The Seaforth News, 1943-01-21, Page 4TR] S1AFO ,T wS VRSDAY, .JANUARY Zli, 11943 HFNSALL wits appointed asalstttztt leader of the OSStOIi Baud• Mr's, C, Hw1soi gave Pte. Gerald Campbell of Camp Bor- the topic en "Chinese in Canada" den spent the week end with his which was very interesting. The ere- Parents, Mr. and Mrs, Earl Campbell, Optive OY the W. M. S. met at the Mr, E. L. Nickle, Billy and Betty, Manse on Wednesday evening to pian motored to Ridgetown to spend the the Meetings for the year. The meet week end with the former''s parents, ing closed bY' singing "Jesus Shall Air. and Mrs. Geo. T. Mickle, They 'Reign Where'er,. the Sun" and the were accompanied home by Mrs. Lord's prayer in unison, Mickle and Charles who have spent Announcement — the past two weeks there.,An urgent appeal is now being Mrs. George Moir has ben con- made for donations of money and fined to her room for the past week other gifts for boxes for the ]peal owing to illness. Her zany friends boys overseas. ) All rural and local dope for a speedy recovery, citizens are asked to leave their con - Mrs. Angus Robertson of near tributioris at any of the Hensall Chiselhurst underwent an operation Stores not later than Tuesday, Feb. at Scott Memor'igl Hospital last week. 2, or remit money direct to, Miss LAC, Donald E. MacKinnon left on G)atlYs Luker or to Mrs. Roy Mac - Friday far Clar'esholm, Alta., after Laren of the local Institute. Your co spending two weeks furlough with operation is needed. Mrs; MacKinnon, Donald, Ronald and ' The annual congregational meeting Billy,of the United Church will take place Me, Allen Cochrane, who was re -'on Tuesday evening, Jan, 26, in the cently taken to St, Michas 's Hospi- school room of the church. The col- tal, Toronto, by ambulance, continues :lection will go towards the mission - seriously ill,' ar'y department of the Young People's 'Society. Please bear' the date in mind. Honored by Sunday We regret to report that Mr. Geo. Sch?ol Class — Hawkins continues ill and is still con - Miss Jean Murray was 'pleasantly fined to his room. surprised at her home on Tuesday The sacrament of the Lord's Supper evening when 23 members of her was dispensed in Carmel Presbyterian. Sunday Sclool class •of the United Church on Sunday morning conduct- Church gethered in honor,ef;;;her ed by the pastor, Rev. Wm. Weir, birthday: A 'short musicale program B.A, The choir sang an anthem en - was enjoyed consisting of community titled "God So Loved the World." singing, vocal solo by Rey.. Brook, Mr. W. A. MaeLeren of Sky Hai, duet by Mrs. Hess find Mrs, Kennedy bor, Goderioh, spent the week end at with Mrs. Grace Harpole' at the his home here with Mrs. MacLaren, Piano. Chinese checkers and contests Lois and Marion, were greatly enjoyed, and Mise Mur- Young People's Union— ray waspresented with it silk scarf. The: regular meetiug of the Young The presentation was made .by Mrs. People's Union of the United Church Mary Buchanan • and Mr. R, J, Pat- was held on Monday evening with terson read the accompanying ad- Miss Gladys lilcKenzte presiding, and dress to which Miss Murray made a opened by singing "He Leadeth Me," fitting reply. Refreshments. were followed by prayer by Miss Mary served, also a handsome birthday Goodwin. The Scripture lesson was cake, Following is the address: Dear read by Miss Lenore Norminton after Miss Murray. We are gathered- to- which "Blest Be the Tie that Binds" gather this evening to bring our con- was sung. A slide entitled "The Story gratulations on your birthday, yester- of Ruth," was presented and Miss day, and to wish you many happy re- Greta Laramie favored with a violin turns of this event. We are not go- selection accompanied by Miss Gladys ing to