HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1943-04-08, Page 8•
Mrs, Catherine Byrne disposed of
bei farm in Logan to Irvine Aiken
of the Huron highway.
Ilan O'Rourke has purchased the,
150 -acre farm of Fred Byers on the
town' line,
Roy Brown, London, with his Par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brown,
Leonard Nagle, Canadian Provost
Corps, Pitchenev, with his parents,
My. and Mrs, M. Nagle. i
Eileen Jordan, London, with her
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Jordan, '
Lorretto Feeney, London, with
Icer parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mac
Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Coyne, of
Hamilton, with Mr. and Mrs, Mich-
ael Coyne.
'Ted Hickey, London, at his home,
Card of Thanks
The family of the late Martha
Jane Baker wish to express their ap-
preciation for the many acts of
kindness and expressions of sym-
pathy extended by relatives, friends
and neighbors during their recent
bereavement in the loss of a beloved
Two tons of mangolds. William
Hoegy, Phone 23x12, Dublin central.
A quantity of Seed Oats, John S.
April 7th to April 14th, of House-
hold Furniture, at the home of Mrs.
J. J. Flannery, Side street. Seaforth.
Phone 268M,
Frame barn, double boarded, with'
attached, large box stall of tongued
and grooved lumber, and double
boarded garage, For particulars apply
to Mrs, R, R. Ross, Seaforth, Phone
110. Size main barn 25x20.
On 'Monday, April 19th at Centre
St., Seaforth. The Household Effects
of the late Mrs. Wm. Butt. Fuller
particulars next week.
One baby carriage, a kitcben cab-
inet, rocking chair, leather upholster-
ed, and tapestry rug 10x12, all in good
condition. Apply to E. W. Stevens,
Railway street.
500 bus, Banner oats, suitable for
seed. Phone 14r12, Dublin, or 88r16,
Hensall. Thos. D. Wren.
Polled Hereford bull calf, 4 months
old, of a good milking strain. Apply
to F. J. Coleman, R,R.1. Phone 83802,
Tenders will be received up to
April 19th, at 7 p.m. for the following
Drains to be cleaned out and im-
proved as of the Engineer's Reports.
Wilson Municipal Drain
Open portion of Main Drain esti-
mated yardage 3838 cu. yds., also a
considerable amount of Tile Drainage
on Main Drain and also B & C Branch
Tile Drain.
Young Municipal Drain
Open portion estimated yardage
2006 cu. yds.
Taylor Municipal Drain
Open portion Main Drain estimated
yardage 3488 cu. yds. also Tile Drain
across two farms 3627 ft, 10 in. tile,
and 1437 ft. of 12 in. tile on main
drain. Also Branch A. 1600 ft, of 10
in. tile.
Tenders will be received for excav-
ating the Open Drains and Tile or
separate Tenders for open and tile.
Marked cbeque for 10 per cent of
the Contract Price of each drain must
accompany each Tender.
Plans and specifications may be
seen for each ditch at the Cler'k's of-
fice, Londesboro.
Clerk Hullett Twp., Londesboro.
Auction Sale
W. E. Nairn has been instructed to
sell by public auction on the prem-
ises, Lot 22, Con. 6, Hibbert Twp.,
3% miles south of Dublin and 1'1/4:
miles west on Monday, April 19th, at
1 o'clock p.m. sharp, the following:
Horses - Agricultural filly rising 4
years, 1500 lbs; agricultural filly ris-
ing 3 years, 1500 lbs., 1 gelding rising
2 years old.
Cattle -Four young Holstein cows,
fresh; 3 Durham heifers in calf, 18
two year old Durham fat heifers, 3
Durham steers rising 3 years old, 3
Durham steers 2 years, one baby beef.
Implements: Tractor equipment con-
sisting of one Allis-Chalmers model
A. 50-h.p., on rubber, with starter and
lights, two years old; one White sep-
arator, No. 5, 32x46, steel, with cutter
and Eberle)] feeder, rubber tires,
water pump, 6 years old in Al shape,
one W. disc. T.H.C., 6 ft.; cultivator,
IHC., 81/4 It,, stiff tooth; plow, MH.
