HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1942-12-03, Page 8PAGIR EIGHT TEE SEAFORTRI NEWS THURSWAX,. DECEMBER S, 92 I(IPPEN EAST W. I. Euchre Dance AND PROGRAM HENSALL Wednesday, Dec. 9 MURDOCH'S ORCHESTRA Admission 350, No Lunch HENSALL The home of Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Dayman of Kippen was the scene of a delightful affair Thursday evening, November 26th, when some 85' uncles, aunt and cousins gathered to honor their son, Pte, Donald Dayman, of the RCCS, Kingston, who is home on leave.Daring the evening the guest of honor was presented with a ronsin cigarette lighter. The accompanying address was read Mr. Joseph Day- man of Kippen, his uncle, and the presentation was made by Mr. Cres- cent Dayman. Featured during the evening was a pleasing program under the chairmanship of Mr, Rob- ert Dayman, consisting of community singing, piano solos, Mr's. Norman Hodgins, guitar selections, Howard Dayman, and mouth organ numbers by Robert Dayman, Games and con- tests directed by Mrs, Crescent Day - man were enjoyed, A delicious lunch- eon was served. Following is the ad- dress: Dear Donald—As a company of your uncles, aunts and cousins, we bave come 'to your hone this even- ing to express our appreciation of the place you hold in our Hearts and minds. As a boy you have had your run among us, even provoking us. But as we look back we have no re- grets about your conduct. We have watched you grow up to manhood with some pride; and now that you have decided to go forth to defend our native land and Empire, we are still prouder because of that deci- sion, We believe you will uphold the honor of our country in a manner befitting a soldier of Canada. Tonight we wish to express' our esteem and regard by presenting you with this token of our high regard and esteem, wishing you God's blessing and pro- tection as you go forth on your great endeavor. Signed on behalf of this company, Joseph Dayman, Crescent Dayman. Tuckersmith, 26th Nov. 1942 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook of Wind- sor spent the week end with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Corn- elius Cook. Mr. Donald Willard, of St. °ether- ines visited over the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Willard. Miss Margaret Mousseau of London was a week -end guest with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mousseau and brother Wilfred. Dr. Wm, T. Joynt of London visited on Sunday with his mother, Ml's. Alice Joynt, Mrs. Ross MacLean of Detroit is visiting with her mother, Mrs. Maty Jackson and brother Mr. Robert Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Corbett, Ross and Connie, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Morenz of Dash- wood. - Mrs. John Taylor of Grand Bend visited Normds an nmanStanlakert tr of Exet r spent a few days last week a. t the home of her mother, Mrs. Hannah Workman. The many friends of Miss Elizabeth Slavin regret to bear she has been confined to her room during the past week with an attack of influenza. Pte. Harold Bonthron of London spent the week end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bonthron. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McKenzie and family and Mrs. Peter Schwalm visited on Thursday with the latter's daughter, Miss Mae Schwalm, in London. W. C. T. U. Meets — The Exeter-Hensall Branch of the WCTU held their regular meeting in the school -room of the United Church on Thursday at 3 pm. with the vice president, Mrs. Brook, in the chair. The opening hymn "Rescue T, e Perishing," was followed by Lord's prayer 10 unison and Mrs. Brook took the devition on "Secret Power," Mrs, Chas. Jinks gave an interesting poem entitled "The Best For God," after which prayers were offered by Mrs, Beavers and Mrs. Jinks, Mrs. Hedclen contributed a vocal solo entitled "Leave It There," with Mrs. Ed McQueen at the piano. Mrs. McQueen and Mrs. Brook were appointed to select a secretary, The December meeting will be held on Thursday, Dee. 17th at the home of Mrs, B. W. F. Beavers in Exeter. Mrs. E. W. Christie was appointed superintendent for the non-alcoholic food product dept. Mrs. Pearce gave St interestingpaper trthen