The Seaforth News, 1943-04-22, Page 4THE SEAFORTH NEWS
T.El,:ls SE.\1''1)WfIl N!?\VS" the penes and chancel furnishings all
snurrdon Hros Publishers,Varnished. A. new hardwOOd Moor aleo.
enhances s the beauty ill the chaueel.
Cr. n�
At 'Walton Village
Tues., Apr. 2 7
AT 8 P,M. '
Rev. R. P. D. Hurford, D.D.
Admission free. All Welcome
Turnbull -Taylor. -
Roses, daffodils and tulips decorat.
ed the hone of the bride's parents,
Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Taylor, Guelph,
Ont„ for the very pretty wedding
Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock of
Marian Taylor and Dr. John Turn-
bull, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
Turnbull, Brussels. Reverend D. H
Marshall performed the ceremony
before a lattice decorated with
spring flowers. The wedding music
was played by Miss Dorothy Turn-
bull, sister of the groom. Given in
marriage by her father, the bride
• was becoming in an Alaska blue
crepe suit with navy accessories. She
carried a bouquet of Rapture roses
and baby's breath. Her only atten-
dant was her sister, Mrs. J. C. Mc-
Crae, who wore a dusty rose crepe
suit and navy accessories. Her bou-
quet was Joanna Hill roses and
baby's breath. Dr. Turnbull was at-
tended by his brother, Mr. W. J.
Turnbull. The reception was held at
the hone, the dining room of which
was appropriately decorated with
spring flowers for the occasion. Mrs.
Turnbull left on her wedding trip
dressed in a gold suit, tweed coat and
navy accessories. They will make
their home in Toronto.
Thomas Shortreed, of Sarnia, who
is employed with the Piggott Con-
struction Co., has purchased the 100 -
acre farm on the boundary west of
Walton, from Mr. Bert Anderson.
AC2 J. B. Bennett is at manning
pool, Toronto. He enlisted last fall
and reported for duty on April 5th.
He is a son of Mr. W. J. Bennett of
Dinsmore, Sask.
.A service will be held in St.
George's Church, Walton. on Good
Friday at 3 p.m. Rev. R. Hazelwood
of Duff's United Church, will deliver
the sermon. A cordial invitation is
extended to the general public to at-
On Easter Day service of Holy
Communion will be held in St.
George's Church at 1.30 p,m, S.S. at
2.30 p.m. Service on May 2nd at same
St. John's Anglican Church, Brus-
sels. was reopened after complete
redecoration with special services on
Palm Sunday, April 13th. The inter-
ior of the church with a seating cap-
acity of 1130 has been completely re-
decorated during the past five weeks.
The ceiling was cleaned and oiled,
the walls painted a light buff, and
The !teeter. Lien M. .U, Oldham, of.
11(1 0ed and pre aleft in the morning
on "Aspects of True Worship," and
in the evening,. "The Triumphal En.
try." " 'file choir rendered the anthem,
"('town 13imu with Many Crowns,"
and MI'. L01'11e Eckntierwith Mrs. W.
C. King at the organ sang, "Open
the Gates of the Temple," and ");Ie
Wipes the Tears from Every Eye."
Mrs. R. Campbell offloiated at the
organ. The attendances were good,
and the offering along with cash don-
ations will meet the cost. The church
presents a. very fine ' appearance,My,
Alex Coleman slid the work, and the
hardwood floor Mus laid by Mr. Johll
Fischer and his son Wilfred,
Duff's Church, Walton, held its
Easter Thank offering sleeting Wed-
nesday, April 14, with Mrs. McDonald
presiding. The sleeting opened by
singing hymn 105 followed with pray-
er by Mrs. Hazelwood. The Scripture
was read by Mrs, H. Johnston. 17
members answered the roll call. A
leaflet was read by Mrs. R. Bennett. A
cluet whys sung by Mrs. N. Reid and
Mrs. Davidson. Mrs, Wilson read let-
ters from the Africans to the Jews
and to the orphaned English child-
ren. Mrs. Schade gave words of wel-
come to Mrs. Ackert, and the Win-
throp ladies. A prayer for the mis-
sionaries was given by Mrs. Bryans.
