HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1943-03-25, Page 5'THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1943 TEE EAFQRTB NEWS' • Thursday, March 25, till Mar. 31 A few of our many Good Values, you will find in our Stores P. & G. SOAP 4 bars HILLCREST PURE LARD 1 ib. Carton ; VAN CAMP'S PRE-COOKED BEANS -- 12 12 oz. pkg. CHOICE QUALITY PUMPKIN — 2 -. 28 oz. Tins ROYAL YORK CHEESE -- %2 Ib. pkg. MUFFETS ' 2 pkgs. MACARONI, REDICUT In Bulk — 5 lbs, 19c 17c 15c 26c 22c 19c 25c Aylmer Vegetable Juices, Contains Celery, Tomato, Carrot, and Beet Juice, 20 oz. tin 18c Roman. Meal per pkg. 29c Fluid Oxo 5% oz, bottle 450 Catelli's Macaroni or Spaghetti 16 oz. pkg. 110 Aylmer Apple juice, 13 oz. Bottle -15o 32 oz. Bottle 29e. Aunt Jemima Pancake ,Flour Per picg, 170 Noce (Coffee substitute) 1 1b. pkg. 25c Lipton's Noodle Soup Mix 2 pkg, 250 Van Camp's Choice Peas large 20 oz. tin 14c Kellogg's Rice Krispies 2 pkgs. 250 Hillcrest Toilet Tissue 3 large rolls 25c Libby's Prepared Mustard 6 oz., jar 100 Laing's C. C. Sauce 8 oz, jar 19c Savoy Gravy Browning per tin 10c Popping Corn per lb. 150 MCLarett'e Cream -O -Custard, 4 oz. pkg; 2 pkgs. 150. . Butterscotch, Chocolate or Vanilla Aylmer Infant's Foods 3 tins 25c Large pkg. 150 3s lb. tits 190 2 pkgs. 350 Grape Nuts Flakes, Regular pkg.-10e; Baker's Cocoa Kraft Dinner Lettuce, Radish, Celery, Tomatoes, Cabbage, Carrots, Turnips, Apples, Oranges, Grapefruit, Lemons, etc. Buy War Savings Stamps regularly at our Stores Ross Sproat Art Wdght PHONE 8 PHONE 77 HILLSGREEN Mr. Jack Smith,. eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Smith, has signed up with the RCAF and has left for Edmonton, Alberta, Mrs. Ross Love spent a day in London. Mrs. Harold Reichert visited with her mother, Mrs, Walper of Grand Bend. Mrs. Win. McLachlan entertained quite a number from this district to a quilting on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Clifford Weido of St. Cathar- ines spent Sunday under the paren- tal roof. Miss Elda Reichert has returned to, her position after being ill with the flu, TUCKERSMITH Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burrows of Stratford spent a few days last week with Mr. and, Mrs, Alex Simpson. Mr. Casey Way is improving after being confined to his bed with flu. Mr, and Mrs. Reg Allin of Toronto spent last week end with Mr. and Mrs,. Andrew Houston, We are sorry to hear Mr. Alex ' Simpson is confined to his bed. DUBLIN Barker-Moore— The marriage took place at St. Tho- mas' Church rectory, Seaforth, on Weil., Mar. 24th, of Ila May, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Moore, Dublin R.R, 2, to Mr. Lloyd ,fames Barker, son of Mr, and Mrs. Brian Barker, of Mitchell R.R: 4. Rev. Dr, Hurford of- fieiated. They were attended by Mr. Lawrence F. Barker, the groom's bro- ther, and Mrs. Barker, Following the ceremony a wedding dinner was serv- ed at the home of the bride's parents in Hibbert. • CROMARTY Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Robertson and .family, Listowel, with Mrs. Rob- ertson and John Robertson, Charlie Godbolt, Exeter, with John McCulloch, Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Laing enter- tained their neighbors and friends to a progressive euchre party. Eight tables were played. The proceeds will be used to buy material to be made up for relief of the Russians. Miss Irene Kemp with Mrs. Houghton and family, Gunner Mac McKellar is ill, must have its richness REPLENISHED ADEQUATE treatment of the soil with the proper fertilizer will increase the yield from your farm and add to your profits. Suct-essful farmers know the value of modern scientific fertilization but if you are skimping your soil for lack of the means to buy a good fertilizer, take the logical step ---see the nearest Branch Mana- ger of this Bank. He will be glad to discuss a loan that will enable you to improve the productiveness of your farm. THE DOMINION BANK ESTABLISHED 1871 SEAFORTH BRANCH E. C. Boswell - Manager TOWN TOPICS Sergeant Ross. Alien, RCAF, Osh- awe, is spending two weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Alien. Lieutenant