HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1943-03-25, Page 8KENSALL 'ME SEA -MATH NEWS another blood donor clinic, held at 7 pigs soon to be' ready for market, in Memoriam Seaforth. That means that there will SOW Canting in $oon, Yorkshire pigs, cat Iov%aag anewgrx of Mrs. eeor e Miss Margaret MaeLareu of 'Water- sgoia be a call fol• volunteers, To A quantity .of .early Alaska oats g Igo spent the week end with her par- avoid the crush and to make sure .suitable for seed.: Be11, who pa00ecl away one Year alga, ents, Mr. and .Mrs. R. Y. Maclaren, Helasall will do its share in this great Some other feed, I March 30th. Miss Mary Clark of Y'irittghant work arrangements have been made 1liipleuzeuts Mil. shoe chill, 13 !n our hearts your memory lip ers, apart the week end with her parents for the mento reg"star at Middle• I'Iul with grass seed attachment; ctrl- Sweetly tender fond.ancl true, Mr. and Mrs. Alf Clark, ten's drug store., We would be glad buster 8 feet, nearly new; Coehshutt 1 filer° is not a IlaY. goes by Mrs. • Lee Qeso11; and son of : St, to have ear' owners register there light draught manure slireade1;' MI5. I That the do not think of you. Catharines spent the week end with too so that plans for transportin hay loader with'new reinforced shaft;•T Ilusbaud, Daughters and Sairs. parents, Mr. and Mrs, donors can be made. Don't forget, side delivery meet John. Deere .:2 the (Mareut onose Card orf Thanks Alex Mansso,tu. Hien, to register' right away, Your Yrn•row 12 inch plow ,irearly new; one: ' Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn dehwalni of donation may save a lite. Next time, furrow sulky .plow wagonbox and' : The faauily of the late Mrs, S. Boyd Stratford visited on Sunday with Mr. the ladies will be given an: oppor- hay rack: drag with rubber tyres;' wish to express their sincere apprec- and Mfrs, 13ob McKenzie and Mrs. tunity to help in' this work of mercy, cutting feed box;' sleights and fiat', lotion and thanks for the ,ayntpatliy Sehwalan• We'll ]et you know more about that bottom;, and 0(1101 articles far Coo' and kindness shown thein during the Mr. William [.,511111100 of. London is soon. numerous to mention, recent bereavement oftheir mother, visiting at the bonne of Mr, and Mrs, Have you turned in your knitting Terms oasts, Also toe many letters and cards of Wm, Parke. yet? There will be a shipment going 3, E. Falconer, Prop. sympathy and for ears loaned: Mrs, Mr, Homer 7inney .of St. Cattier- out soon. 1larold Jackson: Auctr Elizabeth Williams, Mrs. II, J. Gibson,. 'Ines visited aver the week end with The dance sponsored by the young his father. Mr, Matt Tinney. business ladies of Hensel]. on Mon- Clearing WANTED Miss Ruth Mac11lvenna of, Thorn- day evening t+ as largely attended, Auction Sale Wanted to bay, e. piano in good bury visited over the week enol with music furnished by 'Ped Pudney'sinstrilctions front the condition. Apply at The News' Office, relatives and friends here, • orchestra of London, Keep the date .1 01 1i' arm Stock and implements, Pilot Officer Kenneth. Passmore open for the return of this welcome :]'roti W. Ahrens, Auctioneer, itis uncde' ceivecl r'e- LOST left on Monday fon Rockclitfe altez. Hand on April 8th. 'r- A brass horse bell lost between spending a few days with his parents • &Xiss Mildred Forrest, Reg.N. spent signed proprietor to sell by public Grievers Bridge and Robt: MacFari- lOr. and Mrs, John Passmore: the week -end with her parents Mr, auctionatLo/t 32, Con, 10, Township arse's, •Finder please notify "News, Of - Mr. Jack Tudor of the RCAF, at and Mrs, Wm. Forrest. of Logan; 114 utiles north of Broth 'lice, of Rev. Patton. Oeutralia, spent the week end here Mrs, Jean Cawthorpe was visited ?tagen, then 1/$ mile west, or 1 mile Tues - with his parents, Mn, and Mrs. Stan over