The Winthrop W.M.S. visited with us
to hear a very interesting and help-
ful topic given by Mrs. Ackert of
Monkton. Her topic was taken from
Revelations, "The tree and twelve
fruits in the healing of the nations,"
A vote of thanks to Mrs. Ackert was
moved by Mrs, Marshall and second-
ed by Mrs. Coutts. Mrs. W. Cuthill
and Mrs. G. McGavin were elected
as delegates to go to the Presbytery
meeting in Brussels. The meeting
closed. by singing hymn 241 followed
ily the Lord's prayer and God Save
the King.
Mr. John Balfour has been visit-
ing friends around Walton. •
A number of people from Walton
•ttended the re -opening of St. Johns
Anglican Church, Brussels, Sunday.
Mr. David Crawford of Brussels,
visited his aunt, Mrs. Hugh Fulton.
S.Sgt. W. C. Bennett of Toronto
spent a few days with his wife and
We are sorry to report that Mrs.
Margaret Shannon is very low at
time of writing.
Ezra Regele died at his honkie in
McKillop on Monday afternoon, He
had not been in the best of health
for some time but was taken sud-
denly ill Sunday night and failed to
recover. A single man, the departed
lived with his brother Charles on lot
3, concession 9, McKillop. Born in
McKillop on March 29, 1881, Mr.
Regele was a son of the late Chris-
tian Regele and Amelia Ische. He
was an adherent of the McKillop
Evangelical Church. Surviving are
two brothers and three sisters. They
are Charles, Samuel, Mrs. Henry
Koehler, all of McKillop, Mrs. Geo.
Hoegy, Grey township, and Mrs. Jno.
Ituehne, of Ellice township. One bro-
her Daniel predeceased hien. The
funeral will take place Thursday af-
ternoon at the McKillop Evangelical
Church, interment in the adjoining
cemetery. Rev, H. H. Diebold of Se-
bringville will conduct the services.
Want and For Sale Ads, 3 weeks 50c.
Back The Attack
We are all on the offensive !
- - depends on
ell ME
Will you do your part ?
Will you deny yourself a little more to
provide the necessities for our
Armed Services
Huron County's quota is $3,040,000.00. You can
help by investing in Fourth Victory Loan 3%
bonds in two ways.
1. -By investing all the cash you have at home
and in the bank.
2. -By investing part of the money you will have
coming in over the next six months.
When you purchase Victory Bonds you buy -
Security and Citizenship
and you are
Backing the Attack
(This ad inserted by the Huron County National War Finance Com-
mittee in the interest of the Fourth Victory Loan)
Campaign oeel s Mon;, Apr. 26
Here Are-Yo"iizr
\\'. J. Dale, W. R. Jewitt, smile
territory at last Loan,
Robt. Harrison, Eginondvllle and
W. E. Southgate, Western Side.
Arthur Nicholson; South Side,
John Eckert, South Side.
R, S, McKercher, Centre.
Russell Bolton, North Side.
11'lerton Reid
E. C. Chamberlain
J. A, Stewa"rt
D. L. Reid
Lending Your Money at 390 Interest
Is Not A Sacrifice
-Seaforth & District War Finance
Next Sunday, which is Easter.
there will be a joint service of the
Sunday school and regular service at
10 o'clock. As a special feature there
will be an Easter pageant, "The
Twelve Disciples," put on by twelve
young men of the Sunday school.
The junior choir will contribute the
musical program. It is hoped every
one will make an extra effort to be
The W.A. held a very successful
erokinole party and apron sale was
held last week when everyone had a
very enjoyable evening together and
330.00 was added to the treasury.
The winter is still with us and
seems very loath to leave. Every
person would be very happy to see it
go. Many spring birds have made
their appearance but mostly sit
around with ruffled feather's and cold
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Weymouth
and family of Stratford visited with
Mr. Frank Longman and family on
Mrs. Win. Hunking visited for sev-
eral. days at the hone of her daugh-
ter, Mrs. Ben Riley.
Mr. and Mrs, E. J. Crawford have
moved to their other farm on the
12th con. formerly known as the
Manning farm,
Mrs. Margaret Manning has re-
turned home having spent the past
six weeks with friends in Toronto.
Quite a number of W.M.S. ladies
attended the Huron Presbyterial at
Brussels on Tuesday.
Miss Lois Wood had the misfor-
tune to be thrown from her bicycle
on Friday last, resulting in an injur-
ed leg which confines her to the
We are sorry to report that Mrs.
Wm. Lyon is not enjoying good
health. We hope her condition will
soon improve.
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Tamblyn,
Jack and Margaret and Mrs. M.