dwell upon what birthday it is, Luker at the piano. "Enoch Arden" because the old saying goes 'One is was presented by slide. Miss Annie as old as she feels." We realize, of Consitt acted as narrator for both course, that time is hurrying past. It pictures, which added greatly to the is for all of us. But we do appreciate various scenes, Miss Margaret Shop - the fact that your spirit keeps young, herd and her committee were respon- and we know thisis the ease because sible for the successful meetiug. The you love to mingle with your friends, next meeting will be held on Monday, and you live, not in the past, but in Feb, est, Miss Lenore Norminton in the present and in the future. We charge. The meeting concluded by were all pleased when you returned singing God Save the King, and the safely from your trip to. British Col- Mizpah benediction, urrbia. This event was but another Alexander Burnett Drops Dead.-- evidence ead.evidence of your youthful spirit of Alexander Scott Burnett, husband adventure and daring. We are de- of Helen Rowcliffe, dropped dead at lighted that this trip gave you so his home on No. 4 Highway just much pleasure and that you travelled south of Hensall early Monday mor - there and back with little discomfort ning in his '48th year. The deceased and without any aeeident. We . are bad been in ill health for a number happy in the knowledge that you are of years and it is believed he died of back again as our class teacher, and shock following the excitement of that you still have the willingness and ability to share with the rich chimney being on fire at his e home early in the morning: He was maturity of your experience, and the a native of Stornaway, Isle of Lewis, treasures of your well filled mind. Scotland, and came to Canada, living And so again we express the wish for a time in Detroit and Toronto that your years willh be be full until he took up residence several number and that nhey will be full of years ago at Hensall. He is survived wanty and veasantlesp, And now, too' his widow and his mother, Mrs. to give a little practical form by our sentiments here expressed. We Johann Burnett in Calgary. have a simple gift which we want A. private funeral service was held You to accept from our hearts es a from the home on Wednesday after - token of the warmth of our esteem, noon conducted by Rev. R. A. Brook. appreciation and good wishes, and Intermcent in Exeter cemetery. we hope it will be a comfort to you The Exeter-Hensall branch of the . from time to time. Signed on behalf Canadian Legion are sponsoring a of the class. bingo and dance in the town hall, Institute Addressed Hensall, Wed., Jan. 27th. By Rev. Grant — The Hensall Institute met at the FRUIT GROWERS MEET. home of Mrs. W. 0. Goodwin on Wed- AT CLINTONnesday evening with Mrs. E. Chip - chase co -hostess. The president Miss An executive meeting of Huron Gladys Luker presided and opened Fruit Growers' Ass'n was held in the program by 0 patriotic selection, Clinton Jan. 13, with the following followed by the "Institute Ode" and officers present. J. W. Joynt, Luck- "0 uck"0 Canada," The Lord's prayer was now, Mrs, D. A. Smith, Bayfleld, Geo. repeated in unison. The minutes were Laithwaite, Go0er•ich, Stewart Mid- ' read and the collection taken "for dieton, Clinton, Thomas Salkeld, seeds for Britain," which was very Lucknow, George Johnston, Bayfield. gratifying. The roll call was answer- Clayton Laithwaite, Goder'ich, Fred ed by "Famous Sayings of Famous Middleton, Clinton, J. J. Johnston, People." Mrs. Chichase gave the London, Charles McPhail, Holmes - motto, "The Foundation. of Every vine, and J. C. Shearer, Agricultural Community is the Education of its Representative. Financial statement Youth," which was very interesting, revealed 2100 had been invested re Rev. Grant of Kippen was the guest cently in 'Victory bonds. It was de - speaker for the evening and he gave tided to donate 310 to the Russian a very intellectual address on "Ede.