HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1942-12-24, Page 5THIJR.SPA'Y, 17EDEMBUl 24, 1942 P STO 4 Inteeresting Valuesfor One Week eerar#4ao1ng.110'rOQegneMcIne 9't GREEN GiANT PEAS -- 2 16 oz. tins 27e VAN CAMP'S TOMATO JUICE 2 20 oz. tins 17c AYLMER, TOMATO CATSUP — 12 ox.' bottle 14c NIBLETS CORN —. 2 tilts 27c CHOICE CANNED PUMPKIN — 2 — 28 oz. tins 25e SWANSDOWN CAKE FLOUR — pkg. mownalmaralsne� e�a¢avra 29c The Flame of Freedom has burned perilously low at times during the last three years. It appeared as though it may have been in danger of being extinguished on many occasions. Now with the tide turning against the aggressor that flame burns bright again with renewed hope . . . . Hopes that we may all soon enjoy again — A PEACEFUL AND HAPPY. CHRISTMAS With all good wishes for the future, our sincere regards for the present, and with our great appreciation of your goodwill in the past. Ross J. Sproat Art Wright PHONE 8 PHONE 77 Serve a •New Year's Eve Sapper—'48 Style Complete directions for preparing a novel. satisfying, cheery holiday repast, explained in detail in the Housewife's Food Ahnanaok in The American Weekly with this Sunday's (December 27) issue of The Detroit Sunday Times. Be sure to get Sunday's Detroit- Times bringing You many outstanding features. TH] SEA +1ORT1I N1 WS `AIhI �+'1p 'M1. ehalr. Opened by singing 441'05, Joy ka� the. TO v Y tai TOMOS World,.. and Glare to IL Snell, T Gods Mas, ,P, Lindsay and Miss Belie 13aliantyne left on 14(011- (lay to spend the Christmas holidays with her brother, Mr. John Ballantyne at L. Thomas. Miss Florence Elford of Christian Island and Miss Alva ' i3lford of Tor- l onto are Christmas visitors with their parents, Rev. and Mrs. Jas.'131ford, M. Edward Devereaux of Beresford Lake, Man,, Mr. Frank Devereaux of Port Hope and Miss Alice Devereaux of Toronto are Christmas holiday vis- itors with their mother, Mrs, F. Dev- ereaux. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Mellen have returned, from a few days' visit at Toronto. VARNA The funeral of Mrs. Ralph. Stephen- son was held Tuesday 'from the Un- ited Church, Varna, of which she was a valued member. Rev. Reba Hern, her pastor, was in charge. The' proceeds of the' Varna School concert amounted to $27,.25 and will be forwarded to Russian Relief. In addition to this $10 was raised by the pupils for the Navy League. And this is not all, $150 worth of war savings stamps were bought during the year, a good record for our school: Mrs. Stelck has returned from Windsor and is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Foster. We are pleased to mention Mrs. Gertrude Reid is improving from her recent illness. We also are pleased to mention Mr. McCartney is about to open the chopping mill in Varna recently oper- ated by the late Wm. Reid. This will be good news to the surrounding farmers who have felt the need of this convenience for some months. We are glad to welcome this enterprise to our village. Rev. Miss Henn is spending the holidays with her parents at Sault Ste. Marie, Mr, Norman Johnston, have chargee of missionary of SouthesAmerica, services on the Varna charge next Sunday. The United Church S.S. held their concert and Christmas tree on Friday last. Mrs. J. Stelck is spending the holidays with friends here. Engagement Announced — The engagement is announced of Margaret Isabelle, daughter of Mrs. Habkirk and the late J. 0. Habkirk, to Pte. Frank Ross Howson, R.C.A.M.C., son of Mr. Frank R. Howson and the late Mrs. Howson, of Wing - ham. The marriage to take place the middle of January. At this Christmas Season, the Commission and its employees thank you for your favors of the past,year and wish you and yours a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS SEAFORTH PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION E. L. Box, Ex -Com.. A. Y.oMcLean, 0. SL Mayor Wilson, Tress. G. D. Ferguson, e�e�e��1c�ey� c�ey���e�ay�e�� e it � 4F4e40111i►e f ►c<aG#4, 4 'v-4iio'e•[�G►'e-(Ti►' 2-i 1Q. 