No. 26, 3 -furrow, on rubber, with two
sets steel points; grinder, MH., 12 -
inch, with truck, jack and belt, 1
year old; seed drill, MH., 13 -disc,
Positively no reserve as the pro-
prietor is giving up custom work and
threshing. Terms cash.
W, E. N811 111, Auctioneer.
John L, Coyne, Proprietor.
The trees for reforestation purr
poses will be delivered at 155111en05
of Reeve N. R, Dor r ante, Lot 22, Con.
5, the end of this weep or beginning
et next week. The farmers may ob-
tain trees by calling far them, free of
cost. Please he on time,
JOHN Ma'NAY, Clerk.
Auction Sale
Of Farm Stork and Tin plementer
Fred W,. Ahes re-
auctioneer, 1
instruction from the under-
signed proprietor to sell by public
auction at Lot 9. Con, 5, Township of
'fnrkeramith, 21/2 miles South of
;lee fort b, 1 in !lee eolith of Ernie el.
ville, then 14 mile 'east on Friday,
April 16th, the followingt
Horses ---1 general purpose gelding•
7 yeer's old:. 1 bay Clyde, 12 years
old, l aged mare,
Cattle -1 Durham cow •fresh with
salt by her side, 1 Polled Angus,
fresh; Polled Angus heifer fresh,
with calf by her side; 1 Jersey cow,
fresh with calf by her side, l Jersey
cow, fresh, Hogs -1 Yorkshire sow
with 8 young pigs 3 weeks ,old, 8
chunks weighing about 85 lbs., 1
Yorkshire hog 2 years old,
Poultry -20 Leghorn pullets; 75.
Leghorn bens 1 year old.
Implements -MH, binder, 6 ft, cut,
nearly new; Deering Ideal mower 6
ft. cut; dump rake, Maxwell hay
loader, seed drill, set 4 sec. harrows,
manure spreader, cultivator, 1 truck
wagon, sleighs, rubber tire buggy, 2
hay racks, 1 with sliding. rack, hay
fork, hay car, 150' hay. fork rope, MH.
cutting box, pig crate, 1 furrow riding
plow, walking plow, scuffler. •
Harness 1 set double harness, 1
set single harness, odd collars.
Feed -About 10 tons of mixed bay,
about 200 bus. mixed grain, 75 bus.
barley, 2 bags timothy seed, a quan-
tity of turnips, forks, shovels, spades,
logging chain, whiffletrees, neckyokes,
and numerous other articles, Sale to
commence at 1 o'clock sharp,
No reserve as the proprietor is
quitting farming. Auctioneer's deci-
sion final in cas4 'of all disputes.
Terms "cash,
Ernest Drager, Proprietor.
Fred W. Ahrens, Auctioneer,
Auction Sale
Fat'm Stook, Implements and Furni-
ture. Fred W. Ahrens, auctioneer, has
received instructions from the .under-
signed proprietor to sell by public
auction, at Lot 1, Con. 5, Township
of Mcliillop, 2/ miles north of Dub-
lin, on Tuesday, April 13th,' starting
at 1 o'clock sharp, tete following:
1 bay mare 9 years old, bay Belgian
mare 4 years old; 1 Clyde filly, 4
years old; Percheron gelding rising 3
years old, 1 Clyde filly rising 2 years.
Cattle -1 Durham cow fresh with
calf by her side, 1 Durham cow due
at time of sale, 1 Durham cow due
June 15; Durham cow 4 years old, due
at time of sale; Durham cow 7 years,
due at time of sale; Durham cow 6
years old, clue April 15611; Holstein
cow fresh with calf by her side; Dur-
ham cow fresh with calf by her aide;
Durham cow bred in January; Ayr-
shire cow fresh with calf by her side;
Durham cow due April 15; Durham
heifer due April 30.
Hogs - 3 Yorkshire sows due in
June; 3 young sows due May 1st, 2
chunks 160 lbs.; 22 shoats weighing.
about 70 lbs.
Poultry - 150 Leghorn' pullets, 3
geese, 1 gander.
Implements - Deering binder 7 ft.
cut, mower, 11 hoe Deering seed drill,
Deering cultivator, M. 11. manure
spreader, International hay loader,
dump rake, 3 sec. harrows, disc, 1
furrow Coekshutt riding plow, walk-
ing plow, seuffler, cutter, truck wag-
gon, gravel box, 2 hp, gas engine,
pump jack, fanning mill, Renfrew
cream separator, 3 steel drums, 2
steel pig troughs, set sleighs, slings,
shovels, forks, spades, hoes, logging
chains, and numerous other articles.