- relief. Due to shortage of manpower cation." Miss Irene Hoggarth favored on farms It was decided to cancel the with a piano instrumental and Mrs. annual fruit show and field day. Beer gave the current events. The Annual meeting and banquet will recipe for "Buttermilk Rolls" was be held in Clinton March 30 with the given by Mrs. Goodwin, The business following invited to address the followed and letters of thanks read growers, Mr. H. D. Anderson, of the from John Boa received by Mrs, wartime prices and trades board, Mr. Sangster for box sent him, and a let- J. J. Johnston, Dom. fruit inspector, ter from the Sick Children's Hospital, London, Mr. Gordon Blair, mayor of London, Arrangements were made to Burlington, Prof, J. E. Howitt, botany path boxes for the boys overseas dept, OAC., Guelph, Prof. R. W. about February first with the follow- Thompson, entomology dept., Guelph,, ing committee in charge, namely, The Association will affiliate with Mrs, Blowes, Mrs. Roy MacLaren, Huron Federation of Agriculture with Mrs. A. Kerslake, Mrs. Smale, Miss 7. W. Joynt as delegate, and Stuart Phaff and Mrs. Beer. The knitting for Middleton as alternate, Also, it was the navy project was discussed, also decided to affiliate with the Ontario the hospitality for entertaining the Fruit Growers' Assn. with Mrs. D. A. members of the armed forces, Al,- Smith as delegate. rangements were made to co-operate A nominating conuuit.tee was art- ier the contribution to the war sav- pointed to bring fn a slate of officers THE QUESTION BOX ings stamp campaign. A rummage for the annual meeting, composed of sale will be held in the town hall on George Laithwaite, Jas, R. Stirling, Oven Baked Chicken Satm'day, Feb. 6, at 2,30 p,m. with Mrs. D. A. Smith and R, J. Mc- ,(Requested by Mrs, M. D. C.) the following in charge: Mrs. Beer, Laughlin. Congratulations were ex - 1 chicken cut n milk Mrs. Patterson, Mrs. Sherritt, Miss tended to the president of the fruit p, , flour, Phaff, Mrs. Kerslake, Mrs. Hess, Miss growers, Mr. J. W. Joynt on his salt and pepper, '% cup for fry - Welsh, Miss Lammie, Mrs. C. Cook, election es ?reeve of Lucknow, ing,. 1 tb. onion chopped fine, Mrs.. W. A. MacLaren and Mrs. '2 cups top milk. Blowes, The February meeting will WINTHROP Dip chicken in milk and seasoned be held one week later than usual The Red Cross meeting has been owing to the bingo and dance to be postponed till next Tuesday, jam 22. flour and fry in skillet until brown held on Feb,, 10 for the Russian Re- The regular Meeting of the W,A. ed. Sprinkle chopped onion over top lief Fund. The president moved a and W.M.S. was held at the home of of chicken arranged in casseeole. 'vote of thanks to the hostess, co- Mrs, T. Betties, Wed., Jan: 6th. Mrs. Pour milk over top and bake in dee- hostess and closedilby lo singingtook "ClodaThe ve Toll' presided. Hymn 571, "Standing tint oven 825 degrees until the the !frig" and refreshments were at the Portal, was sung, followed by chicken is tender, about 2 hours, and prayer. by Mrs., Toll. The roil. call nerved, was answered by a favorite verse the milk is a thick sauce. FA very pleasant time was spent Haall and showed 16 members present. The when evening, in the Town the ladies of the Marathon n W A. treasurer, Mrs, C. Dolmage, EIyth Election Monday— when Bridge Club pleasantly entertained a gave a very encouraging report £or Blyth will have an election next num1942. Reports for 1943 were given Monday to pick a. reeve and