the week end by her son, Jos- east 01 Mitchell's saw mill. On Tues= FARM FOR RENT Tudor. ephCawthorpe, who is training at , [lay, March 30th, Sale to Commence' 130 acre farm 174 miles from Wal - Mr. Jack Simmons has been Contin- Toronto. at 1 o'clock 'sharp. ton. Forparticulars write to Corporal Horses: 1 Clyde mate 13 years old; J. C. ed to his home for the past week with. AC2 Keith Buchanan of Arnprior27idt, Alliford Bay, BC.; or an attack of pneumonia, spent the week end at his home here. 1 Clyde gelding 12 years old; 1 gen- David Herman, Sebringville, Ont, Mrs, Gus Voth and daughter. Gwen, Contion rage Four eral purpose gelding 6 years old; 1 black colt rising 3 years old; FARM FOR SALE deity's of Detroit are spending a two 100 acres choice land, Lot 16, Con. weeks' holiday with the former's SEED OATS Cattle - 1 .Durham cow due April 4 McIfillop. Bank barn 60x40, drive mother Mrs, Lou Simpson and grand- Good, clean, heavy Erban seed oats 19; 1 Holstein cow due April 30; 1 stn_ shod 50x24, comfortable house, S for sale, 75` cents per bushel Bring Holstein cow due Sept.; 1 Holstein Spring our own sacks, J. E, Pollock, Bay- cow due 'in June; 1 Holstein cow pit. Five acres hard - mother Mrs. Robt. Bout ren.creek and gravel . A very enjoyable time was spent at Y wood bush, balance seeded down. the home of Mr, and Mrs: John field Road, 2 miles west of ,Varna. Fresh with calf by her side 2 months 'Price reasonable, Convenient to Mitchell on Saturday evening when • PUBLIC old; 2 steel's and 2 heifers rising 1 church, school, and store, Mrs. Chas. the members of the family gathered year old. Wright; Box 364, Seaforth. Phone 310., to celebrate Mrs, Mitchell's 72nd AUCTION SALE 1 Hogs - 2 Yorkshire sows due in birthday, A social time was enjoyed Of 20 Horses and Community Sale, June; 15 young pigs 8 weeks old. FOR SALE and refreshments were served. Those combined, to be Held at the Hicks Poultry - About 120 good Rocks, Hereford bull, ten months gand Sussex pullets. Good colony house old, attending were Mr, and Mrs. Melvin House barn, Mitchell, on 'Wednesday, 7 x 10. Apply to James Flynn, Phone 16 on Traquair, Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Mit- Mooch. 31st, at 1 p.m. 841, Seaforth central. chell and Patsy, Mr. and Mrs, Carl Anyone having a few more horses Implements - MR manure spread - Stoneman and Mr, and Mrs, Jarvis for sale call me by telephone, 634r6, er nearly new; MH, mower 5% ft. WANTED Horton and Mrs. Eilber of Zurich. Mitchell 4 good C1101ee Hereford bull cul'.; MH hay loader; MH. side rake; Young girl for housework, town. Mr. and Mrs, John Passmore, Mr. ready fol service also a set of double Apply to The News. Carl Passmore accompaniedby Mrs. Lorne Elder of Hamilton attended the ceremony at No. 5 SETS at Brant- ford on Thursday at which' the form- er's sou Kenneth, received his com- mission as pilot officer, Messrs. Al- bert and. Lloyd Passmore of Delhi also attended. Red Cross Hold Box Social The S.S. No. 10 Hay Branch of the Farrar, Seaforth, THURSDAY, MARCH 35, 1943 MH. dtmtp rake MIS. cultivator• MH. harness, seed chill 13 Igoe; 1 disc, 1 steel land Gordon Bach, Manager. roller; rFo•dson tractor; 3 furrow Fred W. Ahrens, Auctioneer, tractor plow; 2 walking plows; 1 set 3 sec, harrows; gang plow; single FOR SALE farrow riding plow; 2 truck wagons Milking Shorthorn Cows for sale, with wagon box; 4 wheel trailer; 1 We offer several young fresh cows set sleights, 2 hay racks with sliding with good 011111 records, all bred and melts; stock rook, 1 cutting box, fan - raised o1 our farm, Scott's Poultry ping mill, 33(1 horse gas engine, ex- tension ladder, 1 set scales 2000 lb. cap,; hey fork and ropes; set slings, HOUSEKEEPER WANTED pulper, cream separator, 1. top buggy, Housekeeper for one person. All heavy wire stretcher, 1 jack. modern