Harness -2 sets of double harness,
1 set single harness, odd collars, sev-
eral horse blankets,, good collie dog,
good heeler.
Peed -About 12 tons of mixed stay,
600 bus. of mixed grain, 100 bus,
spring wheat.
Furniture - Bed with springs and
mattress, 1 iron bell with springs and
mattress, 2 dressers, 2 stands, 11
kitchen chairs, washing machine and
wringer, 2 cupboards, oil heater,
kitchen table, settee, Aladdin lame.
Grind stone, 3egg crates, grain
bags, 80 twine sacks, quantity of ]um.
ber, quantity of wood, other articles.
No reserve as the farm is sold. Auc-
tioneer's decision final in case of all
disputes. Terms of sale cash.
Fred Byers, Proprietor.
Fred W, Ahrens, Auctioneer,
'Auction Sale
Of Farm Stock and Implements.
Fred W. Ahrens, auctioneer, has
received instructions from the under-
signed proprietor to sell by public -
auction at Lot 18, Con. 3, Township
of Logan, 11/2 miles north. of Mitchell,
then % mile west , on Wednesday,
April 14th, the following:
Horses -1 bay Clyde mare 12 years
old; 1 black mare 10 years old; 1 bay
Clyde gelding 12 years old, 1 Clyde
filly rising 3 years old.
Cattle -1 white Durham cow due at
time of sale; 1 Durham cow due at
time of sale; 1 Durham cow due in
May; 1 Durham farrow cow, young;
1 Durham cow due end of April; 1
Durham cow bred in Nov,; 2 Dur-
ham steers rising 2 'years old; 1 Dur-
ham steer rising 1 year old; 0 Dur-
ham heifers rising 2 years old; 4
steers and heifers rising 1 year old;
2 fall calves.
Hogs -Yorkshire sow due May 20;
23 chunks weighing about 90 lbs,
Implements-MII. binder, •6 ft cut,
with trucks and sheaf carrier, nearly
new, M. 1-I, mower, 5 ft. ,cut;
M. 11, manure spreader, nearly new;
12 11(15 seed drill, cultivator, steel land
roller, dump Crape, set sleighs, 1 fur-
row riding plow, 2 furrow raiding
plow, walking plow, scuffles, top bug-
gy, good disc, set 4 sec. harrows, 1 3,
wagon with box and shelving, truck
wagon, fanning mill, set scales 2000
Ib,. gap.; ,hay rack; cream separator,
No,' 2 Viing; fiat sleigh rack nearly
new; pulper; wheelbarrow; pig rack;
forks, 46 gal, iron eoolcei'.
Mar'neae-2 sets of double harness,
odd rollers. Peed -About 12 tons of
timothy hay, 160 hue, Erban oats, 500
bus, mixed grain. Slings, logging
0115105, whiffletrees, neckyokes, shov-
els, spades, sloes, ar ossciut saws and
numerous other articles. Sale to start
at 1 o'clock sharp.
No reserve as tine proprietor is giv-
ing up farming. Auctioneer's deoi-
siatl ilnalin case of all disputes,
Tarns of sale, cash.
Charlie Elliott, Proprietor.
Wee W. Ahrens, Auctioneer,
AUCTION SALE i mer. Apply to Tbomaa' lay, Bigger,
Of Ilorses, Cows, • Grass Cattle,'
Pltone 21 oil 79, Hensall ten.
Hogs, Implements, Traps, at ail `kinds.
To be belts at the Hicks House Barn,
Mitchell, every Thursday of each
week from 110W 00, AnYone having
anything to sell in the line of stock,
implements or anything you have to
dispose of, bring it to the Hicks
House Barn, Mitchell,
Don't forget the date, Every Thurs-
dey from now on. Phone Gordon Bach,
634r4, Mitchell. Terms reasonable.
Gordon Bach, Manager,
Fred W. Ahrens, Auctioneer,
Reliable 'farm hand, far the sum'
Tenders will be received' by the
County of Huron to supply 125 tons
of Stoker Coal and 25 tons of Stove
Coal for the County Home at Clinton,
An analysis of coal 'must accompany
each. tender.
