HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1943-04-15, Page 4THE,SEiyF .)h'1"I) NEW$.
Snowdon. Bros„ Publishers THE. PLAY
3 Iter comedy will be presented in
" Walton Community Hall
Friday, April 16th
At 8,30 P,1VI,
By Goderich'0,P,TJ. under auspices of
Walton iced Cross Unit
'Admission 35c and 20c
The United Farm Women's Associ-
ation meeting will be held on Apri
21, at the home of Mrs, Gordon Mc -
Gavin, The topic, a guest speaker,
roll call, housecleaning hints, Demon-
stration short cats in housecleaning
by Whs. Joe Campbell,
The last United Farm 'Women's
Association was held at the Home of
Mrs, Nelson Reid ou March 17,
Mrs. Pat. MoGale of Toronto has
returned to the. city after spending a
week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John McDonald.
Mr, Hugh Campbell bas been visit-
ing with his daughter Mrs. Gordon
Kerr of Winnipeg, and intends visit-
ing his sister Mrs. Robt. Reid and
other relatives in Edmonton, He in-
tends spending the summer with his
nephew John Reid of Hythe, Alberta.
Mrs. John McDonald spent several
days with her sister, Mrs, George
Carter of Londesboro.
Mr, and Mrs, J. H- Humphries of
Walkerville spent the week end with
his brother, Mr. W. J. Humphries,
and sister, Mrs. Shannon,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Seliers and
Clayton from near iKitchener, spent
the week end with Mrs. H, Sellers,
Mrs. Edward Dennison of Toronto
attended the funeral of the late W
R. Stewart.
Mrs, Colin ringland visited Rev
and Mrs. S. F. Friedricksen one day
last week at Phillipsburg.
Dr, Robert Humphries, of Orange
New Jersey, spent a few days with
his sister, Mrs, Hugh Shannon and
brother, Mr, W. J. Humphries.
Mrs. Laurence Cummings spent
Friday in Clinton.
Mrs. Jas, Mowbray of Detroit Vis-
ited her sister-in-law, Miss Mary E.
Mowbray, for a few days,
Mrs. G. Glouser of Wingham visit-
ed her mother, Mrs. I. Bolton, Mc-
Iiillop, and sister, Mrs, TV, J. Hum-
phries, Walton,
Dr, Harvey and Mrs. Reid anci two
daeg'hters of Toronto spent the week
end with the former's mother, Mrs
M. Reid.
Ma's, Jas, Stephenson, Goshen line
Spent n (lay with her sister, Mis
Mossop and Ma's. M. G. Beatty, •
Pte, Harvey Parsons of London in
company with his aunt spent a few
clays with the Former's grandfather
Mr, Coultiee.
Mr. Ed Foster had quite a Succeas-
ful auction sale Tuesday,
Pte. Billy McAsh of the RCAF, Tor-
onto spent a few days at the paren-
tal home with his wife and little
Mr, and Mrs. A, Seeley of Clinton
called on Mrs. Austin and family
'Mr. Wilfred Chuter and his staff
have been busy planting evergreens
for windbreak, supplied by the gov-
(From the Varna Scrap Book)
One could not do as he might please,
Even in the days of ancient Greece,
If we may judge by Socrates.
For when he tried his house to raise,
His neighbors came from various
To blame his work but none to
The carping tribe of querulous men
Are not more eager now, than then
To judge some fellow citizen.
And so this house of Socrates—
The wisest head of ancient Greece—
Seemed everybody to displease.
One said the building was too low;
One thought the owner ought to
No house before was built just so.
Westlake -Love
ltti l'wedding was solemnized
at the home of lien, 1). J. Lute, Nast
street, Goci.erich, on Seturday, April
10, when Jean Agnes,' daughteror
s Mr. and Mrs. Htigh Love, ,Varna, was
married to Mr. Gordon T. 'Westlake,
0011 of bir, and Mrs, Thomas W,
Westlake, Bayfield, Rev, D. S, Lane
officiated. The bride wore a becont-
ing ensemble of beige and brown
with beige hat: The cotude were un-
attended. After a short wedding trip,
they will reside on the groom's farm
south of Bayfield.
Mrs. -Joseph Wild has returned
home after spending a week with her
sister, Mrs, James Black of Sea -
Mr,s, Archie Hodgson of Roland;
Manitoba, is visiting her niece, Mrs..
Harold Penhale, of the Bronson line.
The last Red Cross meeting of the
Bronson line, was held at the home of
Mrs. Archie Armstrong.
The next meeting will be on April
21 at the home - of Mrs. Bert Dunn
Another thought the chimneys mean
And he ought to place betwen
The house and street a shady screen.
