HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1943-02-18, Page 7THUBSl AY,•f^1Ci3RUARY 18, 1943 THE SIAFORTH NNWS TAKE STOCK OF YOURSELF 1 It ie always a good plan, at this' time of the year, to give yourself' a "once ,voei'," to find find what prog- ress you've .made from the view of beautifying yourself, and also, what additional steps you must take to lin- prove yonl' looks and appearance. How's your hair? Is it lustrous and soft - or is it dull and faded? To re- store its lustre, give it a good Bair tonic now and then, and shampoo fre- quently. Halo shampoo is simple and 'delightful to use and it will quickly ,cleanse the hair of grease and dust and leave it lustrous and attractive, It suits any type of hair, too, Next look at your skin, It should be clear and smooth, and of course free from wrinkles, Oli, I ltnow it `sounds easier than it is, but you must try aiid maintain a youthful complex- ion, Are you using the three -purpose cream I've been telling you about? It will help you to keep your skin smooth and fresh -looking. And if you will always wash with gentle Palm- olive soap, you'll find it such an aid to beauty. If you've wrinkles (look closely around your eyes, mouth and chin for these worrisome lines), resolve to get rid of them. Massage with three - purpose cream each night and leave a little on over -night. AUCTIONEER F. W. AHRENS, Licensed Amami eer for Perth and Huron Conniee,' Farm Stock, chattels end real wink 1110. Sales Solicited. Terms nn Applicatlur property, R. R. No. 4, 'Wrench Phone 634'r 6. Apply ar this nicer, HAROLD JACKSON Licensed in -Huron and Perth coun- ties. Prices reasonable; satisfaction guaranteed. For information, write or phone Harold Jackson, phone l4 on 661; R.R. 4, Seaforth. A further article will eantiliile tide beauty Stoektalting, 111 the meantime, write nue alotlt your perso1111 j,)t+ob' lens, enclosing fear one7co11t stamps for nay interesting booklet -o11 beauty Care. Address: Miss Barbara 1.ywi, %lox 75, Station 13„ Nioatret[l, Que, • Watching Armored Division In Realistic Manoeuvers By C. Y. Charters One of the most realistic man0eu- Yerswhich were were privileged to winless overseas was "laid on" by the Armored t)ivisfon, aonuttattcled by Major General E. W. Sansom;, D.S,O, It was the largest battle exercise by one armoured brigade yet staged. The afternoon was clear ancl. cool. The setting 8.871 was perfect for this operation which extended over sev- eral miles. We were situated on a commanding elevation and equipped With field glasses. Junior officers act- ed as our guides, and hosts, and kept us informed on the technical aspects. of the operation. Your correspondent was the particular charge of Lieut. Laird Bovaird, of London, formerly of Peel County, just recently named as Aide -de -Camp to General Mc- Naughton. Training is Hazardous Such training as we were witness - Mg is carried out under hazardous conditions. German .reconnaissance and daylight bombers take great de- light ]i1 trying to detect and, where possible, interrup routine training of this kind by bombs and machine gun fire. Everything possible was there- fore done to conceal troops and equipment, and some clever eamou- liege was used. Spotters and' Gun Production On this particular afternoon, just AS operations were about to begin. we were advised that enemy bombers had been sighted not many miles dis- tant. At the same time, we were told what to do if "he did come over," and assured that one of the hest "kite spotters" in the service, equipped with strong binoculars, was looking after our welfare. We were comforted to learn also that the entire area was ringed by our own ack-ack guns.. Tlie enemy did not molest us the show went on e8 planned - and we were impressed and thrilled by }t. • The World's News Seen Through THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR An International Daily Newspaper is Truthful -Constructive -Unbiased -Free from Sensational- ism - Editor]ais Are Timely and Instructive and Its Daily Features, Together with the Weekly Magazine Section, Male the Monitor an Ideal Newspaper for the Home. The Christian Science Publishing Society Ons; Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts Price $12.00 Yearly, or $1.00 a Month. Saturday Issue, including Magazine Section, $2.60 a Year. Introductory Offer, 6 Saturday Issues 25 Cents Name Address tY SAMPLE COPY ON REQUEST 1.