one min - 1942. of guests, The high prize was bythe W.A.committed and the lin tiller. Running for the reeveship are won by Mrs. Claude Blowes. Refresh- W. H. Merritt and A. Taylor', For merits wird seiwed, ince committee. After the business council, Lloyd Scrimgeour and Hay - W, M. S. Meet — was discussed' this part of the meet- g The January meeting' of the W.M. ing was closed by singing hymn 55, old Philips. S. of Carmel Presbyterian church "Joy to the World." The meeting was held in the school -room o f the was now turned over to Circle 1•, Tommy Dorsey, ane of America's church on Thiu•sday afternoon with with Mrs. Betties in charge. Hymn best-known band spoints his the president Mrs. 0, Hudson presid 662. "0 God Our Help in Ages Past, best-knl posiesbdor a leaders,"Songp Hit for ing, The openin ghymn Was "Stand- was sung. Psalm 701 was read res- ing at the Portal,' followed by the pensively. The topic, "The Church '43 at `It Started All Over Again," Rod Cross prayer in unison. The and the City and Recreation," was which DSanti find i USIC COMPLETE to with Scripture lesson, $saiaili 48, was read ably taken by Mrs. McSpadden. The and play—ln this Sunday's (Jan:uary by Mra, Logan, after which Mrs. Hud program in the Missionary Monthly 24) issue of The American Weekl son led lo prayer, Mrs, Wm. Weir eas foilowdd and parts were taken with 'The Detroit Sunday Times.y by Mrs, Betties, Mrs, Dolmage, Mrs, llllanshard and Mrs, Bolton. Hymn "PURPOSE389, "Lord, Speak to Me,"was sunganM>L1ClMd bhe was. Hits meeting closed by the national anthem, and prayer by Mrs, . Betties. , O GM NRVIi_LE AT' N C A�RR The Egmondv11Ie W,$,S. met in Nhsery. . iner in the e air.Meeting o encd Fast!vestry of the ehureh on Thursday, by singing 187, "Break Thou the Bread of Life," Mrs, Gardiner led inWcutuaedng prayer. ayM nes of last meeting read difficult—causes stuffy ha, breathing ndadoptd . Maes Mayne Watson eyes, nasal irritation and distress, pt a few deeps of Vicks Va-tro-npl in each was appointed in place of Mrs Peter nostril and enjoy the relief it brings. Simpson, who felt it was impossible , Vartro-nol is so, successful because for her to act as Mission Band lead- er it does three very important things: this' year. Roll call responded to (1) shrinks swollen membranes of ` by ten members. The offering Was the nose, (2) clears out discomfort - received and Mrs. McMillan reported causing congestion and (3) soothes we have more than reached •our ob- irritatibn. Many jective. It was agreed; we purchase a catarrh sufferers study book for the Mission Band. say it's thebstre- wogs Mrs. Keyes, temperance convener, Tryf they've found, VA -1110.11101 gave an interesting reading. Mrs, Watson, Friendship convener, report- ed five calls to sick or shut-ins; Mrs. , In Memoriam Clemente, Christian Stewardship HOUGHTON In loving memory of convener, gavea reading on Chris -Agnes Pearl, beloved daughter of tian giving and Mrs, McMillan gave ; Mrs. Houghton and the late William a W.M.S. reading. Mrs. GardinerHohghton, who died one year ago, took the programme Christian Edna- I San. 24, ation and discussions followed, The She little thought when leaving home worshipservice led by Mrs. Gardiner I She would no more return and assisted by different members. That she in death so soon would sleep Meeting closed by reading hymn 383 And leave us Isere to mourn. and Mrs. Gardiner closed with prayer We do not know what pain she bore, We did not see her die, We only know she passed away, - --.:1-----..e-- And never said goodbye. TAKE YOUR CHANGE IN WAR SAVINGS STAMPS o Flour. b doHogConcentrate o a n Robirrho d) 8 I. N a . National bagg 0 $2.69 Cwt, $3.25 Ilaveloek 'Flour, National Pig Starter, cwt2,70 98 Ib. bag'$2.69 Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs. 25e O Canada Flour Real Old Cheese 25c 98 lb, bag $2.69 Corn Flakes, 3 pkgs ......,. 