So passerby looked upon,
And wondered where the cash came
' from,
And would it be fit to live in when
The tongues went on in endless
, ways,
One fault another seemed to raise,
Through all the gamut of dispraise. •
Blaming the inside and the out,
Each part was newly talked about,
When Socrates soon stepped with-
Said he, "I see my house you hate—
It is not lofty, proud, or great,
With palaces it would poorly mate.
But mean or low, howe'er it tends,
Its faults will make me full amends
When once I fill it up with friends.
Death of William R. Stewart—
The. death of Mr. William R.
Stewart, well known and highly res-
pected resident of McKillop, occurr-
ed late Wednesday afternoon, April
7th, following a stroke of paralysis.
Born in Hibbert township, near Mit-
chell, he was a son of the late Mr.
and Mrs, William Robson Stewart.
He was married on June 19th, 42
years ago, to Miss Margaret Smith
of Logan township. Mr. and Mrs,
Stewart lived for a time in Fullar-
ton township and 31 years ago cane
to live in McKillop, near Walton. He
is survived by his wife and a son and
daughter, Lindsay and Anna at
home; also by a brother and a sister,
David Stewart of Calgary and Miss'
Rebekah Stewart of Stratford. The
funeral was held on Friday after-
noon from the home. Rev. Dr. Hur-
ford of Seaforth and Rev, M. F. Old-
ham of Brussels conducted the ser-
vices. Interment took place in Brus-
sels cemetery. The pallbearers were
John Leeming, Douglas Ennis, Nel-
son Reid, Bert Anderson, Gordon
McGavin and Archie McLoughlin (of
Brussels). The flower -bearers were
two nephews, Norman Harvey and
Wilfred Smith of Monkton; David
Harvey and Edward Dennison, of
Weston. Attending the funeral from
a distance were: Mrs. Scain of Fort
Erie4 James Smith, of Toronto; the
Messrs. Nichol, Robinson and Durant
'of Mitchell; Miss Rebekah Stewart
and niece, Mrs. Edeleigh, of Strat-
ford, also friends from Monkton. '
The funeral of the late John Angus
Ferguson, 2 years old, son of Mr. and
Mrs, Charles Ferguson, was held last
week. The death occurred at St. Jos-
eph's Hospital, Sudbury, on April 7.
Funeral was held from the funeral
(tome of Jackson & Bernard, on Fri-
day, with services at 2 p.m, conduct-
ed by the Rev. W. Gomes, of the
Presbyterian Church. The service
was largely attended by friends and
neighbors, There were many beautiful
floral tributes indicating the high
esteem in which tho deceased was
held, although very young, Tempor-
ary entombment took place in the
mausoleum. The pallbearers were,
Roy Day, Nell Tyndall, Harvey Strain,
and Jack Ferguson,' He is sm'vived
by his parents and one brother, Billy.
Among the relatli'es attending from a
distance were . Mos. W. L. Ferguson
of Bayfield, and Margaret Ferguson
of Guelph, Mrs, It. Defoe of Innneritip,
Alex Sutherland of 15mbro,
The Winthrop Red Cross unit are
holding a euchre and dance in the
hall. Monday night, April 19th. The
quilt made and donated by Miss
Mary Pryce will be drawn on this
date. Proceeds for war work. Help
to smash Hitler by attending. Music
by Reggie Pryce's orchestra.
The euchre and dance held in the
hall on the 7th of April was well at-
tended. The prize winners were:
Ladies, most games, Miss Roe; lone
hands, Mrs. Robert Dodds; , men's
most games, Mr. Robt. McClure;
lone hands, Mr. McClure. War
stamps were given for prizes. After
lunch was served a few hours were
spent in dancing to Reg. Pryce's
orchestra, The sum of $31.60 was
taken in at door. Proceeds for war
Mr. Andrew 1Vlontgomery of
Brantford spent the week end with
his parents and family.
Pte. William Little of Stratford
spent the week end at his home.
A reception was held in the hall in
honor of Mr. and Mrs. William Alex-
ander. The friends and neighers pre-
sented them with a studio couch and
an occasional chair and an end table.
About 150 were present.
Married Fifty Years —
With all their family home for the
occasion and about 40 guests present
to extend good wishes, Mr. and Mrs.
Julius Mueller celebrated their gold-
en wedding on Tuesday at their home
near Mitchell,. 'Fifty years ago, on
April 13, 1893, they were married at
Brodhagen Lutheran church, with
Rev, E. Littwein efflelating, Miss Au-
gusta Seherharth (now Mr's. Jot%
Kistner), and John Kintner were the
attendants. On Tuesday they had
with them for the Celebration their
five children, Mrs. Dan Beuermann.
