr, and Mrs. Louis Dorsey. Miss Marie lirauskopf, London, with Mr, and. Mrs, Louis Rrauskopf, James Jordan, RCAF Belleville Johnson, of Fordwsch. Tribute was.NEW MEMBERS «nth friends. The Young' People of North Side. paid by members to Mi'. Johnson, as Miss Genevieve McCarthy and T. United Church held their meeting on a Presbyter of many tine qualities,' Organization for the season has McCarthy, Toronto, with their par Tuesday evening with the president, and tt beloved pastor. row been completed, with the ap- ants, Mr. and Mrs, M. NIcCaxthy. Maxine Lawrence, in the chair, The The secretary was directed to pointment of the various committees Miss Doris Mothers, Waterloo, with meeting opened by singing a hymn, write a letter of sympathy to Mrs. to handle the 1943 season, This ] her parents, Nor, and Airs: W. followed. by the Lord's prayer. The W A. Bremner and :family, anci also should be a busy season at the bowl- Mothers. minutes of the last meeting were to express the appreciation of Huron ing green; for with gas rationed and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Walker and the capable way in travelling otherwise curtailed be read and the roll call Was taken. The for' children, Listowel, John Brown, of Presbytery for business was discussed and. the sub - Mr. Mr. Bremner discharged his cause of war conditipns, people gen-' Palmerston, Roy Brown, of Louden, jeer of the Tennis Club was discuss- duties as secretary. A letter of esally must find more of their re Mr;' and Mrs. Andrew Brown, Lsto- ed: There will be an open meeting sympathy was sent to NIi's. Chas. S. creation at home and with home fax wet, with Air. and Mrs, Thomas „ Hawke of Clinton, in the loss o£ her ilities. Brown. I,,,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,��,,,,,,,n",,,,1,,,,,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, in the church on Tuesday evening, husband, a former missionary.Fied and Albert Gormley, May 11, and those who are at all in- Seaforth is fortunate in having y, Lon - May are :asked to be present, The resolutions committee recom eighteen of the finest greens in Ont don, with Mr, and Mrs. Jack Mc- The week, Monday night to Friday mended that for the duration of the ario, This, with its beautiful setting Carthy. , 111,1,M1,01111114110111101 lllll , .n ,,,, n,uu,,,,,,,,,,,, tie "Florentine” A. veiny beautiful and classic design in dinnerware by Woods & Co., one of England's largest and best makers. This is a set that is suit- able for the best occasions and yet has the sturdiness and durability fol' more regular use. Priced at a special price 02 $35.00 per set of 96 pieces A complete service for twelve SHOP,AT SAVAUGI'S IT PAYS CONSTANCE night inclusive is a Leadership war the Huron Presbytery should and well kept appearance makes the Kenneth Dill, RCAF, Toronto, and Training course, en eat i to meet at a bowling green a beauty spot and rest London, with Mzxs ' andthose interested d • 'o • t point near theMiss Marion Dill,L , Mr. and M'• . Leo Stephenson st- are askd to be present, Lorna Dale, centre of the Presbytery, at Clinton centre even for those who do not and Mrs. P. Dill. , tended the funeral of, Miss Jane citizenship convener, took charge. or some place near Clinton, .play the game..A complete canvass Miss Roberta Horgan, Detroit, Logan of Blyth on Friday of last Marguerite Westcott read the Scrip- The report of the committee on of the town wi11 be made sometime with Mr, and Mrs. lamas T „"». tr »f week. tune followed by prayer by Betty Evangelism and Social Service was in May and ample accommodation„„Miss Alicia Coyne, Stratford, with Mrs. Kenneth Betties of grant_ Dunlop. Lorna Dale took the topic,' adopted, which recommended that and provision will be made for new r- and Mrs. M. Coyne, ford spent the Easter holidays with "Citizenship,” Faith of Our Fathers "Whereas there has been a steady, players to see that bowls are provid- Miss Angela Donnelly, Stratford. her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Robert was sung and the meeting closed by increase in the sale and ,consumption ed and their instruction in the game with Mr, and Mrs. Frank Donnelly, , Grimoldby, repeating the Mizpah benediction, 01 alcoholic beverages since the war, made pleasant, The new executive Mr. and Mrs. William Ackroyd, Mr, and Mrs, Alf. Glazier of Whit began, resulting not only in a• hind expect a banner membership and and family, Toronto, with Mr. and by, Mr: and Mrs- Elwin Pickard of DAVIS - WOODS lance to our