HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1942-12-10, Page 1PARTING There could be no morning If there were no Matt; W there were no sorrow,. Where would be dollgbt 2 e.Sea HURON C.OU NTY'S oith L E ADI NG NEWSPAPER There sound be no plennure :: It there worm 00 pain l It there were no parting, Could we meet agoln? 'a It. 11. Black WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 64, No,> 50 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DEC171VT:BER 10, 1942 Phone 84 $1 a year Bright Red Salmon FISH - HALF OR WI•IOL17. 22c ib. ORANGE MARMALADE: Jar 2 PLUM JAM-- 4 AM,-4 lb, tin 6 HABITANT VEGE`1ABLE SOUP. 3 •tins - 2 Early Xmas Mailing ( RED CROSS NOTES A Patriotic Duty Please remember the open nmeet- ing of the Red Cross Society to be held in the work room on Friday ev-, Postal Services Face a Supreme ening at 8 *clock, Testing in Canada This 9c ChristmasTThere are still some books of the I late Miss H, I, Graham, "Be of Good t)e Postal service faces a supreme test- Cheer", for sale, These may be mir- ing to Canada this Christmas, As chased at Savauge's Jewellery Store — the "peals" season draws nigh the or E. H. Close's barber shop. 5c mail volume, which is rapidly rising AYLMER CELERY or PEA SOUP Tin. TIGER CATSUP. -- Bottle NO-CA.—Instead of coffee Per, lb. in every Post Office will reach flood — proportions.' This year the Post Office 5c is preparing fon' the most hectic rush season in its entire, history. It is lay- ing its plans to prevent the flood of Oc mail getting beyond control, and the postal service is being overwhelmed 25e by letters, cards, parcels, papers and magazines pouring in at the last min- • ute fon' local delivery.. 6, The Postmaster General has ap- pealed to the public for their utmost co-operation in "Early Mailing," which 0c he stated is an absolute necessity if delivery is to be made in time for Christmas. He urged every citizen to 9c pay full heed to the Post Office's. caution' that all mall for local delivery i should be posted before Dec. 20 — 5c the earlier the better — and that pro- portionate allowance should be made for mail addressed to out-of-town 3c destinations. "Mail Early" this Christmas is more than a slogan, It is an absolute 2c necessity, The impact of war condi- 1 ROWNTREE'S COCOA.— Each 15c 2 BAKING 140LASSES,— Tin 1 HEINZ BEET' STEAK SAUCE— Bottle GLASS WASHBOARDS.— Each G MOODY HAND CLEANER.— Tin 1 MOODY TOILET FLUSH. Tin 2 COMFORT LYE.-- 2 YE.-2 tins 1 Master Red Head Laying Mash— Cwt. 2• A. C. PERoulled ONS 166 Mr. and Mrs. Nolan Honored by Friends Address and Presentation at Farewell. Party Prior to Moving to Seaforth On 'Wednesday evening, Dec, 2, friends and neighbors of Mr, and Mrs, James Nolan gathered at their home to spend the evening and pre- sent them with a little remembrance of their 22 years spent •on the hill south of Egmondville. Cards and Glancing were thoroughly enjoyed by everyone, After lunch, Mr. Arthur Devereaux read an address and Mr. Raymond Nott presented Mrs, Nolan With an ivory electric wall clock and Mr. William Oldfleld presented Mr, Nolan with a brass reading lamp, Mr. Nolan replied very suitably for Mrs. Nolan and himself � tions upon Postal Service has been. Dancing continued until well after 9c terrific. The volume of mails, which midnight. Mr, and Mrs. Nolan have last year reached all-time proper moved into the G. Cardno house in tions, still continues to 'increase and town. The address: 90 • will surpass all previous records this To Mr, and Mrs, Nolan, We, your e blue THE SOLIO',FUEL'FOR HOLIO.COMFORT B. L. BOX PHONE 43 Northside United Church Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister. 11 a.m. "The Christian Sunrise." 2.30 p.m. Sunday School. 7 .p.m. "The Promised Peace." Thurs. 7,45 ,p.m. Prayer Service. Welcome ''to These Pre -Christmas Services. , Egmondville United Church Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B.A„B,D. 10 a.m., -Sunday School. 11 a.m., "The Soul's Need of Light” 7 p.m., "What it Means to be a Christian." St. Thomas Church Rector: Rev, Dr. Hurford, 11 a.m. "Lessons from History." 7 pm. "Some Christian Principles." Sunday School at 10 a.m. St. Mary's Church, Dublin 2.25 p.m. Sunday School. 