M. C. Milliken, Camp Borden, spent the week end with Mrs. Milliken and family; Miss Hilda Ken- nedy,: of London, with her mother,. Mrs, R. Kennedy; Aircraftman Harry. Earle, RCAF, St. Themes, et the home of his parents, Mi'. and Mrs..John Earle; Mrs. Joseph Dill, of Dublin, with her Parente, Mr, and Mrs. Reu- ben Frost; Mrs, Charles McDonald and daughter, Mary, of Clandeboye, with friends here; Ait'eraftman Rich- ard Box, RCAF, Hamilton, with lits parents, Mr. and Mrs. E, L. Box; Aircraftman John Hotham, RCAF, Guelph; with Mr, and Mrs. John Hotham: Mr, Alexander McKenzie of Orillia, was' a week end guest at the Moine of hie mother, Mrs, D. McKenzie; LAC Robert. Devereaux, RCAF, Kingston, With his parents, Mr, and Mrs, John Devereaux;Aircraftman Thomas Wilbee, RCAF, St, Thomas, with'ltis mother, Mrs, H, Wilbee; Airwoman Vera Hudson, Fingal, with Mr. and Mrs. Scott Habkirk; LAC Carmen ettowcliffe, Sky Harbour, Goderich, at his home Here, Mrs. Thomas Phillips is in New York this week owing to the death of her mother. Flight Lieutenant J. A. Munn, of Ottawa, is spending a. few days with Mrs. Munni and family. Miss Elizabeth Lane, of Stratford, was a week end visitor at the home of her father, Mr. T, Lane; LAC M, Kelly, RAF, Clinton, at his home AC George Daly, RCAF, Aylmer, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, John V. Daly; Flight Lieutenant Ian Mac- Tavleh, RCAF, Camp Borden, and Aircraftman Oban MacTavislc, RCAF, Victoriaville, at the home of Mr, and Mrs. John MacTavish; Mrs. D. Krauel, of Brantford, with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Dale; Cor- poral Thomas Sills, RCAF, Camp Borden, with Mr. and Mrs. F. S, Sills; .Miss Teresa Eckert, Stratford, with bar parents.. Mr. and Mrs, 3, M. Eckert; Mr. G. MacDonald, Strat- ford, with Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Mc- Fadden; LAC John Fortune, RCAF, Camp Borden, with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Leo D. Fortune, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wright have leased the apartment which was re - cantly vacated by Miss M. 3. Pull- man. Miss Jean' Smale, of Toronto, is employed in the office of the Hesky Flax Company owing to the absence of Mr. Harvey Beatty, who severely injured his back wheu he accidentally fell from a ladder ou Sunday. Private and Mrs, Harold Ross are spending a few days with relatives in Stratford. Sergeant Harold Free, RCAF, of Guelph, spent the week end with his parents, M1•, and Mrs. W, Free; Pri- vate Charles Dickson of London. with friends here; Mr, and Mrs, J. C. Bell and family, of St. Marys, with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs .1 P. Bell; Mr. and Mrs, Orville Lem - mon, of London, Mr, Wilfred Lem - mon, Woodstock. aucl Private Cecil. Lenunon, of Vanconver, with Mr, and Mrs. D. Lemnton; Mr. Arnold West- cotl. of Toronto, with Mrs. Westcott and family; Miss Gladys McMane, of 1 Blyth, with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. R. McMane. LAC John Baynes, RCAF, St. Thomas, who spent a few days at the home of his parents, Mr. and I Mrs: C, Baynes, leaves on Thursday for. Saskatchewan. Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Christopher, . and Miss Barbara, of London, were week end guests of Mr, and Mrs. C. W, Ironside. Lauce Corporal John Fla.nnety, who spent, the past two' weeks with relatives here, returned, on Monday to Camp Ippe'wash. Mr. Thomas L. Gillespie, of Tor- onto, spent the week end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, Neil Gillespie. Miss Margaret Cooper of Toronto is visiting with her aunt and uncle,' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Upshall, Miss Helen UPshall of St. 1VIarys spent the week end at her hone here. Miss Lena Graham has returned to her home on Goderich street west, after being in Scott Memorial Hospi- tal for a couple of days, having brok- en her arm on Saturday afternoon by a fall on the ice hear the corner of I Main and Goderich streets. ST. COLUMBAN Vincent Eckert, Toronto, Seines Eckert, Providence, Rhode Island, and Sister Stephen Joseph, of New . York, here for the funeral of their father, the late Peter Eckert. Thomas Melady, Dunnville, with his father, Frank Melady, Pte. Clarence Malone, Mrs. Mal- one and son, Michael, with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Lane and Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Kale in Lon- don. Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Moylan and Denise, Waterloo, with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Moylan. Mr. and Mrs, Joseph O'Reilly, of Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Melady. Another quilt for the Red Cross Society was made at the home of Mrs. Joseph McQuaid. KIPPEN Her friends -.are delighted that Mrs. W. W. Cooper has made such good progress that she is being brought home from the hospital this week. Mr, and Mrs. W. Alexander and family visited in Londesboro over the week end. Rev. Mr, Grant was called to Wrox- eter last week to assist at the fune- ral service'of Mrs. John Adams, Rev, Mr. Chandler and family were. visiting in the village last Week. The service next Sunday will •be conducted by the Rev, Mr, Grant, who has announced he will discuss "A Disciple's Prejudico." Want and ilor Sale Ms, 1 week 25c. IF POSSIBLE AVOID TRAVEL OVER WEEK -ENDS AND HOLIDAYS YOU HEAR IT at all hours :: that long -drawn cry of the loco- motive whistle: It's the war whoop of the railways: It may be a troop train speeding to keep a date with a convoy ::: it may be a long freight loaded with tanks, guns and other materials of war, many of them built by the railways themselves : ; : it may be another week's supply of raw materials to keep a war plant in production, or food, fuel and other essentials for the home front. It is the proud war whoop of Canada's greatest war industry— the railways, which are serving the nation as effectively in war as in peace. Only the railways can furnish mass transportation oa such a scale. Your railways were ready ready in war, so that Canada could strike with all her might. They will be ready in peace again to serve a greater Canada s : s rolling ever forward on 'high- -ways of steel. CANADIAN RAILWAY FREIGHT RATES ARE THE LOWEST IN THE WORLD CANADIAN NATIONAL CANADIAN PACIFIC after,..[JCB Zgu GKi rays arece6 Ate' ,19110.11.111. BAYFIELD Mrs, Baker of Saskatchewan is visiting her grandmother, 3Irs. W. Stinson. Her husband is attending the radio school at Clinton. Mr, Gordon Heard of Hamilton spent the week end with his parents, 141r. and Mrs. Emerson Heard. Miss Elsie McLeod of Hamilton spent the week enol at her home. Mr. and Miss Gillnight of Toron- to and Pte. Keith Gemeinhardt of Camp Borden spent the week end with Mrs, Gemeinhardt, Mrs. John Sturgeon and babe re- turned Saturday from a two weeks' visit in Toronto. The St. Patrick's dance held on Wednesday evening of last week by L.O.L. No. 24 had a large attendance and $52.00 was realized for war, work. Mrs, John Toms Sr, arrived home last week from Port Dover after vis- iting friends for three months. Mr. and Mis. Win. Ferguson, hav- ing spent this past three months With their two sons and families at Sudbury; returned home on Monday. Mrs.. Harold King of Sarnia is vis- iting her mother, Mrs. Chas. Parker. Miss Ida Reid of Detroit is visiting her sister Mary at present. The many friends of John McDon- ald, who is ill, would be pleased to hear of his recovery soon, Mrs. 3. A. Ferguson has sold her cottage on Ann street to Mrs. John McClure of the Blue Water north who will take possession this spring. The annual meeting of the Bay- field cemetery company was held in the town hall onThursday° March 18th. The following officers and dir- ectors were appointed; Pres., E. A, Westlake; vice president, J, J, Rich- ardson; sec.-treas., At E. Erwin; dir- ectors, Chas. B, IDiddleton, D. H. McNaughton, Robt. Scotchmer; Robt S. Reid, Wm. Scotchmei• and Alfred Hudie;,sexton, Robt, Orr; auditors, Leslie Elliott and E. A. Westlake. VARNA Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McAllister and family of Hillsgreen called Sunday on Me. and Mrs. D. Anderson add daughter Pearl. Mr. W. Fee and sister Mary werd Sunday guests at the home of Mrs,. M. G. Beatty Ad Miss Mossop. Mr. and Mrs. W. Dowson of Bay- field visited with Mrs. Hart Tuesday. Mrs. Gertie Reid has a'eturned af- ter spending some time with friends in Flint, Windsor and Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Webster and. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Dowson and Lloyd Johnston spent last week end with Mr, and Mrs. Percy Johnston and family at Wellington. We are pleased to report Mr. Mc- Cartney has recovered from his re- cent illness and is able to continue his, work in the chopping mill. Mr, and Mrs. D. J. Stephenson, who have been residents of the vill- age the past few years, 'have moved back to their farm. Mr, and Mrs. Stephenson will be very much missed Sunday' visitors at the home of Mr ice Merchants Attention! An important meeting devoted to the interests •of all Clinton and district retail merchants will be held in the Tort -n Hall, Clinton, Tuesday, March 30th, at 8 o'clock. Speaker — Robert Syer, Management Service 'Divi- sion, Wartime Prices and Trade Board, Toronto. "A WARTIME PLAN FOR RETAILERS" Also open discussion of retailers' problems, individual, local ancl national. Mr. ,E er will answer your questions. and Mrs. )v, Chutes: Mr. and Mrs. T. Chute r and family, .lir. and Mrs. Walker and litt e child. Mr. and Mrs. Carter and Mix. J. Poongras, all of London. At the time of writing we are sorry to repast ?Ir. George Clark 1, not as well no his many friend, would like. Note Varna Red Cross are asking for blood donors. Anyone interested please send their name to Mrs. Geo. Johnston, Varna, Mr. and Mrs. Billy Austin and kiddies of Seaforth spent Sunday with the formen•'s mother, Mrs. Aus- tin and family. STANLEY Miss Anna Sootchnter has returned hone afte 1' spending a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. James Black, The Bronson Line Red Cross held a meeting at the home of Mrs, Rus- sell Heard on March 18th. The next meeting will be on March 31st at the home of Mrs. Archie Armstrong. Mrs: Keith Westlake of the Bron- son line spent Sunday night and Monday with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, F, ,THaberer near Zurich, • BRUCEFIELD Mr, Jas, Burdge of London spent the week end at leis home here, Mr, and Mrs. Jas, Hill, Stratford, visited Mr. and Mrs. 3, K. Cornish. Mr, and Mrs, H, Beri'y and Gene- vieve Smith Spent Sunday With Mrs. A, Smith, of Bluevale. Mr, and Mrs, Frank Strange of To- ronto spent the week end wins Mr, and Mrs, G. Swan, Me.. and Mrs. C, Halstead and 0011 of Stratford visited Mr. and Mrs. '1', 14, Wheeler on Stmday, Miss Barbara. Graham of Clinton mit iltu week end at her home in rtanley, SH. •ani Mrs, C. Clifton of Clinton, formerly of the London Rd., were sur- mised rec'ntly when their old neigh - bete gnihered for a social evening .title thein and presented then with gift. Mrs. F. Boyce and little son have r,'tr.rilee home from the hospital. The Red Cross Society are holding aliawer and supper in the church basement on Friday, April 2nd. Be sure and enne our and attend this very worthy cause. Brucefielcd Branch of the Red Cross Society went over its objective of rotttti as this week returns to date total $711. and are from the canvass- ing districts. as follows: 2nd of Stan- ley. N. Baird's corner, Victor Taylor, $59; W. Moffat, $54. 2nd Stanley south. to Bayfield Rd., T. Baird, $67. 2nd Stanley south of Bayfield Rd., M, Gibson and F, Rathwell $103.50. London Rd. South, E. Thompson and J. Horton, $100.50. London Rd, North, A, Mustard, $47. 2nd of Tuckersmitk and Mill Road, Jas, Souter and W. D. Wilson; $53, 2nd of Tuckersmith north, and Mill Rd. to village, W, Haugh and N. Walker, $39, village, A. Mustard, J. Cornish, $50; T. Wheeler, J, Grainger, $33; A, Pater- son, G. Elhott, $33.60; 3, .MCOully, 'r McIntosh, $66; Y.P,ti1r,. of United Church, $5. Total $711, BORN RHEA — At Scott Memorial Hospttai on Monday, March 22, 1943, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shea, Dublin. a son. STOREY --- At Scott Memorial Hose pltal on Saturday, March 20. 1943, to Mr. and Mrs, Morley Storey, Brueefeld, a daughter.