total war effort but to' can promise all members the finest Mrs. Joseph O'Rourke, Clinton and Mr, and Mrs. Will Glaz- Palms, ferns, spring flowers and the lowering of our economic and of recreation right here at home. Ryas Jordan and Joseph Meagher, ter of Godextich were Sunday visitors tall white caardles were the decors- moral life of both civilians and sol-; Stratfprd, at their homes: with Mr- and Mrs, Dave Millson, tions used at the Church of God, diens, and whereas the Dominion' ARTHUR SCOTT PASSES Mrs. Gooden and two grandchild- Miss Jean Wakefield of Whitby London for the Wedding of Erma Government has limited the amount' AWAY AT OTTAWA ren Toronto, with Mrs. 3L Geary, spent the week end holidays with May, eldest daughter of the late Mr• of alcoholic liquors that may be Miss Loretto Feeney, London, with her patents, made available or sold Burin these' Mr. and Mrs, Mac Feeney. Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Gill are and Mrs, Matthew Woods, who be g Robert Arthur Scott, 56, a formes' Miss Eileen Jordan, London, with spendingthe Easter holidays with came the bride of Pere M. Davis„ of wardays, of the United Church of resident of Windsor, Detroit and Am- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jordan, at Y London. Rev. J. A. Agnew officiatedherstburg, died in•Otta.va. on Thurs- relatives Edith Grand Bend. assisted by Rev. A.. E. Brown. The ada, wish to go on record as approv- 2 Rev. Joseph A. Feeney, London, Miss Britton returned home in this action, and pledge our sup -'day, April 2, after a brief illness. with: his sister's, Mrs. John Meagher, last week after spending the winter bridal music was Played by Mrs. g' p. gFor the past 18 months he had been and Mrs, Dan Costello, in London. Herr Hilton, post to any further restrictions that, Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Dantzex• of Mr.. James Moore and Mr. Milton Y living in, Ottawa, where he ,was em- s; the signing of the register, may, be made. ,i. ployed as an, accountant for the De- Windsor and Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Moore of Toronto visited with their Miss Jean McGregor, of.. Parkhill, In recent weetcs, there has all- pertinent of 'National Defence; Naval Dantzex, London, with Mrs. A. Dant brother, Mr,' Will Moore over the cousin of the bride, sang "I•Love You peared in the public press, state- .Service. Born at Seaforth, the eldest ay. . week end. Truly," ments by the liquor' interests,. that son of the Tate Mr. and Mrs. John Miss Jean Burns, Galt, with Mr. Mr. Donald Buchanan returned Given in marriage by .her uncle, their plants ale.now devoted entirely Scott of Roxboro, he attended Rox- and Mrs, Daniel Burns home from Toronto. last week where Clarence Montgomery by Iseitou, the to the production of -industrial alco boyo Public school, Seaforth Golleg- Mrs- Katherine Evans in London. he had been employed by the Massey bride wore a becoming gown of white fort tol win the war we see h we commend cvery in this, a sate and attended Normal school in Woxd was received by: Mrs. Teresa Harris Co - sheer, with inserts of lace and sweet- London. He taught school for a few Redmond of the death of her sister, Mrs, Frank Riley and Mrs. Joe sheartheet neckline, with long tulle veil, subtle form of advertising under the years: then for some tinne'was a cost Mrs. Eliza McDuff in Chicago, Mrs, Riley spent Good Friday with their caught' from a coronet of orange guise of patriotism. We desire to reg- accountant with the Studebaker firm McDuff was a native of Dublin and mother, Mrs, George Cook of Coder blossoms. She carried a bouquet of inter our unequivocal opposition to in Detroit. For several years lie was was in her 89th year. She was mar_ ich township. the liquor traffic, as. we believe it manager of the John Curry Estate in Mr. Henry Adams, Miss Lillian American Beauty roses.' not only unnecessary but harmful to tied in Detroit more than 60 ,years The bridesmaid, Miss Beulah Windsor and for some years. was ago but after the death of her has- and lir, John Adams and Mr. and the financial, •industrial and moral manager of the Windsor Arena, Forband she moved to Chicago where Mrs. Jose Yungblut sister of the bride, was be- well-being of the nation." live rs he'accountant d bolo and Misses nK'ithleen and yeawasaccounanan Mar- comingly gowned in maize sheer. She she had resiled with her brother, wore a matching Bead .dress and car- manages' for Commander Earl Mc- Louis Carpenter. She is survived by garet Yungblut