3 p.m. "Lessons from History." First Presbyterian Church Rev. Hugh Jack Minister. Sunday School 10 a.m. Morning subject, "The Sacrifice and the Song." Evening subject, "The Word Made Flesh." Midweek meeting Thursday at 8 p.m. MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION The Seaforth and District Minister- ial Association inister-ialAssociation will meet in the Pres- byterian Church, Seaforth, on Mon- day, December 14th, at 2 p.m. Papers will be given by Rev, R. G. Hazel- wood and Rev. H. V. Workman. DR. STAPLETON'S FATHER PASSES AT' PETROLIA Dr. M. W. Stapleton' is in Petrolia attending the funeral of his father on Thursday. Widely known mem- ber of a pioneer Enniskillen town- ship family, .Tames.F. Stapleton, 82, died early Tuesday on a farm ac- ross the road from the one on which he was born, lot 2, concession 8, Enniskillen, near Petrolia. He had been ill for two months but had not enjoyed the best of health for, al -I most two years. Prior to his retirement' some years ago, he had been engaged in the bus- iness of buying and selling cattle. A Roman Catholic, he was also a mem- ber of the Holy Name Society. • A twin brother, John J., resides at Pet- rolia. In addition to his wife, surviving are seven sons and four daughters. They are; James' •Francis and John C., of Sarnia; Dr. Martin W., of Sea - forth; Phillip S. and Joseph M. of Sudbury; Thomas A., of Sault Ste, Marie; and ,Tames W., at home; Mrs. L. P. Ryan, Oil Springs; Mrs,H, 3, Michel, Utica, N.Y., and Mrs, A. J; McLelland and Miss Julia, of Sarnia. Two sisters, Missee Nellie and Eliza- beth, reside at Petrolia. The funeral will be held Thursday, morning from the family residence, thence to St, Phillip's Church, Pet•,. rolia, for service at 9 o'clock, Inter - merit will be in the Roman Catholid Cemetery, Corinna, Christmas. An indication of what can friends and neighbors, are .gathered be .expected when the local rush here tonight to bid you farewell in begins was given, during the recent .despatch overseas of the Christmas have a mingled your departure from our midst. Wed ed feeling of sorrow and joy. We are sorry that you are lean- ing us but we are glad that you will be ]raving the pleasures and comforts of town lite. We wish for both of you mail to the Armed Services when over four tines greater volume was handled than during the same period in 1941, Last year in many places the mail- ing public failed to respond to postal appeals to mail ing time and the result was that on the last day or two before Christmas, Post. Offices were gathered here we ask you to accept almost swamped in a last minute these gifts as a small remembrance deluge of gifts and greetings. It was of us. Signed, Your Friends and. physically impossible, even with the Neighbors. added temporary help, to segregate, sort and deliver all mail by Christ- MATE LANE AUXILIARY many years of good health and hap- piness to enjoy your well deserved retirement. Now on behalf of those mas Day - many homes i'eceived thein' Christmas Good 'Wishes on the 27th and 28th December. Citizens are asked to co-operate in preventing a recurrence• by mailing early — not later than Dec. 20thfor local delivery, —C. P. Sills, P.M. CANADIAN LEGION ELECTS OFFICERS The annual meeting of the Sea:- forth ea-forth branch of the Canadian Legion was held on Wednesday evening last when the following officers were elected for the coming year: Past President, John Earle; Pres- ident, A. D. Muir; 1st Vice Presi- dent R. 3. Sproat; 2nd Vice Pres., W. A. Wright; Pension Officer, C. P. Sills; Sergt. at Arens, Wm. Smith; executive committee, J. E. Keating,. J. McMillan, Geo, Ferguson, Charles Holmes, Wm. J. Kerr,' B. 0. Muir; Chaplain, Rev. Father T. P. Hussey; Hon, Chaplains, Major Appleyard, Capt. E. W. Edwards; Auditors, E. C. Boswell, J. M. McMillan; acting sec- retary -treasurer, B. 0: Muir. NORTHSIDE Y.P.U. The regular meeting of the North Side Y.P.U. was held on Tuesday night. As it was the last meeting for this year, the, officers were chosen for 1943. They are as follows: Hon. President, Mr.. Workman; President, Maxine Lawrence; Past .Pres„ Mar- guerite Westcott; Secretary, Patricia Bechely; assist, secretary, Janie Mof. fat; Treasurer, Ronald Savauge; Pianist, Ernest Clarke; assist. Pian- ist, Jean Habkirk; Reporter, Maxine Lawrence; representative to Official Board, Ernest Clarke; Missionary convener, Betty Dale; Citizenship convener, Lorna Dale; Devotional convener, Ernest Clarke; Social con- vener, Marguerite Westcott. Tuckersmith Council December Meeting Will Place Checkerboard Sign on Forest's Hill, West of Egmondville The Tuckersmith council met in the Town hall, Seaforth„ on Saturday, Dec, 5th; all members present, the Reeve presiding. Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted. The treasurer was instructed to investi- gate as towhat year the Division Court costs were last paid, and for- ward amount owing to Town Clerk, Clinton, Bylawtli No. 11 authorising the Tucls- ersmTelephone Commission to in- vest depreciation funds in Dominion bonds was passed. Tho council endorsed a resolution by the council of the City of Toronto re appointing a Royal Commission to work out a solution of the problem of post wan•employment, etc, and ordered .,the Clerk to forward a copy of their endorsement to each of the local members. The Weed inspector, W. S. Broad, foot, gave a report of the season's work and was' ordered.' to 'be paid $34.00 on the ,basis of hours enc] mileage, The Clerk was authorized to write the Steel Controller,, for a permit to use an old holler, 4' x 12:, as an ad- dition to a culvert, The Road Superintendent was in- structed to secure and place a cheek- conenece on Page Four ELECT OFFICERS The Christmas meeting of the Mae Lane Auxiliary was held at the home of Mrs. d. H. Weedmark on Monday evening. Miss Edna Brenner opened the devotional period. Mrs, Snell gave a reading, "The Angel's Song," foll- owed by prayer by Mrs. Knight. Mrs. W. Barber presented the slate of of- ficers for 1943. The remainder of the meeting was in charge of Circle 4 of which Mrs. E. Chamberlain is cap- tain, Miss 'Vc Mole led in prayer. Mrs. W. Bradshaw read the Christmas scripture lesson. Mrs. L. Hoggarth and Miss R. Cluff sang a Christmas carol and Miss E. Bremner gave the topic. Christmas gifts to be sent to Gypsumville were displayed followed by a social hour. Election of officers resulted as follows: President, Miss R. Fennell; Record- ing Sec., Mrs. B. Christie; Treasurer, Miss E, Bremner; Baby band leader, Mrs. E. C. Chamberlain; Community friendship, Mrs. E. H. Close; pianist, Miss W. Savauge; social cpnveners, Mrs. I. Weedmark, Mrs. F. Beehely; Mission Band leaders, Mrs. W. Bar- ber, Mrs, G. Hoggarth; Circle Cap- tains, Mrs. W. Bradshaw, Mts. K. Webster. SALVAGE BULLETIN Canada faces a serious shortage of fats and oils for war 'industries. Accordingly, a Dominion -wide cam- paign has been inaugurated for the salvaging of all waste kitchen fats. This campaign is to last "for the duration." As a housewife, you are asked to save all fats, and render them into wide-mouthed cans. (Crisco tins or corn syrup pails make very handy containers). Keep your con- tribution until collection day, which will arrive a few days after New Years Day. Cr if you live in the country, you may bring your parcel when you come to town and leave it at the front door of Salvage Head- quarters, where it will be quickly hooked after, It is increasingly hard to get art- icles for children. Perhaps in your attic you may have a baby's crib or a children's bed, a high chair or a set of small chairs and table. Or you may find a set of roller skates, a sleigh, toboggan, wagon, train or anytoy that would delight a child. If the article you find will be of no further use in your home, your Sal- vage Committee will appreciate it as a donation. If convenient to bring it downtown and leave at Salvage Headquarters,' your contribution might be sold before Christmas, and may bring' Christmas happiness to some child who might not otherwise receive something of this sort. The proceeds will be ' donated to War Charities, ' CHANCEL GUILD The regular meeting of the Chan- cel Guild of St. Thomas' Church was held at the home of Miss C. Pinkney Tuesday evening, After the regular. business was discussed, Miss Flor- ence Fowler tools the chair for elec- tion of officers, who ware all return- ed unanimously( Hon. Pres., Miss 1u. Cresswell and Miss Jessie Case; president, Miss C. Pinkney; vice pies.,, Miss Josephine Edge; secretary, Miss