bY Miss sectional Stirling, meeting at Elimville. The theme, "Liquor in war time," was very ably taken by Mrs. Brook, Mrs. Pearce, Mrs. Beavers, Miss Moore of Lon- don, Miss Jean Murray, Mrs, Jobus, Mrs, Header', Mrs, Jinks and Mrs. Fee. The meeting closed by singing "Faith of Our Fathers," after which Mrs. Brook led in prayer. Nomination Heid — The nomination meeting held in the Town Hall Friday evening, for the purpose of nominating reeve, four councillor,'s, three echoed trus- tees and public utilities, was fah•ly well attended. Mr. J. W. Ortwein act- ed es chairman for the meeting. Nominations as follows, Reeve, R. E. Shaddick, moved by J. W. Ortwein, seconded by E. Fink, acclamation, Councillors E. Fink moved by J. W. Ortwein, seconded by Jas. Sangster; Jas, Parkins, moved by Wm. Shop - herd, seconded by J5me13. Sangster; .las. Sangeter proved by W. 1!. Smalle- combe, seconded by Wm, Shepherd; Robert Cameron, moved by Geo, Hudson, seconci.ecl by Jas. Sangster; Alvin KerHlalce moved by Geo. Hess, seconded by W. E, Foster. F. Sma.11ecombe moved by J. W. Ort- wein, seconded by Geo, TTudson. Four to qualify. School, trustees, Jos- Flynn reeved by Geo. Hees, seconded by R, J. Cameron; Geo. Hess moved by R. J. Cameron seconded by R E. Shaddick; E, L. iylickle moved by R. i, Conioron, seconded by 'Geo, Hess. Aeelantation, Public utilities, Chas VP.tY ACCLAMATION Reeve R. E. Shaddick of Hensall who was re-elected by acclamation for another term. There will be no election in Hensall this year as the council and other officials were elect- ed by acclamation. ecce was observed in memory of •the late Mr, Owen Geiger. Two splendid and inspiring ser- vices were held at Carmel Presbyter fan Church last Sunday. In the moi'- informing her that her grandson, Dr, ning Mr, Weir had for his subject, T, J. McLean, who was in the Winni- "A Change of Heart," which was peg Hospital, has been transferred to based on the Parable of the ProdigalPrince Rupert with a Winnipeg unit. Son. The choir under the leadership f LAC Pen Passmore of Brantford of Mrs. J. Murdock sang, "Give visited over the week end With his Thanks" and Mr. and Mrs. Weir parents, Mr, and Mrs. John. Pass - sang as a duet, "Have Thine Own more. Way, Lord." The evening service. saw a continuation of the series of VARNA sermons on "The Lord's Prayer in , The Varna Junior Institute will Wartime" as the minister dwelt on meet at , the home of Miss Maria If Your Child Catches Cold Usten- -1Isten to millions of experienced mothers and relieve miseries with the IMPROVED Vicketreatment that only 3 nilnutes and makes good old Vicks VapoRub give BETTER IRAN EVER RESULTS! IT ACTS 2 WAYS AT ONCE to bring relief WATSATONCB.ti:, 2# 1'PENETRATES to upper breathing passages ✓ with soothing .me- s dlcinal vapors. e STIMULATES chest and back rlia warminsug poultice:ke 1,0 RRINOfaces asuev -r WORKS. FOR HOURS to ease coughs, relieve muscular soreness or tightness, and bringreal,honest-to-goodnesscomfort. To get this improved treatment... just massage VapoRub for 3 minutes ON BACK as well as throat and chest, For Better Results then spread thick layer on chest and �CKS VVwooRue cover with warmed cloth, Tryitl Tllo Improved Way the Kingdom of God. There will be a meeting of the Young People's Society on Monday evening next when it is expected that Mt'. Donald Ross of Brumfield will bring a message. ' Red Cross Notes— These are days when our boys ov- erseas are pressing towards objec- tives and they are reaching them. The knitters of the Hensall Red Cross Society have been assigned another objective and the tools with which to achieve it are on hand. This is the latest quota our; branch has been given: 30 sleeveless sweaters, 40 ribbed helmets, 80 prs. of socks, 100 steel helmet caps, This therefore is another call to all the ladies of our district who are able to wield the needles. We realize that this is a busy time of the year, but War has no holidays and the needs of our troops do not lessen just because Christmas is around the corner. So please obtain your wool from Mrs. R. Cameron at the library or from Mrs. Goodwin as soon as you can. All knitters are asked to carefully study the following