Lowest or any, tender not necessar-
ily accepted,
Tenders to be in the bands of the
Couuty Clerk not later than coon,
Saturday, April 17th, 1943.
County Clerk,
Auction Sale
Of Farm Stock, etc. At Lot 30, Con.
2, Logan Twp„ 11/2 miles east, 1 mile
north of Dublin, on Tuesday, April
20, at 1 p.m.
1 black Clyde gelding rising 3 years.
Cattle -4 Hereford and Dlu'ham.
heifers due to freshen in May; 1
Durham cow• due May 1; 1 reg. dual
purpose Shorthorn ball; 6 Hereford'
steers rising 2 years old; 7 Hereford
and''Durham heifers 2 years old.
Pigs -9 hogs 180 lbs.
1 farm wagon, 1 McCormick Deer-
ing manure spreader',
Terms cash,
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer,
Irvin Aiken, Mitchell R.R,3, Prop.
Auction' Sale
Farm Stock and Implements at the
Farm of Mrs: Edna Cowan, east half
of Lot 28, Con, 1, East Wawanosh,
quarter mile east of Auburn. Friday,
April 9611, at 1 p.m,
Horses: Bay horse; black mare.
Cattle: Registered Jersey cow, No.
9436R, 5 years old, freshened in Jan-
uary, due Nov. 10; Ayrshire cow, 6
years old, due May 31; grey cow, 3
years old, due Oct. 31; purebred Jer-
sey cow, 3 years old, supposed to be
in calf; registered Shorthorn cow, No.
311452, 21/4 years old, due Aug. 27th;
red cow, 6 yedrs old, due in May;
purebred Shorthorn heifer calf, 6
months old; calf, 2 months old.
Calf 6 months old,
Pigs: 5 sows due in May; sow,
with 16 pigs, 4 weeks old at time of
Grain: 300 bus. Cartier oath, fit for
seed; 200 bus. Cartier oats, cleaned
for seed.
Implements, Etc,: Mas'sey-Harris
binder; 10-20 International tractor
(this tractor has done very little cus-
tom work, and is in good condition) ;
stiff -tooth tractor cultivator; Case
tractor plow, new; Massey, -Har'r'is
rake nearly new; hay loader; mower,
6 -ft. cut, McCormick; sine -delivery
rake; Tudhope-Anderson walking
plow; steel roller; Massey -Harris fer-
tilizer drill; Bain wagon, nearly new,
bay rack, nearly new, with sliding
attachment; International manure
spreader; set sloop sleighs with flat
Pack; blacksmith tools; forge and
blower; vise and anvil, etc.
27 ft. straw blower • pipes;
cement mixer; steel stone boat;
sprayer and barrel; tractor hitch;
six -section harrow stretcher; 6 -sec-
tion Diamond harrows; set Massey -
Harris discs; small electric motor;
half barrel lime sulphur; Portland
cutter, nearly new; stock rack;
emery grinder; 90 ten -inch cement
tile; 50 ft, 6 -inch drive belt; 1 cut
box; grain bags and sacks; bag
truck; set single harness; set double
harness; feed hopper for pigs; 30 -lb.
Can gun grease; 10 -gal. motor oil;
jack screw, 3 ton; set socket wrench-
es; set vanadium steel wrenches;
set of dies; model A Ford sedan, in
good shape; windows; quantity of
used inch lumber and scantling; 2
elm stall posts, 6 -inch by 6 -inch by
eleven feet; work shop and garage,
18'x26'; and other articles too .numer-
ous to mention,
Terms, cash, Everything is to be
sold without reserve.
Mrs. Edna Cowan, Proprietress,
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
Notice To Creditors
In the Estate of Peter Eckert.
All persons havingclaims against
the Estate of Peter' Eckert, late of
the Township of McKillop, Drover,
deceased, who died on or about the
19th day of March, 1943, are 'hereby
notified to send in to the undersigned
on or before the 17th day of April,
1943, full particulars of their claims.