L, Freeman; treasurer, Miss Mary Johnstone. A social hour was spent and con- tests enjoyed, followed by a •delicious lunch served by the hostess, Miss Pinkney, Presentation To Mr. Jack Hotham About Fifty Friends Gather To Say Farewell— Joins the RCAF Avery pleasant evening was spent on Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Botham, Wilson street, when about fifty young people gath- ered in honor of their son Jack, prior. to his departure on Wednesday to begin training at Galt in the RCAF. Evening was spent in cards and com- munity singing, and a presentation of a Ronson cigarette lighter, a pair of gloves and a purse of money was made by Mr. Pat. Cleary, while Mr. Harold Jackson read the following address: "A Word of Appreciation to Mr. Jack Hotham, Dear Friend: We un- derstand you have become air mind- ed and have joined up with the Fly- ing Corps to undergo a course of training to fit you for that branch of the service which appeals to you. While we recognize the danger and appreciate the sacrifice you will- ingly make in enlisting in a service so vitally' necessary in this war, a service where life is one continual game of chance with the odds against you, yet we must laud the spirit that prompts the action,the same spirit that has animated thousands of your fellow countrymen, the spirit of loyalty to the principles of freedom and liberty, and so we appreciate each individual who is added to the right side of the scale. If to be a pilot is your ambition we hope you obtain the pilot's goal— your wings—(by the way, Mr. Amos Corby intends to have a pair but they will not be ready until after Christ- mas, the large .size). We tender you this as a' memento of this evening, among your many friends, which you will kindly accept and may it often remind you that you have many friends back in the old town of Seaforth, .whose hope and prayer will be for your safe re- turn, along with all those who are and will be doing their bit in - the fight for freedom over there." EGMONDVILLE Y.P.U. The regular meeting of the Eg- ntondville Young People was held on Monday night in the vestry. Follow- ing -a sing -song of favorite hymns, Mr. Gardiner opened the meeting with hymn 47, followed by prayer. The scripture was read from Isaiah' 66th chapter by Mr. Gardiner, The president, Warden Haney, took the chair and conducted the business period. It was decided to have a cro- quinole party Thursday, Dec. 17th at 8,30invited, to which everyone is cordially The devotional convener, Mayme Watson, then took charge of the meeting. The convener brought in- spiring 'words from Matt. 7:7, "Knock and it shall be opened unto you" and from Revelation 3:20, "Be- hold I stand at the door and knock." Hymn 489 was then sung. The meet- ing closed by singing the national anthem and repeating the Mizpah benediction. , NOTT- DOM INEY The following from the Halifax Daily Mail will be of interest, the groom being the second youngest son of Mr, and Mrs. Bernard Nott, of Hullett: The wedding of Albert Harvey Nott,, Leading Writer, RCNVR., Clin- ton, Ontario, and Bessie Viola Dom- iney of Hubbards, was solemnized at St. George's Anglican Church, Hali- fax, by Rev, C. W. F. Stone, Novem- ber 10 at 7.30 pan, The bride entered the church on the arm of her brother-in-law Ralph Kline of Halifax. She was gowned in brocaded organdy with train, fitted bodice, sweetheart neckline, with long sleeves coming to lily point coveree buttonshdown back of gown, and a full-length veil. Her bouquet was of American Beauty roses. The only ornament worn was a gold cross, a gift from the groom, Frances Isnot sang "Because" as the couple signed the register, Her bridesmaid, Eileen Lillington; was gowned in pastel pink georgette floor length, with pastel blue veil and halo of roses. Her bouquet was of. roses and carnations. Her matron -of -honor; sister of the bride, Mrs, Ralph Klitne, wore a pastel blue gown of Georgette floor length, pastel pink veil with a halo of roses,. Her bouquet was of -roses and carnations, Plower girl was Meter of the bride, Miss Hazel Dominoy, gowned in floor length pastel green moire with matching veil. She carried a Colonial nosegay. The best man was Reg; Blakeney, leading writer, RCNVR, and the ush- ers were leading- writer, Ted