instructions. They are given that no wool will be Helmer on Dec. 7. Another Native of Stanley Passes On — It is with regret we make mention of the death of Mrs. John Reid, form- erly Aggie Johnston, whose girlhood days were spent in Stanley and will be remembered by many sorrowing friends. Deceased passed away after a short illness in Flint, Michigan. Much sympathy is extended to her now bereaved husband and family. Mr, and Mrs, Wilmer Reid and daughter Mona spent the week end in Toronto. THE MAN WHO LIKES A TREE I like a man who likes a tree, He's so much more of a than to me; For when he sees his blessing there, In some way, too, he wants to share Whatever gifts his own may be, In helping others, like a tree. For trees you know -ere friends indeed 'They satisfy such human need; 'In summer shade, in winter fire, 'With flowers and fruit meet all desire' And if a friend to -man you'd be, 'You must befriend him like a tree. — Varna Scrap Book, Sale Ads, 1 'week 25c. wasted. Owing to the shortage of Want and For wool, socks are to be made shorter. The leg should measure only eleven inches' to the bottom of the. heel, which means that there will he four ; inches of cuff, four inches plain be- fore setting up the heel. The foot - length of the socks will be as usual, 10, 11 or 12 inches. Please measure carefully all the garments you knit ' as we only have just enough wool to cover our quota and if any garment is knitted too large it means that we won't be able to send what is ex- i pected of us. Don't forget to get your wool and so do your bit to reach our objective. The boys over -I seas are reaching theirs, There will„ 'be a shipment of goods going from Hensall on Friday evening. We will let you know next week what was sent. The executive of the Red Cross Society will meet on Friday, December 11th in the council cham- bers to make plans for the annual meeting to be held early in the New Year, Little Miss Elda Kading of London is spending two weeks with ' her grandparents,. Mr. and Mrs. Colin. S. Hudson. Mrs. Roy Smale and babe returned home after a pleasant visit with rela- tives at Staffs and Mitchell. Mrs. Lawrence Taylor of Toronto was the week end guest of Rev. Wm. and Mrs. Weir and. Freddie. Mr. John MacLean returned home after spending several weeks with his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacLean in Detroit, and also visited with his granddaughter, 1 Miss Donelda MacLean, who has been seriously ill, but is somewhat improved at date of writing. Miss Jean Murray returned home after a very pleasant trip to Kam- 1 loops, B.C., where she visited with Dr. and Mrs. Smillie and baby. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hudson of London who were married Saturday spent a few days visiting the form- er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Colin Hudson. Rev. R. A. Brook conducted the Sunday services in the 'United •Church, delivering very, inspiring message s on the following texts, "And Jesus said, For judgment I am come into this world, that they which see not might see; and that they which see might be made blind," and "Jesus in Bethlehem," The choir sang two anthems, "The Knowledge of the Lord," and "Who Follows In His Train," Councillors Elected by Acclamation,-- The following were Elected by ac- eiaination for councillors: Jas, Par- kins, A. W. Kerslake, Fred Smalla- Combe and Ed. Fink, Mr, ltobt, •Cam- eron, a former councillor, and las. Sangster, withdrew, Flight Sgt, Gerald Passmore has returned to Patricia Bay, Tt,C , after spending his leave with his parents. Mt', and Mrs. John Passmore, Anis, MargaretMcT.enn has just re- MnorE, m0 1 h R J f ame30n seconded by G. R. Hess, At, the close (Thiel a letter from her grand latt- of the nomination two minutes ` sil'' Anter, Mrs, T, 3, McLean,' Winnipeg. WINTHROP The Red Cross meeting will be hell in the basement of the church Tuesday afternoon, .December 8111, The election of 0ffieers will be held' at this meeting. We hope for a good attendance. Please note the change in the date. It is being held a week earlier, Mr, and Mrs, Harold 'Bolger and Shirley of Walton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 'i`itomas Pryee. Mr, and Mrs, Foster Bennett and family spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, George Eaton. . Miss Margaret Montgomery and (Mr. Andrew Montgomery of Brant- ford spent the week end at their home. The "No Surrender Club" are hold- ing a euchre and (lance in the hall this Friday night, NOTICE, Town of ..Seaforth Clerk's Notice fo First Posting of Voters' Lists, 1942, Town of, Seaforth, County of Huron.„ Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 8 of the Vot- ers' 'Lists Act and that I have Meted up at my office at Seaforth on the 20t11 clay of November, 1942, the lists of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at municipal elec- tione and that such lists remain there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take .immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions correct- ed according to law, the last day for appeal, being the 17th day of Decem- ber, 1942. D. H. WILSON,. Clerk of the Town of Seaforth. FOR SALE Seven pigs ready to wean. Apply to Edward C. Regele, Walton, Ont. ECONQMIZE ON QVR Cash ;& Carry Saturday Specials Havelock Hard Wheat Flour Feed Rose Coffee, lb 490 98 lb bag .2.52 Ciub Hotlse Coffee, iii Ago 0 Canada, 98 .2.09 Maxwell House Coffee, ib 560 Prahie Rose Floiu 98 2,54 American 'Blend Coffee, lb 390 Pastry Flour, 630 Daly Grange Teas — Pastry Flour -- .1� lb. pkge, , , ... , , . 490 Whole Wheat 6 lb, bag 21c Daly Grange Green Tea Flour _ . 1,/s ib, Cowan's Cocoa tin 'Neilson's ()ogee - lb. tin 4 3 `0 6 lb, bag ............. 190 Clea6 bBrae abag 19c Tillsons Quick Cooking Oats 3 lb. pkge, ,. 15c 23c 29c Old Nippy Cheese , , . . . , per pound 25c J. Finnigan Card of Thanks Mr. and Mrs., Thomas Bolton and fancily wish to thank their, friends and neighbors for their kindness, and help during the fire and after, NOTICE A meeting Of the Trustees and Ratepayers of School Sections Nos. 4, 6, and 7, of the Township of Tucker - smith, will be held in the No, .6 School on the afternoon of Friday, Dec, 4, at the hour o1 2 p.m, A slate of Trustees will be nominated at this meeting for the School Area formed by the three mentioned sections,. NOTICE We wish to inform our customers, the Winthrop Chopping .Mill will be closed for repairs the second week of December, commencing Monday, Dec. LOST 7, Haase & Son. Ladies gold wrist watch, lost in FOR SALE Seaforth, valued as keepsake. Apply About 800 feet of 3)110 hemlock. at The' News office. plank, 1 barrel press, 1 stick of rock FOR SALE elm timber 16 feet long 1 foot sq. 2 litters of pigs. George Aberhart, Also 34 Leghorn_ pullets, laying and Phone S52 r 5, Seaforth. 19 Rock pullets laying, J. A. Nichol, Hay P.O. Ont. FOR SALE A typewriter desk, and stenograph- FARMS FOR SALE er's chair: Apply Scott's Poultry (1) 100 acres in Tuckersmith, on Farnt, Seaforth. Highway No. 8, lot 29, Huron road, frame barn on . cement foundation, frame' house. Very productive soil, plenty of water. (2) 50 acres in Hul- lett, north half of lot 5, Con. 2. Frame barn on, stone foundation, frame house, 3 wells, choice farm. Apply: Wm. • Livingston, or Jas: F. Scott, R. R. 2 Seaforth. • roQ d News for V • Poultry Raisers Dublin Creamery i market for all Poultry and Phone 68, Dublin f S in the ' gent by month, to 165 Erie St., kinds of Stratford. Eggs, . or high - WANTED, Immediately, in Seaforth, a three- ,room apartment, unfurnished, with heat, lights and water. Write, stating est prices. Our truck is as near as your phone. DUBLIN CREAMERY WAR-TJME TRAVEL TIP NO. 2 I/ ;VO #URRY-/Cts of time / have #90 never Wise Man! He patronized the City Ticket Office well in advance and wiM avoid last minute rush and uncertainty at train lime. P.S. He's also travelling light in wartime to conserve available railway space. CANADIAN NATIONAL WANTED A -piano bench in good condition. Phone Dublin 22 r 13. NOTICE Yearling heifer strayed on to E. hail lot 28, Con. 4, Tuckersmith, Owner can have same by proving property and paying expenses. Apply to -Gordon Richardson, R.R. 1, Bruce - field. Phone 656 r 25. FOR SALE Durham cow, to freshen in Feb.; also 7 little pigs, suckers -Phone 852 r 23, Seaforth central. Harvey Mc- Ilwain. EWE LAMBS FOR SALE Five Leicester ewe lambs