't WAR.TLME TRAVEL TIP NO, 5 Pie 0 wait to ho adeed Wax trefile'makes heavy d mends en railway accommodations... now mere than *vex, It is necersiev to -consider' 1Ne convenience of others. CANADIAN NATIONAL BLYTH Russell Richmond died in Queen Alexandra Sanatorium, London. He resided on conces- sion 9, Morris township, practically all his ife and was a suceesaful farmer. He was associated with several organizations during his sidence formerly Sarah Morris. Searle, ofsurvived Morris,' his and one daughter, Mrs, HarrY Bolger, Grey two„ also one .son. Mervyn; of Seaforth. The fun- eral was held' Tuesday afternoon from the residence of J. S. Chellew, to Union Cemet- ery at 2 pen. Rev. Arthur Sinclair had charge of the service. BORN BROADFOOT –"- In Scott Memorial Hospital, on December 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Broadfoot, Tucker - smith, a daughter.. JOHNSTON — At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Wednesday, Dec. 23, 1942, to Mr. and Mrs. Ross John- ston, Zurich, a son. Mrs W. Rtltton !od -In prayal•. A letter of thanks was load from Mrs. Cremes Dexter, Mrs J.vCartor, vice president of the'W.A., then took charge. The hymn, 0 Come Ml 'Ce Iraithtul wad sung and prayer ky Ma•e. P. idndsay, 7'ho minutes were lead old the roll roll answered by n versa on the Birth o£ Chtlst.. Mrs, Lindsay aged the Scripture loo^ 900 from John 8.16, Luke 2-7 and Matthew 3 15. Her talk was Lased on the first text when Herod destroyed the child. She gave a s ,lendid Christmas message. Mrs, B. Nott gave a Christmas reading The Forgotten Man Britton Christmas. aut, W.A. M.Curter and DUE Theittonsang reports were e Circle leadero, treasurer, S. Ri1 3, raa. y 0, Wald- ron and Mrs, George Leitch, Each reported on the year's work, They raised $186 and in al bad n very suoceasful year, TUCKERSMITH We are sorry to report that Master Stuart Keyes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Keyes. Mill road, had his hand badly cutin the root ruiner this week, but is improving nicety now. John. Gilbert Sproat, 882 Cambria etreot, Stratford, died Thursday morning at the home of his daughter, 'Mra. H. Griffin, Toa o Ito, Mr, Sproat had been in ailing health for the post three years but had been ser- iously eniously ill only for three days, having suffered a stroke, Born in Tuckersmith in 1866, Mr. Sprout was the son of the elate Mr. and Mas. George Sproat. He was married in 1809 to the former Isabella Chesney. who died eight menthe ago, Mr. and Mrs, Sproat were resi- dents of Stratford for the past thirty-seven years. Mr. Sprout had been holidaying an Toronto 'for the past three months. He was a member of Knox Presbyterian Church. Sur - v ving are four sons, Chester, 45 McPherson street: Douglas, Pittsburgh; Wesley. De- troit; Fraser, Toronto; three daughters, Bea- trice, Toronto : Ruby, Toronto 'r Mrs. H. Grif- fin (Jessie) Toronto; one sister, Mrs. James Anderson, Brussels; also 11 grandchildren. The funeral took place on Saturday after- noon with Rev. •C. S. Oke, minister of Knox Presbyterian Church, Stratford, officiating. The pallbearers were A. Walsh, H. Siliifant, A. Bransden, A. Pendergast, J. Intee, all of Stratford, and H. Is. Griffin, Toronto. Inter- ment was made in Avondale cemetery. On Tuesday evening last a very pleasant 'tette was spent by -members of Farm Radio Forum at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Wilson Broadfoot. Christmas carols were sung under DIED STEPHENSON.—In Seaforth, on Sunday. December 20th, 1942, Isabella Fell, beloved wife of Mr. Ralph Stephenson, in her 75th year. The funeral took place from her late residence, Lot 11, Con. 6, Stanley. to Varna United Church on Tuesday, Dee. 22. Interment in Bayfield Cemetery. DUBLIN Sodality Dance! MONDAY DECEMBER 28 BLOOD DONORS. Blood donors at the clinic held on . Thurs- day last were as follows: Reginald Kerslake, James A. Stewart, Henry Edward Smith, Leo Ryan, Emmett Malone, John McIver, Lorne Hay, Rev. W. Weir, John Crich, Edwin Chesney, Worden Haney, Peter Simpson, Robert McMillan, R. H. Middleton: George Hess, Ernest Chip - chase, Edward Oliver, P. L. McNaughton, Gordon Campbell, Donald Joynt, John Beer, Norman Dodds, James Hogg. Robert Mc- Clure, Kenneth Southgate, Oscar Cuthill, Bert McSpadden, Russell . Bolton, Russell Dolmage, Gordan Papple, John Pryce, Arn- old Lamont,, William Papple, Sam Whitmore. Wm. J. Leeming. Willis Dundee, Nelson Cardno, George Taylor, Wilbur Turnbull,. James Smith, Andrew Turnbull, Bert John- son, James Nolan, Harvey Stevenson. Wilmer Cuthill, Roy Bennett, Moody Holland, Ken Ferg,' Russell Marks, George Munroe, Frank Reynolds. Thomas Leeming. Ray Houston, Alvin McDonald. John McDonald, Frank Storey, David Watson, Norman Schade, Mer- vin Nott, Frank Kirkby. Norman O'Connor, Albert Melody, Frank Williams, Thomas Govenlocic, Joe Doyle, August Ducharme, John Coyne. Vincent Lane. Gordon McGavin, Thomas Kale, John Roach. CONSTANCE A joint meeting of the W.A. and W.M.S. was held for 'the Christmas meeting on ThursdaY, Dec. 10th, with -Mrs. William Britton, president of the W.M.S. in the CHRISTMAS DANCE! ST. COLUMBAN MONDAY, DEC. 28 Sniders Orch. Admission 50c. Lunch served. Tickets will be drawn and good. door prize award- ed lucky lady and gentleman. Auspices of C. W. L. CHRISTMAS D -A -N -C -E r in Cardno's Hall TUESDAY, DEC. 29 Sponsored by Seaforth Women's Institute Music by Murdoch's Orchestra Proceeds for Russian Medical Relief Admission 350. Door Prize 2 Big Dances 2 IN'LOOBY'S HALL Dublin ON Christmas Night AND New Year's Night Harold Sneider's Orchestra Admission 50 cents ADAM BROCK'S ORCHESTRA Make a date for �this date \ PADS FiV There is Good Money in Raising Cockerels Barred Rock Cockerel Chicks are available each week during January, February and March, owing to the large number of pullet orders booked for these months. The price is $8,00 per 100. Why not start a colony house full of these early cockerels before your regular chick order. Investment is small and the returns large, Our 1943 catalogue and price list is now ready. Will mail you a free copy on request. SCOTT'S POULTRY FARM Phone 851 - 32 Seaforth the leadership of Mrs. James Broadfoot, Several games of bingo were played and prizes drawn by each winner. Winners for progressive crokinole were Erma Walters and Jack McLean, consolation. Mao. Bill Forrest. Piano music by Mrs. Wilson Broadfoot was much enjoyed. Bill Forrest conducted a bio- grephiesl quiz after which lunch was served. CROMARTY The service on Sunday morning was con- ducted by the Rev. Mr, Williamson, former- ly of Mitchell Presbyterian Church. who de- livered n fine sermon from the text "Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the King, beholdthere came wise men from the east to Jerusalem." Miss Wilma Hamilton sang "Star of the Fast" very acceptably. Very fete attended the Annie Reidie Mis- sten Band on Sunday afternoon owing to inclement weather. Cromarty school No. 6 held the Christmas concert in Staite town hall on Friday even- ing. It was successful and largely attended. The program under the direction of Roy Goulding, music teacher, and the teacher, was greatly enjoyed by all. The soloists in the cantata. were Reggie Stagg, Helen Walk- er, Peas Macdonald and Jeanette McKellar. There were several smart plays and dialogues and a shadow play and the singing of Christ- mas carols by the pupils was excellent. Wm. Key was chairman. One important part was the drawing of tickets for the Red Cross quilt which netted 940. The tickets were sold by the pupils. Helen Walker won praise for selling the most. There was a Christmas tree ladened with presents and a very enjoyable Santa Claus to preside over giving the gifts to the recipients: After the concert the teacher served lunch to those present, assisted by HOMO ladies of the section. There was a dance afterwards. • The Junior Institute met at the home of Miss Marion Drake for their usual monthly meeting. After the business matters were conoluded a socialtime was, spent in various games, and also there was an exchange of Christmas gifts. Part of the musical program contributed was a duet sung by Jean. Mc- Kellar and Audrey J. Elliott. Lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Rob• ert Miller of Farquhar. Lindsay McKellar in Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wallace, Oarlingford, with Mr, and Mrs, John Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott and Reggie and Audrey Elliott and Mr, and Mrs. Boa and little daughter, Staffa, with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker and family. Sergeant Pilot William Heotor McPhail, son of Mr. and Mao. Hector McPhail, R.R, 1. Cromarty, has been granted the commission of a pilot officer in the 'Royal Canadian Air Force. He graduated recently from No, 16 Service Flying Training School at Claresholm, Alberta. Spence's Produce GOVERNMENT REGISTERED EGG GRADING STATION Highest Cash Prices paid for Eggs and Poultry Phone 170-W, Seaforth ICOBAC EPyoe Tao FOR A MILD, COOL,SMOKF WILL CARRY ON ... acrd del madt urea f "OF COURSE I realize that I must be at the switchboard on Christmas Day. War never takes a holiday, even at Christmas. There will be thousands of vital calls to put through.., "And our soldiers, sailors and airmen will be calling home all over the country. Their calls should go through as promptly as we can complete thein. Long delays will btb inevitable—unless you de- cide to avoid your usual Christmas telephoning. "Won't you please help ns at Christmas to get this really neces- sary job done? Can't you matt your •Christmas Greetings this year? Or, if you find it absolutely necessary to make a telephone call, won't you please make i t a few days before, or a fern days after Christ- mas? That will be a great help. "We shall be very grateful for your co-operation, and you will he safeguarding Canada's war effort." Buy War Savings stamps and Certificates 'Regularly JWrtcr 0