Harri- son, RCNVR, and writer 'Duff Mor- rison. The reception Was held in St. George's Hall, Mildred '3°111110ore, Sean Boudreau,: Sadie Eisener, Edith Jollimo.re, served lunch end refresh- ments. Madeline Cooney out the' bride's cake. The toast was proposed by Reginald Blakeney and responded to by the groom. The bride's going -away ensemble was a wine wool dress with navy accessories and corsage of roses. The bride and moat will go on short: trip through the province end Will take up,resiclence at Arndale. GOVERNMENT PURCHASE TAX EXTRA SHOP AT SAVAUGL'S IT PAYS C. W. L. PREPARE XMAS TREAT FOR CHILDREN The Catholic Women's League held their December meeting Friday even- ing at the home of Mrs, C. P. Sills, with the president Miss Alice Daly in charge. Mrs. H, Mellen read the minutes of the previous Meeting. 10 was moved that five dollars be don- ated to the military chapel fund and five dollars to the Sisters of Service. Arrangements were made to pre- pare a Christmas treat for the school children, The remainder of the evening was spent in packing Christmas boxes for our soldiers in Canada. A delicious larch was serv- ed by the hostess. W. I. REALIZES $73 FROM PLAY The December meeting of the Women's Institute was held at the. home of Mrs, Mac Scott on Tuesday afternoon with a good attendance of members and visitors. Mrs. Gordan Papple presided during the business period. Institute meetings will now be held second Tuesday of each month. Net receipts from the play and dance were $78,01. Christmas boxes were sent overseas. It was decided to hold a dance in Cardn:o's hall, Tuesday, Dec, 29th. Boxes for soldiers in Canada will be packed Thursday afternoon at Mrs. F. Kling's. Small pieces of Christmas cake or small donations would he much appreciated for these boxes. Mrs, Eldon Kerr had charge of the social part of the program. After singing "Carry Me Back to Old Vir- ginity," the roll call was answered h;t ideas for inexpensive Christmas gifts' and donations for soldiers' boxes, Mrs. Thompsore the guest speaker, told an interesting Christmas story. "Where Love. Is, God is there also," The motto was given by Mrs, 1-T. Chesney, "Do Unto Others As You Would Have Their 'bo To 'You," Cur- rent Events were read by Mrs, 11. Nott. A pleasing solo; "Holy Night." was given by Mrs, F. Kline. The meeting closed by singing the No- tional Anthem, after which lunch was served, Presentation To Hullett Newlyweds • Mr. and Mrs. John E. Carter Are Guests of Honor at Gather- ing Tuesday Night A. very pleasant evening was spent on Tuesday night to honour the newly-weds, Mr. and Mrs. Joint E. Carter, when a number of friends and neighbors gathered in Forester's hall, Constance, to wish the young couple much happiness in their re- cent marriage. The evening was spent in dancing and at midnight the bride and groom were presented with a lovely studio couch. Mr, John Bell read the following address to which the groom made a suitable reply: "Dear Jack and Florence: We, your friends and neighbors are hap- py to meet with you at this time to spend together a few pleasant hours and to wish you much happiness in your recent married life. We have waited long' for just this occasion, and, sometimes, like children we wondered why Jack wouldn't hurry up, Then when he let his. younger brother get into double harness first our hopes dropped to zero. Now two years is a long time to wait, but here we are at long last. The paper says you have bothsaid the final "I will," the honeymoon is over, yes, even the midnight visit from the crowd and now it is our turn to: express to you our good wishes. We ask you on behalf of all present to accept this couch as a slight token of our friendship and hope that it will add much comfort to your happy home. We feel confident that Jack will find an evening spent on it ntuclt better for his health than were those cold. drives to the home of the Reeve of•• Tuckersmith when, had his' trusty driver not known eveiy'step of the road so well he never would have reached Hullett in time to put the lights in the henhouse. • To Flor- ence, we would ..say thrice welcome to our midst and we knov.that after living among the lowers attd green fields of this locality yott will never continued at Pone Poor