Immediately after the said last
mentioned date, the assets of the said
estate will be distributed aihongst
the parties entitled thereto, .having
regard only to claims of which the
undersigned shall then have notice,
to the exclusion of all others, and the
undersigned will not be liable to any
person of whose claim the undersign-
ed shall not then have notice for the
assets so distributed or any part
Dated at Seaforth this 30611 clay of
March, 1943,
Seaforth, Ontario
Solicitor for Executors,
For Sale
One 13 hoe Deering Grain Drill, re-
conditioned, $05,00.
One 13 tooth Massey Harris Field
Cultivator $20,00.
One 4 wheel tvailer, e handy farm
wagon, $60,00,
A. very large stook of Plow Shares,
Cultivator Points, Rubber awl'' Metal
Hose for Grain and •Fertilizer Drills,
to fit all makes of machines.
Main St. SeafOrtli
Auction Sale
Of Household Effects, Mr, Harold
Jackson lies been Metructed to sell
by public auction in Iiensell, opposite
Cook's Mill, on Saturday, April 17th,
at 1 pm. the following articles:
Heater stove; Pandora range; kit-
chen extension table; 4 kitchen
chairs; large glass cupboard; 3
couches; 6 oak dining room chairs
oast dining Croom suite; 6 chairs, table,
buffet china cabinet; magazine rack;
3 small tables; wicker rocker; 5 odd
rockers; stretcher; 3 iron beds;
springs and mattresses; 2 dresser's
and wash stand; new brown bed; rug
9x12; number of floor mats; Congol-
eum rug 9x14, new; 2 pieces of linol-
eum; 2 large pieces of Rom' carpet;
2 quilt boxes; bedding; dishes; kit-
chen utensils; sealers; crocks; gar-
den tools; 2 clocks; toilet set; lamps;
2 40 -gallon ;drums; 3 wash tubs; 3
large, feed boxes. 20 year old Hybrid;
hens; bag Irish cobbler potatoes;
wheel barrow, express wagon on rub-
ber, 2 hand sleighs, ,Terms cash,
Sydney Clark, Proprietor.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer,
Auction Sale
Of Stock and Implements: At Lot
17,' Con. 7, Stanley Tp„ / mile south
of Varna. Tuesday, April 13, at 1 p,m.
Stock: 1 horse, general .purpose, 8
years old; one colt rising 2 years
old; 6 yearling cattle; 1 Shorthorn
bull, 10 mos. old, eligible for registra-
tion; 1 Belgian colt rising 3 years,
broken; 1 general purpose mare,
broken; 1 York sow with 8 pigs 4
weeks old,
Implements: McCormick binder,
McCormick mower, seed drill, cultiv-
ator; three drum land roller; steel
horse rake; new McCormick bean
stuffier and puller; 2 wagons, hay
rack; Six horse power gas engine; 1
turnip drill; circular saw; 1 set of
four section harrows; 1 set of three
section harrows; McCormick walking
plough; riding plough; 1 set of dou-
ble harness (nearly new); set of
plough harness; ,1 buggy; Vesset
grinder, six incl} plate; lard press,
and sausage grinder; washing maoh-
ine and wringer; four horse collars,
Terms cash.
Ed Foster, Proprietor.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
Auction Sale
Mr. Harold Jackson has been in-
structed by the Executors to sell by
public auction, Furniture and House-
hold Effects of the late MT's. Wm.
Hiles, at residence on Ontario St.,
Clinton, on Saturday, April 10th, at
1 p.m.
Princess Pat range, good as new,
Gilson electric washer, new, tubs,,
copper boiler, coal oil stove, coal oil
heaters, Eureka vacuum cleaner,
electric plate and iron, sofas, glass
cupboard, 2 ' sideboards, extension
table and chairs, New Williams sew-
ing machine, (drop head), 2, bedroom
suites, 1 single bed, ,mattress and
springs, feather beds; bedding, rock-
ing chairs, odd chairs, 2 parlor suites,
Walnut tables and chairs, small
tables, bookcase, rugs, pictures, toilet
sets, antiques, linens, pillows, cush-
ions, dishes, lamps, wearever alum-
inum, meat chopper, kitchen utensils,
flour cabinet. And numerous other
articles. Terms cash, •
Norman and Verna Carter, Exec.'s.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
Auction Sale
Of .Farm Stock. At Lot 32, Con. 13,
Hullett Twp., known as Grainger
farm, 11/2 miles north of Londesboro
and 11/2 miles west. ,Wednesday, Apr.