for sale., J. W. Thompson, 833131, .Seaforth. FOR SALE A few sows due to farrow from 2 weeks to 2 months. J. A. Marshall, Walton. Phone 830.r6, Seaforth central FOR SALE A circulating coal heater; good as new. Phone 852r11, Seaforth. FOR SALE Good Cheer range, in good condi- tion. Homer Hunt. Phone 8521,12, Seaforth. Seaforth Farmers Co-operativ Are open every day and have the following Co-op. feeds an stock: .20% Lay Mash. 0.9.0. Lay Mash with Cereal Grass. Developing Mash.. Poultry Concentrate 40%. Poultry Concentrate 33%. Lime Shell. Oyster Shell. Hog Concentrate 42%. Pig Starter. Dairy Supplement. Dairy Mineral. Calf Meal. Bran, Shorts, Middlings and Oil Cake. VGOOD EQUIPMENT MAKES A GOOD FARMER BETTER WE CAN NOW GET IMMEDIATE DELIVERY OF 2 AND 3 FURROW TRACTOR PLOWS FOR FARMERS NEED- ING TI -IIS EQUIPMYMENT Main St. BACH Seaforth PRISMIIRROASMETOMMIIIIIMMIRINIONWIRSONNININVIVIRIlimitemean INSURANCE Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid- ent, Windstorm & guarantee bonds. Rates reasonable. All risks placed in first, class companies. Information' cheerfully given' E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIES MCLU'NN LLL & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, IL Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 Seaforth Monument Works Formerly W. E. Chapman NOW OPERATED BY CUNNINGHAM & PRYDE We invite inspection: of our stock of Cemetery Memorials SEAFORTH — TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS, or any other time by appointment See Dr. Harburn—Phone 105 Phone 41-JDxeter—Bog 150 E. C. ,CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth, Office hours:— Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1.30 p.m, to 5 p.m. Saturday evening, 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m.• J.1, 7 Tuntrat #trutxt Special and Careful Attention AMBULANCE Office Residence Main St. Jarvis St. 43 18 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, Ont. OFFICERS President, Alex McEwing,: Blythe Vice -President, W. R. Archibald, Sea,` forth; Manager & 'Sec.-Treas., M. A,. Reid, Seaforth, - AGENTS F. McKercher, R.R.1, Dublin; John, E. Pepper, R.R.1, Brimfield; .1. F.. Prueter, Brodhagen; James Watt,. Blyth, DIRECTORS Alex Broadfoot, Seaforth; William' Knox, Londesboro; Chris Leonhardt, Brodhagen; E. J. Trewartha, : Clinton, Thomas Mojilan, Seaforth; W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Alex McEwing,. Blyth; Frank Mcl2regor, Clinton; Hugh Alexander, Walton. Parties desirous to effect insurance, or transact other business, will be promptly atended toby applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. Watson & Reid REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY (Successors to James Watson) MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in. First -Class Companies. SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr. E. A. McMaster, M.B„ Graduatt et University of Toronto. Paul L. Brady, M.D., Graduate of University of Toronto, The Clinic 19 fully equipped with "omplete and modern. x-ray and other 4p -to -date. diagnostic and thereuptie equipment. Dr. F. J. R. Forster, Specialist in Diseases of the Ear, Eye, Nose and' Throat, will be at the Clinic the first Tuesday in every month from 3 to 5 p.m. Free well -baby clinic will be held 'n the second and last Thursday in -veru month from 1 to 2 p.m. JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A,,M.D. - Physician and Surgeon le Dr. H. H. Rose' office, Phone 5.1 DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate, in Medicine, University et Toronto,' Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic and .Aural institute. Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, London. Eng. At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 p.m. Also at Seafortb Clinic first Tuesday in each montb,-53 Waterloo St., Stratford. Telepbone 267. Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Assures Security for over One MillionPartners H. R. LONG, GODERICH ,District Agent DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY PHONE COLLECT --- SEAFORTH 15. EXETER 235 DARLENG & CO. OF CANADA, LTD. (Essential War Industry) „,,,e.., onso., e e m —..