conveniences. W. J. Humph- Qurintdty of 1 in. galvanized pipe, ries. Walton. Phone 8321-2, Seaforth,circular saw. 12 b. shingles. or 19-14 Brussels. Harness - 3 double sets harness. Collars, Collie dog, good healer. Auction Sale Feed - 500 bus. of mixed grain; Of Household Furniture. On Sat- 500 bus, Alaska oats; 50 bus. wheat. urday, March 27th, at 1,30 pan. One About 20 tens of good. hay. Q'uan mile east of Summerhill. tity of turnips, ' Terns cash. Gas drums, chop boxes, bags, forks, Mrs. Gerald Clayton, Prop. shovels, hoes, vise,.cedar posts, some Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. timber, quantity of lumber and plank. CLEARING Logging chains and a host of other articles too numerous mention, Auction Sale 1 No ,reserve as the Farm is sold and The school -room was most beautifully Of Farm Stock • and Implements, everything will ,be sold. Auctioneer's decorated for the occasion. The credit On Wednesday, March 31st, at 1 pan, decision final in case of all disputes. is due to Mrs. G. M. Drysdale, The On Bluewater Highway, six miles' Terms of ,sale, cash. opening hymn "Take Time to be south of Goderich. I Henry Rock, Proprietor.' Holy," was followed by the Lord's Fred Terms cash. Fred W. Ahrens, Auctioneer. prayer in unison. Mrs. Chas. Mc -1 Mrs. Robert Harmer, Prop. • Donell read the Scripture lesson.] Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. I Auction Sale "More Love to Thee" was sung, and CLEARING W. E. Nairn has been instructed Rev. R. A. Brook gave an inspiring • to sell by public auction on the pre - address, Misses Edna Walsh andAuction Sale mases, Lot 18, Con. 11, Hibbert Twp., Eleanor Cook favored with piano . Of Farm Stock and Implements. In one half mile west of Cromarty on solos, Rev. Brook led the commtmity Colborne Twp., three miles north of Tuesday, March 30th, at 1 o'clock singing with Mrs, Grace Harpole at Hoiniesville, on Tuesday, March 30th. Positively no reserve. The Proprie- the Estate of Agnes Dodds, 'late of the piano. Audrey Walsh sang a solo at 1 psis tor is quitting farming, having pur-I Town' of Seaforth, in the County. of PHONE 9 "Johnny Doughboy Found a. Rose in Terms cash. chased the mill 10 Varna. Everything Huron, Widow, deceased, who died FARM, FOR SALE BY T,ENDER, Ireland," accompanied by bliss Edna Lawrence Snider. Prop• will be sola to the highest bidder. of or about the. 5th day of March, -Walsh at the piano. Mrs, Maude Hed- Harold Jackson. Auctioneer. ; Tereus cash. 1943, are hereby notified, to send in Parcel f1. Lot .1'5, Con. 4, Township den and Mrs. George Hess favored John Aldington, Proprietor. to the undersigned on or before the of McKillop; 100 acres; on the• prem with two vocal duets entitled "When Auction Sale I W. F. Nairn, Auctioneer. 10th clay of April, 1943, full ,partion- ises are a bank barn 49x74, stone Irish Eyes are Suiilin'.' and "My Farm Stock and Implements, -]it's of their claims, loundatiou, cement flooring and a Wild Iriali Rose." l'Irs. Harpole ac- Mr.crmpanied at the piano. Mrs, Carrie r. Harold Jackson has been. in-: GRAVEL TENDER Immediately after the said last 11,b stor3 bricl: house. Parcel 2. 80 strutted to sell by public auction on ' mentioned date,. the assets of the. acres choice productive land, being Ballantyne moved a note of thanks Lot 14, Concession 3. Stanley Town_ The Township of McKillop said estate will be distributed among- parts o1 Lot 16 aud 17 on the 2riil to all taking part. The meeting closed ship, 11/4 miles west of Bruoefield, on l Tenders will be received by the st the parties entitled thereto, having Concession of McKillop; well feuc'eil by singing "Blest Be the Tie that Wednesday, April 7111. at 1 o'clock. 