-- 'Duplicate Monthly. a!i 4Ft. can save you money on Bill ant Charge Forms, standard sizes to lit Ledgers, white or colors. It will pay you to see our samples. Also beat quality Metal Winged Seo tional Post Binders and Index The Seafotth News PHONE 84 Chief function of 'an Armoured P1- vislor2 is to aria'. through enemy de- fences, penetrating i11it1 consolidating ground by 11i0a115 of tanks, armored cans and 112020rized infantry. in a classic attack, it would follow the heavy Wilts, of lin Army Tank Brigade in the initial break -through, hien rapidly h14121ate and pave the way for fast-moving infantry. Such a Division has its own SUP - port group of artillery and motorized infantry. It is self-contained., but not intended for statin warfare or ground consolidation other than holding areas until regltlar infantry forma - Mons arrive. he armored fighting 181110180 or an armored division are exceptionally powerful and some can reach speeds in excess of 60 'miles per ]tour. One of the chief functions of a Motor Battalion is to and and destroy enemy tanks, Equally important is the job of occupation of strong - points gained by the armored ad- vance and held until relief from regu- lar infatin'y arrives, A Make -Believe Attack Assntntng,fictitiously that the Ger- mans had made n raid on the coast, one armored group has been warned that it may be required at any time, Boy Scout Week February 21 to 27 Proclaimed by Earl of Athlone, Can- ada's Chief Scout The Chief Scout for Canada, His Excellency the Governor-General, has proclamied the week of February 21- 27 as the annual Boy Scout Week throughout Canada. During this week Canada's Boy Scouts and Wolf Cubs will be displaying their movement to the public. The Earl of Athlone The week will be featured by spec- ial national broadcasts, father and son gatherings, open Scout and Cub meetings, displays, rallies and other gatherings designed to give the pub- lic ,a picture of what the world's largest boys' movement seeks to do fortheboys of Canada. On' Sunday, February 21, Scouts and Cubs will join in special services in the churches to commemorate the late Lord Baden-Powell. Lord Baden Powell's birthday was February 22 - by notable coincidence the birthday also of Lady Baden-Powell, Chief Girl Guide. On Tuesday, February 23rd, from 7.15 to 7.30 p.ni., the people of Can- ada will have an opportunity to hear the yoioe of Lord Somers, Lord Baden-Powell's successor as Chief, Scout of the British Empire, who will broadcast a message to Canadian Scouts from Imperial Headquarters, London. it will tie the first time that the Chief Scout of the Empire ]las addressed a special message to Can- ada's Boy Scouts. Canada's overseas strength is now Increased by a new contingent of the Royal Canadian Air Force Women's Division whose arrival in Britain has just been announced. Some of the girls will serve at Overseas Headquarters, some at the headquarters of the new RCAF bomber group, and others will take up duties at various RCAF stations. Just before they embarked for the Atlantic crossing a photographer visited the girls and found them busy packing duffel bags and getting acquainted with respirators, steel helmets and other overseas gear, PL 14641, one of the corporals in charge of the draft, was Eleanor R. Goodeve of Sydenham Street, London. Ont., shown in a moment of relaxation before embarkation. Lord .Baden-Powell One of the Empire's most distin- guished soldiers, a great education- alist, and a friend of boyhood throughout the world, Lord 'Baden- Powell inaugurated the Boy Scout. Movement in 1908, and was recog- nized as Chief Rent of the World Until his death in 1041, A Canadian Infantry Brigade and an army tank brigade have been warn- ed to Bold approaches until the Can- adian Corps can be moved to carry out its objective role. Our party of Canadian newspaper- men have just completed an inspec- tion of the Armored Brigade when a message is received by the Brigade Commander that approximately 800 parachute troops, armed with light automatics and light anti-tank guns, have lauded on a large hill, which was clearly shown on the mimeo- graphed maps with which we were supplied. It is expected that their purpose is to establish a landing place for airborne troops to be land- ed later in the day. The Brigade Commander calls for his orders group at the .Armored Command Vehicle and issues his orders for the advance and attack. THIS NEWSPAPER (1 YEAR) and THREE GREAT MAGAZINES For Both Newspaper and Magazines. 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