Manning were guests at the home
of Mr. W. E. Manning Sunday.
'The death of Mr. I. Marwood oc-
curred at his home on the 10th con.
of Hullett, two miles west of Lon-
desboro, on Sunday, April 18th, he
being stricken very suddenly. The
funeral was held from Mr. S. Chel-
lew's undertaking parlors on Tues-
day, burial in the Blyth Union cem-
etery. Rev. A. E. Menzies, pastor of
the United Church, Londesboro, of-
ficiated. Mrs. Marwood survives.
Mr. and Mrs. Jones moved their
household furniture to Seaforth
where they will reside. Mrs. Jones
will be greatly missed in the Red
Cross work.
Mrs. (Rev.) Atkinson spent the
week end in Hamilton,
Mrs. John McBeath has returned
from Seaforth hospital where she
underwent an operation.
Mrs. Wm. McKenzie, who had an
operation for appendicitis' in Sea -
forth hospital, is expected to return
home soon.
Miss Wanda Bowden, who also
underwent an operation for appen-
dicitis at the same hospital is doing
nibely since she returned home.
Miss Ruth Scott spent the week
end in Seaforth with the Misses
Jean and Lois Wright.
Mrs. R. Dawson is spending a
week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Doan in Inwood.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Taylor are spend-
ing a week with relatives at Watford
We are pleased to know Mr. Jas.
Moody is able to be out again after
his recent illness,
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Aikenhead and
Miss Anna Aikenhead have moved to
the village to the house formerly
occupied by Mr. and Mrs. J. Snider.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Zapfe and family
'have moved to Mr. Aikenhead's farm
on No, 4 Highway. We hope Mn and
Mrs. Aikenhead will enjoy their
well-earned rest in the village.
Several from here were to Sea -
forth last week to the W.M.S.
thankoffering meeting where Mrs.
Crookes of London was the guest
' speaker.
Mrs. Crookes of London visited
with her mother, Mrs, Alex. Mustard
and brother, Mr. J. B. Mustard last
Want and For Sale Ads, 1 week 26c.
1lrs Jas. L)aynian of ,Heiman is
visiting with IVIr. and Mrs, John
Nils, Jas. Metlymont is visiting in
Loudon wit1 her daughter, Airs. Alice
11I0. Wm. lvison has retuned to
his home after spending the past
two nhentlis with relatives in Toroli'l
to, Galt and Loddon,
Mr. Jas. F. Reid 'of Toronto spent
a few days last week with his neph-
ews, Thos. and Edgar Butt and Or.
ville Workman.
A reception was, given in Watson's
Hall last Monday evening for Mr,
and Mrs, Mac Chesney who recently
returned from their honeymoon, Wins -
10 was furnished by Collins Orchestra
and the young couple were presented
with a beautiful chesterfield suite.
Lunch was served and dancing re-
sumed for a short time when all de -
Parted wishing 'the young couple all,
happiness and. prosperity,
Mrs. Wm. Chapman of Egmond•
ville is the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Robt. McGregor and family,
Mrs. Jessie A. McGregor is the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walker
of Hensel].
Mrs. Monteith, Mrs. Mellis and
1VIrs. Grant attended the Presbyter-
ial meeting of the W.M.S. on Tues-
day while the Rev. Mr. Grant attend-
ed' the Presbytery meeting at Brus-
The service on Sunday will be
conducted by the Rev. A. M. Grant.
The choir will provide special music
and the minister will preach on the
Mr. and Mrs. E. Butt and Mr. and
Mrs. T. Butt were in Seaforth on
Monday attending to the sale of the
late Mrs. Butt's household effects.
Mrs. Douglas has returned from
Blyth where she spent a few days
with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fillingham of
Northern Ontario are visiting rela-
tives and friends in this vicinity.
Easter Thaukoffering and Ladies
Auxiliary were held at the home of
Mrs. C. Parke on Wednesday last.
Born - To Mr. and Mrs, Harold
Finlay, at Blake, on April 9, 1943, a
daughter, Mary Charlotte.
Pat O'Brien George Murphy
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One of the, great pictures of this war
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Heart warning, thrillingly " dramatic is this truer story of a public
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Ralph,Richardson Deborah Kerr
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Norway's secret front that will never be,brokefi.
First show starts 7.30. When single features such as these are shown,
all Patrons in by 9.15 will see complete show.
Matinee at 3 P.M, Good Friday and each Saturday
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