1Council of the Township in the regard only to claims of which the and well drained, with 'barn 40x56, binds," after which Mrs. Dow led h1 horses - Bay horse 8 years olcl,' Council Chambers at the hour of 3 undersigned shall then have notice, drilled well and windmill; 5 acres Prayer, Refreshments were served at grey mare 14 years old; bay mare,' o'clock of Monday, April 5th, 1943, to the exclusion of all other's, and bush, the property of the late James the close. The decorating committee aged, all single or double. I for crushing gravel and delivering the undersigned will not be liable to McCluskey. Terms, 20 per cent cash, was Mrs. G. M. Drysdale, program' Cattle - Red cow clue May 15th, same at any place on the roads. any person of whose claim the under- balance in 60 days; tenders will be Mrs. Geo. Hess, Mrs. W. B. Cross and black cow freshened one week, grey One inch round screen to be used signed shall not then have notice for opened on Tuesday, March 30th. Ad-. Mrs. Hedden, refreshments, Mrs. C. cow due May 17011, three 2 -year-old and all large stones except hard heads the -assets so distributed or any part dress tenders and enquiries to J. NI, Ballantyne and Mrs. 0 Cook. steers, 11 calves, red farrow cow,' to be crushed. Estimated amount to thereof. Eckert, KILO, Seaforth, or K. I. Me - The morning service at Cannel one fat heifer, two heifers rising two be 7000 to 10,000 cubic yards. Dated at Seaforth this 12th day of Lean, Seaforth. Church will be of special interest years 4 yearling steers 3 fall calves, I Work to begin July lst. Gravel to March,. 1943. Note -Half parcel, 2 subject , to. a next Sunday when a pulpit fall. and Implements - Massey -Harris bind- be taken from four sets. Work to be McCONNELL & HAYS, . lease in 1941. communion table runner will be ded- , en ft cut; Massey -Harris side fake,' done under the supervision of the Seaforth, Ontario NOTICE icated, These two additions to International loader, Deering dump Road Road Superintendent, Solicitors .for the. Executor church auditorium are the gifts of rake, Massey -Harris 6 ft, cut mower, Tenders to be by the cubic yard. Anyone wishing Minei'ized Tonic Donald Walker now resident' in Tor- Massey -Harris 11 hoe drill, roller, A certified., cheque o• bond for $399 Notice To Creditors for cattle. hogs or poultry, See your onto. They are both of rich maroon Massey -Harris cultivator, Oliver bean will be required of tate contractor In the Estate of David Leitch: Watkins Dealer, Wm. Bradshaw, 54 velvet on which has been worked in puller and cultivator, four -section whose tender is accepted, for guaran- All persons having claims ,against George St., Seaforth. Phone 50. tee of contract and only four -yard the Estate of David Leitch, late of trunks allowed. the Village of Egmondville, in the Tenders will be opened at the Car- County of Huron, Gentleman, de- negie Library Hall, Seaforth, at the ceased, who died on or about the 23rd above time and place and date. Low- day of February, 1943, are, hereby est or any tender not necessarily ac- notified to send in to the undersigned meted. on or before the 3rd day of April, WM. J. MANLEY, 1943, full particulars of their claims. Road Superintendent, Immediately after the said last Walton, R.R. 2. mentioned date, the assets of .the local Red Cross Society held a very successful euchre and box social on Friday evening when .14 tables of euchre were playing. The ladies' first prize was won by Miss Dorothy Dou- gall and the gent's first prize by Mr. Frank Lostell. Following the social, 'dancing was enjoyed. Music furnished by Mr. Wm. Hyde. The proceeds amounted to thirty dollars, Annual Birthday Party The annual birthday patty of the W. M. S. of the United Church. was held in the school -room of the church on Thursday et3 p.m, with the presi- dent, Mrs, R. A. Brook in the chair. FOR SALE Seven York pigs ready to wean. Apply to Harold Penbale, Bayfield. Phone 12, on 73, Hensall. Notice To