14th at 1 p.m.
Cattle: 15 choice Durham cows. 9
COWS fresh within past 6 weeks, some
with calves at foot, 6 due to freshen
in April and May. 10 Durham steers
weighing from 1000 to 1300 lbs. 18
Durham yearling heifers and steers.
1 Yorkshire hog,
This is a choice lot of Durham
cattle in splendid condition.
Terms cash, Everything to be dis-
posed of, as the farm is sold.
John Snell, Proprietor.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. '
Notice To Creditors ,
In the Estate of George Seip,
All persons having claims against
the Estate of George Seip, late of
the Town of Seaforth, in the County
of Huron, Retired Harness Maker,
deceased, who died on or about the
14th day, of March, 1943, are hereby
notified to send in to 'the undersigned
on or before the 17th day of April,
1943, full particulars of their claims.
Immediately after the said last
mentioned date, the assets of the said
estate will be, distributed amongst
the parties entitled thereto, having
regard only to claims of which the
undersigned shall then have notice,
to the exclusion of all others, and the
undersigned will not be liable to any
person of whose claim the undersign-
ed shall not then have notice for the
assets so distributed or any part
Dated at Seaforth this 22nd day of
March, 1943.
Seaforth, Ont.
Solicitors for the Executors
Spence's Produce
Highest Cash Prices paid for
Eggs and Poultry
Phone 170-W, Seaforth
You Roll Them Better With
le Sale Otlex Soap
4 cakes 19c
Camay Soap, 3 calces 20c
Lux Toilet Sbap -
3 cakes 205
Cashmere Bouquet Soap
3 cakes 20c
Super Suds -•-
Giant Size pkge, 49c
Fairbanks Carbolic Soap
6 cakes 25c
Joy' Soap, 10 cakes 29c
Colgates Fey. Toilet Soap
6 cakes' 25c
Tender Leaf Tea, Pkge ,,...349
Red Rose Orange Pekoe
Tea, 141 lb, 450
Daly Grange:Japan Tea
l/a lb,. pkge, . 83e
Red Rose Coffee
pound tin 51c
Maxwell ,House Coffee --
lb. pkge. 515'
Nabob Coffee, ,lb pkge. :..430
Blue Ribbon, 2 lb. pkge. 38c
Neilson's Cocoa, one ' lb. , 29c
Carnation Milk, 3 tins only 33c
Card 'of Thanks
Mr. Norman Long and family wish
to acknowledge with grateful appreci-
ation the many acts of kindness and
tokens of sympathy extended to them
by relatives, Reverends Grant and
Patton, the organist and °noir of .St,.
Andrew's United Church of Kippen
and Mrs. J. Bonthron on the occasion
of the death of their wife and
mother, Violet Long. .
Seaforth Farmers Co -Operative
Certified Green Mountain Potatoes.
5 X B. C. Shingles,
Oo•op and Shur Gain Fertilizer
Coop and Shur Gain Feed.
Semi -Solid Buttermilk.
Orders taken for Seed Corn.
Electric Fencers.
Phone 9
Durham cow 6 years old with_keif-
er calf 6 weeks, at foot, also 1 •male
collie pup starting to work. 1 female
11/2 years old guaranteed with any
stock: Apply to the News Office.
Cartier Seed Oats suitable for seed.
Torrance Dundee, )31yth, Ont., R.R.2.
Phone 13 ring 15.
: Gladiolus Bulbs, Exhibition Quality,
No. 1 size. Treated for Thrip and
free of disease, all Young Stock.
Choice Mixed, 92.00 per 100, 300 per
doz. Choice Named Varieties from 50
different kinds, -$2.50 per 100, 350
per doz. tc each. Place your order
early. Murray Tyndall, Brucefield,
Ont. Phone Clinton 618 ring 12.
A quantity of good Red Clover seed
for sale. Phone 842r23, Seaforth Cen-
1 single wood bed, mattress and
springs, 1 cherry bed, 1 Simmons
spring filled mattress 4'; 1 black star
springs 4'. 1 baby swing, Mrs. W. J.
Finnigan, phone 663x33.
Girl wishes day work in town.