of Fergus spent Sun- ned Talisman roses. Little Joy Mont- : Queen in Aniherstbiu•g, He is su•- two sisters, Mrs, Teresa Redmond of day with Mir. and Mrs. Charles gomery cousin of the bride was her Red Cross NOteS vived by Isis widow, the former Dublin and Mrs. M. Corrigan of Win- Dexter, dower girl frothed in pastel orchid Myrtle Creighton and one daughter, nipeg, also two brothers, Louis, of Special Easter Service— organza carrying a nosegay of sweet It is said that Red Cions is always Mrs. Hawley Tennant of Sudbury, Chicago, and Daniel, of Milwaukee. A special gaster service was held peas and roses. one son John of Windsor• two silt Sunday evening in the church with ready for the emergency. This is ei•s,rs, MFrank Novaek of Medicine Welland was nitrated the fact that the THIEVES STEAL TIRES his brother's best man and the usher Local Branch has received 972 four- FROM LOCAL CAR Rev. Noble Davis of demo by • , Iiat, Alberta, and Mrs. Robert Barber was John Samwarp of London.. , pound tins for this year's jam and of Sovereign, Sask.b, and two rotli- A reception was held at the hone honey project. And it is equally true ens, James 1 Scott and Anderson Scott of Roxboi•e. The car of Dr. F. J. Beclioly was of. Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Treffry, Black- that Seaforth Society is always' The Yunes'al was held from the stolen early Friday morning and Yriars St., London, where a buffet ready when called: The conveners of James Sutton Funeral Home in Wind- when recovered the four tires were luncheon was served by four girl the project have been named: Mrs_ yon on Monday. ;Rev. Dr. H. M. Paulin missing. It is believed the car was friends of the. bride. Mr. tandhe Mrs. 3: J. Pollard, Red Cross; Miss Tliel of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, taken from beside the house, on God- Da.vis left on a short trip, the bride ma Elgie and Mrs. J. M. Scott, co - Windsor, officiated. Interment was 3n aitch street west, and towed into the travelling in a• smart whisper blue conveners for the Women's Institute. Win r_,• e r ,ora.,• W ,len,•. country where the tires were taken. suit with matching accessories, On In 1942 Ontario contributed 131 The their return they will reside in tons of jam and honey Less than 4 unsuccessful. The car was found by Oliver Wright about three miles Londonper cent of this total was not Shipp Amherstburg Legion, ed overseas because it failed to pass SKATING hi weight .or,sugar ,content, but this Bowling Party Planned northwest of Seaforth, just across was used to military hospitals, chil- Powell's bridge on the toirnline be - To mention skating this week , B Toronto Huronites dren s hospitals, church homes and ytween McKillop and Hallett town. seems out o£ season, but a number Rod Cross soldiers' clubs. -- ships, about 8 o'clock Friday morning of boys want to, record the fact that The Huron County Junior Associa- „ Con - they were skating in the rink on I tion of Toronto invites all thein and he reported it to County Cou- and there was still plenty of ice, members d finis to a bowling vestigating. April 21st was also•the date of their Mr. and Mrs. Norman Shipley, of Clair Bowling Alleys, 7.480 Yong e Recent thefts of tires have also last skating in 1942: Hyde Park, wish lo announce the Street on Saturday evening, May lst, been reported by police et St• Marys, engagement- of their eldest daughter; Bowlers must be present at 8,45 and on the Thames Road. MENEREV - RElO , Dorothy Isabel, to Petty Officer Har- Sharp in order to retain alleys. Wednesday' evening last, April 21st, sem ers an r e c stable. Helmer Snell here, who is in. ' : l ENGAGEMENT party Co be held at The Olympia. St, Ida old Stade, R,C.N., only son of Mr. and l , FUNERAL OF K. JACKSON marriage '� announcedThe KERSMITH QUIZ TO' placequietlythe latter Bruce Menatrey of Detroit Mrs. R. I'. Stade, of Zurich, the mar The funeral of the late Kenneth J Reid M formerly of Bayfield, to I TUC The marriage was performed on Sat- part of May. HELD ON MONDAY NIGHT home of his brother, Stanley on Sat- urday, April 17th, by the'Rev. Mr., Michigan. riage to take BE Jackson, B.S.A., took place from the urday afternoon, April 1.7th, with Rodman, Mr. and Mrs. Marler will,The quiz contest for Tuckersmith Rev. A. W. Gardiner officiating, as- yp listed by Rev. James Elford. The reside at 594 Greenda•le Ave., Datroit.ANNOUNCEMENT townshi schools in connection with many beautiful floral wreaths bore' Mr: and Mrs. Dennis Dillon, Dublin, the Fourth