Creditors In the Estate cf George Seip. IaUY WAR SAVING $TAMPS TO - DAY is Sale Odex Soap Tender Leas: Tea, pkge ..:...34e, 4 Oakes; 19C Red Rose Orange Pekoe ' CatnaY 3005, 8 Oakes 20e Tea, 1/4 lb 45c Lux Toilet Soap - Daly Grange Japan Tea 3 cakes • 20e 'A ib. pkge 0 33C: Cashmere Bouquet Soap • $ cakes ' 20c Red hose Coffee Super Suds •-• pound tin 51e Giant Size pkge, ...... ..,49c Maxwell House Coffee -- Fairbanks Carbolic Soap lb. pkge, 510 6 cakes 25c Nabob Coffee, .lb pkge. 4$e joy Soap, 10 cakes 29c Blue Ribbon, 2 lb, pkge. 38o Colgates .Foy, Toilet Soap (3 cakes 25c Neilson'a aecoa, one lb, 29c Carnation Milk, 3 tins only 380 W. J. FINNIGAN • Auction Sale Of Earns Stock, Etc. Mr• Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, has been in- structed to sell by public auction at Lot 31, Con, 3, Tnckersmith, 114 miles east of Brimfield on Mill Rd., on Fri- day, March 26111, at 1 p.ni. Horses 1 Clyde mare rising 7 years old;: 1 Clyde team, mares, 10 years old; 1 Clyde horse rising 6 years old. Cattle - 1 Holstein cow, due Apr. 19; 1 white cow due July 15; 1 Dur- ham cow due May 1st; 1 Durham cow due July' 20th; 1 Durham cow, fresh; 3 Durham heifers due In April; 3 Durham heifers rising 2 years; 4 Durham steers rising. 2 years old; 4 Durham steers rising 1 year old; 1 Durham heifer calf. Pigs - 7 chunks 90 lbs.; 1 sow with 11 pigs 3 weeks old. Harness - 1 breeching set of har- ness; 1 plow set of harness; several good horse collars and other articles, Grain - 200 bus. of Alaska oats suitable for seed; 50 bus, 0,A.C. 21 barley. Terms oasis Wilson Armstrong, Prop, , Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. FOR SALE A quantity of seed oats, Cutlet' variety. Miller Adams,' phone 3'45'r 22, -Seaforth. All persons having claims against FOR SALE 1 Durham bull 13 months of age, the Estate of George Seip, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County for sale. Apply to Roy Connell, Sea - of Huron, Retired Harness Maker, forth, R.R.4, Phone 664x22. deceased, who died on or about the TO RENT 14th clay of March, 1943, are hereby 1 3 o1 4 comfortable rooms on Main notified to send in to the undersigned street, Egmondville. 5 minutes walk on or before the 17th day of April, to church, school or store. Plenty of. 1943, full particulars of their claims, hard and soft water. All' in good re Immediately after the said last pair. Apply at the house, or address mentioned date, the assets of the said Box 51, Seaforth. Mrs. A, Gordon. estate will be distributed amongst, Telephone 6'65 r 6: ' ' • the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the FOR SALE undersigned shall then have notice, I Roan Durham ball, 18 mouths old1 to the exclusion of all others, and the Murray Grainger, Varna. Phone 630 undersigned will not be Liable to any r 3, Clinton central. personof whose claim the undersign ed shall not then have notice for the Seaforth Farmers assets so distributed or any part thereof, Co-Operaifve Dated at Seaforth this 22nd day of March, 1943. • ' HAS IN STOCK MCCONNELL & HAYS,. Seaforth, Ont. A Car of Screenings Solicitors for the Executors' SX B. C. Shingles Co -Op Fertilizer Notice To Creditors Shur -Gain Fertilizer In the Estate of Agnes Dodds, Western Grain All persons- having claims. against Co -Op and Shur -Gain FeedsElectric Fencers suitable colors appropriate clecora- Barrows, wagon with two set of tions. On the pulpit fall there is the wheels and sliding flat rack, Fleury burning bush, the symbol of Presby- walking plow, Cockshutt riding plow, terianism the world over, and on the International riding plow, steel tired communion table runner there is at buggy,' pig crate, gang plow, set each end a St. Andrew's Cross em- double back -hand harness, set sleighs, blematic of the birthplace of Presby- gravel box, cutter, fanning mill. terian institutions. The minister of Terms cash. • Carmel Church will receive and ded- Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. icate these lovely gifts on behalf of Arthur McQueen, Proprietor. the congregation and will preach a sermon in keeping with the occasion.