Phone 315 3, Seaforth,
The Annual Meeting of Huron Far-
mers' Co -Operative Co., Ltd., will be
held in Hensall Town Hall on Sat-
urday, April 10th, 1943. The .guest
speaker will be R. J. Scott of Bel-
grave, President of United Farmers'
Co -Operative Co„ Ltd., Toronto.
Everybody welcome.
J. Armstrong, President.
A. B.' Bell, Secretary,
Good, clean, heavy Erban seed oats
for sale. 75 cents per bushel. 'Bring
your own sacks, J. E. Pollock, Hay-
field Road, 2 miles west of Varna.
100 acres, Con. 4, Lot 15, Stanley.
60 acres clear, balance pasture.
Frame house, bank barn 36'x56', hen
house, drive shed. Apply to Mrs.
Wm. Jennison, Dashwood P.O. Phone
Zurich 87r14.
• The farm of the late David
Holmes, lots 17 and 18, concession,
13, McKillop, four miles southeast of
Walton, consisting of 1071/4 acres,
frame barn, foundation, cement floor;
large henhouse, two storey cement -
brick house. Clay loam, very product-
ive; plenty of water, five acres of
young bush, forty acres of fall plow-
ing, the rest in hay and grass, web
drained and fenced. Apply to Gordon
Holmes, Walton, R.R. 2.
130 acre farm 11/4 miles from Wal-
ton, For particulars write to 'Corporal
J. C. Eidt, Aliiford Bay, . B,C,; or.
David Herman, Sebringville, Ont.
Anyone wisbing Minerized Tonic
for cattle. hogs or poultry, see your
Watkins Dealer, Wm, Bradshaw, 54
George St., Seaforth. Phone 50.
Monument Works
Formerly W. E. Chapman
We invite inspection of our stock
of Cemetery Memorials
SATURDAYS, Or any other
time by 'appointment
See Dr. Harburn -Phone 105
Phone 41 -Exeter -Box 150
McConnell & Hays
- Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hay.
Telephone 174,
The Second Division, Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank .Build-
ing, Seaforth. Office hours: -
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
1.30 p,m. to 6 p.m. Saturday
evening, 7.30 p.m. to 9 p,m.
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.
President, Alex McEwing, alyth;.
Vice -President, W. R. 'Archibald, Sea
orth; Manager & Sec.-Treas., M. A.
Reid, Seaforth.
F. McKercher, R,R.1, Dublin; John
E. Pepper, R,R,1, Brucefleld; J. F.
Prueter, Brodhagen; James Watt,
Alex Broadfoot, Seaforth; William.
Knox, Londesboro; Chris Leonhardt,
Brodhagen; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton;
Thomas Moylan, Seaforth; 'W. R.
Archibald, Seaforth; Alex McEwing„
Blyth; Frank McGregor, Clinton;
Hugh Alexander, Walton.
Parties desirous to effect insurance
or transact other business, will be
promptly atended to by applications
to any of the above named officers
addressed to their respective post
Watson & Reid
(Successors to James Watson)
All kinds of Insurance risks effect-
ed at lowest rates in First -Class
Dr. E. A, McMaster. M.B., Graduate
,t University of Toronto,
Paul L. Brady, M.D., Graduate of
University of Toronto,
The Clinic is fully equipped with'
complete and 'modern x-ray and other
11p.to-date diagnostic and thereuptic' 'r^
Dr. F, J. R. Forster, Specialist in
Diseases of the Dar. Elye, Nose and
Throat, will be at the Clinic the. first
Tuesday In every month from 3 to
5 p,m.
Free well -baby clinic will be held
1n the second and last Thursday in
every month from 1 to 2 p.m.
Physician and Surgeon
la Dr. H. H. Roes' office. Phone 5
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Graduate in Medicine. University
of Toronto, Late Assistant New York
Ophthalmic • and Aural Institute.
Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square
throat hospitals, London, Eng. .At
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, . third
Wednesday in each month from 2 toy
4 p.m. Also at Seaforth Clinic first•
Tuesday in each montb.-53 Waterloo
Rt.. Stratford. Telephone 267,
Lite, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid-
ent, Windstorm & guarantee bonds.
Rates reasonable. All risks placed
in first class companies.
Information cheerfully given
Sun Life Assurance
Co. of Canada
Assures Security for ;;over
One Million Partners
District. Agent
(Desentiel War Industry) '