29c Prairie Rose Flour Shredded Wheat, 2 pkgs 23e 98 ib. bag $2.55' Cashmere Bouquet Soap, Cream of the West 3 cakes 20c 98" Ib, bag • $2.69 1c Sale Odex Soap, 4 cakes 19c National Poultry Concentrate Lux Toilet Soap, 3 cakes 20e Cwt, 94,25 Camay Soap, 3 cakes ' 20c Libby Tomato Juice, 3 bins 20c W. J. FINNIGAN Auction Sale Of Household furnishings at the residence of Mrs, Margaret Purcell, George street, Seaforth, three blocks east of library, on Saturday, January 23rd, at i p.m.: 1 kitchen range in Al condition, 6' dining room chairs, 1 oval table, 1 organ, 1 invalid chair, 1 lawn chair, 8 -burner coal oil stoke with oven, 1 coon. fur coat, 1. boiler, 1 oak bedroom suite, 1,' bed stead, 1 set spripg, 1 mattress, 1 feather tick, 1 wheel barrow, 1 buck Sadly missed by mother and kamily saw, cross cut saw, 3 dozen sealers, B 0 - - s)I, -- 2 large crocks, 14 -ft. ladder, Terms X, CROMARTY cash. Mrs, Margaret Purcell, Prop.;+ ♦ p (;t (' 9 A joint meeting of the Staffa Harold Jackson, Auct. Ll l µi1 `ri4 Young People's Society and Cromer- Special and Careful Attention 11 „driAll ty young people -•was held on Sunday NMEETINGAMBULANCf+7 evening in the basement of the ANNUAL Office Residence church. The meeting was presided Main St. Jesld ce over by Wilma Hamilton. The Scrip- The Seaforth Agricultural Society tore lesson was read by Hazel Ham- will hold their annual. meeting in the St. ilton and the topic by Carter Kers- Carnegie Library on Friday, January l lake. A short story was read by Gor- 29th, 1948, at 2 pan. Financial state The McKillop Mutual ABOUT MEAT ALTERNATIVES don Houghton. A duet was rendered merit, election of officers, etc. J. M. Hello Homemakers! News of the by Wilma Hamilton and VioletFire Insurance Co. beef shortage — and possible ration- Quanee. Kerr, ock. President; Mrs; J. A HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, Ont. Private" Frank Scott, accompanied herr, Secretary, ing — calls for "more! than merely by Private Smale, Niagara, with Mr. I an extra helping of vegetables at and Mrs, John Scott. TENDERS FOR WOOD President,Alex M OFlwng, y meals. Wise homemakers will plan I Tenders will be received until Tan.iBlth '• alternative foods to do the job that Continued Frum Page One WAR SAVINGS DRIVE Vice -President, W. R. Archibald, Sea 26th, 1943, for ten cords of 14 inch meat does — "stick to your ribs," as body hard wood, beech and maple; forth; Manager & Seo, -Tress„ M, A the men say. Hensall , . , 1,044 776 wood to be delivered to S.S. No, 9; Reid, Seaforth. In meat, you really get four food Kipper 180 164 Tuokersmith, by March 15th. James AGENTS Seaforth .,1,428 1,092 values: 1(1) protein for building up Biucefield 220 164 H. Upshall, Sec. -Tress., Kippers, P. McKercher, R,R,1, Dublin; John and repairing body tissues, (2)•iron Egmondville 20 32 E. Pepper, R.R.1, Brucefleld; J. F.. for red blood cells and carrying Wingham 1,785•• 1,964 TENDERS FOR WOOD Prueter, Brodhagen; James ,• Watt,. Belgrave 68 52 Tenders will be received by the oxygen, I(3) fat for heat and energy, Fordwich 16888 08 116 undersigned until Feb. lst, for twen myth' and (4) B vitamins for good apps- Corrie , , , , , .. , 63 84 ty cords Of 14 inch wood, bard maple DIRECTORS tite and nerves. As you know, differ- Wroxeter , . 