Victory Loan will be held y WOMEN'S INSTITUTE TO MEET engagement announce the of their oxi Monday night NIay 3rd at eight tribute to the high esteem in which The Women's Institute will be held second daughter, Anne Cecelia, to at the home of Mrs, J. M. Scott on Mr, John Francis Hart, eldest'smn of Tuesday, May 4th. Roll call to rbe Mrs, Lily Hari:, London, and the late answered by a timely hint fora vie= Mr. John Hart, the wedding to take tory garden. Any member with sur- place the middle of June, plus seeds please bring them for ex- change purposes. Please notice the change of date. Cpl: Fletcher Whitmore Arrives Overseas Reeve -$.'H. and Mrs. Whitmore of Tuckersmith on Saturday received an airgraph letter from their on, Corporal Fletcher Whitmore, RCAF, saying he had got over, safely to England, The message was dated April 5th and said it was pleasant there, with green fields and ttrees , flowers in bloom, and to bask in the. Min in early April:. CAR' Choice Pocahontas Just Arrived N. Cluff & Sons o'clock sharp at Pg'mondvilie school, Mx'. Jackson was held. The pallbear- Mr. Edwin Chesney, chairman of the ars were Robert AlciCercher. Robert Tuckersmith Victory Loan commit- Munn, Edwin Chesney, Harry Chet - tee, will speak. Mr. P. B. Moffatt ,fey, Jolts Elg'ie Ivan Forsyth. Tine will be master. of ceremonies for the fiotvcr bearers wexe 1Zobett Tyndall, quiz contest. A short program will i lacJannesePMoweelntoslsllCecil, CharlePulhnas Eyre,iiHugWalh- , McMillan John, McNau pion and a good attendance. Opened by sing- ing hymn 'The Day of Resurrec- tion," Rev. Menzies read the Easter message from John 20, "0 that I might know where they have laid Hint." Acts' 2:24, "Whom God has raised up having loosed the pains of death because it was not possible that He should be beholden of it-" The ladies choir sang "'Tis midnight in the Garden." Sang hymn 109 "The Strife is oe'r, the battle won," after which the guest speaker Mrs. (Rev.) Clifford Britton gave a very interesting talk on "Easter' Victor- ies," speaking on the Crucifixion, the grave could not hold Him; He is in the hearts of those who' love Him and can be in the hearts of all if we only wish. Prayer by Mrs. C. Brit- ton. Solo by Mrs. A, E. Menzies, "Ride on in Majesty." Mrs. John Nottingham then thanked Mrs. Brit- ton and Mrs. Menzies for their won- derful messages. Hymn 112 "Rejoice your Lord is King." Rev. Menzies closed with prayer. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Lawson and Ray, of Pickering, and Mr. Fred Lawson of Toronto visited at James Medd's on Sunday. Mrs, Roht, F. Johnston of Picker- ing visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, James Medd and other friends over the holiday. • Mr. Reg • Lawson and Mrs. 'Earl Lawson . motored to London on Mon- day, Miss Doris Lawson of the North Ataei•ican' Assurance Co„ who spent the lxolidayt with her parents. Mr. anti.' Mrs. Pti1 %,nitron, returned with them. , r be presented by pupils of the schools • taking part. The, winneof the sen- g for group of this quiz ,contest will Andrew Bell, Interment was in the compete for the county champion- Parkhill cemetery, near his former ship ata later date. A11 adults of home, where a large number of Tuckersmith are invited to attend. friends and relatives assembled. A ARRIVED OVERSEAS Mr. and Mrs. Alex McNab received a cable On Monday from their son, Pte. Jack MoNab, stating that tie ar- rived safely in Britain. WILL HOLD RECEPTION A reception for the newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs,Norman Dodds, is being held by the Winthrop and Walton friends on Friday evening at Walton hall, letter received by his mother from a former Collegiate teacher paid tri- bute to Mr. Jackson in these words: As a student in my classes he was outstanding for his earnestness of purpose, his humour, his ability, his high ideals and his appreciation of the finest things in life. His death leaves me with a deep feeling of per- sonalthe s nal loss."The sympathy of o enth•e community is felt for the family in the passing of this popular .young man, Sl"A'5FA Miss Audrey D'xnniji Ilensall, and Miss Latira Dinnin alt, ,with Mr. and Mrs. William Dinner, Mr. and Mrs. 0, W, Reed in Lon- don. Miss Margaret Fitzgerald, St, Tlnomac..with Mr, and Mrs, J. Mc- Donald. Ms•, and airs. K. Drake in Kitch- ener, Miss Isabel Drake returned home with them. Mr. and 'Mrs. A. W. Norris in Logan with. Mr: and Mrs. W. Leake. Mrs. W. E. A'idworth in Windsor with her mother,'Vitt, Piyde,