(Edith), McKillop; George, Logan;
Miss Lavine, Mueller, Stratford; John,
Hamilton; Lone, at ]nonce; also four
grandchildren. Guests were present
from Stratford, Walton, Milverton,
Kultryville, Hamilton, Moserville, Mc-
Killop, Brodltagen and immediate
Want and For Sale Ads, 1 week 25c,
Mr. John Adams, Mr. Thomas
Adams and Miss Lillian Adams of
Londesboro, also Mrs. Austin Dex-
ter and Mrs, Charles Dexter of Con-
stance attended the funeral of their
'father's cousin, Mrs. Wm. William-
son on Saturday at Brampton,
Regular meeting of W.M.S. was
held Thursday afternoon, April 8,
Mrs. Britton in the chair. Silent
prayer for condition of the world.
Theme, building community neigh-
borliness by love and friendship.
Hymn 265, Never Further Than the
Cross. Mrs, Lindsay offered prayer.
Minutes were read and adopted.
Scripture reading by Mrs, Lindsay,
"The Lord is Risen Indeed," Mat-
thew 27th chap. Hymn 183 "There
is a green hill far away," was sung.
Mrs. Orville Dale gave a splendid
Easter message on the resurrection
of Christ. Mrs. Britton spoke a few
words on. the Scripture lesson on
"What will I do with Jesus." Hymn
151, "Must Jesus bear the cross
alone." Collection, and meeting was
Miss Elva Snell of London with Jeer
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Addison moved ,
on Monday from the village to his
farm on the 13th concession, which
he bought from Mr. Wm. Webster.
Mr, and Mrs. J. H. ° Shobbrook
moved to their new home, which they
bought from Mr. Addison,
Mrs. Geo. Cowan received a letter
from her husband "somewhere in
England," and he was feeling fine.
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Sprung had
letters recently from their sons, Pri-
vates John and Donald, in England.
They bad met sixteen of the Hullett
boys. Some of the boys were, Ivan
Hoggart, Bill Ross, Neal, Stanley
Ball, Clifford Sundercock, Roy Vod-
den, Leonard Vodden, Nelson Rad-
ford and others.
The two brothers John and•Donald,
were going on leave to Scotland.
The regular meeting' of the C.W.L.
was held in the vestry of the church
with a good attendance. The presid-
ent opened the meeting with prayer.
The minutes as read were adopted.
It was decided 'to again send cigar-
ettes to our boys overseas. Mrs. Mi-
chael Murray and Mrs. Joseph Mal-
one were selected to audit the books
previous to the annual meeting. Ar-
rangements were made to hold an
auction sale of baking, and other ar-
ticles on Good Friday afternoon. Ali
details were completed for the Eas-
ter dance on Wednesday, April 28th.
The meeting closed with prayer.
Corporal Alex Ramsay with his
wife and family after returning to
Canada from overseas on account of
ill health.
Joseph Speare and brother Rich-
ard, have returned to their home
from Toronto, Guelph and Harris-
"Food of the Future," Helping Win
The War Today
How square meals, in miniature,
dehydrated and compressed, not only
will take the place of many cans on
the pantry shelf but already are con-
serving shipping space to send more
"nutrition bullets" to the troops
abroad, is told in The American
Weekly with this Sunday's (April 18)
issue of The Detroit Sunday Times,
Se sure to get Sunday's Detroit
The ladies of huff's Church held
their Easter Thank offering on Fri-
day, April 9th, at the home of Mrs,
Patton. Mrs, W. J, Shannon gave 0
reading on Christ, Stewardship, Mrs,
Roy Lawson was the' guest speaker,
taking as her topic "The Value of
Prayer," Mrs, R, 9, McKercher sang
"The Day of. Resurrection," wltioh
Was numb enjoyed. 'Red Cross work
was distributed and the W. A, busi-
ness was ciiseuased, The •meeting
closed ii'ltii the Loi'd' Pi'a)'ei' II 1011'
0011, Lunch was served by the ladles
and a social halt Hour was snout.
Rennie — In Chilton Hospital on
April 4t11, , to Lieut. and 1Vhrs, Sam
Rennie of Hensall, 0 son.
Swale — lit Hensall on April 10th,
to Pte, and 1VIrs, Roy Simile, a son,''•'
Shirh'ay Iu Victoria Hospital,
London, on April 11tH, to Mr, and
Mrs, Albert Sllirray of Hensall, a son
(Douglas John),
The following H,C.L.A. books will
be in circulation in Hensall .Public
Library for three months: ;Fiction --
Signed with their , honor, Aldridge;
Marion Alive, Bantu; The Kimball
Collection, Corbett; 'Envious Casca,
I-reyer; Silver Slippers, BailaY;.