296 176 and.. beech. Dglivery on or before Alex Broadfoot, Seaforth; William ent foods have different food values Belmore Glenannon 12 12 June lst. Apply to Geo. H. Leotrhardt, Knox, Londesboro; Chris, Leonhardt, similar to those contained in meat. Zurich 360 340 sec: tress. S.S. #9, McKillop, Walton, Iiairctressers and beauty salons are R.R, #2. Brodhagen; E. J. Ti<ewartha, Clinton; The following is a list of meat alter- joining in a war saving stamp. drive Thomas Moylan, Seaforth; W. R. natives: poultry, fish, eggs, cheese this month. With Your next beauty FOR SALE Archibald, Seaforth; Alex McEwing,. (which contains small amounts of treatment or hair -do — ask the Oper- House andLots in Harpurhey, be-, Blyth; Frank Me6rregor, Clinton; iron), dried peas,beans, ator to sell you one or more ,War ing Lots 18 and 19, Lewis and Galt green forgetgeSavings Stamps. Remember this Survey. Apply to K. L McLean, Bar- Hugh Alexander, Walton. tables and potatoes, And don't month — help the Hairdressers rister, &c., Seaforth, Ontario. Parties desirous to effect ixaurance the meat "extras" — liver, heart, "Pass the Ammunition." or transact other business, will be 1 kidney, tripe and brain — so excep ,, „ TENDERS WANTED promptly atended to by appiicatione• tionally rich in minerals and under The Fuel Situation Tenders will be received by the to any of the above named officers no government restrictions.The Miner's Strike has stopped ship- undersigned until, February 1st, for addressed to their respective post After your busyda 's work, an I merits of Anthracite Coal ten cords of hard .maple or 50 per offices. Y cent beech, 14 inches long, to be de- old favorite recipe easily prepared But we have rolling one car of livered at S.S. #7, McKillop. Alex. ��T and satisfyinglyflavored will Washed "Pocohantas" Stove Coal and Dennis, Secretary, Walton R.R. #2. de - Watson & Reid keep one car of "Kentucky" King Kona REAL ESTATE your wheels and cogs to good repair. coal NOTICE AND INSURANCE AGENCY We suggest eggs; omelette, scramb- Also pressing our suppliers to forward 'I' a car of "Nut" Cole, For the convenience of our friends led, poached, devilled, scalloped, cur -1 and customers we have installed a (Successors to James Watson) ried, fricassed, etc.; cheese: fondue, These fuels will burn in any heating telephone. Wishing you the Oomph- MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. t, equipment and keep a home omelette, souffle, macaroni; fish: comfortable ments of the Season, your WatkinsDealer, Wm. Bradshaw. Phone 60, All kinds of Insurance risks effect-% cakes, croquettes, creamed, creoled, We will announce prices as soon as Seaforth. ed at Iowest rates in First -Claw, fried, baker, etc. invoices are received, Companies. One important tip to remember in the cookery of alternatives such as cheese, eggs and fish — use short cooking periods and low temperat- ures. Why? Cheese is already a cooked product, and the protein in eggs and fish is often toughened by high temperatures. McConnell & Hays Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick E,,McConneN, 11. .Glenn Hayti SEB,FOET'H, ONT. Telephone 174 E. • C•.. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of, Huron Office in the Domipion Bank. Blind- ing, Seaforth, Office hours:— Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1.30 p.m, to 5, p,m. Saturday evening, 7.30 p,m. to 9 p.m. THE MIXING BOWL M Alfa! ALIAS! 1,011,1 MMa ilMMIwIM 43 18 OFFICERS TAKE A TIP: 1. The use of extension cords with Your household electric appli- ances cuts efficiency. If too many appliances are attached to one plug or outlet, you run the danger of overloading the c)r- cuit and blowing a fuse. 2. Clean your old playing cards without leaving a sticky surface by using a small amount of spirits of camphor on a cloth and rubbing dry with a soft cloth. The men in uniform would ap- pleciate any extra packs you may have. Tommy Dorsey's '43 Song Choice J. H. SCOTT J. BROOME Phone 836 Phone 136 J FOR SALE 10 little pigs, six weeks old. Harvey