( Auction Sale Red Cross Notes- I Of Purebred Stallions, Farm Stock Next Thursday is April lst-April and Implements. Harold Jackson, fool's day. But we are not fooling Auctioneer, has been instructed to when we say that there will be a sell by public auction in Hibbert Tp., good concert in Hensall town hall 1111 miles south of Dublin and 114 that night. The concert party of themiles west, on Tuesday, April 6th, at radio school at Clinton is coming 1 o'clock sharp. down that night. The choir the or- Horses - Two Stallions, Imported. chestra and all the other talent they One is "The Brave Scott," rising 6 have, to put on a real live show for year's old, the famous "Craigia Wino - the benefit of the Red Cross. They lot," color Black, 4 white legs, whits won't be fooling either for their. face• An exceptionally well bred show has been going over in a big horse and a'good steer and sure foal way on Several occasions already. getter. Was examined last fall, ]las a And we are not fooling when we say premium for the years 1943, 44, 45. We are counting on you being there The next 15 "Woodrow," by Craig's to enjoy yourself and to help the Airman, color brown, both hind legs Rod Cross help others. white, white spot on near front knee, ,rust what the final returns for the 0 Years 01(1 acrd Imported. A good do - Red Cross canvass in Hensall are we ing horse and sure foal getter. These cannot say yet but we are sure that are both reliable horses, you folks have gone over the torp '1'wo geldings, one rising 0 years again, We'll let you know next week and one rising 3 years, They are both just how weii we have done, But out of registered mares. Blue roan there may be some folk who have not "Loohinver" mare in foal, had a chance to make a donation. Cattle - One Shorthorn heifer We don't want to miss them and we coming 3 years old, due to calf in "`know they don't want to miss this June; one Shorthorn heifer coming 2 chalice of helping others. kindly years in calf; one 2 year old Hereford leave your donations at the Bank of heifer with calf at foot and in calf Montreal or at Middleton's drug again; 3 cows milking; 1 young feed - store. Mg steer. 5 young cattle; One Angus Word was received last week that hall 2 years old, in June, in the very near future there will be 50 chickens, TENDERS WANTED TOWNSHIP OF HIBBERT Tenders will be received up to Saturday, April 3rd, 1943, at three o'clock P.M. for cleaning out, deepen- ing and improving the McGrath Drain under the Municipal Drainage Act and as of the Engineer's Report. The Engineer's estimated yardage is 9,900 cubic yards. Plan and. Profile may be seen at the Clerk's Office. The lowest or any tender not nece- ssarily accepted and a marked cheque of ten per cent of the contract price intuit accompany each tender. THOS. D. WREN, Clerk of the 7Th. of Ribbert, (ENDERS WANTED Township of Hibbert Tenders' will be received up to three o'clock P.M. Saturday, April 3rd, 1943, at our regular council mee- ting in the Township Hall, Staffa, for six thousand cubic yards of crushed gravel delivered en tate Township roads. Three quarter inch crush, flat rate. TOwuship pays for the gravel. A Marked cheque 101' two hundred dollars is required, The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. THOS, D. WREN, Clerk of the Twp, of Hibbei't, FARMS FOR SALE (1) 100 acres in Tuckersmith, on Highway No. 8, lot 29, Huron road, frame barn on cement foundation, frame house. Very productive soil, plenty of water. (2) 50 acres in Mul- lett, north half of lot 5, Con. 2. Frame barn on ston.e foundation, frame house, 3 wells, choice farm. Apply: said estate will be distributed among -.Wm. Livingston, or Jas, F. Scott, st the parties entitled thereto, having) R. R, Seaforth. 