Night of Flange Carter; The gulls fly
inland, Thompson; Village in Anlgitst„
T'ien Chu; Tarpaper Palace, Larrl-
ntor'e All that glitters,' Keyes; The
fatal 5 minutoS, Walling; SIx-gun
justice, Marsh; The Crying sisters,
Seeley; The Lorne Star ranger, Grey;
To have and to holt], Johnstone;
Walls of gold, Norris; :Buckskin, Hin-
kle; Jane Eyre, Bronte; Westward
the sun, Knight; Thunder mountain,
Grey; The Red Lamp, Rinehart.
Non - fiction Microbe Hunters,
DeKruif; Shake hands with the drag:
on, Glick; Dawn watch in China,
Homer; Europe in revolt, IG'aus; In-
side Latin America, Gunther; bush
master, Snaith; The book of musical
knowledge, Elson; Roosevelt, Lud-
wig; Ancient ]htgland, Vale, •
Juvenile Fiction — Plast o' the sun
and West o' the moon, Rasinusson;
The Recl Canoe, Watt; The missing
half, Seaman; Friendly village, O'-
Donnell; Little folks front Etiquette
town, Smith; Thomas Jones and his
nine lives, Watkin; Five farthings,
Redlich; Pinocchio, Collodi; The lit-
tle sister, 1lfalot; A Christnmas Carol,
Dickens; The dinner that was al-
ways there, Snell; The garden and
its friends, Parker; Stories react from
the rocks, Porker; Clouds, rain ,and
snow, Parker.
Mrs, John Johnston, the oldest
woman 111 Hensall, observed her 92nd
birthday quietly at her hone on Wed-
nesday last. , Owing to her recent
serious illness the event was quietly
observed. A family dinner marked the
occasion, when Mrs. Johnston. re-
ceived many lovely gifts, cards and
messages of best wishes. Her son
William, of Canova, Sask., sent her a
3 Features --- 2i1i1 Show starts at 8,45
Victor McLagen Dennis O'Keefe
Broadway Limited
Here's your one-way ticket to hysteria
It's mindup Ilio In Texas, with
Chhrles Starrett and Russell Hayden In
"Down Rio Grande"
MON„ TUES., WED, — 2nd Show starts 9.15
The funniest triangle to hit the screen Inc long time is formed by
• Claudete Colbert Joel McCrea Rudy Vallee
in the New Comedy Romance
"The Palm Beach Story"
This picture marks Vallee's debut as 'a 'full-fledged comedian
Pat O'Brien George Murray
"The Navy Comes Through"
Jane Wyatt Jackie Cooper
Coming -
"Pride of the Yankees"
Plitt show starts at 7,30 each evening.
Matinee each Saturday and holiday at 3 P.M.
beautiful bouquet of roses. Mrs. A. T.
Douglas, a daughter of Hyde Park,
and Margaret, of the local Post Of-
fice staff, celebrated the occasion
with their mother,
Mrs, Hugh McGregor is the guest of
31e. and Mrs, George Walker this
Pilot Officer Kenneth Passmore of
Rockclife is spending a two weeks'
furlough with his parents, Mr, and
Mrs. John Passmore,
Mr., and Mrs. Jack Page and babe,
Pte. Thos. Rosser of London, and Mr.
and Mrs, Mac Rosser and family of
Blenheim visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs, A. L. Case.
The nnauy friends of Mrs. Wm,
McKenzie are pleased to hear she is
improving following her recent oper-
ation for appendicitis in Scott Mem-
orial Hospital, Seaforth,
Pte, Bill MacLean of Quebec is
spending a furlough with his parents,
,Mr. and Mrs, Robt. MacLean.
Mrs. Stanley Mitchell returned
home Tuesday following an operation
for appendicitis in St. Joseph's Hosp-
ital, London,
Pte, Roy Swale of, Quebec is on
furlough at his home here.
Mrs. Lorne Elder of Hamilton is
visiting with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs, John Passmore,
Mrs. Stanley Mit'ehell 'is recuperat-
ing at Mrs. R. J. Patterson's Nursing
Home following a recent operation
for appendicitis iu St, Joseph's Hos-
pital, London.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lammie of Cen-
tralia visited on Sunday with the for-
mer's mother, Mrs. Laramie and sis-
ter, Miss Greta Lammie,
Mr. Joe Hagan returned home this
week after spending the winter
months in Florilla. •
Mr, Norman Park of .Mitchell visit-
ed recently with Mrs. Donald Park
and Mrs. Donald McKinnon and fam-
Mr. Carl Haters, who has been em-
ployed for the past year at Cook's
Rock Bottom Store, has enlisted with
the RCAF, and will leave presently
for his duties.
Mr. and Mrs. Mac Rosser and fam-
ily of Blenheim visited on Sunday
with Mrs. Rosser's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Milton Russell.
Corporal Russel Hedden of Port
Arthur is spending a few days' fur-
lough at the home of his mother,
Mrs. Catharine Hedden.
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