Mcllwain, phone 852x23, Seaforth. Seaforth Farmers' Co -Operative Have a complete line of Co- Op Feeds. Also Bran, Shorts, and Middlings. Salt. Codliver Oil. Semi - solid Buttermilk. Western. Oats,. Wheat. and Mixed Chop. We are taking orders for Grass Seed PHONE_9 LOST Man's Parker fountain pen lost in. or around pdstoffice three weeks ago. Reward. Finder please leave at News Office. LOST New pullover mitt on Saturday night near the rink. Phone 654 r 41, WOOD WANTED Tenders will be received by the undersigned until Feb. lst, 1943, for 18 cords of 16 inch hardwood to be delivered at the school of S.S. No. 5, Stanley. Richard Robinson„ Sec.- Treas., ec:Treas., S.S. No. 5, Stanley, Box 37, R.R. No. 1, Zurich, Ont. Phone 33 on 97, Hensel). NOTICE Township of McKillop Applications for Assessor for the Township will be received by the undersigned until Monday, Feb. lst. JOHN McNAY, Clerk, R.2, Seaforth TENDERS FOR WOOD Tenders will,be received by the undersigned fo5 cords of hardwood, maple and beech, (neatly maple); 14 Inches long, until Feb, 5th, 1943, Wood to be delivered by April 1st. R. J, Pethick, Sec, Treas., S.S. No. 10, Matillop, Seaforth R.R. 1, Picone 884 r 15, "THE PUREST FORM IN WHICH. TOBACCO CAN BE SMOKED," FARM FOR SALE 100 acres, Lot 35, Con, 3, Mc- Kiliop, 3% miles from Seaforth; brick cottage, frame barns, founda- tion, cement flooring, concrete silo, hydro. Clay loam, very productive, plenty of water; 14 acres fall wheat; 15 acres • under plow, remainder in grass. Apply to John McNay, Sea - forth, R. R.2. FARMS FOR SALE (1) 100 acres in Tuckersmith, on Highway No. 8, lot 29, Huron road, frame barn on cement foundation, frame house. Very productive soil, plenty of water. (2) 50 acres in Hui - lett, north half of lot 5, Con. 2. Frame barn on stone foundation, frame house, 3 wells, choice farm. Apply: Wm. Livingston, or Jas. F. Scott, R R 2 Seaforth. INSURANCE Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid- ent, Windstorm & guarantee bonds. Rates reasonable. All risks placed in first class companies. Information cheerfully given E. C. CHAMBERLAIN • INSURANCE AGENCIES Seaforth Monument Works Formerly W. D. Chapman NOW OPERATED BY CUNNINGHAM & PRYDE We invite inspection of our stock of Cemetery Memorials SEAFORTH — TUESDAYS AND'. SATURDAYS, or any other time by appointment See Dr. Harburn --Phone 105 Phone 41—.E7xeter—Box 150 SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr. `E. A, McMaster, M,B„ Graduat( of University of, Toronto. Paul L. Brady, M.D , Graduate 01 University of Toronto, The Clinic is fully equipped with complete and modern x-ray and other up-to-date diagnostic and •thereuptic' equipment. Dr. F. .7. R, Forster, Specialist in Diseases of the Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat, will be at the Clinic the first Tuesday in every month from 3 to' 5 p.m. Free well -baby clinic will be held on the second. and last Thursday it every month from I to 2 p.m. JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon Fn Dr. H. H. Ross' office, Phone 5 J DR. F; J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University et Toronto: Late Assietant New York' Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square, throat hospitals, London, Eng. At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third' Wednesday in each month from 2 to, 4 p.m. Also at Seaforth Clinic first Tuesday in each month. --58' Waterloo' St., Stratford. Telephone 267. Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Assures Security for over One Million' Partners H. R. LONG, GODERICH District Agent DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY PHONE COLLECT — SEAFORTH 15. EXETER 236 DARLING & CO.'OF CANADA, LTD, (Essential War Industry)