2, regard only to daimon of which the undersigned shall thn have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable .to any person of whose claim the under- signed shall not then have notioe for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. Dated at Seaforth this 9th day of March, 1943, McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors, Spence's Produce s GOVERNMENT REGISTERED EGG GRADING STATION Highest Cash Pricespaid for Eggs and Poultry Phone 170-W, Seaforth SWEET CAPORAL: "IRE PUREST FORM IN WHICH TOBACCO CAN BE SMOKED." Seaforth Monument Works Formerly W. E. Chapman NOW OPERATED BY CUNNINGHAM & PRYDE We invite inspection of our stock of Cemetery Memorials SEAFORTH - TUESDAYS' AND SATURDAYS, or any other time by appointment See Dr. Harbtu'n-•Phone 105 Phone 41 -Exeter -Box. 150 McConnell & Hays Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. r'atrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build - Ing, Seaforth. Office hours: - Tuesday, Thursday' and Saturday 1.30 p.m. to 5 pm. Saturday evening, 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE-SEAFORTH, Ont. • OFFICERS President, Alex MoEwing, Blyth; Vice -President, W. R. Archibald, Seas forth; Manager & Sec:-Treas., M. A. Reid, Seaforth: AGENTS F. McKercher, R.R.1, Dublin; John E. Pepper, R.R.1, Bruoefield; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen; James Watt, Blyth. DIRECTORS Alex Broadfoot, Seaforth; William Knox, Londesboro; Chris Leonhardt, Brodhagen; E.7. Trewartha, Clinton;. Thomas Moylan, Seaforth;, W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Alex McEwing, Blyth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; Hugh Alexander, Walton. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly atended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. Watson & Reid • REAL ESTATE. AND INSURANCE AGENCY (Successors to James Watson) MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Claes Companies. SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr. E, A. McMaster, M:B,,. Graduati 'f University of Toronto. Paul L. Brady; M,D„ Graduate of University of Toronto. The Clinic Is fully equipped 'witb complete and modern x-ray and other sass up-to-date diagnostic and 'thereuptii, Its equipment - 44 Dr, F. J..11. Forster, Specialist In Diseases of •the Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat, will be at 'the Clinic the first Tuesday; in every month from '3 to 5 p.m. Free well -baby clinic° will be held nn the second and last Thursday it -.very month from 1 to 2 p.m, JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon In Dr. H. H. Ross' office. Phone 6J DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Bar, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto. Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic and Aural. Institute. Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square throat .hospitals, London, Eng. At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 p.m, Also at Seaforth Clinic first Tuesday in each montb.-53 Waterloo St.. Stratford. Telephone 267. INSURANCE Lite, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid- ent, Windstorm & guarantee bonds. Rates reasonable. All risks placed in first class companies. Information cheerfully given E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIES Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Assures Security ' for over One Million .Partners H. R. LONG, GODERICH bistrict Agent DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY PHONE COLLECT - SEAFORTH 15. EXETER 236 DARLING & CO. OF CANADA, LTD. (Essential War Industry)